Transit Times Volume 10, Number 9, January

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Vol. 10, No.

Cut in bridge tolls

Sought as aid in
Holding line on fares
Continuing its persistent efforts to
avoid raising fares, AC Transit will re-
quest the California State Toll Bridge
fohn McDonnell William E. Berk
Authority to seek a reduction in toll
charges for buses using the Bay Bridge.
A State study to determine ways of Officers elected to
holding the line on trans bay bus fares
and encourage greater use of mass tran- Head transit board
sit was ordered a year and a half ago John McDonnell was re-elected presi-
after the bridge authority dropped bus dent of AC Transit's board of directors
tolls on the span from 75 cents to 50 this month, continuing District leader-
cents, a saving to AC Transit of $115,000 ship in a period when upmost utilization
per year. is expected to be made of his long experi-
At that time, the State Department ence in the transit field and in the world
of Public Works was directed to look for of business.
ways of increasing use of local mass Re-elected as vice-president of the
transit, possibly by a toll reduction. board was William E. Berk, also a recog-
Commuter increase nized leader in the business field and in
Transbay buses now carry more than civic activities.
half the commuters who cross the Bay A director since the District was cre-
Bridge during the riding peak. Riding ated in 1956, McDonnell was elected to
on transbay buses has increased 12.3 per- his first term as president a year ago.
cent during the past year. Auto pas- He is the owner of nurseries in Oakland,
sengers using the bridge have shown an Orinda and Walnut Creek and brings to
increase of 20.7 percent during the same the post a backlog of experience in busi-
period. ness, community affairs and in transpor-
The District, which pays $261,500 an- tation.
nually for use of the Bay Bridge and McDonnell, who previously served two
facilities at the Transbay Transit Termi- years as vice-president, is a member of
nal in San Francisco, faces an increase the Governor's Task Force on Transpor-
of $821,900 in labor expenses June 1 as tation. He is active as a Catholic layman
a result of the labor contract. and is past president of the California
(Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3)
Toll cut to encourage transit use
AC / transit PASSENGER REVENUE ... COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS YEAR (continued from page 1)
Alan L. Bingham, general manager, "Costs of public transportation now
1.240 ,000 stressed the District must meet expenses are shared by the customer and the tax-
~ Jl I \ -"yet an increase in fares to match rising payer, with the U.S. Government aiding

,, ,,
~, ~ I I \ costs inevitably would result in a loss of with grants of federal funds. We are
\ ~
~ .....\ V ~ , patronage, a situation we must try to seeking to further distribute costs by
asking the State to participate," Bingham
1.180, 000

\ I ....4 r avoid. Similarly, service curtailment
would be expected to cause a decrease said.

I' , " ,
~ rA. W l\ ~~ l/
in riding."

I'l ~, I J~ J ". In line with action by the Board of East Bay riding on
I~ ~ r / /
Directors, resolving to request the toll
New upward trend
" '"
1,100 ,000 cut, John McDonnell, board president,
NIl f"'IIIIIII. pointed out: East Bay riders turned out in increas-

, ,.,

~ "Property taxes are high enough-and
~ / the taxpayer today cannot assume ad-
ing numbers during the last half of 1967,
to tally a boost in riding and reverse the
~ II
1,040 ,000 ditional financial burden in paying for drop in patronage incurred during the
1967 the cost of providing public transporta- beginning of the year.

1966 tion." The increase in patronage, particularly
1,000 .000 '-.'~
The District is seeking inclusion of AC on major trunk lines, began in July and
980 ,000
- 1965 Transit in sources of revenue from the continued into December, according to a
I State on grounds the cost of transit serv- report made to the Board of Directors
ice cannot be paid out of taxes or the by Alan L. Bingham, general manager.
Z ai ci tj
.., ....
UJ a.
« o fare box alone and the high quality of Sales of Shop-a-Round passes, an im-
transportation must be continued to lure mediate indication of service use, showed
travelers from their private cars to avoid a healthy upward trend in midday riding
Riding on East Bay and transbay lines showed a substantial growth during No- traffic strugulation. on lines serving the downtown area.
vember, with fare box revenue and the number of riders carried firmly manifested Transbay revenues continued a con-
on the black side of the ledger. sistent growth pattern, with an increase
Rider revenue totaled $1,177,195, up $44,941 or 3.97 percent over year-ago reve- Directors continue ranging from 1.73 percent in July to 6.75
nue of $1,132,254. Revenue on East Bay lines was up 2.52 percent for the month,
while fares collected on transbay lines showed an increase of 6.0 percent.
Brand of Leadership percent in November as compared to the
(Continued from page 1) previous year.
The number of passengers carried during the month totaled 4,441,372, an in- Association of Nurserymen, North Oak- Total riding showed a decrease of
crease of 3.35 percent over the 4,297,350 who used district service in November, 1966. land Kiwanis Club and Orinda Country 0.86 percent in July as compared to the
East Bay riding was up 2.72 percent and transbay travel was up 5.1.3 percent. Club and past director of the Temescal same month a year ago, but moved to
Commute book sales showed a gain, with sales of $193,152, up 3.0 percent over Merchants Association. the break-even point in August. In Sep-
year-ago sales of $187,440. McDonnell lives in Oakland at 5109 tember, riding was up 1.42 percent; in
Operation costs during the month reached $1,371,223, an i,ncrease of $84,290 or Cochrane Ave. October, 2.45 percent, and in November,
6.55 percent over costs of $1,286,933 for the same month a year ago. The District Berk was elected to the Board in 1960, 5.13 percent.
operated 1,951,859 miles of service, an increase of 30,773 miles or 1.6 percent com- representing west Contra Costa County.
pared to November, 1966. Total income of $1,589,077 was sufficient to cover oper- President of Timmons and Berk, Inc.,
ational costs, depreciation and bond debt requirements. Buses help football
plumbing contracting firm, he is active
in a dozen housing, building and con- Fans 'buck the line'
Firm retained to audit financial operations tracting associations, as well as in civic District buses "carried the ball" for
The national firm of certified public completed the audit of the District's and social groups. He is a director of 36,338 fans attending football games at
accountants, Touche, Ross, Bailey and financial operations for the past fiscal Columbus Founders Savings and Loan Oakland Coliseum during the 1967 sea-
Smart, was retained this month to per- year. Copies of the Annual Report may Association and the Richmond Chamber son, an increase of over 17,000 riders
form the audit for AC Transit for the be obtained by telephoning the general of Commerce. compared to 1966. Out of total attend-
fiscal year of 1967-68. The firm recently offices, 654-7878. Berk lives at 450 Mount St., Richmond. ance, 8.4 percent used District buses.
2 3
7ettO 01 a ~iHd
Driver hits jackpot - in girls
It was a double surprise - and two The twins were the second pair born
cigars - for bus driver Robert Weems on the first day of the New Year at the
of 481 Sheryl Dr., San Pablo, who hospital and were featured in newspaper
marked his 34th birthday by becoming photos and stories.
the father of twin girls born on New They also are the first in the Weems I
Year's Day in Oakland. family "in a long time." The last pair
Weems, and his wife, Irene, got their were in the Weems' family 34 years ago.
r . . . my four-year-old daughter wan- appreciation and admiration . . . .
first inkling that it was going to be "two The operator joined the District on dered away from home quite some dis- Throughout my year's use of the buses,
of a kind" after X-rays were taken when Feb. 1, 1967, after driving a log truck tance and was lost for several hours, I always found the drivers courteous,
she checked into the hospital. in Oregon. He used to hunt and fish but which was of great concern. . . . Her helpful and friendly .
"I was on my run on the 72 line at the doesn't expect "to have much time for safe return was greatly facilitated by S. I. Shapiro
time and when I called the hospital they anything like that" in the future. the alertness of your bus driver (Roy University of Hawaii
told me. Boy, was I surprised," Weems Nance). He informed the Berkeley Po- Honolulu, Hawaii
"We had everything ready for one.
Pacifist group can lice Department and my daughter was
returned home. I wish to convey my
Now we have to have two of everything, Advertise in buses personal thanks to the bus driver . . .
'" '" 'It

but our friends have helped out and

AC Transit's right to regulate adver- Mrs. Paula Thompson . . . I rode the Christmas bus and it
we'll make out fine."
tising it accepts for display on buses has Berkeley, Calif. started my day with such pleasure that
The babies, who weighed in at 6
been severely restricted by a ruling of I want to write to let you know . . .
pounds, 12 ounces and 7 pounds, 5
ounces, were named Elinda Ilene and
the California State Supreme Court, con- '" '" '" whatever their reasons, people were
cerning banning of pacifist ads. smiling and talking to one another. . . .
Recinda Mae. . . . a driver refused to open the back
In its 4-3 decision, the high court Thank you for bringing a little gaiety
Ready to take over their care and door when I wanted to get off at A and
found that refusal to accept anti-war into the crisp morning ride.
"tickled to death" are four older chil- Royal Sts. in Hayward and insisted on
placards as paid advertisements on buses
dren, Debra, 10; Kenneth, 9; Dora, 8, making us leave by the front door . . . Mrs. William High
would be a violation of the First Amend-
and Diane, 7. Berkeley
ment to the U.S. Constitution. Evan Robinett
DOUBLE INCREASE - Bus driver Robert The District will petition for a rehear- Hayward
Weems and his wife, Irene, hold their New ing of the decision. Legal proceedings '" '" '"
Year's Day "surprise," twin girls Recinda have been in the courts since 1965, when ( We apologize for the driver's error.
and Elinda. The husky youngsters have We have learned that our bus driver,
"lots of hair" and "just eat and sleep." District directors refused to accept a He is being contacted for corrective
pacifist ad from Women for Peace, a action.-Ed. ) Ernesto Garcia, will no longer be with
Berkeley organization. us after the Christmas holidays driving
The Supreme Court ruling upheld ac- '" '" 'It
the Grass Valley route from Skyline High
tion of an Alameda County Superior School. Weare writing this letter to ask
Court judge, in issuing a temporary in- Thank you very much for the literature you to please let him continue to drive
junction sought by the organization, pro- you sent us. Weare very interested in it this route . . . all of us aboard the bus
hibiting the District from refusing to and are very sure that the buses will be are very fond of him . . .
accept the advertising. a very economical and convenient way to Signed by 43 riders
A State Appellate Court ruling re- travel around the area. Skyline High School
versed the lower court decision and af- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wishard
firmed the District's right to accept only Richmond (Garcia shares your affection and de-
commercial advertising, except during sire to remain on line, but under union
times of local elections when persons '" '" 'It regulations, was "bumped" from the
running for election or supporting issues route by a driver with more seniority.
actually on the ballot may purchase I have just ended a year's visit to The new driver is there because he wants
political advertising space. Berkeley and would like to express my to be.-Ed.)
4 5
FIRST CAR-Photograph of
first electric street car, taken
at 47th and Grove Sts. in What the Editors are saying about transit
1895, is among photos in
historical album. This is near
today's site of Children's
Hospital of East Bay.

AC, We Love You!

I T ISN'T OFTEN that we feel constrained In addition to bypassing the strain of
to hurl bouquets in the direction of a driving, finding a parking space, then
public utility, but we cannot forgo fling- relocating the car after the game and
ing a few posies in the direction of AC running the gantlet of trying to get back
Transit. home, the bus bit also provides a sort of
CAR BARN-Central car house,
of fond memory to veteran More specifically, toward whatever collegiate camaraderie. Although, we
transit workers, before aban- section of AC it is which has for the must admit, there usually are fewer
donment of street car service past football season handled the bus lushes aboard the AC bus than there
in 1948 doomed it to destruc- shuttle between South Shore and the were in our Joe College days; could it
tion. The car house was at Coliseum. be all our old classmates are staying
Second Ave. and Foothill Blvd. true to the 4gers?
As full-armored Rabid Raider Rooters
(isn't EVERYBODY, now that they're Regardless of the alcoholic content,
AFL champs?) it has been our wont the Coliseum-bound buses were filled
Recollections of a trainmaster this past season to take in every home with anticipatory chatter and the home-
game we possibly could. And we have ward-bound buses loud with exultation.
A candid and personal history of East guards," Smitt wrote. "I walked with found that the ideal way to do so is to Kid stuff, maybe, but a helluva lot of
Bay transportation, written by the late paper and pencil in my hand and acted board one of the Alameda-Coliseum fun nonetheless.
C. M. Smitt, has been added to the like an inspector, inspecting crossings fleet at South Shore, let it carry us and We intend to claim our share of credit
mementos of one of the District's "fine and switches. I gave the guards and our fellow RRRs to the very doorstep for the Raiders' stunning success this
fellows," D. J. Potter, transportation workmen the highball and they in return of the Coliseum, then pick us up at the year, since our enthusiasm and that of
manager. gave me the salute salvo. same spot and deposit us safely back at our fellow shuttlers must surely have in-
Potter received the detailed report on "Walking through Yerba Buena Island South Shore following the game. spired Our Boys to their great accom-
the "Beginning, progress and decline of was not too easy, but it worked. I rested plishments.
If AC doesn't think it'll get them in
electric rail transportation," along with a little at Center Anchorage, picking up
trouble with a certain public carrier, We're just a tiny bit concerned over
an album of historical pictures, from a few souvenirs, and proceeded on my we'd like to note that we've found "It's how they'll do in the Super Bowl with-
surviving members of Smitt's family. journey. At Rincon Hill I passed the last
such a pleasure to ride AC and skip the out us, though. Wonder how much AC
Smitt, who died in 1958, had 35 years guard and arrived in San Francisco at driving, tee hee!" They may use this would charge for a shuttle between
of service with Key System "in his hat" 4:22 p.m."
slogan free of charge, if they desire. South Shore and Miami?
before he applied for a pension in 19.57. Smitt's stroll preceded by two weeks
Already a veteran railman when he start of train service on the bridge at
went to work on Key Route trains in 4 a.m . on Jan. 15, 1939. Three hours Everybody reads AC , ransit schedules
1922, Smitt was a motorman until 1942,
when he became a train director at Oak-
before, he was motorman on the last
train to leave the Key System pier.
1 AC Transit timetables reached the with 1,364,000 timetables issued. The
land Yards. Later he became trainmaster
at the San Francisco terminal, working
Honors for taking the first train across
the bridge were supposed to go to C . N. I "best seller" status last year, with over
2,313,000 of the free pocket schedules
express lines used over 220,000 sched-
ules, with Lines 32 and 30 tying for top
until his night shift was abolished.
Along with recording history, he made
Andersen, vice president of the Key
System, who was on the 12th St.-A train.
1 printed and distributed to patrons. The
total was an increase of 29 percent over
place with 47,000 schedules each.
The F and the R lines led the transbay
history. On Dec. 29, 1938, he walked It was delayed by heavy traffic, however, the 1,792,000 schedules issued in 1966. field, with 75,000 schedules issued for
across the Bay Bridge, leaving the east Smitt wrote, and the "towerman at the Cost of printing the give-aways came the Berkeley line and 71,000 for the
end at 2:30 p.m. after disregarding a Oakland Yard tower figured first come, to $19,831, a 28 percent increase over Hayward service. The transbay total
warning from the guard at the substation. first go." So the 22nd St. train was the printing costs of the year previous. reached 729,000 schedules, an increase
"I had to pass many workmen and first across. Biggest printing job was for local lines, of 41 percent over previous year.
6 7
At a regular meeting Jan. 10, the
Board of Directors:
• Re-elected John McDonnell as presi- Published monthly by the
dent and William E . Berk as vice-presi- ALAMEDA. CONTRA COSTA TRANSIT DISTRICT
dent of the Board of Directors, on motion Latham Square Building · 508 Sixteenth Street
Oakland. California 94612 • Telephone 654·7878
of Director Coburn. (See story, Pg. 1.)
• Referred bids for furnishing diesel JOHN McDONNELL . . . . . Presiden!
motor coaches to management for study Ward III
WILLIAM E. BERK . . . . . Vice President
and report to board on Jan. 24, on motion Ward II
of Director Coburn. ROBERT· M. COPELAND . . Direclor at Large
RAY H. RINEHART. . . . . Director at Large
• Adopted resolution of intent to levy WILLIAM H. COBURN, JR. . . . . . Ward I
WM. J. BETTENCOURT. . . . . . . Ward IV
tax in accordance with provisions of E. GUY WARREN . . . . . . . . . Ward V
revenue and taxation code, on motion of ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS
ALAN L. BINGHAM . . . . General Manager
Director Coburn. ROBERT E. NISBET . . . . . . . . Attorney
JOHN F. LARSON . . . . Treasurer-Controller
• Authorized General Manager to at- GEORGE M. TAYLOR . . . . . . . Secretary
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ ____________- J
tend meetings of American Transit Asso-
~ ~ g

ciation program committee and executive Rinehart. (See story, Pg. 2.)
conference, on motion of Director Bet- • Requested California State Toll
tencourt. Bridge Authority to place matter of bus
o Approved downtown Oakland free toll reduction for Bay Bridge commuters
ride promotion, on motion of Director on agenda of Jan. 31 meeting and au-
Rinehart. thorized appearance of management be-
• Approved appointment of Touche, fore Authority to present District po-
Ross, Bailey & Smart as auditors for sition, on motion of Director Rinehart.
1967-68 fiscal year, on motion of Director (See story, Pg. 1.)

Worker ranks boosted by new arrivals

New District workers are : mond, service employee.
Bus operators : C. S. Styers and J. V.
Richmond Division Emery, Hayward; J. F. Giambrone and
Bus operators: M. L. Sneed, San Pablo; W. R. Rannie, San Leandro; W . J. Reyn-
L. A. Chavier, Pinole; J. D. Lee, C. E. olds, Milpitas; V. A. Sparks, David San-
Hawthorne and Ben Davis, Jr., Rich- ders, Nathaniel Robinson, V. A. Mc-
Gregor, D. H. Powell, G. W . Smith, B. L.
Seminary Division Mehden, Melvin Matthews, all of Oak-
Maintenance: Rufus Ashley, Rich- land.

Alameda·Contra Costa Transit District BULK RATE

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