Information Technology University: Linear Circuit Analysis

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Information Technology University

Linear Circuit Analysis

Quiz # 4
Fall 2015

Quiz Time: 30 minutes

Name and Registration Number:

Q#1 Consider a parallel RLC circuit having an inductance of 10 mH and

a resistor of 100 microOhm. Determine the capacitance values that
would lead to overdamped responses.
An overdamped response will result if α>ω0
α = 1/2RC

ω0 = 1/𝐿𝐶
Taking square on both sides
1 1
So simplify above equation and we get
4𝑅 2

Put values of L and R in above equation

𝐶 < 250,000 𝐹
Q#2 . In the parallel circuit of figure given below, find v(t) for t>0,
assuming v(0) = 5volts, i(0) = 0, L = 1 H ,C = 10 mF. Consider the case
when R=5 Ω.

When R=5 Ω

ω0 = 1/ 𝐿𝐶

ω0 = 1/ 1 ∗ 10 ∗ 10−3 = 10
α = 1/2RC
α = 1/2 ∗ 5 ∗ 10 ∗ 10−3 = 10
Since α = ω0 , the response is Critically damped…

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