Naturecure Principles

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Optimize your body immune system by using Auto Healing system of your body. Our body is
made up of five basic elements called tat was. These are Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Sky/
ether. The nature has built an auto healing system in the body by which it heals our sick body
thru above five elements only. The body gets ill due to our bad thoughts, wrong food that we
intake and due to our faulty life style like eating late and sleeping late and leaving the bed late
after sun rise.
When we fall sick, we rush to doctor, instead of curing the sickness using basic nature gift of
five elements, we damage the auto healing mechanism of the body. Let us see how these five
elements help us to heal our sick body.
Most of the diseases occur thru food that we eat. Food comes thru earth. Our ancient scriptures
describe following :
Yogi (Eats once in a day ), Bhogi (Eats twice a day ) and a Rogi (Eats thrice a day ).
Above clearly describes that one who eats for taste and eats too much invites diseases. So one
should eat less than the hunger. The gap between meals should be minimum 2.5 hours. Go
more for natural raw/ Fibrous Food. Eat Sprouts, salads, fruits daily.
To heal one way is to do fasting. In fasting one has to go on water only for few days. Next
few days one has to drink only fruit juices, then after few days eat only vegetable soups and
then later few days start eating with soft food like khichri and porridge. After 1 or 2 weeks
one starts eating normal diet.
Fasting expels toxins from body and makes all body systems back to normal and healthy. One
should always do fasting under guidance of a naturopathy practitioner.
Water element is very effective in expulsion of toxins from body. There are various techniques
in Yog Sadhna that enable flushing out toxins from joints, nasal cavity, lever, kidneys and
intestines. These are Jal Neti for nasal blockage, Kunjal / Vaman for throat, and stomach
cleaning, Shankh prashalan for intestine cleaning. All above should be done under guidance of
yoga practitioner.
Jal Neti is very useful in nasal congestion, tonsilitis, throat soar, sinus, asthma and also
improves nervous weakness, eye sight and good memory.
In addition to above one should drink 10 to 12 glasses of Warm water in a day. Warm water
expels the toxins. Cold water is generally harmful for body and must be strictly avoided. Cold
water is harmful for digestion specially if taken immediately after food, as it cools down the
heat of food which is under digestion by the body. It is like putting water over fire which helps
in digesting food in stomach. So always drink water 45 minutes after food. Drink water always
in sitting pose and in small gallops.


Pranayam is the best remedy for most of physical and mental diseases. Pranayam lets
transport oxygen and nutrients while , Cleaning toxins at celluar levels and Cell function
improves. It also improves blood circulation, relieves joint pain and removes toxins and disease
from the internal organs. Aligns respiration with prana, the life force that gives motion to the
universe. Purifies the consciousness, enhances energy level in the physical body, renjuvenates
the cells and organs and brings harmony at all levels of existence.
Fire / Agni

Fire represents life. One major indicator for whether you are alive or dead is if the fire is still
on in you, or if your body has gone cold. Life upon this planet is essentially solar-powered.
Any machine, while it works, invariably generates heat because fundamentally, fire is the fuel.
You may call it electricity, petrol, wood, coal, or whatever else, but essentially, it is fire that
lets any machine run, including your body.

To heal thru this element, we must expose to sun at least for 30 minutes daily, preferably during
morning time before 9 am. Sunbathing improves blood circulation Sunbathing expels toxins
from the body. Sun rays help in synthesis of vitamin D. It is important to stay hydrated during
sunbath. One should drink at least one glassful of water during sunbath.
The Yoga asanas also produce heat to improve digestion.


Earth, water, air and fire are four physical elements that describe the material Universe. But
ether, the fifth element, describes the Spirit that exists beyond matter. It is the space out of
which all material objects spring forth. This is awakening which one realizes thru meditation.

Meditation affects brain cells specifically in our limbic nervous system (base of brain), which
controls metabolism, blood pressure, respiration, heart rate and Our emotions. Basic to
success in meditation is continuous practice and detachment from worldly pleasures.
To conclude let us not damage our auto healing system of body by adopting basic five elements
in our life style ie fasting once in a week or month, eating a balanced diet, Jal Neti and Vaman
to clean the nasal blockage and stomach. Do pranayam and yogic exercises daily. Find time for
meditation and sun exposure.

Ramesh Kumar Global Harmony Peace Centre ( )


We get sick thru three factors . These are our life style /our daily routine ,our thoughts and on food
we eat.

प्रकृति की दे न - मनुष्य एक अद्भुि स्वचालिि मशीन

इस प्रकृति ने हमें यह मल
ू यवान शरीर दिया है जो की एक ऑटोमेदटक मशीन है और इसका कुिरि ने
आटोमेदटक हीललिंग लसस्टम भी बनाया है , हमारे शरीर के बीमार होने के मख्
ु य कारण है –
1 ददनचयाा -- अक्सर लोग िे र से सोिे हैं और िे र से जागिे हैं |प्रकृति का तनयम कहिा है

“ Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” . Another
reason our life style जजसकी वजह से हमारा वािावरण बहुि िषू िि हो रहा है

2 हमारे ववचार --- द्वेि अलभमान कुढ़ना गस्

ु सा बरु ाई करना - इस प्रकार के गिंिे षवचार
हमारे शरीर की प्रतिरोधक शजक्ि को कमजोर करिे हैं और हम बीमार हो जािे हैं | हमारा शरीर
एक रसायतनक फॅक्टरी है जजसमे करीब २५०० रसायन बनिे हैं, जो की हमारे शरीर को स्वस््य रखिे
हैं | है प्पी हामोन्स जैसे beta morphin , dopamine, serotonin का secretion कम हो जािा
है | षवचार कैसे अच्छे लाएिं -- खश
ु रह कर हम हमारे षवचार अच्छे हो सकिे हैं ख़श
ु ी के ललए हमें यम
तनयमो का पालन करना है \ यम और तनयम हर धमम में हैं

3 खान पान , आज हमारा खान पान बहुि िदु हि हो चक

ू ा है जजसमे षविैले preservatives िषू िि
रे डी मेड खानो मिं डाले जािे है , यह जहर है . So, to stay healthy avoid ready made food
from market ,junk foods, beverages , cold drinks , frozen foods, bakery as all
these have toxins in form of preservatives, These toxins accumulate in body at
different places and make us sick.


1 Auto Expulsion System of our Body

Our body has god gifted us with auto healing system .Body also has Auto expulsion system where
body expels unwanted wasteful toxins out of body . Thus it expels sweat thru skin , urine thru
kidneys, carbon dioxide thru breathing systems and stool thru intestines.

2 when the toxins produced by the body are more than their expulsion capacity, due to over eating,
or thru our bad thoughts or thru infections, then the expulsion system weakens and body expels
thru sudden eruptions in skin or swelling or inflammation of some parts. When we take medicine


these eruptions are suppressed and body finds out new channels for expulsion and attack the
nervous system or may produce gases and damage digestive system. Sometimes body auto healing
fights external infection by raising temperature of the body to kill infectious organism, and body
develops fever. We rush to doctor to get medicine to lower the temperature, but in the process we
damage our auto healing system of the body. Medicines suppress and weaken the immune system
and auto healing system

Thus the medicines to cure and suppression of symptoms damages our auto healing system Hence
diseases must be cured thru nature tools ie water, air ,earth ,fire and akash.

3 Our body is a chemical factory as it produces more than 2500 different chemicals as process of
auto healing to cure the body. The auto healing system of the body produces magic medicine like
Interferon that kills germs. Negative thoughts weaken the secretion of Happy hormones, beta
morphine, dopamine, serotonin that make our immune system strong.


1 Always eat less than your hunger
2 Wash feet, face, hands, eyes before sleeping.
3 Drink hot water to cure cold /cough etc ( Kaf dosh )
4 Drink mild warm water to expel locked air (Vayu dosh )
5 Drink cold normal water to cure acidity (Pitta dosh )
6 How to drink water :Sip water slowly while in sitting position
Mouth saliva is alkaline. Stomach saliva is acidic. Both balance each other.
7 When one sips water slowly, it draws more alkaline and neutralizes acidity in stomach.
8 Drink water 30 minutes before meals and one hour after meals and never during eating
Sex after food is bad for lever as your digestive system is busy in digesting food. Also
proven medically wrong. Sex to be done 4 hours after food. Do sex before sunrise. Best
time 3 to 4 am. Appendices is not useless, it is for semen secretion. Doing sex after food
affects appendices and semen secretion. Since appendices is busy in supplying juices for
digesting food, it should not be used for sex for semen secretion.

Never rush in sex , incompatibility chances grow. Never use female as instrument of sex,
instead do with love and understanding.
Try to sleep while in shav asana with doing abdominal breathing. Exhale from head to toe
without jerks , scan/ go thru whole body parts while exhaling. Feel pain / grudges against
anybody getting out as carbon dioxide expels from your mind , feel de stressed and toxins
coming out during exhale ,and feel bliss /life coming thru while you inhale. Inhale from
toe to head. Do ten times and go to sleep.


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