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A chink in sb´s armour.

Example: She is the best student in the class but her poor spelling is the chink in her armour.

Spill the beans.

Example: I know you have a secret. C´mon tell me. Spill the beans.

Let the cat out of the bag.
Example: You are not good at keeping secrets. Tell us now. Let the cat out of the bag.

That´s the way the cookie crumbles.

Example: I can´t believe she decided to go to the graduation dance with Sam instead of me. But
well, that´s the way the cookie crumbles.

Look like a million dollars.

Example: She looks amazing in her new dress. She looks like a million dollars.

Let´s play it by ear.

Example: Let´s make no plans for today. Let´s just play it by ear.

A white elephant.
Example: Nobody uses the computer in the teachers´ room. It´s a white elephant.

Fair-weather friend.
Example: He is never there when I need him.
He is a fair-weather friend.

Sour grapes.
Example: He didn´t get the job and now he is saying that he really didn't want it, but we all know it is
just sour grapes.

Learn something by heart.

Example: When we were at school our teacher made us memorise the multiplication table. I learnt it
by heart.

The tip of the iceberg.

Example: The discipline problems in the school are just the tip of the iceberg. We feel they have
greater and really more serious matters to worry about.


Once in a blue moon.

Example: I don´t see him too often. He comes to visit once in a blue moon.

On cloud nine.
Example: She has just got the promotion she wanted and she is on cloud nine.

On the house.
Example: We don´t need to pay for that bottle of wine. The restaurant will pay for it. It´s on the

Is on me.
Example: I will pay for everybody´s drinks. They are on me.

A hot potato.
Example: The issue has become a political hot potato.

Like a red rag to a bull. Example: Asking about her ex-boyfriend was like a red rag to a bull. She
got really angry all of a sudden.

Move at a snail´s pace.

Example: I arrived late because the train was moving at a snail´s pace.

Get something out of one´s system.

Bark up the wrong tree.

Example: Sorry I can´t help you with your homework. I´m bad at mathematics. You are barking up
the wrong tree.

Under the weather.

Example: Claudia is not going to school today because she´s feeling a bit under the weather.

Have a whale of a time.

Example: We had a whale of a time in Mexico. Yes, indeed, it was a fantastic trip.
CPE Essay: Alternative Energy
Alternative energy (title)
(intro/ state an argument)
It is a fact universally acknowledged that our coal and oil resources are not unlimited, reason for
which it is vitally important to look for other alternatives to generate energy. It has recently been
suggested by Dr Symonds that nuclear power is the best way to produce such desired energy,
however, this is a highly dubious proposition.

(P1 -support your argument -idea1)

Firstly, the cost of producing nuclear energy is ridiculously expensive and in fact, totally
unaffordable for developing countries. It would be infinitely preferable for scientists like Dr
Symonds to take the economic factor into consideration and to suggest more realistic ideas on how
to solve the lack of fuel problem.

(P2 -support your argument -idea2)

Secondly, the statement that nuclear energy is environmentally friendly, which was propose by Dr
Symonds in a seminar n 12th June, is not entirely true. There is plenty of evidence that the
radioactive waste produced y nuclear plants is actually a much worse polluter than CFCs and
exhaust fumes.

(P3 -support your argument -idea3)

In addition to what has already been mentioned, I would like to point out that nuclear energy and
radioactive waste are not completly safe. There is no need to recall the tragic incidents in Japan in
which after an accident in a nuclear plant, a whole town was to suffer the lethal consequences of
radioactivity, such as infertility, malformations and even death by poisoning. To make things even
worse, the pollutants produced by nuclear plants are thrown into the ocean and this, far from being
"environmentally friendly", will have cataclysmic effects on the planet in the not so distant future.

To sum up, it is clear that the use of nuclear power has more than a few drawbacks, not only is it
highly expensive but it is also dangerous both for people and the planet. Therefore, other forms of
safer and more affordable energy must be pursued by the government and the scientific
community .

Proficiency in English Cambidge Exam

Essay Sample
In Part 1
of the CPE exam you are given two pieces of text with
information on a topic and are asked to write a
discursive essay in 240-280 words.

Here there is a sample essay sent to us by Sybille a

CPE student from France.
The Importance of music (CPE Essay)

Both texts discuss the status of music in our society. They highlight the fact that music is
getting more accessible to people through the Internet while at the same time its serious
study is being neglected and professional musicians are suffering for it. It also argues that
music is an art that exists since prehistory and is universal, even though its evolution and
the way we consume it has significantly changed.

Commercial music can be heard everywhere nowadays. It is relatively easy to make and
although in terms of quality is not always good, people are in high demand for it through
downloads on the web. In addition to this, the music industry is always in prey for the
quick-made manufactured product. The downside of this is that it is making the classical
and more serious music disappear.

There is a steady decline in high quality music, which undoubtedly hurts high-skilled
musicians. Totally ignored and outnumbered by the bigger names of popular music, they
can hardly draw up a project and are constantly in need for alternative ways to make a
living. Besides, schools are making cuts on music lessons, which means many musicians
are left without a job.

This is sad as learning to play an instrument is highly beneficial to children. Composing is

a collaborative and creative task. Music helps the youth to develop an identity, develop
skills and gives them a real sense of accomplishment. For this reason music should be
taught in all schools and be accessible to all families.

All in all, music –popular and classical- is ubiquitous. It is part of our lives and is good for
the mind, so it should be given the rightful place it deserves in our society.
An international current affairs magazine has invited readers to contribute articles entitled ‘
Globalisation- good news or bad ?’ for its next issue. You decide to write an article explaining your
personal views on this topic.

280_ 320 words

Let’s go global

I disagree strongly with the idea that globalisation is a threat to traditional symbols, culture and
identities. The way I see it, it is a reality which is provoking a sweeping change in our lifestyles.

No need to say that the Internet, the social networks, the mobile phone and the free access
telephone services like skype have not only great accessibility but truly have brought people from
all around the world much closer.

"Personally, I can hardly do without these useful tools of communication. They enable me to stay in
touch with my distant family and also to find and share information with different people who have
the same interests as mine."

Besides, I find people less confined to one culture and identity, they are more open to new ideas
and experiences. Being connected to others lead, thus, to a better understanding of our differences.
Do not this prove that we all can be more open-minded and tolerant to others?

Another positive aspect of globalisation is discovering new clothes, new food and new products
which come from the western culture. Now we have cheaper access to brands like Coca-Cola, Mc
Donald and Nike. And that’s not all because companies can now boost their economy by
expanding and reaching new customers overseas.

But there is more, thanks to low-cost air companies people travel much more than in the past. I
remember the time when my parents had to tighten their belt for a vacation to a one-hour-distance
place. We can see a real betterment for the enjoyment of everybody. In that, we can extend our
knowledge when visiting other countries and even habe more job opportunities.

All in all, I can say that globalisation is good news. It generates easier ways to do business,
interlinks countries and creates a better standard of living. All things considered why are we so
afraid of globalisation since it is confirmed to make people happier?
CPE Writing Paper 2013 / Part 1 Essay by
guest blogger Javi Montoliu from Barcelona
Task: Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts.
Use your own words throughout as far as possible, and include your own ideas in
your answer. You should write 240-280 words. (Texts are about "Positive
Psychology", see Proficiency Expert book)

Positive Psychology

Both texts discuss the way positive psychology affects people’s lives. The first one
advocates that it has a beneficial effect on those who put it into practice. The second
one, on the other hand, states that it might not be favourable for everyone.

The first passage argues that people who buy into positive psychology attain a more
joyful life not only for themselves but also for the wider society, but claims that experts of
the field compare it to the frivolous self-help books. I personally feel this last statement
will resonate with many people because therapies of this kind tend to be fairly senseless
and unrealistic, for they tell you what to do but not how to do it. As reported by the text,
this particular psychology enhances the person’s well-being and quality of life, thereby
giving rise to a much more cheerful and healthy population.

In contrast, the second text proposes that a specific group of people called defensive
pessimists react negatively to positive psychology thus stating that it is not suitable for
everyone. Whilst we might think these so-called defensive pessimists really expect the
worse, they actually adopt a pattern of behaviour which helps them be successful in life,
they trick themselves into thinking they’ve performed badly. I would agree that being
pessimistic might help them reach their own targets in life; nevertheless, I feel it isn’t
beneficial for them to get fully involved in this pessimism.

In conclusion, it could be argued that joy and optimism are not what make us succeed in
life. In my opinion, everyone has their own quirks that help them overcome their
problems; therefore, any forced beliefs or behaviour will result in an unfavourable

Javier Montoliu
Quality of life

We all have dreams of having more and longer holidays, getting a better job, being fitter
and living in a wealthier place. However, it is difficult to further our dreams for several
reasons. Both texts deal with the concept of «quality of life» pointing out how it influences
our health and how difficult it is for some to have access to it.

According to the first passage, being healthy is not just necessary but essential. We need
to be in good physical and mental condition to be able to keep a job and to participate
actively in a social group. Unfortunately our health state can be influenced by factors we
cannot always control such as living in a poor neighbourhood, a place with bad weather
conditions or a country in which people lack political freedom.

In the same way, the second text highlights the importance of the climate, the environment
and the economic situation of a country. According to very interesting studies they play a
major role in improving out quality of life. It also states that very few people are ready to
take the plunge and move their housing in search of these factors. The sad reality is that
for most of us it is not easy to relocate for numerous reasons.
On the other hand, there are small simple things we can put into practice to improve the
way we live. These little things can be various such as devoting oneself to a passion like
art or music, which at the same time will boost new encounters essential to our well-being;
doing a sport to keep fit and healthy, granting ourselves some small pleasures like a
massage or a stroll in the forest, reorganising our house, and of course spending time with
our family and friends through leisure time and holidays.
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Friday, 22 November 2013
Proficiency exam sample article

Task: You have been asked to write an article for an international environmental magazine
on the topic: Crisis, what crisis? 300-350 words

The crisis we can stop

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the environment has been seriously damaged,
whether or nor we are still in time to do something about it is yet to be discovered.

Denying things like Global Warming or a probable future lack of natural resources seems
nowadays absurd. Nevertheless most people fail to realise the innumerable ways in which
they can contribute to a future crisis by contaminating the world on a daily basis. I say it is
high time we analyse our own lifestyles and embrace a new more environmentally-friendly
style of living.

There are simple things we can start doing that would really make a difference. I myself
have recently taken up cycling as a way to both save energy and avoid polluting the air
with exhaust fumes. I have also begun to recycle plastic bottles and paper and to turn off
the lights whenever I am not at home.

There are some other activities that require a bit more organisation but that can be done
by universities, schools or members of any other communities. Some ideas on what to do
include picking up rubbish from natural areas such as beaches or parks, reforesting or
planting new trees and launching educational campaigns on how to save the planet.

Last week my sister and I took a group of children from our neighbourhood to a trip
organised by our local school. We camped by a beautiful crystal-blue lake in the outskirts
of town. Sadly, though, we discovered that other groups of campers had been there before
and dropped their litter litterally everywhere but in the dustbins. Great was our surprise
when two of the youngest kids voluntarily started cleaning a spot near our tent. Soon we
followed in their footsteps inspired by them.

Is it too late to turn things round and make things better? Can we help prevent future wars
for oil and water just by teaching our sons to take better care of the existing resources? I
may be an optimist but I certainly hope so.
A letter to the editor (Proficiency exam)
Need help with the writing section in the Proficiency in English exam? Take a look at
this "letter to the editor."

Dear Sir

I am writing in response to the article in last Wednesday´s edition of your paper

regarding the proposal of increasing nursery provisions across the country to encourage
women back into the worklife after having a baby. I would like to comment on the points
that were raised.

Would you like to have your CAE or CPE writing corrected for free??? Would you like to
post in this blog??? You can send your Word document to our Manager's email:

First of all I would like to say that I totally agree with the statement that providing
greater nursery provisions will allow women to return to work as soon as possible.
Improvements in childcare programmes will definitely contribute to this, and I think they
are a wonderful idea. As I see it women should be able to have children without having to
worry about losing their jobs, simply because it is their natural right to do so.

Secondly, I would like to mention that the fear some companies have that this pro-children
policy will encourage women to have too many children and therefore cause them serious
economic problems, is irrational. Women of these days are career-oriented and are likely
to choose to have just one or two children. Not having to worry about leaving the company
will just make them more committed to their work and more motivated to contribute to the
enterprise´s success.

I also would like to add some ideas to your comments: "a greater nursery provision
provides an ideal opportunity to introduce a national programme of pre-school learning". I
think it is true that we do not have an adequate nursery programme, specially for six-
month babies and toddlers. We have seen education as a right for anyone older than three
years old without considering the younger population. I fully expect to see a change in
such an important aspect of education in our country.

To sum up, women do not need to risk their careers when deciding to have a baby. It is
the government´s job to ensure that children are secure in their first years as well as to
create an appropriate national education programme and to encourage companies to
provide nursery facilities.

I look forward to hearing other readers´ views on the subject.

Yours faithfully
Gustavo Albarracín
CPE Exam. Write a report 280-320 words
You belong to an international film club and have been asked to write a report for the club
members including information about the main events held over the last twelve months,
the present plans for activities in the coming years and a summary of the current financial
position of the club in respect of money received and payments made.

The international film club annual report (title)

The aim of this report is to give our club members an overview of the current annual
activity and inform you of our future projects for the coming year. In addition, we have
included an insight of our financial annual budget. (Note: Reports tend to be formal in
style, so avoid using contractions)

Events of the year (subheading/ or subtitle)

The growing enthusiasm for Italian films is such that we considered necessary to organise
a whole weekend on the subject. No need to say that organising it was really worth the
effort. We had a high number of members participating who enjoyed a wide range of films
courtesy of our Italian partners.
Additionally to this event, we achieved great success in our annual dinner. Not only new
contracts were signed with our current international partners but also with many new ones.

Extending our video library (subheading/ or subtitle)

Due our successful meetings, which included a talk by a famous film director, we are now
going to be able to provide our club with a large quantity of new films.
For that, we plan to build an extension of the video library for next year with a section
dedicated to all these new Italian films.

Healthy finances (subheading/ or subtitle)

It can be said that our financial position this year is in good stead:

- We have been granted 15000€ by the national organisation to help us develop a more
enriched library.
- 32 new members have subscribed this year.
As a result, the coming money amounts to more than 20000€ this year
Regarding the expenses:
- The films rentals cost no more than 5000€ this year
- We have reduced on stationery expenditures spending only 700€

Our activity is really blooming and there is no doubt that our project will be undertaken for
the coming year trouble free. We also believe your ideas will be helpful to make the club
still more enjoyable. Therefore we suggest taking a bit of your free time to fill the idea form
available at the entrance of the club.

By SYB ( CPE blogger from France )

CPE Exam. Write a report 280-320 words
You belong to an international film club and have been asked to write a report for the club
members including information about the main events held over the last twelve months,
the present plans for activities in the coming years and a summary of the current financial
position of the club in respect of money received and payments made.

The international film club annual report (title)

The aim of this report is to give our club members an overview of the current annual
activity and inform you of our future projects for the coming year. In addition, we have
included an insight of our financial annual budget. (Note: Reports tend to be formal in
style, so avoid using contractions)

Events of the year (subheading/ or subtitle)

The growing enthusiasm for Italian films is such that we considered necessary to organise
a whole weekend on the subject. No need to say that organising it was really worth the
effort. We had a high number of members participating who enjoyed a wide range of films
courtesy of our Italian partners.
Additionally to this event, we achieved great success in our annual dinner. Not only new
contracts were signed with our current international partners but also with many new ones.

Extending our video library (subheading/ or subtitle)

Due our successful meetings, which included a talk by a famous film director, we are now
going to be able to provide our club with a large quantity of new films.
For that, we plan to build an extension of the video library for next year with a section
dedicated to all these new Italian films.

Healthy finances (subheading/ or subtitle)

It can be said that our financial position this year is in good stead:

- We have been granted 15000€ by the national organisation to help us develop a more
enriched library.
- 32 new members have subscribed this year.
As a result, the coming money amounts to more than 20000€ this year
Regarding the expenses:
- The films rentals cost no more than 5000€ this year
- We have reduced on stationery expenditures spending only 700€

Our activity is really blooming and there is no doubt that our project will be undertaken for
the coming year trouble free. We also believe your ideas will be helpful to make the club
still more enjoyable. Therefore we suggest taking a bit of your free time to fill the idea form
available at the entrance of the club.

By SYB ( CPE blogger from France )

CPE Essay: Computers, friends or enemies?
CPE Writing task: After a class discussion on
computers and the future, your English teacher has
asked you to write an essay entitled "Computers:
friends or enemies?" for her and your classmates to
Computers: Friends or enemies? (title)

There has come a time in which we have become too dependent on computers. We rely
on them to do very delicate tasks like controlling space vessels and under-water fast
trains, but we also need them to perform ridiculous others such as calculating a two-digit
equation. It is yet to be known whether computers will prove to be our best friends who
will make our lives easier or an enemy who will take over our places as we become
useless and lazy.

(P1 Arguments pro computers)

On one hand these machines do wonders when it comes to saving up time; take travelling
or printing for instance. In ancient times people would have to walk for days to go from one
village to another and books had to be handwritten. Furthermore computers are used for
medical reseach and was it not for them the cure for many deadly diseases would not
have been discovered. They have also proved themselves invaluable in physics,
chemistry and biology, where numerous experiments on DNA and even cloning are
currently being carried out.

(P2 Arguments against computers)

On the other hand we have grown so fond of technology and gadgets that we do not
even use our memories to store basic information such as our telephone numbers any
more. What for, if we can record them in our pocket-size laptops. but even more
worryingly is the fact that the development of artificial intelligence and the creating of
superintelligent robots could result in a world which is controlled by computers.

Even when these arguments may seem exaggerated and we may not think we are at a
real risk of ending up living in a world which is entirely dominated by computers - the way it
happens in science fiction B movies-, I do fear we might become so dependent on them
that our abilities would be diminished. So as I see it perhaps it would be a good idea to go
back to counting with fingers.
Proposal sample

Proposal on how to attract more members

to theEnglish-language society

The aim of this proposal is to give recommendations on what new events to organise in
order to attract more people to join our society. It also suggests varied ways in which we
can make our current activities more appealing.

The current situation

There are a number of cultural activities that we offer in our society such as the book club,
which meets on Saturday afternoons to discuss a classic book, and the cinema group, in
which a black and white film is projected once a month. While both events have proved to
be popular among older people, mainly middle-aged women, there are very few young
people showing interest in participating. As a result of this, the society has failed to grow
and in fact our statistics show that we are actually losing members little by little.

How to attract new members

I suggest that we create events aimed at people in their early and mid-twenties. For
example we can organize pop concerts, inviting the local bands who perform English
covers, or fan clubs, where members can meet to talk about their favourite British actors or
We should also try to attract more males to our society and one way to do this is through
sport. I recommend forming a football or tennis club. We can get together to watch the
EuroCup matches or the Wimbledon games and then talk about them.
Regarding our current events, the book club and the cinema group, I think we should
keep them but I suggest discussing modern books and passing premier films from time to
time to wider our range of participants.


There should be no delay in creating appealing activities to attract new members, such
as the suggested pop concerts, fan clubs and sport groups. We should also maintain the
book club and the cinema group, which have proved to be successful in the past, but
including the discussion and projection of some modern books and films which may be
interesting to young people.

Gustavo Albarracín
CPE sample writing: Proposal on how to
improve the students´ diet

The aim of this proposal is to provide recommendations for helping students improve their
diet. The ideas presented in this document have been taken from the students´ suggestion
box, which is in the entrance of the school restaurant.

Current situation

There is an urgent need for information among the students, who know very little about
nutrition. furthermore most of them have never developed their cookery skills, which
results in them having greasy snacks and fattening sodas for lunch. While the
students´restaurant and coffee bars are popular, they do not have a wide selection of
healthy meals or snacks.

Providing information

It would be a good idea to organise a talk by a dietician on what food young people
should eat to keep fit and healthy. I also suggest starting a poster campaign at the school
promoting the intake of fruit and vegetables. The posters can be displayed in the gym as
well as on the boards of the library and the classrooms. It would be advisable to run a
free course aimed at improving the students´ cookery skills. This could be done after
classes as most students are free between three and five in the afternoon.

The school´s restaurant and the menu

The meals offered in the on-site food facilities are either unhealthy, normally chips and
burgers, or nutritional but tasteless. It would be advisable to improve the selection of
dishes to provide more attractive healthy options. This would result in more students
having lunch in teh school restaurant and fewer students suffering from health problems
and eating disorders.


There should be no delay in organising the provision of information to students. Plans for
improvements in the school restaurant and coffee bars should be set in motion as soon as

The aim of this report is to outline the great success of the very first Music Festival
which took place in Chantilly last month. This report will also give recommendations
for the organisation of next year’s event in Senlis, France.

Informing as many people as possible about this novelty was crucial. To that purpose a
press file was scrupulously prepared and largely distributed to the newspapers of the local
press and some specialised web sites in music. The event was so well publicised that
more than 10 000 people attended it, which was beyond all expectations.

The music festival took place during a whole week-end. Many music schools from
everywhere in the region greatly came forward and gave violin, guitar and piano concerts
in front of the crowd gathered there. The biggest success of this festival was its closing,
during which the best musicians were given prizes for their outstanding performances by
the mayor himself.

The sound system provided was of great help however we somehow regret the poor
quality of the mikes and loudspeakers, which affected the quality of the sound in the


On the basis of the points mentioned above, I strongly recommend having an even more
aggressive marketing campaign next year. I advise hiring a professional to design eye-
catching leaflets and posters to be distributed among the local press and in social
networking sites. I also suggest considering the viability of purchasing new sound
equipment which is of great importance especially for a music festival.
Another recommendation would be inviting a huge celebrity to the closing ceremony to
attract an even greater crowd .
CPE Article: Life and the city
In some of the University of Cambrige ESOL
Examinations (FCE, CAE, CPE) you are asked to write
an Article. This is an example of a CPE Article. Click
here for more on how to write an article.

Life and the city

It is said that love is blind and it must be so.
I have got a soft spot for cities, polluted or heavily congested as they might be.
I would not like to live in the country at all !

There is something soothing about cobblestone roads and the reek of exhausted fumes. I
can´t explain it, it just makes me feel at home. It may have something to do with having
been born and raised in a city. One gets used to the odours and the noise, and the sight of
the hoardings advertising beer and the queues at the bus stop.

It is not true what some anti-city people say, that they are difficult places to live in. On the
contrary, more and more people are choosing to live in them, as they have so much to
offer, both socially and culturally. There is the theatre, the malls, the 24/7 multiplex
cinemas, the workshops, the concerts, and so on. In the city there is always somewhere to
go, someone to meet and something to think of.

That is not the case of the country. I recently travelled to the hills, in the outskirts, to visit
some friends of mine. What a nightmarish experience I had ! All that quiet and peace was
nerve-racking. I was constantly, secretly, expecting something seriously bad to happen,
just to escape from that silence and hear some noise!

Needless to say, I did not like it at all. I got bored to the bones and arrived at the
conclusion I never want to return. So never mind how heavily country dwellers criticise
cities, don´t believe them. It is true that in the cities we have muggers and hooligans, but...
we also have music, and people, and cosmopolitan bars and ginger ale! and God, don´t
we love ginger ale?

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