Crash Course

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Celule gliale:
A. SNC: astrocite (support, regulate ions), microglial cells (defend), ependymal cells (line cavities),
oligodendrocytes (wrap and insulate, form myelin sheath)
B. SNP: Satellite cells (surround neuron cell bodies. Precum astrocitele), schwann cells (insulate
and help form myelin sheath, precum oligodendrocitele).

Astrocitele- ajuta la transmiterea de chestii intre neuronii si capilare

 the longest-lived cells in your body
 they are irreplaceable
 they have huge appetites
 25% din caloriile mancate zilnic sunt consumate de activitatea creierului


 Cell body – neuron’s life support: nucleus (dna), mitocondria

 Dendrites
 Axon

Neuroni – majoritatea sunt multipolari (axon+dendrite), deoarece au loc mai multe procese in ei

- Bipolari (axon+1 dendrita), rare

- Unipolar – un proces, si de obicei numai in sensory sectors


 Sensory neurons (afferent) – transmit impulses from sensory receptors toward snc; majoritatea
 Motor neurons (efferent neurons) – impulse moves from SNC to the rest of the bodyl mostly
 Interneurons (association) – impulse moves between sensory and motor neurons; mostly

- Voltage->membrane potential
- Current->voltage/resistance

Currents indicate the flow of positively or negatively charged ions across the resistance of your
cells’ membranes.

Resting neuron: more negative inside than on the outside; resting membrane potential: -70mV

- Outside: pozitive Na ions

- Inside: pozitive K ions, mingled with negatively charged protein; overall negative charge
- When a neuron has a membrane potential like this, it is charged
- Chestia asta se face de pompa Na-K (e o proteina); 2 ioni de K intra, 3 ioni de Na ies; face
mai pozitiv in afara si mai negativ inauntru. Aceasta diferenta se numeste gradient
- Canale voltaj-dependente – open and close in response to changes in membrane potential
- Canale ligand-dependente – open when a neurotransmitter latches onto its receptor
- Mechanically-gated channels – open in response to the physical stretching of the membrane

Action potential – cand se schimba polarizarea

Stimul -> membrana -> ies ionii k -> depolarizare pana la -55mv (all or none phenomenon) unde
se deschid canalele voltaj-dependente de Na-> intra o groaza de ioni Na -> celula se
depolarizeaza masiv -> ajunge pozitiva pana la +40mv ->action potential (a brief depolarization
caused by changes in currents

Apoi vine repolarizarea:

Se deschid canalele voltaj-dependente de K -> ies prea multi ioni de K => hiperpolarizare (-75mV
aprox) pana pompa na-k isi face treaba si readuce totul la normal

Absolute Refractory period – each action potential is its own unique, all or nothing event.

Relative refractory period – perioada in care se trece de la repolarizare la hiperpolarizare si


A weak stimulus -> less PA

Sinapsa – the meeting point between 2 neurons

- Their strength and purpose lies in their connections

1 sinapse electrice (imediate group text )

- Much more abundant in embryonic nervous tissue where they help guide neutral
development. As the nervouse system matures, many electrical synapses are replaced by
chemical ones
- Gap junctions – prin ele se transmit ionii la sinapsa
- Un PA intr-un neuron genereaza un PA in celalalt prin sinapsa

2 sinapse chimice (controlled, slower and more personal text) –more abundant, slower, more precise
and selective

- Se transmit neurotransmitatori


- Presinaptic neuron -> presinaptic terminal (usually the axon terminal) (holds the synaptic
vesicle, care tin o groaza de neurotransmitatori -> postsinaptic neuron, care accepta
neurotransm in receptor region
- Acesti neuroni nu se ating; exista synaptic cleft
- PA -> presinaptic terminal -> se deschid canalele voltaj-dependente de Ca(2+) si introduc Ca
- Depending on which particular neurotransmitter binds to which receptor, the neuron might
either get excited or inhibited
- Excitatory neurotransmitters – excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs): graded
potentials that push the neuron closer to threshold, and make a PA more likely – they
depolarize the post-synaptic neuron
- Inhibitory neurotrans – inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (PSPs) graded potentials that
push the neuron further from threshold, make a PA harder to achieve – hiperpolarizeaza
neuronul post-sinaptic
- PA-ul din neuronul post-sinaptic depinde de suma neurotrans inhibitori si excitatori din zona
SNP – puts your brain in touch with the physical environment and allows it to respond

Sensory nerve receptors – each type responds to different kinds of stimuli:

- Thermoreceptors respond to changes in temperature

- Photoreceptors react to light
- Chemoreceptors pay attention to chemicals
- Mechanoreceptors respond to pressure, touch and vibration
- Nociceptors – fire only to indicate pain

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