003 May 1988

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Do you have a row to hoe or a shelf
for show? How about a child with an
approaching birthday? Whatever your
need, this trusty four-wheeler will fill
the bill, featuring sturdy construction
and authemic looks.

Those of you who travel Nature's trails know what it's like to
rouse a wild duck from cover. OUf coatrack captures this
thrilling moment in dramatic fashion, featuring a handsome bird
crafted from three native American hardwoods-cherry, walnut,
and maple.

In your quest for the perfect gift,
check out our desktop nameplate. It's
quick to make, inexpensive, and
cherished by lucky recipients.


You'll delight at the sights and sounds
of this proud pony. Tip the rockers
and listen as the free-swinging feet
beat a merry gallop on the cenler
support. Full-sized patterns let you
build a toy or country version.


larry Clayton
MlJlWging &lito'
Jim Harrold
Art DirtClo,
CL. Gatzke
Projeclz E:ditOT
Cllarles E. Sommcn
Ch:sign Editor
Jama R. Downing
Projul 1Jllild~n
James E. hlling, Terry Fenimore

Editorial Dirulor
Doris M. Eb)'
Jerry Kaplan
Natimwl Ad...",is;ng Manager
Mark S. HaM
Dirulol, Cin:ulalion Ma'*tling
Clem Sevde
Cirrulat;on M(lI\Q~r
Bill Reed
ProduCIIOrl Semen Ml»IlJgtr
SIeVeR JohltSQll
&1llOriol RucDrch Dirte/or
C. Ray Deaton


bimonthly In January, March, May, July, Seplember, and
November by M....edlth Corp<>rallon, 1716I.o<:u.1 Sireel,
O<Is Moines, IA 50336, AppllcsUon to mall Sl second·
class postage rales I. pendlnllal O<Is Molnes,lA.. SUe.
SCRIPTION PRICES: One year $2~.97 In the Unlled
Stales and liS possessions. Canada and olher CO\Jn·
LEARN NEW tries add sa per yeti. POSTMASTER: Send eddress

Projects requiring a special
TECHNIQUES! P.O. Sox 10615, O<Is Moines, IA 50336.

paint job scare many wood·

workers away. But this OUR PLEDGE TO YOU
needn't happen. The full· Prior to publication, we build every
sized tracing pattern for our project .presented in WEEKEND
Thddy Bear bookshelf shows WOODWORKING PROJECTS
exactly where to apply your step-by-step in our shop. Then, a
choice of colors.
team of editors reviews each ele~
ment of each project-directions,
AN OPEN-AND- illustratiom, and bill of materials-

"One good turn deserves
to make sure the instructions we
provide you are clear, concise, and
complete. In short, we do every-
another." This saying holds thing possible to "de-bug" each
true in life and in turning project while it's being built in our
lidded bowls. Cut a blank shop so you'll have smooth sailing
according to OUf directions, (and good results) in youn;. Thanks
and find yourself with two
for your support!
turning tasks that add up to

one terrific project.

for the staff of HUkend I+bodworking Proja:u


Looking for the ideal gift for the
sportsperson in your family? It
A NIFTY PLACE just flew in. Our two-hook coat-
rack captures the drama of a wild

TO HANG YOUR HAT duck in flight. To craft the duck,

we used three woods of contrast-
ing colors, stack-eut them on the

SPORTSMAN'S scroD saw, then mixed and matched

the parts to create the combination
we liked best. Using this tech-

COATRACK nique you can actually make three

ducks at once.

Note: Ihisproject requires }fit-thick

stock. lbu can resaw or plane thicker
stock to the correct thickness, or
spedal-order it. See the Buying Guide
on page 6 for our source.
1 Rip and crosscut a ~"-thick piece
of maple (A), walnut (B), and cherry
(C) to 6Y4X8\?;". Cover one face of
the walnut and cherry pieces with
double-faced tape. Then, stack the
three pieces.

2 Using carbon paper, transfer the

Full-Sized Duck Pattern shown on
page 5 to the top piece of wood.

3 Cut out the duck parts on a band

saw or scroll saw (see drawing at right,



y.- hole
~ •• deep

location of ® on back

Sand shaded areas to round-over

after subassembllng parts.




7 To make the rigid plywood back- THE FINAL ASSEMBLY

ing for the duck (0), rip and crosscut AND FINISIllNG
a piece of Y4" plywood to 6Y4x8J4". 1 Finish-sand all parts. Drill a ~"
Test-assemble the duck on the ply- hole X," deep to form the duck's eye.
wood backing, and glue the parts to (We darkened the inside of the hole
each other and to the backing. with a black felt~tipped marker.)

8 After the glue has dried, carefully 2 Glue the spacer block to the wall
cut around the duck with a scroll saw. plate (see the exploded-view drawing
Bevel the plywood backing using a I" for position). Now, glue the duck to
sanding drum as shown below. (We the spacer block and clamp the duck
held the workpiece while sanding the assembly to the wall plate with a hand-
bevel.) screw clamp.

Note: lbu have enough duck parts re-

maining to make two additional fly-
using a ~ It blade. (We first sawed ing ducks. Use the same technique to
around the pattern, cutting ~" outside select the wood combinations, and to
the feather edges.) Then, following complete their construction.
the black lines, we cut all eight duck
parts. We finished by trimming 3 Apply the finish of your choice.
around the feather edges and cutting (Because three different kinds of wood
the black lines leading into the wings.) are used, we decided to use a trans-
parent finish and applied two coats of
4 Separate the combined woods in Deft semigloss clear wood finish.)
each part and remove the tape. Now, Sand or steel wool after each coat.
test-assemble three ducks by mixing
and matching the different colored 4 Wall-mount the coatrack in a prom-
parts as shown above. Choose a com- NOW, MAKE TIlE WALL PLATE inent place and attach the brass hooks.
bination and store the unwanted parts. AND SPACER BWCK Hang your trat, step back, and admire
(We selected the pieces so adjacent 1 Rip and crosscut a J4 "-thick piece your handiwork.
parts would not be of the same wood.) of oak to 3XI9~' fur the wall plate (E).
(Make the plate longer if you wish to
5 Now, subassemble the duck by glu- include more hooks.) Rout the front BUYING GUIDE
• Thin stock. y.. ~-thlck cherry, catalog
ing the head and beak together. (We edges of the plate with a ~ It round- no. 2LU273, one 7'~x24" pIece, $8.30.
used epoxy glue and placed the glued- over bit. Referring to the exploded- Y.,w·thick maple, catalog no. 4LU273,
together parts on waxed paper.) Next, view drawing, opposite, mark, drill, one 7y'x 24 w piece, $6.20. Yt W_thlck wal-
assemble the two parts making up the and countersink the screw holes for nut, catalog no. SW12, one 12x12 w
upper wing; then, the body and tail; mounting the wall plate. (We spaced piece, $6.90. y"w-thlck oak, catalog no.
5LU273, one 7Y.,x24 wpiece, $8.50. For
and finally, the parts of the lONer wing. the mounting holes 16" on center so orders up to $29.99, include $4.20 for
we could fasten the rack to wall studs. shIpping and handling; orders from $30
Note: To give the duck a sculpted, We also concealed the mounting screws to $50, add $5.30 for shipping. Con-
three-dimensional look, we sanded the by locating the coat hooks over them.) stantine, 2050 Eastchester Rd., Bronx,
NY 10461, or call 1·8001223-8087.
body parts to different thicknesses. Next, position the coat hooks, mark • Brass coat hooks. Forged 2 wsingle
the screw holes, and drill the pilot wardrobe hook, two needed, catalog
6 Using a stationary belt sander, sand holes. Sand the wall plate smooth. no. A97.02, $3.80 each, plus $2.60 post-
the head/beak, and the body/tail age. A 2%, Wdouble hook version of the
2 Shape the spacer block (F) by tak- wardrobe hook, catalog no. A98.01,
subassemblies to an overall thickness $3.80 each, plus $2.60 postage. Cut
of %"; sand the lower wing parts to ing a piece of ~" oak that's long brass screws, catalog size no. 5 (% 1,
Y4 " thickness. (Leave the upper wing enough to rip or plane safely (about box of 100, catalog no. 91Z05.04, $3.10.
parts J4" thick.) Now, round-over the 12"), and plane (or sand) it to %It Garrett Wade Company, Inc., 161 Ave·
thick. Rip it 1" wide, and from this nue of the Americas, New York, NY
edges of the duck by sanding the areas 10013. Or call 1-8001221·2942.
shaded on the Full-Sized Duck Pattern. strip, crosscut a 1 "-long block.
Project Design: Karen and August Caryl Illustrations: Kim Downing, Lippisch Design Inc. Photographer: Bill Hopkins


Bill 01 Materials
Initial Size
Po" Mltlrial Qty.
T W l
A %" 6Y.~ 8%" maple
8 %" 6Y.~ 8%" walnut
C %" By," 8%" cherry
0 y," 6y," 8%" plywood
E %" 3" 19Y, " 'ak
F \" ," ," ,ak
Supplies: 2-*8xl~.« t1athead wood screws,
double-faced lape, semigloss Deft.

\.W hole
\" deep

0" ~
#8x1"" F.H. wood screw

"I.." hole countersunk

Positlon duck
pattern on®



TOY 1 Rip and crosscut a piece of

t~"-thickhardwoodto3~x9". (We
used maple for all tractor parts except
the wheels.) Using carbon paper,

TRACTOR transfer the full-sized body pattern (A)

on page 11, including the dotted lines,
to the wood block.

2 Cut the tractor body to shape on a

band saw or scroll saw. (We cur out-
side the line; then sanded to the line.)

3 Using the exploded-view drawing

and Tractor Hitch Detail on page 9,
mark the center points for the hitch,
exhaust pipe, and air cleaner holes.
Drill the holes.

4 Draw a vertical line in the center

of the front of the tractor body for the
grille. Then, mark four additional
lines on both sides, spacing each ~"
apart. Now, make a 10° wedge-
shaped block from scrap the same
thickness and length as the body piece.
Fit it under the tractor body and tape
the t\'AJ together as shown below. (We
set the wedge X6" back from the fronl
of the body to serve as a cutting depth
gauge.) Adjust the band saw guide to
clear the workpiece and align the saw
Spring has arrived and it's time to get the crops blade with a vertical grille line. Pull
in the field. Our heavy-duty tractor stands at the work into the blade and cut a
the ready, waiting for a child's hand to guide X6 "-deep saw kerf. Sawall nine grille
kerfs this way. Remove the wedge.
it over the sandbox landscapes and fugged
terrains of America's backyards. We used
walnut wheels to contrast with the maple body,
cab, and fenders, and added numerous realistic
details. With our full-sized patterns you can
create an exact replica of what you see pictured
in the farm scene above.

5 Thrn the tractor body upside down

and mark a centerline running I~ 1/
from the front. Mark a crosswise
rererence line %" back from the front.
(You'll use them to align the axle.)


Bill 01 Materials
Anlsh&d Size·
W l
Material .". 'l...xl%,H
toy axle
A' 1%"
2 Sand a slight chamfer
on end of dowel ~
C' %" 3',,· 4~· maple 2
Yo" dowell't." 1009'1]

1" 1"
1 B
G' T," 2%" dia. walnut 2 TRACTOR HITCH
H' 1~" 3'{.Hdla. walnut 2
"Parts marked with an • are cut larger initially.
and then trimmed to finished size, Please read
Ihe instrucliollS before CUlling.
Supplies: 4-'10· rnaplebutlons, 1-'h.x1%H
toy axle peg, Y." dowel, '10" dowel, 2-'" tlal "H dowel
4'.4" long
washers, 2-y,: flat washers, 1-\x4" macl1lne
boll wilh washers and nut, l-y'x3" machine 'to. round-overs
bolt with washers and nUl, polyurethane.
"H butlon---\l'

1" flat washer
%" hole
';." deep
l: __--..
on all edges >y '%." hole
1:::l,~-1%· hote
2- hole
"'- deep
10 0 bevel ~IH - ". deep

6 Round--over lhe edges of the tractor each fender. (See the drawing, lower 2 Glue and clamp the cab walls to the
body where shown on the exploded- left, for how we clamped the fenders tractor body. (We aligned the walls
view drawing, above. (We used a and used a tape depth gauge on the with the dotted cab outlines we had
table-mounted router fitted with a y." drill bit for drilling the holes for the drawn on the body and made certain
round-over bit for this.) headlights.) Glue a ~"button in each they were even on top to accept the
headlight hole. roof.) After the glue dries, remove the
7 To form the fenders (B), rip and clamps and drill the 'X6" axle hole
crosscut two l~ "·thick maple blocks NEXT, MAKE THE CAB through the body and cab assembly on
to 2y'x3~". Using carbon paper, Note: You will need some U"-thick a drill press.
transfer the full·sized fender pattern stock for the tractor cab sides and
to each block. Now cut the fenders roof You can resaw or plane thicker 3 Again, using %"·thick maple stock,
to shape and sand smooth. stock to the correct thickness or spe· cut the cab roof (0) to the size listed
cial order it. See the Buying Guide in the Bill of Materials. Sand a round-
8 Mark the location of the headlights on page 10 for our source. over along the top edges. Center and
where shown on the exploded-view glue it to the top of the cab walls.
drawing. Then, drill the two holes in 1 To make the cab walls (C), rip and
crosscut two pieces of y. "-thick maple MAKE THE TRACTOR
to 3y'X4~". Using carbon paper, WEIGHT AND AXLE SUPPORT
transfer the full-sized cab wall pattern 1 To shape the front weight (E), start
to both pieces and mark the center with a piece of maple about
point for the rear axle hole on one. Cut IJ4XIJ4X12 ". (For safety, we chose to
both cab wall pieces to shape on a work with a 12 "-long piece.) Set the
band saw or scroll saw. Sand them table saw renee 'X6" from the blade and
smooth and sand a slight round-over the blade I" above the table. Tilt the
on all outside edges. blade 10° from vertical toward the
Proje<:1 Design: Richard Jennum IIlUSlralions: Kim Downing. Lippisch Design Inc. PhOlograph: Jim Kasooutas Continued



fence and make the first rip pass. (Fol- band saw. To do sO,jirst draw a 2%"- 4 Make the V-shaped jig shown bot-
low these cutting instructions closely diameter circle (l]t" radius). Then tom, left to safely round-over the edges
because you'll cut another part from make your cut slightly outside the line. of the rear wheels. (We first cut a 60°
this 12 "~Iong piece in step 2.) Stop Carefully sand to the line, using the V in a I-foot-square scrap of particle-
the saw, set the saw blade to 0°, lower technique described in step 3. board. Next, we positioned the jig so
it to ~". and set the fence %" from the wheel contacted the router bit;
the blade. '!Urn the piece a quarter- 2 To form the rear wheels (H), rip then, we clamped the jig to the router
turn clockwise so you can rip the nar- and crosscut two pieces of I%: "-thick table.) Rout both edges of each wheel.
row end of the wedge. Rip the piece; walnut to 4" square. Follow the pro- Reposition the jig and rout the smaller
then, crosscut a section of the cutaway cedures outlined in step I, using a 2" front tractor wheels.
strip to 1~ ". Sand a round-over on Forstner bit, a circle cutter, and a %"
all edges of the weight and glue it to drill bit (to enlarge the center holes). FINAL ASSEMBLY
the front of the tractor body. 1 Cut a %" dowel to 4X " for the rear
3 To true up the rear wheels, thread axle. Insert the rear axle through the
2 1b shape the front axle support (F), them to a *X4" machine bolt. Chuck tractor body and glue on the rear
start with the 12 " maple piece used in this assembly into your drill press and wheels. (We inserted I" washers be-
step L Rip the piece to 1" square; sand as shown below. (We adhered tween the cab walls and wheels for
then, crosscut it to 3". Transfer the half-sheets of- 80- and 150-grit sand- smoother wheel movement and let the
fuU~sized pattern shown on page II to axles extend into wheel openings %".)
the piece. Using the dimensions on
the exploded-view drawing on page 9, 2 Cut a %"-diameter dowel to 4%" for
mark the center point for the %6" axle the front axle. Glue the front wheels,
hole. Clamp the piece vertically with this time using ~" washers.
a handscrew clamp on the drill press
and bore a hole through the block.
Next, make a crosswise reference
mark at the center along the top and
one side of the axle support. Then,
cut the part to final shape on the band
saw. Align the line on the axle sup-
port with the line scribed on the
underside of the body. Glue and Sandpaper
clamp it to the body.

SHAPING THE WHEELS paper to particleboard with spray ad-

1 Rip and crosscut two pieces of %" hesive. To sand, we held it 90° to the
stock to 2:4" square for the front table with a try square.) Assemble the
wheels. (We used walnut for all four front wheels the same way with a
wheels.) Draw diagonals to find the Xx3" machine bolt and sand true.
center of each blank. Next, chuck a
IX" Forstner or spade bit in the drill
press. Back the blank with scrap,
center the marked center point under
the bit, and clamp the blank to the
table. Bore a hole %" deep. Now
chuck a 2 X" circle cutter to the drill BUYING GUIDE
press and cut out the wheel. (Our • Maple stock. %x7Y,x24 w, catalog
circle cutter automatically drilled the no. 4LU173, $5.35; 1~x7y;x24~ catalog
no. 4LU573, $12.15, shipping and han-
X" axle hole.) Repeat the process to dling, $3.15 for orders up to $15, $4.20
make the other front wheel. for orders from $15.01 to $29.99, from
Constantine, 2050 Eastchester Rd.,
Note: Ifyou don~ have a circle cutter, Bronx, NY 10461, 1·8001223-8087, in
New York call 1·8001822·1202.
you can cut the wheels to shape on a


'h. axle hole
W 1%. W

I; ©
$\ -



Cab location outlines

\ --

\ 8%"

%" hole
"h." deep 'I.." hole
, )',w deep


I \\
--, \
- -,
~---++ \

LL'"_~jbd==~:I~10~O]+ t hole)',w deep



(We used ~ "-high laser-eut walnut let-
ters and spaced them between X6" and
~"apart. See the Buying Guide.)

2 To make the oak plate (A), plane

or resaw a thicker piece to Y.i" thick,
or use ~" oak plywood. Rip the piece
to l}{" wide and crosscut it to the
length you determined in step I.


1 To shape the walnut trim pieces (B,
C), rip a strip of walnut to ~"square.
You'll need a length equal 10 twice the
nameplate's length and twice the name-
plate's width, with a few extra inches
to cover mitering waste.

SIGN OF 2 Mount a %" core box bit in a table-

mounted router, and extend the bit ~"
above the table surface. Make an aux-

THE TIMES iliary fence from scrap, position it

against the fence so the front edge
centers on the bit as shown on the

EXECUTIVE drawing below. Clamp the fence in

place. Now, holding the auxiliary
fence against the table fence and above
the bit, turn on the router and slowly

NAMEPLATE lower the auxiliary fence onto the bit.

Move it slightly to enlarge the routed
area around the bit. Thrn off the rout·
er. Place double-faced tape on the
back of the auxiliary fence and stick
it to the table fence. Rout a cove along
First impressions mean a lot, par- LET'S START WITH one edge of the ~ "-square strip.
ticularly in the business world. At THE OAK PLATE
your workplace, you want to pro- 1 Determine the length of oak plate 3 To bevel the strip, set the rip fence
ject yourself as a well-established (A) you'll need by arranging the letters on your table saw YJ6" from the blade.
of the name on the sticky side of a strip
professional. The way you dress, of masking tape as shown below. Fence
speak, and behave go a long way Measure the length of the name. Then Auxiliary fence
toward this end. But so do the allow for a 1* N margin at each end. ...,..-r.11i
things around you-including the y.. core
nameplate on your desk. Our oak box bit
and walnut rendition let's you in-
troduce yourself with dignity, and
a touch of class. Best of all, you
can knock it out in a few hours.
Aouter table
Bond auxiliary fence to router table
fence with double-faced tape

Project Design: Jim Boelling llluSlrations: Bill laun, Lippisch Design Inc. Photograph: Bill Hopkins


Angle the blade to 30° from center as
shown at right. Rip the bevel. (Note
in the drawing that we clamped feather
boards at the side and top to hold the
strip firmly against the fence. We
used a long stick of the same size as
the strip for a push rod.) Sand the
molding smooth.

4 Lay the oak plate along the coved Fence---f.;.

edge of the molded walnut strip and -.
mark the length of each side on the \'
strip's edge. (Leave enough space be- B
tween each set of marks to allow for Angle saw blade Bill of Materials
mitering waste.) Extend 45° cutoff 30° from center . \.,
F1nlsllad Slu'
lines outward from these marks on the
.-' .... Po" T W l
Malarial ,~,

flat back surface of the strip. Miter-

cut all four trim pieces (B, C) to A y,' W variable
""walnut ,1
length. Test-fit the pieces.
"C' Y.' y,' variable
walnut ,
1 To apply the letters, clamp a • Walnut letters. ',- tall, 60 cenls
'Parts marl<ed willi an • are cut larger initially,
each. Shipping; $2 for up 10 15lellers;
straightedge onto the oak plate, 'l:6" $3.50 for 16-50 letters. Paddle Tramps and then lrlmmed to finished size. Please read
from the top edge. Pencil faint verti- Mfg. Co., 1317 UniveiSlly Ave., lubbock, lhe Instructions belore cunlng.
cal lines 1*" in from the edges to mark TX 79401. Telephone 606/765·9901. Supplies: waxed paper, IInlsh.
the margins for the first and last let-
ters. Arrange the letters on the plate 2 Place the oak plate on a sheet of Sized Nameplate Support Pattern and
until you are satisfied with the spac- waxed paper. Apply a bead of glue Section View onto a piece of ~ "-thick
ing. Make a faint pencil mark on the to all edges of the oak plate, assemble walnut. Cut the parts to shape. Sand
plate along the left side of each letter. the molding strips around it, and the supports smooth and glue them to
Apply glue to the back of each letter. clamp. Remove glue squeeze-out. the back of the nameplate two inches
Position the top of the letter against After the glue dries, remove clamps in from the ends where shown on the
the straightedge and the left edge on and sand excess glue. exploded view drawing belaw.
the pencil line.
3 To make the nameplate supports, 4 Now, finish the nameplate. (We
FUll·SIZED SUPPORT PATTERN and trace the pattern found on the Full- sprayed on two coats of clear lacquer.)

Center supports 2- from

end of nameplate

"- Center letters from

end to end on@
\ Miler ends
'\ ,, of frame

\ \
\ \



GIDDYAP Note: This project requires %"-, }f"-,

and %"-thick stock. You can resawor
plane thicker stock to the correct thick-

ROCKING HORSE ness, or special order it. See the Bu~

ing Guide on page l7for our source.


1 To make a full-sized rocker pattern,
trace the half-pattern on page 16 onto
a sheet of tracing paper. Using carbon
paper, transfer the half pattern onto a
sheet of paper; then, flip the pattern,
align the center hole marks, and trace
the other half of the pattern to com-
plete the rocker. Mark the center
points for all holes and the dash line
for the spacer block. Cut out the pat-
tern leaving about a %: paper margin

outside the line.

2 To form the rockers (A), rip and

crosscut two pieces of ~ N~thick wood
to 4xI2 (We used maple but found

it difficult to sand and stain unifurmly.)

Stick the two pieces together with
double~faced tape. Now, spray adhe-
sive to the back side of your paper
rocker pattern and adhere it to the top
piece. With an awl, mark the center
points for the four holes to be drilled.

3 Using a band saw, cut the rockers

to shape. (We cut just outside the line
and sanded to the line.) Remove the
paper pattern and sand the bottom of
the rockers on a disk sander (as shown
below) by slowly rotating the pieces.
Sand carefully to maintain a smooth
Clippity~lop, clippity-dop-that's arc on the rockers. Mount a 1"-
the sound our galloping horse diameter drum sander on the drill
makes every time you set it a- press and sand along the top edges of
the rockers. Hand-sand the sides and
rocking. Place the maned toy
places a drum sander can't reach.
rocker shown above on your child's
dresser, or build our classy rustic
version at left and give it to a
country-loving friend. Either way,
you'll ride high in the saddle with
the joy you bring. Our instruc-
tions tell how to build both.


4 Chuck a %" bit in your drill press and apply glue to the inside surface holes in the other rocker. Place the
and drill the two end holes. Back the of the two holes. Apply glue to one second rocker over the dowels and
bottom piece with scrap to prevent end of each dowel and insert them into press it down until it's snug against the
chip-out. Separate the two rockers the tml holes, flush with the back side. spacer block and beads. Test the
and remove the tape. Place a %" round wooden bead (the alignment by rocking it a few times.
type used for macrame and available at Adjust and clamp the assembly.
5 To make the rocker spacer (B), rip crafts supply stores) over the dowels.
a %"-thick piece of maple to lY.6" 8 Remove the clamps after the glue
wide; then, crosscut it to 3~" long. 7 Apply glue to one face of the spacer dries. Then, drill the two previously
Draw diagonals across one end, mark block (B) and position it on the rocker marked %" holes through the rockers
the center point and drill a %" hole, where indicated by the dash line. and spacer block. Slightly bevel one
Y.;' deep. Make certain the end with the hole is end of each of the two remaining Ya"
at the top of the rocker. Now, apply dowels. Apply glue to the dowels and
6 From Ya" dowel stock, cut four glue to the other face of the spacer holes, and tap the dowels through the
1% "-long pieces and set two aside for block, the free ends oflhe diJWels, and rockers and the spacer block. Now,
use later. Lay one rocker on its side to the inside surface of the two ena sand all dowel ends flush.

Manep'Ug ........... ~ Drill for mane if

used as a toy


'In· toy axle peg "I.« long F

~ \,ho1'

Bill 01 Materials
D Flnlslted Size"

'I.. hole "I.« deep

r;~lr>r ~centered on@

'/." hole

~ -
'1.« dowel 1"1.· long
. \

'/." hole
"" wood macrame bead
centered on dowel
'I.. dowel".· long

Project Design: Greg Rounds Illustrations: Kim Downing, Uppisch Design Inc. Photographs: Bill Hopkins CQnlinlled



Front left leg
I I %t· holes I Rear legs


\I \ Front right leg \ I
\ I \
\ "

LEGS Do not use ear

If Including mane

'%0" holes

9-~," holes %. deep centered

and drilled next to each other
In ©for mane

Spacer ® location

'I..• hole


%" hole
"" deep


LET'S MAKE THE HORSE bored the hole.) Remove the body dowels and axle pegs appear darker in
1 Using carbon paper, transfer the from the clamp, change bits, and drill color because of the end grain. See
Full-Sized Horse Pattern to a %x5x8" the two ~2" holes in the body for the step 5 for directions on completing the
piece of maple. (Again, we first trans- toy axle pegs, backing the piece with country version.
ferred the pattern to paper, applied scrap to prevent chip-out. Change bits
spray adhesive, and stuck the pattern again and drill the %2 " holes in the leg 3 Cut the shafts of four '%2 Xl~" toy
onto the maple piece.) Mark the pieces, backing each piece. axle pegs (sometimes sold as ~"pegs)
center points for all drilling locations. to %" long. Use them to mount the
If you intend to finish yOUf horse with S Sand the body and leg parts legs to the body after you've finished
the yarn mane, mark the location for smooth. (We used a ~ " drum sander it. Insert the axle pegs through the leg
those holes at this time too. on a drill press to sand the cut sur- holes, apply glue to the ends of the
faces.) Then, sand a slight round-over pegs, and insert the ends into the holes
Note: Eliminate the horse's ears if you on all sharp edges. in the horse's body. Allow some play
intend to put a mane on it. so the legs swing easily.
6 To drill the holes for the mane,
2 Using a band saw or scroll saw, cut chuck a X6" bit in a drill press. Place 4 To make the mane for the toy ver-
the horse body (C) to shape. (Again, the horse body in a handscrew clamp sion, wrap wool yarn around a 3 x5"
we cut just outside the marked line, as shown below, adjust the body to card 12 times. Slide the yarn off the
and later finish-sanded to the line.) align each hole with the drill bit, and card and tie it in a bundle near the
drill each %" deep. middle with a short piece of yarn.
3 Transfer the three full-sized patterns Then, tie another short length of yarn
for the legs (0, E, and F) to 7' "-thick around the bundle about J{" away from
maple. (You may have to sand or the first tie. With scissors, cut the
plane thicker stock to this thickness.) yam between the two ties to make two
Now cut the legs to shape. (To save plugs. (You'll need a plug for each
time on the rear legs, we stacked two hole.) Now, cut through the loops so
pieces of maple together using double- you have 24 pieces of yam tied on one
faced tape, glued the pattern to the top, end. Apply a small amount of glue
and cut both out at the same time.) into each 1(6" hole. Using a J{" dowel,
push the knotted end of a yarn into
4 Place the horse's body in a wood- each hole. Afier the glue dries, clip
screw clamp as shown below, and drill the mane to the desired shape.
the %" hole in the underside for the
support dowel. (We first aligned the S To create the country version of the
center point of the hole with the drill horse, paint all parts. (We applied t'Ml
bit, tightened the clamp, and clamped coats of rusty-red flat latex.) After the
the entire setup to the drill press ta- paint dries, sand the horse lightly to
ble to keep it from moving. We then remove some of the paint and give it
FINISHING THE HORSE a worn or used look. (After sanding,
1 Cut a %" dowel 3% 11 long. Apply the exposed wood on our horse looked
glue to the hole in the underside of the too light, so we rubbed a light brown
horse body and insert the dowel. Ap- stain over those areas. This gave the
ply glue to the hole in the spacer block wood a desirable aged look.)
on the rocker and insert the other end
of the dowel in it.
2 Finish-sand the horse and rockers. • Maple stock. One piece ~x7Y.x24~
Apply the finish of your choice. (For catalog no. 4lU273, $6.20; one piece
%x7't.x24~, catalog no. 4lU573, $12.15.
the toy version, we applied a medium Shipping and handling, $3.15 for orders
brown stain to all parts except the up to $15, $4.20 lor orders from $15.01
spacer beads-they were stained with to $29.99, from Constantine, 2050 East-
a dark walnut for contrast. Then we chester Ad., Bronx, NY 10461, 1-8001223-
applied two coats of polyurethane. The 8087, in New York call 1-800/822-1202.


Storybooks hold a sp«ial place in
a young child's life, opening his or
her eyes to imaginative worlds and
such lovable characters as Pinoc-
chio, The Three Bears, and Snow
White. Now, you can provide a
special place for your child's fairy-
tale classics with our amiable
Thddy Bear bookshelf. Ifyou have
FOR TALL TALES a band saw or scroll saw, some
paint, and a free evening, you have

AND SMALL TOYS what it takes to please a child dear

to yOUf heart. But watch out-
you may get a bear hug in return.



BEAR'S 1 Using carbon paper, transfer the

full-sized bear pattern from pages 20
and 21 to a large sheet of paper. (We
used a I4x20" sheet of tracing paper.)

LIBRARY You'll need to flip the pattern later, so

darken all lines until they show
through on the reverse side.

2 Rip and crosscut fOUf pieces of ~ "

pine stock to 5x14" for the two end
panels (A). Plane or joint the edges
of each piece; then, glue and clamp
two of the pieces together to fonn each
IOxI4" panel. Remove glue squeeze~
out. After the glue has set, remove
the clamps and square the back and
bottom edges of both panels by joint-
ing one edge, then sawing the second
edge perpendicularly on a lable saw
or radial arm saw.

3 Align the full~sized bear pattern

with the back and bottom edges of one
of the panels. Then, using carbon
paper, transfer the outline of the full-
sized bear pattern to the end panel.

4 Clamp the end panels to a flat sur-

face, inside faces up, with the back and
bottom edges flush. Now, lay carbon
paper and the pattern on one panel,
and align the back and bottom of the
bear pattern with the panel's back and


%- dado \- deep

6 Bond the two end panels together the exploded-view drawing above.)
(bear outline on top) using double- Remove any glue squeeze-out before
bottom edges. Trace the location of faced tape. Again, make certain they it dries.
the shelf dadoes, following the dash align along the bottom and back edges.
lines on the pattern. Remove the car- Using a band saw, cut both panels to YOU'RE READY TO PAINT
bon paper and pattern and continue the bear shape. Then, separate the- THE BEAR SHELF
the dado lines onto the neighboring panels and remove the tape. 1 Sand all surfaces smooth and apply
panel using a straightedge as shown a primer coat of paint to the project.
above. Transfer the dado length mea- Note: Ifyou must cut out each panel Let it dry. Now, apply a finish coat
surement with a compass or dividers. separately, transfer the pattern to one of paint. (We used semigloss latex for
panel, cut the panel to shape, aruJ use the overall coat and acrylic latex paints
5 Clamp a straightedge in position on it as a template to mark the second. for the bear features.)
the end panels to guide the router.
Then, chuck a J!i" straight bit in the NOW, ASSEMBLE 2 After the finish coat dries, set the
router and cut the %"-deep blind da- THE SHELVES shelf on end and place carbon paper
does for the top shelves as shown be- 1 To fonn the boltom shelf (B), rip and the bear pattern on the outside face
low. You need to make two passes to and crosscut two pieces of %" pine of the end panel. Align the pattern.
stock to ~X24". Plane or joint one Now, transfer the bear features to be
edge of each. Now, glue and clamp painted. Thm the shelf end-fur-end,
the pieces together. For the top shelf flip over the pattern, and transfer the
(C), rip and crosscut two pieces of%" bear features to the outside face of that
pine to 3J!ix24". Again, joint the panel also.
edges and glue and clamp the pieces
together. Remove glue squeeze-out. 3 Paint the bear features by the num-
bers, following the color scheme as
2 After the glue has set, remove the shown on the Full-Sized Bear Pattern,
clamps. Now, chuck a Y4 " round-over or use your own color scheme.
bit in your router and round-over the
front edge (top and bottom) of both IT'S TIME TO
shelves. Finally, sand all surfaces of HANG THE SHELF
the shelves smooth. Attach two 1" corner braces to adjacent
wall studs with #8Xl}{" flathead screws.
form each %"-wide dado. (We made 3 Cut both shelves to the length and Check them for level during installation.
the bottom pass to cut the bottom part width listed in the Bill of Materials. Next, place the top shelf on the corner
of the dado first. Then we reset the Now, test-fit them in the blind dadoes. braces. Drive H6x%" screws through
straightedge and made the second pass Trim the shelves if necessary. the holes in the support arms of the
to cut the top part.) Repeat these pro- braces and into the shelf. Paint the ex-
cedures to cut the bottom shelf dado. 4 Glue, assemble, and clamp the posed parts ofthe braces the same color
Remove all of the clamps. shelves and end panels together. (See as the shelf.
Conlinued, _


Bill of Materials


·Parts marked with an • afll cullarger inillalty,

and then tmwned to IlrWstled size. Please I8lId
the instructions betofe cutting.
SlqIp/IaI: SemiglOSs latex paint, acrylic latex
paints, 2-1· corner braces. 2-16)(%- ltal-
head wood screws. 2-'8)( 1);,- flathead wood
screws. carbon paper. tracing paper.

'I.-dado '4 W deep

1 ®
I N~
Color Key
, Coto'

I 2
Chocolate brown
Dark brown
3 Reel



Project Design: Terry M. Rhodes Illustrations: Kim [)oy,tning. Uppisc:h Design Inc. PIlotograph: Bill Hopkins

20 WEEKE/I;D v.ool)'l,QRKlNG PROJECt'S MAY 1988

® /~-,

® I
® I
t· dado , . deep I
1~ •

(j) I I
(j) I I
f-- I
1 Start with a block of wood or a
bowl blank approximately 6x6 u by 4"
thick. (See the Buying Guide on page
24 for our source of bowl blanks. Be-
cause suppliers seldom carry spalted
wood, you may have to hunt your own
in a local forest. That's what wedid.)
If you don't have turning stock avail-
able locally, and if you don't want to
mail-order any. consider making a
block by laminating thinner stock.

2 Using a band saw and fence, slice

a 1% "-thick piece off the top of the
blank for the lid. You'll use the re-
maining 214 "-thick piece for the bowl.
Center and mark a 5~" circle (2%"
radius) on the top faces of the bowl
and lid blanks. Cut both pieces round
on a band saw.


1 Using your lathe's faceplate as a
template (we used a 3" faceplate),
mark its perimeter on two pieces of
AN OPEN-AND-SHUT CASE %"-thick scrap. Cut them to shape.
Center and glue one of these auxiliary

Candy looks dandy when surrounded by the thin walls of this striking
faceplates to the bottom side of the
bowl blank. After the glue dries,
center and screw this assembly to the
metal faceplate you used as a template.
Mount it to the lathe as shown in the
turning project. The low-profile bowl with its custom lid holds over Bowl Profile Drawing at lower right.
two cupfuls of treats, though it just as easily could store necklaces or
2 Using the full-sized templates
other precious items. We chose lacy spatted maple for our bowl project, presented in the Section View Draw-
but you also can produce some dazzling effects with burls or striped ing far right as a guide, make card-
laminations you glue up in your shop. board templates of the lid and bowl.
For the time being, set the lid template
aside. We'll return to it later.

3 With a lathe speed of 1,000 rpms,

turn the outside of the bowl to shape
using a ~"gouge. See the Section
View Drawing for exact dimensions.
(When turning, we frequently checked
the bowl's shape by matching it against
the template.)


4 Next, tum the inside of the bowl 5 With the 'M)rk turning at about 6 Slow the lathe to the slowest speed.
to shape. (We started with a %• bowl I.SOO rpms, sand the inside and out- Use a parting tool to separate the bowl

a *.
gouge and did the final shaping with
round-nosed scraper at a speed
of about 1,200 'Pm. See below.) Thm
side of the !».vI. Wrap the sandpaper
around felt to keep from burning your
tinget'. (We started with 8Q.vit paper
from the auxiliary faceplate. making
the cut just at the glue line. Be care-
ful not to cut through the bottom of
the bowl wall to l{" thick and the bot- and progressed to 100-, 150-, and the bowl. Remove the auxiliary
tom to ,," thick. (You'll further reduce finally 220-grit sandpaper.) faceplate from the metal one.
the thickness of the bowl bottom when
parting the bo\.>Il from the auxiliary FULL·SIZED TEMPLATES
faceplate and finish sanding.)



-- ..... ~
Ud -.~---- --..... '1_--"' __- - 4 · finished
--.___ --___ j diameter


'l.. wall thickness
Auxiliary faceplate
2 •
1l8xY,· F.H.
wood screw

3 •

Part bowl
from auxiliary
faceplate here
,.. BOWL


Pmjcet Designer: Mark Reschke lIIustraliOllll: Bill Zaun, Lippisch Design Inc. Photograph: Bob Calmer QHl/inutd



the shape of one against the other, and

turned the lid more as necessary.)

8 Sand the lid smooth. Separate the

lid from the auxiliary faceplate with
a parting tool. Angle the tool in about
5 0 to make the concave surface on the

'/.- gouge

NOW, SHAPE THE LID 6 Slide the tailstock away and remove
1 Center and glue the remaining aux- the bottom side of the lid and the
iliary faceplate to the top of the lid workpiece from the lathe headstock.
blank. Allow the glue to dry. Screw Next, center and screw the metal
the auxiliary faceplate to the metal faceplate to the third auxiliary
faceplate. Then, mount the assembly faceplate on the bottom side of the lid.
to the headstock spindle. With a parting tool, separate the lid's
top from the auxiliary faceplate as underside of the lid. As you finish this
2 1\1rn the lid to a diameter of 5", shown below. cut, be careful not to let the lid fall
Next, turn the bottom of the lid (the to the floor. (We had a helper hold
surface facing the tailstock) flat. 7 Thrn the dome of the lid (facing his hand next to the lid and catch it
out) to a rounded shape that confonns when the parting cut was completed.)
3 Using a ~"parting tool, slowly and
carefully form the rabbet as shown THE FINAL SANDING
being cut in drawing A above. (To AND FINISHING
avoid creating too thin a rim on the 1 Sand the bottom of the bowI and the
lid, we found it best not to turn the bottom of the lid smooth. (We used
rabbet more than :xi" deep.) Stop fre· a flexible 3 "-diameter sanding disk
quently and check the fit of the bowl's with l50-grit sandpaper chucked to
rim in the rabbet as in drawing B. our drill press. Then we changed to
220-grit sandpaper.)
4 Cut a third auxiliary faceplate, but
make it ~ " larger in diameter than the 2 Sign your name on the bottom of
metal faceplate. Center and glue it to the bowl and apply the finish of your
the bottom side of the lid. (We used choice.
the tailstock to "clamp" this faceplate
to the bonom of the lid.) BUYING GUIDE
to the contoured lid template using a • Bowl blank. 6x6- square by 4-
thick, air-dried for a minimum of 3
5 Turn the third auxiliary faceplate %" gouge. (When the lid was just years. Species available: walnut,
to the exact diameter of the metal about to its finished shape, we un- cherry, and butternut. $10 ppd. per
faceplate (3" in our case). Check this screwed the auxiliary faceplate and lid block from Johnson Wood Products,
diameter with calipers. This simpli- from the metal faceplate. Then, we A.A. 1, P.O. Box 69, Strawberry Point, IA
fies centering the lid in the next step. placed the lid on the bowl, checked 52076.


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