Weight Loss Diet Studies: We Need Help Not Hype: Comment

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progenitors and attenuates their growth. Cell Stem Cell 2016; 18: 587–90. craniosynostosis: a report of two siblings and review of the literature.
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neuronal development. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol 2013; 2: 461–78. 15 Flaherty K, Singh N, Richtsmeier JT. Understanding craniosynostosis as a
13 Cohen MM Jr. Holoprosencephaly: clinical, anatomic, and molecular growth disorder. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol 2016; 5: 429–59.
dimensions. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2006; 76: 658–73.

Weight loss diet studies: we need help not hype

Over the past several decades, dozens of randomised What can we learn from the physiology underlying such a
controlled trials have compared various diets for the bodyweight trajectory?
treatment of obesity. Ideally, such studies should Complex physiological feedback mechanisms regulate
have provided strong evidence for clear clinical bodyweight and resist weight loss. Slowing of metabolism
recommendations and also put a stop to society’s endless can be substantial and persistent7 and plays a part in
parade of fad diets. Unfortunately, the evidence base halting weight loss and putting subsequent weight regain
remains contested and the “diet wars” continue unabated. into motion. However, the typical bodyweight trajectory is
One insight that can be gleaned from the existing primarily driven by patients experiencing an exponential
weight loss literature is that even the most divergent decay of diet adherence due to an increase in appetite
of diets seem capable of affecting a degree of short- in proportion to the loss of bodyweight,8 along with
term success, with some diets perhaps leading to difficulties in sustaining changes to dietary choices and
marginally greater losses than others over periods of behaviours that affect patients’ ability to enjoy, celebrate,
several months.1 But since obesity is a chronic condition, and socialise with food.
it is the long term that matters. An effective diet for Figure 1B shows the energy intake changes underlying
clinical weight management needs to be established the DIRECT trial’s observed bodyweight trajectories, which
over timescales of years to decades. Studies that have we have calculated using a validated mathematical model
lasted 1 year or more typically do not show significant of human energy metabolism and bodyweight dynamics.9
differences between prescribed diets, much less any At the plateau point of maximum weight loss, energy
clinically meaningful differences in maintenance of lost intake is balanced by expenditure and has decreased from
weight.1,2 One example is in the Dietary Intervention baseline by about 200 kcal per day. By contrast, mean
Randomized Controlled Trial (DIRECT), which has been energy intake at the bodyweight plateau has increased
hailed as proof of the superiority of low-carbohydrate by about 700–1000 kcal per day from its early reduction
diets over low-fat diets.3,4 The DIRECT investigators used at the start of the intervention. After 1 year, mean
a 2-year workplace intervention and found that a low- bodyweights, although still reduced by several kilograms,
carbohydrate diet prescription led to a significant 1·8 kg climb back up in response to the average energy intakes
greater mean bodyweight loss than the prescription of returning almost to baseline levels.
a low-fat diet.3,4 These bodyweight differences between Diet adherence is so challenging that it is poor even
the diets are among the largest differences that have in short-term studies where all food is provided.10 When
been observed over a 2-year period. But from the clinical diets are prescribed, adherence is likely to diminish
perspective, such small bodyweight differences do not over the long term despite self-reports to the contrary.
instil confidence for prescribing one diet over another to Figure 1B illustrates that the common self-report
a patient with obesity. methods for measuring food intake (24 h recall and
What is especially striking is the similarity of the long- food frequency questionnaire3,4) mistakenly indicate
term pattern of mean bodyweight change, irrespective that the reduction in energy intake remained unchanged
of diet prescription.5 For example, figure 1A shows data throughout the intervention. Such erroneous
from the DIRECT study in which both the low-fat and low- measurements have led to speculation that a reduction
carbohydrate diets resulted in rapid early weight loss that in energy expenditure, rather than loss of diet adherence,
plateaued after about 6 months at a likely disappointing is the main driver of the bodyweight plateau. However,
level6 and was then followed by slow bodyweight regain. these self-reported measurements are known to be

www.thelancet.com Vol 388 August 27, 2016 849


Nevertheless, and hearteningly, anecdotal long-term
0 diet success stories abound for most dietary approaches,
–1 and focusing on mean bodyweight trajectories masks the
high individual weight loss variability within each diet
Bodyweight change (kg)

group. The question is: why are some individuals more

successful than others? When it comes to clinical weight
–4 management, success is predicated on long-term dietary
–5 adherence. Therefore, we need to increase our efforts to
–6 understand the individual differences between patients
that have an effect on diet maintenance and prevent
Low-fat diet
Low-carbohydrate diet its erosion. Studies should determine how to target
effective diets to individual patients,12 as well as improve
B our understanding of the real world considerations
that impinge on patients’ abilities to sustain healthy
–200 dietary changes,13 such as those wrought by the food
environment, socioeconomic factors, cooking skills,
Intake change (kcal/day)

–400 job requirements, medical comorbidities, caregiving

responsibilities, and many more. After all, as with every
chronic disease, successful obesity management requires
–800 lifelong treatment and there is a pressing need to help
Low-fat diet
Low-carbohydrate diet
patients navigate day-to-day realities in the face of
Food frequency questionnaire maintaining a permanent and intentional behaviour
24 h recall
–1200 change. We also need to better understand how family,
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
community, and society as a whole can help support and
Time (months)
sustain healthy lifestyles.
Figure: Mean bodyweight changes (A) and energy intake changes (B) in the DIRECT trial Fewer resources should be invested in studying whether
Error bars are ±1 SE. Mathematical model simulations are represented by curves. Figure B calculated using validated
mathematical model8 in both diet groups along with self-reported measurements obtained by 24 h recall 3 or food
or not a low-carbohydrate diet is marginally better than
frequency questionnaire.4 We used data from the DIRECT trial for this figure.3,4 a low-fat diet, or whether intermittent fasting provides
marginally better short-term outcomes than a so-called
inaccurate for estimating energy intake11 and provide Paleo diet. Crowning a diet king because it delivers a
unreliable data on energy intake changes that are not clinically meaningless difference in bodyweight fuels diet
quantitatively reconcilable with objectively measured hype, not diet help. It’s high time we started helping.
weight regain and the known physiology of energy
metabolism adaptations. Yoni Freedhoff, *Kevin D Hall
The similarity of mean bodyweight trajectories Bariatric Medical Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada (YF); and Integrative
Physiology Section, Laboratory of Biological Modeling, National
between long-term diet interventions, whether
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda,
targeting macronutrients, calories, or food patterns, is MD 20892, USA (KDH)
explained by the fact that no diet has yet been shown kevinh@niddk.nih.gov
to be uniformly easier to stick with than another in the YF has received honoraria and travel expenses from Boston Children’s Hospital,
long run. If there existed a diet that led to substantially Canadian Obesity Network, Centre for Effect Practice, Academy of Medicine
Ottawa, Physical and Health Education Canada, North York General Hospital, IDEA
improved long-term adherence in most patients— Health and Fitness Association, and the Royal Society of Medicine, London, for
because it better addressed appetite changes, provided speaking engagements and for his role as clinical lead in the development of a
Canadian Ministry of Health funded tool for primary care providers working with
a sustained metabolic advantage, or was simply easier families of children with obesity; and has received fees for developing and
for patients to maintain—such effects would result delivering educational seminars to medical students and residents from the
University of Ottawa. YF writes a blog, Weighty Matters, that is non-monetised
in substantial and sustained differences in mean with no advertisements or requests for donations. YF is the co-author of Best
bodyweight. This result has not been observed despite Weight: A Practical Guide to Office-Based Obesity Management. All royalties from the
book go to the Canadian Obesity Network. He is the author of The Diet Fix (Random
repeated efforts using widely different diets. House) and receives royalties from this book. KDH reports a patent pending on a

850 www.thelancet.com Vol 388 August 27, 2016


method of personalised dynamic feedback control of bodyweight (US Patent 7 Fothergill E, Guo J, Howard L, et al. Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years
Application No 13/754,058; assigned to the National Institutes of Health) and has after “The Biggest Loser” competition. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2016; published
received funding from the Nutrition Science Initiative to investigate the effects of online May 2. DOI:10.1002/oby.21538.
ketogenic diets on human energy expenditure. 8 Polidori D, Sanghvi A, Seeley RJ, Hall KD. How strongly does appetite counter
weight loss? Quantification of the feedback control of human energy intake.
1 Johnston BC, Kanters S, Bandayrel K, et al. Comparison of weight loss among Obesity (Silver Spring) (in press).
named diet programs in overweight and obese adults: a meta-analysis. JAMA
9 Sanghvi A, Redman LA, Martin CK, Ravussin E, Hall KD. Validation of an
2014; 312: 923–33.
inexpensive and accurate mathematical method to measure long-term
2 Tobias DK, Chen M, Manson JE, Ludwig DS, Willett W, Hu FB. Effect of low-fat changes in free-living energy intake. Am J Clin Nutr 2015; 102: 353–58.
vs. other diet interventions on long-term weight change in adults: a systematic
10 Das SK, Gilhooly CH, Golden JK, et al. Long-term effects of 2 energy-restricted
review and meta-analysis. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2015; 3: 968–79
diets differing in glycemic load on dietary adherence, body composition, and
3 Greenberg I, Stampfer MJ, Schwarzfuchs D, Shai I. Adherence and success in metabolism in CALERIE: a 1-y randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr
long-term weight loss diets: the dietary intervention randomized controlled 2007; 85: 1023–30.
trial (DIRECT). J Am Coll Nutr 2009; 28: 159–68.
11 Dhurandhar NV, Schoeller DA, Brown AW, et al. Energy balance
4 Shai I, Schwarzfuchs D, Henkin Y, et al. Weight loss with a low-carbohydrate, measurement: when something is not better than nothing. Int J Obes (Lond)
Mediterranean, or low-fat diet. N Engl J Med 2008; 359: 229–41. 2015; 39: 1109–13.
5 Franz MJ, VanWormer JJ, Crain AL, et al. Weight-loss outcomes: a systematic 12 Bray MS, Loos RJ, McCaffery JM, et al. NIH working group report-using
review and meta-analysis of weight-loss clinical trials with a minimum 1-year genomic information to guide weight management: from universal to
follow-up. J Am Diet Assoc 2007; 107: 1755–67. precision treatment. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2016; 24: 14–22.
6 Foster GD, Wadden TA, Vogt RA, Brewer G. What is a reasonable weight loss? 13 MacLean PS, Wing RR, Davidson T, et al. NIH working group report:
Patients’ expectations and evaluations of obesity treatment outcomes. innovative research to improve maintenance of weight loss.
J Consult Clin Psychol 1997; 65: 79–85. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2015; 23: 7–15.

Dietary guidelines on trial: the charges are not evidence based

Current nutrient guidelines recommend a wide cardiovascular disease events are not fatal, and only about
acceptable range of total fat and carbohydrate intakes, a third of total deaths were attributed to cardiovascular
emphasising quality and source rather than quantity disease. Prospective analysis of PREDIMED trial data
of macronutrients, substantial restriction of free showed an inverse association in high-risk individuals

TEK Image/Science Photo Library

sugars, and usually restriction of saturated fat.1 Recent between monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats and
food-based dietary guidelines are based on similar cardiovascular disease and death, whereas saturated
recommendations.2 Wide dietary variation, including fat and trans fat were associated with increased risk of
typical healthy dietary patterns, can be accommodated cardiovascular disease.5 No effect of saturated fat is seen
within such nutrient-based advice. And so criticisms of in cohort studies which do not take into account nature
nutrition guidelines confuse both health professionals of replacement energy source.6 Some cohort studies
and the public, and provide justification for inaction by show that saturated fat from meat but not from dairy
policy makers.3 In particular, claims that carbohydrate food is associated with increased cardiovascular risk.7
rather than saturated fat be restricted are based on The importance of considering the nature of
incomplete assessment of evidence and undermine replacement energy is confirmed by short-term studies
measures to reduce non-communicable diseases (NCDs). that examine the effects of various dietary fatty acids
The 2015 updated Cochrane review on dietary fat on lipids, lipoproteins, and the ratio of total:HDL
reported a meta-analysis of 15 trials of at least 2 years cholesterol.8 Replacement of trans and saturated fat with
duration involving 59 000 participants.4 The trials that carbohydrate or cis-unsaturated fat reduces total and LDL
involved replacing saturated with polyunsaturated fats cholesterol.8 However the total:HDL cholesterol ratio and
suggested a 27% reduction in cardiovascular disease, apolipoprotein B are reduced only when cis-unsaturated
but no clear health benefits were seen for replacement fatty acids replace saturated fatty acids.8 The four major
of saturated fat with carbohydrates or proteins. saturated fatty acids (lauric, myristic, palmitic, and
A dose-response analysis showed that this protection stearic acids) have different effects. Lauric acid (found
was proportional to reduction of total cholesterol, in in coconut oil) has a smaller effect on LDL cholesterol
turn influenced by extent of reduction in saturated fat than myristic and palmitic acids, whereas stearic acid has
consumption. No effect of replacing saturated with no such effect.8 Ecological data also contribute to this
polyunsaturated fat on all-cause or cardiovascular evidence base. In Finland, 40% of the decline in coronary
disease mortality was observed or expected, given mortality between 1982 and 1997 was attributed to
the short duration of trials (about 4 years), that most the decline in cholesterol, 60% of which was attributed

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