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 Donald R. and Pamela, S. (1998). Business Research Methods, 6th Edition,
Boston MC Graw-Hill. P-155
 Kotler P. and Armstrog G. (2009-2010), Principles of Marketing, (12 th edit.),
Prentice Hall, India. P-47.
 Boyed W.Harper. Ralph W. & Stasch F. Stanley (1999), Marketing Research Text
and Cases (7th edit.), Richered D.Irin, Inc., Delhi, P-406.
 Zeithaml E. Valarie and Bitner Jo Mary (2006), Services Marketing, (4 th edit.)
Tata Mc Graw-Hill, India, Pp-117-120,154.

Retrieved from at10:30 am-2:30 pm on 20th January,
2011. at .9:20 pm- 11:40 pm on 29 th January, 2011. at 8:30pm-11:45 pm on 16th February, 2011. at 10:10 pm -11:50 pm on 27th March, 2011.

 Annual Report of DBL Securities Ltd. 2007,
 Annual Report of DBL Securities Ltd. 2008, and
 Annual Report of DBL Securities Ltd. 2009.
 Dhaka Stock Exchange, April (2009) Monthly Review of DSE, Dhaka. Vol-24

Appendix -01

Dear Sir,
I am a student of Northern University Bangladesh, Department of Business
Administration and I am going to conduct a study on Customer Satisfaction on
Operational Activities of DBL Securities Ltd at DSE Branch.
This study is only for my academic purpose and the provide information will be kept
Please give your honest opinion
For the following question mark, I will use 1-5 scale as a technique. That is such as-

1=Strongly Disagree
2= Disagree
3= Neutral
5= Strongly Agree

Serial Particulars SA A N D SD
01 DBL Securities Ltd at DSE branch applies proper 5 4 3 2 1
rules and regulations for buying & selling share.
02 DBL Securities Ltd at DSE branch does not demand 5 4 3 2 1
high commission to its customers.
03 Low interest rates for margin loans are charged by 5 4 3 2 1
DBL Securities Ltd at DSE branch.
04 Required documents for sanctioning margin loan are 5 4 3 2 1
very easy to collect.
05 Expected amount of margin loans are provided to 5 4 3 2 1
customers by DBL Securities Ltd at DSE branch.
06 DBL Securities Ltd at DSE branch allows tolerable 5 4 3 2 1
time to adjust the margin loan with the principal
07 Customers’ privacy is kept by DBL Securities Ltd 5 4 3 2 1

at DSE branch.
08 Deposit receipt slips are given instantly to 5 4 3 2 1
customers by DBL Securities Ltd at DSE branch.
09 Analyst officers are always available for guidance & 5 4 3 2 1
advice for share purchasing & selling.
10 Quick service & support especially on share buying 5 4 3 2 1
& selling processes are provided by DBL Securities
Ltd at DSE branch.
11 Money withdrawal process of DBL Securities Ltd at 5 4 3 2 1
DSE branch is very easy.
12 Employees of DBL Securities Ltd at DSE branch 5 4 3 2 1
always try to maintain the commitments to its
13 Whenever I face any problem they assure that the 5 4 3 2 1
problem will be handled.
14 Employees of DBL Securities Ltd at DSE branch 5 4 3 2 1
are very much friendly and polite.
15 The physical amenities of DBL Securities Ltd at 5 4 3 2 1
DSE branch are very impressive.

Personal information of loan borrowers

1) How long you have been taking loan services from DBL Securities Ltd at DSE branch?
a) 1 month-6 months
b) 7months-12 months
c) 13 months-18 months
d) 19 months-24 months.

2) What is the profession of clients?

a) Businessman
b) Service holder
c) Student

2. i) If you are businessman, what types of business you have been doing?
a) Sole proprietorship
b) Partnership
c) Company Ltd.

2. ii) If you are service holder, what type of service you have been doing?
a) Government
b) NGO
c) Private Firm
d) Local Firm
e) Multinational Firm.

3) What types of services you have taken from DSE branch?

a) Investment in primary market
b) Investment in secondary market
c) Margin Loan
d) Share selling.

4) What amount of margin loan you have taken from our DSE branch (in Taka)?
a) Tk.10, 00,000 – 19, 00,000
b) Tk.2 0, 00,000- 29, 00,000
c) Tk.30, 00,000-39, 00,000
d) Tk.40, 00,000- above

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