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I. What is Psychology?

A) Definition

Modern psychology: idea of applying the methods of science to study. Bridge between philosophy (Ideas
about how knowledge acquired) and natural science (Progress in understanding the nervous system

Psychology: scientific study of how people behave, think and feel

- Behaviour (cognition, social influence)
- Thinking (mental processes)
- Feeling (emotions)
!! Psychology and Psychiatry are not related!! Psychology not related to “pop” psycho!!

B) Sub disciplines of Psychology

CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: assessment and treatment of mental illness, abnormal behaviour, psychiatric
problems. Father of it is Freud

COUNCELLING PSYCHOLOGY: treating patient mental distress and a wide variety of psychological
symptoms. This field is one of the largest individual areas within psychology (health, marriage…)

HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY: improve health, promoting healthy behaviours, prevention and treatment of
illness and disease, coping with illness (family), public awareness programs.

BIOPSYCHLOGY: how brain, neurons, nervous system influence thoughts, feelings, behaviours (brain
injuries, diseases)

DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: how people change and grow throughout entire lifespan (emotional,
intellectual development…)

FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY: intersection of Psycho and the law. Psychologist lend psychological expertise
to prove testimony, analysis or recommendations in legal or criminal cases

SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY: how P influences sports, athletic performance, exercise (to improve

INDUSTRIAL/ORGANISATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY: to improve productivity and efficiency in the

workplace while maximizing well-being of employees (attitude, organisational process, leadership…)

II. What is Social Psychology?

Social psychology: scientific investigation of how thoughts, feelings and behaviours of individuals are
influenced by actual, imagines or implied presence of others (Allport, 1954). Interested in variables that
affect individual behaviours within a society.


Sociology: geared towards society as a whole. Interested in cultures and institutions that influences social
and individualized behaviour

Social P influenced by neighbouring disciplines: sociology, cognitive psychology, sociolinguistics…

A) Current theories in Social Psychology

5 major theoretical perspectives:

 Behaviourism
Possible to control and shape behaviour by controlling rewards and reinforcement
Reinforcement strengthens the response and punishment weakens
 Social cognition
Paying attention to, interpreting and remembering social experiences
 Social neuroscience
Understanding through neurological activity
 Evolutionary social psychology
Physical and Psychologically predisposed that helped our ancestors survive…
 Personality
Social behaviour can be partially explained through personality traits

III. Social Psychology and Management

Manager should be able to

- Understand better your employees

- Manage workforce diversity (people from different culture, ethnical race…)
- Promote ethical behaviour (ethical work environment)
- Manage group conflicts (how to tackle those)

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