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Politics and Foreign Relations © (1865-1902) aKa olitics and Foreign Relations (1865-1902) Parties, mtions ani age 830‘s party conventions ting to nominate -Voting was not a secret until 1890‘s for office.) (party ticket) ted a platform (awritten -Patronage system lets the winning of the principles, policies Patty distribute government jobs to ses on which a political loyal party members (spoils als to voters.) system). Mugwumps-reformers sing their candidates, who opposed political corruption launched their inside patronage system. They s (newspapers identified issued Pendleton Act of 1883 where ha political party.) 15% of new government employees should be in the classified list. Spoils System Tammany Hall (New York political t organization ,machine“ that often Pendleton Act dominated city and voters.) Civil Service etl

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