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TO DOWNLOAD daʊnˈləʊd Copy (data) from one computer system Preuzeti

to another,

TO JOIN dʒɔɪn Become a member of. Pridružiti

TO LOG ON lɑːɡ to connect a computer to a computer Prijaviti se

system by typing your personal
informations- name,

TO POST pəʊst Publish (a piece of writing, image, Objaviti

online, typically on a blog or social
media website

POST pəʊst A piece of writing, image, or other item Objava

of content published online,

TO STREAM striːm Transmit or receive video and audio Prebaciti/preuzeti

material) over the Internet as a steady, video ili
continuous flow.
TO UPDATE ʌpˈdeɪt Give (someone) the latest information Ažurirati
about something / to edit

TO UPLOAD ʌpˈləʊd Transfer (data) from one computer to Prenijeti podatke

another, typically to one that is larger
or remote from the user

TO SING IN sɑɪn/ to write your name on a form when Registrirati se

entering or leaving a place

TO BROWSE braʊz Scan through a text, website, or Letimično

collection of data to gain an impression pregledati
of the contents.

TO CANCEL ˈkans(ə)l Decide or announce that (a planned Otkazati

event) will not take place.

TO DELETE dɪˈliːt Remove (data) from a computer's Obrisati


TO ENTER ˈɛntə Write or key (information) in a book, Unijeti

computer, etc.

TO HIGHLIGHT ˈhʌɪlʌɪt Make visually prominent. Označiti

KEY kiː Each of several buttons on a panel for Tipka

operating a computer,

TO KEY IN Utipkati

TO SCAN skan Look quickly but not very thoroughly Unijeti

through (a document or other text) in
order to identify relevant information.

TO SCROLL UP/ skrəʊl (of displayed text or graphics) move Listati

DOWN up, down, or across a computer screen.

TO SEARCH səːtʃ Look for information in (a database or Pretraživati

the World Wide Web) using a search

TO SWIPE swʌɪp Move (one's finger) across a Listati na

touchscreen in order to activate a touchscreen

TO ZOOM IN/OUT zuːm change smoothly from a long shot to a Približiti/ udaljiti
close-up or vice versa.

ANTENNA anˈtɛnə A, wire, or other device used to antena

transmit or receive radio or television
signals; an aerial.

BATTERY ˈbat(ə)ri container, in which chemical energy is Baterija

converted into electricity and used as a
source of power.

CIRCUIT BORD ˈsɜː.kɪt ˌbɔːd a set of electrical connections made by Strujna ploča
thin lines of metal fixed onto a surface

FAN fan An apparatus with rotating blades that Ventilator

creates a current of air for cooling or

PLUG plʌɡ A piece of solid material fitting tightly Utikač

into a hole and blocking it up.

SOCKET ˈsɒkɪt An electrical device receiving a plug or Utičnica

light bulb to make a connection.

BULB bʌlb a rounded glass container with a thin Žarulja

thread of metal inside that produces
light when an electriciti goes through it

LENS lɛnz The light-gathering device of a camera, Leće

typically containing a group of
compound lenses.

MICROPHONE ˈmʌɪkrəfəʊn An instrument for converting sound Mikrofon

waves into electrical energy variations
which may then be recorded.

SPEAKER spiːkə An apparatus that converts electrical zvučnik

impulses into sound, typically as part
of a public address system.

SWITCH swɪtʃ A device for making and breaking the Prekidač

connection in an electric circuit.

THERMOSTAT ˈθəːməstat A device that automatically regulates Termostat

temperature, when the temperature
reaches a certain point.

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