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dance Académica.

- It is one that is characterized because teaching methods have been created for their
learning, and are "regulated" and systematized to a certain extent the steps or movements to be made.
dance Clásica.- It is one that has its origin in Europe, more specifically in court dances of the nobility, as
a distraction and fun for that social class. This type of dance was added regulations or guidelines, seeking
an improvement in the form of the execution of the dances, according to the times determined by music, an
example of classical dance is ballet.
Modern Dance.- This dance arises as a reaction to the classical forms of the Ballet looking in a certain way
for a greater expression through movements, for the expression of feelings and ideas, using an extension of
the movements that were used in classical ballet, but still having a continuation of the ballet in its forms
and movements, however the costumes with which the dances are performed are changed and greater
expressive possibilities are sought within the dance space.
dance Contemporánea.- This type of dance is not based on classical ballet so it does not have the rigidity
of movements that ballet possesses and shares with modern dance. Through contemporary dance seeks the
maximum expression of feelings, which are exposed through the movements of the body, looking for the
movement of the dancer to express an idea, emotion or feeling, using very effusive movements in terms of
execution, combining some classic movements, traditional and typical of the current dances, as well as
dance Tradicional.- Traditional dances are all those that are transmitted by tradition from generation to
generation, and in turn are part of the imaginary and cultural identity of a specific community or region,
usually have a ritual origin. Among the traditional dances are folkloric, regional and popular.
Danzas Folklóricas.- They are those that reflect and preserve the customs and traditions of the regions
where they are practiced, conserving their original elements both in the dance itself, as well as in terms of
clothing, and other paraphernalia used for its execution. It is transmitted from generation to generation and
represent one of the cultural features of a people or culture.
Regional Dances.- They are part of the folkloric dances but they have a particularity, that is the adaptation
to a certain region and own style, being understood of this, that the dance that is executed in certain region
of a place, has diverse variations (in the music or clothing) to be performed in nearby places, so the same
dance differs to some extent, with respect to the same dance performed in one or another region, so that the
same dances are acquiring over time local dyes own that vary from region to region.
Popular Dances.- They are traditional dances, which have a connotation of popular nature, understood as
their use or execution in festivities not only religious, but profane, with a great tendency to fun for those
who run or observe it, are examples of this type , dances such as tarantelas, jotas, flamenco, boleros, dances
in circles and others.

Ballroom dancing
The ballroom dances (in French , danse de salon , in English , ballroom dance ) is a set of couples
dances , which are enjoyed socially and competitively throughout the world. Due to its performance and
entertainment aspects , ballroom dancing is also widely enjoyed on stage , film and television .

Tango is a musical genre and dance , characteristic of the region of the Rio de la Plata and its area of
influence, mainly in the cities of Buenos Aires (in Argentina ) and Montevideo (in Uruguay ). The writer
Ernesto Sabato highlighted the condition of "hybrid" of tango. 2 The poet Eduardo Giorlandini highlights
his Afro- Platano roots , with the Gaucho culture , Hispanic , African , Italian and the enormous ethnic
diversity of the great immigration wave coming mainly from Europe

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