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Lesson Plan

Class : Adorable
Grade :3
Theme : Unforgettable Experience
Sub-Theme : When I was a Baby
Academic Year : 2015-2016
Time : 2 X 45

Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
1. Fill in the blank by : “My name is . . . .”
2. Identify their age by : “I am . . . years old.”
3. Describe their unforgettable experience in photograph by : “In
this photograph, I was . . . .”
4. Use simple past and past continuous tenses.
5. Sing and dance “Helping Verbs” song.

Language Focus: Writing and Reading

Materials : “Helping Verbs” song, PowerPoint Flashcards, Writing Worksheet,

double-sided tape.

Teaching and Learning Activities

Opening:(10 minutes)
1. Greeting : Hello everyone. Good morning. How are you today?
Have you breakfast this morning? “That’s great!”
2. Praying : Well, let’s pray before we start our class. But, anyone want to help
Miss Hani to lead the pray? Raise your hand, please. Okay, (name)
come forward please.
“Before we start, let’s pray together. Begin ! Bismillah. . Amien.”
That’s great everyone!
3. Singing Opening Classroom Password : Now, it’s time to sing
“Good Morning” song.
Stand up, please! Well done kids.
Give applause for us.
4. Checking the students attendance : Now, Miss Hani want to call your
Procedures Materials Interaction Timing Objectives


 The teacher ask the

student about the activity
in previous week use
past continuous tense.
“Okay kids, Miss Hani
want to ask something.
Do you still remember,
what were we doing last
 The student answer. “We
were planting the chili
 The teacher tell the
student about Past Tense.
“Today, we are going to
learn about how to tell
others about past
 The teacher tell the
student about Past
Continuous form.
“Mr.Bear and Mr.Panda
were making past tense PowerPoint Able to
for Masha. Do you want Flashcards pronounce the
to help them?So, we need ; “Helping T/S, S/T 30 verbs “Crawl,
was/were with the verb Verbs” Minutes feed, cry,
and ing.”
song. etc”.
 The teacher repeat the
form of past tense for the
student. “Mix was/were
with the verb and ing.
Now, we have Past
Continuous Tense.”
 The teacher shows the
student some
vocabularies. “Now, let’s
learn about our baby
memory. Repeat after
me, okay kids? Memory,
crawl, feed, eat, take a
bath, play, ride, walk,
hug, laugh, sleep. I, you,
he, she, it, we, they.
Good job everyone.”
 The students repeat the
teacher pronunciation.
 The teacher shows the
students “Helping
Verbs” song. “Do you
like to sing a song? I
have new song for you.
The tune goes like this.
Can you follow the tune?
But, before we sing. Let’s
practice it together.
 The teacher shows the
students “Helping
Verbs” lyrics and read
together for 2 times.
 The teacher shows the
students how to dance
and sing the song.
 The teacher and students
sing and dance the song


 The teacher gives writing

worksheet and gives an
example how to do the
worksheet to the students.
“Now, let’s practice
together. First, write down
your name and date. Then, Writing
T/S, S/T 15 Writing: “My
fill the blank with worksheet Minutes name is . . . .,”
was/were and the verb ing. “I am . . .
For example : Number 1, years old.,”
James was breaking a “In this
vase. Okay, are you photograph, I
ready?” was . . . .”
 The teacher and the Use simple
student check the right past and past
answer together. “Have continuous
you done, my kids? Okay, tenses.
let’s check together. Who
want to read and answer
the question? Raise your
hand, please. Good job


 The teacher remind the

student about their
photograph. “Hmm, I
remember last week I ask
you to bring your picture.
Everyone bring the
picture? Can I see that?
Okay, that’s perfect.”
 The teacher ask the
student to sticking their Read aloud in
picture on the paper. T/S, S,S front of the
“Now, please sticking class.
your picture with double- Minutes
sided tape. Then, answer
the question. Okay?”
 The students sticking their
photograph on the paper
and complete the
paragraph with words and
 The teacher asks the
student to read the work in
front of the class. “Have
you done everyone? Now,
who want to share the
memory in front of the
class? Raise your hand,
please. Okay,. . . come
forward please.
 The students present their
work by reading aloud in
front of the class.
Closing:(10 minutes)
Feedback : “What have we learn today kids? We learn about past tense, we learn
about shares our memory, we also learn new vocabulary.
How do you feel kids? Are you happy today?
1. Praying : Now, it’s pray time! Who want to help Miss Hani to lead the
pray? “Before we go home, let’s pray together. Begin ! Bismillah.
. Amien.”

2. Singing Closing Classroom Password : Stand up, please!

Let’s sing “Farewell” song! Good job
3. Greeting : Thank you my lovely student. See you next week and bye bye.

Writing and Reading Rubric !

No Name 5 3 1

1 Ega

2 Irfan



5 : Write with right capitals, uses correct letter formation and spacing, right
punctuation (periods, commas) and uses past tenses correctly ; read with very good
pronunciation, intonation and full of confident.
3 : Write with needs frequent reminders to use capitals, difficult to read, frequent
reminders are needed to use punctuation (periods, commas) and uses past tenses with
some errors ; read with average pronunciation, intonation and lack of confident.
1 : Write with does not use capitalization, illegible, no punctuation (periods, comma)
and many past tenses errors ; read with poor pronunciation, intonation and not
1. Photograph.
2. “Helping Verbs” lyrics.
3. Writing Worksheet.
4. PowerPoint.

Malang, 1th November 2015

Advisor Teacher

Puji Sumarsono, M.Ed., M.Pd Heni Siti Tasimah

Appendices 1 :

Photograph :
Appendices 2 :

“Helping Verbs” song lyrics

Helping Verbs

Was and were are helping verbs, helping verbs, helping verbs

Was and were are helping verbs, past tenses of verb “To Be”


They were, we were and you were, and you were, and you were

He was, she was, and it was, don’t forget with I was


I was playing a guitar with father, with mother

Today, we use was and were, now I know helping verbs.


*London Bridge is Falling Down tune

Appendices 3 :

Writing Worksheet!

Name Syauqi Ilham Athala Date Sunday, 1stNovember2015

My Unforgettable Experience

My name is Syauqi.
I am nine years old.
This is my photograph
when I was a baby.
In this photograph, I
was playing ukulele
with my father.
Writing Worksheet !

Name __________________ Date __________________

My Unforgettable Experience

My name is . . . .
I am . . . years old.
This is my photograph MY PHOTOGRAPH

when I was a baby.

In this photograph, I . . .
Appendices 4 :
Power Point

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