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Compiled by Watson Goodman Free—not to be sold


The Lord has challenged me to use 15 minutes each day just
to praise Him. I find that this makes me a happier and more
victorious Christian.
Please do not just read this booklet. Use it as a guide for
greater in-depth, heartfelt praise to our wonderful, living God.
Choose portions of these Scriptures each morning and dwell in
praise before the Lord. Let praise to Him become a continuous,
living attitude.
Join Worldwide Praise Team
The Lord has challenged me to ask for one million people in
all countries around the world to praise Him 15 minutes each
day. Let us examine our priorities. Just what could be more
important than whole-hearted praise to the King of kings? Will
you be one of the million? —Watson Goodman (1920-2002)
Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, lieving, you rejoice with joy inex-
you righteous; and shout for joy, pressible and full of glory.
all you upright in heart! —1 Peter 1:7, 8
—Psalm 32:11
Beloved, do not think it strange
And the word of the Lord was concerning the fiery trial which is
being spread throughout all the to try you, as though some
region. And the disciples were strange thing happened to you;
filled with joy and with the Holy but rejoice to the extent that you
Spirit. —Acts 13:49 and 52 partake of Christ’s sufferings,
that when His glory is revealed,
That the genuineness of your
you may also be glad with exceed-
faith, being much more precious
ing joy. —1 Peter 4:12, 13
than gold that perishes, though it
is tested by fire, may be found to “Therefore you now have sor-
praise, honor, and glory at the row; but I will see you again and
revelation of Jesus Christ, whom your heart will rejoice, and your
having not seen you love. Though joy no one will take from you.”
now you do not see Him, yet be- —John 16:22
“You shall love the LORD your holy name! —Psalm 103:1
God with all your heart, with all “A good man out of the good
your soul, and with all your treasure of his heart brings forth
might.” —Deuteronomy 6:5 good.” —Luke 6:45a
I will praise You, O LORD, with Speaking to one another in
my whole heart; I will tell of all psalms and hymns and spiritual
Your marvelous works. —Psalm 9:1 songs, singing and making melo-
dy in your heart to the Lord.
I will praise You with my whole —Ephesians 5:19
heart; before the gods I will sing
praises to You. I will worship This Man Put His Heart Into It
toward Your holy temple, and And he took him by the right
praise Your name for Your loving- hand and lifted him up, and imme-
kindness and Your truth; for You diately his feet and ankle bones
have magnified Your word above received strength. So he, leaping
all Your name. up, stood and walked and entered
—Psalm 138:1, 2 the temple with them—walking,
Bless the LORD, O my soul; and leaping, and praising God.
all that is within me, bless His —Acts 3:7, 8
God Dwells Where Praise Is God; let all the peoples praise
But You are holy, who inhabit You. Then the earth shall yield
the praises of Israel. —Psalm 22:3 her increase; God, our own God,
To Be Joyous and Fruitful, shall bless us. —Psalm 67:5, 6
Keep Praise Waiting Before Praise Heals Fear
God For God has not given us a spir-
Praise is awaiting You, O God, it of fear, but of power and of love
in Zion. —Psalm 65:1a and of a sound mind.
Oh come, let us sing to the —2 Timothy 1:7
LORD! Let us shout joyfully to
the Rock of our salvation. Let us Praise Is a Christian Sacrifice;
come before His presence with Give Yourself to It
thanksgiving; let us shout joyful- Therefore by Him let us contin-
ly to Him with psalms. ually offer the sacrifice of praise
—Psalm 95:1, 2 to God, that is, the fruit of our
Praise First; Blessings Follow lips, giving thanks to His name.
Let the peoples praise You, O — Hebrews 13:15
Praise the LORD! Praise the Get in Practice Now If You
LORD from the heavens; praise Are Headed That Direction
Him in the heights! Praise Him,
all His angels; praise Him, all His Let heaven and earth praise
hosts! Praise Him, sun and moon; Him, the seas and everything that
praise Him, all you stars of light! moves in them. —Psalm 69:34
Praise Him, you heavens of heav-
ens, and you waters above the That’s Why You Are Redeemed
heavens! Let them praise the
name of the LORD, for He com- Therefore, to you who believe,
manded and they were created. He is precious. But you are a chos-
He has also established them for- en generation, a royal priesthood,
ever and ever; He has made a de- a holy nation, His own special
cree which shall not pass away. people, that you may proclaim the
Let them praise the name of the praises of Him who called you out
LORD, for His name alone is exalt- of darkness into His marvelous
ed; His glory is above the earth light; who once were not a people
and heaven. but are now the people of God.
—Psalm 148:1-6 and 13 —1 Peter 2:7a, 9, 10a
Oh, clap your hands, all you Let everything that has breath
peoples! Shout to God with the praise the LORD. Praise the
voice of triumph! Sing praises to LORD! —Psalm 150:6
God, sing praises! Sing praises to I will be glad and rejoice in You;
our King, sing praises! For God is I will sing praise to Your name, O
the King of all the earth. Most High. —Psalm 9:2
—Psalm 47:1 and 6, 7a
Praise Him for Kindness
“Make a joyful shout to God, and Truth
all the earth! All the earth shall Oh, praise the LORD, all you
worship You and sing praises to Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peo-
You; they shall sing praises to ples! For His merciful kindness is
Your name.” —Psalm 66:1 and 4 great toward us, and the truth of
the LORD endures forever. Praise
Oh, let the nations be glad and
the LORD! —Psalm 117:1, 2
sing for joy! For You shall judge
the people righteously, and gov- For the word of the LORD is
ern the nations on earth. right, and all His work is done in
—Psalm 67:4 truth. —Psalm 33:4
Then the people rejoiced, for and You reign over all. In Your
they had offered willingly, be- hand is power and might; in Your
cause with a loyal heart they had hand it is to make great and to
offered willingly to the LORD; and give strength to all. Now there-
King David also rejoiced greatly. fore, our God, we thank You and
Therefore David blessed the praise Your glorious name.”
LORD before all the congregation; —1 Chronicles 29:9-13
and David said: “Blessed are You, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of
LORD God of Israel, our Father, hosts; the whole earth is full of
forever and ever. Yours, O LORD, His glory!” —Isaiah 6:3b
is the greatness, the power and
the glory, the victory and the maj- O LORD, You are my God. I will
esty; for all that is in heaven and exalt You, I will praise Your
in earth is Yours; Yours is the name, for You have done wonder-
kingdom, O LORD, and You are ful things; Your counsels of old
exalted as head over all. Both are faithfulness and truth.
riches and honor come from You, —Isaiah 25:1
And I saw something like a sea been manifested.”
of glass mingled with fire, and —Revelation 15:2-4
those who have the victory over I urge you in the sight of God
the beast, over his image and over who gives life to all things, and
his mark and over the number of before Christ Jesus who wit-
his name, standing on the sea of nessed the good confession before
glass, having harps of God. And Pontius Pilate, that you keep
they sing the song of Moses, the this commandment without spot,
servant of God, and the song of blameless until our Lord Jesus
the Lamb, saying: “Great and Christ’s appearing, which He will
marvelous are Your works, Lord manifest in His own time, He who
God Almighty! Just and true are is the blessed and only Potentate,
Your ways, O King of the saints! the King of kings and Lord of
Who shall not fear You, O Lord, lords, who alone has immortality,
and glorify Your name? For You dwelling in unapproachable light,
alone are holy. For all nations whom no man has seen or can see,
shall come and worship before to whom be honor and everlasting
You, for Your judgments have power. Amen. —1 Timothy 6:13-16
Whenever the living creatures nations, tribes, peoples, and
give glory and honor and thanks tongues, standing before the
to Him who sits on the throne, throne and before the Lamb,
who lives forever and ever, the clothed with white robes, with
twenty-four elders fall down palm branches in their hands, and
before Him who sits on the throne crying out with a loud voice, say-
and worship Him who lives ing, “Salvation belongs to our
forever and ever, and cast their God who sits on the throne, and to
crowns before the throne, saying: the Lamb!” And all the angels
“You are worthy, O Lord, to stood around the throne and the
receive glory and honor and elders and the four living crea-
power; for You created all things, tures, and fell on their faces be-
and by Your will they exist and fore the throne and worshiped
were created” —Revelation 4:9-11
God, saying: “Amen! Blessing
and glory and wisdom, thanksgiv-
After these things I looked, and ing and honor and power and
behold, a great multitude which might, be to our God forever and
no one could number, of all ever. Amen.” —Revelation 7:9-12
Great is the LORD, and greatly works. All Your works shall
to be praised; and His greatness is praise You, O LORD, and Your
unsearchable. One generation saints shall bless You. They shall
shall praise Your works to anoth- speak of the glory of Your king-
er, and shall declare Your mighty dom, and talk of Your power, to
acts. I will meditate on the glori- make known to the sons of men
ous splendor of Your majesty, and His mighty acts, and the glorious
on Your wondrous works. Men majesty of His kingdom. Your
shall speak of the might of Your kingdom is an everlasting king-
awesome acts, and I will declare dom, and Your dominion endures
Your greatness. They shall utter throughout all generations.
the memory of Your great good- —Psalm 145:3-13
ness, and shall sing of Your right- Praise the LORD! Praise God in
eousness. The LORD is gracious His sanctuary; praise Him in His
and full of compassion, slow to mighty firmament! Praise Him
anger and great in mercy. The for His mighty acts; praise Him
L ORD is good to all, and His ten- according to His excellent great-
der mercies are over all His ness! —Psalm 150:1, 2
Your throne, O God, is forever Bless the LORD, all you His hosts,
and ever; a scepter of righteous- you ministers of His, who do His
ness is the scepter of Your king- pleasure. Bless the LORD, all His
dom. —Psalm 45:6 works, in all places of His domin-
ion. Bless the LORD, O my soul!
Thus says the LORD: “Heaven —Psalm 103:19-22
is My throne, and earth is My
footstool.” —Isaiah 66:1a Then I saw a great white throne
and Him who sat on it, from
“But I say to you, do not swear whose face the earth and the
at all: neither by heaven, for it is heaven fled away. And there was
God’s throne.” —Matthew 5:34 found no place for them.
—Revelation 20:11
The LORD has established His
throne in heaven, and His king- But Jesus looked at them and
dom rules over all. Bless the said to them, “With men this is
LORD, you His angels, who excel impossible, but with God all
in strength, who do His word, things are possible.”
heeding the voice of His word. —Matthew 19:26
The sight of the glory of the shall be bowed down, and the
LORD was like a consuming fire LORD alone shall be exalted in
on the top of the mountain in the that day. —Isaiah 2:10, 11
eyes of the children of Israel.
—Exodus 24:17 “The glory of the LORD shall be
revealed, and all flesh shall see it
Blessed be the LORD God, the together; for the mouth of the
God of Israel, who only does won- LORD has spoken.” —Isaiah 40:5
drous things! And blessed be His
glorious name forever! And let “The sun shall no longer be
the whole earth be filled with His your light by day, nor for bright-
glory. Amen and Amen. ness shall the moon give light to
—Psalm 72:18, 19 you; but the LORD will be to you
an everlasting light, and your
Enter into the rock, and hide in God your glory.” —Isaiah 60:19
the dust, from the terror of the
L ORD and the glory of His majes- “For Yours is the kingdom and
ty. The lofty looks of man shall be the power and the glory forever.
humbled, the haughtiness of men Amen.” —Matthew 6:13b
All in Christ Live Forever Casts Out Satan in the End
For since by man came death, “Now is the judgment of this
by Man also came the resurrec- world; now the ruler of this world
tion of the dead. For as in Adam will be cast out.” —John 12:31
all die, even so in Christ all shall
So the great dragon was cast
be made alive. But each one in his
out, that serpent of old, called the
own order: Christ the firstfruits,
Devil and Satan, who deceives the
afterward those who are Christ’s
whole world; he was cast to the
at His coming. Then comes the
earth. —Revelation 12:9a
end, when He delivers the king-
dom to God the Father, when He And the devil, who deceived
puts an end to all rule and all au- them, was cast into the lake of
thority and power. For He must fire and brimstone where the
reign till He has put all enemies beast and the false prophet are.
under His feet. The last enemy And they will be tormented day
that will be destroyed is death. and night forever and ever.
—1 Corinthians 15:21-26 —Revelation 20:10
That men may know that You, alted far above all gods.
whose name alone is the LORD, —Psalm 97:9
are the Most High over all the Therefore God also has highly
earth. —Psalm 83:18 exalted Him and given Him the
“The LORD kills and makes name which is above every name.
alive; He brings down to the —Philippians 2:9
grave and brings up. The LORD The LORD reigns . . . clothed
makes poor and makes rich; He with majesty; the LORD is clothed,
brings low and lifts up. He raises He has girded Himself with
the poor from the dust and lifts strength. Surely the world is es-
the beggar from the ash heap, to tablished, so that it cannot be
set them among princes and make moved. Your throne is established
them inherit the throne of glory. from of old; You are from ever-
For the pillars of the earth are the lasting. —Psalm 93:1, 2
LORD’S, and He has set the world For it is written: “As I live,
upon them.” —1 Samuel 2:6-8 says the Lord, every knee shall
For You, LORD, are most high bow to Me, and every tongue shall
above all the earth; You are ex- confess to God.” —Romans 14:11
Be still, and know that I am Be exalted, O God, above the
God; I will be exalted among the heavens; let Your glory be above
nations, I will he exalted in the all the earth. —Psalm 57:11
earth! —Psalm 46:10 For thus says the High and Lof-
The LORD is high above all na- ty One who inhabits eternity,
tions, and His glory above the whose name is Holy: “I dwell in
heavens. —Psalm 113:4 the high and holy place, with him
who has a contrite and humble
Be exalted, O LORD, in Your
spirit, to revive the spirit of the
own strength! We will sing and humble, and to revive the heart of
praise Your power. —Psalm 21:13 the contrite ones.” —Isaiah 57:15
Exalt the LORD our God, and But the LORD of hosts shall be
worship at His footstool; for He is exalted in judgment, and God
holy. —Psalm 99:5 who is holy shall be hallowed in
The LORD is exalted, for He righteousness. —Isaiah 5:16
dwells on high; He has filled Zion The LORD lives! Blessed be my
with justice and righteousness. Rock! Let the God of my salva-
—Isaiah 33:5 tion be exalted. —Psalm 18:46
“Now therefore, if you will in- have given You.
deed obey My voice and keep My —1 Chronicles 29:11b and 14
covenant, than you shall be a spe- Which He worked in Christ
cial treasure to Me above all peo- when He raised Him from the
ple; for all the earth is Mine.” dead and seated Him at His right
—Exodus 19:5 hand in the heavenly places, far
“The land shall not be sold above all principality and power
permanently, for the land is Mine; and might and dominion, and
for you are strangers and sojourn- every name that is named, not on-
ers with Me.” —Leviticus 25:23 ly in this age but also in that
which is to come. And He put all
For all that is in heaven and in things under His feet, and gave
earth is Yours; Yours is the king- Him to be head over all things to
dom, O L ORD , and You are exalt- the church. —Ephesians 1:20-22
ed as head over all. But who am I, For you were bought at a price;
and who are my people, that we
should be able to offer so will- therefore glorify God in your
ingly as this? For all things come body and in your spirit, which are
from You, and of Your own we God’s. —1 Corinthians 6:20
You alone are the LORD; You the Father, of whom are all
have made heaven, the heaven of things, and we for Him; and one
heavens, with all their host, the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom
earth and all things on it, the seas are all things, and through whom
and all that is in them, and You we live. —1 Corinthians 8:6
preserve them all; the host of “Therefore let all the house of
heaven worships You. Israel know assuredly that God
—Nehemiah 9:6 has made this Jesus, whom you
I will praise You, O Lord my crucified, both Lord and Christ.”
God, with all my heart, and I will —Acts 2:36
glorify Your name forevermore. Every tongue should confess
—Psalm 86:12 that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
I am the LORD, that is My glory of God the Father.
name; and My glory I will not —Philippians 2:11b
give to another, nor My praise to Know that the LORD, He is
graven images. —Isaiah 42:8 God; it is He who has made us,
Jesus Christ Is Lord and not we ourselves.
Yet for us there is only one God, —Psalm 100:3a
“Whoever offers praise glori- Give unto the LORD the glory
fies Me; and to him who orders his due to His name; worship the
conduct aright I will show the sal- LORD in the beauty of holiness.
vation of God.” —Psalm 50:23 —Psalm 29:2
I will praise the name of God You who fear the LORD, praise
with a song, and will magnify Him! All you descendants of
Him with thanksgiving. Jacob, glorify Him, and fear Him,
—Psalm 69:30 all you offspring of Israel!
—Psalm 22:23
You are my God, and I will
praise You; You are my God, I If anyone speaks, let him speak
will exalt You. —Psalm 118:28
as the oracles of God. If anyone
ministers, let him do it as with the
Christians to Be United ability which God supplies, that
in Praise in all things God may be glorified
That you may with one mind through Jesus Christ, to whom
and one mouth glorify the God belong the glory and the dominion
and Father of our Lord Jesus forever and ever. Amen.
Christ. —Romans 15:6 —1 Peter 4:11
Declare His glory among the Your works and Your mighty
nations, His wonders among all deeds?” —Deuteronomy 3:24
peoples. For the LORD is great Rejoice in the LORD, O you
and greatly to be praised; He is to righteous! For praise from the up-
be feared above all gods. right is beautiful. —Psalm 33:1
—Psalm 96:3, 4 My soul shall make its boast in
Be exalted, O God, above the the LORD; the humble shall hear
heavens; let Your glory be above of it and be glad. —Psalm 34:2
all the earth. —Psalm 57:5 O God, my heart is steadfast; I
will sing and give praise, even
Sing out the honor of His name; with my glory. Be exalted, O God,
make His praise glorious. above the heavens, and Your glo-
—Psalm 66:2 ry above all the earth.
“O Lord GOD, You have begun —Psalm 108:1 and 5
to show Your servant Your great- O LORD, our Lord, How excel-
ness and Your mighty hand, for lent is Your name in all the earth,
what god is there in heaven or on You who set Your glory above the
earth who can do anything like heavens! —Psalm 8:1
To the intent that now the man- cording to election might stand,
ifold wisdom of God might be not of works but of Him who
made known by the church to the calls.) —Romans 9:11
principalities and powers in the
heavenly places, according to the The LORD of hosts has sworn,
eternal purpose which He accom- saying, “Surely, as I have
plished in Christ Jesus our Lord. thought, so it shall come to pass,
—Ephesians 3:10, 11 and as I have purposed, so it shall
stand: that I will break the Assy-
In whom also we have obtained nan in My land, and on My moun-
an inheritance, being predestined tains tread him under foot. Then
according to the purpose of Him his yoke shall be removed from
who works all things according to them, and his burden removed
the counsel of His will. from their shoulders. This is the
—Ephesians 1:11 purpose that is purposed against
(For the children not yet being the whole earth, and this is the
born, nor having done any good or hand that is stretched out over all
evil, that the purpose of God ac- the nations.” —Isaiah 14:24-26
When I consider Your heavens, have done; and Your thoughts
the work of Your fingers, the which are toward us cannot be re-
moon and the stars, which You counted to You in order; if I would
have ordained, what is man that declare and speak of them, they
You are mindful of him, and the are more than can be numbered.
son of man that You visit him? —Psalm 40:5
—Psalm 8:3, 4
I will praise You, for I am fear-
The heavens declare the glory fully and wonderfully made; mar-
of God; and the firmament shows velous are Your works, and that
His handiwork. —Psalm 19:1 my soul knows very well.
—Psalm 139:14
That I may proclaim with the
voice of thanksgiving, and tell of The works of the LORD are
all Your wondrous works. great, studied by all who have
—Psalm 26:7 pleasure in them. His work is hon-
orable and glorious, and His right-
Many, O LORD my God, are eousness endures forever.
Your wonderful works which You —Psalm 111:2, 3
For His Great Will For His Great Ways
Not with eyeservice, as men- Oh, the depth of the riches both
pleasers, but as servants of of the wisdom and knowledge of
Christ, doing the will of God from God! How unsearchable are His
the heart. —Ephesians 6:6 judgments and His ways past
You ought to say, “If the Lord finding out! —Romans 11:33
wills, we shall live and do this or As for God, His way is perfect;
that.” —James 4:15b the word of the LORD is proven.
—Psalm 18:30a
“If anyone wants to do His will, “For as the heavens are higher
he shall know concerning the doc- than the earth, so are My ways
trine, whether it is from God.” higher than your ways.”
—John 7:17a —Isaiah 55:9a
“For whoever does the will of “...Praise and extol and honor
My Father in heaven is My broth- the King of heaven, all of whose
er and sister and mother.” works are truth, and His ways
—Matthew 12:50 justice.” —Daniel 4:37a
Give to the LORD the glory due all the words of this law that are
His name; bring an offering, and written in this book, that you may
come into His courts. Oh, worship fear this glorious and awesome
the L ORD in the beauty of holi- name, THE LORD YOUR GOD,
ness! Tremble before Him, all the then the LORD will bring upon
earth. —Psalm 96:8, 9 you and your descendants extra-
ordinary plagues—great and pro-
And in that day you will say: longed plagues—and serious and
“Praise the LORD, call upon His prolonged sicknesses.”
name; declare His deeds among —Deuteronomy 28:58, 59
the peoples, make mention that
His name is exalted.” —Isaiah 12:4 And this she did for many days.
According to Your name, O But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned
God, so is Your praise to the ends and said to the spirit, “I com-
of the earth; Your right hand is mand you in the name of Jesus
full of righteousness. —Psalm 48:10 Christ to come out of her.” And
he came out that very hour.
“If you do not carefully observe —Acts 16:18
In God we boast all day long, glory is above the earth and heav-
and praise Your name forever. en. —Psalm 148:5 and 13
Selah. —Psalm 44:8 Praise the LORD, for the LORD
Then the LORD descended in is good; sing praises to His name,
the cloud and stood with him for it is pleasant. —Psalm 135:3
there, and proclaimed the name of I will freely sacrifice to You; I
the LORD. —Exodus 34:5 will praise Your name, O LORD,
for it is good. —Psalm 54:6
“Stand up and bless the LORD
your God forever and ever! Bless- You shall eat in plenty and be
satisfied, and praise the name of
ed be Your glorious name, which the LORD your God, who has dealt
is exalted above all blessing and wondrously with you; and My
praise!” —Nehemiah 9:5b people shall never be put to
Let them praise the name of the shame. —Joel 2:26
LORD, for He commanded and I will praise the name of God
they were created. Let them with a song, and will magnify
praise the name of the LORD, for Him with thanksgiving.
His name alone is exalted; His —Psalm 69:30
I will praise the LORD accord- knee should bow, of those in heav-
ing to His righteousness, and will en, and of those on earth, and of
sing praise to the name of the those under the earth.
LORD Most High. —Psalm 7:17 —Philippians 2:9, 10
“Behold, a virgin shall be with Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
child, and bear a Son, and they and let us exalt His name togeth-
shall call His name Immanuel,” er. —Psalm 34:3
which is translated, “God with
Let them praise Your great and
us.” —Matthew 1:23
awesome name—He is holy.
O LORD, our Lord, how excel- —Psalm 99:3
lent is Your name in all the earth!
—Psalm 8:9 Blessed be the name of the
LORD from this time forth and
Therefore God also has highly forevermore! From the rising of
exalted Him and given Him the the sun to its going down the
name which is above every name, LORD’S name is to be praised.
that at the name of Jesus every —Psalm 113:2, 3
His Sovereign Power Judge of the living and the
Alpha and Omega—the dead—Acts 10:42
King of glory —Psalm 24:7, 10
Almighty—Revelation 1:8
Blessed and only Potentate LORD OF LORDS
—1 Timothy 6:15 —Revelation 19:16
Christ the Lord—Luke 2:11 Lord from heaven
Christ the power of God and the —1 Corinthians 15:47
wisdom of God LORD of hosts
—1 Corinthians 1:24 —Isaiah 54:5; Psalm 24:10
God—John 1:1 Lord God Almighty
God of the whole earth —Revelation 15:3
—Isaiah 54:5 Most Holy—Daniel 9:24
Head of all principality and Ruler—Matthew 2:6
power—Colossians 2:10 Son of God—John 9:35-37
I AM—John 8:58 Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty
Immanuel (God with us) God, Everlasting Father, Prince
—Matthew 1:23 of Peace—Isaiah 9:6
Who He Is to the World Stone rejected —Matthew 21:42
Desire of All Nations As Savior
—Haggai 2:7 Author of eternal
Faithful witness salvation—Hebrews 5:9
—Revelation 1:5 Gift of God—John 4:10
Friend of sinners Jesus Christ our Savior
—Matthew 11:19 —Titus 3:6
King over all the earth Lord of glory—1 Corinthians 2:8
—Zechariah 14:9 Messiah—John 1:41
Lord of all—Acts 10:36 Messiah the Prince—Daniel 9:25
Ransom for all—1 Timothy 2:6 Offering and a sacrifice to God
Righteous Judge—2 Timothy 4:8 —Ephesians 5:2
Ruler over the kings of the Redeemer—Isaiah 59:20
earth—Revelation 1:5 Resurrection and the life
Savior of the world—John 4:42 —John 11:25
Shepherd and Overseer of your Savior Jesus Christ
souls—1 Peter 2:25 —2 Timothy 1:10
Son of Man —Matthew 8:20 Sun of Righteousness—Mal. 4:2
Who He Is to Believers High Priest—Hebrews 3:1
Advocate—1 John 2:1 Hope of glory—Colossians 1:27
Altogether lovely King of the saints—Rev. 15:3
—Song of Solomon 5:16 Life-giving spirit—1 Cor. 15:45
Author and finisher of our Light of the world—John 8:12
faith—Hebrews 12:2 THE LORD OUR
Branch of righteousness RIGHTEOUSNESS—Jer. 23:6
—Jeremiah 33:15 Lord Jesus—Acts 7:59
Bread from heaven—John 6:51 Mediator—1 Timothy 2:5
Bread of life—John 6:48 Messenger of the covenant
Bridegroom—Matthew 9:15 —Malachi 3:1
Chief cornerstone—Eph. 2:20 Prince and Savior—Acts 5:31
Chief Shepherd—1 Peter 5:4 Prince of Peace—Isaiah 9:6
The Christ of God—Luke 9:20 Prophet—Luke 24:19
Door of the sheep—John 10:7, 9 Redeemer—Psalm 19:14
Eternal life—1 John 5:20 Rose of Sharon
God and Savior Jesus Christ —Song of Solomon 2:1
—2 Peter 1:1 True Light —John 1:9
It Is Inspired by God and that you may continue to be-
All Scripture is given by inspi- lieve in the name of the Son of
ration of God, and is profitable God. —1 John 5:13
for doctrine, for reproof, for cor- But these are written that you
rection, for instruction in right- may believe that Jesus is the
eousness. —2 Timothy 3:16 Christ, the Son of God, and that
believing you may have life in His
It Bears Eternal Life to Believer name. —John 20:31
“He who believes in the Son has It Is Powerful
everlasting life; and he who does “Is not My word like a fire?”
not believe the Son shall not see says the LORD, “And like a ham-
life, but the wrath of God abides mer that breaks the rock in
on him.” —John 3:36 pieces?” —Jeremiah 23:29
These things I have written to For I am not ashamed of the
you who believe in the name of gospel of Christ, for it is the pow-
the Son of God, that you may er of God to salvation for every-
know that you have eternal life, one who believes. —Romans 1:16a
It Is Pure It Is Our Standard of Truth
Every word of God is pure. And the Word became flesh and
— Proverbs 30:5a dwelt among us . . . full of grace
The words of the LORD are pure and truth. —John 1:14
words. —Psalm 12:6a Jesus said to him, “I am the
It Is Perfect way, the truth, and the life. No
The law of the LORD is perfect, one comes to the Father except
converting the soul; the testimo- through Me.” —John 14:6
ny of the LORD is sure, making It Endures Forever
wise the simple. —Psalm 19:7 “The grass withers, the flower
It Is Absolutely Trustworthy fades, but the word of our God
stands forever.” —Isaiah 40:8
“For assuredly, I say to you, till
heaven and earth pass away, one It Is Our Light
jot or one tittle will by no means Your word is a lamp to my feet
pass from the law till all is ful- and a light to my path.
filled.” —Matthew 5:18 —Psalm 119:105
It Is Full of Purpose As newborn babes, desire the
For whatever things were writ- pure milk of the word, that you
ten before were written for our may grow thereby. —1 Peter 2:2
learning, that we through the pa- It Is Seed
tience and comfort of the Scrip- “The sower sows the word. And
tures might have hope. these are the ones by the wayside
—Romans 15:4 where the word is sown.”
It Is Loved by God’s People —Mark 4:14, 15a
Your word is very pure; there- It Is a Weapon
fore Your servant loves it. For the word of God is living
—Psalm 119:140 and powerful, and sharper than
It Is Our Food any two-edged sword, piercing
“Man shall not live by bread even to the division of soul and
alone; but man lives by every spirit, and of joints and marrow,
word that proceeds from the and is a discerner of the thoughts
mouth of the LORD.” and intents of the heart.
—Deuteronomy 8:3b —Hebrews 4:12
Read Exodus 24:6-8 and Hebrews 9 counted the blood of the covenant
Christ’s Blood by which he was sanctified a com-
of the New Covenant mon thing, and insulted the Spirit
“For this is My blood of the of grace? —Hebrews 10:29
new covenant, which is shed for . . . the God of peace . . . brought
many for the remission of sins.” up our Lord Jesus from the dead,
—Matthew 26:28 that great Shepherd of the sheep,
In the same manner He also through the blood of the everlast-
took the cup after supper, saying, ing covenant. —Hebrews 13:20
“This cup is the new covenant in “Whoever eats My flesh and
My blood. This do, as often as you drinks My blood has eternal life.”
drink it, in remembrance of Me.” —John 6:54a
—1 Corinthians 11:25 “And they overcame him by the
Of how much worse punish- blood of the Lamb and by the
ment, do you suppose, will he be word of their testimony, and they
thought worthy who has tram- did not love their lives to the
pled the Son of God underfoot, death.” —Revelation 12:11
My God Died for Me chased with His own blood.”
By this we know love, because —Acts 20:28
He laid down His life for us. He Gave Me New Birth
—1 John 3:16a Having been born again, not of
He Is the Resurrected Almighty corruptible seed but incorrupti-
Jesus said to her, “I am the re- ble, through the word of God
surrection and the life. He who be- which lives and abides forever.
lieves in Me, though he may die, —1 Peter 1:23
he shall live. And whoever lives I’m Free From Condemnation
and believes in Me shall never die. There is therefore now no con-
Do you believe this?” demnation to those who are in
—John 11:25, 26 Christ Jesus, who do not walk ac-
He Purchased My Redemption cording to the flesh, but accord-
“Therefore take heed to your- ing to the Spirit. —Romans 8:1
selves and to all the flock, among I Am Heir to Infinite Riches
which the Holy Spirit has made . . . heirs of the kingdom which
you overseers, to shepherd the He promised to those who love
church of God which He pur- Him? —James 2:5b
For Salvation From Sin understanding, that we may know
And you know that He was Him who is true; and we are in
manifested to take away our sins, Him who is true, in His Son Jesus
and in Him there is no sin. Christ. This is the true God and
—1 John 3:5 eternal life. —1 John 5:20

For Salvation From Destruction For Salvation Sure and Eternal

“And the smoke of their tor- “My sheep hear My voice, and I
ment ascends forever and ever; know them, and they follow Me.
and they have no rest day or And I give them eternal life, and
night, who worship the beast and they shall never perish; neither
his image, and whoever receives shall anyone snatch them out of
the mark of his name.” My hand.” —John 10:27, 28
—Revelation 14:11
“And this is eternal life, that
For Such Abundant Salvation they may know You, the only true
And we know that the Son of God, and Jesus Christ whom You
God has come and has given us an have sent.” —John 17:3
For the Call to Repentance The sting of death is sin, and the
When Jesus heard it, He said to strength of sin is the law. But
them, “Those who are well have thanks be to God, who gives us
no need of a physician, but those the victory through our Lord
who are sick. I did not come to Jesus Christ.
call the righteous, but sinners, to —1 Corinthians 15:55-57
repentance.” —Mark 2:17 For the Only Way of Salvation
Jesus . . . said . . . , “Most assur-
For Salvation by Faith in Jesus edly, I say to you, unless one is
So they said, “Believe on the born again, he cannot see the
Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be kingdom of God.” —John 3:3
saved, you and your household.”
—Acts 16:31 For Divine Strength and Song
The LORD is my strength and
For Taking the Sting song, and He has become my sal-
Out of Death vation; He is my God, and I will
“O Death, where is your sting? praise Him; my father’s God, and
O Hades, where is your victory?” I will exalt Him. —Exodus 15:2
For Fellowship with Christ gathered together in My name, I
That which we have seen and am there in the midst of them.”
heard we declare to you, that you —Matthew 18:20
also may have fellowship with us;
and truly our fellowship is with God is faithful, by whom you
the Father and with His Son were called into the fellowship of
Jesus Christ. —1 John 1:3 His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
—1 Corinthians 1:9
“Behold, I stand at the door
and knock. If anyone hears My “At that day you will know that
voice and opens the door, I will I am in My Father, and you in Me,
come in to him and dine with him, and I in you.” —John 14:20
and he with Me.” —Revelation 3:20 Now he who keeps His com-
mandments abides in Him, and
The LORD is near to all who call
He in him. And by this we know
upon Him, to all who call upon
that He abides in us, by the Spirit
Him in truth. —Psalm 145:18
whom He has given us.
“For where two or three are —1 John 3:24
Praise Him More and More for: have overcome the world.”
His Righteousness and —John 16:33
Salvation Boldness by the Blood of Jesus
But I will hope continually, and Therefore, brethren, having
will praise You yet more and boldness to enter the Holiest by
more. My mouth shall tell of Your the blood of Jesus, by a new and
righteousness and Your salvation living way which He consecrated
all the day. Also Your righteous- for us, through the veil, that is,
ness, O God, is very high, You His flesh. —Hebrews 10:19, 20
who have done great things; O Redemption and Zeal
God, who is like You? Who gave Himself for us, that
—Psalm 71:14, 15a and 19 He might redeem us from every
lawless deed and purify for Him-
Peace in Jesus, the Overcomer self His own special people, zeal-
“These things I have spoken to ous for good works. —Titus 2:14
you, that in Me you may have Oh, bless our God, you peoples!
peace. In the world you will have And make the voice of His praise
tribulation; but be of good cheer, I to be heard. —Psalm 66:8
Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be Christ, to the glory and praise of
healed; save me, and I shall be God. —Philippians 1:11
saved, for You are my praise.
—Jeremiah 17:14 Children Offer Perfect Praise
He Is My Eternal Hope Then the blind and the lame
Looking for the blessed hope came to Him in the temple, and
and glorious appearing of our He healed them. But when the
great God and Savior Jesus chief priests and scribes saw the
Christ. —Titus 2:13 wonderful things that He did, and
the children crying out in the tem-
He Is My Eternal Life ple saying, “Hosanna to the Son
“You have given Him authority of David!” they were indignant
over all flesh, that He should give and said to Him, “Do You hear
eternal life to as many as You what these are saying?” And
have given Him.” Jesus said to them, “Yes. Have
—John 17:2b you never read, ‘Out of the mouth
Fruits of Righteousness by Him of babes and nursing infants You
Being filled with the fruits of have perfected praise’?
righteousness which are by Jesus —Matthew 21:14-16
Who are kept by the power of Christ, if indeed we suffer with
God through faith for salvation Him, that we may also be glori-
ready to be revealed in the last fied together. —Romans 8:17
time. In this you greatly rejoice, My brethren, take the prophets,
though now for a little while, if who spoke in the name of the
need be, you have been grieved by Lord, as an example of suffering
various trials. —1 Peter 1:5, 6 and patience. Indeed we count
So they departed from the pres- them blessed who endure. You
ence of the council, rejoicing that have heard of the perseverance of
they were counted worthy to suf- Job and seen the end intended by
fer shame for His name —Acts 5:41 the Lord—that the Lord is very
As sorrowful, yet always rejoic- compassionate and merciful.
ing; as poor, yet making many —James 5:10, 11a
rich; as having nothing, and yet For our light affliction, which is
possessing all things. but for a moment, is working for
—2 Corinthians 6:10 us a far more exceeding and eter-
And if children, then heirs— nal weight of glory.
heirs of God and joint heirs with —2 Corinthians 4:17
Be filled with the Spirit, . . . giv- High. Call upon Me in the day of
ing thanks always for all things trouble; I will deliver you, and
to God the Father in the name of you shall glorify Me.”
our Lord Jesus Christ. —Psalm 50:14, 15
—Ephesians 5:18b and 20 It Is God’s Will
And whatever you do in word or In everything give thanks; for
deed, do all in the name of the this is the will of God in Christ
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God Jesus for you.
the Father through Him. —1 Thessalonians 5:18
—Colossians 3:17 It Is the Way to Approach God
Be anxious for nothing, but in Enter into His gates with
everything by prayer and suppli- thanksgiving, and into His courts
with praise. Be thankful to Him,
cation, with thanksgiving, let and bless His name. —Psalm 100:4
your requests be made known to
Let us come before His presence
God. —Philippians 4:6
with thanksgiving; let us shout
“Offer to God thanksgiving, joyfully to Him with psalms.
and pay your vows to the Most —Psalms 95:2
For His Free, Infinite Grace For Freedom From Evil
So Great and Glorious Heritage
Being justified freely by His That having been justified by
grace through the redemption His grace we should become heirs
that is in Christ Jesus. according to the hope of eternal
—Romans 3:24 life. —Titus 3:7
For Freedom From Sin
In Him we have redemption For Freedom From Satan
through His blood, the forgive- “To open their eyes and to turn
ness of sins, according to the them from darkness to light, and
riches of His grace. from the power of Satan to God,
—Ephesians 1:7 that they may receive forgiveness
For Freedom From Death of sins and an inheritance among
So that as sin reigned in death, those who are sanctified by faith
even so grace might reign through in Me.” —Acts 26:18
righteousness to eternal life Therefore submit to God. Re-
through Jesus Christ our Lord. sist the devil and he will flee from
—Romans 5:21 you. —James 4:7
We Are Friends of We Are Kings and Priests
Almighty God And has made us kings and
“You are My friends if you do priests to His God and Father, to
whatever I command you.” Him be glory and dominion for-
—John 15:14 ever and ever. Amen.
We Are Sons of God —Revelation 1:6
For as many as are led by the We Are Members of
Spirit of God, these are sons of Christ’s Body
God. —Romans 8:14 For we are members of His
We Are Servants of God body, of His flesh and of His
James, a servant of God and of bones. —Ephesians 5:30
the Lord Jesus Christ. To Be Wife to the Lamb of God
—James 1:1a “For the marriage of the Lamb
We Are Ambassadors for Christ has come, and His wife has made
Therefore we are ambassadors herself ready.” “Blessed are those
for Christ, as though God were who are called to the marriage
pleading through us. supper of the Lamb!”
—2 Corinthians 5:20a —Revelation 19:7b and 9b
I will give You thanks in the greatly to be feared in the as-
great congregation; I will praise sembly of the saints, and to be
You among many people. held in reverence by all those who
—Psalm 35:18 are around Him. —Psalm 89:6, 7
Oh, that men would give thanks Praise the LORD! Sing to the
to the LORD for His goodness, LORD a new song, and His praise
and for His wonderful works to in the congregation of saints.
the children of men! Let them ex- —Psalm 149:1
alt Him also in the congregation I will greatly praise the LORD
of the people. —Psalm 107:31, 32a with my mouth; yes, I will praise
Him among the multitude.
Lift up your hands in the sanc- —Psalm 109:30
tuary, and bless the LORD.
Praise the LORD! Praise the
—Psalm 134:2 name of the LORD; praise Him, O
For who in the heavens can be you servants of the LORD! You
compared to the LORD? Who who stand in the house of the
among the sons of the mighty can LORD, in the courts of the house
be likened to the LORD? God is of our God. —Psalm 135:1, 2
He has put a new song in my I will praise the name of God
mouth—praise to our God; many with a song, and will magnify
will see it and fear, and will trust Him with thanksgiving.
in the LORD. —Psalm 40:3 —Psalm 69:30
But I have trusted in Your mer- Therefore I will give thanks to
cy; my heart shall rejoice in Your You. O L ORD , among the Gen-
salvation. I will sing to the LORD, tiles, and sing praises to Your
because He has dealt bountifully name. —Psalm 18:49
with me. —Psalm 13:5, 6
But at midnight Paul and Silas
Sing praises to the LORD, who were praying and singing hymns
dwells in Zion! Declare His deeds to God, and the prisoners were
among the people. —Psalm 9:11 listening to them. Suddenly there
Make a joyful shout to the was a great earthquake, so that
LORD, all you lands! Serve the the foundations of the prison were
LORD with gladness; come before shaken; and immediately all the
His presence with singing. doors were opened and everyone’s
—Psalm 100:1, 2 chains were loosed. —Acts 16:25, 26
Great is the LORD, and greatly fy Your name. For You are great,
to be praised in the city of our and do wondrous things; You
God, in His holy mountain. alone are God. —Psalm 86:9, 10
—Psalm 48:1 For the LORD is great and
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of greatly to be praised; He is also to
Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jeru- be feared above all gods. For all
salem! Behold, your King is com- the gods of the peoples are idols,
ing to you; He is just and having but the LORD made the heavens.
salvation, lowly and riding on a Honor and majesty are before
donkey, a colt, the foal of a don- Him; strength and gladness are in
key.” —Zechariah 9:9a His place. —1 Chronicles 16:25-27
Let the peoples praise You, O Give Expression to Holy Joy
God; let all the peoples praise But let all those rejoice who put
You. —Psalm 67:3 their trust in You; let them ever
shout for joy, because You defend
All nations whom You have them; let those also who love
made shall come and worship be- Your name be joyful in You.
fore You, O Lord, and shall glori- —Psalm 5:11
Trust in the LORD forever, for the city of God, the holy place of
in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting the tabernacle of the Most High.
strength. —Isaiah 26:4 God is in the midst of her, she
shall not be moved; God shall help
The eternal God is your refuge, her, just at the break of dawn. The
and underneath are the everlast- nations raged, the kingdoms were
ing arms. —Deuteronomy 33:27a moved; He uttered His voice, the
earth melted. —Psalm 46:1-6
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble. “. . . call His name JESUS. He
Therefore we will not fear, though will be great, and will be called
the earth be removed, and though the Son of the Highest; and the
the mountains be carried into the Lord God will give Him the
midst of the sea; though its wat- throne of His father David. And
ers roar and be troubled, though He will reign over the house of
the mountains shake with its Jacob forever, and of His king-
swelling. Selah. There is a river dom there will be no end.”
whose streams shall make glad —Luke 1:31b-33
Church Glorifies Christ Forever lieved, you were sealed with the
To Him be glory in the church Holy Spirit of promise, who is the
by Christ Jesus throughout all guarantee of our inheritance until
ages, world without end. Amen. the redemption of the purchased
—Ephesians 3:21 possession, to the praise of His
To God our Savior, who alone is glory. —Ephesians 1:12-14
wise, be glory and majesty, domin- And this I pray, that your love
ion and power, both now and for- may abound still more and more
ever. Amen. —Jude 25
in knowledge and all discernment,
He Chose Us to Praise that you may approve the things
His Glory that are excellent, that you may
That we who first trusted in be sincere and without offense till
Christ should be to the praise of the day of Christ, being filled
His glory. In Him you also trust- with the fruits of righteousness
ed, after you heard the word of which are by Jesus Christ, to the
truth, the gospel of your salva- glory and praise of God.
tion; in whom also, having be- —Philippians 1:9-11
I will bless the LORD at all fall down before Him who sits on
times; His praise shall continually the throne and worship Him who
be in my mouth. —Psalm 34:1 lives forever and ever, and cast
their crowns before the throne,
So we, your people and sheep saying: “You are worthy, O Lord,
of Your pasture, will give You to receive glory and honor and
thanks forever; we will show forth power; for You created all things,
Your praise to all generations. and by Your will they exist and
—Psalm 79:13 were created.” —Revelation 4:8b-11
But we will bless the LORD
They do not rest day or night,
from this time forth and forever-
saying: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord
more. Praise the LORD!
God Almighty, who was and is
—Psalm 115:18
and is to come!” Whenever the
living creatures give glory and While I live I will praise the
honor and thanks to Him who sits LORD; I will sing praises to my
on the throne, who lives forever God while I have my being.
and ever, the twenty-four elders —Psalm 146:2
And they sang a new song, say- slain to receive power and riches
ing: “You are worthy to take the and wisdom, and strength and
scroll, and to open its seals; for honor and glory and blessing!”
You were slain, and have re- And every creature which is in
deemed us to God by Your blood heaven and on the earth and un-
out of every tribe and tongue and der the earth and such as are in
people and nation, and have made the sea, and all that are in them, I
us kings and priests to our God;
heard saying: “Blessing and
and we shall reign on the earth.”
honor and glory and power be to
Then I looked, and I heard the
voice of many angels around the Him who sits on the throne, and
throne, the living creatures, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!”
the elders; and the number of Then the four living creatures
them was ten thousand times ten said, “Amen!” And the twenty-
thousand, and thousands of thou- four elders fell down and wor-
sands, saying with a loud voice: shiped Him who lives forever and
“Worthy is the Lamb who was ever. —Revelation 5:9-14
The glory of the Lord filled the house of God through
praise (2 Chronicles 5:13, 14). Praising the Lord in advance
of the battle brought a great victory (2 Chronicles 20:1-24).
“But You are holy, who inhabit the praises of Israel” (Psalm
22:3). God inhabits the praises of His chosen people. A person
who truly praises God from his heart will be more Spirit-
filled, for God will inhabit those praises. Praise is a sure way
to have more of the presence and power of God in one’s life.
Spiritual power from the Lord comes by His Spirit (“be
filled with the Spirit”); by His Word, His Blood, His Name, His
Love; through the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous
man; and through obedience to God. In this booklet we have
seen yet another dimension of power—that of praising the
Lord. The more loving praise one gives to God, the more
spiritual power he will have.
This booklet for Christians is published for free distribution as the Lord
provides funds in answer to prayer. If you wish more copies to give to
those who are following Jesus Christ, please write to the address below
or order online and let us know how many you can wisely use. Please tell
us clearly how you plan to distribute the booklets. Other evangelistic
booklets are also available in numerous languages. Visit our website at

World Missionary Press, Inc.

P.O. Box 120
New Paris, Indiana 46553-0120 U.S.A.

The Bible text used is from the New King James Version. Copyright ©1979,
1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson Inc., Publishers. Used by permission.

The Bible text used is from the New King James Version. Copyright ©1979,
1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson Inc., Publishers. Used by permission. 1214 English 12-14 1214 English NKJV PTL

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