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AIR- Oxygen

Q1. Write a brief note on Oxygen

Ans. It is vital for life, and is the third most abundant element by mass in the
earth's crust.It was discovered in 1774 by Joseph Priestley. Later, scientist
Antoine Lavoisier gave it the name oxygen and proved that it is an element.
Lavoisier believed oxygen to be an essential constituent of allacids.Hence, he
derived the name oxygen from the Greek words "oxy genes" where oxus means
acid and gennan means to generate.Oxygen occurs both in free state as well as in
combined states. In free state, oxygen constitutes 20.8 to 20.9 %of air.In
combined state, oxygen is abundantly present as water. Oxygen accounts for 89.9
%of the weight of a water molecule.
Q2. Write the Significance of oxygen
Ans. It is an essential constituent of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic
acids. Oxygen is found in air, in combined form as carbon dioxide, and in the
earth’s crust as carbonates, sulphates and nitrates. Plants and animals use
atmospheric oxygen during respiration and release the same
during photosynthesis. Fossil fuels require oxygen for combustion.
The ozone layer is present in stratosphere, one of the layers of the atmosphere.
Each molecule of ozone is made up of three oxygen atoms. The ozone layer
prevents harmful radiations from reaching the earth’s surface, where they might
damage life forms.
Q3. Describe the Preparation of oxygen
Ans. By heating mercuric oxide: On heating mercuric oxide decomposes to give
Mercury and oxygen. 2HgO → 2Hg + O2
i. By heating potassium nitrate
Salts rich in oxygen, such as nitrates, and permanganates on heating
decomposes to yields oxygen.

2KNO3 → 2KNO2 + O2
Potassium Δ Potassium Dioxygen
nitrate nitrate

2NaNO3 → 2NaNO2 + O2
Sodium Δ Sodium Dioxygen
nitrate nitrate
Q4. Explain the Laboratory synthesis of oxygen
Ans. Oxygen is made in the laboratory by using manganese dioxide and 20 %
of hydrogen peroxide solution.Take manganese dioxide in a clean conical flask.
fix a 2 holed stopper to the conical flask.
Insert a thistle funnel through 1 hole and a delivery tube through another hole.
Connect the other end of the delivery tube to beehive shell placed in a trough of
water. place a glass cylinder filled with water in an inverted position over the
beehive shell .
Add 20% of H2O2 through thistle funnel.Oxygen is collected by downward
displacement of water.
i. Chemical equation: 2H2O2 MnO 2 → 2H2O + O2
Q5. Write the Physical properties
AIR- Oxygen
Ans. Dioxygen is a colourless, tasteless and odourless gas.It is slightly heavier
than air.It is slightly soluble in water .This small quantity of dissolved dioxygen is
just sufficient to support marine and aquatic life.It can be liquefied under pressure
to a pale blue liquid by compressing the gas at 90K. It can also be solidified into a
bluish white solid at 55K.
Q6. What are the Chemical properties of oxygen
Ans. Chemical properties of oxygen
i. Combustibility
It is an incombustible gas. But it is a supporter of combustion.
ii. Action with litmus
It is neutral in character. It does not affect both red and blue litmus papers.
iii. Action with sulphur
Sulphur burn in the presence of oxygen with a brilliant blue flame and
form sulphur dioxide.S + O2 → SO2
iv. Action with carbon
Carbon burn in the presence of oxygen to give an acidic oxide called
carbon dioxide.C+O2 → CO2Carbon dioxide turns moist blue litmus to
v. Phosphorous burn in the presence of oxygen with dazzling white flame to
give an acidic oxide called phosphorous pentoxide.
4P + 5O2 → 2P2O5.
vi. Reaction with metals Oxygen is a very reactive element and reacts
directly with nearly all metals. It does not react directly with some metals
like gold and platinum, and some noble gases like helium, neon and
argon.Most metals burn in dioxygen and form oxides that are mostly basic
in nature.
Metal + Oxygen → Metaloxide
4M + O2 → 2M2O
4Na + O2 → 2Na2O
2Mg +O2 → 2MgO
These metallic oxides are basic in nature. They form basic oxide when
they dissolve in water.
Na2O +H2O → 2 NaOH.
MgO + H2O → Mg(OH)2
Q7. What is Rusting
Ans. If articles made of iron are left in open air for some time, they get coated
with a brown powdery substance, called rust. This process of iron changing into
rust is called rusting.Rusting of iron occurs only if iron comes in contact with
moist air.
Prevention of Rusting
Rusting can be prevented by adopting any of these methods.
• Galvanisation - It is the process of depositing a layer of zinc on iron.
• Alloy formation - Stainless steel is an alloy.
• Painting an iron surface.
AIR- Oxygen
Q8. What are the Uses of oxygen
 Oxygen lies in its support to vital processes such as combustion and
 The main importance of oxygen lies in its support to vital processes such
as combustion and respiration.
 Oxygen mixed with carbon dioxide or helium is used for artificial
respiration.It is used in the manufacture of many metals.
 It is used in oxy-acetylene welding and metal cutting.It is used to
oxidise ammonia in the manufacture of nitric acid.
 Oxygen cylinders are widely used in hospitals, high-altitude flying and in
 Liquid oxygen is an important constituent of the fuel used in rockets.
Q9. How is oxygen in the air renewed?
Ans. Even though large amount of oxygen is consumed by plants animals yet
the amount of oxygen in the air remains same. The oxygen content in air remains
constant due to the constant exchange of the gas through the processes of
photosynthesis and respiration.
6CO2 + 12H2O Sunlight, Chlorophyll → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

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