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Lecturer: HAK Danet

Prepared by: Pho Sochea

ID : e20140527


Exercise #1

Water Body Delineation/Bank Erosion Detection

I. Objective

The objective of this exercise is to delineate water-land binary map from Landsat 8
data. There are several methods to discriminate the land from the area covered with water (i.e., band
ration, traditional classification, band threshold and so on). However, in this exercise we will use
only the band threshold technique.

II. Instruction

The data provided include a raw Landsat 8 scene acquired during December 2017 and a
vector file, which you will use as your project boundary. To create a map showing land-water areas
follow the step-by-step instruction below.

Band Threshold Method

1. Open the raw image in to ENVI (Load only Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7).
2. Stack all image bands together using “layer stack” tool under raster management tool
3. Use “Edit Envi Heading” tool under raster management tool box to remove the black
background from your image.
4. Next, sub-set your data to your project site using File -> Save as -> spatial subset ->
by file.
5. Click on the ROI tool on the tool bar -> Add ROI -> Threshold -> Add new threshold
rule -> select Band 6 as your input file -> set Min and Max value for your threshold
(in this exercise we will select Min = 4918 and Max = 5800). In the same file, Add
another ROI, repeat the same process. But, this time set Min = 5801 and Max =
6. In the ROI tool, Click on File -> Export -> Classic ROI to save the ROIs you just
create in .roi file.
7. In the ENVI tool box, go to Vetor -> seclect “Classic ROI to Shape file”. This will
save your ROI file in ESRI vector file.
8. Open your new created vector file in ArcMap. Play around with ArcMap tools to
create a map that show only Water and Non Water Surface. If you work properly in
each process your final map will look similar to the map given below. Take the area
of water surface and non-water surface in your project site.
And after insert Legend, North arrow, Scale bar thenWe get a clear map as
shown below:
Exercise #2
Water Body Delineation/Bank Erosion Detection

I. Objective

In the exercise #1 you have learnt to extract water area from Landsat 8 image using
single band threshold method. In this exercise, on the other hand, you will learn to separate water
surface from non-water surface areas by creating a spectral indices image namely “Modified
Normalized Different Water Index or MNDWI” using band ratio function.
Note: The MNDWI is the improved version of the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI),
which was developed principally to enhance the discrimination of the water and none water area
especially for the area with urban build-up background given that build-up area is often hard to
distinguish by using the NDWI. The MNDWI can be calculated by dividing the subtraction of the
green and mid-infra-red (MIR) band with the sum of the green and MIR bands. For Landsat 8
image, Green band is Band 3 while band mid-infra-red is Band 6.

II. Instruction

The data provided include a raw Landsat 8 scene acquired during December 2017
and a vector file, which you will use as your project boundary (the same data as in
exercise #1).
Creating MNDWI image using Band Ratio:
1. Following step 1 to 5 in exercise #1.
2. On the ENVI tool box, click on Band Ratio tool expand it. From the drop
down, select Band Math -> In band math window, enter (B3-B6) in the “Enter
an expression” box -> click on “Add to list” to add expression. Then, press OK
to navigate to “Variable Band Pairing” window. In band pairing window, select
Band 3 and Band 6 from the multispectral image as B3 and B6 respectively, for
your band math expression. Next, set output file name and location -> execute
the expression. You have now, create a new layer which is the subtraction
between the green and mid-infrared band.
3. Repeat the process in step 2. But, this time change your expression to (B3+B6). To
create a new layer, which is the sum of green and mid-infrared band.
4. The next step is to create an MNDWI layer. In the Band ratio tool box, click on
“Band ratio” to bring the band ration window. In the band ratio window, select (B3-B6) layer for the
“Numerator” and (B3-B6) for the “Denominator” -> Select “Enter pair” -> click OK. You have now
created a new MNDWI layer.
5. Examine the 3 three new layers you have just created in step 2, 3 and 4. What are
the differences between the three layers? Explain your answer in your project report.
a/ B3-B6 is the figure shows that the water surface and non-water surface are different clearly with
their color.
b/ B3+B6 is the figure show that the two surface are still different but the colors do not separate
much clearly.
c/ Band Ratio: the figure shows more specific between water and non-water surface with clear area
than the two methods.
6. Next, apply the single band threshold method, just as you did for exercise 1, to
generate a new map showing only water surface and non-water surface feature.
• Open your new created vector file in ArcMap. Play around with ArcMap tools
to create a map that show only Water and Non Water Surface. If you work
properly in each process your final map will look similar to the map given
below. Take the area of water surface and non-water surface in your project
7. a/ Which method produce better map? Explain your judgement.
b/ What are the positive and negative point of each method?
a) The MNDWI layer is better method to produce this map because it makes more specific between
water and non-water surface. If we compare with the result that takes from the Band Threshold
Method, we get the result from the MNDWI in water surface is large.
b) The Band Threshold Method is easy to use and short procedure especially, we can use only one
band to predict. In contrast, its negative point is not specific in differ between water and non-water
surface. The MNDWI can predict more clearly and specific between the two different area but it
need more bands to process and much complicate to use.

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