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9 Backward Design Plan Template

Title: Leaf Collage Subject/Course: Art Time: 40 minutes

Level: 4

Lesson Description
Today the students will be creating works of art depicting autumn leaves using oil pastels. Students are expected to
split their paper into nine patches and have their leaves fall over the lines, changing the colours of the leaves between
the two patches. No colour should meet the same colour where a new patch begins.

Stage 1: Desired Results

Big Question (link to the real world)
How does our art reflect nature and the changing of seasons?
Ontario Curriculum Overall Expectation
- Apply the creative process to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using
elements, principles and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings ideas and understandings.
Ontario Curriculum Specific Expectation
- Use elements of design in artworks to express ideas, messages and understandings.

Key Concepts and/or skills to be learned/applied: Prior Knowledge Activation:

Students will apply their knowledge of colours. A reflection of the stained glass mirror art - not having
Students will learn that by differentiating between the same colours touching, but in this case using it for a
straight and curvy lines in a picture, certain objects can specific purpose.
be brought into focus. The use of different lines.
Students will begin to understand contrast
Stage 2: Planning learning experience and instruction
Learning Goals: “clearly identify what students are expected Instructional Strategies: See Chapter 6 Gregory and
to know and be able to do, in language that students can Chapman, Beyond Monet PDF, Wees “56 different
readily understand.” examples of formative assessment”.
Success criteria: “describe in specific terms what successful
attainment of the learning goals looks like” (Growing
Success p. 33).
Learning Goals: Direct instruction, but I will use the example from
- Learn about design elements (lines) and how
they can make an image more apparent. automne-a103309683 to show the students what their
- Learn how to design using limited colours final work should look like. We will discuss why we’re
associated with a certain season. doing this art and what the success criteria is.
Success Criteria:
- Create nine patches using straight lines
- Have at least six leaves
- The colours change as they cross patches
- The colours of the leaves are different from the
- The same colour cannot touch
- Only warm colours are used
Materials/Student Groupings Differentiation
Individual student work



Oil Pastels


Assessment For Learning, Checking for Understanding & Feedback

Observation - walk around and check to make sure that the students are following the instructions. Remind them
on instructions when they aren’t following instructions. Ask questions regarding their colour choices - do they
have an understanding of contrast?
Verbal feedback - tell students what you like about their work, and point out where they are straying from
instructions if it applies.
Rubric - match success criteria rubric to their work in order to grade. Have they met the criteria?
Examples - If there is time at the end of class, use a couple of finished works that are exemplary to show the
students and show them to the class. Discuss how they portray the principles the art lesson focused on - lines,
colour, etc. Focus on students self evaluating and peer evaluating.
Stage 3: Learning Activity
Motivational Hook (20 MINS.):
Now, as I recall from last week, you’ve all worked with oil pastels now? Great, because that’s what we’re going to be
using for this next project.

As I’m sure you’ve all noticed, the leaves are starting to turn red, orange and yellow and have started to fall.
That’s why we’re going to do art that represents this change in nature. I have two examples of what your piece of work
should resemble by the end.

Open (10 MINS):

What do you notice about this piece of art?

(Answers that I need because they relate to the success criteria: nine large patches, the same colours don’t
touch anywhere, only warm colours are used)

What is a warm colour? It’s a colour like red, yellow, orange or brown – basically, the same colours that the
leaves are turning right now.

This project is similar to the one that you did with Miss Nadarasa, in that none of the colours can touch.
However, some of the rules are changing. When you separate the piece of paper in the nine parts, those lines need to
be straight. They don’t, however, need to go straight up or across. They can go diagonally so that some of the patches
are much bigger than others. The lines of the leaves shouldn’t be straight. That’s why I’m giving you leaves to trace –
no leaf is the same, and yours shouldn’t be either.

You should all have your own pencils and erasers. There were plenty at the beginning of the year and they’ve all
disappeared, and now you’re responsible for your own. I want you to start with making those straight lines. There are
rulers up at the front if you don’t have one of your own, which you can come and get after Liam and Sameer have
handed out the paper. After you’re done creating your patches, trace the leaves. Then you can begin using the oil
pastels to colour it in. Remember to write your name on the back.

Body (modeling, collaborative work, individual = gradual release of responsibility, synthesis) (10 MINS):
Students will begin to work. The teacher will go around the class, observing their work, especially during the tracing
period, making sure that students have a solid understanding of what is being asked of them and that they are meeting
the success criteria. The teacher should be guiding them towards success if the student is not following instructions. If
the students continue to get out of their desks, remind them to sit down and raise their hands quietly - the teacher will
come to them, but cannot find everyone if they’re all yelling from their desk or rushing up. If three students are having
the same problem, repeat the instructions at the board to ensure that the whole class understands and ask if anyone
needs further clarification on any of the steps.

Close (success criteria visited) (5 MINS):

Show a few examples of the different artworks made by the students and describe how the curves lines of the leaves
made the leaves pop out in the patches, despite the fact that only warm colours were used in the entire picture.
Stage 4: Reflection
Student Reflection of Learning (metacognition)

Teacher Reflection (WWW/EBI)

L. Radford & T. Hollweck, adapted from "Understanding by Design", Wiggins

and McTighe (2005).

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