Real Analysis Definitions

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1. Absolute Value: If x∈ℝ, the _________ of x, 23. Injective: A function f:A→B is _________ if
|x|={x if x≥0, -x if x<0} ∀a,a'∈A, f(a)=f(a') implies a=a'.
2. Accumulation Point: Let S⊆ℝ. x∈ℝ is an _________ of S if 24. Interior Point: Let S⊆ℝ. A point x∈ℝ is an _________ of S if
∀ε>0, N*(x;ε)∩S≠∅ ∃N(x;ε)⊆S
3. Boundary Point: Let S⊆ℝ. A point x∈ℝ is a _________ of S if 25. Inverse Function: Let f:A→B be bijective.
∀N(x;ε), N∩S≠∅, and N∩ℝ\S≠∅ The _________ of f is defined by
4. Bounded: If S is bounded above and below { (y,x)∈BxA | (x,y)∈f }
it is said to be _________. 26. Isolated Point: The set of all accumulation points of S is S'.

5. Bounded Sequence: (sn) is _______ if the range {Sn | n∈ℕ} is If x∈S, x∉S'; then x is an _________ of S.
a bounded set. 27. Limit: If (sn) converges to s, then s is the _________ of (Sn);
That is, ∃M≥0 s.t. |sn|≤M ∀n∈ℕ lim sn = S
6. Cardinal Number: The _________ is the number of elements 28. Lower Bound: Let S⊆ℝ, if ∃m∈ℝ s.t. m≤s, ∀s∈S,
in a set. ℵ₀ is the cardinal number of the naturals, c is the then m is a _________ of S.
cardinal number of the reals. ℵ₀ < c. 29. Maximum: If an upper bound m of S is a member of S,
7. Closed: Let S⊆ℝ. if bd S⊆S, then S is _________. then the _________ is m; m=max S
8. Closure: Let S⊆ℝ. _____ S = S∪S' 30. Minimum: If a lower bound m of S is a member of S then

9. Compact: S is _________ iff every open cover of S contains a the _________ is m; m=min S
finite subcover. 31. Neighborhood: Let x∈ℝ and ε<0. A _________ of x is

10. Completeness Axiom: Every nonempty subset S of ℝ that is defined:

bounded above (below) has a supremum (infimum). That N(x;ε)={y∈ℝ | |x-y|<ε}
is, sup S (inf S) exists, and is Real. 32. Open: Let S⊆ℝ. if bd S⊆ℝ\S, then S is _________.

11. Converge: (sn) _________ to s∈ℝ if 33. Open Cover: If Ƒ is a family of open sets whose unions
∀ε>0, ∃N∈ℕ s.t. n≥N implies |sn-s|<ε contains S, then Ƒ is an _________ of S.
12. Countable: If a set is finite or denumberable, it is _________. 34. Preimage: Suppose f:A→B. If D⊆B,

13. Deleted Neighborhood: Let x∈ℝ and ε<0. A _________ of x is f-¹(D) is the _________ of D in A.
defined: 35. Range: _________ f = { b∈B | ∃a∈A s.t. (a,b)∈f }
N*(x;ε)={y∈ℝ | 0<|x-y|<ε} 36. Sequence: A _________ is a function whose domain is ℕ
N*(x;ε)=N(x;ε)\{x} 37. Subcover: If 𝔊⊆Ƒ and 𝔊 is also an open cover of S, then
14. Denumerable: A set S is _________ if 𝔊 is a _________ of S.
∃ bijection f:ℕ→S.
38. Supremum: Let S≠∅, S⊆ℝ, if S is bounded above, then the
15. Diverge: If a sequence does not converge it is _________. least upper bound of S is the _________ of S. m = sup S iff:
16. Diverge to Negative Infinity: lim Sn = _________ if a) m≥s, ∀s∈S, and
∀M∈ℝ, ∃N∈ℕ s.t. n≥N implies sn<M b) if m'<m, then ∃s∈S s.t. s>m'
17. Diverge to Positive Infinity: lim Sn = _________ if 39. Surjective: A function f:A→B is _________ if
∀M∈ℝ, ∃N∈ℕ s.t. n≥N implies sn>M B=ran f
18. Equinumerous: S,T are _________ (S~T) if 40. Uncountable: If a set is neither denumerable nor finite it is
∃ bijection from S to T. _________.
19. Finite: S is _________ if S=∅ or if 41. Upper Bound: Let S⊆ℝ, if ∃m∈ℝ s.t. m≥s, ∀s∈S,
∃ n∈ℕ and bijection f:{1,2,...,n}→S then m is an _________ of S.
20. Function: Let A, B be sets. A _________ from A to B is a
nonempty relation f⊆AxB that satisfies:
a) Existence: ∀a∈A, ∃b∈B s.t. (a,b)∈f
b) Uniqueness: (a,b)∈f, (a,c)∈f implies b=c
21. Image: Suppose f:A→B. If C⊆A, f(C) represents {f(x) | x∈C}.
f(C) is the _________ of C in B.
22. Infimum: Let S≠∅, S⊆ℝ, if S is bounded below, then the
greatest lower bound of S is the _________ of S. m = inf S
a) m≤s, ∀s∈S, and
b) if m'>m, then ∃s∈S s.t. s<m'
Analysis midterm 2
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1. Bounded Function: A function f:D→ℝ is said to be ________ if 16. Multiple (kf): Let
f:D→ℝ, g:D→ℝ.
∃M∈ℝ such that |f(x)|≤M, ∀x∈D. We define the ______ to be a function from D→ℝ by
2. Cauchy Sequence: A sequence (sn) of real numbers is said (kf)(x)=kf(x), ∀x∈D.
to be a ____________ if 17. Oscillating Sequence: If lim inf sn < lim sup sn, then (sn)
∀ε>0, ∃N∈ℕ such that m,n ≥ N implies |sn-sm|< ε. ________.
3. Continuous at c: Let f:D→ℝ, c∈D, 18. Product (fg): Let f:D→ℝ, g:D→ℝ.
f is _______ if ∀ε>0, ∃δ>0 such that |f(x)-f(c)|<ε We define the ______ to be a function from D→ℝ by
whenever |x-c|<δ and x∈D. (fg)(x)=f(x)*g(x), ∀x∈D.
4. Continuous Function: if f is continuous on its domain D, 19. Quotient (f/g): Let f:D→ℝ, g:D→ℝ, g(x)≠0.
then f is __________. We define the ______ to be a function from D→ℝ by
5. Continuous on S: If f is continuous at each point of a subset (f/g)(x)=f(x)/g(x), ∀x∈D.
S of D, 20. Right Hand Limit of Function: If dom f = (a,b),
then f is _________. lim_(x→a+) f(x) = L iff ∀ε>0, ∃δ>0
6. Decreasing: A sequence (sn) of real numbers is ________ if such that |f(x)-L|<ε whenever x∈(a,b) and a<x<a+δ.
sn≥s(n+1), ∀n∈ℕ.
7. Differentiable: Let f be a real-valued function defined on an
lim_(x→a) f(x) = L iff
interval I containing the point c. lim_(x→a+) f(x) =lim_(x→a-) f(x) = L.
We say that f is ______ at c if 21. Strictly Decreasing: a function f is said to be _________ on

lim_(x→c) ((f(x)-f(c))/(x-c)) exists and is finite. an interval I if

We define this as f'(x). x1<x2 in I implies f(x1)>f(x2).
22. Strictly Increasing: a function f is said to be _________ on an
If the function is ________ at each point of the set S⊆I, then interval I if
f is said to be _________ on S, and x1<x2 in I implies f(x1)<f(x2).
f':S→ℝ is the derivative of f on S. 23. Subsequence: Let (sn) be defined ∀n∈ℕ,
8. Extension of a Function: We say that a function ƒ:E→ℝ is an and (nk) is a sequence of naturals such that n1<n2<...
________ f:D→ℝ if The sequence (snk) is a ________ of (sn).
D⊆E and f(x)=ƒ(x), ∀x∈D. 24. Subsequential Limit: Let (sn) be a bounded sequence.
9. Function bounded on a neighborhood: Let f:D→ℝ , c∈D. We A ______________ of (sn) is any real number that is the limit
say f is ________________ of c of some subsequence of (sn).
if ∃N(c;ε), and M∈ℝ such that |f(x)|≤M ∀x∈N∩D. 25. Sum (f+g): Let f:D→ℝ, g:D→ℝ.
10. Increasing: A sequence (sn) of real numbers is ________ if We define the ______ to be a function from D→ℝ by
sn≤s(n+1), ∀n∈ℕ. (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x), ∀x∈D.
11. Left Hand Limit of Function: If dom f = (a,b), 26. Uniformly Continuous: Let f:D→ℝ. We say f is _________ on D
lim_(x→a-) f(x) = L iff ∀ε>0, ∃δ>0 if
such that |f(x)-L|<ε whenever x∈(a,b) and b-δ<x<b. ∀ε>0, ∃δ>0 such that |f(x)-f(y)|<ε
whenever |x-y|<δ and x,y∈D.
lim_(x→a) f(x) = L iff
lim_(x→a+) f(x) =lim_(x→a-) f(x) = L.
12. Limit Inferior: Let (sn) be a bounded sequence.
If S is the set of all subsequential limits of (sn),
then the ___________ (lower limit) of (sn) is
lim inf sn = inf S.
13. Limit of f at c: Let f:D→ℝ, and let c∈D'. We say L∈ℝ is the
____________ if
∀ε>0, ∃δ>0 such that |f(x)-L|<ε
whenever x∈D and 0<|x-c|<δ.
14. Limit Superior: Let (sn) be a bounded sequence.
If S is the set of all subsequential limits of (sn),
then the ___________ (upper limit) of (sn) is
lim sup sn = sup S.
15. Monotone: A sequence is ________ if it is increasing or

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