CFM Module 2

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Health and Devt, Community Dx, Community Organization, PHC, MDG, Phil Health Situation, UHC - Dr. Mendoza
DOH programs (special groups), Health Economics - Dr. Polly
Occupational health - Dr. Joves

Prelims - 3G - December 14, 2012

Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. development of community health workers D A. Preparatory phase
2. integration A B. Organization phase
3. Skills training D C. Education and training
4. Selection of contact A D. Leadership formation phase
5. Core-group B

Write: A – if first and second statements are CORRECT

B – If first statement is CORRECT but the second statement is INCORRECT
C – If first statement is INCORRECT but the second statement is CORRECT
D – If first and second statements are INCORRECT

6. Financial factors affect affect health seeking patterns of the Filipinos thus public spending on health
is high. B
7. The Department of Health claims monopoly to the solution of community health problems since it is
the principal agency in health in the Philippines. C
8. The Philippine Constitution guarantees that health is a basic human right. Ironically, the great
disparity in access to and use of health care, resulting in significant differences in health status
between the rich and the poor constitutes a grave violation of this right for most Filipinos. A
9. Health care services should be geographically accessible. This means that there should be health
facilities in every barangay. C
10. The key building block to strengthen the health system is health information because improvements
in all the other components are dependent on adequate data. D

Match Column A with Column B

11. Research-based methods C A. PHC Objective
12. Safe water and sanitation E B. Core PHC Principle
13. People-centered services B C. PHC Philosophy
14. Universal Coverage B D. PHC Strategies
15. Vast improvement in the performance of health system A E. PHC Essential Health Services


16. First source of professional health care: B

A. Barangay health workers C. First line hospital personnel
B. Intermediate level health workers D. All of the above

17. The SSS and GSIS are examples of : D

A. Public funded Health Care Model C. Private Enterprise Health Care Model
B. Social Health Insurance D. Social Security Health Model
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18. Factor/s affecting the country’s health status, EXCEPT: D

A. Poor health care financing C. Inadequate regulatory mechanisms
B. Inappropriate health delivery system D. Devolved health system
19. Essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and
technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their
full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford to maintain at every stage
of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and self-determination: C
A. Millenium Developmental Goals C. Primary Health Care
B. Universal Health Care D. National Health Plan

Write A – TRUE B – FALSE

20.Accidents and injuries are among the disease conditions of public health importance. A
21.Greater national wealth always guarantees an improved health status of the people. B
22.The concept of wealth distribution is an integral part of the overall analysis of economic performance.
23.Health opportunities are determined by socio-medical factors. B
24.The new public health concept states that the idea that living conditions are the main determinants of
health. A
25.Health reform intention is to improve efficiently, effectiveness and patient choice. A
26.It has been shown that greater national wealth alone guarantees an improved health status for the
people. B
27.Politics has no role in the issue of resource allocation. B
28.Health is a matter of gender, therefore the need to empower women and men. A
29.Much of what impacts health broadly lies within the influence of the health sector. B
30.Health is a key element of human rights and social justice. A

Modified MCQ: Write A- if 1, 2, and 3 are correct

B – if 1 and 3 are correct
C – if 2 and 4 are correct
D – if only 4 is correct
E – if 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct

31.Establishment of an effective health referral system involves the principle/s of: C

1. Self-reliance 3. Decentralization
2. Recognition of interrelationship of health and development 4. Social mobilization
32.Community generate support for health programs: D
1. Decentralization 3. Social mobilization
2. Community participation 4. Self-reliance
33.All relevant sectors factor health into their agendas: D
1. People-centered services 3. Universal coverage
2. Leadership 4. Health public policies
34.Millennium Developmental Goals: E
1. Eight time-bound, concrete and specific targets
2. Aims to significantly reduce, if not eradicate poverty
3. Lay the foundations for sustainable human development
4. International and country-based

35.PhilHealth is an example of: D

1. Leadership 3. Decentralization
2. Community participation 4. Universal coverage
36.Condition/s wherein vitamin A can be given: E
1. Measles 3. Severe pneumonia
2. Persistent diarrhea 4. Severely underweight
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37.Expanded Garantisadong Pambata contributes to the reduction of infant and child morbidity and
mortality towards the attainment of: B
1. MDG 1 3. MDG 4
2. MDG 3 4. MDG 5
38.Family Planning Program is anchored on the following basic principle/s: E
1. Responsible Parenthood 3. Informed choice
2. Respect for life 4. Birth spacing
39.Age group included for the deworming program: A
1. 11-14 3. 1-5
2. 6-10 4. 0-1
40.Agency/ies involved in Expanded Garantisadong Pambata: E
1. DSWD 3. DOH
2. Philippine Dental Association 4. USAID
41.Expanded Garantisadong Pinoy Environmental Services Package: B
1. Child injury prevention 3. Smoke Free Homes
2. Healthy Lifestyle 4. Deworming
42.Pertinent information of the Human Resource for Health Network: E
1. Production and distribution 3. Utilization
2. Migration 4. Retirement
43.Reason/s for not consulting among adolescents: E
1. Fear of diagnosis 3. Disapproval of parents
2. Lack of time and money 4. Distance
44.Most common reason/s for seeking health care among adolescents: E
1. Dental examination 3. BP monitoring
2. Pregnancy 4. Post partum
45.The likelihood of engaging in pre-marital sex is higher among those who: A
1. Smokes 3. Drinks alcohol
2. Takes drugs 4. Young parents
46.Target population for Health Development Program for Older Persons: E
1. Sick and frail elderly 3. Chronically ill and cognitively impaired elderly
2. Well elderly 4. Health workers and caregivers
47.True of the National Mental Health Policy through a Mental Health Program strategy: E
1. Promotion of mental health
2. Protection of the rights and freedoms of persons with mental diseases
3. Reduction of the burden and consequences of mental ill-health, mental and brain disorders and
4. Community-based
48.Included in the Mental Health Program: E
1. Substance abuse 3. Mental Disorder
2. Extreme life experiences 4. Wellness of daily living
49.Minimum staff requirement for a Women and Child Protection Unit (WCPU): C
1. Psychologist 3. Guidance counselor
2. Trained social worker 4. Trained physician

50.Important in violence against women and children: E

1. Recognize 3. Report
2. Record 4. Refer

Write: A – True B – False

pcc, joves, mendoza combo

51. The Women’s Health and Safe Motherhood Project shifts emphasis from the risk approach that
identifies high-risk pregnancies during the prenatal period to an approach that prepares all pregnant
for the complications of childbirth. A
52. Women and Child protection program, minimum requirements for all hospitals without a women and
child protection unit shall have a women and children protection coordinator (WCPC) responsible for
coordinating the management and referral of all violence against women and children cases in the
hospital. A
53. Latest data shows that majority of people engaged in sex work are young and 70% of HIV infections
involve male-to-male sex. A
54. The program to address sexual and reproductive health issues of adolescents adopt gender-
sensitive approaches. A
55. Children’s Health 2025 utilizes a life cycle approach ensuring the issues, needs and gaps are
addressed at the different stages of the child’s growth and development. A

Write: A – Goal D – Services and protection Objectives

B – Health Status Objective E – Strategies / Activities
C – Risk Reduction Objective

56. Reduce the prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition among school-age children. C

57. To achieve good health for all Filipino children by the year 2025. A
58. Reduce the mortality rate among adolescents and youths by 50%. B
59. Strengthening community-based support systems and interventions for children’s health. E
60. Increase the percentage of infants exclusively breastfed up to six months to 30%. C
61. Family Planning services as part of medical and surgical missions of the hospital. E
62. Reduce infant mortality rates from 35.3 deaths/1000 livebirths in 1998 to less than 30 deaths/1000
live births. B
63. Financial risk protection. E
64. Promote and protect the human rights and dignity of Persons with Disabilities and their caregivers. A
65. Health for all occupations in partnership with the workers, employers, local government authorities,
and other sectors in promoting self-sustaining programs and improvement of worker’s health and
working environment. A

Write: A – 1, 2 and 3 D – 4 only

B – 1 and 3 E – 1, 2, 3 and 4
C – 2 and 4

66. Material Data Sheet Contains: E

1. Physical Data 3. Health Hazard
2. Fire and explosion Hazard 4. Reactivity Data
67. Temperature extreme hazard: C
1. Manufacturing 3. Clerical
2. Farming 4. Sales

68. Inventory of environmental workplace conditions: A

1. Illumination 3. Temperature
2. Noise and Vibration 4. Types of goods produced
69. Asphyxiant: D
1. Ammonia 3. Vinyl chloride
2. Benzene 4. Hydrogen sulfide
70. Acceptable Threshold Limit Value (TLV): B
1. 10 ppm hydrogen sulfide 3. Noise of 90 decibeld
2. 100 parts per million carbon monoxide 4. Parathion of 1 mg/cubic meter
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71. Work situation/s that are stressful ergonomically: E

1. Speedy physical exertion 3. High level of concentration at work
2. Repetitive motions 4. Psychosocial factors
72. Non-ionizing radiation: A
1. Microwave 3. Ultraviolet
2. Infrared 4. Gamma ray

Match Column A with Column B:


73. Caisson’s Disease E A. Sensitizers

74. Glass blower’s B B. infra-red radiation

75. Pneumoconiosis D C. Cotton dust
76. Byssinosis C D. Coal dust
E. High atmospheric pressure

Write: A – if statement refers to item A

B – if statement refers to item B
C – if statement refers to both items A and B
D – if statement refers neither A nor b

77. Engineering: D
A. Rescheduling of operations B. Personal Protective Equipments
78. Modification: A
A. Substitution B. Treatment
79. Institution of rest pauses: B
A. Prevention B. Administrative
80. Use of glove boxes for handling pathogenic biological wastes: B
A. Sanitation B. Enclosure
81. Monitoring of airborne levels of chemicals: C
A. Biological B. Environmental
82. Suspended solid particles: C
A. Fumes B. Dust
83. Waste minimization: C
A. Recycling B. Source reduction
84. Cyclones: A
A. Technical approach B. Isolation
85. Armed forces: B
A. Service B. Special Occupations

Finals - 3H - March 22, 2013

A – True B – False
1. The Women’s Health and Safe Motherhood Project shifts emphasis from the risk approach that
identifies high – risk pregnancies during the prenatal period to an approach that prepares all pregnant
for the complications of childbirth.

2. Women and Child protection program, minimum requirements for all hospitals without a women and
children protection unit shall have a women and children protection coordinator (WCP) responsible for
coordinating the management and referral of all violence against women and children cases in the
pcc, joves, mendoza combo

3. Latest data shows that majority of people engaged in sex work are young individuals involve male – to
– male sex.

4. The program to address sexual and reproductive health issues of adolescents adopt ____ approaches.

5. Children’s Health 2025 utilizes a life cycle approach ensuring the issues, needs and gaps that are
adopted at the different stages of the child’s growth and development.

Write: A – Goal D – Services and Protection Objectives

B – Health Status Objectives E – Strategies / Activities
C – Risk Reduction Objectives

6. Reduce the prevalence of protein – energy malnutrition among school – age children.

7. To achieve good health for all Filipino children by the year 2025.

8. Reduce the mortality rate among adolescents and youths by 50%.

9. Strengthening community – based support systems and interventions for children’s health.

10. Increase the percentage of infants exclusively breastfed up to six months to 30%.

11. Family Planning services as part of medical and surgical missions of the hospital.

12. Reduce Infant Mortality Rate from 35.3 deaths / 1000 live births in 1998 to less than ___ live births.

13. Financial risk protection.

14. Promote and protect the human rights and dignity of Persons with Disabilities….


Write: A – if 1, 2 and 3 are correct D – if only 4 is correct

B – if 1 and 3 are correct E – if 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
C – if 2 and 4 are correct

16. Condition/s wherein Vitamin A can be given

1. Measles 3. Severe pneumonia
2. Persistent diarrhea 4. Severely underweight

17. Expanded Garantisadong Pambata contributes to the reduction of infant and children mortality
towards the attainment of:
1. MDG 1 3. MDG 4
2. MDG 3 4. MDG 5

18. Family Planning Program is anchored on the following basic principle/s:

1. Responsible Parenthood 3. Informed Choice
2. Respect for Life 4. Birth Spacing

19. Age group included for deworming program:

1. 11 – 14 3. 1 – 5
2. 6 – 10 4. 0 – 1
pcc, joves, mendoza combo

20. Agency/ies involved in Expanded Garantisadong Pambata:

1. DSWD 3. DOH
2. Philippine Dental Association 4. USAID

21. Expanded Garantisadong Pambata Environmental Services Package:

1. Child Inquiry Preparation 3. Smoke Free Homes
2. Healthy Lifestyle 4. Deworming

22. ____ Information on the Human Resources for Health Research?

1. Production and Distribution 3. Utilization
2. Migration 4. Retirement

23. Reasons for not consulting among adolescents:

1. Fear of diagnosis 3. Disapproval of parents
2. Lack of time and money 4. Distance

24. Reason/s for seeking health care among adolescents:

1. Physical Examination 3. BP monitoring
2. Pregnancy 4. Post partum

25. ____ engaging in pre-marital sex is higher among ___

1. 3. Drinks alcohol
2. Drugs 4. Young parents

26. ___ for Health Development ____


Write: A – if statement pertains to A C – if statement pertains to both items A and B

B – if statement pertains to B D – if statement pertains to neither A nor B

31. Prices increases when more is desired, prices decreases when less is desired.
A. Market and Pricing B. Invisible Hand

32. Time and resources used to satisfy one set of desires cannot be used to satisfy another set.
A. Marginal Cost B. Marginal Benefit

33. Choosing between studying for the final examination and watching a movie on a Sunday evening.
A. Opportunity Cost B. Marginal Analysis

34. Nurses employed in call centers or Pharmacy assistants.

A. Market Failure B. Self – interest

35. Government’s Budget allocation to health, education, agriculture, etc.

A. Supply and Demand B. Scarcity and Choice

36. Health’s market failure

A. Information asymmetry B. Externalities

37. Consumer sovereignity

A. Supply and Demand B. Voluntary exchange
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38. A situation where the consumption of a good or service by one individual is available to anyone else.
A. Non rivalrous B. Non exclusive

39. People spending other’s money show little concern for how it is spent. People spending their own
money spend it more wisely.
A. Scarcity and Choice B. Self – interest

40. Majority of the budget was allocated to preventive rather than curative programs.
A. Efficiency B. Scarcity and Choice

41. Filipino nurses are preferred over other nurses of different nationality because of their caring attitude.
A. Efficiency B. Competition

42. Trade Offs

A. Marginal analysis B. Opportunity cost

43. The cost of any decision or action is measured in terms of the value placed on the opportunity
A. Trade Offs B. Marginal analysis

44. Externalities
A. Smoking B. Clean water

45. Choosing between working here in the Philippines and serve the Filipinos or go abroad and earn
A. Opportunity cost B. Scarcity and Choice


Write: A – if statement refers to item A

B – if statement refers to item B
C – if statement refers to item both A and B
D – if statement refers neither A nor B

46. Engineering:
A. Rescheduling of operations B. Personal Protective Equipment

__ 47. Modification

A. Substitution b. Treatment

__ 48. Institution of rest pauses:

A. Prevention b. Administrative

__ 49. Use of glove boxes for handling pathogenic biological wastes

A. Sanitation b. Enclosure

__ 50. Monitoring of airborne levels of chemicals

A. Biological b. Environmental
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__ 51. Suspended soil particles

A. Fumes b. Dusts

__ 52. Waste minimization

A. Recycling b. Source reduction

__ 53. Cyclones

A. Technical approach b. Isolation

__ 54. Armed Forces

A. Service b. Special occupations

__ 55. Byssinosis

A. Cotton dust b. High atmospheric pressure

__ 56. Glass blower’s cataract

A. Noise b. Infra red radiation

__ 57. Caisson’s disease

A. Coal dust b. Cotton dust

__ 58. Pneumoconiosis

A. Sensitizer b. High atmospheric pressure

Write: A – if 1, 2 and 3 are correct D – if only 4 is correct

B – if 1 and 3 are correct E – if 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
C – if 2 and 4 are correct

__ 59. Maternal data sheet contains

1. Physical data 3. Health hazard

2. Fire and Explosion hazard 4. Reactivity data

__ 60. Temperature extreme hazard

1. Manufacturing 3. Clerical

2. Farming 4. Sales

__ 61. Inventory of environmental workplace condtion

1. Illumination 3. temperature

2. Noise and vibration 4. Types of goods produced

__ 62. Asphyxiant
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1. Ammonia 3. Vinyl chloride

2. Benzene 4. Hydrogen sulfide

__ 63. Acceptable threshold limit value

1. 10 ppm hydrogen sulfide 3. Noise of 90 decibels

2. 100 ppm carbon monoxide 4. Parathion of 1mg/cubic meter

__ 64. Danger situations that are stressful ergonomically

1. Speedy mechanical exertion 3. High level of concentration at work

2. Repetitive motions 4. Psychsocial factors

__ 65. Ionizing radiation

1. Microwave 3. ultraviolet

2. Infrared 4. Gamma ray

A – True B – False
__ 72. Community organization is a process undertaken by health practitioners to identify and analyze
factors that affect health in a community.

__ 73. Community diagnosis is an important take off point in planning and implementing meaningful
community programs and actions.

__ 74. Community organizing is a warning device and surveillance by which health authorities initiate

__ 75. Greater normal wealth always guarantees an improves health status of the people.

__ 76. Health reform intention is to improve efficiently, effectiveness and patient choice.

__ 77. Politics has no role in the issue of resource allocation.

__ 78. Health is a matter of gender, therefore the need to empower women and men.

__ 79. Much of what impacts health broadly lies within the influence of the health sector.

__ 80. Health is a key element in human rights and social justice.

__ 81. The Phil. Population is predominantly young.

__ 82. The Phils. Is a democratic and parliamentary state.

__ 83. The gender gap appears to be in favor of boys as far as participation in basic education, technical,
vocational education and higher education are concerned.

__ 84. The Phils. Is considered having low HIV prevalence.

__ 85. Nearly half of all pregnancies every year are unintended resulting to abortion.
pcc, joves, mendoza combo

A – 1st and 2nd correct

B – 1st is correct but 2nd is wrong

C – 1st is wrong but 2nd is correct

D. 1st and 2nd are wrong

__ 86. Financial factors affect health seeking patterns of the Filipinos thus public spending on health is

__ 87. The DOH claims monopoly to the solution of community health probles since it is the principal
agency of health in the Phils.

__ 88. The Phil. Constitution guarantees that health is a basic human right. Ironically, the great disparity
in access to and use of health care, resulting in significant differences in health status between the rich
and the poor constitutes a grave violation of this right for most Filipinos.

__ 89. Health care services should be geographically accessible. This means that there should be health
facilities in every barangay.

__ 90. The key building block to strengthen the health system is health information because
improvements in all the other components are dependent on adequate data.

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