Quick Progress Test 1

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Level: Pre-intermediate

Trainer: Carmen Dutu

Name ______________________________ Date _______________


Section 1: Grammar and Lexis

Part A
Put the words in the correct order to make questions. See the example.

Who work for do you?
Who do you work for?

1 How need you money much do?


2 What do do you exactly?


3 How travel does job involve much your?


4 Do often late work you?


5 Could I please the Marketing have Department?


6 Do know you the airport is where?


Quick Progress Test 1 1

Level: Pre-intermediate
Trainer: Carmen Dutu

Part B
Read the sentences. There are three words in italics. Cross out the incorrect word.
See the example.

Could you repeat / read / put that back to me?

7 I’m phoning to / about / for some information.

8 People at that company never return / leave / call messages!
9 I’m taking a(n) course / taxi / interview.
10 I’ve just downloaded a computer / file / virus.
11 Nintendo founded / launched / introduced the first portable hand-held game
system in 1989.
12 They deal / make / earn money by selling dog food.

Part C
Complete the article using the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, Present
Continuous or Past Simple. See the example.

A new survey says that currently companies are losing (lose) millions of dollars of
business every year through unhelpful and impolite reception staff. The survey
interviewed business people last year. Over 70% of people who answered the survey said
that most company receptionists (13) _______________ (fail) to greet them politely. 50%
said that many receptionists often (14) _______________ (not / smile). The survey
concludes that ‘the typical customer (15) _______________ (want) a receptionist to be
efficient and friendly’. As one business person said: ‘After a long trip it makes all the
difference if you meet a happy face.’ Now, as a result of the survey, many companies (16)
_______________ (re-train) their receptionists. One training manager said: ‘At the
moment, I (17) _______________ (organise) customer service courses for all
receptionists.’ But the survey also says that everyone in the company
(18) _______________ (need) to have the skills of the friendly receptionist.

Quick Progress Test 1 2

Level: Pre-intermediate
Trainer: Carmen Dutu

Section 2: Reading (19–25)

Mr White of ADH Graphics has written an e-mail to a client, Mr Clarkson, about a
visit Mr White is going to make to Mr Clarkson’s company. He’s also written an e-
mail to another regular client called Roger. The e-mails are mixed up. Separate the
e-mails and put them in the correct order. See the example.

E-mail 1: Dear Mr Clarkson, 1a 2___ 3___ 4___

E-mail 2: Dear Roger, 1 ___ 2___ 3___ 4___

Dear Mr Clarkson
Dear Roger
a I’m just writing to confirm my visit on
b and estimates? What size? How many? Please contact me if
c Friday. Could you give me more details about the brochure
d Friday 16th at 10am. I’ll bring the samples for the manual
e you have any other questions.
f you want me to visit.
g Thanks for calling me last
h and estimates for print runs. Please contact me if

Quick Progress Test 1 3

Level: Pre-intermediate
Trainer: Carmen Dutu

Section 3: Listening (26–30)

(Listening script 4.1)

Read the information on the business cards of the two speakers below. There are
five errors. Listen to conversation 1 twice. Cross out the errors and write the correct
words next to the cards.

Name: Florent Rondele ____________________

Position: Sales manager ____________________
Company: EMXwear, France ____________________
Specialists in children’s wear ____________________

Name: Mark Van Looy ____________________

Position: Training manager ____________________
Company: Verweij Fashion, Denmark ____________________
For the latest in fashion ____________________

Section 4: Speaking (31–35)

You are going to leave a message on an answer machine. You are visiting a colleague
and want him to collect you from the airport. Below is your flight information. Use
the information to prepare your message.

Flight Number: LF 385

Airline: Lufthansa
Date: 11 June
Departure: Paris 1435
Arrival: Warsaw 1705

Quick Progress Test 1 4

Level: Pre-intermediate
Trainer: Carmen Dutu
When you are ready, read or record your message. Your partner or teacher
will give you one mark for the following.

Did the speaker… Tick Marks

…introduce him/herself? 1
…explain the reason for calling? 1
…give all the flight information? 1
…leave his/her contact number? 1
…say goodbye? 1

Quick Progress Test 1 5

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