Rangamal Dahanayake QS17043106

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Question 1

a) Briefly describe the four stages of the team and group development
process proposed by Tuckman (1965).
(8 Marks)
b) Explain how a project leader should behave in each stage of the team
and group development process.
(8 Marks)
c) Do you agree that the team and group development process is
practically visible in every group or project team? Describe your
opinion related to a group work you participated within your
academic life.
(9 Marks)

Rangamal Dahanayake
a) Forming
Team get together for the first time in this stage. The relationship among the team members
are made an also the purpose of the team is talked in this stage. Organization of the team
is also being discussed by the leader with the help of all the members. Outstanding
leadership roles and getting acquainted with others team members facilitate the
development of the team itself. Rules are made for the future proceedings. Normally
members of the team would act independently and cautious with behavior which is driven
by the want to be accepted by members.

b) Storming
Group members give an attempt for the given task as a team. They tend to express more
ideas where there arise conflicts. Storming behaviors like challenging authority, negative
mindsets about the team etc. could arise. Questions around leadership rules tend to rise.
Facing these as a team will make the team into the next stage. These conflicts sometimes
make the team stronger and versatile. Sometimes 3 or 4 phases of meeting arounds would
be conducted to settle down the matter to proceed to norming.

c) Norming
Members of the team are thinking positive about the team and acting accordingly to achieve
their goal. Members are more flexible and the communications get improved a lot. The
team tends to trust the leadership and support him. Leadership is shared where members
truth one another. Members take responsibilities and respect themselves and allowing the
members to focus on demonstrating the talents that got them into the team I the first place.

d) Performing
The team and the members of the team shows the proficiency in working together where
they need to achieve their target. Effectiveness in higher than initial stages. Members tend
to work even without the leadership and the supervision of the leader. Leadership will not
stick to one person where it could get shift in terms of the capability of solving the matters.
Disagreements may come but will be solved easily within the team. The team has a high
degree of autonomy.

Forming stage

In forming stage, leaders should act accordingly to make the time into the goal. The leader must
set objectives for the team members where there are a set of people who are willing to find the
reason for teaming up. Leader should direct the members a lot. Even though the support of the
members is less, leader should push and persuade the members to do their work.

Storming stage

When it comes to the storming stage, as the relationships progresses there arise the conflicts
where the leader must step up for them. In resolving the conflicts, the leader must guide the
members of the team and the supporting level of the members is high comparing to the first
stage. Focus of the leader will be on people interactions.

Norming stage

Norming is the third stage where their leaders’ guidance is not much needed comparing to the
storming stage. Leader normally facilitates processes where he gets the support of the team well
enough to do that. Leader listen to the members and give advices for the furthermore

Performing stage

Fourth and the final stage, performing stage the leader is much more like a coach. Ne barely
give the directions to the members and the members give their fullest cooperation for the leader.
Team leader focuses on self-development of the members and leader observe and give the
support when needed. Together as a team, with the leader they march to their goal as a team.
3. Yes, I agree. This process of Mr. Tuckman is very versatile one for any member or a leader of
a team. This process genuinely helps a bunch of people to become one group where they must
work for achieving a particular goal. Inside the development of the team, the leader must have
a responsibility in making the team to think as one. So, I think the Tuckman theorem is
practically applicable for ant development team.

• Forming
In my experience, I have worked on a law assignment where on a random team formed by
our module coordinator. It was a good experience. At first, we never talked much. We
didn’t know about the task that we are lined up to where we always went for our lecturers
help. Even though the course brief was given, it was still confusing. Some rules were talked
upon and leader gave us the aim.

• Storming
We had some troubles in being on this stage. Since it was a presentation, our simplest of
problems were about what layout we use for the presentation. Leader was saying a
particular layout is the best where I liked another. Some others never came upon with any
idea. Lethargic guys were advised by the lecturer thoroughly to help the team for the
• Norming
Team got familiarized more. As the days progressed, people tend to follow the given
instruction much. Members took the responsibility on their prospective areas. No conflicts
arose and lecturer gave us freedom to do out project freely. Members worked even if the
guidance of the leader was not there.
• Performing stage
In here, the lecturer never checked on us always where we were allowed do our own.
Members worked so hard, they acquired their best skills in making the project a success.
We trusted each other with their works. We were working freely after all. Then on the
presentation day, we performed as a team and we were able to score good marks and
achieave a good grade on that assignment.

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