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Subodh Shinde (Marketing- 2016150)

Social Relevance

Flood management in Mumbai

Introduction to the study

Many of the world cities are at risk due to extreme weather events because of climate change.
Combination of population growth and development and rising intensities of extreme weather
events will further increase the risk level for these cities. Flooding due to rising sea levels or
heavy rainfall is the major concern for most of the cities in world. Incidents of flooding has
increased in recent years. Mumbai, situated on the western coastal area of India has been
experiencing unpredictable but heavy rainfall every monsoon. Heavy rainfall disrupts city every
year and causes huge financial, environmental loss.

Problem statement
Mumbai’s rain water drainage system is century old and is unable to withstand with the
increased rainfall over the years. Rivers carrying rain water into Arabian sea are choked due to
plastic garbage and are in bad state. Water takes longer time to recede due to poor infrastructure
planning. This leads to city being flooded in monsoon every year and disrupting everyday life
causing socio-economic losses. Flooding causes transportation system like railway, buses and
taxis to come to standstill making people stuck wherever they are.

 To identify the root causes of the flooding
 To study the present flood management system
 To asses different measures for better flood management
 To recommend new ways for better flood management
Scope Of study
This study aims to look at the problems Mumbai city faces every monsoon due to flooding. Age
old drainage system and poor infrastructure planning floods city in every monsoon. This study
also aims to look for solutions which will help Mumbai city deal well with flooding situations in
near future.

A large part of the research includes secondary research from research publications and
published data, newspapers etc.

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