Digital Crime Money Loundering Simulation Trainings

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"Training based on simulation" against digital crimes and / or money laundering

impossible--self-simulation-for-defense-training.html - DARPA attempting the
impossible: Self-simulation for defense training
2. - ComSimulator, developed by the company in the
last 3 years and already operating with clients, is a simulator game that lets
companies and organizations practice ways to deal with various types of cyber-
attack-to-test-government-response.html - The goal of the simulation, called Cyber
ShockWave, is to see how officials in key government positions would react to a
real-time cyber- attack, and to evaluate the split-second decisions they may be
required to take to deal with it, a BPC alert noted.
c2.pdf?SGWID=0-0-45-1544881-p177736764 - Development and Initial User
Evaluation of a Virtual Crime Scene Simulator Including Digital Evidence
5. chrome-
extension://ihgdgpjankaehldoaimdlekdidkjfghe/viewer.html#https://www.diva- - This paper aims to analyze
the implications of using machine learning techniques for money laundering
detection (also known as Anti-Money Laundering, AML) in a data set consisting of
synthetic financial transactions.
6. - The simulation brings a James
Bond 007 style espionage storyline to help communicate the principles of anti-
money laundering and data security in an enjoyable format.
guy/207601139 - AML training simulator, is updated on a quarterly basis with new
money laundering scenarios. As new schemes are found in the market, the system is
updated to provide new and even expert investigators the simulations they need to
uncover these new schemes within their own organizations' financial transaction
simulator - Simulation training is by far the most effective way for AML
investigators to apply what they've learned to their actual work," said David
Caruso, chief executive officer of Dominion Advisory Group, a leading provider of
AML professional services that helped Wolters Kluwer Financial Services create
AML Virtuoso. "With simulation training, trainees conduct an investigation, write a
report, populate a case file with supporting evidence and when necessary, prepare
reports for regulators. The investigator's supervisor or a peer can then review the
results to ensure the required learning and improvements are taking hold."

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