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John the Baptist Catholic School

Poblacion, Calumpit, Bulacan

Castro, Arnold Hope P.

Balboa, Rinbert

Cael, Michelle Karen Joy

Canasa, Maria Zyra Faye

Dela Cruz, Huella Jane

Reyes, Paula T.
I. Introduction

Almost 8.6 million to 11 million or about 11% of the entire population of the Philippines are
going in and out of the country to work overseas. This situation has a big impact among the
children of OFWs and their development. Young children have the possibility to see this as
abandonment when in fact it is for their own good. Moreover, Bowlby’s Attachment theory
suggests that the bonds formulated during the early stages of childhood is an essential part in the
coming development of a child. This statistical survey would disinter the influences of having
OFW parents on the study habits of teenagers. Furthermore, this would tackle the underlying
facts and effects due to the absence of a parent amid a child’s school life.

II. Data Analysis

1. Does your parent/s work abroad? If yes, which of your parent/s is/are working

Figure 1.1: Does your parent/s work abroad?

Does your parent/s work abroad?


Based on figure 1.1, it shows that 40% or 8 out of 20 respondents have parents who are
Overseas Filipino workers. While 60% or 12 out of 20 respondents said that their parents are not

Figure 1.2: Parent working abroad

Parent working abroad

Mother Father Both
Based on figure 1.2, it shows that 12.5% or 1 out of 8 respondents who said that their
parent/s is/are OFWs have mothers who work overseas. 7 out of 8 respondents or 87.5% who
said that their parent/s is/are OFWs have fathers who work overseas. Lastly none of 8
respondents (0%) who said that their parent/s is/are OFWs have both of their parents work

2. Are you an honor student?

Figure 2.1: Are you an honor student?

Are you an honor student?


Based on figure 2.1, it shows that 30% or 6 out of 20 respondents said that they are honor
students. While 70% or 14 out of 20 respondents said that they are not honor students.

3. Is/Are there positive effect/s that is/are caused by being far away from your
parent/s? If yes, what are those effects?

Figure 3.1: Are there positive effects?

Are there positive effects?


Based on figure 3.1, it shows that 70% or 14 out of 20 respondents said that there are positive
effects. While 30% or 6 out of 20 respondents said that there are no positive effects that are
caused by far away from your parent/s.
Figure 3.2: Possible Positive Effects

Possible Positive Effects

You have the initiative You become more You become more
to do things. independent. responsible.

Based on figure 3.2, it shows that 12 out of 20 respondents agreed with the first positive
effect. 12 out of 20 respondents also agreed with the second positive effect. Lastly, 9 out of 20
respondents agreed with the last positive effect.

4. Are you happy or satisfied with the material things that your parents are giving

Figure 4.1: Happiness/Satisfaction


As shown on figure 4.1, it shows that 70% or 14 out of 20 respondents said that they are
contented with the material things that they receive from their parents. On the other hand, 30% or
6 out of 20 respondents said that they are not contented with the material things that their parents
are providing for them.

5. Do you think that it is necessary for parents to work abroad?

Figure 5.1: Necessity of being an OFW

Necessity of being an OFW

Figure 5.1 shows that half of the respondents said that it is a necessity for parents to work
abroad. While the other half said that it is not necessary for parents to work overseas.

6. Do you think that having OFW parents affects a child’s behavior in school?

Figure 6.1: Behavioral Involvement

Behavioral Involvement



Based on figure 6.1, it shows that 80% or 16 out of 20 respondents agreed that
there is an effect in a child’s behavior in school with regards to having OFW parents. 20% or 4
out of 20 respondents said that there is no effect in a child’s behavior in school even though they
have OFW paremts.

III. Findings

Care and guidance from parents are great shapers for a child’s behavior. The way that
they are brought up is evident on how they interact with other people as they grow up, including
their behavior in school. According to psychoanalytic theorists Melanie Klein, John Bowlby and
Mary Ainsworth who theorized the Object-Relations theory together with the Attachment theory
that suggests the dynamics of long-term relationships between humans, it is essential for an
infant to grow together with one primary caregiver, either the mother or the father, so that a
child’s emotional and social development to occur normally.
Children who are left by their parents are apt to suffer psychological and emotional stress
that also affects a child’s behavioral performance in school. Psychologists including Sigmund
Freud, Carl Jung, K. Horney and Melanie Klein believed that filial bypassing affects the
behavior of a child. There is a mindset growing amongst the children of OFWs. “My-parents-are-
away-so-why-would-I-care-to-study.” This growing liberalism must not be tolerated among the
students. Nonetheless, it is true that being away from parents affects the study habits of students.
Psychology suggests that without the presence of the parents, children tend to think that they are
being left behind. They also suffer from separation anxiety and their psychological growth is
affected and this affects their performance in school. Majority of the respondents amounting to
about 80% believes that being far away from their parents affect their study habits and their
behavior at school. Therefore, the parents help shape the behavior of the students through the
attachment between them during the formative years.

IV. Conclusion

It is proven by this statistical survey that having OFW parents do affect the academic
performance of their child in school which is related to their study habits. We therefore conclude
that this also affects the development of a person. By being far from their parents, they become
more responsible and independent which they can carry out to school. The connection between
parents and their children affects their behavior. Therefore, the absence of the parents affects the
focus of the student in their studies.

V. Recommendation

This study says all the positive and negative effects of having an OFW parent. But let us look
and understand the side of the parents who are working overseas. They are doing it for the sake
of their children’s future and in the first place, it is hard for them to leave their children behind.
We would like to recommend to the children of OFWs to be more considerate and be grateful for
the sacrifices that their parents are willing to do for them. For the readers, be contented with the
things that your parents are giving you. Lastly, appreciate them more. Make your parents feel
how thankful you are and make them feel loved. By this way, they would feel happiness and
relieved for they would know that their hard work had paid off.

VI. Appendix

Name (Optional): ________________________________ Age: _____

Grade and Section: _______________________________
We, students from 11-Bartholomew, would like to ask for your help to please answer our
questionnaire regarding the influences of having OFW parent/s on the study habits among grade
11 ABM students in order to complete our statistical survey under our subject English for
Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP). The data will be treated with utmost
confidentiality. Thank you and God Bless!

General Instruction: Put a check (/) on the box provided before each choice and elaborate your
answer once asked.

1. Does your parent/s work abroad? If yes, which of your parent/s is/are working overseas?
Yes No
Mother Father Both

2. Are you an honor student?

Yes No

3. Is/Are there positive effect/s that is/are caused by being far away from your parent/s? If
yes, what are those effects?
Yes No
Possible effects: (answers could be more than 1)
You become more responsible.
You become more independent.
You have the initiative to do things.
Others (please specify): __________________________________________________________

4. Are you happy or satisfied with the material things that your parents are giving you?
Yes No
Why or why not: _______________________________________________________________

5. Do you think that it is necessary for parents to work abroad?

Yes No
Why or why not: _______________________________________________________________

6. Do you think that having OFW parents affects a child’s behavior in school?
Yes No
If yes, why: ____________________________________________________________________

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