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Angular Velocity and the Formation of Black Holes

Graham Best
February 2018

This paper is an attempt to explain the angular momentum and the formation of
black holes through Einstein’s equivalence principle. I’m currently a student in
high school, working through mathematics and physics. I would like to state this
is a very unrealistic frame of reference for relativistic angular velocity, therefore
this paper is far from perfect, and a lot of the formulas that are derived are not
complete, therefore will not truly apply well in the real world, however this was
more of a fun project I did.. But I appreciate that you’ve found interest in this
paper. All feedback is appreciated. Thank you to everyone who I’ve met online
and offline who have supported me in my learning journey, I have not stopped
learning, and never will stop.

Table of Contents
1. What is the Equivalence Principle? (Pg. 4)
2. Deriving an Equation for the Resulting Behavior (Pg. 5)

Chapter 1
What is the Equivalence Principle?

The equivalence principle is one, out of several concepts that deals with the
equivalence of gravitational, and inertial mass. Where inertial mass is the
resistance to acceleration while force is applied. And the gravitational mass is the
force on due to the gravitational field of .

The main idea behind this states that inertial mass, multiplied by
acceleration, is equivalent to the intensity of the gravitational field multiplied by
the gravitational mass. Hence obvious inertial mass is proportional to gravitational

What does this mean? Well, in SR (Special Relativity), if the object is rotating,
the inertial mass increases, causing it to increase in gravitational mass. We can
write a proportion for this.

Where is angular velocity, is inertial mass, and is gravitational mass. So

in theory, if we were to increase the angular velocity of an object, to the point
where it moves extremely fast, the gravitational mass would be massive.

Chapter 2
Deriving an Equation for the Resulting Behavior

We now understand the equivalence principle, and the behavior of it. We can now
put it together and derive a formula. Let’s take a look at deriving the
Schwarzschild radius (how small something can be before it collapses into a black
hole) formula first, this will give us a great start.

First off, we can use the law of conservation of energy. Where:


Where is kinetic energy, is mass of the object, is velocity, is

potential energy, is the gravitational constant, is mass of the second object,
and is radius of the object. We can then equate these two formulas, and balance
it such as

Which we can then substitute the values in:

We can then divide by m on each side such as

Hence will then cancel out, leaving us with,

Now divide by on each side, leaving us with,

Now we can convert this into the Schwarzschild radius formula. By setting to
which becomes due to the removal of the square root. Why do we do this?
Because in SR, cannot reach the speed of light, hence the reason we set to .
Also if is the speed of light then the object is a black hole. Which will conclude
in this equation.

This successfully derives the Schwarzschild radius equation.

But we run into a problem one might notice. We didn’t derive it correctly. It
doesn’t really matter in this scenario, as this was just an example. Let us derive
the formula for maximum velocity before the object becomes a black hole, this
will be derived through general relativity. Let us equate these two equations

Where is mass, is the speed of light, is the Schwarzschild radius,

is the gravitational constant, is angular velocity, is angular acceleration, and
is the radius of the object.

After doing the algebra correctly, and getting by itself, we can then come up
with this

Hence this is the equation where we can calculate how fast something spins
before collapsing on itself. Where, is mass, is the gravitational constant,
is the speed of light, and is the radius of the object.

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