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Complete with the correct question word (who, where, when, why, etc)
1. ………………… do you like best?
2. ………………… does Manolo get up in the morning?
3. ………………… don’t you go by bus, Cristina?
4. ………………… hobbies does Carlos like?
5. ………………… do they go to every week?
6. ………………… old are you, Silvia?
7. ………………… is Maria’s birthday?
8. ………………… are my exercise books
9. ………………… are you doing at the moment, Harry?
10. ………………… do the Petersons live?
11. ………………… sits next to Dries? Me
12. ………………… does the boy come from? From Madrid
13. ………………… old are her children? Three and five
14. ………………… is Lola’s birthday? In march, I think
15. ………………… much is the shirt? It’s twenty euros
16. ………………… is best at playing tennis? Johann
17. ………………… are you going? To the cinema
18. ………………… is a coke? It’s one euro
19. ………………… does the restaurant open? At ten o’clock
20. ………………… can I get some ice cream? At the snack bar
21. ………………… are you going to order? Pasta
22. ………………… are you going to do on Monday? I don’t know
23. ………………… has got my sunglasses? I have got them
24. ………………… is your name? Rita
25. ………………… is Helen’s party? On Friday
26. ………………… are the potatoes? One dollar
27. ………………… can I do for you? I want two white T-shirts
28. ………………… can I get a newspaper? At Park Street
29. ………………… is your best friend? It’s Paul
30. ………………… does Lisa live? In Boston
31. ………………… colour is your new car? It’s white
32. ………………… do you collect? Stickers
33. ………………… can help me? I can
34. ………………… about some grapes? No, thanks
35. ………………… was your first word as a baby? Mama
36. ………………… were you born? On March 9th
37. ………………… were you born? In London
38. ………………… were you last Sunday? I was working
39. ………………… can we have a picnic? In a forest
40. ………………… are you going to take with you? Some sandwiches and a coke

Academia, Librería, Informática Diego C/ Manresa (El Rincón), 110 Puente Tocinos,
Tlf: 968 30 30 00

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