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Edition 6/2000

This manual can also be called up as Online Help from the SEW
"ProDrive" Project Planning Program. To do this, press <F1>.

2 ProDrive
Contents of the Project
Planning Program

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 5
CONTENTS OF THE PROJECT PLANNING PROGRAM ....................................................................................... 5
THE RIGHT CHOICE ..................................................................................................................................... 7
ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS USED ........................................................................................................... 8
INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................... 9
REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Software ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Hardware ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Installation ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Starting the Project Planning Program for the first time ...................................................................... 13
Unfreeze .............................................................................................................................................. 13
FIRST STEPS............................................................................................................................................. 16
PROGRAM CONTROL ................................................................................................................................. 16
General................................................................................................................................................ 16
Window control .................................................................................................................................... 16
Field control ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Input fields ........................................................................................................................................... 17
List control ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Further input options ........................................................................................................................... 18
DATABASES .............................................................................................................................................. 20
DRIVE CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................... 22
HOW TO CONFIGURE A DRIVE .................................................................................................................... 22
Windows for an uncontrolled drive ...................................................................................................... 22
Windows for a controlled drive ............................................................................................................ 24
ARCHITECTURE OF THE DRIVE TRAIN.......................................................................................................... 25
BASIC WINDOW ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Pull-down menu................................................................................................................................... 26
Field input help .................................................................................................................................... 29
Icons .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Active application ................................................................................................................................ 32
Status line............................................................................................................................................ 32
Active secondary calculations ............................................................................................................. 32
INPUT WINDOWS ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Main menu........................................................................................................................................... 33
Application selection............................................................................................................................ 34
Application data windows .................................................................................................................... 35
Motor data windows ............................................................................................................................ 66
Gear unit data windows....................................................................................................................... 95
Secondary calculation windows ........................................................................................................ 100
SELECTION LISTS .................................................................................................................................... 130
Selection list "Uncontrolled AC motor" .............................................................................................. 131
Selection list "Uncontrolled AC geared motor".................................................................................. 132
Selection list "Controlled AC motor" .................................................................................................. 134
Selection list "Controlled AC geared motor"...................................................................................... 135
Selection list "DC motor" ................................................................................................................... 137
Selection list "DC geared motor" ....................................................................................................... 138

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 3

Contents of the Project
Planning Program

Selection list "Servomotor".................................................................................................................140

Selection list "Servo geared motor" ...................................................................................................140
Manual selection of the power rating .................................................................................................143
RESULT WINDOWS...................................................................................................................................144
Result window "Uncontrolled AC motor, AC geared motor" ..............................................................145
Result window "Controlled AC motor, AC geared motor"..................................................................150
Result window "DC motor, DC geared motor" ...................................................................................152
Result window "Servomotor, servo geared motor" ............................................................................154
ADDITIONAL WINDOWS .............................................................................................................................156
Displaying the motor and gear unit data ............................................................................................157
Changing the brake torque in brake motors ......................................................................................158
Selecting the mounting version..........................................................................................................159
Selecting accessory features.............................................................................................................160
Displaying the distance/time diagram ................................................................................................161
Selecting the armature voltage in DC drives .....................................................................................163
Saving the project planning data .......................................................................................................164
Calling up the "Controller Selection" program ...................................................................................165
Entering project planning comments .................................................................................................166
Printer setup.......................................................................................................................................167
Print preview and printout of results ..................................................................................................168
Copying data to the quotation program .............................................................................................169
SYSTEM DATA .........................................................................................................................................170
Language setting ...............................................................................................................................171
Catalog data.......................................................................................................................................172
Print options I .....................................................................................................................................173
Print options II ....................................................................................................................................174
Travel cycle........................................................................................................................................175
Search options ...................................................................................................................................176
Reserve factors..................................................................................................................................178
Save options ......................................................................................................................................180
CUSTOMER/PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................183
PURPOSE AND DETAILS OF THE CUSTOMER/PROJECT MANAGEMENT .........................................................183
STARTING THE CUSTOMER/PROJECT MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................184
MAIN WINDOW OF THE CUSTOMER/PROJECT MANAGEMENT ......................................................................185
WORKING WITH THE CUSTOMER/PROJECT MANAGEMENT ..........................................................................187
"Customer" input window ...................................................................................................................188
"Project" input window .......................................................................................................................190
"Calculation data" input window.........................................................................................................191
Saving/loading project planning data.................................................................................................192
ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS OF THE CUSTOMER/PROJECT MANAGEMENT ........................................................193
Importing/exporting project planning data..........................................................................................194
Saving project planning data centrally ...............................................................................................195
Printing saved project planning data..................................................................................................196
Copying several project planning records to the "Controller Selection" program..............................197

4 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Contents of the Project
Planning Program


Contents of the Project Planning Program

The project planning program comprises the following program modules

which may also be called up separately:
- Program for drive configuration
- Program for controller selection
- Program for customer/project management

Project planning is started The SEW Project Planning Program (ProDrive) is used for the fast
by selecting one of seven and effective selection of SEW drives, with all the necessary data for
pre-defined applications. evaluating an application. To do this, the Project Planning Program uses
the extensive data of the SEW Electronic Catalog (EKAT) as a
database. The SEW Electronic Catalog, which is free of charge, and the
SEW Project Planning Program use the same data.

Project planning is started by selecting one of seven pre-defined

- Travel application
- Hoist application
- Roller conveyor application
- Belt conveyor application
- Chain conveyor application
- Rotary table application
- Crank drive application (for travel and hoist cranks)

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 5

Contents of the Project
Planning Program

Extensive data is available When planning a project, the user can choose between an uncontrolled
for the selection of the AC motor or a controlled AC, DC or servo motor.
Available gear units include helical, parallel-shaft helical, helical-bevel,
helical-worm, planetary and SPIROPLAN gear units.
The program allows the user to configure not only the controlled motor of
his choice, but also the associated control equipment (frequency
inverters, DC and servo controllers) and their accessories with the
Controller Selection program.

To update your database please ask for your free copy of the latest
edition of the SEW Electronic Catalog.

6 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

The Right Choice

The Right Choice

Personal computers are a major help because of the high speed at

which they can perform calculations. And not least in the technical field.
Because of their speed and reliability, computers are indispensable for
selecting drives, a process involving repeated complex calculations.
However, it is risky to accept the results obtained from a PC Project
Planning Program without question, because data input errors and
misunderstandings of explanations may arise. It is therefore important to
assess the results with a critical eye.

The computer makes suggestions, but does not take the decision-
making process off your hands. The selection can only be made by
professionally trained staff. If in doubt, contact your local SEW

This manual is intended to

- highlight relationships and show ways of calculation.
- prevent input errors by giving detailed explanations and
- provide advice and support in evaluating the results.

This manual does not discuss the basic methods of drive

calculation. These are, however, necessary for a general
understanding of some of these programs. Should you have any
questions regarding the calculation basics, please refer to the SEW
booklet "Drive Engineering - Practical Implementation, Volume 1"
for further information.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 7

Abbreviations and Symbols

Abbreviations and Symbols Used

In order to facilitate working with this manual, the following abbreviations
and symbols are used.
- A command to be entered is in inverted commas.
- A key to be pressed is in triangular brackets.


"D" Enter D.
<F1> Press the F1 function key.
<ENTER> Press Enter.
<TAB> Press the TAB key.

An input box is indicated by the symbol .

A checkbox is indicated by the symbol .

A radio button to be checked is indicated by the symbol .

A result box is indicated by the symbol .

The symbol indicates that you may call up context-sensitive

"field input help".

The symbol indicates that you may call up Help for entering data in
the form of a "secondary calculation window".

An important hint is indicated by the symbol .

8 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program




The project planning program is a Windows-based application. It
requires the Microsoft "WINDOWS" environment WINDOWS 95,98 or
WINDOWS NT 4.0 / WINDOWS 2000 (32-bit).

The Project Planning Program has the following minimum hardware

- IBM-compatible computer (Pentium or higher)

- approximately 32 MB main memory (or more)
- approximately 120 MB for the project planning program, programs
and data (the value can increase according to the number of
saved projects). The same data can be used by other SEW

You can only load the Project Planning Program properly with the
installation program supplied. To install the program, insert the CD and
start the installation routine from within WINDOWS by typing "SETUP".
Follow the instructions of the installation program.
Note: The installation does not make any changes to existing INI,
AUTOEXEC or SYSTEM files. The Project Planning Program has its
own INI file in the WINDOWS directory.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 9


Single-user computer
On a single-user computer, all subdirectories and files are installed
automatically by the installation program.

Networked operation
For networked computers with several users, the program is installed on
the server. Additional directories and files have to be installed in the
users' private areas. This includes the "TMP" and PROG_TMP"
directories. The program will automatically create these directories
according to the settings of the parameter file when the program is
started for the first time. Further local subdirectories can be created to
suit the user's requirements. The Project Planning Program will look for
programs and data in specific directories. The directories are specified in
the "SEW_PROJ.PAR" and "SEW_RA.PAR" parameter files.

Parameter file "SEW_PROJ.PAR"

The "SEW_PROJ.PAR" parameter file must be in what is known as the
program directory. Paths and characteristics of the Project Planning
Program are specified in the parameter file. You can edit the parameter
file from an ASCII editor, e.g. the Notepad editor in the WINDOWS
Accessories group. Key expressions beginning with "#Glb..", must not be
changed. Comments begin with an ";".
The following text shows possible parameter settings:

; ***************************************************************************
; *** (SEW_PROJ.PAR) parameter file for PRODRIVE ***********
; ***************************************************************************
; Lines marked ';' are commentary lines.
; The "SEW_PROJ.PAR" parameter file must be in the working directory. If
; it is not, standard settings will be inserted.
; Path definitions
#GlbIntPfad = "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\PROG_TMP\" ; Value path
#GlbKdPfad = "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\PROG_TMP\" ; Customer path
#GlbIntRamPfad = "" ; RAM path
#GlbSprachPfad = "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\PROJ_LNG.MDB" ; Language path
#GlbDatenPfad = "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\PROG_TMP\" ; Data path
#GlbKatPfad = "C:\SEW\KAT_DAT\KAT_0496.MDB" ; Catalog path
#GlbTempPfad = "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\TMP\" ; Temporary file
#GlbProgPfad = "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\" ; Program path
#GlbAngPfad = "C:\SEW\ANGEBOT\" ; Quotation path
#GlbCADPfad = "C:\SEW\CAD\" ; CAD path
#GlbDruckPfad = "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\TMP\" ; Print path
#GlbGrafikPfad = "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\PICTURE\" ; Path for graphics
#GlbArchivPfad = "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\ARCHIV\" ; Path for CDM archive
#GlbExportPfad = "A:\" ; Path for CDM export
; Options
#GlbSprSource = "0" ; 0 = internal data / 1 = data from file
#GlbTagSource = "0" ; 0 = internal data / 1 = data from file
#GlbStdKat = "Euro" ; Euro / USA / Jap / Bras
#GlbStdKatFreq = "50" ; 50 or 60 in Hz
#GlbDataOpen = "1" ; 0 = open when required / 1 = always open
#GlbKatBase = "Access" ; Access database
#GlbDruckeGrafik= "1" ; 0 = not active / 1 = active
#GlbOS2 = "0"
#GlbProtokoll = "0"

10 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program


#GlbSEW = "1" ; 1 = without special text, 0 = with special


' Client specifications

#GlbClient = "1" ; 0 = do not create client / 1 = create client
#GlbStdDLLPfad = "C:\SEW\DLL\" ; Standard path for DLL/ no input =
WINDOWS system path
#GlbProj_OrgPfad= "C:\SEW\SEW_PROJ\PROG_TMP\" ; Path of the
original PROJ_INT.MDB file

Meaning of key expressions:

#GlbKDPfad: Path to the customer database "PROJKD.MDB", where
the project planning data can be saved under either customer, project or
position name. This database can be located in a central directory on a
#GlbIntPfad: Path to the internal project planning database
"PROJINT.MDB". This database must be separate for each user.
#GlbIntRamPfad: Path to an existing RAM drive. If a RAM drive is
entered here, then the database "PROJINT.MDB" is created on the RAM
drive. This will speed up the program if your hard disk is relatively slow.
#GlbSprachPfad: Path to the "PROJ_LNG.MDB", "RA_LNG.MDB" and
"KDM_LNG.MDB" language databases. This path may be located
centrally on a server.
#GlbKatPfad: Path to the technical data, e.g. drive data of the SEW
Electronic Catalog program. This path may be located centrally on a
#GlbTempPfad: Path for temporary files. Must be separate for each
#GlbProgPfad: Path to the programs. This path may be located
centrally on a server.
#GlbAngPfad: Output path for the interface file to the Quotation
Program. (Only available internally for SEW).
#GlbCADPfad: Output path for the interface file to the CAD program.
#GlbDruckPfad: Output path when printing to file.
#GlbGrafikPfad: Path to graphics files. This path may be located
centrally on a server.
#GlbArchivPfad: Path to the archive file. In the archive file, as in the
customer database, project planning data can be archived centrally. This
path may be located centrally on a server.
#GlbExportPfad: Path for importing and exporting project planning data.
You may enter diskette drive A as the path of your choice.

#GlbSprSource: "O" will use the language which is saved internally.

This will speed up the program. When set to "1", the program will use a
language from a database. Then several languages are available for
#GlbStdKat: The identifiers "EURO" for the European catalog, "USA" for
the USA catalog, "JAP" for the Japanese catalog and "BRAS" for the
Brazilian catalog identify the specifics of the different catalogs. The

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 11


identifier must be set for the standard catalog used. Further catalogs
can be specified in the Project Planning Program.
#GlbDruckeGrafik: Identifiers "0" and "1" control the printout of
graphics. When set to "0" the graphics" are not printed.
#GlbProtokoll: Identifiers "0" or "1" save an action log in a log file.
When set to "0" the log function is off.
#GlbSEW: Identifiers "0" and "1" control a special text. When set to "0"
the comment to check back with SEW is suppressed.

Specially for server use:

#GlbClient: Codes "0" or "1" will enter the "#GlbStdDLLPfad" and
"#GlbStdMDAPfad" settings in the local INI file when the program is
started from the server or a client computer.
#GlbStdDLLPfad: Default setting for the creation of the INI file in case
of a client call. Path for DLL files.
#GlbStdMDAPfad: Default setting for the creation of the INI file in case
of a client call. Path for the MDA file.
#GlbProj_OrgPfad: Default setting for the creation of the local
"PROJINT.MDB" file in case of a client call. Path for the
"PROJORG.MDB" file. This file is the template for the "PROJINT.MDB"
working file and the "PROJKD.MDB" customer file.

For the "Customer/Project Management" program the parameter file

"SEW_KDM.PAR" is required and for the "Controller selection" program
the "SEW_RA.PAR" parameter file.

12 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program


Starting the Project Planning Program for the

first time
When the program is started for the first time, the internal
"PROJINT.MDB" database where current project planning records are
saved and the "PROJKD.MDB" customer database where all other
project planning records are saved, are generated. This may take
several minutes depending on your hardware. The progress is indicated
by a progress bar. The program will then be available immediately as a
demo version with limited functionality. Only a release will turn the demo
version into a full version.

If an existing version is updated, saved project planning data and option

settings can be taken over if desired.

Turning the demo version
The licensed SEW project planning program is available as a demo
into a full version
version with limited functionality immediately after installation. The demo
version will be turned into a full version by a “release.”
After starting the program, you will find further licensing details in the
"Help/Registration form" menu item and in the program's registration
window. When all licensing formalities have been completed, the
program can be upgraded to a full version.
To unfreeze the program, please call up the "Registration window" in the
"File/Unfreeze" menu item. The following window will appear:

The window contains a code number. Please phone the SEW Hotline
and quote this number. You will then receive the correct registration
number, which you will have to enter in the registration window along
with your name.
Press the "OK" button to exit the window; the program will then upgrade
to a full version. Full versions of the program do not have the

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 13


"File/Unfreeze" menu item. This procedure must be repeated for each

local installation, but only once when the program is installed on the

14 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Program Control

First Steps

Program Control


The Project Planning Program is a WINDOWS based application and

program control corresponds to the WINDOWS system control. All
functions can be accessed from the keyboard via the "Pull-down menu"
and/or shortcut keys or with the mouse.

Window control
Part of the program runs with sequence-controlled window management.
The order and type of screen windows displayed depend on the entries
which you have made before.
Screen windows can be called up in different ways. You may:

- Click on the left or right arrow keys with the mouse.

- Click on an icon with the mouse. The cursor must have a
rectangular shape when you do this.
- Open the pull-down menu.
- Press the <ENTER> key <ESC> key.
- Press the <ALT> key together with a letter or numerical key.
- Press one of the available buttons (controls).

You may only use the <ENTER> key and right arrow button when your
goal (next screen window) is unambiguous. The <ESC> key and the left
arrow key will always close a window and take you back to the previous
Some of the screen windows are "exclusive," i.e. other program windows
can only be called up when the currently open window is closed.

Result windows may consist of several individual windows. Use the

arrow keys in the status line or the <PgUp> <PgDwn> keys to switch
between result windows. The arrow keys in the status line are only

16 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Program Control

visible when a result window is displayed.

Click on the button in the result window, if you wish to remove the
status line and button bar and have more result data displayed at a time.
You may also use the <space> bar to do this.

Field control
Use the <TAB> key to move between the input fields of a screen
window. <TAB> will get you to the next field and <SHIFT><TAB> take
you back to the previous one. Of course you may also click on the field
directly with the mouse.
Within frames which group together fields of the same type, some fields
can also be accessed with the <↑> and <↓> keys.
The active input field has a colored background so that it stands out

Input fields
There are several type of input fields.

Standard input field

Characters and figures are entered from the keyboard. The program's
Important: decimal notation
decimal notation will follow the WINDOWS setting. Please note that
while Germany and many other countries have decimal comma notation,
English-speaking countries as a rule use decimal point notation.

Field input “Help”

Some input fields require an input in a specific short form. In this case,
Additional field input ‘Help’
the field input ‘Help’at the upper left corner of the window will display the
corresponding plain text. The field input ‘Help’is active when the
question mark on the button to the right of the display field is shown in

Click on the button or press the <F8> key to open the selection list
of the active field input “Help.”


Selecting several options The checkbox allows you to select several options. If the cursor is in a
checkbox field, the field has a colored background. The checkbox is
switched on and off with the spacebar.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 17

Program Control

"Radio button"

Selecting one option Radio buttons are used to select one of several options. This is why
there are always several radio buttons in a group together. If the cursor
is on a radio button field, the field has a colored background.

List control
You may use the mouse or the keyboard to move between rows and
columns in a list. A row or column of a list is active when it has a colored
If you click on a certain section of the vertical scroll bar with the mouse,
you will move forward a line or a page. If you click on certain sections of
the horizontal scroll bar with the mouse, you will move forward a column
or a page.
In addition, a special control bar is available for list control.

You can use the buttons of the

control bar to move by rows, pages or to go to the very beginning or end
of a list. In addition you may also select a line and return to it by clicking
on the select button again.
Selecting from lists Double-click on a line or press the <ENTER> key to select the contents
of the active line in "selection lists" for further processing.

Further input options

The program two more useful functions for making an entry in the input

Changing the units

Setting different units Nearly every input field that accepts numerical values in a certain unit
can be changed to take alternative units. Press the <F11> key to call up
the unit list. This setting is only valid for the active input field.

18 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Program Control

To select the unit of your choice, operate the associated radio button.
"Accept" will show the new value in the active field with the new unit.
"Cancel" will leave the original value in the active field unchanged.

Repeated changing of the units may eventually corrupt the original value
because of the rounding involved in every conversion.

Standard field entries

Setting own standard The program comes with SEW standard settings in the input fields. You
values may overwrite these SEW standard settings with your own standard
To set or retrieve standard values use the pull-down menu or the
function keys. Exclusive windows will only accept function keys.

When you have selected a drive application or when you are in an input
window, you can only retrieve and set standard values that apply to the
active window.
Before you select an application (in the "Main menu" window), you can
retrieve the SEW or the user standard settings for a complete
application. You cannot set the values at this level.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 19



The Project Planning Program uses several databases. The following list
provides a description of the databases used.

PROJORG.MDB: Original for creating the PROJINT.MDB and

PROJINT.MDB: This file is the internal working database where
all project planning data of all applications and program
options are saved. All input data of the seven different
applications are stored here and are automatically available
each time the program is started.
PROJKD.MDB: This file is the internal customer database
where you may save any number and type of project
planning data. The data of the current project planning job
are written from the PROJINT.MDB to the PROJKD.MDB file
when the file is saved. When saved project planning data
are uploaded, it works the other way around. The data are
then written back from the PROJKD.MDB to the
KAT_XXXX.MDB: This file contains all the catalog data of the
drives. The name of the file may vary depending on the
catalog edition.
REGLER.MDB: This file contains the values necessary for
controller selection.
ARCHIV.MDB: In addition, the project planning data saved in
the PROJKD.MDB customer database can also be saved in
and retrieved from a central archive file.
EXPORT.MDB: Project planning data can be exported and
imported for use by different users which do not work on a
common server platform. If one or several project planning
records are exported, the data are copied to the
EXPORT.MDB file and can then be saved as a compressed
EXPORT.ZIP file, e.g. to diskette. Import of project planning
records is in reverse order.

In the EKAT program directory (..\SEW\SEW_KAT\..) you will find a

database tool "DBTOOL..EXE." This database tool will repair and
compress databases if required. The program, once started, is self-

20 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program


The following diagram shows how the different programs of the "Project
Planning Program" access the various databases.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 21

How to Configure a Drive

Drive Configuration

How to Configure a Drive

User entries determine The user interface basically consists of input windows, windows with
which windows are selection lists and result windows. The order in which the windows
displayed appear depends on the user entries in the previous windows. "Main
windows" are windows which you have to go through. "Optional
windows" are additional windows, which are only called up if required.

Windows for an uncontrolled drive

For an uncontrolled drive the first step is to determine the motor and
then the gear unit.

For a standard drive configuration proceed in the following order:

- Call up the application window and select the type of

application (travel, hoist, rotary table, etc.).
- Enter the application data.
- Enter the motor data.
- Select a suitable motor.
- Check the results.
- Enter the gear unit data.
- Select a suitable drive.
- Check the results.
- Print.

22 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

How to Configure a Drive

Optional windows offer additional functions:

- In the secondary calculation windows you can enter and
determine special data.
- In the "Non-SEW motor" and "Non-SEW gear unit" windows
you can change the catalog values.
- In the "Mounting version" and "Accessory features" windows
you can select optional accessories for the selected drive.

The flowchart below shows a typical drive configuration for an

uncontrolled AC motor and the order in which the windows come up
on the screen.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 23

How to Configure a Drive

Windows for a controlled drive

The configuration of a controlled drive starts with the selection of the

gear unit (where required) and then the motor. Again, optional windows
offer additional functions.

The configuration of a drive with a controlled motor (AC, DC or servo

motor) is shown in the flowchart below:

24 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Architecture of the Drive

Architecture of the Drive Train

For the configuration of drive torques, forces, moments of inertia and

efficiencies are calculated and/or considered. The following diagram
shows where these factors come to bear in the drive train, from the load
side to the motor.

(MMI = mass moment of inertia, iv = input transmission)

Section The configuration takes into account

Load: force, torque, inertia and efficiency of the load
iv: optional inertia and efficiency of a lead-screw
Ext. inertia: optional external inertia
Gear unit: inertia and efficiency of the gear unit
Int. inertia: optional internal inertia
Motor: inertia and torque of the motor
Brake: inertia and brake torque of the brake
Z fan: optional inertia of the motor fan

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 25

Basic Window

Basic Window

The basic window: frame When the program is started, the basic window appears. It is the frame
for all other windows for all other windows. The basic window contains different central control
and display elements. These elements are also used by the other

Pull-down menu
The pull-down menu comprises the main menu items:
File, Program, Data, Secondary calculation, Tools, Interface, Help

File menu

Customer/Project management: Starts the program for saving and

managing the project planning data.
Open project planning file: Loads saved project planning data. This
menu item can only be called up from the "Main menu" window.
Printer setup: Allows you to configure your printer.

26 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Basic Window

Standard/Professional: Toggle between standard and professional

version available only after release.
Release: The release will turn a demo version into a professional
version. This option will not appear, if the program has already been
Exit: Exits the Project Planning Program.

Program menu

Main menu: Calls up the main menu window.

Application selection: Calls up the application selection window.
Project planning: Calls up a certain application.
Demo: Calls up a sample project planning record.

Data menu

Enter motor data: Calls up the motor data input window. Only available
in certain windows.
Enter gear unit data: Calls up the gear unit data input window. Only
available in certain windows.
View motor data: Calls up the window with the motor data catalog
values. Available only in certain windows.
View gear unit data: Calls up the window with the gear unit catalog
values. Available only in certain windows.
Brake torques: Calls up a list with possible brake torques so you can
change the current brake torque (only for brake motors). Available only
in result windows.
Mounting version: Calls up the selection list for the selection of a
special mounting version. Available only in result windows.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 27

Basic Window

Graph: Calls up the distance/time diagram. Available only in certain


Secondary calculation menu

Travel diagram: Input window for determining travel cycles and loads.
Distance/time optimization: Input window for optimizing distance, time
and speed.
Buffer impact: Input window for determining the buffer impact in travel
Lead-screw values: Input window for the special case of a lead-screw
Voltage drop: Input window for determining cable lengths and voltage
Comments: Input window for additional comments on project planning.

Additional menu items may come up, depending on the active windows.

Tools menu

System options: Calls up the window for setting the system options.
Calculator: Calls up a calculator for secondary calculations, which
accepts and copies numerical field values.
Enter discount: Enter a possible discount.
Standard values: Setting and getting standard field values.
Path to ACROBAT Reader: Enter path to reading program "ACROBAT

Interface menu

28 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Basic Window

Quotation program: Creates an interface file for the Quotation

Program. (For SEW internal use only).

Help menu

Help: Calls up the table of contents of the Online Help

Using Help: Provides instructions on how to use the Online Help.
Program info: Information on the program version.
Catalog data info: Information on the catalog data version.
Registration form: Prints the registration form for the full version of the
Project Planning Program.
Start assistant: Starts the assistant for the input fields.
End assistant: Ends the assistant for the input fields.
Manual: Calls up the user manual in form of a PDF file. The ACROBAT
Reader must be installed and the path known.
Hotkey information: Overview of keyboard commands.

Field input “Help”

The field input “Help”provides support for the input of values in different
fields. A drop-down list offers a selection of possible values. To select a
value and copy it to the input field, double-click on the selected value or
press <ENTER>.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 29

Basic Window


Frequently used functions and input windows can also be called up with
icons in addition to the pull-down menu command.
Icons are picture buttons There are different groups of icons. The type of icons displayed depends
which allow you to call up on the active window.
different functions and
- Standard button
- Secondary calculation button
- Selection list button
- Result window button

Secondary calculation, selection and result buttons can be active or

inactive, depending on the active window, the active field or any defined
preconditions. Active buttons are identified by their colored (light blue)

Standard buttons
Standard buttons are always displayed and can be operated from
(almost) any window.

The buttons from left to right:

1. Starts the Customer and Project management program for
saving the project planning data.
2. Calls up the window for printing the project planning data.

3. Calls up the "System options" window.

4. Calls up the internal calculator.

30 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Basic Window

5. Calls up the window for project comments.

6. Calls up the window for the calculation of the voltage drop.

Secondary calculation buttons

Secondary calculation buttons are only displayed in the input windows of
an application.

The buttons from left to right:

1. Calls up the "Travel diagram."
2. Calls up the "Distance/time optimization" window.
3. Calls up the "Calculation of moments of inertia" window.
4. Calls up the "Buffer impact" window.
5. Calls up the "Lead-screw drive" window.
6. Calls up the "Overhung load calculation" window.
7. Calls up the "Roller weight" window.
8. Calls up the "Inertia of rotary table" window.
9. Calls up the "Additional rolling force" window

Selection list buttons

Selection list buttons are only displayed in the selection lists.

The buttons from left to right:

1. Returns to the "Application data" input window.
2. Returns to the "Motor data" input window.
3. Returns to the "Gear unit data" input window.
4. Next higher frame size of the mounted motor in geared
5. Next smaller frame size of the mounted motor in geared

Result window buttons

Result buttons are only displayed in the result windows.

The buttons from left to right:

1. Returns to the "Application data" input window.
2. Returns to the "Motor data" input window.
3. Returns to the "Gear unit data" input window.
4. Selects the next drive from the selection list, if a single motor
was selected or the next larger motor for geared motor

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 31

Basic Window

combinations. This function is also available by using the

<SHIFT> + <+> key combination. For geared motors, using
the <+> key will select the next larger motor (if possible) with
the same gear unit.
5. Selects the preceding drive from the selection list, if a single
motor was selected or the next smaller motor for geared
motor combinations. This function is also available by using
the <SHIFT> + <-> key combination. For geared motors,
using the <-> key will select the next smaller motor (if
possible) with the same gear unit.
6. Calls up the "Motor data" (catalog data) window.
7. Calls up the "Gear unit data" (catalog data) window.
8. Calls up the "Circum. backlash" window.
9. Calls up the "Brake torque selection" window.
10. Calls up the "Mounting version" and the "Accessory features"
11. Calls up the "Wiring of the DC motor" window.
12. Calls up the "SEW offer program (SEW internal)" window.
13. Calls up the “Distance/time diagram”window.
14. Calls up the "Controller selection" program.

Active application
The icon shows the application which is currently active. Each
application is symbolized by an icon.

Status line
Program messages are displayed on the left-hand side at the bottom of
the basic window.

Active secondary calculations

Active secondary calculation windows are shown as icons in the status
line of the basic window.

32 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input Windows

There are different types of input windows. These are windows for the

- Main menu
- Application selection
- Application data input
- Motor and gear unit data input
- Secondary calculations

Main menu
The main menu is the first window, which comes up when the program is
started. From the main menu you can call up the applications and
various other functions using the pull-down menu. Click on the icons with
the mouse or enter the associated number to call up the programs and
program modules displayed.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 33

Input Windows

Application selection
In the "Application selection" window you make a first choice which way
you will go in your project planning. The project planning which was last
active is shaded in red.
The input data of the last project planning of each application are saved
in the work file "PROJINT.MDB" and are automatically available when
the program is restarted.

You have a choice of the following applications:

- Travel drive
- Rotary table
- Belt conveyor
- Hoist drive
- Chain conveyor
- Crank drive
- Roller conveyor

If the application you need is not included, try and customize a similar
application. This step may still get you the results you want.

34 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Application data windows

The application data windows allow you to specify the requirements of
the driven customer machine.

Input window "Travel drive"

Description of the fields:

Maximum speed
Maximum speed of the traveling vehicle. You can call up the secondary
+ calculation "Distance/time optimization" from this field.

Maximum acceleration
For controlled drives, enter the maximum acceleration (starting). In
uncontrolled drives the maximum acceleration is interpreted as minimum
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Maximum deceleration
For controlled drives, enter the maximum deceleration (braking). This
step has no effect on the calculation in uncontrolled drives.
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Minimum mass
Smallest mass the travel drive is to move. Usually the empty weight of
the traveling vehicle.

Maximum mass
Maximum mass of the loaded vehicle (empty weight of vehicle plus load)

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 35

Input Windows

Static power
Power used for the further calculation instead of the power determined
from the wheel geometry. Does not affect the dynamic power

Rolling resistance
The rolling resistance is a function of the mass (N/t).
If the rolling resistance (N/t) is known, then it need not be calculated from
the wheel geometry and the friction coefficients. The entries for the load
efficiency and the angle of inclination are considered additionally.

Running wheel diameter

Diameter of the driven running wheel.
This value affects the rolling resistance (the larger the running wheel, the
smaller the rolling resistance) and the required gear ratio.

Axle diameter
Axle diameter of the running wheel.
Actually this means the roller diameter of the antifriction bearing. As this
diameter is rarely known, the axle diameter, which is sufficiently
accurate, can be used instead in the calculation. This value influences
the calculation of the rolling resistance through the bearing friction.

Lever arm of rolling friction

You will find a list of values in the field input Help (<F8>).

+ When a cylindrical or body with similar shape is rolling on a surface, the

resultant deformation produces a force which is opposite to the rolling
direction. It acts with the lever arm f, which is dependent on the material
mating. This value influences the calculation of the rolling resistance
through the relationship µr = f/r.

Additional factor for rim friction on wheels

You will find a list of values in the field input Help (<F8>).

+ Rail lines are guided by wheel flanges or lateral guide rollers. This
"correction of direction" produces an additional lateral friction resistance,
which is expressed as the additional factor for rim friction on wheels.

Bearing coefficient
Bearing coefficient for the type of bearings used.

+ You will find a list of values in the field input Help (<F8>). The bearing
coefficient influences the calculation of the rolling resistance.

36 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input transmission type

You can call up the "Overhung load calculation" window from this field.

+ + Input transmission types are:

- 1 = Direct drive
- 2 = Sprocket
- 3 = Gear wheel
- 4 = Toothed belt
- 5 = Flat belt
- 6 = Narrow V-belt
- 7 = Rack-and-pinion drive

Sprocket and gear wheel diameter

Pitch diameter of the driven sprocket wheel in input transmissions:
This value only enters into the calculation of the overhung load at the
output shaft. The specified speed is related to the running wheel
diameter. The required gear ratio is also calculated via the running wheel

Input transmission ratio

Transmission or reduction ratio of a downstream input transmission.
Entries > 1 mean gearing down!
This input affects the required gear ratio.

Additional power
Additional power which is directly taken into account in the calculation.

Additional force
This force acts in addition to rolling and bearing friction, e.g. wind
pressure. Wind pressures are calculated from the wind velocity and the
geometry of the vehicle or must be measured on the vehicle itself. The
additional force enters into the calculation of the power with its sign.

Additional moment of inertia (load side)

Additional moment of inertia on the load side of the gear unit. For this
+ field the secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Additional moment of inertia (motor side)

Additional moment of inertia on the motor side. For this field the
+ secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 37

Input Windows

Angle of inclination
A slope which the traveling vehicle has to overcome. No input or "0"
means that the vehicle moves horizontally.
When <>"0" is entered for the angle of inclination, the results are
calculated for upward and downward travel.

Load efficiency
The efficiency of the customer's machine. Examples of some efficiencies
are given in the field input Help (<F8>).
The efficiency for "driving" and "driven" is the same.

Output speed calculated according to ...

Here you can select the diameter for determining the output speed.
When selecting "Sprocket wheel diameter" you can enter the sprocket
+ wheel diameter.
The selection options depend on the additional gear.

Number of drives
Number of drives over which the transmitted power is shared.

Motor type
The entered motor type will determine the further course of the
calculation. Available motor types are:
- Uncontrolled AC-motor (code = D)
- Frequency-controlled AC-motor (code = DG)
- DC motor (code = D)
- Synchronous Servomotor (code= Y)
- Asynchronous Servomotor (code = C)
- MOVIMOT (code = MM)
You may also enter a value with the field input Help (<F8>).

With the radio buttons you can select by which method the static power
should be determined. Available methods are:
- Specified power
- Specified rolling resistance
- Rolling resistance via the wheel geometry

Additional secondary calculation windows

Additional secondary calculation windows can be used independent of
the active field.
- Calculator
- Travel diagram
- Buffer impact
- Lead-screw

38 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input window "Hoist drive"

Description of the fields:

Maximum speed
Maximum speed of the hoisted load. You can call up the secondary
+ calculation "Distance/time optimization" from this field.

Maximum acceleration
For controlled drives enter the maximum acceleration (starting). The
maximum acceleration in uncontrolled drives is interpreted as minimum
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Maximum deceleration
Enter the maximum deceleration (braking) for controlled drives. This step
has no effect on the calculation in uncontrolled drives.
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Minimum mass of load

Smallest mass to be moved on the load side. Usually the empty weight
of the hoist.
If the mass of the chain is not negligible:
In this case you have to add the weight of one chain strand here. The
mass of the other strand must be added to the counterweight.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 39

Input Windows

Maximum mass of load

Maximum mass of the loaded hoist.
The masses influence the static power and via the moment of inertia also
the dynamic power and therefore also acceleration and deceleration

Mass of counterweight
Mass of counterweight.

Relative speed of counterweight

The default value is "1", i.e. the speed of the counterweight is equal to
that of the load weight. A smaller value makes the counterweight slower,
a greater value faster.

Static power
Required static power when the resistances in the system are known.
The dynamic power which often is decisive for the selection is
additionally calculated via the acceleration values.

Rolling resistance
The rolling resistance from the weight.

Sprocket, drum diameter

Diameter of the sprocket or the drum of the hoist.
The diameter of the sprocket and the speed of the hoist affect the output

Input transmission type

You can call up the "Overhung load calculation" window from this field.

+ + Input transmission types are:

- 1 = Direct drive
- 2 = Sprocket
- 3 = Gear wheel
- 4 = Toothed belt
- 5 = Flat belt
- 6 = Narrow V-belt
- 7 = Rack-and-pinion drive
- 8 = Cable drum

Sprocket and gear wheel diameter

Pitch diameter of the driven sprocket wheel in input transmissions:
This value only enters into the calculation of the overhung load at the
output shaft.

40 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input transmission ratio

Transmission or reduction ratio of a downstream input transmission.
Entries > 1 mean gearing down!
This input affects the required gear ratio.

Additional power
Additional power which is directly taken into account in the calculation.

Additional force
Signed additional force:
The sign indicates the direction of the force:
+ = against the direction of travel
- = in the direction of travel.
This force is present in addition to chain and bearing resistances. The
additional forces must be measured at the hoist. They are required for
the calculation of the power.

Additional moment of inertia (load)

Additional moment of inertia on the load side of the gear unit. For this
+ field the secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Additional moment of inertia (motor)

Additional moment of inertia on the motor side. For this field the
+ secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Angle of inclination
Angle of inclination:
e.g. for vertical hoist: 90°.
e.g. for inclined conveyor: 45°.

Load efficiency
The efficiency of the customer's machine. Examples of some efficiencies
are given in the field input Help (<F8>).
The efficiency for "driving" and "driven" is the same.

Number of drives
Number of drives over which the power to be transmitted is shared.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 41

Input Windows

Motor type
The entered motor type will determine the further course of the
calculation. Available motor types are:
- Uncontrolled AC motor (code = D)
- Frequency-controlled AC motor (code = DG)
- DC motor (code = D)
- Synchronous servo motor (code = Y)
- Asynchronous servo motor (code = C)
- MOVIMOT (code = MM)

You may also enter a value with the field input Help (<F8>).

With the radio buttons you can select by which method the static power
should be determined. Available methods are:
- Specified power
- Specified rolling resistance
- Weight

Additional secondary calculation windows

Additional secondary calculation windows can be used independent of
the active field.
- Calculator
- Travel diagram
- lead-screw drive

42 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input window "Roller conveyor"

Description of the fields:

Maximum speed
Maximum speed of the load. You can call up the secondary calculation
+ "Distance/time optimization" from this field.

Maximum acceleration
For controlled drives enter the maximum acceleration (starting). In
uncontrolled drives the maximum acceleration is interpreted as minimum
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Maximum deceleration
For controlled drives enter the maximum deceleration (braking). Has no
effect on the calculation in uncontrolled drives.
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Minimum mass
Minimum mass of the load (without the weight of the rollers), which the
roller conveyor is to move.

Maximum mass
Maximum mass of the loaded roller conveyor (without the weight of the
The masses influence the static power via the coefficients of friction and
the dynamic power via the moment of inertia and therefore also
acceleration and deceleration times

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 43

Input Windows

Total weight of rollers

Total weight of rollers. There is a secondary calculation window "Total
+ weight of rollers".
The moment of inertia of the rollers is calculated as moment of inertia at
the outer diameter of the rollers. This makes sure that the result is
always on the safe side. The roller mass influences the static and the
dynamic power.

Static power
Enter the static power when the resistances in the system are known.
The dynamic power which is often decisive for the selection is
additionally calculated via the acceleration values.

Rolling resistance
The rolling resistance is a function of the mass (N/t).
If the rolling resistance (N/t) is known, it need not be calculated from the
roller geometry and the friction coefficients. The entries for the load
efficiency and the angle of inclination are considered in addition.

Roller diameter
Diameter of the rollers.
This value affects the rolling resistance (the larger the rollers, the smaller
the rolling resistance) and the required gear ratio.

Axle diameter
Actually this means the roller diameter of the antifriction bearing. As this
diameter is rarely known, the axle diameter, which is sufficiently
accurate, can be used in the calculation instead. This value influences
the calculation of the rolling resistance through the bearing friction.

Lever arm of rolling friction

Lever arm of rolling friction

+ You will find a list of values in the field input Help (<F8>).
When a cylindrical or similar shape body is rolling on a surface, the
resultant deformation produces a force which is opposite to the rolling
direction. It acts with the lever arm f, which is dependent on the material
mating. This value influences the calculation of the rolling resistance
through the relationship µr = f/r.

Bearing coefficient
Bearing coefficient for the type of bearing used.

+ The bearing coefficient influences the calculation of the rolling


44 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input transmission type

You can call up the "Overhung load calculation" window from this field.

+ + Input transmission types are:

- 1 = Direct drive
- 2 = Sprocket
- 3 = Gear wheel
- 4 = Toothed belt
- 5 = Flat belt
- 6 = Narrow V-belt
- 7 = Rack-and-pinion drive

Sprocket and gear wheel diameter

Pitch diameter of the driven sprocket in input transmissions:
This value only enters into the overhung load calculation at the output
The specified speed is related to the roller diameter. The required gear
ratio is also calculated via the running wheel diameter.

Input transmission ratio

Transmission or reduction ratio of a downstream input transmission.
Entries > 1 mean gearing down!
This input affects the required gear ratio.

µ value load/rollers
Coefficient of friction between load and rollers. It is used to determine the
load when the rollers slip.

Additional power
Additional power which is directly taken into account in the calculation.

Additional force
Signed additional force:
The sign indicates the direction of the force:
+ = against the conveying direction
- = in the conveying direction.
This force is present in addition to the rolling and bearing resistances,
e.g. wind load or side-wall friction. These may need to be calculated or
measured. The additional force is required for the calculation of the

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 45

Input Windows

Additional moment of inertia (load)

Additional moment of inertia on the load side of the gear unit. For this
+ field the secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Additional moment of inertia (motor)

Additional moment of inertia on the motor side. For this field the
+ secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Angle of inclination
Angle of inclination which the load on the roller conveyor has to
overcome. No input or "0" means: Roller conveyor moves horizontally.
When <>"0" is entered for the angle of inclination, the results are
calculated for upward and downward travel.

Load efficiency
The efficiency of the customer's machine. Examples of some efficiencies
are given in the field input Help (<F8>).
The efficiency for "driving" and "driven" is the same.

Output speed calculated according to ...

Here you can select the diameter for determining the output speed.
When selecting "Sprocket wheel diameter" you can enter the sprocket
+ wheel diameter.
The selection options depend on the additional gear.

Number of drives
Number of drives over which the power to be transmitted is shared.

Motor type
The entered motor type will determine the further course of the
calculation. Available motor types are:
- Uncontrolled AC-motor (code = D)
- Frequency-controlled AC-motor (code = DG)
- DC motor (code = D)
- Synchronous servo motor (code = Y)
- Asynchronous servo motor (code = C)
- MOVIMOT (code = MM)

You may also enter a value with the field input Help (<F8>).


46 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

With the radio buttons you can select by which method the static power
should be determined. Available methods are:
- Specified power
- Specified rolling resistance
- Rolling resistance via the roller geometry

Additional secondary calculation windows

Additional secondary calculation windows can be used independent of
the active field.
- Calculator
- Travel diagram
- Lead-screw drive

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 47

Input Windows

Input window "Chain conveyor"

Description of the fields:

Maximum speed
Maximum speed of the load. You can call up the secondary calculation
+ "Distance/time optimization" from this field.

Maximum acceleration
For controlled drives enter the maximum acceleration (starting). In
uncontrolled drives the maximum acceleration is interpreted as minimum
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Maximum deceleration
For controlled drives enter the maximum deceleration (braking). Has no
effect on the calculation in uncontrolled drives.
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Minimum mass of load

Minimum mass of load (without the weight of the chain) which the chain
conveyor is to move.

Maximum mass of load

Maximum mass of the loaded chain conveyor (without the weight of the

Mass of chain

48 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Mass of chain.
The chain mass affects the static and the dynamic power.

Sprocket diameter
Pitch diameter of the conveyor chain sprocket:
The pitch diameter of the sprocket influences the output speed.

Static power
Required static power when the resistances in the system are known.
The dynamic power which is often decisive for the selection is
additionally calculated via the acceleration values.

Coefficient of friction
Coefficient of friction as specified by the chain manufacturer.

+ The coefficient of friction influences the static power.

Angle of inclination
Angle of inclination which the load on the chain conveyor has to
overcome. No input or "0" means: Chain conveyor travels horizontally.
When <>"0" is entered for the angle of inclination, the results are
calculated for upward and downward travel.

Input transmission type

You can call up the "Overhung load calculation" window from this field.

+ + Input transmission types are:

- 1 = Direct drive
- 2 = Sprocket
- 3 = Gear wheel
- 4 = Toothed belt
- 5 = Flat belt
- 6 = Narrow V-belt
- 7 = Rack-and-pinion drive

Sprocket and gear wheel diameter

Pitch diameter of the driven sprocket wheel:
This value only enters into the calculation of the overhung load at the
output shaft. The specified speed is related to the pitch diameter of the
load sprocket. The required gear ratio is also calculated via this

Input transmission ratio

Transmission or reduction ratio of a downstream input transmission.
Entries > 1 mean gearing down!
This input affects the required gear ratio.

Additional power

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 49

Input Windows

Additional power which is directly taken into account in the calculation.

50 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Additional force
Signed additional force:
The sign indicates the direction of the force:
+ = against the conveying direction
- = in the conveying direction.
This force is present in addition to the chain and bearing resistances,
e.g. wind load or side-wall friction. These may need to be calculated or
measured. The additional force is required for the calculation of the

Additional moment of inertia (load)

Additional moment of inertia on the load side of the gear unit. For this
+ field the secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Additional moment of inertia (motor)

Additional moment of inertia on the motor side. For this field the
+ secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Load efficiency
The efficiency of the customer's machine. Examples of some efficiencies
are given in the field input Help (<F8>).
The efficiency for "driving" and "driven" is the same.

Number of drives
Number of drives over which the power to be transmitted is shared.

Motor type
The entered motor type will determine the further course of the
calculation. Available motor types are:
- Uncontrolled AC-motor (code = D)
- Frequency-controlled AC-motor (code = DG)
- DC motor (code = D)
- Synchronous servo motor (code = Y)
- Asynchronous servo motor (code = C)
- MOVIMOT (Kürzel = MM)
You may also enter a value with the field input Help (<F8>).

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 51

Input Windows

With the radio buttons you can select by which method the static power
should be determined. Available methods are:
- Specified power
- Coefficient of friction

Additional secondary calculation windows

Additional secondary calculation windows can be used independent of
the active field.
- Calculator
- Travel diagram

52 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input window "Belt conveyor"

The calculation of the powers is compliance with DIN 22101 "Roller belt

Description of the fields:

Maximum speed
Maximum speed of the load. You can call up the secondary calculation
+ "Distance/time optimization" from this field.

Maximum acceleration
For controlled drives enter the maximum acceleration (starting). In
uncontrolled drives the maximum acceleration is interpreted as minimum
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Maximum deceleration
For controlled drives enter the maximum deceleration (braking). Has no
effect on the calculation in uncontrolled drives.
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Minimum mass
Minimum load (kg/m) without the weight of the belt which the belt
conveyor is to move.

Maximum mass
Maximum load (kg/m) of the loaded belt conveyor without the weight of
the belt.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 53

Input Windows

Weight of belt
The weight of the belt influences the static and the dynamic power.

54 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Total weight of rollers

The total weight of the rollers influences the static and the dynamic
+ power. The moment of inertia of the rollers is calculated as translatory
moment of inertia at the outer diameter of the rollers. This makes sure
that the result will always be on the safe side.
In this field the secondary calculation window "Total weight of rollers" is

Static power
Required static power when the resistances in the system are known.
The dynamic power which often is decisive for the selection is
additionally calculated via the acceleration values.

C value
The C value is a coefficient to determine the power. It depends on
conveying length of the belt conveyor. Field input Help (<F8>) is
+ available.

Angle of inclination
Signed angle of inclination:
The sign indicates the direction of conveyance:
+ = travel up
- = travel down
No input or "0" means horizontal travel.

Load efficiency
Belt conveyors are often driven by an input transmission with is subject
to friction. ηload is a measure for these friction losses.
The efficiency for "driving" and "driven" is the same.
The specified efficiencies and their bandwidths are based on experience.
The actual value depends on the setup of the individual system and the
ambient conditions.
A field input Help (<F8>) is available.

Input transmission type

You can call up the "Overhung load calculation" window from this field.

+ + Input transmission types are:

- 1 = Direct drive
- 2 = Sprocket
- 3 = Gear wheel
- 4 = Toothed belt
- 5 = Flat belt
- 6 = Narrow V-belt
- 7 = Rack-and-pinion drive
- 8 = Cable drum

Sprocket and gear wheel diameter

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 55

Input Windows

Pitch diameter of the driven sprocket:

This value only enters into the calculation of the overhung load at the
output shaft.
The specified speed is related to the diameter of the belt drum. The
required gear ratio is also calculated via this diameter.

Input transmission ratio

Transmission or reduction ratio of a downstream input transmission.
Entries > 1 mean gearing down!
This input affects the required gear ratio.

Shaft-center distance
Through the C value the shaft-center distance influences the secondary
resistances of the belt conveyor and thus the static power.

Driving roller diameter

Diameter of the driving belt drum. This value affects the required gear

Additional power
Additional power which is directly taken into account in the calculation.

Additional force
Signed additional force:
The sign indicates the direction of the force:
+ = against the conveying direction
- = in the conveying direction.
This force is in addition to friction, flexing and bearing resistances on the
belt. These may have to be either calculated or measured. The
additional force is required for the calculation of the power.

Additional moment of inertia (load)

Additional moment of inertia on the load side of the gear unit. For this
+ field the secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Additional moment of inertia (motor)

Additional moment of inertia on the motor side. For this field the
+ secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Number of drives
Number of drives over which the power to be transmitted is shared.

Motor type

56 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

The entered motor type will determine the further course of the
calculation. Available motor types are:
- Uncontrolled AC-motor (code = D)
- Frequency-controlled AC-motor (code = DG)
- DC motor (code = D)
- Synchronous servo motor (code = Y)
- Asynchronous servo motor (code = C)
- MOVIMOT (code = MM)

You may also enter a value with the field input Help (<F8>).

With the radio buttons you can select by which method the static power
should be determined. Available methods are:
- Specified power
- Specified C, F factors

Additional secondary calculation windows

Additional secondary calculation windows can be used independent of
the active field.
- Calculator
- Travel diagram

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 57

Input Windows

Input window "Rotary table"

Description of the fields:

Mass of rotary table

Mass of the rotary table without load.

Maximum mass of load

Maximum mass of the loaded table.
This value influences the friction resistance and therefore the static

Max. circumferential speed

Maximum circumferential speed of the rotary table. You can call up the
+ secondary calculation "Distance/time optimization" from this field.

Max. circumferential acceleration

For controlled drives enter the maximum acceleration (starting). In
uncontrolled drives the maximum acceleration is interpreted as minimum
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Max. circumferential deceleration

For controlled drives enter the maximum deceleration (braking). Has no
effect on the calculation in uncontrolled drives.
When entering "T=x" (x = time in seconds), the acceleration will be
calculated with the current velocity when leaving the field.

Static power

58 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Enter the static power (if known and required for calculation).

Rotary table diameter

Diameter of the rotary table. The stopping accuracy is related to this

Bearing diameter
Diameter of the table bearings. This value influences the calculation of
the static power via the table speed and the bearing friction.

Bearing coefficient
Bearing coefficient for the type of bearing used. A field input Help (<F8>)
is available.
The bearing coefficient influences the calculation of the rolling

Static rolling force

If the weight of the rotary table is additionally supported by rollers, the
+ static rolling force can be determined in a secondary calculation.
A secondary calculation window "Static rolling force" is available.

Radius of rolling force

Point of application of static rolling force from rollers.

Input transmission type

You can call up the "Overhung load calculation" window from this field.

+ + Input transmission types are:

- 1 = Direct drive
- 2 = Sprocket
- 3 = Gear wheel
- 4 = Toothed belt
- 5 = Flat belt
- 6 = Narrow V-belt
- 7 = Rack-and-pinion drive

Wheel rim diameter

Pitch diameter of the driven gear wheel.
This value only enters into the calculation of the overhung load at the
output shaft. The gear wheel diameter at the output shaft is calculated
via the gear ratio of the input transmission.

Input transmission ratio

Transmission or reduction ratio of a downstream input transmission.
Entries > 1 mean gearing down!
This input affects the required gear ratio.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 59

Input Windows

Max. inertia of rotary table

Maximum inertia of the rotary table related to the axis of rotation.
For calculation examples please refer to the booklet "Drive Engineering -
Practical Implementation, Volume 1".
This value is important for the calculation of the dynamic power and
therefore also influences the acceleration and deceleration times.
There is a special secondary calculation window for the rotary table
"Inertia of rotary table".

Additional power
Additional power which is directly taken into account in the calculation.

Additional force
Additional force related to the outer diameter of the table.
In the case of a different point of application, the force is to be converted
with the formula F = M/r with constant torque.
This value affects the static power via the torque.

Radius of force
Point of application of the additional force.

Additional moment of inertia (load)

Additional moment of inertia on the load side of the gear unit. For this
+ field the secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Additional moment of inertia (motor)

Additional moment of inertia on the motor side. For this field the
+ secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Load efficiency
Rotary tables are often driven by a chain, belt or an input transmission
which are subject to friction. µload is a measure of these friction losses.
The efficiency for "driving" and "driven" is the same.
The specified efficiencies and their bandwidths are based on experience.
The actual value depends on the setup of the individual system and the
ambient conditions.

Number of drives
Number of drives over which the power to be transmitted is shared.

60 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Motor type
The entered motor type will determine the further course of the
calculation. Available motor types are:
- Uncontrolled AC-motor (code = D)
- Frequency-controlled AC-motor (code = DG)
- DC motor (code = D)
- Synchronous servo motor (code = Y)
- Asynchronous servo motor (code = C)
- MOVIMOT (code = MM)

You may also enter a value with the field input Help (<F8>).

With the radio buttons you can select by which method the static power
should be determined. Available methods are:
- Specified power
- Rotary table geometry

Additional secondary calculation windows

Additional secondary calculation windows can be used independent of
the active field.
- Calculator
- Travel diagram

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 61

Input Windows

Input window "Crank drive" (for travel and hoist


Description of the fields:

Max. crank circumferential speed

Max. crank circumferential speed. You can call up the secondary
+ calculation "Distance/time optimization" from this field.

Maximum mass of load

Mass of load (e.g. travel vehicle and load)

Connecting rod mass

Mass of the connecting rod.

Crank mass
Mass of crank.

Max. static power

Maximum static power (if known and required for calculation).

Rolling resistance
The rolling resistance is a function of the mass (N/t).
If the rolling resistance (N/t) is known, it need not be calculated from the
wheel geometry and the friction coefficients. The entries for the load
efficiency and the angle of inclination are not ignored.

62 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Max. static rolling force

If the drive application involves running wheels, the wheel geometry can
+ be entered in a secondary calculation window.
A secondary calculation window "Static rolling force" is available.

Angle of inclination
Signed angle of inclination:
The sign indicates the direction of conveyance:
+ = travel up
+ = travel down
No input or "0" means horizontal travel.

Input transmission type

You can call up the "Overhung load calculation" window from this field.

+ + Input transmission types are:

- 1 = Direct drive
- 2 = Sprocket
- 3 = Gear wheel
- 4 = Toothed belt
- 5 = Flat belt
- 6 = Narrow V-belt

Sprocket and gear wheel diameter

Pitch diameter of the driven sprocket wheel in input transmissions:
This value only enters into the calculation of the overhung load which is
generated by the tensile force of the chain (or the peripheral force of the
gear wheel).

Input transmission ratio

Transmission or reduction ratio of a downstream input transmission.
Entries > 1 mean gearing down!
This input affects the required gear ratio.

Crank radius
Length of crank radius.

Connecting rod length

Length of the connecting rod. The length of the connecting rod should be
at least three times the crank radius (i.e. λ = 1/3).
The program will also accept entries where λ > 1/3 (except that the
connecting rod length must be greater than crank radius). This may
however lead to some inaccuracy in the calculation.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 63

Input Windows

Starting angle
Starting angle of a cycle.
The calculation program cannot calculate a complete cycle of 360°.
Because of the crank geometry, it is of importance for the calculation of
the acceleration and the power to know in which direction the drive
moves. Therefore at least two separate calculations must be carried out:
Under standard conditions for the travel distances
- straight crank arm (0°) → bent crank arm (180°)
- bent crank arm (180°) → straight crank arm (360°)
For reliable operation under special conditions (e.g. emergency stop or
starting at 90°) additional calculations for the travel distances must be
carried out.
0°→ 90° and 90°→ 180°.
For an emergency stop the peak transient torque must be determined
from the deceleration. The gear unit must be able to transmit the peak
transient torque.

End angle
End angle of a cycle.
The same statements as for "starting angle" apply.

Max. additional power

Additional power which is directly taken into account in the calculation.

Max. additional power

This force is present in addition to rolling and bearing resistances, e.g.
wind pressure. Wind pressures are calculated from the wind velocity and
the geometry of the vehicle or must be measured on the vehicle itself.
The additional force enters into the calculation of the power as a sign

Max. additional moment of inertia (load)

Additional moment of inertia on the load side of the gear unit. For this
+ field the secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Max. additional moment of inertia (motor)

Additional moment of inertia on the motor side. For this field the
+ secondary calculation window "Moments of inertia" is available.

Load efficiency
The efficiency of the customer's machine. Examples of some efficiencies
are given in the field input Help (<F8>).
The efficiency for "driving" and "driven" is the same.

64 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Number of drives
Number of drives over which the power to be transmitted is shared.

Motor type
The entered motor type will determine the further course of the
calculation. The motor type here is limited to the uncontrolled AC motor.
- Uncontrolled AC-motor (code = D)

You may also enter a value with the field input Help (<F8>).

With the radio buttons you can determine by which method the static
power is determined. Available methods are:
- Specified power
- Specified rolling resistance
- Max. static rolling force

Additional secondary calculation windows

Additional secondary calculation windows can be used independent of
the active field.
- Calculator

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 65

Input Windows

Motor data windows

The requirements for the motor to be used are entered in special motor
data windows. The motor data window depends on the selected motor
type (AC , DC, servo motor).
If a non-SEW motor is selected in the motor data window, then an
additional window for entering the technical data of the "non-SEW" motor
will appear after the motor data window. In all other cases the motors are
selected from the SEW catalog data.

Input window "Uncontrolled AC motor"

Description of the fields:

Mains frequency
“50”: Motor operates on 50Hz mains

+ “60”: Motor operates on 60Hz mains

This input influences the motor speed and consequently the required
gear ratio but also the rated torque as the power specification also
applies at a higher speed.

Motor with or without brake


66 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Motor with or without heavy metal flywheel fan (Z fan). Unless fitted with
a high-inertia metal fan, the motor comes with a plastic fan.

The Z fan provides an additional inertia to reduce starting and reversing


Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 67

Input Windows

Forced cooling fan

Motor with / without forced cooling

Non-SEW motor
Non-SEW or SEW motor

Number of brake discs

Number of brake discs in a brake motor

+ Depending on the motor frame size a brake motor may have one or two
brake discs. As it is not known at this point which frame size motor will
eventually be selected, the input "two discs" will be ignored if two brake
discs are not possible for the chosen motor.

Brake torque reduced to

Reduced brake torque (%)
100% = max. brake torque (catalog value)
Too high a deceleration causes problems when the drive is to move
parts which may slip or fall over. The brake torque is adjusted by
replacing the brake springs.
The brake torques can be changed again in the result window.

Brake control
Enter the type of brake control. This selection affects the brake release
reaction time and the permissible number of starts per hour.

Number of braking operations per hour

This value enters into the calculation of the brake service life.

Additional signal travel time

The signal travel time is a delay period of additional controls that along
with the brake application time influences the speed decrease (or
increase) until the braking takes effect.

Emergency stop from max. speed or emergency stop

(travel diagram)
If requested, deceleration values for an emergency stop are calculated. If
the secondary calculation "Travel diagram" is active, the beginning of the
emergency stop within the travel diagram is specified.

Brake connection type

Connection type of the brake. Affects the brake reaction time and
therefore the stopping accuracy.
- In the AC circuit.
- In the AC and DC circuits.

68 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Number of poles
Number of poles of the single-speed AC motor.

* or
Numbers of poles of the multispeed AC motor.

The input logic allows for standard pole numbers only. Pole number and
frequency determine the synchronous motor speed in single-speed
motors and the synchronous motor speeds in multispeed motors.

- 2-pole motor on 50Hz mains → n = 3000 rpm
- 8-pole motor on 50Hz mains → n = 2/8 x 3000 rpm = 750 rpm

Please note: The asynchronous motor is subject to slip.

Rated power reduced to

Reduced rated power The input takes into account any special power

Starting torque reduced to

Reduced starting torque. This changes the starting characteristics.
- 100% = catalog value
- 33% = motor with Y/∆ starting

Speed change torque reduced to

Reduced speed change torque. Influences the changeover from fast to
slow speed.
- 100% = catalog value
- 50% = for 2-phase speed change or smooth pole-change unit.

Cyclic duration factor

The cyclic duration factor is the time in %, during which the motor is
actually running over an interval of 10 minutes.
The cyclic duration factor affects the permissible number of starts per
hours through the KP factor.

Number of starts
The number of starts is usually the same as the number of stops.
Deviating values can be entered here.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 69

Input Windows

Expected gear efficiency

Enter the expected gear efficiency (if a gear unit is required).

+ Unlike in the case of the controlled drive, the configuration of an

uncontrolled drive starts with the selection of the motor and then the gear

70 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input window "Controlled AC motor"

Description of the fields:

Motor connection type

Select the motor connection type.
- Star
- Delta
For better understanding we recommend that you refer to volume 5 of
our "Drive Engineering - Practical Implementation" series (selection
notes on frequency-inverter-fed AC motors).

Motor with or without brake

Forced cooling fan

Motor with / without forced cooling

Non-SEW motor
Non-SEW or SEW motor. In the case of a non-SEW motor, the motor
data can be changed manually.

Number of brake discs

Number of brake discs in a brake motor

+ Depending on the motor frame size a brake motor may have one or two
brake discs. As it is not known at this point which frame size motor will
eventually be selected, the input "two discs" will be ignored if two brake
discs are not possible for the chosen motor.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 71

Input Windows

Brake torque reduced to

Reduced brake torque (%)
100% = max. brake torque (catalog value)
Too high a deceleration causes problems when the drive is to move
parts which may slip or fall over. The brake torque is adjusted by
replacing the brake springs.
The brake torques can be changed again in the result window.

Brake control
Enter type of brake control. This selection affects the brake release
reaction time and the permissible number of starts per hour.

Number of braking operations per hour

This value is considered in the calculation of the brake service life.

Additional signal travel time

The signal travel time is a delay period of additional controls that along
with the brake application time influences the speed decrease (or
increase) until the braking takes effect.

Emergency stop from max. speed or emergency stop

If requested, deceleration values for an emergency stop are calculated. If
the secondary calculation "Travel diagram" is active, the beginning of the
emergency stop within the travel diagram is specified.

Brake connection type

Connection type of the brake. Affects the brake reaction time and
therefore the stopping accuracy.
- In the AC circuit
- In the DC and AC circuits.

Method of calculation
There are two options
- by utilization
- by acceleration
The "Method of calculation" field allows you to select one of two different
types of calculation. If you select "utilization" the program will calculate
the motor's utilization in percent of the rated power (or rated torque). If
you select "acceleration" the program will calculate the maximum
possible acceleration for a given utilization.
If the secondary calculation "Travel diagram" is active, the program will
only use the "utilization" option.

Number of quadrants
The number of quadrants indicates whether the application is 1Q or 4Q.
In a 4Q drive the motor can return the regenerative energy to the

72 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Cyclic duration factor

The cyclic duration factor is the time in %, during which the motor is
actually running over an interval of 10 minutes.

Supply voltage
Voltage of the mains supply

Motor voltage
Motor voltage

Control range
Control range which the motor can use continuously. If the application
requires continuous travel at the lowest motor speed the motor must be
rated larger accordingly. The control range reflects the ratio of maximum
to minimum speed.
For better understanding we recommend that you refer to volume 5 of
our "Drive Engineering - Practical Implementation" series (selection
notes on frequency-inverter-fed AC motors).

Positioning range
Unlike the control range the positioning speed specifies the speed from
which the motor brakes mechanically. The drive will only operate for a
short time at the positioning speed.

Number of poles
Number of poles of the single-speed AC motor.

+ The input logic allows for standard pole numbers only. Pole number and
frequency determine the synchronous motor speed in single-speed

Maximum frequency
Enter the maximum frequency. Can but need not be the base frequency.
For better understanding we recommend that you refer to volume 5 of
our "Drive Engineering - Practical Implementation" series (selection
notes on frequency-inverter-fed AC motors).

- 50Hz
- 70Hz for hoist drives
- 87Hz for delta connection

Base frequency
The base frequency is the frequency up to which the motor power
continues to increase while the torque remains constant. Thereafter the
power remains constant and the torque decreases.
Also see "Maximum frequency".

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 73

Input Windows

Motor power reduced to

Reduced motor power. The input takes into account any special power

Maximum starting torque

Maximum starting torque for the motor.

74 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input window "DC motor"

Description of the fields:

Motor with or without brake

Tacho mounting
Specifies whether a tachogenerator is mounted.

Forced cooling fan

Motor with / without forced cooling fan

Non-SEW motor
Non-SEW or SEW motor. In the case of a non-SEW motor, the motor
data can be changed manually.

Brake torque reduced to

Reduced brake torque (%).
100% = max. brake torque (catalog value)
Too high a deceleration causes problems when the drive is to move
parts which may slip or fall over. The brake torque is adjusted by
replacing the brake springs.
The brake torques can be changed again in the result window.

Brake control
Enter the type of brake control. This selection affects the brake release
reaction time and the permissible number of starts.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 75

Input Windows

Number of braking operations per hour

This value enters into the calculation of the brake service life.

Emergency stop from max. speed or emergency stop

(travel diagram)
If requested, deceleration values for an emergency stop are calculated. If
the secondary calculation "Travel diagram" is active, the beginning of the
emergency stop within the travel diagram is specified.

Additional signal travel time

The signal travel time is a delay period of additional controls that along
with the brake application time influences the speed decrease (or
increase) until the braking takes effect.

Brake connection type

Connection type of the brake. Affects the brake reaction time and
therefore the stopping accuracy.
- In the AC circuit.
- In the DC and AC circuits.

Method of calculation
There are two options
- by utilization
- by acceleration
The "Method of calculation field" allows you to select one of two different
types of calculation. If you select "utilization" the program will calculate
the motor's utilization in percent of the rated power (or rated torque). If
you select "acceleration" the program will calculate the maximum
possible acceleration for a given utilization.
If the secondary calculation "Travel diagram" is active, the program will
only use the "utilization" option.

Number of quadrants
The number of quadrants indicates whether the application is 1Q or 4Q.
In a 4Q drive the motor can return the regenerative energy to the

Cyclic duration factor

The cyclic duration factor is the time in %, during which the motor is
actually running over an interval of 10 minutes.

Supply voltage
Voltage of the mains supply

76 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Motor speed
Speed of the DC motor. The actual speed may still differ, depending on
the type and voltage. The motor speed is more of a search criterion here.

Control range
Control range which the motor can use continuously. If the application
requires continuous travel at the lowest motor speed, the motor must be
+ rated larger accordingly. The control range reflects the ratio of maximum
to minimum speed.

Positioning range
Unlike the control range the positioning speed specifies the speed from
which the motor brakes mechanically but does not operate at

Motor power reduced to

Reduced motor power. The input takes into account any special power

Maximum starting torque

Maximum starting torque for the motor.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 77

Input Windows

Input window "Asynchonous servo motor"

Description of the fields:

Motor connection type

Describes the motor connection type:
- Star
- Delta

System voltage
Supply voltage of servo motor.

Motor with or without brake.

Forced cooling fan

Motor with or without forced cooling fan. The selection of a forced
cooling fan will result in a change in the torque utilization of the servo

Non-SEW motor
Non-SEW or SEW motors. The motor data can be entered manually for
non- SEW motors.

78 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Brake torque reduced to

Reduced brake torque (%).
100 % = max. brake torque (catalog value)
Too high a deceleration causes problems when the drive is to move
parts which may slip or fall over. The brake torque is adjusted by
replacing the brake springs.
The brake torques can be changed again in the result window.

Brake control
Enter type of brake control. This selection affects the brake release
reaction time and the permissible number of starts per hour.

Additional signal travel time

The signal travel time is a delay period of additional controls that along
with the brake application time influences the speed decrease (or
increase) until the braking takes effect.

Emergency stop from max. speed or emergency stop

(travel diagram)
If requested, deceleration values for an emergency stop are calculated. If
the secondary calculation “Travel diagram”is active, the beginning of the
emergency stop within the travel diagram is specified.

Brake connection type

Connection type of the brake. Affects the brake reaction time and
therefore the stopping accuracy.
- in the AC circuit
- in the DC and AC circuits

Cyclic duration factor

The cyclic duration factor is the time in % during which the motor is
actually running over an interval of 10 minutes.

Motor rated speed

Selected rated speed of the asynchronous servo motor.

Method of calculation
There are two options
- by utilization
- by acceleration
The method of calculation selects different types of calculation. If you
select “utilization,”the program will calculate the motor’s utilization in
percent of the rated power (or rated torque). If you select “acceleration,”
the program will calculate the maximum possible acceleration for a given
If the secondary calculation “Travel diagram”is active, the program will
only use the “utilization”option.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 79

Input Windows

Maximum starting torque

Maximum starting torque for the motor.

80 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input window "Servo motor"

Description of the fields:

System voltage
Supply voltage of the servo motor

Motor with or without brake

Forced cooling fan

Motor with / without forced cooling fan. If a forced cooling fan is selected,
the torque utilization of the servo motor will change.

Non-SEW motor
Non-SEW or SEW motor. In the case of a non-SEW motor, the motor
data can be changed manually.

Brake torque reduced to

Reduced brake torque (%).
100% = max. brake torque (catalog value)
Too high a deceleration causes problems when the drive is to move
parts which may slip or fall over. The brake torque is adjusted by
replacing the brake springs.
The brake torques can be changed again in the result window.

Additional signal travel time

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 81

Input Windows

The signal travel time is a delay period of additional controls that along
with the brake application time influences the speed decrease (or
increase) until the braking takes effect.

82 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Emergency stop from max. speed or emergency stop

If requested, deceleration values for an emergency stop are calculated. If
the secondary calculation "Travel diagram" is active, the beginning of the
emergency stop within the travel diagram is specified.

Brake connection type

Connection type of the brake. Affects the brake reaction time and
therefore the stopping accuracy.
- In the AC circuit
- In the DC and AC circuits.

Cyclic duration factor

The cyclic duration factor is the time in %, during which the motor is
actually running over an interval of 10 minutes.

Motor speed
Speed of the servo motor. The actual speed may still differ, depending
on the type and voltage. The motor speed is more of a search criterion
+ here.

Method of calculation
There are two options
- by utilization
- by acceleration
The "Method of calculation" field allows you to select one of two different
types of calculation. If you select "utilization" the program will calculate
the motor's utilization in percent of the rated power (or rated torque). If
you select "acceleration" the program will calculate the maximum
possible acceleration for a given utilization.
If the secondary calculation "Travel diagram" is active, the program will
only use the "utilization" option.

Maximum starting torque

Maximum starting torque for the motor.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 83

Input Windows

Input window "Non-SEW motor data for single-speed AC


This window enables you to enter the data of uncontrolled, single-speed

non-SEW motors and to modify SEW motors. You may also specify
controlled AC motors in this window.
Click on the "Powers" button to display the calculated loads. Press the
"List of motors" button to display a list of all the single-speed AC motors.

Description of the fields:

SEW modified
Identifies the drive as a modified SEW drive. Without identifier the
program will assume that the motor is a non-SEW motor and leave out
some internal checks, e.g.:
- No compatibility check motor/gear unit.
- No choice of mounting version or accessory features.

Catalog designation
Catalog designation of the motor

Motor power
Motor power

84 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Cyclic duration factor

Cyclic duration factor based on a 10-minute interval

Motor speed
Motor speed

Number of poles
Read only Number of poles
Read-only, as the number of poles was already specified in the "Motor
data" window.

Mains frequency


Rated voltage
Rated voltage

Rated current
Rated current

Power factor
Power factor

Starting current
Starting current

No-load current
No-load current

Permissible number of no-load starts

Permissible number of no-load starts


Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 85

Input Windows

Breakaway torque
Breakaway torque of the motor in %

Average acceleration torque

Average acceleration torque in %

Motor inertia
Mass moment of inertia of the motor

Fan inertia
Mass moment of inertia of the motor fan

Brake inertia
Mass moment of inertia of the brake

Brake torque
Brake torque

Brake reaction time

Brake reaction time. Time the brake needs to "react".

Brake release reaction time

Brake release reaction time

Perm. braking work

Permissible braking work

Pinion spigot
Pinion spigot of the motor

Flange diameter
Flange diameter of the motor (in flange-mounted motors)

86 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Input window "Non-SEW motor data for multispeed AC


This window enables you to enter the data of non-SEW motors and to
modify multispeed SEW motors. Click on the "Powers" button to display
the calculated loads. Press the "List of motors" button to display a list of
all the multispeed AC motors.

Some input fields are made up of value pairs. Please observe the correct
order of the values when entering them. The first field is for the values
for the lower speed, the second field for the values for the higher speed.

Description of the fields:

SEW modified
Identifies the drive as a modified SEW drive. Without identifier the
program will assume that the motor is a non-SEW motor and leave out
some internal checks, e.g.:
- No compatibility check motor/gear unit.
- No choice of mounting version or accessory features.

Catalog designation
Catalog designation of the motor

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 87

Input Windows

Motor power
Motor power

Cyclic duration factor

Cyclic duration factor

Motor speed
Motor speed

Number of poles
Read only Number of poles
Read-only, as the number of poles was already specified in the "Motor
data" window.

Mains frequency


Rated voltage
Rated voltage

Rated current
Rated current

Power factor
Power factor

Starting current
Starting current

No-load current
No-load current

Permissible number of no-load starts

Permissible number of no-load starts

88 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Motor efficiency

Breakaway torque
Breakaway torque of the motor in %

Average acceleration torque

Average acceleration torque in %

Motor moment of inertia

Mass moment of inertia of the motor

Fan inertia
Mass moment of inertia of the motor fan

Brake inertia
Mass moment of inertia of the brake

Brake torque
Brake torque

Brake reaction time

Brake reaction time

Brake release reaction time

Brake release reaction time

Perm. braking work

Perm. braking work

Pinion spigot
Pinion spigot

Flange diameter
Flange diameter

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 89

Input Windows

Input window "Non-SEW motor data for asynchronous

servo motors"

This window enables you to enter the data of asynchronous, non-SEW

servo motors and to modify SEW motors.
Click on the "Loads" button to display the calculated loads. Press the
"List of motors" button to display a list of all servo motors.

Description of the fields:

SEW modified
Identifies the drive as a modified SEW drive. Without identifier the
program will assume that the motor is a non-SEW motor and leave out
some internal checks, e.g.:
- no compatibility check motor/gear unit.
- no choice of mounting version or accessory features.

Catalog designation
Catalog designation of motor.

Motor speed
Read only Motor speed
Read only, since the speed has already been entered in the “Motor data”

Rated torque

90 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Rated torque

Cyclic duration factor

Cyclic duration factor

System voltage
Supply voltage of servo motor

Rated current
Rated current

Maximum current
Maximum current

Motor moment of inertia

Mass moment of inertia of the motor

Brake moment of inertia

Mass moment of inertia of the brake

Brake torque
Brake torque

Brake reaction time

Brake reaction time

Brake release response time

Brake release response time

Approved brake work

Approved brake work

Pinion spigot
Pinion spigot

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 91

Input Windows

Input window "Non-SEW motor data for synchronous

servo motors"

This window enables you to enter the data of synchronous, non-SEW

motors and to modify SEW motors.
Click on the "Loads" button to display the calculated loads. Press the
"List of motors" button to display a list of all the servo motors.

Description of the fields:

SEW modified
Identifies the drive as a modified SEW drive. Without identifier the
program will assume that the motor is a non-SEW motor and leave out
some internal checks, e.g.:
- No compatibility check motor/gear unit.
- No choice of mounting version or accessory features.

Catalog designation of the motor

Catalog designation of the motor

Motor speed
Read only Motor speed
Read-only, as the speed was already specified in the "Motor data"

Continuous stall torque

Continuous stall torque

92 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Cyclic duration factor

Cyclic duration factor

System voltage
Supply voltage of the servo motor

Current at standstill
Current at standstill

Maximum current
Maximum current


Winding resistance
Winding resistance

Motor inertia
Mass moment of inertia of the motor

Brake inertia
Mass moment of inertia of the brake

Brake torque
Brake torque

Brake reaction time

Brake reaction time

Brake release reaction time

Brake release reaction time

Perm. braking work

Perm. braking work

Pinion spigot
Pinion spigot

Flange diameter
Flange diameter

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 93

Input Windows

Continuous torque at nmax

Continuous torque at maximum speed

94 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Gear unit data windows

The requirements for the gear unit to be used are entered in the gear
unit data window.
If a non-SEW gear unit is selected in the gear unit data window, then an
additional window for entering the technical data of the "non-SEW" gear
unit will appear after the gear unit data window. In all other cases the
gear units are selected from the SEW catalog data.

Input window "Gear unit data"

Description of the fields:

For all gear units:

Non-SEW gear unit

Identifier for non-SEW or SEW gear units. For non-SEW gear units the
gear unit data must be entered separately.

Gear unit type

Identifier for the desired gear unit type.

+ - No input means "No gear unit"

- R = helical gear unit
- F = parallel-shaft helical gear unit
- K = helical-bevel gear unit
- S = helical-worm gear unit (not in connection with a servo
- P = planetary gear unit
- W = SPIROPLAN gear unit

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 95

Input Windows

Load classification
Expected load classification of the gear unit (1, 2 or 3).

No. of load changes

Number of load changes. Starting, speed change and braking are one
load change each. The program suggests a value, which it calculates
based on the entries already made. You may overwrite the value
suggested by the program.

Operating hours/day
Number of operating hours per day

Mounting position
Mounting position of the overall drive

Suggested service factor 1

Suggested service factor value. It is calculated when the user passes the
field or presses the Calculate button next to the display field.
The calculation includes the load classification, the number of load
changes and the operating hours/day.

Selected service factor 1

Enter the selected service factor here. It may differ from the suggested

Additional factor for overhung load

Additional factor for determining the overhung load. This value is
determined by way of calculation in the secondary calculation window
"Overhung load" and may be overwritten.

Only planetary gear units:

Backlash of the planetary gear unit.

Coupling type
Coupling type for the planetary gear unit.

96 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Only helical-worm gear units:

Ambient temperature
Enter ambient temperature

Cyclic duration factor

Read only Shows the cyclic duration factor (same as for the motor).

Service factor 1
Additionally calculated service factor based on the ambient temperature.

Service factor 2
Additionally calculated service factor based on the cyclic duration factor.

Suggested overall service factor

The suggested overall service factor is the product of fB1 x fB2 x fB3. Press
the button next to the "Service factor 1" field to start the calculation.

Overall service factor

Enter the selected overall service factor here. If may differ from the
suggested value.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 97

Input Windows

Input window "Non-SEW gear unit"

Input window for non-SEW gear units and for the modification of SEW
gear units. Press "Copy" to accept the data of the previous SEW gear

Description of the fields:

Catalog designation
Enter the catalog designation

Gear unit type

Read only Shows the gear unit type. The gear unit type was entered in the gear unit
data window already.

Gear ratio
Reduction ratio of the gear unit

Gear stages
Number of gear stages

Efficiency in %

Rated torque

98 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Output overhung load

Output overhung load

Minimum diameter
Minimum diameter of the pinion spigot

Maximum diameter
Maximum diameter of the pinion spigot

Gear unit inertia

Mass moment of inertia of the gear unit

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 99

Input Windows

Secondary calculation windows

Special secondary calculation windows can be called up from the

application windows. The secondary calculation windows are used to
carry out additional calculations. The results are then copied to the
application input windows.
Not all secondary calculations are available with every application input
window. Also, some secondary calculations can only be initiated from
certain fields.

Secondary calculation windows are:

- Travel diagram
- Distance/time optimization
- Moment of inertia (general)
- Moment of inertia for rotary table
- Voltage drop
- Buffer impact (non-positive)
- Lead-screw drive
- Overhung load calculation
- Total weight of rollers
- Calculator
- Static rolling force

- Circumferential backlash
Exception: The secondary calculation window "Backlash" is selected
and deselected in the result window.

100 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Travel diagram"

The secondary calculation window "Travel diagram" offers

comprehensive possibilities for the definition of travel and load scenarios
with controlled drives.
The input field in the middle of the window consists of three
exchangeable input boxes. The standard setting when opening the travel
diagram is the box “Constants for all travel sections.”The distance/time
relationship per travel section is entered in the detail window. The
corresponding travel section will be immediately displayed in the
illustration and added to the travel section list. The most current travel
section is always displayed in color in the illustration and the travel
section list.
There are several control buttons for managing the travel sections:

1. Accept : accept entries, activate secondary calculation

and exit window.
2. Cancel : exit window without accepting data and
deactivates secondary calculation.
3. Print : print travel diagram
4. New : enter a new travel section at the end.
5. Delete : delete the current travel section.
6. Insert : enter a new travel section in front of the current
7. Copy : copy selected travel sections
8. Calculate : start new calculation process for all travel
9. Reset : delete all displayed travel sections except the
first one.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 101

Input Windows

10. Call up secondary calculation "Distance/time optimization"

11. Call up secondary calculation "General MMI calculation"
12. Call up secondary calculation "Calculation MMI of the Rotary
13. Call up secondary calculation "Total weight of rollers"
14. Toggle between total results and graphic display

We recommend the following sequence for generation of a new travel

1. Delete all travel sections except the first one by using the Reset
2. Enter the constant data.
3. Enter the loads data.
4. Creating the desired travel sections by using the buttons "New travel
section", "Copy travel section" or "distance/time optimization”). The
load data for the first travel section will be adopted.
5. Correct the load data of individual travel sections, if necessary.

The “Constant“button will open the “Constant data”input box. Enter the
constant data in this input box. These data apply to all travel sections.
The fields are partly dependent on the selected application. The
following fields will be available for the travel drive.

Description of the "Constant" fields:

Traveling wheel diameter

Diameter of the traveling wheel

Spigot diameter
Diameter of the bearing spigot

102 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Wheel flange friction correction value

Wheel flange friction correction value

+ Field input help available with <F8> key.

Bearing correction value

Bearing correction value

+ Field input help available with <F8> key.

Number of drives
Number of drives.

The “Last”button is called up with the input box "Load data." The load
data per travel section can be entered in this input box.

Description of the "Load" fields:

Mass of load

Static power
Static power (if known and used for calculations).

Additional power
Additional power

MMI additional output

Additional mass moment of inertia

Additional force
Additional force

Travel resistance

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 103

Input Windows

Travel resistance

Load efficiency
Load efficiency

+ Field input help with <F8> key.

Inclination that load has to overcome

Lever arm of rolling friction

Lever arm of rolling friction

+ Field entry help available with <F8> key.

Type of calculation
Type of calculation. The following options are available
- static power
- travel resistance
- geometry

The detailed data are entered per travel section. You will first select one
of six options for the most favorable combination of "Input/Input values."
The travel diagram is updated by changing the travel section or pressing
the “Calculator”button.
The travel diagram must start and end with velocity "0."

Description of "Detail" fields:

The direction of travel is indicated with a + und – sign. This sign
determines the position. The + and – signs does not define an upward or
downward movement. This setting takes place in the load data box with
a positive or negative angle of inclination.

Initial velocity

104 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Initial velocity of the travel section.

The initial velocity of section x must be identical with the final velocity of
section x-1, because the values will otherwise be different. Any
deviations will be reported.

Final velocity
Final velocity of the travel section.
The final velocity of section x must be identical with the initial velocity of
section x+1, because the values will otherwise be different. Any
deviations will be reported.

Acceleration of the travel section

Duration of travel section

Covered distance of travel section

Mechanical brake
Characteristic entries for mechanical brake action. Can be set in several
travel sections but only if final velocity is "0."
Travel sections with mechanical brake action are not taken into
consideration when determining mean values for current, power and

If the motor is to be equipped with a brake that should not be used on a
regular basis, a brake can be selected in a window appearing later.

Emergency stop
Characteristic entries for emergency stop. Can be set once in any travel
section. The emergency stop data are calculated based on this travel
section based on the maximum velocity of the selected section.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 105

Input Windows

The result box "Complete results" changes with the graphic and is
available by using the “Results”button.
All results that have an impact on the entire cycle are displayed in this
box. These results determine the drive.

Description of the "Complete results" fields:

effective motor load

Display of effective motor torque for entire cycle.

effective regenerative load

Display of effective regenerative torque for entire cycle.

Max. load motoring

Display of maximum load motoring in torque.

Max. load regenerating

Display of max. load regenerating in torque.

Total distance
Display of total distance.

Total time
Display of total time.

106 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Distance/time


This window can be opened via the "max. velocity" field in the
application windows or in the secondary calculation window "Travel
The side calculation window "Distance/time optimization" makes it
possible to calculate the third value based on two of three values
(velocity, total distance and total time). The type of procedure can still be
The following control buttons are available:
- "/\" calculates a triangular travel cycle. The travel time of the
maximum speed is going to be almost 0 seconds. A
remaining, small numerical value can result from rounding
off the calculated values.
- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Accept result" copies the result into the current field of the
application window.
- "Cancel" exits the window without accepting the results.

Description of the fields:

Calculation based on
Selects the method of calculation. The program uses the selected value.
- Maximum speed
- Total distance
- Total time

v/t profile

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 107

Input Windows

Selects the travel profile.

- with positioning speed
- without positioning speed

108 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Maximum acceleration
The maximum acceleration is taken over from the application window. In
case of changes,the value in the application window will change, too.

Maximum deceleration
The maximum deceleration is taken over from the application window. In
case of changes, the value in the application window will change, too.

Positioning time
The positioning time is the time period during which the drive stays in the
positioning speed. The value will only be considered, if the “v/t profile”
has been selected “with positioning speed.“

Positioning speed
The positioning speed as a factor of the maximum speed.
The speed factor set here must be consistent with the pole number and
positioning range which are both selected later.
The value is only taken into consideration, if the "v/t profile" has been
selected "with positioning speed."

Maximum speed
Maximum speed

Total distance
Total distance

Total time
Total time

Enter + or – for the direction of travel in the field "Direction". This field will
only appear if the distance/time optimization is called up from the
secondary calculation window "Travel diagram".

Before/after travel section

Selection of the insertion point when accepting the travel cycle into the
travel diagram.
The field is only available, if the distance/time optimization option has
been called up from the “Travel diagram”secondary calculation window.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 109

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Moment of inertia


The secondary calculation window "Moment of inertia (general)" can be

called up from all fields which include a moment of inertia. Therefore,
while the results are accepted, only the last entries leading to this result
are stored permanently.

This secondary calculation enables you to calculate the moment of

inertia of different bodies. The type of body can be selected from a list.
The input fields which are displayed depend on the type of body
selected. The corresponding calculation formulae are displayed, too.
The following buttons are available:
- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Accept result" copies the result to the active field in the
application window.
- "Cancel" exits the window without accepting the result.

Description of the fields:

Selection list
Selects the type of body to be calculated.

+ A field input Help (<F8>) is available.

Weight of the body.

Material the body is made of.

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

110 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Density (rho)
Density of the body.

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Method of calculation
Selects the method of calculation.
The moment of inertia is determined from the "Mass" field or the mass is
calculated beforehand based on the material it is made of and its

(Outside) radius (r1)

Radius or outside radius of a body

Inside radius (r2)

Inside radius of a body

Height (h)
Height of the body

Width (b)
Width of the body

Length (l)
Length of the body

Thickness (d)
Thickness of the body

Center distance (s)

For eccentric movements "Steiner's law" can be used. For this you need
the shaft-center distance.

Steiner's law:
Identifier for the use of "Steiner' s law".

Moment of inertia
Moment of inertia which the program has calculated.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 111

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Moment of inertia for

rotary table"

The secondary calculation window "Moment of inertia for rotary table"

can only be called up from the "Inertia of rotary table" field of the "Rotary
table" application window The result is then copied to this window.
Unlike in the window "General calculation of the moment of inertia"
several shapes and bodies can be calculated and summarized in a list.
All entries are saved together with the project planning record and can
be called up any time.
This secondary calculation enables you to calculate the moment of
inertia of different bodies. The type of body can be selected from a list.
The input fields which are displayed depend on the type of body
selected. The corresponding calculation formulae are displayed, too.
The following buttons are available:
- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Accept result" copies the result to the active field in the
application window.
- "Cancel" exits the window without accepting the result.

Additional control buttons are used to manage different calculations.

- Use the buttons to move to existing

- The button "New" creates a new list input.
- The button "Delete" deletes the current list input.

Above the graphic there is an input field where you can enter a name for
the calculation. When a new input is made the program will automatically
attach the date and time for unique identification of the input. You may
overwrite these data with your own unique names.

112 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

The overall result is comprised of the sum of all individual results.

Description of the fields:

Calculation name (above the graphic)

Name of the calculation to be saved. When a new list input is created,
the date and time are assigned as a unique name. This name can be

Selection list
Selects the body to be calculated.

+ A field input Help (<F8>) can be called up.

Weight of the body

Material the body is made of.

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Density (rho)
Density of the body

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Method of calculation
Selects the method of calculation.
The moment of inertia is determined from the "Mass" field or the mass is
calculated beforehand based on the material it is made of and its

(Outside) radius (r1)

Radius or outside radius of a body

Inside radius (r2)

Inside radius of a body

Height (h)
Height of the body

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 113

Input Windows

Width (b)
Width of the body

Length (l)
Length of the body

Thickness (d)
Thickness of the body

Center distance (s)

For eccentric movements "Steiner's law" can be used. For this you need
the shaft-center distance.

Steiner's law:
Identifier for the use of "Steiner' s law".

Moment of inertia
Moment of inertia which the program has calculated.

Total inertia
Sum of individual results saved.

114 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Voltage drop"

The secondary calculation window "Voltage drop" enables you to

determine the cable cross section or the voltage drop on electric cables
in % or as an absolute value, independent of the application. Cable
inductances are neglected. Entries and results are not stored.
The following buttons are available:
- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Cancel" exits the window.

Description of the fields:

Method of calculation
Selects the method of calculation. The calculation can be based on:
- Cable cross-section
- Voltage drop

Voltage type
Selects the voltage type.
- Single-phase or DC voltage
- Three-phase

Cable length
Enter the cable length.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 115

Input Windows

Specific resistance
Enter the specific cable resistance.

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Cable type
Selects the cable type.
- Single-core
- Multi-core

Cable cross-section
Input (or result) for cable cross-section

Enter the current to be carried.

Rated voltage
Enter the rated voltage.

Ambient temperature
Enter the ambient temperature.

Voltage drop
Input (or result) for the voltage drop.

116 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Buffer impact (non-


The secondary calculation "Buffer impact" determines the minimum and

maximum slip torque in travel drives. The results are then copied to the
result windows of the project planning records.

Only non-positive connections are calculated.

The following buttons are available:

- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Accept result" copies the result to the active application.
- "Cancel" exits the window without accepting the result.

Description of the fields:

Running wheel diameter

Read only Shows the diameter of the running wheel. This value was entered in the
application window already.

Minimum µ coefficient
Enter the minimum coefficient of friction.

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Min. wheel load of drive wheels

Enter the minimum wheel load.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 117

Input Windows

Maximum µ coefficient
Enter the maximum coefficient of friction.

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Max. wheel load of drive wheels

Enter the maximum wheel load.

Minimum slip torque

Minimum slip torque, e.g. when wheels are checked for potential

Maximum slip torque

Maximum slip torque, e.g. for gear unit load when the drive travels
against a stop.

118 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Lead-screw drive"

The secondary calculation "lead-screw drive" determines the required

speed and moment of inertia of a lead-screw. The results are then
copied to the result windows of the project plannings.

The following control buttons are available:

- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Accept result" copies the result to the active application.
- "Cancel" exits the window without accepting the result.

Description of the fields:

Maximum speed
Read only Shows the maximum speed. This value was entered in the application
windows already.

Angle of inclination
lead-screw pitch

Diameter of the lead-screw

Length of the lead-screw

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 119

Input Windows

Number of lead-screws
Number of lead-screws used

Specific material gravity

Specific material gravity of the lead-screw

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Individual weight
Input/calculation of the individual lead-screw weight.

Method of calculation
Selects the method of calculation.
- Input of the individual lead-screw weight.
- Calculation of the weight via geometry and specific material gravity.

Lead-screw efficiency or torque

Enter lead-screw efficiency or torque

Total lead-screw weight

Total lead-screw weight

Total inertia
Total moment of inertia of the lead-screws

Lead-screw speed
Calculated lead-screw speed

120 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Overhung load


The secondary calculation window "Overhung load" enables you to

specify the forces acting on the output shaft. You can select the input
transmission type with radio buttons. Depending on your selection,
additional input options will become active.

Not every input transmission type is available for every application.

The following buttons are available:

- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Accept result" copies the result to the active application.
- "Cancel" exits the window without accepting the result.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 121

Input Windows

Description of the fields:

Input transmission type

Selects the input transmission type
- Direct drive
- Input transmission with sprocket
- Input transmission with gear wheel
- Input transmission with toothed belt
- Input transmission with flat belt
- Input transmission with narrow V-belt
- Rack-and-pinion-drive
- Cable drum

Foot-mounted hollow-shaft drive

When you select "Foot-mounted hollow shaft drive" the overhung load of
the hollow shaft version is taken into account.

Number of teeth
The choice of available options here depends on the type of input
e.g. number of teeth
- < 13
- < 20
- > = 20

Dimension x = shaft end / 2

Identifies the point of application of force: on the shaft extension midpoint
or the point given in the field "Dimension x".

Dimension x
Enter the point of application of force on the output shaft.

Additional force
Additional force that acts on the output shaft.

Additional factor for overhung load

Value calculated for the additional factor.

122 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Total weight of rollers"

The secondary calculation "Total weight of rollers" is used to determine

the total weight of the rollers. 5 different roller sizes can be calculated in
the 5 input lines.

- The following buttons are available:

- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Accept result" copies the result to the active application.
- "Cancel" exits the window without accepting the result.

Description of the fields:

Number of rollers per size

Outside diameter
Outside diameter of the rollers

Inside diameter
Inside diameter of the rollers

Length of the rollers

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 123

Input Windows

Density of the roller material

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Roller mass
Mass of one roller

Row total
Total mass of rollers per row

Total weight
Total mass of rollers of all rows

124 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Calculator"

The calculator integrated in the program enables you carry out different
calculations. The calculator can be called up at any time.
If the calculator is called up from a numeric field then the calculator will
automatically take over the field value. You can then continue your
calculation with this field value.
The button "Accept" copies the calculated value to the field from which
the calculator was called up.
Press "Cancel" to exit the window without accepting the value.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 125

Input Windows

Secondary calculation window "Static rolling force"

The secondary calculation "Static rolling force" allows you to enter

additional geometry data in rotary table and crank drive applications. The
input window can only be called up from the "Rolling force" fields of the
application input windows. The program will return the result to this field

- The following buttons are available:

- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Accept result" copies the result to the active application.
- "Cancel" exits the window without accepting the result.

Description of the fields:

Wheel load
Wheel load of the running wheel

Running wheel diameter

Running wheel diameter

Axle diameter
Axle diameter of the running wheel

Lever arm of rolling friction

126 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Lever arm of rolling friction

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Additional factors for rim friction on wheels

Additional factors for rim friction on wheels

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Bearing coefficient
Bearing coefficient

+ Press the <F8> key to call up a field input Help.

Rolling force
Required rolling force

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 127

Input Windows

Secondary calculation "Circumferential backlash"

The secondary calculation "Circum. backlash" can only be selected or

deselected from the result windows as the drive must be selected before
the backlash can be calculated.

- The following buttons are available:

- "Calculate" starts the calculation.
- "Accept result" copies the result to the active application.
- "Cancel" exits the window without accepting the result.

Description of the fields:

Gear backlash
Enter the gear backlash.

Encoder resolution
Enter the encoder resolution.

Gear backlash tolerance

Gear backlash tolerance

Encoder resolution tolerance

Encoder resolution tolerance

128 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Input Windows

Overall tolerance
Overall tolerance

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 129

Selection Lists

Selection Lists
When all application data have been entered and the first calculation has
been started, the selection list will come up on your screen.
Important: When you have selected the motor type "Controlled AC
motors", the selection window "Manual selection of the power rating" will
come up first.
The selection list contains several suggestions for drive selection. The
number of suggestions depends on the available drives and the set
search options.
If the selection list is empty, then no drives matching the application
entries and the set program options were found. In this case a message
will be displayed which informs you about possible causes. Please check
the settings in the application window and the system settings in the
windows "Search options", "Limits" and "Reserve factors".

In the case of configurations with "Non-SEW motors" the selection list

will only contain the motor specified in the input window "Non-SEW
motor". The same applies to "Non-SEW gear units".

Depending on the selected motor and gear unit types, different selection
lists will be displayed. All selection lists consist of a list section and a
display field with the calculated search values.
The following search lists are available:

- Selection list "Uncontrolled AC motor"

- Selection list "Uncontrolled AC geared motor"
- Selection list "Controlled AC motor"
- Selection list "Controlled AC geared motor"
- Selection list "DC motor"
- Selection list "DC geared motor"
- Selection list "Servo motor"
- Selection list "Geared servo motor"

130 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Selection Lists

Selection list "Uncontrolled AC motor"

If you have selected the motor type "Uncontrolled AC motor," the

selection list "AC motor, uncontrolled" will be displayed after the "Motor
data" or "Non-SEW motor" input windows.
Important: Depending on the "Search option" settings, you can skip this
selection list.

The list field displays all the motors, sorted by power, which match the
specifications. The individual motor data are self-explanatory and
sufficient for the selection of a suitable motor for further calculation.

The display field shows the static, dynamic and maximum loads for
motoring and regenerating conditions. The regenerating load will only be
displayed for applications with regenerative operating conditions. The
load data are related to the output end of the motor shaft.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 131

Selection Lists

Selection list "Uncontrolled AC geared motor"

If you have selected the motor type "Uncontrolled AC motor," the

selection list " AC geared motor, uncontrolled" will be displayed when
you have selected a suitable motor and after the "Gear unit data" or
"Non-SEW gear unit" input windows.

The list field displays all the geared motors, sorted by torque and speed,
which match the specifications. The individual drive data are self-
explanatory and sufficient for the selection of a suitable geared motor for
further calculation.

Please observe the service factor value in the “fB“ column. If the service
factor differs from the specified values, the value is shown in a different
Please also observe the value in the “Diff. Vmax in %“ column. This
value indicates any difference in the output speed or velocity. If there is a
big difference, it may be necessary to recalculate the drive with a
different speed.

The display field shows the following values:

- expected gear ratio
- expected output speed
- required service factor
- ratio external/internal moment of inertia

These values relate to the specified speed.

132 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Selection Lists

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 133

Selection Lists

Selection list "Controlled AC motor"

If you have selected the motor type "Controlled AC motor" and "Without
gear unit," the selection list " AC motor, controlled" will be displayed after
the "Gear unit data" or "Non-SEW motor" input windows.

The list field displays all the motors, sorted by power, which match the
specifications. The individual motor data suffice to select a suitable
motor for further calculation.

The value in the column “nact“ shows the actual motor speed taking
into account the speed and the input transmission values from the
application windows.
The values of the columns “Load stat.“ and “Load max.“ give the static
load and the sum of the static and the dynamic load in per cent, taking
into account the moments of inertia on the motor side (see section
"Architecture of the drive train").

The display field shows the static, dynamic and maximum loads for
motoring and regenerating conditions. The regenerating load will only be
displayed for applications with regenerative operating conditions. The
displayed load data are related to the output end of the motor shaft.

134 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Selection Lists

Selection list "Controlled AC geared motor"

If you have selected the motor type "Controlled AC motor" and "With
gear unit," the selection list " AC geared motor, controlled" will be
displayed after the "Gear unit data" or "Non-SEW gear unit" input

The list field displays all the geared motors, sorted by power, torque and
speed, which match the specifications. The individual drive data suffice
to select a suitable geared motor for further calculation.

The value in the column “nact“ gives the actual motor speed taking into
account the speed, the input transmission values and the gear ratio.
Please observe the service factor value in the “fB“ column. If the service
factor differs from the specified values, the value is shown in a different
The values of the columns “Load stat.“ and “Load max.“ give the static
load and the sum of the static and the dynamic load in per cent, taking
into account all the moments of inertia and efficiencies on the gear unit
and motor sides (see also section "Architecture of the drive train").

The column "Price" only contains a value if the price for the drive
combination is stored in the catalog data and the price indication was
activated in the "System data/search option" window.
The display field shows the static, dynamic and maximum loads for
motoring and regenerating conditions. The regenerating load will only be
displayed for applications with regenerative operating conditions.
The displayed loads are related to the output end of the motor shaft and
do not take into account the efficiency or moment of inertia of a gear

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 135

Selection Lists

In addition, the display field gives the following gear unit data:
- expected gear ratio
- expected output speed
- required service factor
All values relate to the specified speed.

You may use the buttons to increase or decrease the motor

frame size of the current drive combination, subject to gear unit
mountability. When you do this, different column values will be
recalculated and the new values displayed. This is not possible for a
non-SEW motor or non-SEW gear unit.

136 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Selection Lists

Selection list "DC motor"

If you have selected the motor type "DC motor" plus the option "Without
gear unit," the selection list "DC motor, controlled" will be displayed after
the "Gear unit data" or "Non-SEW motor" input windows.

The list field displays all the motors, sorted by power, which match the
specifications. The individual motor data suffice to select a suitable
motor for further calculation.

The value in the column “nact“ shows the actual motor speed taking
into account the speed and the input transmission values from the
application windows.
The values of the columns “Load stat.“ and “Load max.“ give the static
load and the sum of the static and the dynamic load in per cent, taking
account the moments of inertia on the motor side (see section
"Architecture of the drive train").

The display field shows the static, dynamic and maximum loads for
motoring and regenerating conditions. The regenerating load will only be
displayed for applications with regenerative operating conditions. The
displayed load data are related to the output end of the motor shaft.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 137

Selection Lists

Selection list "DC geared motor"

If you have selected the motor type "Controlled DC motor" plus the
option "With gear unit," the selection list " DC geared motor, controlled"
will be displayed after the "Gear unit data" or "Non-SEW gear unit" input

The list field displays all the geared motors, sorted by power, torque and
speed, which match the specifications. The individual drive data suffice
to select a suitable geared motor for further calculation.

The value in the column “nact“ gives the actual motor speed taking into
account the speed, the input transmission values and the gear ratio.
Please observe the service factor value in the “fB“ column. If the service
factor differs from the specified values, the value is shown in a different
The values of the columns “Load stat.“ and “Load max.“ give the static
load and the sum of the static and the dynamic load in per cent. This
indication takes into account all the moments of inertia and the
efficiencies on the gear unit and motor sides (see also section
"Architecture of the drive train").

The column "Price" only contains a value if the price for the drive
combination is stored in the catalog data and the price indication was
activated in the "System data/search option" window.

The display field shows the static, dynamic and maximum loads for
motoring and regenerating conditions. The regenerating load will only be
displayed for applications with regenerative operating conditions.
The displayed loads are related to the output end of the motor shaft and
do not take into account the efficiency or moment of inertia of a gear

138 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Selection Lists

In addition, the display field gives the following gear unit data:
- expected gear ratio
- expected output speed
- required service factor
All values relate to the specified speed.

You may use the buttons to increase or decrease the motor

frame size of the current drive combination, subject to gear unit
mountability. When you do this, different column values will be
recalculated and the new values displayed. This is not possible for a
non-SEW motor or non-SEW gear unit.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 139

Selection Lists

Selection list "Servo motor"

The selection list for synchronous and asynchronous servo motors is

almost identical.

If you have selected the motor type "Servo motor" plus the option
"Without gear unit," the selection list "Servo motor" will be displayed after
the "Gear unit data" or "Non-SEW motor" input windows.

The list field displays all the motors, sorted by torque, which match the
specifications. The individual motor data suffice to select a suitable
motor for further calculation.

The value in the column “nact“ shows the actual motor speed taking
into account the speed and the input transmission values from the
application windows.
The values of the columns “Load stat.“ and “Load max.“ give the static
load and the sum of the static and the dynamic load in per cent, taking
into account the moments of inertia on the motor side (see section
"Architecture of the drive train").
The column “Jx/Jm+Jb“ gives the ratio of all external inertias to the
moment of inertia on the motor side.
The number of drives displayed can be influenced in the "System
data/search option" window by setting a maximum inertia ratio.

The display field shows the static, dynamic and maximum loads for
motoring and regenerating conditions. The regenerating load will only be
displayed for applications with regenerative operating conditions. The
displayed load data are related to the output end of the motor shaft.

Selection list "Geared servo motor"

140 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Selection Lists

The selection list for synchronous and asynchronous geared servo

motors is almost identical.

If you have selected the motor type "Servo motor" plus the option "With
gear unit," the selection list "Geared servo motor" will be displayed after
the "Gear unit data" or "Non-SEW gear unit" input windows.

The list field displays all the geared motors, sorted by motor and gear
unit torque and speed, which match the specifications. The individual
drive data suffice to select a suitable geared motor for further calculation.

The column “Output torque“ gives the value of the gear unit output
torque calculated with the static torque (MO) of the motor.
The value in the column “nact“ gives the actual motor speed taking into
account the speed, the input transmission values and the gear ratio.
Please observe the gear load value in the “Gear load“ column. It gives
the gear unit load in per cent at maximum motor load.
The values of the columns “Load stat.“ and “Load max.“ give the static
load and the sum of the static and the dynamic load in per cent, taking
into account all the moments of inertia and efficiencies on the gear unit
and motor sides (see also section "Architecture of the drive train").

The column "Price" only contains a value if the price for the drive
combination is stored in the catalog data and the price indication was
activated in the "System data/search option" window.

The display field shows the static, dynamic and maximum loads for the
motoring and regenerating conditions. The regenerating load will only be
displayed for applications with regenerative operating conditions.
The displayed loads are related to the output end of the motor shaft and
do not take into account the efficiency or moment of inertia of a gear

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 141

Selection Lists

In addition, the display field gives the following gear unit data:
- expected gear ratio
- expected output speed
- required service factor
All values relate to the specified speed.

You may use the buttons to increase or decrease the motor

frame size of the current drive combination, subject to gear unit
mountability. When you do this, different column values will be
recalculated and the new values displayed. This is not possible for a
non-SEW motor or non-SEW gear unit.

142 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Selection Lists

Manual selection of the power rating

In frequency-inverter-fed AC motors the manual selection of the power

rating allows you to determine the effective power.
For better understanding we recommend to refer to volume 5 of our
"Drive Engineering - Practical Implementation" series (selection notes on
frequency-inverter-fed AC motors).

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 143

Result Windows

Result Windows

After the selection of a motor or a geared motor the windows with the
calculation results are displayed. The scope of the result windows will
depend on the selected motor type and any additional secondary
If, e.g., the load data are entered in the secondary calculation window
"Travel diagram", the results are output as a list rather than a table.

Result windows can consist of several individual windows. To switch

between result windows use the arrow keys in the status line or the
<PgUp> <PgDwn> keys. The arrow keys in the status line are only
visible when a result window is displayed.

Click on the button to remove the status line and button bar and
have more result data displayed at the same time. You may also use the
space bar to do this.

If the displayed results are not what you expected, you can return to the
selection window and select a new drive. To select a new drive from the

selection list you may also use the buttons or the key
combinations <SHIFT> + <+> or <SHIFT> + <->. This way you can
directly select the next higher or smaller frame size motor or geared
motor from the selection list.
In geared motors use the <+> or <-> keys to retain the gear unit and only
select the next higher or smaller frame size motor subject to gear unit
mountability. The resulting values are recalculated and displayed for
each new drive or drive combination.

There are the following result windows:

- Result window "Uncontrolled AC motor, AC geared motor"

- Result window "Controlled AC motor, AC geared motor"
- Result window "DC motor, DC geared motor"
- Result window "Servo motor, Geared servo motor"

An additional window is available for each result window, where further

calculation results are displayed.

144 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Result Windows

Result window "Uncontrolled AC motor, AC

geared motor"

In the result windows for the uncontrolled AC motor a difference is made,

if required, between "Crank drive" applications and all the other

Result window for application <> “Crank drive“

After selection of a motor from the selection list, the first result window
comes up. It contains all the data that are necessary to evaluate the
drive for the current application.

When you evaluate the data bear in mind in which direction the drive is
moving with load and without load.

Permissible number of starts per hour

The calculated permissible number of starts per hour is only valid for the
individual load case. The number of no-load starts depends on the
selected brake control.
In cycles with mixed load conditions, the calculated permissible number
of starts must not be added directly. The number of permissible cycles
per hour is calculated as follows:

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 145

Result Windows

1. Determine the number of no-load starts which correspond to

one switching operation:

Divide the number of no-load starts by the permissible load

number of starts. This is done for all load conditions in one
2. Add the number of no-load starts per load case (from 1.) for
a complete cycle.
3. Determine the number of cycles per hour: Divide the no-load
number of start/stops by the sum of no-load switching
operations (from 2.).
The thermal effect of speed change operations in multispeed motors is
not considered yet.


With load up Without load With load up Without load

down down down
ECalculated static power in kW 3.44 -1.67 -2.51 2.29
UStarting time in s 1.41 0.58 0.6 0.96
TStarting distance in mm 703 320 329 479
Acceleration in m/ss 0.71 1.89 1.84 1.04
Starting frequency in s/h 49 402 289 181
Result motor: SDV132S8/2-BM/Z Pn=1 / 4 kW

Calculation of the permissible number of cycles per hours for the

following cycle:

1. up with load
2. up without load
3. down with load
4. down without load

No-load no. of starts from the catalog: 1200 1/h.

1200/49 = 24,5 up with load
+ 1200/402 = 3 up without load
+ 1200/289 = 4.2 down with load
+ 1200/181 = 6.6 down without load
i.e. 38.3 no-load starts correspond to one load start in a cycle. This
means that
1200/38.3 = 31.3 cycles
can be run per hour.

146 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Result Windows

The calculated number of load starts can be increased by the usual

measures such as higher insulation class, forced cooling fan, etc. (see
also "Drive Engineering - Practical Implementation, Volume 1").

Acceleration and deceleration values

Please note that the calculated values can differ from the permissible or
desired values for the application. You can adjust the calculated values
by changing the load or drive data.

Brake service life

The calculated service life of the brake linings is valid only for the
individual load case. The overall service life for cycles with mixed load
conditions is determined in the same way as the permissible number of

Overhung load calculation

Only the forces resulting from the output torque are determined.
Additional factors due to pretensioning forces in chains and belt drives
must be taken into account in addition. You will find a table with
additional factors in the booklet "Drive Engineering - Practical
Implementation, Volume 1".
The determined total overhung load must not exceed the permissible
overhung load as per the SEW catalog.

Stopping position/maximum difference

Unlike the stopping accuracy this is the highest value, which also takes
into account the different loads and directions of travel.

Standard cycle for multispeed motors

Starting: From standstill to maximum speed
Speed change: From maximum speed to positioning speed
Braking: From positioning speed to standstill
Stopping accuracy: Related to the selected brake reaction type.
The standard cycle for multispeed motors can be changed in the system

All other result are self-explanatory.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 147

Result Windows

Result window for application = “Crank drive“

In crank drives, additional regenerative data are specified.
These values appear not only in "Travel down"! The motor may also be
regenerating in "Travel up" mode.
Travel up and down depend on the sign of the angle of inclination and
the direction of travel (see "Crank drive" input window).

Depending on the application, the regenerative power may be

significantly higher than the motoring power. In this case the motor is
selected based on the regenerative power.

Starting angle
The starting angle is the angle [degree] between the starting point (not
always at 0° or 180°) and the angle when the motor reaches its rated
speed (not always the angle at which the maximum speed is reached).

If the starting angle is too big, the program will not stop the calculation
but only display a warning.
In this case you can select a different motor or change the load data.

Maximum speed
The "Angle at vmax" indicates the angle at which the load reaches
maximum speed.

Braking angle
The braking angle indicates how many degrees before the specified
stopping angle the brake should be applied. Load

148 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Result Windows

conditions and motor data (brake torque, brake reaction time etc.) are
taken into account.

All other results are self-explanatory.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 149

Result Windows

Result window "Controlled AC motor, AC

geared motor"

The result window shows the motor, whose starting load is smaller than
the pre-selected starting load.
The loads for starting and braking are made up of the dynamic and static
loads and are related to the displayed power rating of the motor.

Acceleration load
This value characterizes the starting torque and the starting current of
the motor. The frequency inverter must be selected accordingly.

Deceleration load
Negative values mean regenerative motor load. The size of the braking
resistor in inverter drives is determined from the deceleration load.

The other results are more less identical with the results output for
uncontrolled drives.

The permissible number of starts per hour is not output. In an inverter

drive this is not a selection criterion, as the starting current is much lower
than that of an uncontrolled drive.

150 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Result Windows

The second result window shows additional self-explanatory results.

The results from the optional secondary calculations are summarized in
this window.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 151

Result Windows

Result window "DC motor, DC geared motor"

The result window shows the motor, whose starting load is smaller than
the pre-selected starting load.
The loads for starting and braking are made up of the dynamic and static
loads and are related to the displayed power rating of the motor.

Acceleration load
This value characterizes the starting torque and the starting current of
the motor. The DC controller must be selected accordingly.

Deceleration load
Negative values mean regenerative motor load. The type and size of the
DC controller must be selected accordingly.

The other results are more less identical with the results output for
uncontrolled drives.

The permissible number of starts per hour is not output. In a DC drive

this is not a selection criterion, as the starting current is much lower than
that of an uncontrolled drive.

152 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Result Windows

The second result window shows additional self-explanatory results.

The results from the optional secondary calculations are summarized in
this window.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 153

Result Windows

Result window "Servo motor, Geared servo


The result window shows the motor, whose starting load is smaller than
the pre-selected starting load.
The displayed loads are made up of the dynamic and static loads and
are related to the displayed torque rating of the motor.

The other results are either more less identical with the results output for
uncontrolled drives or self-explanatory.

154 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Result Windows

The second result window shows additional self-explanatory results.

The results from the optional secondary calculations are summarized in
this window.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 155

Additional Windows

Additional Windows

Further actions can be initiated from the result windows. You can, for

- Display the motor and gear unit data

- Change the brake torque in brake motors
- Select the mounting version
- Select accessory features
- Display the distance/time diagram
- Select the armature voltage in DC drives
- Save the project planning data
- Call up the "Controller Selection" program
- Enter project planning comments
- Set up the printer
- Activate a print preview and print the results
- Copy data to the Quotation Program

156 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Windows

Displaying the motor and gear unit data

In the result window use the button to call up a window with the
motor data. This window is for information only.

For geared motors use the button in the result window to call up a
window with the gear unit data. This window is for information only.

Both windows are self-explanatory.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 157

Additional Windows

Changing the brake torque in brake motors

For brake motors press the button to call up a window with possible
brake torques. Different colors identify certain brake torque ranges.

- Green identifies the suggested value. The program will

suggest the brake torque with which the desired
deceleration is achieved as closely as possible. It may also
be that the program will not suggest a brake torque.
- Light-red identifies the brake torque that is available when the
next larger-size brake is fitted. These brake torques should
only be used in special cases and upon consultation with
- Red identifies brake torques which must not be selected. In
hoist drives the brake torque must be greater than twice the
maximum load torque.

White list fields can also be selected.

158 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Windows

Selecting the mounting version

Use the button to call up the selection list with all the possible
mounting versions from the result window. Select the desired mounting
version from the list. You can only select one of the options displayed.
Press <OK> or double-click on your selection to accept the mounting
version and return to the result window. The catalog designation is
modified in accordance with the selected mounting version.

Press the "Accessory features" button to call up the selection list of

accessory features.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 159

Additional Windows

Selecting accessory features

The selection list "Accessory features" can be called up with the button
"Accessory features" in the "Mounting version" selection window. The
choice of accessory features also depends on the selected mounting

To select an accessory feature, double-click it or press the <space bar>

in the upper selection list. The selected accessory feature is then copied
to the bottom list. You can select several accessory features. Accessory
features with a color background have already been selected or cannot
be selected any more because of the other features that have been

You can deselect an accessory feature in the bottom list in the same
way you have selected it.

Certain accessory features (e.g. brake, tacho mounting, forced cooling

fan, etc. may already appear in the bottom list (selected accessory
features) when you call up the accessory feature window for the first
time. In this case, these features have been pre-selected by entries
made in the "Motor data" or "Gear unit data" windows, as they are critical
for correct calculation of the drive. Therefore, you can only deselect
them in these input windows.
For some of these pre-selected accessory features an alternative list
with accessory features can be called up by pressing the "Alternatives"
button. The "Alternatives" button is only available when there are
alternatives to choose from.

160 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Windows

Displaying the distance/time diagram

Use the button to call up a v/t diagram of the calculated distances

and times.
A special diagram is available for the "Crank drive" application for a
crank distance of 180°.
You may also print out the diagrams.
When you select the secondary calculation "Travel diagram," the
distance/time diagram is not required.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 161

Additional Windows

162 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Windows

Selecting the armature voltage in DC drives

Use the button to select the armature voltage in DC drives and the
armature type of connection (parallel or series) in multi-motor drives.
These values are needed to determine the DC controller.
The controllers are selected with an external Controller Selection

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 163

Additional Windows

Saving the project planning data

Press the button to call up the save function in the Drive

Configuration module. A window will appear for you to enter a unique
customer, project and calculation name in hierarchic order for each
project planning record to be saved. You may also enter a date. A
message will inform you if you accidentally enter a name that already

Existing customer names, projects and positions can be selected via the
hierarchic tree architecture.

The window for loading of saved projects can be opened from any
If several project planning records are to be summarized for the
subsequent selection of the controller, these must be saved together
under one customer/project name.

164 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Windows

Calling up the "Controller Selection" program

Press the button to call up the "Controller selection" program from

the result window of a controlled drive.
The determined drive values and load data are copied to the external
program where they are then available as search criteria for the
controller selection.

On completion of the controller selection you can return to the result

window of the Drive Configuration module.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 165

Additional Windows

Entering project planning comments

Press the button to enter additional project planning comments.

Two categories of comments are available which can be separately
released for printout.

In addition, you may enter a company name and a project name for the
hardcopy printout.

These names are not used when you save these project planning data.

166 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Windows

Printer setup

The window "Printer setup" can be called up from the "Data/Printer

setup" menu or the "Print preview" before you print out.

You can make special settings for printer control in this window.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 167

Additional Windows

Print preview and printout of results

Press the button to call up the Print preview and the Print function.

If the print option "Distance/time diagram" is selected in the system data

and the current v/t diagram has not been called up yet, this will be done
automatically when you call up the Print function. Only then can you print
out the diagram.

168 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Windows

Copying data to the quotation program

(This is an SEW internal function)

Press the button to save the drive data from the project planning
record to an ASCII file for transfer to the Quotation Program. At the
same time the quotation program is called to the foreground.

The ASCII file is also generated if the Quotation Program is not


Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 169

System Data

System Data

Press the button to call up the windows for the system data. The
"System data" windows allow you to make a variety of permanent option
The "System data" window is designed in a filing card format. The user
can change settings on several filing cards.

- For changes to become effective you have to press the "Exit

and accept" button after you have made the changes.
- If you select "Cancel" any changes you have made will not be
- Use the "Print options" to print out all optional settings.

The following system data filing cards are available:

- Language setting
- Catalog data
- Print options I
- Print options II
- Travel cycle
- Search options
- Limits
- Reserve factors
- User
- Save options

Important: Please note that when you load project planning data your
option settings may be affected.

170 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

System Data

Language setting

The languages of the program and of the hard-copy printout can be

selected separately. Available languages are listed in a selection list.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 171

System Data

Catalog data

You can choose up to three different catalogs, but only use one at time.

172 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

System Data

Print options I

Use "Print options I" to release different data (comments, prices, system
options) for printout.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 173

System Data

Print options II

Use "Print options II" to release different entries, drive data and
diagrams for printout.

174 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

System Data

Travel cycle

Allows you to change the travel cycle in multispeed motors, controlled

AC motors and DC motors.
Single-speed AC motors and servo motors are listed for sake of
completeness, since only one cycle type is possible for these motors.

Additional travel cycles for controlled drives can be freely defined in the
secondary calculation window "Travel diagram".

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 175

System Data

Search options

You can set different additional search and display criteria in the search
and calculation options.

- If the calculated permissible number of starts per hour is

smaller than the specified starts per hour, the program will
output a warning before the results are displayed.
- If the braking work is greater than permissible, a warning will
be displayed.
- If the search is carried out with an overhung load check, only
drives whose permissible overhung load is greater than the
calculated overhung load will be displayed.
- If the search is carried out with an inertia check, only servo
drives whose external/internal inertia ratio is smaller than the
value in the "Factor" field will be displayed.
- If you select "Search and calculate price" the program will try
and display a price for the displayed drive combinations in
the selection lists. To accelerate the compilation of the
selection lists, deselect the "Search and calculate price"
option. The price will only be determined later when a
specific drive has been selected.

176 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

System Data


These settings are critical for the number of drives displayed in the
selection lists. The limits are entered separately for controlled and
uncontrolled drives.

- The maximum acceleration time is a limit for uncontrolled AC

motors. If the set value is exceeded, the program will display
a warning.
- For the motor power (or motor torque in servo motors), for the
output torque and the output speed of gear units "Search
windows" are specified. The deviations in per cent "min/max
in %" relate to a calculated rated value. For a calculated
power rating of 1kW, for example, and limits of 80 / 200% all
motors between 0.8 and 2kW are displayed.
- The minimum number setting for the number of motors and
gear units to be displayed makes sure that a minimum
number of drives is displayed even if the tolerance band is
too narrow. The minimum number of motors applies to
standalone motors, the minimum number of gear units to
geared motors.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 177

System Data

Reserve factors

You can enter reserve factors for the motor speed separately for all
controlled motor types In this window. The reserve factor is saved in per
cent of the rated speed.

The standard value for all motor types is 100%. The program uses 100%
of the motor speed when the required gear ratio for geared motors has
been determined.
An input of 90% will reduce the rated value for determining the speed by
10%. This will give you a speed reserve of 10% for potential control

178 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

System Data


The name of the person using the program and the name of the
company are saved in these fields. This information is listed on every
hard-copy printout.

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 179

System Data

Save options

When you select "Save results," the print report will be saved whenever
you save project planning data. This feature allows you to print out the
project planning data from the external "Customer/Project Management"

You will need additional memory when this function is activated as the
program will save the complete print report including any graphics.

180 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

System Data

Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program 181

Purpose and Details of the

Customer/Project Management

Purpose and Details of the Customer/Project


The "Customer/Project Management" is an independent program and

helps you manage your project planning data.
The "Customer/Project Management" program is part of the "Project
Planning Program" with the "Drive Configuration" and "Controller
Selection" programs

The functions of the Customer/Project Management Program allow you

- Save and load project planning files data
- Enter additional customer, project and calculation data
- Export/import project planning data
- Print saved project planning data
- Store project planning data centrally
- Copy several project planning records to the "Controller
Selection" program

ProDrive Customer/Project Management • 183

Starting the Customer/Project

Starting the Customer/Project Management

You may start the program directly from the Drive Configuration program
by clicking on the associated icon or you may call it up from the pull-down
The Customer/Project Management program can also be started like any
standard WINDOWS-based program simply by clicking on the program
icon or using other WINDOWS start options.

184 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Main Window of the
Main Window of the Customer/Project Management

The main window will appear when you start the Customer/Project

The main window is made up of the:

- menu bar
- button bar (with frequently used functions)
- icon of the active application
- status line

The empty space in this window will later be filled with different windows.

The icons in the button bar (from left to right) have the following functions
which will be discussed later:

- Opens the customer window.

- Opens the project window.
- Opens the calculation window.

- Starts the "Drive Configuration" program".

ProDrive Customer/Project Management • 185

Main Window of the
- Saves entries in the customer, project or calculation window.
- Creates a new customer, project or calculation record.
- Edits customer, project or calculation data.
- Deletes a customer, project or calculation record.
- Prints.

186 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Working with the
Working with the Customer/Project Management

When you save a project, all project planning data (including the system
options) are copied from the work database “PROJINT.MDB“to the
customer database “PROJKD.MDB“.
When you load projects, the project planning data (including the system
options) saved in the customer database “PROJKD.MDB“are copied
back to the work database “PROJINT.MDB“for further processing.
==> also see the “Databases“section.

The Customer/Project Management saves project planning data in

hierarchical order under customer, project and calculation name. There
are three separate input windows for customer, project and calculation
data. You can enter additional information for each level in these

Project planning data can only be saved at or retrieved from the

calculation level. Each calculation can only have one project planning
linked to it.

The "Drive Configuration" program also offer the possibility to save and
retrieve project planning data. There the customer, project and
calculation names can be managed in a straightforward manner. The
Customer/Project Management offers more extensive functions.

To save and load project planning data call up the following windows:

- Customer window
- Project window
- Calculation window

ProDrive Customer/Project Management • 187

Working with the

"Customer" input window

You can specify a unique customer name In the "Customer" input

window. The name may include spaces. Existing customer names are
listed in alphabetical order in the selection list on the left.

In addition, the following information can be saved:

- Customer number
- Zip code
- City
- Comments

The following data management functions (create, edit, delete) are


Creates new customer record.

Edits existing customer record.

Saves new or edited record.

Deletes customer record.

188 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Working with the
Double-click in the selection list or on the Project button to call up the
project window for the selected customer.

ProDrive Customer/Project Management • 189

Working with the
"Project" input window

You can specify a unique project name for an existing customer in the
"Project" input window. The name may include spaces. Existing projects
are listed in alphabetical order in the selection list on the left.

In addition, the following information can be saved:

- Contact
- Phone no.
- Fax
- Project comments
The following data management functions (create, edit, delete) are

Creates new project.

Edits existing project.

Saves new or edited project.

Deletes existing project.

Double-click in the selection list or on the Position button to call up the

calculation window for the selected customer/project.

190 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Working with the
"Calculation data" input window

You can specify a unique calculation name for an existing

customer/project in the "Calculation data" input window. The name may
include spaces. Existing calculations are listed in alphabetical order in the
selection list on the left.

In addition, the following information can be saved:

- Public comments
- Non-public comments

The following data management functions (create, edit, delete) are


Creates a new calculation.

Edits a new calculation.

Saves new or edited calculation.

Deletes a new calculation.

You can save and load project planning data from this window.

ProDrive Customer/Project Management • 191

Working with the
Saving/loading project planning data

You can only save or load project planning data from a selected
calculation record.

Saving the project planning data

You can now "attach" the current project planning data to the calculation
record which you have created and highlighted. The current application
type is identified by the icon in the top line.
Call up the menu item "Save file/calculation" to save the project planning
data. The project planning data are copied from the PROJINT.MDB work
database to the PROJKD.MDB customer database. The program
displays a message when the saving process is completed.

Loading the project planning data

The project planning data attached to a calculation record which is
highlighted with the selection bar can be copied back from the
“PROJKD.MDB“customer database to the “PROJINT.MDB“work
database. The application type is identified by the icon in the top line.
Call up the menu item "File/Write to PRODRIVE" to load the project
planning data. The program displays a message when the data have
been loaded.
When you restart or return to the Drive Configuration program, the project
planning data which you have just loaded will then be available as the
active application in this program.

192 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Functions of the
Additional Functions of the Customer/Project

The Customer/Project Management offers the following additional

functions, allowing you to:

- Import/export project planning data

- Save project planning data centrally
- Print saved project planning data
- Copy several project planning records to the "Controller
Selection" program.

ProDrive Customer/Project Management • 193

Additional Functions of the
Importing/exporting project planning data

The Import/Export module is started from the "Export ==> diskette" or

"Import <== diskette" submenu of the "Import/Export" pull-down menu.
This function allows you to export complete project planning records to
diskette. Also see the “Databases“section. The target of the export file is
defined in the "SEW_PROJ.PAR" parameter file. Also see the section
“Parameter file“.

Exporting project planning Call up the menu "Export ==> diskette" to export project planning data.
data If no export file exists, the program will create an empty file on the target
drive (insert diskette!). If an export file already exists, you can either
accept the existing file or create a new one.
When you call up the Import/Export function, a selection window with the
customer, project, calculation and export lists will appear. You can select
individual calculation records, all calculation records of a project or all
calculation records for a specific customer. The selected calculation
records are copied to the export list where you can also deselect them

- Press the "Cancel processing" button to stop the export

- Press the "Start processing" button to copy the selected project
planning records to the export file. The file will be saved to
the target drive in a compressed format.

Importing project planning Call up the menu "Import <== diskette" to import project planning data.
data Then follow the export procedure explained above.

194 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Functions of the
Saving project planning data centrally

This function allows you to save project planning data (including the
result reports) in a central file for archiving. If the archive file is located on
a server, other server users have access to the saved project planning
data as well. See also "Databases" section.

Copy the data from the local customer file to the central archive file to
archive them. You can use the same procedure to retrieve archived
project planning data to the local customer file.

Proceed as described under Exporting/Importing data to diskette to select

project planning records.

Should the name for a project planning record already exist when you
copy the data, the program will offer to rename the customer, project and
calculation names.

ProDrive Customer/Project Management • 195

Additional Functions of the
Printing saved project planning data

Press the button or open the "File/Print" pull-down menu to view

and print a saved print report from the Customer/Project Management
program. Before you can print you have to select a calculation first.

196 Manual for the SEW Project Planning Program

Additional Functions of the
Copying several project planning records to the
"Controller Selection" program

The Customer/Project Management program allows you to copy several

different applications which you have saved to the Controller Selection
To do this, select a project and call up the external "Controller Selection"
program from the pull-down menu. All calculation records of the selected
project are copied to the Controller Selection.

ProDrive Customer/Project Management • 197

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