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1. Open Control Panel -> Administrative Tools

2. Open Data Sources (ODBC)

3. On the User DSN Tab click on the Add Button

4. On the Create New Data Source Windows select the Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)

5. On the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup windows set a name for the ‘Data Source’ and click on the
Create Button
6. On the New DataBase window assign a name and a path for the database and click OK.

7. Database has been created. Click OK on all open windows.


1. Go to the folder where you created your DataBase. Right click on any empty area on the window
and select New -> Text File
2. Rename the created file. Give the file any desired name, but set the file extension to UDL.

3. When asked if you are sure you want to change it, click YES.
4. Double click the file after renaming it

5. A wizard will open. On the ‘Data Link Properties’ Window select the Data Source Name from the
‘Use data source name’ drop list. Set the User name to Admin and leave the password blank.
Finally, choose the appropriate database from the ‘Enter the initial catalog to use’. Click on the
Test Connection button.
6. You will receive a ‘Test connection succeeded’ message. Click ok on all open windows.

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