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Step One - Letting Go

EXERCISE: ‘Then what DO I want?’ –

Turning a negative into a positive. So how can you learn to shut off the
negative thoughts and focus on more productive, positive ones? A good
way to start would be to get into the practice of learning how to use what
you don’t want to direct your attention to what you do. For example, you
might find yourself regularly wishing ‘I don’t want to go into the office
today…’ If that is the case, when you would catch yourself using the
word ‘don’t’ in the sentence, you could use this as an opportunity to
consider what it is you do want instead. This could be anything – from a
job that required outdoors work, or simply a job offering better financial
security. In a matter of seconds your increased awareness over your
words has helped switch your attention from the negative to the positive
– great news for your manifesting abilities! So now it’s time to give this
exercise a try for yourself. What I would like you to do right now is, find a
piece of paper, or a notebook if you have one, and write at least 5
examples of negative statements that you know you use – ones that you
have as thoughts, and even ones that you speak aloud – on a regular
basis. And then, once you have done this, write a positive alternative to
each negative statement you’ve written – showing what you do want
rather than what you don’t. For example – your negative statement
might be, ‘I DON’T want to sit in an office all day. And then your positive
alternative could be, what I DO want is a job that requires outdoor work.
This is the kind of exercise that will not only make you a more positive
and focused individual but will also help you to attract more deliberately.
TIP: Listen to your emotions. Feeling angry/sad/dissatisfied/worried?
Then you need to reset the frequency you are emitting to the universe
and listen more carefully to the words and thoughts that you are using.
On the other hand, are you feeling happy/satisfied/excited/peaceful?
Then keep it up – your thoughts and words are helping you to get more
of what you want.

Using your paper or notebook from earlier, try this experiment – it’s
called, “Through the LOA Looking Glass”.

First of all, decide on something you want to show up in your life. For
example, it could be sunflowers or a red feather. Once you’ve thought of
something for the sake of the experiment, wait and expect it to turn up in
your life. Give yourself a 48 hour period to spot whatever you’re
expecting to see. At the end of the 48 hours, make a note of how many
times you noticed your chosen ‘thing’ crop up.
I expect to see:
Number of times spotted:
PRACTICE: Keep a gratitude journal. Every night try to write down a list
of all of the things that you have been grateful for that day. Take the time
to re-read the journal back to yourself either before you go to bed or the
next morning before you begin your day. As you do, allow feelings of
overwhelming gratitude to wash over you and try to recapture these
feelings throughout the day.

EXERCISE: Mastering the Art of Appreciation

Level 1 – First you must learn to capture that feeling of being grateful for
something. So, take something that you really, really love – perhaps it is
a person, your family home or a prized object that brings you great
amounts of pleasure. Now, recognize that warm feeling of gratitude
spreading throughout you upon recalling this thing or place or person in
your mind. Feel appreciation flowing through you – sense how good it
feels to have something this marvelous to be thankful for. It is important
that you really take note of how good appreciating this object, place or
person is, as you will need to be able to remember this feeling and apply
it to situations and things that are less easy to appreciate.
Level 2– The next test is to take something that you feel indifferent
about. It could literally be anything, no matter how uninteresting; for
example, it could be the street light that you spot whilst you are stuck in
traffic or even the lady that you occasionally see walking her dog. Now,
the challenge is to try and feel as much appreciation for this ‘thing’ as
you did for your beloved person, location or object in the ‘beginners’
challenge. Try thinking about what could make this person/place or
object worthy of gratitude to you – do they have a practical function?
Some usefulness or attraction? Take some of the feelings of
thankfulness that you experienced in the beginners lesson and apply
them to your mundane ‘thing’. Keep trying this out on any uninteresting
or everyday objects that you see when you go about your day and try to
increase the feelings of appreciation that you feel each time that you do.
Level 3– Now for the real challenge – learn to do this and a lifetime of
happiness and appreciation is there for the taking. Think of something or
someone that really tests your patience; it could be a dripping tap, the
angry driver behind you or your continually ringing telephone. When you
feel yourself filling up with the familiar feelings of rage or annoyance at
this person or object, the task is to try and conjure up the feelings of love
and appreciation that you felt in the beginners practice and apply it to
this ‘annoying’ person or object. By practicing feelings of appreciation
and love for things that have no redeeming qualities, you are
strengthening your ability to conjure up gratitude at will. This will help
you to look for the positives in almost every situation, helping you to
become a much happier and positive person – attracting more of this
positivity into your life with greater ease and abundance. TIP: Having
trouble mustering an ‘attitude of gratitude’? Try looking out for acts of
love or kindness in your surroundings. For example… you might be
stuck in bad weather thinking ‘I hate standing in the rain…’, but then you
remember the warm scarf your mum gave you or you might notice a
businessman offering his umbrella to an elderly woman across the
street. Think of gratitude as your ‘spoon full of sugar’ no matter what the

Letting Go: A Summary

● Observing = accidental attraction. Whatever you give your attention to,
be it positive or negative, you attract into your life.
● Choose your words carefully. The Law of Attraction does not
understand the word ‘no’. Therefore, when you hear yourself using the
words ‘No’, ‘Don’t’ or ‘Not’ you should ask yourself – if I don’t want this,
what do I want instead?
● Resistance is futile. You are only able to emit one frequency at a time;
therefore, when you resist something the frequency you emit is negative.
Learn to remove resistance by practicing acceptance for things exactly
as they are.
● Interpret positively. If we can only emit one frequency at a time, then
why not choose to interpret everything that we encounter and
experience positively? Learn to interpret

Step Two - Identify Your Goals

EXERCISE: What Do I Really Want?

(Fill in your own answers)
Part 1 - What I want:
E.g. To be a successful actor.
Part 2 - I believe that these things would give me the internal
experience of:
E.g. Love/security
Part 3 - The final step of this process is to realize that your answers
to part 2 can be yours
right now. It’s up to you to consider any ways in which you’ve been
resisting these internal
experiences and work to resolve this – using what you’ve learnt in
the previous chapter.

EXERCISE: Goals with Soul

I’m now going to give you 18 different life areas and you need to write
down your rating for each
of them using a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest, 10 the highest) . Next,
consider what a perfect 10
would look like for each. Finally, consider what barriers may be standing
in your way of achieving
that 10 rating.
1) Health
2) Career/Success
3) Money
4) Relationships
5) Romance
6) Community
7) Family
8) Time
9) Relationship with Self
10) Home
11) Learning
12) Fun & Adventure
13) Spirituality
14) Body Image
Next, consider what a perfect 10 would look like for each. Finally,
consider what barriers may be
standing in your way of achieving that 10 rating.
Now, perhaps choosing the areas that are most important to you or that
you’ve scored the lowest,
write down at least three forms of action you can take to boost your
satisfaction with this area to
a 10.
For example, if fun and adventure is important to you but you rated this
area with a 3, what would
it take to boost your rating to a 10? Perhaps you’d like to be more
spontaneous? Visit at least 3
new places each year?

PRACTICE: Get into the habit of becoming more attuned to your

daily decision making
processes, to ensure that you are living in accordance with your
desired feelings.
Every day, try to get into the practice of stopping and mentally
asking yourself the following
questions each time you go to take action (be it big or small).
- Will what I’m about to do help to move me closer to how I want to
feel? Or is it going to distract me from what I want?
- Is there a better alternative?
Stop and answer these questions in your mind before making the
best decision for you.
Once you have made a decision, feel confident and happy in the
knowledge that you have made
the best possible choice for achieving your goals.

TIP: Once you know what it is you want, write a list out on a piece
of paper and keep it somewhere you will see it often. For example,
stick the list to your fridge or bathroom mirror.

Identify Your Goals: A Summary

● Think about what a happy life means to you .
● Ask ‘how do I want to feel ?’ rather than ‘what do I want?’ to set
goals with more soul .
● Identify your core values. Pinpoint what action needs to be taken to
live a life more
aligned with the values that are the most important to you.

● Dream BIG! Do not waste time on the ‘hows’ or the ‘whens’ – be

bold with your goal
setting and trust that the universe is always working in your favor.

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