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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374

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Finite element analysis and material sensitivity of Peltier thermoelectric cells coolers
J.L. Pérez–Aparicio a,⇑, R. Palma a, R.L. Taylor b
Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work, a finite element simulation of a commercial thermoelectric cell, working as a cooling heat
Received 12 November 2010 pump, is presented. The specially developed finite element is three-dimensional, non-linear in its formu-
Accepted 12 August 2011 lation (using quadratic temperature-dependence on material properties) and fully coupled, including the
Available online 18 October 2011
Seebeck, Peltier, Thomson and Joule effects. Another special interface finite element is developed to pre-
scribe the electric intensity, taking advantage of repetitions and symmetries. A thorough study of the dis-
Keywords: tributions of voltage, temperature and the corresponding fluxes is presented, and the performance of the
Thermoelectric coolers
cell is compared with that of the manufacturer and with simplified analytical formulations, showing a
Non-linear FEM
Monolithic full coupling
good agreement. Combining the finite element model with the Monte Carlo technique, a sensitivity anal-
Seebeck ysis is presented to take into account the performance dependence on the material properties, geomet-
Peltier rical parameters and prescribed values. This analysis, which can be considered a first step to optimize
Thomson these devices, concludes that the temperature-dependence of the material properties of electric conduc-
Joule tivity and Seebeck coefficient is very relevant on cell performance.
Sensitivity analysis Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Monte Carlo

1. Introduction function of the temperature. The first simplification was addressed

in [3], where it was analytically (with rather simple formulae) con-
Peltier thermoelectric cells (TEC) are devices composed of cluded that the influence of Thomson on COP is about 2%. This influ-
several thermocouples (TC), thermally connected in parallel and ence was further explained in [4], reporting qualitatively that the
electrically in series. TC’s are formed by pairs of n- and p-type ther- fraction of both Fourier and Joule heating at the cold face is reduced
moelements (TE), which are solid state semiconductors denomi- by Thomson. The second simplification was studied in [5], conclud-
nated thermoelectric materials (TM). TM’s convert temperature ing that it is very important to consider temperature-dependent
gradients to electric voltages and vice versa, by means of three properties to design high-performance TEC’s. From a numerical
(Seebeck, Peltier and Thomson) separated effects. The TEC can be point of view, Gavela and Pérez-Aparicio [6] and Pérez-Aparicio
used in two ways: heat pumps (working in cooling or heating et al. [7] developed a steady-state and nonlinear (including consti-
modes) and electric generators. The present work studies the cool- tutive and Joule heating) three-dimensional (3D) finite element
ing TEC, that is energetically not efficient but has several advanta- (FE) to study the thermal, voltage and flux distributions inside a
ges such as compactness, simplicity and reliability (lack of moving TE. Recently, [8,9] implemented thermoelectric elements into a fi-
parts). For this reason, cooling TEC’s are applied to stabilize the nite element method (FEM) commercial software. These works
temperature of laser diodes, to cool infrared detectors and to were validated by analytical and experimental results, respec-
small-scale refrigeration, see [1] for a full revision on applications. tively. Furthermore, the FE used by [8] included a standard inter-
The coefficient-of-performance (COP) is defined as the cooling face element to model heat convection. The COP is reduced when
capacity divided by the consumed electric power. It depends on convection and radiation are elevated, according to the 3D finite
the geometrical and material properties of the TEC and on the ther- difference model developed by [10] and when the thermal and
mal and electrical contacts. Many works study the COP analytically electrical contacts are considered, see [11,12]. The previous works
and numerically; from an analytical point of view, in [2] there is an considered deterministic material and geometrical properties,
expression of the COP using two main simplifications: the Thomson therefore not their inherent randomness. In this sense, in [13] it
effect is not considered and any material properties are not was reported the treatment of physical uncertainties is a research
area of great importance for the continuum mechanics community.
In the current work, a specially developed interface element
⇑ Corresponding author. that takes into account convection and radiation is incorporated
E-mail address: (J.L. Pérez–Aparicio). to the completely non-linear FE described in [7]. These two FE

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1364 J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374

are used to simulate a commercial TEC fabricated by Melcor [14],

comparing FEM and manufacturer results. Temperature, voltage
and flux distributions within the TEC are obtained and discussed.
Furthermore, the thermal and electrical contacts are simulated
using a modified circular a-spot model reported in [15]. Finally,
the combined Monte Carlo–FEM technique developed in [16] is ap-
plied to obtain uncertainties and sensitivities for the COP, relative
to design variables that can be important. This probabilistic study
permits the selection of the most relevant design variables, which
could be taken into account to fabricate TEC devices and to opti-
mize their performance.

2. Basic phenomena

In this section, a brief overview of the basic phenomena that

influences the functioning of Peltier TC’s is presented. Part of the re-
lated formulation has been published in [7].

2.1. The Peltier and Thomson effects

In a TM, if the temperature T (in absolute Kelvin degrees) is not

Fig. 1. Peltier cooling thermocouple, thermal fluxes and electric magnitudes. Hot
constant, an electromotive force e = arT appears, where a is the and cold faces temperatures.
absolute Seebeck coefficient. This force depends on the material
characteristics and on T, and is equal to an electric voltage gradient
superimposed to that from Ohm’s Law face, and (ii) internal heat generated by the Joule effect. For the
latter, in analytical formulae it is assumed (sometimes with little
j ¼ crV  acrT ð1Þ accuracy) that half the heat goes to the hot face and the other half
to the cold face. From [2], the approximate expressions for the total
where c is the electric conductivity. In a TM, a can also be defined as heat taken from the cold face Qc and that given to the hot face Qh
the entropy per electric charge unit; therefore, when T is constant are
the electric flux j transports an entropy flux per unit surface and
unit time js = aj. Along with this entropy transport, there will be a < Q h ¼ ðap  an ÞItec T h  jA ðT h  T c Þ þ L I2tec
L 2cA
heat transfer q = T js. Superimposing this flux to that created by ð3Þ
rT, ignoring for now the thermal conduction influence, assuming : Q c ¼ ðap  an ÞItec T c  jA ðT h  T c Þ  L I2
L 2cA tec
constant T at the interface and using (1)
where the three terms represent the Peltier, Fourier and Joule effects,
q ¼ jrT þ aTj ¼ acT rV  ðj þ a2 cTÞrT ð2Þ and A, L are the areas and lengths of the TE. In this simplified
expression Thomson is not included; however, [3,5] reported analyt-
where j is the thermal conductivity. ical expressions that take it into account. These works concluded
The electric flux j passing through the union of two thermo- that the influence on (3) (not necessarily on the real experimental
electric parts with different a is taken constant through the inter- response) of Thomson is of only about 2%.
face by the hypothesis of conservation of charge. Notice that q If perfect performance is assumed, the difference between Qh
will change from one point to other if a also changes, in particular and Qc must be equal to the electric power, as in (4) top. The
if it is a function of the varying T field. This is the Thomson effect, maximum intensity that can pass the TEC is calculated from the
not always negligible in TM due to possible high T gradients and minimum of Qc with respect to Itec, giving the middle equation.
variations of a with T. Eqs. (1) and (2) are called constitutive Finally, in the bottom the maximum increment of temperature D
and compatibility equations in computational mechanics and Tmax = Th  Tc is obtained from Qc(Imax) = 0
are used for the formulation and implementation of a special
finite element. L
V af Itec ¼ ðap  an ÞItec ðT h  T c Þ þ I2tec
2.2. Peltier cells jA pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Imax ¼ ð 1 þ 2T h Z  1Þ ð4Þ
Lðap  an Þ
Peltier thermocells, or as before TEC are usually composed of pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
many special TC of the type from Fig. 1. The TC’s are connected
1 þ 2T h Z  1
DT max ¼ Th 
electrically in series by copper bars and tin solders, to form a cir- Z
cuit fed by a source Vaf with intensity Itec. Thermally, they are con-
where the material figure of merit is Z = a2c/j. As defined before,
nected in parallel with external plate-shaped alumina Al2O3 with a
the COP is defined as
reasonable thermal conductivity, which is used to electrically iso-
late the TC. Qc
In the cooling mode studied in this work, the TEC takes heat COP ¼ ð5Þ
V af Itec
from the cold face at Tc and transports it to the hot face at Th, for
which the Seebeck coefficients must be as different as possible.
The same device can act in heating mode if the electric current is 2.3. Material properties
driven from the p- to the n-type TE.
Two main detrimental effects (irreversibilities) have to be taken The TM properties are taken from [2] for Bi2Te3, a metal-
into consideration: (i) heat conduction from the hot face to the cold metalloid alloy showing a high a although with a strong
J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374 1365

dependency on T, as well as j and c. The TM properties can be fit- 3. Equilibrium equations

ted to the quadratic polynomial
In Fig. 2, the balance of energies per unit volume that occur in-
a ¼ 1:988e  4 þ 3:353e
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}  7 T  7:521e
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}  10 T 2
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} side an isolated TM is schematized. The external arrows at the bot-
a0 a1 a2 tom represent the energy interchange with the exterior, the
j ¼ 1:663  5 T2 external ones at the top the energy generated inside the volume
|fflffl{zfflffl}  3:580e  3 T þ 3:195e
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} ð6Þ and finally the internal ones the transformation from thermal to
j0 j1 j2
electric or vice versa. Note that Thomson is not included in the bal-
c ¼ 1:096e5
|fflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflffl}  5:590e2
|fflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflffl} T þ 2:498
|fflffl{zfflffl} T ance of energies and the intensity IX does not have physical mean-
c0 c1 c2
ing since from charge conservation must be zero, but is kept in this
article since can be useful to introduce prescribed electric fluxes in
where T is introduced in Celsius degrees. The other materials prop- a volumetric form.
erties, assumed constant with T, are obtained from [14] and listed in The static equilibrium equations are derived from the balances
Table 1. Thermal and electrical contacts are difficult to model using of electric charge and of energy. The first one expresses the equal-
the current FEM. Several procedures can be found in the specialized ity of the quantity of electric flux j flowing through the boundary C
literature: (i) the use of special thermal contact FE, see [17] and (ii) and the fictitious electric charge IX created inside the volume X.
the addition of a fictitious layer of infinitesimal thickness, consider- The local form of the balance equation is obtained using the diver-
ing the thermal and electrical conductances, as in [12]. For the sake gence theorem
of brevity, the present paper proposes a combined procedure,
involving the modification of electrical and thermal conductivities
 j  n dC þ IX dX ¼  r  j dX þ IX dX ¼ 0 ) r  j ¼ IX
of the Sn–Pb layer and taking into account the T-dependence of C X X X
the contact conductivities between this and the Cu. For this pur- ð10Þ
pose, two steps are used
where the electric flux that exits the boundary is considered nega-
1. A circular a-spot model, thermal jc and electrical cc contact tive by convention.
conductivities are given by, [15] The second balance equation accounts for three energy inter-
    changes. First, the thermal energy QX created inside the volume
jCu j cCu c per unit time, second the thermal energy that crosses the boundary
jc ¼ 4gc ; cc ¼ 4gc ð7Þ
j þ jCu c þ cCu obtained using the divergence theorem and last the electric energy
that crosses the boundary, obtained from (10) and again the diver-
where j, c are the thermal and electric TE conductivities given by gence theorem
(6), jCu, cCu the conductivities of the Cu from Table 1, and gc the ra- Z
tio between real and total interface contact surfaces. For example, if
E1 ¼ Q X dX
gc = 1 the complete interface is in contact but in reality gc < 1 due to I X
roughness, misalignment etc.
E2 ¼  q  n dC ¼  r  q dX
2. The series-circuit theory, effective Sn–Pb conductivities jSn Sn
eff ; ceff
are expressed by
E3 ¼  ðVjÞ  n dC ¼  j  rV dX  VIX dX
jSn jc cSn cc
eff ¼ ; cSn
eff ¼ ð8Þ
jSn þ jc cSn þ cc
where jSn, cSn are the Sn–Pb conductivities given in Table 1. Finally,
to feed the FE code with the conductivities’ variation, results from
Eq. (8) are fitted to quadratic functions of T

1:54e4gc ð52050  112T þ T 2 Þ

eff ¼
1:21e7  112T þ T 2 þ gc ð1:67e6  3:6e3T þ 32T 2 Þ
2:32e9gc ð43875  224T þ T 2 Þ
eff ¼
2:33e7  224T  T 2 þ gc ð2:17e6  1:11e4T þ 49T 2 Þ

It will be calculated in Section 7 that the influence of gc is very small

unless the contact is very imperfect, gc < 0.6. The contact Al2O3/Cu is
not modeled in the present work since it is considered from the
beginning irrelevant for the global results.

Table 1
Thermoelectric material properties at 15°C.

a  104 c  105 j
Units [V/K] [A/(V  m)] [W/mK]
Al2O3 0 0 35.3
Bi2Te3 n 2.042 1.018 1.616
Bi2Te3 p 2.042 1.018 1.616
Cu 0 581 386
Sn–Pb 0 47 48 Fig. 2. Balance of thermal and electric energies per unit volume. The non-physical
term IX is included for numerical procedures.
1366 J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374

Again for an arbitrary volume X, equilibrium of the three energies The interface element does not represent any physical contin-
E1 þ E2 þ E3 ¼ 0 gives the second equilibrium equation (see [7], uum, therefore it is uncoupled but non-linear since the radiation
for details) phenomena depends on the function T4. From a FEM point of view,
the Newton–Raphson scheme has to be used to solve this non-
r  q þ j  rV ¼ Q X  VIX ð11Þ linearity and the governing equations are written in residual form
The electric boundary conditions are the prescribed voltage V = Vc Z Z
on CV and the electric flux j  n = jc on Cj. Correspondingly, T = Tc RV A ¼  NA jc dC; RT A ¼  NA qc dC ð13Þ
Cj Cq
on CT and q  n = qc on Cq for the thermal field. Notice that CV
and Cj on one hand, and CT and Cq on the other do not overlap, where qc now is composed of the prescribed qp, the convection qc
but that electric and thermal boundaries are completely and the radiation qr heat fluxes
qc ¼ qp þ hðT  T 1 Þ þ r T 4  T 41 ð14Þ
|fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
4. Finite element development c q

Eqs. (1), (2), (10) and (11) along with proper boundary condi- where  is the emissivity and h the convection heat transfer coeffi-
tions can be transformed into a weak (integral) form and from that cient that depends on the physical properties of the surrounding
into a matrix form amenable to be solved by a computer. The fluid (such as T and speed) and the physical situation in which con-
choice of the interpolation functions is what defines the FEM. vection occurs. According to the data given by the manufacturer and
In this work, we are interested in the global performance of TEC those used in [8,4], in the present work it is assumed h = 10 [W/
but also in the details of voltage, temperature, electric and heat m2K] and  = 0.02 []. The r = 5.67  108 [W/(m2  K4)] is the uni-
fluxes that can affect the accuracy of the approximated expressions versal Stefan–Boltzmann constant and T1 = 300 [K] the reference
(3)–(5). Therefore, a 3D isoparametric element was implemented temperature.
in the research code FEAP [18] in order to capture any interesting The consistent tangent matrix is divided into four submatrices,
phenomenon. The element technology is simple in the FE sense, corresponding to the negative derivatives of (13) with respect to
but the governing equations are strongly non-linear for two rea- the discretization of the two degrees of freedom
sons: (i) the material dependency on T, and (ii) the Joule effect.
The former influences all formulation terms, and in some T ranges K VV AB ¼ K VT AB ¼ K TV AB ¼ 0
it is clearly non admissible to use constant or even linear approx- ð15Þ
K TT AB ¼  NA ðh þ 4rT 3 ÞNB dC
imations. The details of the finite element derivation are given in Cq
[7] and will not be repeated here. The left Fig. 3 depicts a scheme
of this element, in which basic Lagrangian shape functions are Only the direct consistent tangent submatrix corresponding to the
used. Voltage and temperature are the nodal degrees of freedom, thermal field is non-zero, since the interface element is uncoupled
and fluxes are obtained by numerical derivation. and linear for the electric degree of freedom. Therefore, the tangent
In TEC, usually the TC are arranged very closely, to allow the matrix of this element is non-symmetric.
vertical heat transfer to be uniform. Due to the trend towards min-
iaturization in electronic and other devices, this tendency has re- 5. Finite element model
cently been reinforced. Temperatures can also reach very high
values not usual in traditional mesoscale applications. Using the two special finite elements described in the previous
Therefore, the interchange of heat flux between TE of the same section, a CP1.4-127-045 TEC manufactured by Melcor [14] will be
or different TC can be important; an special interface two-dimen- simulated. This TEC was chosen as representative of practical
sional (2D) element has been developed in this article to simulate applications and is composed of 127 TC electrically connected in
radiation and convection heat fluxes through the air, avoiding the series, as in Fig. 4. One of them was carefully measured to give
expensive FE meshing of this gas. To facilitate the assembly pro- the dimensions of Fig. 5, where the upper alumina is in contact
cess, this new element has also V and T as degrees of freedom in with the cold face and the lower with the hot. The maximum inten-
each node, which are interpolated using standard shape functions, sity of the TEC is 8.7 [A] (above that the irreversible Joule is preva-
see [19] lent) and under Th = Tc = 50°C it can extract a heat power
Qctec = 82.01 [W] with voltage drop Vtec = 15.33 [V] according to
V  V h ¼ NA V A ; T  T h ¼ NA T A ð12Þ
the manufacturer, see Table 3.
Furthermore, isoparametric concepts are considered and the spatial Only half of the TC needs to be studied if it is assumed that the
coordinates approximated by x = NA(n) xA, where n are the natural Tc and Th distributions are constant, that is a reasonable hypothesis
coordinates and A, and later B the global node numbers. for medium and small devices. This is indicated by the symmetry
line in the left view of Fig. 5. If T varies significantly, a mesh includ-
ing more TC can be studied although at a higher computational
cost; in any case the variation will depend on the media the TEC
refrigerates, not on the TC itself. Assuming the conservation of
charge hypothesis (Itec is he same everywhere in the TEC), only
one TC needs to be studied, fact which is represented by periodicity
lines in Fig. 5.
On a surface of symmetry, the Neumann boundary conditions
for electric and heat fluxes will be automatically set to zero
jc = qc = 0, while on the two periodicity copper ‘‘cuts’’ (connections
in the following), the prescribed flux jc  jcfe = Ife/Acon is directly ap-
Fig. 3. Isoparametric three-dimensional thermoelectric finite element (left). Radi-
plied within the 2D element (see Fig. 6 and next section) to the
ation/convection two-dimensional interface finite element (right). Two degrees of connection area Acon. Given that air and alumina are good electric
freedom (voltage and temperature) per node. isolators, no other electric flux condition is necessary.
J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374 1367

Periodicity ‘‘cuts’’ are also present in the alumina mid–faces,

represented in Fig. 5 by sawed lines.
An alternative to the use of the 2D element for the prescription
of intensity is the term IX  Itec/Xe (Xe would be the chosen ele-
Domain modeling ment volume) from (10) in the adjacent 3D elements, but with this
solution some flux concentrations locally appear.
p n Symmetry The 2D element is also used in the cold and hot faces to
force convection and radiation with air. The influence of other
contact fluids, such as water, could be easily simulating by
- changing h.
The Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied at a surface of
voltage reference V = 0, chosen to be in the middle of the upper
copper to preserve symmetry of the electric results, and in the
cold and hot face surfaces to the corresponding Tc and Th
(Fig. 6). Notice that in spite of prescribing both Neumann and
Dirichlet conditions in these surfaces, the problem is not of a
mixed type, the 2D element will only modify the related external
unknown fluxes.
From the prescribed Th, Tc, Ife, at any point of the domain the un-
known volumetric variables T, V, j, q as a function of space are
found. From the difference between the V values at each of the con-
+ nections, the voltage drop Vfe (numerical counterpart of Vaf in
Fig. 1) in a single TC can be easily computed. Similarly, from the
Fig. 4. Top view scheme of the CP1.4-127-045 thermoelectric cell. Periodicity (top)
addition of ‘‘reactions’’ (using the mechanical analogy) in the upper
and symmetry (bottom). surface or cold face, the numerical total heat extracted Qcfe is
An optimal mesh size is now found using the parametrization of
all dimensions from Fig. 5. In Fig. 7, the V drop between connexions
Vfe and the extracted heat Qcfe are plotted versus the total number
of finite elements. The variables Vfe and Qcfe have been normalized
to their maximum values (coarse mesh) to show both convergenc-
es. With the restriction of conformity and similarity of finite
element sizes, the converging mesh is composed of 12,670
elements showed in Fig. 6. It is interesting to note that Vfe reaches
the correct value with very few elements (about 320) but the
power Qcfe, proportional to a first derivative, needs a substantial
higher number of at least 10,000.
In order to obtain accurate results (the problem is highly
non–linear), the residual norm kRk must exhibit a quadratic
convergence, see [19]. The order of convergence is obtained from
the expression lnkRk+1k = lnl + mlnkRkk, where k and k + 1 are
two successive iterations, l is a parameter of about half of the
Fig. 5. Dimensions [mm] of a CP1.4-127-045 thermocouple, materials and origin of CPU precision and m is the ratio of convergence. Table 2 shows
coordinates. Symmetry represented by flags, periodicity by sawed lines. the residual norms for each iteration; the ratio of convergence is
m  2, therefore the quadratic convergence is attained in only four

Normalized variables

jc f e Vfe
max(V f e )
Qc f e
max(Qc f e )
jc f e
Th 0.99
0 6000 12000
Number of elements
Fig. 6. Mesh of 12,670 elements for half thermocouple, prescribed voltage, Fig. 7. Convergence of normalized voltage drop and extracted heat vs. number of
temperature and electric flux boundary conditions. elements.
1368 J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374

Table 2 electric current (very low c), therefore T is almost linear or even
Quadratic residual norm convergence. constant due to the lack of internal heat sources. At the copper-
Iteration 1 2 3 4 TE interface close to the hot face, T almost coincides in all cases.
kRk 1.0002 0.0631 0.0029 0.00001 Again the variation of the distribution in the Sn–Pb solders is too
small to be appreciated within the scale of the figures.
In the left column, middle and bottom Fig. 8, the horizontal and
vertical electric fluxes are shown. Since the electric intensity is
6. Thermoelectric cell cooler simulation
constant, the maximum flux occurs in both coppers, where the
conductive area is smaller, and zero in the alumina (an electric iso-
In this section, the two developed FE and the mesh from Fig. 6
lator). The flux is unidirectional (both horizontal and vertical in the
have been used to simulate the TC. The parameters calculated, di-
copper and vertical but with different sign in the TE) except around
rectly or indirectly from the finite element results are.
some corners where a significant change of direction is represented
by the concentration in both materials. In the TE’s this flux is con-
 Voltage drop in the TC, taken directly from the difference of
stant, in the copper around the area by the TE is mostly vertical
nodal values at both connectors, Vfe.
while in the rest mostly horizontal, with an abrupt change in the
 Voltage drop in the TEC, Vtec = 127 Vfe.
corners. This implies that the typical ‘‘rectangular’’ shape of the
 Maximum and minimum Tmax and Tmin temperatures in the TC,
copper components is not optimal in the sense of electric conduc-
also from nodal values.
tion. Smaller fluxes than that of copper are present in the solders of
 Heat taken from the cold face of a TC, Qcfe.
copper and TE, due to their lower c. Note that the application of the
 Heat taken from the cold face Qctec = 2  127 Qcfe by the TEC.
prescribed current Itec with the special 2D finite element at the end
 Coefficient of performance, COP = Qctec/(Vtec Itec).
of the external cut copper section (‘‘connectors’’) does not produce
any concentration.
6.1. Finite element distributions The heat flux is shown in the second column, middle and bot-
tom figures. The most interesting is the latter, vertical against y
The TC is simulated here for Itec = 8.7 [A] and Th = Tc = 50°C. (from the cold to the hot face), the direction along which the heat
These boundary conditions are chosen to maximize the studied ef- pumping occurs. In the TE, the flux is more intense closer to the hot
fects, behaving the TEC as a heat pump that takes heat from the face, due to the electric energy that is transformed into thermal
cold face (in fact a source) and gives it to the hot face (a sink). and that is directed against the direction of thermal conduction
Fig. 8 top left shows the V distribution that decreases more or (towards the hot face). In the middle figure again a strong concen-
less linearly in the TE, while is constant in the other materials, good tration in the internal corners of the copper–alumina connection is
conductors or isolators. Inside the copper and closer to the cold appreciated, that will be quantified in the next paragraph. These
face, an antisymmetric horizontal distribution is observed, due to concentrations are due to the sudden increment of the copper area,
the prescription of the reference zero potential. The total V drop that forces the field lines to change direction towards the whole of
is 0.1318 [V], that for the 127 TEC gives 16.74 [V] (see Table 3). This the hot face and are antisymmetric with respect to the x direction.
number is to be compared with 15.33 [V] given in the catalog, with The value Qctec = 85.57 [W] in Table 3 is taken from the finite ele-
a 9% difference. The drop occurs only in the TE, in the copper and ment reactions of the alumina external surface in the cold face.
even in the solders is very small due to their relatively high (two In spite of the 3D nature of the analysis, Fig. 8 is represented in
orders of magnitude for the first) electric conductivity. The analyt- the x–y plane, since the distributions are mostly 2D. But there are
ical numbers in the table are computed using the simplified Eqs. some exceptions, in Fig. 10 the 3D view of the vertical flux shows
(3), (4). that the mentioned concentration corner also happens in the per-
In the top right figure, the T distribution shows a parabolic dis- pendicular plane. Also, in the hot face the flux is higher in the area
tribution inside the TE, due to Joule. This is a very important fact, vertical to the TE, which means that even if Th is forced to be con-
since the maximum temperature in the center is 78.5°C, a 57% stant the flux will be variable. This lack of uniformity also happens
higher than the nominal Th. Obviously, this increment substantially in the cold face, but is not visible due to the scale.
affects the heat calculated from (3), see next paragraph. The
alumina and copper close to the cold face are at a temperature sim- 6.2. Validation results
ilar to Th; the value of 47.9°C in the surface, different from the pre-
scribed Th, is due to the discrete palette of colors used in the FE The finite elements formulated in Section 4 are used to simulate
interpolation. In any case a slight gradient appears, close to the the TC described in Section 5 using the mesh depicted in Fig. 6 for
hot face to allow the transfer of heat power to it. three values of Itec, the maximum and minimum and another inter-
These distributions strongly depend on the boundary condi- mediate, and for Th = 50°C, all with variable Tc. These values are
tions. In Fig. 9, Itec and Th are maintained but Tc decreases through chosen to maximize the Peltier and Joule and to cancel Fourier.
the functioning limits of the catalog. The distributions of V (top) Thomson is directly included in the FE formulation with all its
and T (bottom) are drawn along a y vertical line at the center of non-linearities and terms, although not in (3).
the p-type TE. As mentioned, V is linear or constant in all materials In Fig. 11 the distributions for Qctec (top) and Vtec (bottom) are
except in the TE were it varies linearly for Tc = 50°C and slightly shown. For the first, the correlation between the results, both in va-
non-linearly for the other values. It also varies in the solders, lue and slope, given by the Melcor catalog and those of the current
although it can not be appreciated due to scale. The V drop de- FE are very close for the extracted heat, even for the maximum
creases with the increase of Tc, since Seebeck is directly propor- intensity Itec = 8.7 [A], that maximizes the irreversible Joule. For
tional to the T difference and, therefore, the conversion of the voltage drop Vtec, the agreement is perfect and good for the first
thermal energy into electricity is reduced with this difference. two intensities and differs an almost constant 8.4% for the highest.
About the temperature, the prescription of Tc forces the final va- In any case this result is very sensitive to material properties
lue in the left part of the plot. Joule is very clear inside the TE, spe- and boundary conditions: for the high Itec, standard deviations bars
cially for the heat pump mode Tc = 50, and T is non-linear for all (see Section 7.3) show that with a small variation results almost
choices of Tc. Inside the copper and alumina Joule is not present, coincide in the lower bound with those from the manufacturer.
in the first due to its high c and in the second to the absence of The simplified Eq. (3) gives values of Qctec and specially Vtec (plotted
J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374 1369

Fig. 8. Color distributions from the finite element analyses, electric magnitudes in left and thermal in right column. Top: voltage and temperature. Middle: horizontal fluxes.
Bottom: vertical fluxes, all for Ife = 8, 7 [A], Tc = Th = 50 °C.
1370 J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374

Table 3
Thermoelectric cell performance for Th = Tc = 50°C, Itec = 8.7 [A].

Analytical FEM Melcor

Qctec [W] 91.94 85.57 82.01
Vtec [V] 14.71 16.74 15.33
Tmax °C – 78.5 –
Imax [A] 7.99 8.7 8.7
COP [] 0.78 0.59 0.61

Fig. 10. Three-dimensional view of the vertical heat flux qy for Ife = 8, 7 [A],
Tc = Th = 50°C.

ered deterministic or probabilistic depending on the nature of the

design variables.
The MC permits to obtain probabilistic responses by performing
multiple evaluations of the model, using a sample of design vari-
ables previously generated. Then, this response is used to develop
uncertainty analyses (UA) and SA. On one hand, UA calculates the
uncertainties in the responses when the uncertainties in the design
variables are known; thus, probability and cumulative distribution
functions are obtained. Furthermore, two scalar parameters (mean
l and standard deviation r) are calculated. On the other, SA deter-
mines the relationships between the uncertainties in the design
Fig. 9. Vertical temperature and voltage distributions for Th = 50 °C and several Tc.
Origin at the thermoelement bottom-left.
variables and in the responses. There exist many available proce-
dures to develop a SA; in the present work, the multiple linear
regression is used, see [16]. With this technique, the regression
only for the maximum intensity) not that similar to those of the coefficients hij are obtained by minimizing the error between calcu-
manufacturer. For the latter, the slope is different probably due lated and fitted parameters. In turn, hij are employed to define stan-
to the absence of Thomson, that is based on the T-dependency of a. dardized regression coefficients (SRC) Hij , the scalar parameters
that quantify the SA.
7. Sensitivity analysis Hij ¼ hij ð17Þ
The aim of this section is to study the influence of the design where r/i ; rnj are the standard deviations of the responses and of
variables on the COP. For this purpose, a sensitivity analysis (SA) the design variables, respectively.
is performed by combining the Monte Carlo (MC) and the FE anal-
yses. The SA output permits to identify and quantify the main vari- 7.2. Problem definition
ables affecting the COP, with the intention to improve this
performance variable. The main task in developing a SA is the choice of the design
variables and their distribution functions, often from experimental
7.1. Monte Carlo analysis considerations, see [20]. In the present work, the design variables
are: (a) the geometric dimensions, (b) the material properties of
Consider a physical model mathematically represented by all materials and (c) the prescribed Itec, Tc, Th. Their distribution
functions are not reported by the manufacturer and they are as-
/i ¼ Mðnj Þ ð16Þ sumed to be normally distributed. The mean of the design vari-
ables are also assumed to be those in Table 1 and Fig. 5, while
where /i are the i dependent variables or responses, nj are the j the SRC notation and the standard deviation are given in Table 4.
independent or design variables and M is an operator that describes These are assumed to be: (i) 5% for the geometric parameters, (ii)
the model, the FE in the current work. The responses can be consid- 1% for the prescribed variables, mostly due to variations in the
J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374 1371

that of the standard random technique, see [16]. Finally, an opti-

mized (to reduce the CPU cost and guarantee the convergence)
sample of size m = 100 was calculated by the procedure also from
[16]. To sum up, there are 22 design variables normally distributed,
three responses, Vtec, Qctec, COP, and the model M is solved by the FE
described in Section 4.

7.3. SA results

The UA obtained results are shown in Fig. 12, where the proba-
bility distribution functions of the responses for the case studied in
Section 6.1 are presented. The means agree well with the deter-
ministic results showed in Fig. 11 and Table 3, implying that the
UA results are accurate. The type of distribution functions are ob-
tained using the Jarque–Bera test; concluding that the responses
Vtec, Qctec are not normally distributed but the COP is. This distribu-
tion types are expected since both voltage and extracted heat are
non-linear (due to Joule and material nonlinearities) while the
COP is a normalized variable.
In Fig. 11 (bottom and Itec = 8.7 [A]) the V value was shown with
error-bars. The mean (large circle) calculated here agrees well
(only 1.4% error) with the deterministic results (small circle) while
the lower end of the standard deviations (straight bars) slightly
overlaps the manufacturer curves. Therefore, the probabilistic
model with reasonable values of standard deviations agrees with
the manufacturer results.

Fig. 11. Comparison of analytical formulae (Rowe [2]), current finite element and
manufacturer (Melcor, [14]). Heat extracted and voltage drop for the functioning
range of Itec,Tc and for Th = 50 °C.

Table 4
Standard deviations and standardized regression coefficient notation for the design
variables. Upper solder between Cu/Al2O3, lower between Cu/Bi2Te3.

Property r Notation
Al2O3 thick. 5% H1
Sn–Pb thick. (lower) 5% H2
Cu length 5% H3
TE length 5% H4
Sn–Pb thick. (upper) 5% H5
Th 1% H6
Tc 1% H7
Itec 1% H8
j (Al2O3) 5% H9
a0, a1, a2 (TE) 5% H10,11,12
c0, c1, c2 (TE) 5% H13,14,15
j0, j1, j2 (TE) 5% H16,17,18
c (Cu) 5% H19
j (Cu) 5% H20
c (Sn–Pb) 5% H21
j (Sn–Pb) 5% H22

temperature distributions and errors in the electric source, and fi-

nally (iii) 5% for the material parameters measurement error, see
[21]. In Table 4 the TM properties a, c, j are represented by three
variables, corresponding to the three polynomial coefficients of (6). Fig. 12. Probability distribution function for voltage drop, extracted heat and
In order to generate the sample of the random variables, the La- coefficient-of-performance for Tc = Th = 50 °C, Itec = 8.7 [A]. Mean and standard
tin hypercube technique is used since the convergence is faster than deviation indicated in each figure.
1372 J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374

The SRC’s obtained from the SA are shown in Fig. 13. The top
one shows that Vtec is most sensitive to the design variables H4
(TE length) and H13, H14, H15, the c coefficients. This is predict-
able, since Joule is a bulk effect that depends on the length and
since the V drop is proportional to the resistivity (inverse of c).
The least relevant coefficient of the electric conductivity is c2, since
the dependence on temperature of c is practically linear in the
studied range.
The SRC’s for Qctec are in Fig. 13 middle. Now the most sensi-
tive design variable is H10 corresponding to a0, since the Peltier
heat strongly depends on Seebeck. Again, a2 is not very relevant
since the material property is fairly linear. Again H4,13,14,15 are
relevant for the same reasons as those of Vtec. Finally, since the Fig. 14. Standardized regression coefficients in absolute value for Th = 50 °C,
COP is a relation of the previous responses, its sensitivities are Itec = 8.7 [A] and two values of Tc. Notation in Table 4.
the same, as shown in the bottom figure. Among the rest, input
current H8 is the only one slightly sensitive; in particular the
SRC of j is not relevant since conduction is cancelled by the Under a perfect contact, gc = 1, the sensitivities affected by contact
choice Th = Tc = 50°C. H21,22 are again much lower than those of the material T-depen-
To study now the j influence on the COP, Fig. 14 compares the dence, H11,14. Nevertheless, as it was reported in [12] these contact
sensitivities of the TE material properties, i.e., H10 to H18 for a dif- effects could be much more pronounced if micro-thermoelectric
ferent Tc = 15°C. The trend is similar but as expected the SRC’s H10 situations are considered. Now to study the influence of gc on
and H16 increase their importance, since both V drop and thermal the thermoelectric performance, Fig. 15 shows the COP relative de-
conduction depend on Th  Tc. But the effect of c1 is still much crease with respect to gc = 1 vs. gc itself, for Th = 50°C, Itec = 1.7 [A]
more relevant than that of j0: H14 > H16. Therefore, for this type and Tc = 50°C (no conduction, solid line) and for Tc = 15°C (heat
of material the T-dependency of c should be considered in future conduction, dashed line). The COP reduction decreases with gc
works, while that of j is much less important. since thermal and electric losses are lower. For the first boundary
The contact effects described in Section 2 are included in the condition a very small 3% is calculated even for an unrealistic
effective properties of Sn–Pb (H5,21,22) as a function of gc in (9). 25% real contact surface; furthermore, for a more realistic 60%

Fig. 13. Standardized regression coefficients in absolute value for Tc = Th = 50 °C, Itec = 8.7 [A]. Notation in Table 4.
J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374 1373

Fig. 15. Effect of thermal and electric conductivities reduction due to contact in Fig. 16. Coefficient-of-performance vs. extracted heat for increasing electric
soldering. Coefficient-of-performance vs. ratio between real and total contact intensity, Th = 50 °C, Tc = 15 °C. Thermal conductivity j temperature dependent.
surfaces. Th = 50 °C, Itec = 1.7 [A].

creases from (iv) to (ii) by 7.7%. This result approximately agrees

contact the losses are already practically nil. The situation is differ-
with that reported in [22], where it was concluded that the inclu-
ent if conduction is present in the second boundary condition: the
sion of Thomson increases the calculated COP by 5 to 7%. The COP
maximum reduction is more than 11% and the reduction is pro-
decreases from (iii) to (ii) by 8.8%. This is due to the decreasing
gressive. Notice that the reduction will be even larger for the min-
T-dependence of c, conductivity that will be lower considering
imum Tc = 24°C.
78°C in the TE middle than considering Tm = 50°C. Therefore, Joule
is increased, forcing the V drop to be larger and the COP lower. In
8. Discussion Table 5 and in Fig. 13, it can be appreciated that Vtec is sensible
to the T-dependence of c, but not to that of a. Finally, Qctec is sen-
The design variables that need to be controlled to design a sible to the dependence of both a and c.
good thermoelectric cell are: TE length, electrical conductivity In Fig. 16, COP (vertical axis) and Qctec (horizontal) values are
and Seebeck coefficients. These three results from Section 7 agree represented for prescribed increasing intensities and again for
with the already known facts: a good TM needs a high a to max- the four cases. Starting with a small Itec  1.8 [A], both COP and
imize Peltier, also a high c to reduce Joule and a low j to reduce Qctec increase since Peltier is predominant over Joule. When
heat transfer. The variability of j is not influential as shown in Itec  3.4 [A], Peltier is still predominant, but the required electric
Fig. 13, therefore its variation will not be considered in the power VtecItec (denominator in (10)) is higher. The consequence is
following. that Qctec keeps increasing but COP decreases. However, at Itec  8.7
The objective of this section is to discuss the influence of the T- [A], (the maximum recommended by the manufacturer) the value
dependence of the material properties in the TEC performance. For of Joule becomes larger than that of Peltier, and both variables de-
that, two cases are performed to compute with the FE the extracted crease. Notice that for a constant COP, for instance 0.3, two inten-
heat Qctec and the necessary voltage drop Vtec: first with fixed sities are possible: one with a low extracted heat but also low
Tc = Th = 50°C, Itec = 8.7 [A] ( Table 5), and second with Tc = 15, electric power used, and another with a high heat but conse-
Th = 50°C and varying Itec (Fig. 16). quently high electric power.
Four cases are contemplated for the material properties. For Itec 6 3.4 and for Itec P 17.8 [A] the differences between the
four mentioned cases are small since Peltier and Joule are very
(i) Constant a(Tm), c(Tm), j(Tm) as in [2]. dominant, respectively. This conclusion agrees with the one re-
(ii) T-dependency of a(T),c(T),j(T) as in Section 6.1. ported in [23]. The current FEM cannot produce results for intensi-
(iii) Idem for a(T), j(T) and constant for c(Tm). ties larger than 17.8 [A] due to numerical overflows. Between 3.4
(iv) Idem for c(T), j(T) and constant for a(Tm). and 17.8 [A], there are relevant differences among the cases: for
(iv), and given a COP value, Qctec has the lowest value due to
The constant properties are obtained using the average temper- Thomson. For (iii), Qctec is highest, since the V drop is also highest
ature between the external faces, Tm = (Tc + Th)/2. due to the increase in Joule.
In Table 5 the results from the four cases and for comparison Summarizing, the most important conclusion obtained in the
purposes those from the manufacturer are listed. The COP in- present work is that for the studied thermoelectric cell the
decreasing T-dependence of c is more relevant for the COP than
that of a and specially of j and of the consideration of reduced
Table 5 contact in the soldering connections.
Finite element calculated thermoelectric cell performance for Th = Tc = 50°C, Itec = 8.7

Qctec [W] Vtec [V] COP [] Acknowledgments

Melcor 82.01 15.33 0.61
(i) a(Tm), j(Tm), c(Tm) 83.073 15.798 0.604 This research was partially supported by the Ministry of
(ii) a(T), j(T), c(T) 85.577 16.738 0.587 Education through Grant FPU AP-2006-02372 and also from Grants
(iii) a(T), j(T), c(Tm) 88.742 15.824 0.644
MICINN BIA-2008-00522, MCyT DPI 2002-04472-C02-02 and
(iv) a(Tm), j(T), c(T) 79.362 16.738 0.545
Excelencia Junta Andalucía P08-TEP-3641.
1374 J.L. Pérez–Aparicio et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1363–1374

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