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Section A : Grammar

[20 marks]
[Time suggested : 25 minutes]

Questions 1 – 10
Arrange the words to make correct sentences. Write the sentences with the correct
punctuation in the spaces provided.

1. terminals battery A has two

2. badminton like to I play

3. my printer can You use

4. to eat likes red juicy apples She

5. is very This room dirty

6. sky cloudy is The

7. am I not well feeling

8. save must electricity We

9. is It important to school to come

10. need money We to food buy

(10 marks)

Questions 11 – 20
The following sentences contain one error which is underlined. Write the correct word in the
boxes provided.

11. Batteries is useful.

12. Electricity produce heat and light.

13. I gives my sister a present on Christmas Day.

14. Does you have savings?

15. Jeeva will bring her own food to school.

16. Children receives ‘ang-pows’ from their parents.

17. We need water to stays alive.

18. Why are you? I am fine thank you.

19. A hockey ball is heavy than a ping pong ball.

20. The doctor use a pen to write his report.

(10 marks)

Section B : Vocabulary
[20 marks]
[Time suggested : 25 minutes]

Questions 21 – 25
Fill in the blanks with the correct alphabets.

21. 22.

_B__ ___ ___ ___ _B ___ _t_ ___ _e_ ___ ___

23. 24.

_C_ ___ _m__ ___ ___ _t_ ___ ___ _P__ ___ _i_ ___ ___ ___ ___


_P__ ___ _r_ ___ ___ _i_ _d_

(5 marks)

Questions 26 - 30
Read the text and choose the correct answer. Underline and write the correct answer in the
space provided.

Heat the (26)_____________________ ( pen, pan, pet) on the stove . Pour in two

tablespoonfuls of the mixture into the (27)_________________ ( frying, flying, facing)

pan. When the pancake is cooked, put (28)_____________________ ( it, she, he) on a

plate. Put two tablespoonfuls of coconut (29)____________________ (feeling, filling,

finding) on the pancake neatly. Now your pancake is (30)_______________________

(really, rely, ready) to be served.

(5 marks)

Questions 31 – 40
Identify the opposite words from the words given.

31. black _w_ ___ ___ ___ _e_

32. big ___ _m_ _a_ ___ ___
33. hot _c__ ___ ___ _l_
34. sad _h_ ___ __p ___ ___
35. old _y_ ___ _u__ ___ ___
36. bad _k_ ___ ___ _d_
37. ugly _p_ _r_ ___ ___ ___ _y_
38. fast _s_ ___ ___ _w_
39. soft _h_ ___ ___ _d_
40. strong _w_ ___ ___ _k_

(10 marks)

Section C : Comprehension
[15 marks]
[Time suggested : 20 minutes]
Questions 41 – 50
Read the information below on the importance and ways of saving water.

Water is very important to all living things. We need water to stay alive. Water is
used everyday to clean ourselves, prepare our food and even to produce electricity.

Have you ever experienced water rationing? This happens when we do not have
enough water. When the water level in the dam falls below its minimum level, the
government has to start rationing the supply of water.

Water is very precious and we should not waste it. We should wash our cars with a
piece of cloth and a bucket of water instead of using a hose. We can also collect rain
water to wash our cars.

When we use a hose we waste a lot of water. We should use a watering-can to water
the plants.

Leaking taps should be repaired immediately to save water. Besides that, the water
used to wash the rice grains can be used to water our plants. There will be no life on
earth without water. So, use water wisely.

Questions 41 – 45
Using the information above, write (T) for True statements and (F) for false statements in the
spaces provided.

41. We need water to stay alive. ( )

42. A hose should be used to water plants. ( )

43. Rain water can be used to wash our car. ( )

44. Leaking taps help to save water. ( )

45. We waste a lot of water when we use a hose to wash our cars. ( )

Questions 46 – 50
Using the information above, circle the correct answers.

46. The text is on how to

A. save water C. clean ourselves
B. stay alive D. produce electricity

47. We should use water

A. often C. wisely
B. generously D. frequently

48. Plants should be watered using

A. rain water C. a leaking pipe
B. a watering can D. dirty water

49. Leaking pipes can cause

A. drought C. water rationing
B. wastage of water D. a drop in rainfall

50. Water used for washing the rice grains can be used to…
A. wash the car . C. clean ourselves
B. wash clothes D. water the plants

Questions 51 - 55
Complete the mind map given using the information above.

51. Wash car 52. Do not use a

with__________ _____________
______________ to wash a car.
______________ How to save water?

53. Collect 55. We should

_____________ repair________
_____________ 54. Use _____________
_____________ _
(15 marks)

Section D: Writing
[30 marks]
[Time suggested : 50 minutes]
Questions 56 – 57

56.Use the flow chart given and write simple instructions on how to start up the computer.

START 1. Switch on 2. Switch on CPU

electric power

3. Switch on monitor

How To
Start A 4. Click ‘START’
Computer button on screen

6. Click on the icon to 5. Look for ‘Microsoft

run it Word’ icon

You may use the structures below.

 First, you must ________________________________________________________
 Next, you switch_______________________________________________________
 After that, ____________________________________________________________
 Then,________________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________________

(10 marks)

57. Match Box A with Box B to make complete sentences. Then, rewrite the sentences.


A. Pesta Pulau Pinang is  dancing, band performances, stage

held every year shows and food fair.

B. It is held in  locals and visitors.

C. It is held for  Pulau Pinang

D. During the festival  many events are organized

E. There are  Malay cultural dance known as Joget

F. As for dancing, it is Inang.

G. As for band performance,  in the month of November or

H. The stage show is very December.

I. Malaysians enjoy eating a  famous food are Nasi kandar, popia

J. As for the food fair, the most and rojak.

 school bands are invited to perform.

 variety of food.

 popular among visitors especially the


Pesta Pulau Pinang is held every year in the month of November or




















(20 marks)


Prepared by, Checked by, Verified by,

Mohd Fazili Mohd Pozi


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