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Learning Objectives
• Mirror features, faces, and bodies.
• Create linear patterns.
• Create circular patterns.
• Create sketch driven patterns.
• Create curve driven patterns.
• Create table driven patterns.
• Create rib features.
• Display the section view of a model.
• Change the display state of a part.


• Creating Mirror Features
CommandManager: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Mirror
SolidWorks menus: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Mirror
Toolbar: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Mirror

Figure 1 Tools in the Figure 2 The Mirror

Linear Pattern flyout PropertyManager


• Mirroring Features

Figure 3 Mirror plane and the Figure 4 The resulting

features to be mirrored mirrored features

• Mirroring with and without the Geometric Pattern

Figure 5 Mirrored feature created Figure 6 Mirrored feature

with the Geometry Pattern check created with the Geometry
box cleared Pattern check box selected


• Propagating Visual Properties while Mirroring

Figure 7 Mirror feature with the Figure 8 Mirror feature with the
Propagate visual properties Propagate visual properties
check box selected check box cleared

• Mirroring Faces

Figure 9 Mirror plane and faces Figure10 The resulting mirrored

selected to mirror feature


• Mirroring Bodies

Figure 11 Selecting the mirror Figure 12 Resulting mirrored feature

plane and body to be mirrored

• Options Rollout

Figure 13 The Options rollout


• Creating Linear Pattern Features

CommandManager: Features > Linear Pattern
SolidWorks Menus: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Linear Pattern
Toolbar: Features > Linear Pattern

Figure 14 Partial view of the Linear

Pattern PropertyManager

• Linear Pattern in One Direction

Figure 15 The feature and the edge selected Figure 16 Linear pattern created
for reference along one direction


• Linear Pattern in Two Directions

Figure 17 The Direction 2 Figure 18 References and feature to

rollout be selected

Figure 19 Linear pattern created using Figure 20 Linear pattern created with the
the Direction 1 and Direction 2 rollouts Pattern seed only check box selected


• Instances to Skip

Figure 21 The Instances Figure 22 Linear pattern created

to Skip rollout with some instances skipped

• Creating Pattern Using a Varying Sketch

Figure 23 Cut feature created Figure 24 Linear pattern created with

on the base feature the Vary sketch check box selected

• Propagating Visual Properties while Patterning Components


• Creating Circular Pattern Features

CommandManager: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Circular
SolidWorks menus: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Circular Pattern
Toolbar: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Circular

Figure 25 Partial view of the Circular

Pattern PropertyManager

Figure 26 The reference to be selected Figure 27 The resulting circular

for creating a circular pattern pattern


• Creating Circular Pattern by Using a Dimensional Reference

Figure 28 Dimensions displayed after Figure 29 Circular pattern created

selecting the feature to be patterned by Selecting the angular dimension
as the angular reference

• Creating Sketch Driven Patterns

CommandManager: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Sketch
Driven Pattern
SolidWorks menus: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Sketch Driven Pattern
Toolbar: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Sketch Driven

Figure 30 The Sketch Driven

Pattern PropertyManager


Figure 31 The feature and the sketch Figure 32 The resulting sketch driven
point to be selected pattern feature

• Creating Curve Driven Patterns

CommandManager: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Curve Driven
SolidWorks menus: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Curve Driven Pattern
Toolbar: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Curve Driven

Figure 33 Partial view of the Curve

Driven Pattern PropertyManager


Figure 34 The feature and the curve Figure 35 The resulting curve
to be used to create the curve driven driven pattern feature
pattern feature

• Curve method and Alignment method

Figure 36 Pattern created with the Figure 37 Pattern created with

Transform curve and Tangent to the Transform curve and Align
curve radio buttons selected to seed radio buttons selected


Figure 38 Pattern created with Figure 39 Pattern created with

the Offset curve and Tangent the Offset curve and Align to
to curve radio buttons selected seed radio buttons selected

Figure 40 A curve driven pattern

created by specifying parameters
in both the directions

• Creating Table Driven Patterns

CommandManager: Features > Linear Pattern flyout >Table Driven
SolidWorks menus: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Table Driven Pattern
Toolbar: Features > Linear Pattern flyout >Table Driven

Figure 41 The Table Driven

Pattern dialog box


Figure 42 The feature and the Figure 43 The table driven pattern created
coordinate system to be selected after specifying the coordinate points

• Creating Fill Patterns

CommandManager: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Fill Pattern
SolidWorks menus: Insert > Pattern/Mirror > Fill Pattern
Toolbar: Features > Linear Pattern flyout > Fill Pattern

Figure 44 Partial view of the Fill

Pattern PropertyManager


Figure 45 The feature and planar Figure 46 Resulting pattern

face to be selected feature selected

• Creating a Fill Pattern of the Predefined Holes

Figure 47 The planar face to be selected Figure 48 The resultant

fill pattern


• Creating a Fill Pattern by Specifying a Vertex or a Sketch Point

Figure 49 The fill pattern with the seed Figure 50 The fill pattern with the
feature at the center of the fill boundary seed feature at the right vertex of
the fill boundary

• Creating a Fill Pattern of Different Layouts

Figure 51 The perforated Figure 52 The circular shape

style fill pattern fill pattern

Figure 53 The square shape Figure 54 The polygon shape

fill pattern fill pattern


• Creating a Fill Pattern by Specifying Target Spacing and

Instances Per Loop

Figure 55 Fill pattern when Figure 56 Fill pattern when the

the Target Spacing radio Instances Per loop radio button
button is selected is selected

• Creating Rib Features

CommandManager: Features > Rib
Toolbar: Features > Rib
SolidWorks menus: Insert > Features > Rib

Figure 57 The Rib Figure 58 Sketch Figure 59 Resulting

PropertyManager for the rib feature rib feature


• Thickness
• Extrusion direction
The options in this area are discussed next.

Parallel to Sketch

Figure 60 An open sketch for Figure 61 The resulting rib feature

the rib feature

Normal to Sketch

Figure 62 Multiple sketch Figure 63 The resulting Figure 64 Sketch for

entities for the rib feature rib feature the rib feature

Figure 65 Rib feature created with

the Linear radio button selected


• Flip material side

• Draft On/Off

Figure 66 Rib feature

created with the Natural
radio button selected

Figure 67 Draft angle added Figure 68 The sketch and the

to the rib feature preview of the rib feature

Figure 69 The rib feature

created with the Draft
outward check box selected

Figure 70 The sketch Figure 71 The rib feature

and the preview of the created with the Draft
rib feature outward check box cleared


• Displaying the Section View of a Mode

SolidWorks menus: View > Display > Section View
Toolbar: View (Heads-Up) > Section View

Figure 72 The Section Figure 73 Drag handle for dynamically

View PropertyManager specifying the offset distance

Figure 74 Section preview after Figure 75 Section view

selecting the second section plane of a model



Figure 76 The Configuration Manager Figure 77 Changing the transparency

with default display states of a feature

 Tutorial 1
In this tutorial, you will create the model shown in Figure 78. The dimensions of the
model are shown in Figure 79. (Expected time: 30 min)

Figure 78 Solid model Figure 79 Views and dimensions

for Tutorial 1 of the model for Tutorial 1


1. Create the base feature of the model by extruding a rectangle of 69 mm x 45 mm,

created on the Right Plane to a depth of 10 mm, refer to Figure 80.

Figure 80 Base feature of the model

2. Create the second feature by extruding the sketch created on the back face of the
base feature, refer to Figure 81.

Figure 81 Second feature added to the model

3. Create the third feature by extruding a circle created on the second feature, refer to
Figure 82.

Figure 82 Third feature added to the model

4. Create a hole feature placed concentric to the circular feature.

5. Create a hole on the specified BCD and pattern the hole feature using the Circular
Pattern option.


6. Create a hole feature on the base feature, refer to Figure 83.

Figure 83 Model after adding

all the hole features
7. Create a fillet feature to add the required fillets, refer to Figures 84 and 85.

Figure 84 Edges to be filleted Figure 85 Model after

adding the fillet feature

8. Create a rib feature, refer to Figures 86 and 87.

Figure 86 Sketch for the rib Figure 87 The final solid model

9. Save the model.


 Tutorial 2
In this tutorial, you will create the model of a cover. The dimensions of the model are
shown in Figure 88. The model is shown in Figure 89. (Expected time: 30 min)

Figure 88 Front view and aligned section view

with dimensions

Figure 89 Two different views of the model for Tutorial 2


1. Create the base feature of the model by revolving the sketch along the centerline,
refer to Figures 90 and 91.

Figure 90 Sketch for the base feature Figure 91 Base feature

of the model

2. Create the second feature by extruding the sketch from the sketch plane to
the selected surface, refer to Figures 92 through 95.

Figure 92 Face to be selected Figure 93 Sketch created for the

second feature


Figure 94 Surface to be selected Figure 95 Second feature created

3. Place a counterbore hole feature on the bottom face of the second feature using
the Hole Wizard tool.

4. Pattern the second and third features along the temporary axis using the
Circular Pattern tool, refer to Figure 96.

Figure 96 Model after patterning the features


5. Create the rib feature, refer to Figure 97. Pattern the rib feature along a temporary
axis using the Circular Pattern tool, refer to Figure 98.

Figure 97 Sketch for the rib feature Figure 98 Final solid model

6. Save the model.

 Tutorial 3
In this tutorial, you will create the cylinder head of a two-stroke automobile engine. The
model is shown in Figure 99. The dimensions of the model are shown in Figure 100.
You will also create a section view of the model using the Section View tool. Then you
will create two display states, one with transparent fins and other with colored fins.
(Expected time: 1 hr)

Figure 99 Model for Tutorial 3 Figure 100 The top and sectional
front views with dimensions


1. Create the base feature of the model by extruding a polygon to a given depth,
refer to Figure 101.

Figure 101 Sketch for the base feature

2. Add a fillet to the base feature.

3. Create a circular feature at the bottom face of the base feature.

4. Create the revolve cut feature to create the dome of the cylinder head, refer to
Figures 102 and 103.

Figure 102 Sketch for the revolved Figure 103 Cut revolve feature
cut feature added to the model


5. Create the left fin of the cylinder head by extruding the sketch. The sketch for this
feature should be carefully dimensioned and defined, refer to Figure 104.

Figure 104 Sketch for the fin of the cylinder head

6. Use the Vary sketch option to pattern the fins, refer to Figure 105.

Figure 105 Model after patterning

the fin of the cylinder head
7. Create the other cut and extrude features to complete the model, refer to Figure 106.

Figure 106 Model after adding

other extrude and cut features


8. Pattern all the features. Next create a tap hole by using the hole wizard, refer to
Figure 107.

Figure 107 Final solid model

9. Create the section view of the model, refer to Figure 108.

Figure 108 Section view of the model

10. Change the display state, you need to create multiple display states and change
the transparency and color of the feature.

Figure 109 Model displayed in Figure 110 Model displayed in

Transparent Fins display states Colored Fins display states

11. Save the model.


 Exercise 1
Create the model shown in Figure 111. The dimensions of the model are given in the
same figure. (Expected time: 1 hr)

Figure 111 Views and dimensions of the model for

Exercise 1

 Exercise 2
Create the model shown in Figure 112. The dimensions of the model are given in
Figure 113. (Expected time: 1 hr)

Figure 112 Solid model for Exercise 2 Figure 113 Views and dimensions of the model
for Exercise 2


 Exercise 3
Create the model shown in Figure 114. Next, create the section view of the model
using the Right Plane. Figure 115 shows the section view of the model whose
dimensions are given in Figure 116. (Expected time: 45min)

Figure 114 Solid model for Exercise 3 Figure 115 Section view of the model

Figure 116 Views and dimensions of

the model for Exercise 3


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