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Secondary school Ain Babouche/the second test of English/Second years/sc exp


Read the following text then answer the questions
American President Barack Obama has said the oil giant British Petroleum (BP) is responsible for
paying for cleaning up the huge oil spill off America’s southern coast. The oil slick is now the size of
Jamaica and has started washing up on beaches in Louisiana. Obama told reporters that BP "is ultimately
responsible under the law for paying the costs of response and cleanup operations". US Homeland
Security Secretary Janet Napolitano echoed her boss’ words. She called on BP to take urgent action to
send resources to tackle the disaster. BP’s CEO Tony Hayward is in the area to personally direct the
emergency mop-up and damage limitation exercise. President Obama has also visited the area.

The catastrophe began last week when a BP offshore oil rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of
Mexico. As much as 5,000 barrels of oil a day are now pouring into the sea. Experts believe it is on its
way to becoming the worst oil spill in U.S. history. Even worse then the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster. The
spill could cause enormous environmental and economic damage to the southern U.S. states. Alabama,
Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi have all called a state of emergency. One of the biggest problems is
the difficulty of cleaning up the oil. The affected coastline is full of wetlands that are difficult to reach
by boat. Hundreds of different species are under threat including very rare bird and marine life.
2nd May, 2010/ From http://www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com/1005/100502-oil_spill.html
1. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false”
a) The U.S. president has said BP is responsible for oil-spill cleanup costs.
b) The oil spill has reached as far as Jamaica in the Caribbean.
c) BP is not legally responsible for paying for the cleanup.
d) BP’s CEO is nowhere to be seen.
2. Answer the following questions according to the text
a) When did the catastrophe start?
b) According to The article, is the spill now the biggest in U.S. history?
c) How many barrels of oil a day are spilling into the ocean?
d) Which US states have declared emergencies?
3. In which paragraph is it mentioned that
a) “The areas affected by the spill are not easy to reach.”
b) “BP has taken full responsibility for cleaning up the spill in the gulf.”
4. What do the underlined words refer to in the text?
5. Choose the general idea of the text: ……………………………………..
a) Obama: BP must pay for oil spill clean-up
b) The Exxon Valdez disaster the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
c) BP apologies not stopping oil spill.
1. Match words with their synonyms

Words synonyms
a) Cleaning up 1. Disaster
b) catastrophe 2. Spilling
c) pouring 3. endangered
Subject two
d) Under threat 4. Mopping up

Secondary school Ain Babouche/the second test of English/Second years/sc exp

A) Comprehension :Read the text carefully then do the activities

The size of fish in the oceans is shrinking. A new report from the University of British Columbia
in Canada states fish may shrink by as much as a quarter in the coming decades because of global
warming. The research team conducted extensive tests on the effect of rising ocean temperatures on
the size and number of over 600 species of fish around the world. They concluded that most fish are
likely to shrink in size by 14-24 per cent by the year 2050. The biggest changes will be seen in tropical
regions. The scientists said there is less oxygen in warmer water so fish cannot grow at the rate they
should. They added that many fish will migrate to cooler waters outside the tropics.
Lead researcher Professor William Cheung said: "We were surprised to see such a large decrease
in fish size. Marine fish are generally known to respond to climate change through changing distribution
and seasonality. But the unexpectedly big effect that climate change could have on body size suggests
that we may be missing a big piece of the puzzle of understanding climate change effects in the ocean."
He added that human activities such as overfishing and pollution will worsen the problem: “Our work
shows a very concerning future for the oceans and so it is very important to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and develop better fish management policies to adapt to these changes,” he said.

From http://www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com/1210/121001-fish.html – 1st October, 2012

1) Say whether the following statements are true or false

a) A report says all fish will shrink by 24 per cent by within decades.

b) The research predicts many fish will move outside of tropical areas.

c) The head researcher was not surprised at the figures in his research.

d) The researcher suggested human activities are not helping make things better.

2) Answer the following questions according to the text

a) Why is the number of fish in the oceans decreasing?
b) How many types of fish did the researcher test?
c) Is rising ocean temperatures causing fish to rise in number and size?
d) What can we do to restore marine life?
3) What or who do the underlines words refer to?
4) In which paragraph is it mentioned that?” Lead researcher suggested humans needed to change
the way they fish.”

5) Choose the best title to the text:

a) Global warming threatens Arctic
b) Global warming to shrink fish by 24%

c) We can control Global Warming

B) Text exploration

1) Match the words with their synonyms

Words synonyms
a) shrinking 1) relocate
b) migrate 2) problem
c) puzzle 3) worrying
d) concerning 4) diminishing
Secondary school Ain Babouche/the second test of English/Second years/sc exp

A) Comprehension :Read the text carefully then do the activities

Scientists have found that pesticides harm the ability of bees to find food. Bees must learn
which flowers contain nectar (their food) from the smell of the flowers. If the bees do not learn which
scents mean food, they will starve. Researchers at the University of Dundee in Scotland and Newcastle
University in England found that pesticides used by farmers and gardeners can switch off the part of a
bee's brain that is responsible for associating smells with food. Lead researcher Dr Geraldine Wright
said pesticides could seriously impact the survival of honeybee colonies. She said, "bees that cannot
learn will not be able to find food". This also means bees will not pollinate crops and wild plants.
Bee populations around the world have been declining. Scientists have searched for a long time
for a reason why so many bees are disappearing. This new research may be an important clue. However,
the British government does not want to stop the use of the pesticides that may prevent bees from
learning. It wants to carry out more tests to make sure pesticides are the real reason for the reduction
in the number of bees. A spokeswoman from the Friends of the Earth charity said the government must
act sooner rather than later. "Bee health is far too urgent to wait until more research has been
completed. [Controls] should be placed on these pesticides until bee safety can be [guaranteed]," she
From http://www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com/1303/130329-pesticides.html

1) Say true or false

a) Chemicals that kill harmful bugs can stop bees from finding food.

b) Bees automatically understand which flowers contain food from birth.

c) A scientist said pesticides could increase the number of bee colonies.

d) Scientists tried to find reasons why the number of bees is going down.

2) Answer the questions according to the text

a) What ability in bees do pesticides harm?

b) How do bees know which flowers contain nectar?

c) Who doesn't want to stop using pesticides?

d) Has The British government decided to stop farmers using pesticides?

3) What or who do the underlined words refer to?

4) In which paragraph is it mentioned that?

a) The article suggests bees will not pollinate so many crops in the future.

b) “A charity said the British must do something soon and not wait.”

5) Transform the underlined sentences into the passive Subject four

6) Give a title to the text

7) Find words closest in meaning to the following:

Damage §1 linking§1 effect §1 dying out §2

Secondary school Ain Babouche/the second test of English/Second years/sc exp

A) Comprehension: Read the text carefully then do the activities

The giant panda is already on the endangered list. The number of pandas in the world has been
falling for decades. There are several reasons for this. One is that many of the panda's forests have
gone. They have been cut down to make towns and cities. Another is the fact that the animal breeds
very slowly and has few cubs (baby pandas). The panda is now facing another big threat to its survival – a
shortage of food. A new report shows that bamboo, the panda's main food, is disappearing because of
climate change. Bamboo is pretty much the only food the panda eats. Ninety-nine per cent of its diet is
bamboo. An adult panda needs around 38 kilograms of bamboo every day.
The study predicts that nearly all the bamboo in China's Qinling Mountains could disappear by the
end of this century because of global warming. That means pandas would have nothing to eat. The study
said: "Results suggest that almost the entire panda habitat in the [Qinling] region may disappear by the
end of the 21st century." The researchers said the only chance of survival the panda has is if they move
higher up the mountains. Scientist Jianguo Liu warned that we must start helping pandas now, saying: "It
is tough, but I think there's still hope, if we take action now." Panda lovers are shocked at this latest
bad news. Panda expert Chang Leng said it was time for the world to wake up and help the panda.
From http://www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com/1211/121113-bamboo.html

From http://www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com/1303/130329-pesticides.html

1) Say true or false

a) The giant panda will soon be put on the endangered list.

b) The article gives seven reasons for the fall in panda numbers.

c) A report said the bamboo in a Chinese mountain range may disappear.

d) A panda expert said the world should wake up and help the panda.

2) Answer the questions according to the text

a) Why have the panda's forests disappeared?

b) When might the Qinling Mountains bamboo disappear?

c) What did the study say the panda must do to survive?

d) Has the latest bad news shocked panda lovers? Subje

3) What or who do the underlined words refer to? ct

4) In which paragraph is it mentioned that? One

a) Around 99% of a panda’s diet is bamboo.

b) Pandas may survive if there is bamboo higher up the mountains.

5) Transform the underlined sentences into the passive

6) Give a title to the text

7) Find words closest in meaning to the following:

a-threatened b-disappeared c-forecasts d-difficult

Secondary school Ain Babouche/the second test of English/Second years/sc exp

A) Comprehension: Read the text carefully then do the activities

People in Beijing cannot see the sun. The air is full of smog (a mixture of smoke and fog). The
smog is so thick that it blocks the sun all day. People really miss seeing the sun. Beijing's leaders
decided to do something so people could see the sunrise. They put giant LED screens across the city.
People stand in front of the digital screens and watch the sunrise. The screen in Tiananmen Square also
had a special message on it. It was a public announcement that read: "Protecting the atmosphere and
environment is everyone's responsibility." The live, digital sunrise is already a hit with tourists. Ricardo
Hernandez from Mexico said: "It looks like science fiction. It's kind of cool, but it's also worrying. This
smog sucks."
The air quality in China's cities often becomes bad in winter. People burn more coal for heating
in the winter months. This makes more pollution. Beijing's mayor promised to make the air cleaner. He
said the city would spend $2.4 billion this year to improve the air quality. Many workers wore face masks
on their way to work. They did not want to breathe the poisonous air. One man told reporters: " I
couldn't see the tall buildings across the street this morning. The smog has become worse in the last
two to three years." He said the smog usually makes him feel bad: "I often cough and my nose is always
running,'' he said. The US embassy, advised people to, "avoid all physical activity outdoors”.
From http://www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com/1401/140121-sunrise.html
1) Say true or false

a) People in Beijing can now watch the sunrise on their TVs.

b) The smog in Beijing blocks the sun all day.

c) A message on a giant TV in the street told people to care for the Earth.

d) A tourist said there was nothing cool about watching the sunrise on TV.

2) Answer the questions according to the text

a) Whose responsibility is it to protect the atmosphere and environment?

b) Does the air quality in China actually get better in winter?

c) How much does the Beijing mayor want to spend?

d) Who advised people to avoid exercise outside?

3) What or who do the underlined words refer to? Subje

4) In which paragraph is it mentioned that?
a) A man could not see the tall buildings across the street.

b) The American embassy said people should not exercise outside.

5) Transform the underlined sentences into the passive

6) Give a title to the text

7) Find words closest in meaning to the following:

a-combination §1 b- terrible§2 c- toxic§2 d- stay away from§2

Secondary School Ain Babouche/Second years/the second test /Second term/ (subject six)
The text:Read the text carefully the do the following activities
It’s a fact that the world honeybee population is in decline around the globe. Scientists
have various possible explanations as to why, including cold weather, genetically-modified crops, and
viruses. They have now added mobile phones to the list of possible bee killers. (1)Swiss researchers
have done a study on what is known as Colony Collapse Disorder, a phenomenon in which worker bees
desert the hive, never to return. This situation leads to the end of the colony because the queen bee
runs out of food. Lead researcher Daniel Favre says his study shows a relationship between the growing
use of cell phones and declining bee populations. Favre notes that earlier studies failed to find any such
link and thus accepts his findings are “highly controversial”.
Favre’s study analyzed bee sounds in five healthy beehives in two different places in Switzerland.
He recorded the bees' sounds with mobile phones in the hive. (2)The bees were monitored when the
mobile phones were active and inactive. Scientists analyzed the sounds of the bees and discovered they
weren't disturbed by mobile phones that were inactive or on standby. However, (3) active and ringing
cell phones confused the bees and caused them to fly away from and leave the hive. The study says
"the behaviour of the bees remained perturbed for up to 12 hours after the end of the prolonged mobile
phone communication," Favre writes. "This observation means that honeybees are sensitive to…
electromagnetic fields generated by the mobile telephones."
From http://www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com/1105/110516-honeybees.html/16th May, 2011

Activity one: Say true or false.

a) The numbers of honey bees are decreasing because of global warming and hotter weather.

b) There is a phenomenon whereby worker bees abandon their hive.

c) Previous studies about cell phones and bees were successful.

d) Researchers studied the sounds of bees when near mobile phones.

e) Ringing cell phones caused the bees to come back to the hive.

Activity two: Answer the following questions according to the text

a) Are the numbers of honeybees around the world shrinking?

b) Why is world honey population falling?

c) Who conducted the research?

d) Were bees disturbed by inactive cell phones?

e) What did Lead researcher Daniel Favre discover at the end of his study?

Activity three: What or who do the underlined words refer to?

Activity four: In which paragraph is it mentioned that?” The researcher said active cell phones
affected bees for up to 12 hours”

Activity five: What is the type of the text?

Activity six: Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following:

a- reality §1 b- connection§1 c- debatable §1 d- distressed §2 e- vulnerable §2

Activity seven: transform either to active or passive form the underlined sentences in the text.

Correction of the second test/second term/second years(math/GE) (subject six)

Secondary School Ain Babouche/Second years/the first test /
The text: Read the text carefully the do the following activities
Scientists have announced that the layer of ice covering the Arctic Ocean has shrunk to an all-
time low record. What’s more, they say the ice could disappear altogether in future summers. The area
of ice recorded on August 26 covered just over four million square kilometres, which is 70,000 square
kilometres less than the previous low in 2007. Experts said that record was a one-off and would not be
repeated. However, conditions have changed quickly. The USA’s National Snow and Ice Data Centre
(NSIDC) said: “The ice cover is now just so thin and weak in the springtime that large parts of it can’t
survive the melt season…It’s almost like parts of the Arctic have become a giant slushee at this time of
Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean grows in winter and partly melts in summer. The amount of sea ice
melting in the summer has greatly increased in the past few decades. Environmentalists attribute this to
global warming. The NSIDC said the six lowest periods of sea-ice cover have now occurred in the last six
years. It said more melting means there is less ice to reflect the sun’s heat, which means the ocean gets
warmer. This year’s ice cover was fairly consistent with 2007 levels until July, after which it started
disappearing at a faster rate. Meteorologists say a strong storm in early August could have broken up
the thinner, weaker ice, making it melt faster.
From http://www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com/1208/120829-arctic_sea_ice.html/ 29th August, 2012

Activity one: Say true or false

a) The article says ice in Antarctica has shrunk to an all-time low.

b) The article says there may be no Arctic ice in the summer in future

c) In 2012, there was 70,000 sq. km less ice than the previous low.

d) The Arctic sea ice needs to absorb the sun’s rays.

Activity two: Answer the following questions according to the text

a) What did scientists declare?

b) Why can’t the ice cover survive the melt season?

c) When has the quantity of sea ice melting in the summer seriously augmented in the past few

d) Did the storm that hit the Arctic in early August make the ice stronger?

Activity three: What or who do the underlined words refer to?

Activity four: In which paragraph is it mentioned that?” The last six years have seen record falls in
Arctic ice cover”

Activity five: Choose the best title to the text:

a) Arctic ice may disappear in a decade b) Arctic sea ice shrinks to record low c)Protecting Antarctica
from tourism

Activity six: Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following:

a- sheet§1 b- completely §1 c- get through§1 d- connect§2

Activity seven: derive nouns from the following verbs:

Announce disappear increase survive

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