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allow verb
1. a determiner 59. almost adverb
2. ability noun 60. alone adjective, adverb
3. able adjective 61. along adverb, preposition
4. about adverb, preposition 62. already adverb
5. above adjective, adverb, 63. also adverb
preposition 64. alternative noun
6. abroad adverb 65. alternative adjective
7. absence noun 66. although conjunction
8. absolutely adverb 67. altogether adverb
9. academic adjective 68. always adverb
10. accept verb 69. among preposition
11. access noun 70. amount noun
12. accident noun 71. an determiner
13. account noun 72. analysis noun
14. accuse verb 73. ancient adjective
15. achieve verb 74. and conjunction
16. achievement noun 75. angle noun
17. across adverb, preposition 76. angry adjective
18. act noun 77. animal noun
19. act verb 78. announce verb
20. action noun 79. announcement noun
21. active adjective 80. annual adjective
22. activity noun 81. another determiner, pronoun
23. actor noun 82. answer noun
24. actual adjective 83. answer verb
25. actually adverb 84. any adverb, determiner,
26. add verb pronoun
27. address noun 85. anybody pronoun
28. adequate adjective 86. anyone pronoun
29. admit verb 87. anything pronoun
30. adopt verb 88. anyway adverb
31. adult noun 89. anywhere adverb, pronoun
32. advanced adjective 90. apart adjective, adverb
33. advantage noun 91. apparent adjective
34. advice noun 92. apparently adverb
35. advise verb 93. appeal noun
36. affair noun 94. appeal verb
37. affect verb 95. appear verb
38. afford verb 96. appearance noun
39. afraid adjective 97. application noun
40. after adverb, preposition, 98. apply verb
conjunction 99. appoint verb
41. afternoon noun 100. appointment noun
42. afterwards adverb 101. approach noun
43. again adverb 102. approach verb
44. against preposition 103. approval noun
45. age noun 104. approve verb
46. agency noun 105. April noun
47. agent noun 106. area noun
48. ago adverb 107. argue verb
49. agree verb 108. argument noun
50. agreement noun 109. arise verb
51. ahead adverb 110. arm noun
52. aim noun 111. army noun
53. aim verb 112. around adverb, preposition
54. air noun 113. arrange verb
55. airport noun 114. arrangement noun
56. alive adjective 115. arrival noun
57. all adverb, determiner, 116. arrive verb
preposition, pronoun 117. art noun
118. article noun 178. beauty noun
119. artist noun 179. because conjunction
120. as adverb, conjunction, 180. become verb
preposition 181. bed noun
121. ask verb 182. bedroom noun
122. aspect noun 183. beer noun
123. assembly noun 184. before adverb, conjunction,
124. assist verb preposition
125. assistance noun 185. begin verb
126. associate verb 186. beginning noun
127. association noun 187. behaviour noun
128. assume verb 188. behind adverb, preposition
129. at preposition 189. belief noun
130. attack verb 190. believe verb
131. attack noun 191. belong verb
132. attempt noun 192. below adverb, preposition
133. attempt verb 193. bend verb
134. attend verb 194. beneath adverb, preposition
135. attention noun 195. benefit noun
136. attitude noun 196. benefit verb
137. attract verb 197. beside preposition
138. attractive adjective 198. best adjective
139. audience noun 199. best adverb
140. August noun 200. better adjective
141. aunt noun 201. better adverb
142. author noun 202. better noun
143. authority noun 203. between adverb, preposition
144. autumn noun 204. beyond adverb, preposition
145. available adjective 205. big adjective
146. average noun 206. bill noun
147. average adjective 207. bind verb
148. avoid verb 208. bird noun
149. award noun 209. birth noun
150. award verb 210. black adjective
151. aware adjective 211. blame verb
152. away adverb 212. block noun
153. baby noun 213. blood noun
154. back adverb 214. blow verb
155. back adjective 215. blue adjective
156. back noun 216. board noun
157. back verb 217. boat noun
158. background noun 218. body noun
159. bad adjective 219. bomb noun
160. badly adverb 220. bone noun
161. bag noun 221. book noun
162. balance noun 222. boot noun
163. ball noun 223. border noun
164. band noun 224. born adjective
165. bank noun 225. boss noun
166. bar noun 226. both determiner,
167. base noun predeterminer, pronoun
168. base verb 227. bother verb
169. basic adjective 228. bottle noun
170. basis noun 229. bottom noun
171. bath noun 230. box noun
172. battle noun 231. boy noun
173. be verb 232. brain noun
174. beach noun 233. branch noun
175. bear verb 234. bread noun
176. beat verb 235. break verb
177. beautiful adjective 236. break noun
237. breakfast noun 297. chairman noun
238. breath noun 298. challenge noun
239. bridge noun 299. challenge verb
240. brief adjective 300. champion noun
241. bright adjective 301. championship noun
242. brilliant adjective 302. chance noun
243. bring verb 303. change verb
244. broad adjective 304. change noun
245. brother noun 305. channel noun
246. brown adjective 306. chapter noun
247. budget noun 307. character noun
248. build verb 308. charge noun
249. building noun 309. charge verb
250. burn verb 310. charity noun
251. bus noun 311. cheap adjective
252. business noun 312. check verb
253. busy adjective 313. chemical noun
254. but adverb, conjunction, 314. chest noun
preposition 315. chief adjective
255. buy verb 316. chief noun
256. buyer noun 317. child noun
257. by adverb, preposition 318. choice noun
258. bye interjection 319. choose verb
259. cabinet noun 320. Christian adjective
260. cake noun 321. Christmas noun
261. call verb 322. church noun
262. call noun 323. cigarette noun
263. camera noun 324. circle noun
264. camp noun 325. circumstance noun
265. campaign noun 326. citizen noun
266. can modal verb 327. city noun
267. cancer noun 328. civil adjective
268. candidate noun 329. claim verb
269. cannot modal verb 330. claim noun
270. capable adjective 331. class noun
271. capacity noun 332. clean adjective
272. capital noun 333. clean verb
273. captain noun 334. clear adjective
274. car noun 335. clear verb
275. card noun 336. clearly adverb
276. care noun 337. client noun
277. care verb 338. climb verb
278. career noun 339. close verb
279. careful adjective 340. close adjective
280. carry verb 341. close adverb
281. case noun 342. closely adverb
282. cash noun 343. clothes noun
283. cast verb 344. cloud noun
284. cat noun 345. club noun
285. catch verb 346. coal noun
286. cause noun 347. coast noun
287. cause verb 348. coat noun
288. celebrate verb 349. code noun
289. cell noun 350. coffee noun
290. central adjective 351. cold adjective
291. centre noun 352. colleague noun
292. century noun 353. collect verb
293. certain adjective 354. collection noun
294. certainly adverb 355. college noun
295. chain noun 356. colour noun
296. chair noun 357. column noun
358. combination noun 419. contrast noun
359. combine verb 420. contribute verb
360. come verb 421. contribution noun
361. comfortable adjective 422. control noun
362. command noun 423. control verb
363. comment noun 424. convention noun
364. comment verb 425. conventional adjective
365. commercial adjective 426. conversation noun
366. commission noun 427. convince verb
367. commit verb 428. cook verb
368. commitment noun 429. cool adjective
369. committee noun 430. cope verb
370. common adjective 431. copy noun
371. communication noun 432. corner noun
372. community noun 433. corporate adjective
373. company noun 434. correct adjective
374. compare verb 435. cost noun
375. comparison noun 436. cost verb
376. compete verb 437. could modal verb
377. competition noun 438. council noun
378. complain verb 439. count verb
379. complaint noun 440. country noun
380. complete adjective 441. countryside noun
381. complete verb 442. county noun
382. completely adverb 443. couple noun
383. complex adjective 444. course noun
384. computer noun 445. court noun
385. concentrate verb 446. cover verb
386. concentration noun 447. cover noun
387. concept noun 448. create verb
388. concern noun 449. creation noun
389. concern verb 450. creature noun
390. concerned adjective 451. credit noun
391. conclude verb 452. crew noun
392. conclusion noun 453. crime noun
393. condition noun 454. criminal adjective
394. conduct verb 455. crisis noun
395. conference noun 456. criterion noun
396. confidence noun 457. critic noun
397. confirm verb 458. critical adjective
398. conflict noun 459. criticism noun
399. connect verb 460. cross verb
400. connection noun 461. crowd noun
401. consequence noun 462. crown noun
402. conservation noun 463. crucial adjective
403. consider verb 464. cry verb
404. considerable adjective 465. cultural adjective
405. consideration noun 466. culture noun
406. constant adjective 467. cup noun
407. constitution noun 468. currency noun
408. construct verb 469. current adjective
409. construction noun 470. currently adverb
410. consumer noun 471. customer noun
411. contact noun 472. cut verb
412. contact verb 473. cut noun
413. contain verb 474. daily adjective
414. contemporary adjective 475. damage noun
415. content noun 476. damage verb
416. context noun 477. dance verb
417. continue verb 478. dance noun
418. contract noun 479. danger noun
480. dangerous adjective 541. difficulty noun
481. dark adjective 542. dinner noun
482. data noun 543. direct adjective
483. date noun 544. direct verb
484. date verb 545. direction noun
485. daughter noun 546. directly adverb
486. day noun 547. director noun
487. dead adjective 548. disappear verb
488. deal verb 549. discipline noun
489. deal noun 550. discover verb
490. dealer noun 551. discovery noun
491. dear adjective 552. discuss verb
492. death noun 553. discussion noun
493. debate noun 554. disease noun
494. debt noun 555. display verb
495. decade noun 556. display noun
496. December noun 557. dispute noun
497. decide verb 558. distance noun
498. decision noun 559. distinction noun
499. declare verb 560. distinguish verb
500. decline verb 561. district noun
501. decline noun 562. divide verb
502. deep adjective 563. division noun
503. deep adverb 564. do verb
504. deeply adverb 565. doctor noun
505. defence noun 566. document noun
506. defend verb 567. dog noun
507. define verb 568. domestic adjective
508. definition noun 569. door noun
509. degree noun 570. double adjective
510. deliver verb 571. doubt noun
511. delivery noun 572. down adjective, adverb,
512. demand noun preposition
513. demand verb 573. drama noun
514. democracy noun 574. dramatic adjective
515. democratic adjective 575. draw verb
516. demonstrate verb 576. drawing noun
517. deny verb 577. dream noun
518. department noun 578. dress verb
519. dependent adjective 579. dress noun
520. depth noun 580. drink verb
521. deputy noun 581. drink noun
522. derive verb 582. drive verb
523. describe verb 583. drive noun
524. description noun 584. driver noun
525. design noun 585. drop verb
526. design verb 586. drug noun
527. desire noun 587. dry adjective
528. desk noun 588. due adjective
529. despite preposition 589. during preposition
530. destroy verb 590. duty noun
531. detail noun 591. each determiner, pronoun
532. detailed adjective 592. ear noun
533. develop verb 593. earlier adverb
534. development noun 594. early adjective
535. device noun 595. early adverb
536. die verb 596. earn verb
537. diet noun 597. earth noun
538. difference noun 598. easily adverb
539. different adjective 599. east noun
540. difficult adjective 600. eastern adjective
601. easy adjective 660. escape verb
602. eat verb 661. especially adverb
603. economic adjective 662. essential adjective
604. economy noun 663. essentially adverb
605. edge noun 664. establish verb
606. editor noun 665. establishment noun
607. education noun 666. estate noun
608. educational adjective 667. estimate verb
609. effect noun 668. estimate noun
610. effective adjective 669. even adverb
611. effectively adverb 670. evening noun
612. efficient adjective 671. event noun
613. effort noun 672. eventually adverb
614. egg noun 673. ever adverb
615. either adverb, determiner, 674. every determiner
pronoun 675. everybody pronoun
616. elderly adjective 676. everyone pronoun
617. elect verb 677. everything pronoun
618. election noun 678. everywhere adverb,
619. electricity noun conjunction, pronoun
620. electronic adjective 679. evidence noun
621. element noun 680. exactly adverb
622. else adverb 681. examination noun
623. elsewhere adverb 682. examine verb
624. email noun 683. example noun
625. emerge verb 684. excellent adjective
626. emergency noun 685. except conjunction,
627. emotion noun preposition
628. emotional adjective 686. exception noun
629. emphasis noun 687. exchange noun
630. employ verb 688. exclude verb
631. employee noun 689. exercise noun
632. employer noun 690. exercise verb
633. employment noun 691. exhibition noun
634. empty adjective 692. exist verb
635. enable verb 693. existence noun
636. encourage verb 694. existing adjective
637. end noun 695. expand verb
638. end verb 696. expect verb
639. enemy noun 697. expectation noun
640. energy noun 698. expected adjective
641. engine noun 699. expense noun
642. engineer noun 700. expensive adjective
643. engineering noun 701. experience noun
644. enjoy verb 702. experience verb
645. enormous adjective 703. experiment noun
646. enough adverb, determiner, 704. expert noun
pronoun 705. explain verb
647. ensure verb 706. explanation noun
648. enter verb 707. explore verb
649. entire adjective 708. export noun
650. entirely adverb 709. express verb
651. entitle verb 710. expression noun
652. entrance noun 711. extend verb
653. entry noun 712. extension noun
654. environment noun 713. extensive adjective
655. environmental adjective 714. extent noun
656. equal adjective 715. external adjective
657. equally adverb 716. extra adjective
658. equipment noun 717. extremely adverb
659. error noun 718. eye noun
719. face noun 779. fix verb
720. face verb 780. flat noun
721. facility noun 781. flat adjective
722. fact noun 782. flight noun
723. factor noun 783. floor noun
724. factory noun 784. flow noun
725. fail verb 785. flower noun
726. failure noun 786. fly verb
727. fair adjective 787. focus verb
728. fairly adverb 788. focus noun
729. faith noun 789. follow verb
730. fall verb 790. following adjective,
731. fall noun preposition, pronoun
732. familiar adjective 791. food noun
733. family noun 792. foot noun
734. famous adjective 793. football noun
735. far adjective, adverb 794. for preposition,
736. farm noun conjunction
737. farmer noun 795. force noun
738. fashion noun 796. force verb
739. fast adjective 797. foreign adjective
740. fast adverb 798. forest noun
741. father noun 799. forget verb
742. fault noun 800. form noun
743. favour noun 801. form verb
744. fear noun 802. formal adjective
745. fear verb 803. formation noun
746. feature noun 804. former adjective, pronoun
747. feature verb 805. found verb
748. February noun 806. foundation noun
749. fee noun 807. free adjective
750. feed verb 808. freedom noun
751. feel verb 809. frequency noun
752. feeling noun 810. frequently adverb
753. female adjective 811. fresh adjective
754. festival noun 812. Friday noun
755. few determiner, pronoun 813. friend noun
756. field noun 814. friendly adjective
757. fight verb 815. from preposition
758. fight noun 816. front noun
759. figure noun 817. front adjective
760. file noun 818. fruit noun
761. fill verb 819. fuel noun
762. film noun 820. full adjective
763. final adjective 821. fully adverb
764. finally adverb 822. function noun
765. finance noun 823. fund noun
766. finance verb 824. fund verb
767. financial adjective 825. fundamental adjective
768. find verb 826. funny adjective
769. fine adjective 827. furniture noun
770. finger noun 828. further adjective, adverb
771. finish verb 829. future adjective
772. fire noun 830. gain verb
773. fire verb 831. game noun
774. firm noun 832. gap noun
775. firm adjective 833. garden noun
776. first adverb, number, 834. gas noun
pronoun, noun 835. gate noun
777. fish noun 836. gather verb
778. fit verb 837. general adjective
838. generally adverb 897. he adverb
839. generate verb 898. health noun
840. generation noun 899. healthy adjective
841. gentleman noun 900. hear verb
842. gently adverb 901. heart noun
843. get verb 902. heat noun
844. gift noun 903. heavily adverb
845. girl noun 904. heavy adjective
846. give verb 905. height noun
847. glad adjective 906. hell noun
848. glance verb 907. hello interjection
849. glass noun 908. help verb
850. global adjective 909. help noun
851. go verb 910. hence adverb
852. goal noun 911. her determiner, pronoun
853. gold noun 912. here adverb, interjection
854. golden adjective 913. herself pronoun
855. golf noun 914. hi interjection
856. good adjective 915. hide verb
857. good noun 916. high adjective
858. goods noun 917. high adverb
859. government noun 918. highly adverb
860. gradually adverb 919. hill noun
861. grant verb 920. him pronoun
862. grant noun 921. himself pronoun
863. grass noun 922. his determiner, pronoun
864. great adjective 923. historical adjective
865. green adjective 924. history noun
866. grey adjective 925. hit verb
867. ground noun 926. hold verb
868. group noun 927. hole noun
869. grow verb 928. holiday noun
870. growing adjective 929. home noun
871. growth noun 930. home adverb
872. guard noun 931. hope verb
873. guess verb 932. hope noun
874. guest noun 933. horse noun
875. guide noun 934. hospital noun
876. guilty adjective 935. hot adjective
877. guitar noun 936. hotel noun
878. gun noun 937. hour noun
879. habit noun 938. house noun
880. hair noun 939. house verb
881. half adjective, adverb, 940. household noun
noun, number, predeterminer, 941. housing noun
pronoun 942. how adverb, conjunction
882. hall noun 943. however adverb, conjunction
883. hand noun 944. huge adjective
884. hand verb 945. human adjective
885. handle verb 946. human noun
886. hang verb 947. hurt verb
887. happen verb 948. husband noun
888. happy adjective 949. I pronoun
889. hard adjective 950. ice noun
890. hard adverb 951. idea noun
891. hardly adverb 952. ideal adjective
892. hat noun 953. identify verb
893. hate verb 954. identity noun
894. have verb 955. if conjunction
895. he pronoun 956. ill adjective
896. head noun 957. illness noun
958. illustrate verb 1016. interested
959. image noun adjective
960. imagine verb 1017. interesting
961. immediate adjective adjective
962. immediately adverb, 1018. international
conjunction adjective
963. impact noun 1019. interpret verb
964. implication noun 1020. interpretation noun
965. imply verb 1021. interview noun
966. importance noun 1022. into preposition
967. important adjective 1023. introduce verb
968. impose verb 1024. introduction noun
969. impossible adjective 1025. invest verb
970. impression noun 1026. investigate verb
971. improve verb 1027. investigation noun
972. improvement noun 1028. investment noun
973. in adjective, adverb, 1029. invite verb
preposition 1030. involve verb
974. inch noun 1031. involvement noun
975. incident noun 1032. island noun
976. include verb 1033. issue noun
977. including preposition 1034. issue verb
978. income noun 1035. it pronoun
979. increase verb 1036. item noun
980. increase noun 1037. its determiner
981. increased adjective 1038. itself pronoun
982. increasingly adverb 1039. jacket noun
983. indeed adverb 1040. January noun
984. independence noun 1041. job noun
985. independent adjective 1042. join verb
986. index noun 1043. joint adjective
987. indicate verb 1044. journey noun
988. individual adjective 1045. judge noun
989. individual noun 1046. judge verb
990. industrial adjective 1047. July noun
991. industry noun 1048. jump verb
992. inflation noun 1049. June noun
993. influence noun 1050. just adverb
994. influence verb 1051. justice noun
995. inform verb 1052. keen adjective
996. information noun 1053. keep verb
997. initial adjective 1054. key noun
998. initially adverb 1055. key adjective
999. initiative noun 1056. kick verb
1000. injury noun 1057. kid noun
1001. inner adjective 1058. kill verb
1002. inquiry noun 1059. kind noun
1003. insert verb 1060. king noun
1004. inside adjective, 1061. kingdom noun
adverb, preposition 1062. kiss verb
1005. insist verb 1063. kitchen noun
1006. instance noun 1064. knee noun
1007. instead adverb 1065. knife noun
1008. institute noun 1066. knock verb
1009. institution noun 1067. know verb
1010. instruction noun 1068. knowledge noun
1011. instrument noun 1069. labour noun
1012. insurance noun 1070. lack noun
1013. intend verb 1071. lady noun
1014. intention noun 1072. land noun
1015. interest noun 1073. land verb
1074. language noun 1127. link noun
1075. large adjective 1128. lip noun
1076. largely adverb 1129. list noun
1077. last adjective, 1130. list verb
adverb, determiner, noun, 1131. listen verb
pronoun 1132. literature noun
1078. last verb 1133. little adverb,
1079. late adjective determiner, pronoun
1080. late adverb 1134. little adjective
1081. later adverb 1135. live verb
1082. latest adjective 1136. living adjective
1083. latter adjective, 1137. load noun
pronoun 1138. loan noun
1084. laugh verb 1139. local adjective
1085. launch verb 1140. location noun
1086. law noun 1141. lock verb
1087. lawyer noun 1142. long adjective
1088. lay verb 1143. long adverb
1089. layer noun 1144. look verb
1090. lead verb 1145. look noun
1091. lead noun 1146. lose verb
1092. leader noun 1147. loss noun
1093. leadership noun 1148. lot noun
1094. leading adjective 1149. love verb
1095. leaf noun 1150. love noun
1096. league noun 1151. lovely adjective
1097. lean verb 1152. low adjective
1098. learn verb 1153. lucky adjective
1099. least adjective, 1154. lunch noun
adverb, determiner, pronoun 1155. machine noun
1100. leave verb 1156. magazine noun
1101. left adjective 1157. main adjective
1102. leg noun 1158. mainly adverb
1103. legal adjective 1159. maintain verb
1104. legislation noun 1160. major adjective
1105. length noun 1161. majority noun
1106. less adverb, 1162. make verb
determiner, preposition, 1163. male adjective
pronoun 1164. male noun
1107. lesson noun 1165. man noun
1108. let verb 1166. manage verb
1109. letter noun 1167. management noun
1110. level noun 1168. manager noun
1111. library noun 1169. manner noun
1112. licence noun 1170. manufacturer noun
1113. lie verb 1171. many adverb,
1114. life noun determiner, predeterminer,
1115. lift verb pronoun
1116. light noun 1172. map noun
1117. light adjective 1173. March noun
1118. light verb 1174. mark noun
1119. like adjective, 1175. mark verb
adverb, conjunction, 1176. market noun
preposition 1177. market verb
1120. like verb 1178. marketing noun
1121. likely adjective 1179. marriage noun
1122. limit verb 1180. married adjective
1123. limit noun 1181. marry verb
1124. limited adjective 1182. mass noun
1125. line noun 1183. massive adjective
1126. link verb 1184. master noun
1185. match noun 1245. most adverb,
1186. match verb determiner, pronoun
1187. material noun 1246. mostly adverb
1188. matter noun 1247. mother noun
1189. matter verb 1248. motion noun
1190. may modal verb 1249. motor noun
1191. May noun 1250. mountain noun
1192. maybe adverb 1251. mouth noun
1193. me pronoun 1252. move verb
1194. meal noun 1253. move noun
1195. mean verb 1254. movement noun
1196. meaning noun 1255. Mr
1197. means noun 1256. Mrs
1198. meanwhile adverb 1257. Ms
1199. measure noun 1258. much adverb,
1200. measure verb determiner, pronoun
1201. meat noun 1259. murder noun
1202. medical adjective 1260. muscle noun
1203. meet verb 1261. museum noun
1204. meeting noun 1262. music noun
1205. member noun 1263. must modal verb
1206. membership noun 1264. my determiner,
1207. memory noun interjection
1208. mental adjective 1265. myself pronoun
1209. mention verb 1266. name noun
1210. merely adverb 1267. name verb
1211. message noun 1268. narrow adjective
1212. metal noun 1269. nation noun
1213. method noun 1270. national adjective
1214. metre noun 1271. natural adjective
1215. middle noun 1272. naturally adverb
1216. middle adjective 1273. nature noun
1217. might modal verb 1274. near adjective,
1218. mile noun adverb, preposition
1219. milk noun 1275. nearly adverb
1220. mind noun 1276. necessarily adverb
1221. mind verb 1277. necessary adjective
1222. mine pronoun 1278. neck noun
1223. minister noun 1279. need verb
1224. ministry noun 1280. need noun
1225. minor adjective 1281. negative adjective
1226. minority noun 1282. neighbour noun
1227. minute noun 1283. neither
1228. mirror noun conjunction, determiner,
1229. miss verb pronoun
1230. mistake noun 1284. net noun
1231. mix verb 1285. network noun
1232. mixture noun 1286. never adverb
1233. model noun 1287. nevertheless adverb
1234. modern adjective 1288. new adjective
1235. module noun 1289. news noun
1236. moment noun 1290. newspaper noun
1237. Monday noun 1291. next adjective,
1238. money noun adverb, determiner, pronoun
1239. month noun 1292. nice adjective
1240. mood noun 1293. night noun
1241. moral adjective 1294. no adverb,
1242. more adverb, determiner
determiner, pronoun 1295. nobody pronoun
1243. moreover adverb 1296. nod verb
1244. morning noun 1297. noise noun
1298. none adverb, 1352. opening noun
pronoun 1353. operate verb
1299. nor conjunction 1354. operation noun
1300. normal adjective 1355. opinion noun
1301. normally adverb 1356. opportunity noun
1302. north noun 1357. oppose verb
1303. northern adjective 1358. opposite adjective
1304. nose noun 1359. opposition noun
1305. not adverb 1360. option noun
1306. note noun 1361. or conjunction
1307. note verb 1362. order noun
1308. nothing pronoun 1363. order verb
1309. notice verb 1364. ordinary adjective
1310. notice noun 1365. organization noun
1311. notion noun 1366. organize verb
1312. novel noun 1367. origin noun
1313. November noun 1368. original adjective
1314. now adverb, 1369. originally adverb
conjunction 1370. other determiner,
1315. nuclear adjective pronoun
1316. number noun 1371. otherwise adverb
1317. nurse noun 1372. ought modal verb
1318. object noun 1373. our determiner
1319. objective noun 1374. ourselves pronoun
1320. obligation noun 1375. out adverb,
1321. observation noun preposition
1322. observe verb 1376. outcome noun
1323. obtain verb 1377. outside adjective,
1324. obvious adjective adverb, noun, preposition
1325. obviously adverb 1378. over adverb,
1326. occasion noun preposition
1327. occasionally adverb 1379. overall adjective
1328. occupy verb 1380. owe verb
1329. occur verb 1381. own adjective,
1330. October noun pronoun
1331. of preposition 1382. own verb
1332. off adjective, 1383. owner noun
adverb, preposition 1384. pack verb
1333. offence noun 1385. package noun
1334. offer verb 1386. page noun
1335. offer noun 1387. pain noun
1336. office noun 1388. paint verb
1337. officer noun 1389. painting noun
1338. official adjective 1390. pair noun
1339. official noun 1391. pale adjective
1340. often adverb 1392. panel noun
1341. oil noun 1393. paper noun
1342. OK interjection 1394. paragraph noun
1343. OK adjective 1395. parent noun
1344. old adjective 1396. park noun
1345. on adverb, 1397. parliament noun
preposition 1398. part noun
1346. once adverb, 1399. particular
conjunction, noun adjective
1347. one determiner, 1400. particularly adverb
number, pronoun 1401. partly adverb
1348. only adjective, 1402. partner noun
adverb, conjunction 1403. partnership noun
1349. onto preposition 1404. party noun
1350. open adjective 1405. pass verb
1351. open verb 1406. passage noun
1407. passenger noun 1465. point noun
1408. past adverb, 1466. point verb
preposition 1467. police noun
1409. past noun 1468. policy noun
1410. past adjective 1469. political adjective
1411. path noun 1470. politician noun
1412. patient noun 1471. politics noun
1413. pattern noun 1472. pollution noun
1414. pause verb 1473. pool noun
1415. pay verb 1474. poor adjective
1416. pay noun 1475. popular adjective
1417. payment noun 1476. population noun
1418. peace noun 1477. port noun
1419. penalty noun 1478. position noun
1420. pension noun 1479. positive adjective
1421. people noun 1480. possess verb
1422. per preposition 1481. possibility noun
1423. perfect adjective 1482. possible adjective
1424. perfectly adverb 1483. possibly adverb
1425. perform verb 1484. post noun
1426. performance noun 1485. potential adjective
1427. perhaps adverb 1486. potential noun
1428. period noun 1487. pound noun
1429. permanent adjective 1488. pour verb
1430. permit verb 1489. power noun
1431. person noun 1490. powerful adjective
1432. personal adjective 1491. practical adjective
1433. personality noun 1492. practice noun
1434. persuade verb 1493. precisely adverb
1435. phase noun 1494. predict verb
1436. philosophy noun 1495. prefer verb
1437. phone noun 1496. preparation noun
1438. photograph noun 1497. prepare verb
1439. phrase noun 1498. presence noun
1440. physical adjective 1499. present adjective
1441. pick verb 1500. present verb
1442. picture noun 1501. present noun
1443. piece noun 1502. presentation noun
1444. pilot noun 1503. preserve verb
1445. place noun 1504. president noun
1446. place verb 1505. press noun
1447. plan noun 1506. press verb
1448. plan verb 1507. pressure noun
1449. plane noun 1508. pretty adverb
1450. planning noun 1509. prevent verb
1451. plant noun 1510. previous adjective
1452. plastic noun 1511. previously adverb
1453. plastic adjective 1512. price noun
1454. plate noun 1513. primary adjective
1455. play verb 1514. principal adjective
1456. play noun 1515. principle noun
1457. player noun 1516. print verb
1458. please interjection 1517. prior adjective
1459. please verb 1518. priority noun
1460. pleasure noun 1519. prison noun
1461. plenty adverb, 1520. prisoner noun
pronoun 1521. private adjective
1462. plus adjective, 1522. prize noun
conjunction, preposition 1523. probably adverb
1463. pocket noun 1524. problem noun
1464. poem noun 1525. procedure noun
1526. proceed verb 1584. range noun
1527. process noun 1585. rapid adjective
1528. produce verb 1586. rare adjective
1529. producer noun 1587. rarely adverb
1530. product noun 1588. rate noun
1531. production noun 1589. rather adverb,
1532. profession noun predeterminer
1533. professional 1590. ratio noun
adjective 1591. reach verb
1534. profit noun 1592. reaction noun
1535. programme noun 1593. re adverb
1536. progress noun 1594. reader noun
1537. project noun 1595. reading noun
1538. promise verb 1596. ready adjective
1539. promise noun 1597. real adjective
1540. promote verb 1598. reality noun
1541. promotion noun 1599. realize verb
1542. proper adjective 1600. really adverb,
1543. properly adverb interjection
1544. property noun 1601. reason noun
1545. proportion noun 1602. reasonable
1546. proposal noun adjective
1547. prospect noun 1603. recall verb
1548. protect verb 1604. receive verb
1549. protection noun 1605. recent adjective
1550. protest noun 1606. recently adverb
1551. prove verb 1607. reckon verb
1552. provide verb 1608. recognition noun
1553. provided 1609. recognize verb
conjunction 1610. recommend verb
1554. pub noun 1611. record noun
1555. public adjective 1612. record verb
1556. publication noun 1613. recording noun
1557. publish verb 1614. recover verb
1558. pull verb 1615. recovery noun
1559. pupil noun 1616. red adjective
1560. pure adjective 1617. reduce verb
1561. purpose noun 1618. reduction noun
1562. push verb 1619. reference noun
1563. put verb 1620. reflect verb
1564. qualification noun 1621. reform noun
1565. qualify verb 1622. refuse verb
1566. quality noun 1623. regard verb
1567. quarter noun 1624. regard noun
1568. queen noun 1625. region noun
1569. question noun 1626. regional adjective
1570. question verb 1627. register verb
1571. quick adjective 1628. regular adjective
1572. quickly adverb 1629. regularly adverb
1573. quiet adjective 1630. regulation noun
1574. quietly adverb 1631. reject verb
1575. quite adverb, 1632. relate verb
predeterminer 1633. relation noun
1576. quote verb 1634. relationship noun
1577. race noun 1635. relative adjective
1578. radio noun 1636. relatively adverb
1579. radio verb 1637. relax verb
1580. rail noun 1638. release verb
1581. railway noun 1639. release noun
1582. rain noun 1640. relevant adjective
1583. raise verb 1641. relief noun
1642. religion noun 1701. roof noun
1643. religious adjective 1702. room noun
1644. remain verb 1703. root noun
1645. remarkable 1704. rose noun
adjective 1705. rough adjective
1646. remember verb 1706. round adverb,
1647. remind verb preposition
1648. remove verb 1707. round adjective
1649. rent noun 1708. round noun
1650. repeat verb 1709. route noun
1651. replace verb 1710. row noun
1652. reply verb 1711. royal adjective
1653. reply noun 1712. rule noun
1654. report noun 1713. rule verb
1655. report verb 1714. run verb
1656. represent verb 1715. run noun
1657. representative noun 1716. rural adjective
1658. republic noun 1717. sad adjective
1659. reputation noun 1718. safe adjective
1660. request noun 1719. safety noun
1661. require verb 1720. sale noun
1662. requirement noun 1721. same adjective,
1663. research noun adverb, pronoun
1664. resident noun 1722. sample noun
1665. resign verb 1723. sand noun
1666. resist verb 1724. satisfy verb
1667. resistance noun 1725. Saturday noun
1668. resource noun 1726. save verb
1669. respect noun 1727. saving noun
1670. respond verb 1728. say verb
1671. response noun 1729. scale noun
1672. responsibility noun 1730. scene noun
1673. responsible 1731. scheme noun
adjective 1732. school noun
1674. rest noun 1733. science noun
1675. rest verb 1734. scientific
1676. restaurant noun adjective
1677. restore verb 1735. scientist noun
1678. result noun 1736. score verb
1679. result verb 1737. score noun
1680. return verb 1738. screen noun
1681. return noun 1739. sea noun
1682. reveal verb 1740. search noun
1683. review noun 1741. search verb
1684. review verb 1742. season noun
1685. revolution noun 1743. seat noun
1686. rich adjective 1744. second noun
1687. ride verb 1745. second number
1688. right adverb 1746. secondary adjective
1689. right adjective 1747. secret noun
1690. right noun 1748. secret adjective
1691. ring verb 1749. secretary noun
1692. ring noun 1750. section noun
1693. rise verb 1751. sector noun
1694. rise noun 1752. secure verb
1695. risk noun 1753. security noun
1696. river noun 1754. see verb
1697. road noun 1755. seed noun
1698. rock noun 1756. seek verb
1699. role noun 1757. seem verb
1700. roll verb 1758. select verb
1759. selection noun 1819. significant
1760. self noun adjective
1761. sell verb 1820. silence noun
1762. send verb 1821. silent adjective
1763. senior adjective 1822. similar adjective
1764. sense noun 1823. similarly adverb
1765. sensitive adjective 1824. simple adjective
1766. sentence noun 1825. simply adverb
1767. separate adjective 1826. since adverb,
1768. separate verb conjunction, preposition
1769. September noun 1827. sing verb
1770. sequence noun 1828. single adjective
1771. series noun 1829. sister noun
1772. serious adjective 1830. sit verb
1773. seriously adverb 1831. situation noun
1774. servant noun 1832. size noun
1775. serve verb 1833. skill noun
1776. service noun 1834. skin noun
1777. session noun 1835. sky noun
1778. set verb 1836. sleep verb
1779. set noun 1837. sleep noun
1780. setting noun 1838. slight adjective
1781. settle verb 1839. slightly adverb
1782. several determiner, 1840. slip verb
pronoun 1841. slow adjective
1783. severe adjective 1842. slowly adverb
1784. sex noun 1843. small adjective
1785. sexual adjective 1844. smile verb
1786. shadow noun 1845. smile noun
1787. shake verb 1846. snow noun
1788. shall modal verb 1847. so adverb,
1789. shape noun conjunction
1790. share verb 1848. social adjective
1791. share noun 1849. society noun
1792. sharp adjective 1850. soft adjective
1793. she pronoun 1851. software noun
1794. sheep noun 1852. soil noun
1795. sheet noun 1853. soldier noun
1796. shift verb 1854. solid adjective
1797. ship noun 1855. solution noun
1798. shirt noun 1856. solve verb
1799. shock noun 1857. some adverb,
1800. shoe noun determiner, pronoun
1801. shoot verb 1858. somebody pronoun
1802. shop noun 1859. somehow adverb
1803. short adjective 1860. someone pronoun
1804. short adverb 1861. something pronoun
1805. shortly adverb 1862. sometimes adverb
1806. shot noun 1863. somewhat adverb
1807. should modal verb 1864. somewhere adverb
1808. shoulder noun 1865. son noun
1809. shout verb 1866. song noun
1810. show verb 1867. soon adverb
1811. show noun 1868. sorry adjective
1812. shut verb 1869. sort noun
1813. sick adjective 1870. sort verb
1814. side noun 1871. soul noun
1815. sight noun 1872. sound noun
1816. sign noun 1873. sound verb
1817. sign verb 1874. source noun
1818. signal noun 1875. south noun
1876. southern adjective 1937. study verb
1877. space noun 1938. stuff noun
1878. speak verb 1939. style noun
1879. speaker noun 1940. subject noun
1880. special adjective 1941. submit verb
1881. species noun 1942. substance noun
1882. specific adjective 1943. substantial
1883. specifically adverb adjective
1884. speech noun 1944. succeed verb
1885. speed noun 1945. success noun
1886. spend verb 1946. successful
1887. spirit noun adjective
1888. spokesman noun 1947. such determiner,
1889. sport noun predeterminer, pronoun
1890. spot noun 1948. sudden adjective
1891. spread verb 1949. suddenly adverb
1892. spring noun 1950. suffer verb
1893. square noun 1951. sufficient
1894. staff noun adjective
1895. stage noun 1952. sugar noun
1896. stair noun 1953. suggest verb
1897. stand verb 1954. suggestion noun
1898. standard noun 1955. suit verb
1899. standard adjective 1956. suit noun
1900. star noun 1957. suitable adjective
1901. star verb 1958. sum noun
1902. stare verb 1959. summer noun
1903. start verb 1960. sun noun
1904. start noun 1961. Sunday noun
1905. state noun 1962. supply noun
1906. state verb 1963. supply verb
1907. statement noun 1964. support verb
1908. station noun 1965. support noun
1909. status noun 1966. supporter noun
1910. stay verb 1967. suppose verb
1911. steal verb 1968. sure adjective
1912. step noun 1969. sure adverb
1913. step verb 1970. surely adverb
1914. stick verb 1971. surface noun
1915. still adverb 1972. surprise noun
1916. stock noun 1973. surprised adjective
1917. stone noun 1974. surprising
1918. stop verb adjective
1919. store noun 1975. surround verb
1920. story noun 1976. survey noun
1921. straight adverb 1977. survive verb
1922. strange adjective 1978. suspect verb
1923. strategy noun 1979. sweet adjective
1924. street noun 1980. swing verb
1925. strength noun 1981. switch verb
1926. stress noun 1982. system noun
1927. stress verb 1983. table noun
1928. stretch verb 1984. take verb
1929. strike verb 1985. talk verb
1930. strike noun 1986. talk noun
1931. string noun 1987. tall adjective
1932. strong adjective 1988. tank noun
1933. structure noun 1989. tape noun
1934. student noun 1990. target noun
1935. studio noun 1991. task noun
1936. study noun 1992. taste noun
1993. tax noun 2045. Thursday noun
1994. taxi noun 2046. thus adverb
1995. tea noun 2047. ticket noun
1996. teach verb 2048. tie verb
1997. teacher noun 2049. time noun
1998. teaching noun 2050. tiny adjective
1999. team noun 2051. tired adjective
2000. technical adjective 2052. title noun
2001. technique noun 2053. to adverb,
2002. technology noun preposition
2003. telephone noun 2054. today adverb
2004. television noun 2055. together adverb
2005. tell verb 2056. tomorrow adverb
2006. temperature noun 2057. tone noun
2007. temporary adjective 2058. tonight adverb
2008. tend verb 2059. too adverb
2009. tension noun 2060. tool noun
2010. term noun 2061. tooth noun
2011. terrible adjective 2062. top noun
2012. test noun 2063. top adjective
2013. test verb 2064. topic noun
2014. text noun 2065. total adjective
2015. than conjunction, 2066. total noun
preposition 2067. totally adverb
2016. thank verb 2068. touch verb
2017. thanks interjection 2069. touch noun
2018. thanks noun 2070. tough adjective
2019. that adverb, 2071. tour noun
conjunction, determiner, 2072. tourist noun
pronoun 2073. towards preposition
2020. the determiner 2074. town noun
2021. theatre noun 2075. track noun
2022. their determiner 2076. trade noun
2023. them pronoun 2077. trade verb
2024. theme noun 2078. tradition noun
2025. themselves pronoun 2079. traditional
2026. then adjective, adjective
adverb 2080. traffic noun
2027. theory noun 2081. train noun
2028. there adverb, 2082. train verb
interjection, pronoun 2083. training noun
2029. therefore adverb 2084. transfer verb
2030. they pronoun 2085. transfer noun
2031. thick adjective 2086. transport noun
2032. thin adjective 2087. travel verb
2033. thing noun 2088. travel noun
2034. think verb 2089. treat verb
2035. this adverb, 2090. treatment noun
determiner, pronoun 2091. tree noun
2036. though adverb, 2092. trend noun
conjunction 2093. trial noun
2037. though conjunction 2094. trip noun
2038. thought noun 2095. troop noun
2039. threat noun 2096. trouble noun
2040. threaten verb 2097. true adjective
2041. throat noun 2098. trust noun
2042. through adjective, 2099. trust verb
adverb, preposition 2100. truth noun
2043. throughout adverb, 2101. try verb
preposition 2102. Tuesday noun
2044. throw verb 2103. turn verb
2104. turn noun 2159. visit verb
2105. TV noun 2160. visit noun
2106. twice adverb 2161. visitor noun
2107. two number 2162. vital adjective
2108. type noun 2163. voice noun
2109. typical adjective 2164. volume noun
2110. under adverb, 2165. vote verb
preposition 2166. vote noun
2111. understand verb 2167. wait verb
2112. understanding noun 2168. walk verb
2113. unemployed 2169. walk noun
adjective 2170. wall noun
2114. unemployment noun 2171. want verb
2115. unfortunately 2172. war noun
adverb 2173. warm adjective
2116. union noun 2174. warn verb
2117. unique adjective 2175. warning noun
2118. unit noun 2176. wash verb
2119. united adjective 2177. waste noun
2120. university noun 2178. watch verb
2121. unless conjunction 2179. water noun
2122. unlikely adjective 2180. wave noun
2123. until conjunction, 2181. way noun
preposition 2182. we determiner,
2124. unusual adjective pronoun
2125. up adjective, 2183. weak adjective
adverb, preposition 2184. weapon noun
2126. upon preposition 2185. wear verb
2127. upper adjective 2186. weather noun
2128. urban adjective 2187. wedding noun
2129. us pronoun 2188. Wednesday noun
2130. use verb 2189. week noun
2131. use noun 2190. weekend noun
2132. used adjective 2191. weight noun
2133. useful adjective 2192. welcome verb
2134. user noun 2193. well adverb
2135. usual adjective 2194. well interjection
2136. usually adverb 2195. west noun
2137. valley noun 2196. western adjective
2138. valuable adjective 2197. wet adjective
2139. value noun 2198. what adverb,
2140. variation noun determiner, interjection,
2141. variety noun predeterminer, pronoun
2142. various adjective 2199. whatever adverb,
2143. vary verb conjunction, determiner,
2144. vegetable noun pronoun
2145. vehicle noun 2200. wheel noun
2146. version noun 2201. when adverb,
2147. very adjective, conjunction
adverb 2202. where adverb,
2148. via preposition conjunction
2149. victim noun 2203. whereas conjunction
2150. victory noun 2204. whether conjunction
2151. video noun 2205. which determiner,
2152. view noun pronoun
2153. view verb 2206. while conjunction
2154. village noun 2207. while noun
2155. violence noun 2208. white adjective
2156. virtually adverb 2209. who pronoun
2157. virus noun 2210. whole adjective
2158. vision noun 2211. whole noun
2212. whom pronoun 2268. according to
2213. whose determiner, preposition
pronoun 2269. all right
2214. why adverb adjective, adverb
2215. wide adjective 2270. all right
2216. widely adverb interjection
2217. wife noun 2271. due to preposition
2218. wild adjective 2272. the Internet noun
2219. will modal verb 2273. long-term adjective
2220. will noun 2274. the media noun
2221. willing adjective 2275. no-one pronoun
2222. win verb 2276. of course adverb
2223. wind noun 2277. per cent noun
2224. window noun 2278. prime minister noun
2225. wine noun 2279. thank you
2226. wing noun interjection
2227. winner noun 2280. used to modal verb
2228. winter noun 2281. used to adjective
2229. wish verb
2230. with preposition
2231. within adverb,
1. abandonverb
preposition 2. abolishverb
2232. without adverb, 3. abortionnoun
preposition 4. absentadjective
2233. woman noun 5. absoluteadjective
2234. wonder verb
6. absorbverb
2235. wonderful adjective 7. abstractadjective
2236. wood noun 8. abusenoun
2237. wooden adjective 9. accentnoun
2238. word noun 10. acceptableadjective
2239. work verb
11. acceptancenoun
2240. work noun 12. accessorynoun
2241. worker noun 13. accommodationnoun
2242. working adjective 14. accompanyverb
2243. world noun 15. accountantnoun
2244. worried adjective
16. accuracynoun
2245. worry verb 17. accurateadjective
2246. worse adjective 18. acidnoun
2247. worst adjective 19. acknowledgeverb
2248. worth adjective 20. acquireverb
2249. would modal verb
21. acquisitionnoun
2250. write verb 22. adaptverb
2251. writer noun 23. addedadjective
2252. writing noun 24. additionnoun
2253. wrong adjective 25. additionaladjective
2254. yard noun
26. addressverb
2255. yeah adverb 27. adjustverb
2256. year noun 28. adjustmentnoun
2257. yellow adjective 29. administrativeadjective
2258. yes adverb 30. admireverb
2259. yesterday adverb
31. admissionnoun
2260. yet adverb, 32. adultadjective
conjunction 33. advancenoun
2261. you determiner, 34. advanceverb
pronoun 35. adventurenoun
2262. young adjective
36. advertiseverb
2263. younger adjective 37. advertisementnoun
2264. your determiner 38. advertisingnoun
2265. yours pronoun 39. advisernoun
2266. yourself pronoun 40. ageverb
2267. youth noun
41. agedadjective
42. agendanoun 102. armchairnoun
43. aggressionnoun 103. armedadjective
44. aggressiveadjective 104. armsnoun
45. agreedadjective 105. arouseverb
46. agriculturaladjective 106. arrestverb
47. agriculturenoun 107. arrownoun
48. aidnoun 108. artificialadjective
49. aidverb 109. artisticadjective
50. AIDSnoun 110. ashnoun
51. aircraftnoun 111. ashamedadjective
52. airlinenoun 112. asideadverb
53. alarmnoun 113. asleepadjective
54. alarmverb 114. assaultnoun
55. albumnoun 115. assembleverb
56. alcoholnoun 116. assertverb
57. alcoholicadjective 117. assessverb
58. aliennoun 118. assessmentnoun
59. allegationnoun 119. assetnoun
60. allegeverb 120. assignverb
61. allegedadjective 121. assignmentnoun
62. alliancenoun 122. assistantnoun
63. allowancenoun 123. assistantadjective
64. allynoun 124. assumptionnoun
65. alongsideadverb, 125. assurancenoun
preposition 126. assureverb
66. alterverb 127. asylumnoun
67. alterationnoun 128. atmospherenoun
68. alternativelyadverb 129. atomnoun
69. amazingadjective 130. attachverb
70. ambassadornoun 131. attachmentnoun
71. ambitionnoun 132. attackernoun
72. ambitiousadjective 133. attendancenoun
73. ambulancenoun 134. attractionnoun
74. amendverb 135. automaticadjective
75. amendmentnoun 136. automaticallyadverb
76. amuseverb 137. availabilitynoun
77. analyseverb 138. avenuenoun
78. analystnoun 139. awarenessnoun
79. ancestornoun 140. awfuladjective
80. angelnoun 141. awkwardadjective
81. angernoun 142. backingnoun
82. anklenoun 143. backwardsadjective, adverb
83. anniversarynoun 144. bacterianoun
84. annoyverb 145. balanceverb
85. annoyedadjective 146. banverb
86. annoyingadjective 147. bannoun
87. anticipateverb 148. bankingnoun
88. anxietynoun 149. barverb
89. anxiousadjective 150. bareadjective
90. apologizeverb 151. barelyadverb
91. appendixnoun 152. bargainnoun
92. appetitenoun 153. barnnoun
93. applenoun 154. barrelnoun
94. appreciateverb 155. barriernoun
95. appreciationnoun 156. basicallyadverb
96. appropriateadjective 157. basinnoun
97. approximatelyadverb 158. basketnoun
98. archnoun 159. batnoun
99. architectnoun 160. bathroomnoun
100. architecturenoun 161. batterynoun
101. armverb 162. baynoun
163. beamnoun 224. boyfriendnoun
164. beannoun 225. brandnoun
165. bearnoun 226. brassnoun
166. beastnoun 227. braveadjective
167. beatnoun 228. breachnoun
168. beenoun 229. breakdownnoun
169. beefnoun 230. breastnoun
170. begverb 231. breatheverb
171. behaveverb 232. breedverb
172. beingnoun 233. breednoun
173. bellnoun 234. breezenoun
174. beltnoun 235. bricknoun
175. benchnoun 236. brieflyadverb
176. bendnoun 237. broadcastverb
177. beneficialadjective 238. broadlyadverb
178. besidesadverb, preposition 239. brokenadjective
179. betverb 240. bronzenoun
180. betrayverb 241. brushverb
181. biasnoun 242. brushnoun
182. biblenoun 243. bucketnoun
183. bicyclenoun 244. buildernoun
184. bidverb 245. bulknoun
185. bidnoun 246. bullnoun
186. bikenoun 247. bulletnoun
187. billionnumber 248. bunchnoun
188. bindingadjective 249. burdennoun
189. biologicaladjective 250. bureaunoun
190. birthdaynoun 251. bureaucracynoun
191. biscuitnoun 252. burningadjective
192. bishopnoun 253. burstverb
193. bitnoun 254. buryverb
194. biteverb 255. bushnoun
195. bitteradjective 256. businessmannoun
196. blacknoun 257. butternoun
197. bladenoun 258. buttonnoun
198. blankadjective 259. cabinnoun
199. blanketnoun 260. cablenoun
200. blindadjective 261. cafénoun
201. blockverb 262. calculateverb
202. blokenoun 263. calculationnoun
203. blownoun 264. calendarnoun
204. bluenoun 265. calmadjective
205. boldadjective 266. calmverb
206. bombverb 267. campaignverb
207. bondnoun 268. cannoun
208. bonusnoun 269. canalnoun
209. bookverb 270. candlenoun
210. bookingnoun 271. capnoun
211. bookletnoun 272. capabilitynoun
212. boomnoun 273. capitaladjective
213. boostverb 274. capitalismnoun
214. boostnoun 275. capitalistnoun
215. boredadjective 276. captureverb
216. boringadjective 277. caravannoun
217. boroughnoun 278. carbonnoun
218. borrowverb 279. carpetnoun
219. bottomadjective 280. carveverb
220. bounceverb 281. castlenoun
221. boundadjective 282. casualadjective
222. boundarynoun 283. cataloguenoun
223. bowlnoun 284. caterverb
285. cathedralnoun 346. closedadjective
286. cattlenoun 347. closurenoun
287. cautionnoun 348. clothnoun
288. cavenoun 349. clothingnoun
289. CDnoun 350. cluenoun
290. ceaseverb 351. clutchverb
291. ceilingnoun 352. coachnoun
292. celebrationnoun 353. coalitionnoun
293. centreverb 354. coastaladjective
294. ceremonynoun 355. codeverb
295. certaindeterminer 356. coffinnoun
296. certaintynoun 357. coinnoun
297. certificatenoun 358. coincideverb
298. chambernoun 359. coldnoun
299. chancellornoun 360. collaborationnoun
300. chaosnoun 361. collapseverb
301. chapelnoun 362. collapsenoun
302. characteristicnoun 363. collarnoun
303. characteristicadjective 364. collectiveadjective
304. characterizeverb 365. collectornoun
305. charmnoun 366. colonialadjective
306. charmingadjective 367. colonynoun
307. chartnoun 368. colourverb
308. charternoun 369. colouredadjective
309. chaseverb 370. combinedadjective
310. chatverb 371. comedynoun
311. checknoun 372. comfortnoun
312. cheeknoun 373. comingadjective
313. cheerverb 374. commandverb
314. cheesenoun 375. commandernoun
315. chemicaladjective 376. commenceverb
316. chemistnoun 377. commentatornoun
317. chemistrynoun 378. commercenoun
318. chequenoun 379. commissionverb
319. chewverb 380. commissionernoun
320. chickennoun 381. commoditynoun
321. childhoodnoun 382. commonlyadverb
322. chinnoun 383. communicateverb
323. chipnoun 384. communistnoun
324. chocolatenoun 385. communistadjective
325. chopverb 386. companionnoun
326. cinemanoun 387. comparableadjective
327. circuitnoun 388. comparativeadjective
328. circulateverb 389. compelverb
329. circulationnoun 390. compensateverb
330. clashnoun 391. compensationnoun
331. classicadjective 392. competencenoun
332. classicnoun 393. competentadjective
333. classicaladjective 394. competitiveadjective
334. classificationnoun 395. competitornoun
335. classifyverb 396. compileverb
336. classroomnoun 397. completionnoun
337. claynoun 398. complexnoun
338. clergynoun 399. complexitynoun
339. cleveradjective 400. complicateverb
340. cliffnoun 401. complicatedadjective
341. climatenoun 402. complicationnoun
342. clingverb 403. complyverb
343. clinicnoun 404. componentnoun
344. clinicaladjective 405. composeverb
345. clocknoun 406. composernoun
407. compositionnoun 467. conversionnoun
408. compoundnoun 468. convertverb
409. comprehensiveadjective 469. conveyverb
410. compriseverb 470. convictverb
411. compromisenoun 471. convictionnoun
412. compulsoryadjective 472. convincingadjective
413. concealverb 473. cooknoun
414. concedeverb 474. cookingnoun
415. conceiveverb 475. coolverb
416. conceptionnoun 476. cooperationnoun
417. concerningpreposition 477. coppernoun
418. concertnoun 478. copyverb
419. concessionnoun 479. corenoun
420. concreteadjective 480. cornnoun
421. condemnverb 481. correctverb
422. conductnoun 482. correspondverb
423. confessverb 483. correspondencenoun
424. confidentadjective 484. correspondentnoun
425. confrontverb 485. correspondingadjective
426. confrontationnoun 486. corridornoun
427. confuseverb 487. corruptionnoun
428. confusedadjective 488. cottagenoun
429. confusionnoun 489. cottonnoun
430. consciencenoun 490. councillornoun
431. consciousadjective 491. counselverb
432. consciousnessnoun 492. counsellingnoun
433. consensusnoun 493. countnoun
434. consentnoun 494. counternoun
435. consequentlyadverb 495. counterpartnoun
436. conservativeadjective 496. coupnoun
437. considerablyadverb 497. couragenoun
438. consideringpreposition, 498. cousinnoun
conjunction 499. coveragenoun
439. consistentadjective 500. cownoun
440. constablenoun 501. crackverb
441. constantlyadverb 502. cracknoun
442. constituencynoun 503. craftnoun
443. constituentnoun 504. crashverb
444. constituteverb 505. crashnoun
445. constitutionaladjective 506. crazyadjective
446. constraintnoun 507. creamnoun
447. consultverb 508. creativeadjective
448. consultantnoun 509. creditornoun
449. consultationnoun 510. cricketnoun
450. consumeverb 511. criticizeverb
451. consumptionnoun 512. cropnoun
452. containernoun 513. crossnoun
453. contemplateverb 514. crueladjective
454. contentadjective 515. crushverb
455. contestnoun 516. crynoun
456. continentnoun 517. cupboardnoun
457. continentaladjective 518. curenoun
458. continuitynoun 519. curiousadjective
459. continuousadjective 520. curlverb
460. contractverb 521. curriculumnoun
461. contradictionnoun 522. curtainnoun
462. contraryadjective 523. curvenoun
463. contrastverb 524. custodynoun
464. controversialadjective 525. customnoun
465. controversynoun 526. cyclenoun
466. convenientadjective 527. dadnoun
528. dailyadverb 589. desperatelyadverb
529. dampadjective 590. destinationnoun
530. dancernoun 591. destructionnoun
531. dareverb 592. detectverb
532. darknessnoun 593. detectivenoun
533. darlingnoun 594. determinationnoun
534. databasenoun 595. determineverb
535. dawnnoun 596. determinedadjective
536. deafadjective 597. developernoun
537. dealingnoun 598. developingadjective
538. dearnoun 599. devilnoun
539. debateverb 600. deviseverb
540. debtornoun 601. diagnosisnoun
541. decentadjective 602. diagramnoun
542. decisiveadjective 603. dialoguenoun
543. decknoun 604. diamondnoun
544. declarationnoun 605. diarynoun
545. decorateverb 606. dictateverb
546. decorationnoun 607. dictionarynoun
547. decreaseverb 608. digverb
548. deednoun 609. digitaladjective
549. defaultnoun 610. dignitynoun
550. defeatnoun 611. dilemmanoun
551. defeatverb 612. dimensionnoun
552. defectnoun 613. diminishverb
553. defendantnoun 614. dipverb
554. defendernoun 615. diplomaticadjective
555. defensiveadjective 616. directivenoun
556. deficitnoun 617. directorynoun
557. definiteadjective 618. dirtyadjective
558. definitelyadverb 619. disabilitynoun
559. delaynoun 620. disabledadjective
560. delayverb 621. disadvantagenoun
561. delegatenoun 622. disagreeverb
562. delegationnoun 623. disappointverb
563. deleteverb 624. disappointmentnoun
564. deliberateadjective 625. disasternoun
565. deliberatelyadverb 626. discnoun
566. delicateadjective 627. dischargeverb
567. delightnoun 628. dischargenoun
568. delightverb 629. disciplineverb
569. delightedadjective 630. discloseverb
570. demandingadjective 631. discountnoun
571. demonstrationnoun 632. discretionnoun
572. densitynoun 633. discriminationnoun
573. departverb 634. dishnoun
574. departurenoun 635. disknoun
575. dependencenoun 636. dislikeverb
576. depictverb 637. dismissverb
577. depositnoun 638. dismissalnoun
578. depositverb 639. disordernoun
579. depressedadjective 640. disposalnoun
580. depressionnoun 641. dissolveverb
581. descendverb 642. distantadjective
582. desertnoun 643. distinctadjective
583. deserveverb 644. distinctiveadjective
584. designernoun 645. distressnoun
585. desirableadjective 646. distributeverb
586. desireverb 647. distributionnoun
587. desktopnoun 648. disturbverb
588. desperateadjective 649. disturbancenoun
650. diveverb 711. eliminateverb
651. diverseadjective 712. elitenoun
652. diversitynoun 713. emailverb
653. divineadjective 714. embarkverb
654. divorceverb 715. embraceverb
655. divorcenoun 716. emissionnoun
656. divorcedadjective 717. emphasizeverb
657. docknoun 718. empirenoun
658. dollarnoun 719. encounternoun
659. domainnoun 720. encounterverb
660. dominantadjective 721. encouragementnoun
661. dominateverb 722. encouragingadjective
662. donationnoun 723. endingnoun
663. doorwaynoun 724. endlessadjective
664. dosenoun 725. endorseverb
665. doubleverb 726. enforceverb
666. doubtverb 727. enforcementnoun
667. doubtfuladjective 728. engageverb
668. downstairsadverb 729. engagedadjective
669. draftnoun 730. engagementnoun
670. draftverb 731. enhanceverb
671. dragverb 732. enterprisenoun
672. drainverb 733. entertainverb
673. drawnoun 734. entertainmentnoun
674. drawernoun 735. enthusiasmnoun
675. dreadfuladjective 736. enthusiasticadjective
676. dreamverb 737. entitynoun
677. driftverb 738. envelopenoun
678. drinkingnoun 739. envisageverb
679. dropnoun 740. episodenoun
680. drownverb 741. equalitynoun
681. drumnoun 742. equationnoun
682. drunkadjective 743. equipverb
683. dryverb 744. equitynoun
684. ducknoun 745. equivalentadjective
685. dulladjective 746. equivalentnoun
686. dumpverb 747. erinterjection
687. durationnoun 748. eranoun
688. dustnoun 749. erosionnoun
689. DVDnoun 750. escapenoun
690. dynamicadjective 751. essaynoun
691. eageradjective 752. essencenoun
692. earlieradjective 753. establishedadjective
693. earningsnoun 754. etcabbreviation
694. easenoun 755. ethnicadjective
695. easeverb 756. evaluateverb
696. echoverb 757. everydayadjective
697. economicallyadverb 758. evidentadjective
698. economicsnoun 759. evidentlyadverb
699. editverb 760. eviladjective
700. editionnoun 761. evilnoun
701. educateverb 762. evolutionnoun
702. efficiencynoun 763. evolveverb
703. elaborateadjective 764. exactadjective
704. elbownoun 765. examnoun
705. electoraladjective 766. exceedverb
706. electricadjective 767. exceptionaladjective
707. electricaladjective 768. excessnoun
708. electronicsnoun 769. excessiveadjective
709. elegantadjective 770. exchangeverb
710. eligibleadjective 771. excitedadjective
772. excitementnoun 833. feministnoun
773. excitingadjective 834. fencenoun
774. exclusiveadjective 835. fetchverb
775. exclusivelyadverb 836. fibrenoun
776. excusenoun 837. fictionnoun
777. excuseverb 838. fierceadjective
778. executeverb 839. fighternoun
779. executionnoun 840. fightingnoun
780. executivenoun 841. figureverb
781. executiveadjective 842. fileverb
782. exemptionnoun 843. filternoun
783. exhibitverb 844. finalnoun
784. expansionnoun 845. findingsnoun
785. expeditionnoun 846. fineadverb
786. expenditurenoun 847. finenoun
787. experiencedadjective 848. finishnoun
788. experimentaladjective 849. firstlyadverb
789. expertadjective 850. fiscaladjective
790. expertisenoun 851. fishverb
791. explicitadjective 852. fishingnoun
792. explodeverb 853. fistnoun
793. exploitverb 854. fitadjective
794. exploitationnoun 855. fitnoun
795. explorationnoun 856. fitnessnoun
796. explosionnoun 857. fixedadjective
797. exportverb 858. flagnoun
798. exposeverb 859. flamenoun
799. exposurenoun 860. flashverb
800. extractverb 861. flavournoun
801. extractnoun 862. fleeverb
802. extraordinaryadjective 863. fleetnoun
803. extremeadjective 864. fleshnoun
804. eyebrownoun 865. flexibilitynoun
805. fabricnoun 866. flexibleadjective
806. factionnoun 867. floatverb
807. facultynoun 868. floodverb
808. fadeverb 869. floodnoun
809. faintadjective 870. flowverb
810. falseadjective 871. flynoun
811. famenoun 872. foldverb
812. fannoun 873. folknoun
813. fancyverb 874. followernoun
814. fantasticadjective 875. fondadjective
815. fantasynoun 876. foolnoun
816. farenoun 877. forbidverb
817. fascinatingadjective 878. forecastnoun
818. fashionableadjective 879. foreheadnoun
819. fatadjective 880. foreignernoun
820. fatnoun 881. foreveradverb
821. fataladjective 882. forgiveverb
822. fatenoun 883. formatnoun
823. favourverb 884. formerlyadverb
824. favourableadjective 885. formulanoun
825. favouriteadjective 886. forthadverb
826. favouritenoun 887. forthcomingadjective
827. faxnoun 888. fortnightnoun
828. federaladjective 889. fortunateadjective
829. feedbacknoun 890. fortunatelyadverb
830. fellownoun 891. fortunenoun
831. fellowadjective 892. forumnoun
832. femalenoun 893. forwardadjective, adverb
894. fossilnoun 955. grandadjective
895. foxnoun 956. grandfathernoun
896. fractionnoun 957. grandmothernoun
897. framenoun 958. graphnoun
898. frameworknoun 959. graphicsnoun
899. fraudnoun 960. graspverb
900. freeverb 961. gratefuladjective
901. freelyadverb 962. gravenoun
902. freezeverb 963. greatlyadverb
903. frequentadjective 964. greennoun
904. friedadjective 965. greetverb
905. friendshipnoun 966. gridnoun
906. frightenverb 967. griefnoun
907. frontiernoun 968. grinverb
908. frownverb 969. grinnoun
909. fulfilverb 970. grindverb
910. funnoun 971. gripnoun
911. funadjective 972. gripverb
912. functionverb 973. grossadjective
913. functionaladjective 974. guaranteeverb
914. fundingnoun 975. guaranteenoun
915. funeralnoun 976. guardverb
916. furiousadjective 977. guessnoun
917. furthermoreadverb 978. guidancenoun
918. gainnoun 979. guideverb
919. gallerynoun 980. guidelinesnoun
920. gangnoun 981. guiltnoun
921. garagenoun 982. guynoun
922. gardenernoun 983. hainterjection
923. garmentnoun 984. handfulnoun
924. gayadjective 985. handicapnoun
925. gazeverb 986. handlenoun
926. gazenoun 987. handsomeadjective
927. gearnoun 988. happilyadverb
928. gendernoun 989. happinessnoun
929. genenoun 990. harbournoun
930. generalnoun 991. hardwarenoun
931. generousadjective 992. harmnoun
932. geneticadjective 993. harmonynoun
933. gentleadjective 994. harshadjective
934. genuineadjective 995. hazardnoun
935. geographicaladjective 996. headingnoun
936. geographynoun 997. headlinenoun
937. gesturenoun 998. headquartersnoun
938. ghostnoun 999. healverb
939. giantnoun 1000. hearingnoun
940. giantadjective 1001. heatingnoun
941. girlfriendnoun 1002. hedgenoun
942. glancenoun 1003. heelnoun
943. glorynoun 1004. heirnoun
944. glovenoun 1005. helicopternoun
945. gonoun 1006. helpfuladjective
946. goodnessinterjection 1007. heritagenoun
947. governverb 1008. heronoun
948. governornoun 1009. herspronoun
949. grabverb 1010. hesitateverb
950. gracenoun 1011. heyinterjection
951. gradenoun 1012. hiddenadjective
952. graduatenoun 1013. hierarchynoun
953. grainnoun 1014. highlightverb
954. grammarnoun 1015. hintnoun
1016. hipnoun 1075. inevitableadjective
1017. hireverb 1076. inevitablyadverb
1018. historiannoun 1077. infantnoun
1019. historicadjective 1078. infectionnoun
1020. hitnoun 1079. influentialadjectiv
1021. holdnoun e
1022. holdernoun 1080. informaladjective
1023. holdingnoun 1081. ingredientnoun
1024. holyadjective 1082. inhabitantnoun
1025. honestadjective 1083. inheritverb
1026. honestlyadverb 1084. inheritancenoun
1027. honournoun 1085. initialnoun
1028. honourverb 1086. initiateverb
1029. hooknoun 1087. injectionnoun
1030. hopefullyadverb 1088. injureverb
1031. horizontaladjective 1089. innocentadjective
1032. hornnoun 1090. innovationnoun
1033. horribleadjective 1091. inputnoun
1034. horrornoun 1092. insectnoun
1035. hostnoun 1093. insightnoun
1036. hostverb 1094. inspectverb
1037. hostileadjective 1095. inspectionnoun
1038. hostilitynoun 1096. inspectornoun
1039. humanitynoun 1097. inspirationnoun
1040. humournoun 1098. inspireverb
1041. hundrednumber 1099. installverb
1042. hungryadjective 1100. installationnoun
1043. huntverb 1101. instantadjective
1044. huntingnoun 1102. instantlyadverb
1045. hurryverb 1103. instinctnoun
1046. hutnoun 1104. institutionaladject
1047. idealnoun ive
1048. identicaladjective 1105. instructverb
1049. identificationnoun 1106. insufficientadjecti
1050. ideologicaladjectiv ve
e 1107. intactadjective
1051. ideologynoun 1108. integrateverb
1052. ignoreverb 1109. integratedadjective
1053. illegaladjective 1110. integrationnoun
1054. illusionnoun 1111. integritynoun
1055. illustrationnoun 1112. intellectualadjecti
1056. imaginationnoun ve
1057. immenseadjective 1113. intellectualnoun
1058. imperialadjective 1114. intelligencenoun
1059. implementverb 1115. intelligentadjectiv
1060. implementationnoun e
1061. importnoun 1116. intenseadjective
1062. importverb 1117. intensiveadjective
1063. importantlyadverb 1118. interactionnoun
1064. impressverb 1119. interestverb
1065. impressiveadjective 1120. interfereverb
1066. imprisonmentnoun 1121. interferencenoun
1067. improvedadjective 1122. interiornoun
1068. inadequateadjective 1123. interioradjective
1069. inappropriateadject 1124. intermediateadjecti
ive ve
1070. incentivenoun 1125. internaladjective
1071. incorporateverb 1126. interruptverb
1072. indicationnoun 1127. intervalnoun
1073. indicatornoun 1128. interviewverb
1074. indirectadjective 1129. invasionnoun
1130. inventverb 1191. leasenoun
1131. inventionnoun 1192. leathernoun
1132. investornoun 1193. leavenoun
1133. invisibleadjective 1194. lecturenoun
1134. invitationnoun 1195. lecturernoun
1135. involvedadjective 1196. leftnoun
1136. ironnoun 1197. legacynoun
1137. irrelevantadjective 1198. legendnoun
1138. isolationnoun 1199. legislativeadjectiv
1139. jawnoun e
1140. jetnoun 1200. legitimateadjective
1141. jewellerynoun 1201. leisurenoun
1142. Jewishadjective 1202. lemonnoun
1143. jokenoun 1203. lendverb
1144. jokeverb 1204. leveladjective
1145. journalnoun 1205. liabilitynoun
1146. journalistnoun 1206. liableadjective
1147. joynoun 1207. liberaladjective
1148. judgmentnoun 1208. libertynoun
1149. judicialadjective 1209. lidnoun
1150. juicenoun 1210. lienoun
1151. junctionnoun 1211. lifespannoun
1152. junioradjective 1212. lifestylenoun
1153. jurisdictionnoun 1213. lifetimenoun
1154. jurynoun 1214. liftnoun
1155. justadjective 1215. lightingnoun
1156. justificationnoun 1216. lightlyadverb
1157. justifyverb 1217. limbnoun
1158. kicknoun 1218. limitationnoun
1159. killernoun 1219. lineverb
1160. kissnoun 1220. lionnoun
1161. kitnoun 1221. liquidnoun
1162. knitverb 1222. liquidadjective
1163. knotnoun 1223. literallyadverb
1164. knownadjective 1224. literaryadjective
1165. labelnoun 1225. liveadjective
1166. labelverb 1226. livelyadjective
1167. laboratorynoun 1227. livernoun
1168. lackverb 1228. livingnoun
1169. lackingadjective 1229. loadverb
1170. ladnoun 1230. localnoun
1171. laddernoun 1231. locallyadverb
1172. lakenoun 1232. locateverb
1173. lambnoun 1233. locatedadjective
1174. lampnoun 1234. locknoun
1175. landingnoun 1235. lognoun
1176. landlordnoun 1236. logicnoun
1177. landscapenoun 1237. logicaladjective
1178. lanenoun 1238. lonelyadjective
1179. lapnoun 1239. looseadjective
1180. lasernoun 1240. lordnoun
1181. laughnoun 1241. lorrynoun
1182. laughternoun 1242. lostadjective
1183. launchnoun 1243. loudadjective
1184. lawnnoun 1244. loudadverb
1185. layoutnoun 1245. lovernoun
1186. lazyadjective 1246. lowadverb
1187. leafletnoun 1247. loweradjective
1188. leapverb 1248. lowerverb
1189. learnernoun 1249. loyaladjective
1190. learningnoun 1250. loyaltynoun
1251. lucknoun 1308. missingadjective
1252. lumpnoun 1309. missionnoun
1253. lungnoun 1310. mistnoun
1254. machinerynoun 1311. mistakeverb
1255. madadjective 1312. mixnoun
1256. magicnoun 1313. mixedadjective
1257. magicadjective 1314. mobileadjective
1258. magnificentadjectiv 1315. mobilenoun
e 1316. modenoun
1259. mailnoun 1317. modelverb
1260. maintenancenoun 1318. moderateadjective
1261. makernoun 1319. modestadjective
1262. manipulateverb 1320. modificationnoun
1263. manualnoun 1321. modifyverb
1264. manufactureverb 1322. molecularadjective
1265. marchverb 1323. moleculenoun
1266. marchnoun 1324. monetaryadjective
1267. marginnoun 1325. monitorverb
1268. markedadjective 1326. monopolynoun
1269. marvellousadjective 1327. monsternoun
1270. masknoun 1328. monthlyadjective
1271. massadjective 1329. monumentnoun
1272. matenoun 1330. moralnoun
1273. mathematicaladjecti 1331. morninginterjection
ve 1332. mortalitynoun
1274. mathematicsnoun 1333. mortgagenoun
1275. matureadjective 1334. motivateverb
1276. maximumadjective 1335. motivationnoun
1277. maximumnoun 1336. motivenoun
1278. mayornoun 1337. motorwaynoun
1279. meanadjective 1338. mountverb
1280. measurementnoun 1339. mousenoun
1281. mechanicaladjective 1340. movingadjective
1282. mechanismnoun 1341. MPnoun
1283. medalnoun 1342. mudnoun
1284. medicinenoun 1343. multipleadjective
1285. medievaladjective 1344. mumnoun
1286. mediumnoun 1345. murderverb
1287. mediumadjective 1346. murmurverb
1288. meltverb 1347. musicaladjective
1289. memorialnoun 1348. musiciannoun
1290. mentionnoun 1349. mutterverb
1291. menunoun 1350. mutualadjective
1292. mereadjective 1351. mysteriousadjective
1293. mergeverb 1352. mysterynoun
1294. meritnoun 1353. mythnoun
1295. messnoun 1354. nailnoun
1296. metropolitanadjecti 1355. nakedadjective
ve 1356. namelyadverb
1297. midnightnoun 1357. narrowverb
1298. mildadjective 1358. nationalistnoun
1299. militaryadjective 1359. nativeadjective
1300. millionnumber 1360. navaladjective
1301. minimaladjective 1361. navynoun
1302. minimumadjective 1362. nearbyadjective
1303. minimumnoun 1363. nearbyadverb
1304. minusadjective, 1364. neatadjective
preposition 1365. necessitynoun
1305. minuteadjective 1366. needlenoun
1306. miraclenoun 1367. neglectverb
1307. miserynoun 1368. negotiateverb
1369. negotiationnoun 1429. outlineverb
1370. neighbourhoodnoun 1430. outlinenoun
1371. nervenoun 1431. outputnoun
1372. nervousadjective 1432. outsidernoun
1373. nestnoun 1433. outstandingadjectiv
1374. netadjective e
1375. neutraladjective 1434. ovennoun
1376. newlyadverb 1435. overalladverb
1377. nightmarenoun 1436. overallnoun
1378. nobleadjective 1437. overcomeverb
1379. nonsensenoun 1438. overlookverb
1380. normnoun 1439. overnightadverb
1381. notableadjective 1440. overseasadjective
1382. notablyadverb 1441. owlnoun
1383. noveladjective 1442. ownershipnoun
1384. nowadaysadverb 1443. oxygennoun
1385. nowhereadverb 1444. pacenoun
1386. numerousadjective 1445. packnoun
1387. nurseverb 1446. packageverb
1388. nurserynoun 1447. packetnoun
1389. nutnoun 1448. paidadjective
1390. oaknoun 1449. painfuladjective
1391. obeyverb 1450. paintnoun
1392. objectverb 1451. painternoun
1393. objectionnoun 1452. palacenoun
1394. objectiveadjective 1453. palmnoun
1395. obligeverb 1454. pannoun
1396. observernoun 1455. panicnoun
1397. obstaclenoun 1456. paralleladjective
1398. occasionaladjective 1457. parallelnoun
1399. occupationnoun 1458. parentaladjective
1400. occurrencenoun 1459. parishnoun
1401. oceannoun 1460. parkverb
1402. oddadjective 1461. parliamentaryadject
1403. oddsnoun ive
1404. offendernoun 1462. partialadjective
1405. officiallyadverb 1463. partiallyadverb
1406. omitverb 1464. participantnoun
1407. onionnoun 1465. participateverb
1408. onlineadjective 1466. participationnoun
1409. onwardsadverb 1467. particlenoun
1410. openlyadverb 1468. passnoun
1411. operanoun 1469. passionnoun
1412. operationaladjectiv 1470. passiveadjective
e 1471. patchnoun
1413. operatornoun 1472. patientadjective
1414. opponentnoun 1473. pausenoun
1415. opposedadjective 1474. pavementnoun
1416. optverb 1475. PCnoun
1417. optimisticadjective 1476. peacefuladjective
1418. oraladjective 1477. peaknoun
1419. orangenoun 1478. peculiaradjective
1420. orangeadjective 1479. peernoun
1421. orchestranoun 1480. peerverb
1422. organnoun 1481. pennoun
1423. organismnoun 1482. pencilnoun
1424. organizernoun 1483. penetrateverb
1425. originateverb 1484. pennynoun
1426. ourspronoun 1485. pensionernoun
1427. outeradjective 1486. perceiveverb
1428. outletnoun 1487. percentagenoun
1488. perceptionnoun 1548. potentiallyadverb
1489. permissionnoun 1549. povertynoun
1490. persistverb 1550. powdernoun
1491. persistentadjective 1551. practicallyadverb
1492. personallyadverb 1552. practiseverb
1493. personnelnoun 1553. praiseverb
1494. perspectivenoun 1554. praisenoun
1495. petnoun 1555. prayverb
1496. petitionnoun 1556. prayernoun
1497. petrolnoun 1557. precedeverb
1498. phenomenonnoun 1558. preciousadjective
1499. philosophicaladject 1559. preciseadjective
ive 1560. predatornoun
1500. photonoun 1561. predecessornoun
1501. photographernoun 1562. predictionnoun
1502. physicallyadverb 1563. preferencenoun
1503. physicsnoun 1564. pregnancynoun
1504. pianonoun 1565. pregnantadjective
1505. pictureverb 1566. prejudicenoun
1506. pignoun 1567. preliminaryadjectiv
1507. pilenoun e
1508. pinnoun 1568. premisesnoun
1509. pinverb 1569. premiumnoun
1510. pinkadjective 1570. prescribeverb
1511. pintnoun 1571. presidentialadjecti
1512. pipenoun ve
1513. pitnoun 1572. presumablyadverb
1514. pitchnoun 1573. pretendverb
1515. pitynoun 1574. prettyadjective
1516. plainadjective 1575. preventionnoun
1517. plainnoun 1576. preynoun
1518. planetnoun 1577. priceverb
1519. plantverb 1578. pridenoun
1520. platformnoun 1579. priestnoun
1521. pleanoun 1580. primarilyadverb
1522. pleadverb 1581. primeadjective
1523. pleasantadjective 1582. primitiveadjective
1524. pleasedadjective 1583. princenoun
1525. plotnoun 1584. princessnoun
1526. plungeverb 1585. principalnoun
1527. plusnoun 1586. printnoun
1528. poetnoun 1587. printernoun
1529. poetrynoun 1588. printingnoun
1530. polenoun 1589. privatelyadverb
1531. policemannoun 1590. privatizationnoun
1532. politicallyadverb 1591. privilegenoun
1533. pollnoun 1592. probabilitynoun
1534. pondnoun 1593. probableadjective
1535. popverb 1594. proceedingsnoun
1536. popnoun 1595. processverb
1537. popularitynoun 1596. processornoun
1538. portionnoun 1597. productiveadjective
1539. portraitnoun 1598. productivitynoun
1540. poseverb 1599. professionalnoun
1541. positionverb 1600. professornoun
1542. positivelyadverb 1601. profilenoun
1543. possessionnoun 1602. profitableadjective
1544. postverb 1603. profoundadjective
1545. posternoun 1604. programnoun
1546. potnoun 1605. progressverb
1547. potatonoun
1606. progressiveadjectiv 1663. reactverb
e 1664. readilyadverb
1607. projectverb 1665. realisticadjective
1608. prominentadjective 1666. rearadjective
1609. promptverb 1667. rearnoun
1610. pronounceverb 1668. reasonablyadverb
1611. proofnoun 1669. reassureverb
1612. proposeverb 1670. rebelnoun
1613. proposedadjective 1671. rebuildverb
1614. propositionnoun 1672. receiptnoun
1615. prospectiveadjectiv 1673. receivernoun
e 1674. receptionnoun
1616. protectiveadjective 1675. recessionnoun
1617. proteinnoun 1676. recipenoun
1618. protestverb 1677. recommendationnoun
1619. proudadjective 1678. recruitverb
1620. providingconjunctio 1679. rednoun
n 1680. redundancynoun
1621. provincenoun 1681. redundantadjective
1622. provincialadjective 1682. refereenoun
1623. provisionnoun 1683. referendumnoun
1624. provokeverb 1684. reflectionnoun
1625. psychologicaladject 1685. refugeenoun
ive 1686. refusalnoun
1626. psychologistnoun 1687. regainverb
1627. psychologynoun 1688. regardingprepositio
1628. publicitynoun n
1629. publiclyadverb 1689. regardlessadverb
1630. publishernoun 1690. regimenoun
1631. publishingnoun 1691. registernoun
1632. pulsenoun 1692. registrationnoun
1633. pumpnoun 1693. regretverb
1634. punishverb 1694. regulateverb
1635. punishmentnoun 1695. reignnoun
1636. purchaseverb 1696. reignverb
1637. purchasenoun 1697. reinforceverb
1638. purelyadverb 1698. rejectionnoun
1639. pursueverb 1699. relatedadjective
1640. pursuitnoun 1700. relativenoun
1641. pushnoun 1701. relaxationnoun
1642. qualifiedadjective 1702. relevancenoun
1643. quantitynoun 1703. reliableadjective
1644. questionnairenoun 1704. relieveverb
1645. quotanoun 1705. reluctantadjective
1646. rabbitnoun 1706. remaindernoun
1647. raceverb 1707. remainingadjective
1648. racialadjective 1708. remainsnoun
1649. radiationnoun 1709. remarknoun
1650. radicaladjective 1710. remarkverb
1651. raidnoun 1711. remarkablyadverb
1652. rainverb 1712. remedynoun
1653. rallynoun 1713. remindernoun
1654. randomadjective 1714. remoteadjective
1655. rangeverb 1715. removalnoun
1656. ranknoun 1716. renewverb
1657. rapenoun 1717. repairverb
1658. ratnoun 1718. repairnoun
1659. rateverb 1719. repeatedlyadverb
1660. rationaladjective 1720. replacementnoun
1661. rawadjective 1721. reportedlyadverb
1662. reachnoun 1722. representationnoun
1723. representativeadjec 1781. rulingadjective
tive 1782. rulingnoun
1724. reproduceverb 1783. rumournoun
1725. reproductionnoun 1784. runnernoun
1726. requestverb 1785. rushverb
1727. rescueverb 1786. rushnoun
1728. rescuenoun 1787. sackverb
1729. researchverb 1788. sacredadjective
1730. resembleverb 1789. sadlyadverb
1731. reservationnoun 1790. safelyadverb
1732. reservenoun 1791. sailverb
1733. reserveverb 1792. saladnoun
1734. residencenoun 1793. salarynoun
1735. residentadjective 1794. saltnoun
1736. residentialadjectiv 1795. sanctionnoun
e 1796. sandwichnoun
1737. resignationnoun 1797. satellitenoun
1738. respectverb 1798. satisfactionnoun
1739. restorationnoun 1799. satisfactoryadjecti
1740. restrictverb ve
1741. resumeverb 1800. saucenoun
1742. retainverb 1801. sayingnoun
1743. retireverb 1802. scanverb
1744. revenuenoun 1803. scandalnoun
1745. reverseverb 1804. scarcelyadverb
1746. revisionnoun 1805. scaredadjective
1747. reviveverb 1806. scatterverb
1748. revolutionaryadject 1807. schedulenoun
ive 1808. scheduleverb
1749. rewardnoun 1809. scholarnoun
1750. rewardverb 1810. scopenoun
1751. rhythmnoun 1811. screamverb
1752. ricenoun 1812. scriptnoun
1753. ridenoun 1813. sculpturenoun
1754. ridernoun 1814. sealnoun
1755. ridgenoun 1815. seatverb
1756. ridiculousadjective 1816. secondlyadverb
1757. rightinterjection 1817. secureadjective
1758. rightlyadverb 1818. seeminglyadverb
1759. rigidadjective 1819. segmentnoun
1760. riotnoun 1820. seizeverb
1761. ripverb 1821. seldomadverb
1762. riskverb 1822. selectadjective
1763. ritualnoun 1823. selectiveadjective
1764. rivalnoun 1824. sellernoun
1765. rivaladjective 1825. seminarnoun
1766. robverb 1826. senatenoun
1767. rodnoun 1827. seniornoun
1768. rollnoun 1828. sensationnoun
1769. romanticadjective 1829. senseverb
1770. ropenoun 1830. sensibleadjective
1771. roughlyadverb 1831. sensitivitynoun
1772. roundverb 1832. sentenceverb
1773. routinenoun 1833. separationnoun
1774. rubverb 1834. sergeantnoun
1775. rubbernoun 1835. servernoun
1776. rubbishnoun 1836. serviceverb
1777. rudeadjective 1837. settlementnoun
1778. rugnoun 1838. severelyadverb
1779. ruinverb 1839. sexualitynoun
1780. rulernoun 1840. shadenoun
1841. shaftnoun 1902. soapnoun
1842. shallowadjective 1903. socialismnoun
1843. shamenoun 1904. sociologynoun
1844. shapeverb 1905. solaradjective
1845. shareholdernoun 1906. soleadjective
1846. sharplyadverb 1907. solelyadverb
1847. shedverb 1908. solicitornoun
1848. shednoun 1909. sometimeadjective,
1849. sheeradjective adverb
1850. shelfnoun 1910. sophisticatedadject
1851. shellnoun ive
1852. shelternoun 1911. soundadjective
1853. shieldnoun 1912. soupnoun
1854. shiftnoun 1913. spareadjective
1855. shineverb 1914. specialistnoun
1856. shipverb 1915. speciallyadverb
1857. shockverb 1916. specificationnoun
1858. shopverb 1917. specifyverb
1859. shoppingnoun 1918. specimennoun
1860. shorenoun 1919. spectaclenoun
1861. shortagenoun 1920. spectacularadjectiv
1862. showernoun e
1863. shrugverb 1921. spectrumnoun
1864. sicknessnoun 1922. speculationnoun
1865. sighverb 1923. speedverb
1866. signalverb 1924. spellverb
1867. signaturenoun 1925. spellnoun
1868. significancenoun 1926. spendingnoun
1869. significantlyadverb 1927. spherenoun
1870. silknoun 1928. spillverb
1871. sillyadjective 1929. spinverb
1872. silvernoun 1930. spinenoun
1873. silveradjective 1931. spiritualadjective
1874. similaritynoun 1932. spitenoun
1875. sinnoun 1933. splendidadjective
1876. singernoun 1934. splitverb
1877. singlenoun 1935. spoilverb
1878. sinkverb 1936. spokeswomannoun
1879. sinknoun 1937. sponsorverb
1880. sitenoun 1938. spotverb
1881. situatedadjective 1939. spreadnoun
1882. skilledadjective 1940. springverb
1883. skirtnoun 1941. squadnoun
1884. skullnoun 1942. squareadjective
1885. slamverb 1943. squeezeverb
1886. slavenoun 1944. stabilitynoun
1887. sleevenoun 1945. stableadjective
1888. slicenoun 1946. stablenoun
1889. slidenoun 1947. stakenoun
1890. slideverb 1948. stallnoun
1891. slimadjective 1949. stampnoun
1892. slipnoun 1950. stampverb
1893. slopenoun 1951. stancenoun
1894. smartadjective 1952. standnoun
1895. smashverb 1953. standingnoun
1896. smellnoun 1954. statisticaladjectiv
1897. smellverb e
1898. smokenoun 1955. statuenoun
1899. smokeverb 1956. staynoun
1900. smoothadjective 1957. steadyadjective
1901. snapverb 1958. steamnoun
1959. steelnoun 2019. superbadjective
1960. steepadjective 2020. superioradjective
1961. stemnoun 2021. supermarketnoun
1962. sticknoun 2022. superviseverb
1963. stiffadjective 2023. supervisionnoun
1964. stilladjective 2024. suppernoun
1965. stimulateverb 2025. supplementverb
1966. stimulusnoun 2026. supplementnoun
1967. stirverb 2027. suppliernoun
1968. stitchnoun 2028. supposedadjective
1969. stomachnoun 2029. suppressverb
1970. stopnoun 2030. supremeadjective
1971. storagenoun 2031. surgeonnoun
1972. storeverb 2032. surgerynoun
1973. stormnoun 2033. surplusnoun
1974. straightadjective 2034. surpriseverb
1975. straightforwardadje 2035. surprisinglyadverb
ctive 2036. surroundingadjectiv
1976. strainnoun e
1977. strainverb 2037. surroundingsnoun
1978. strandnoun 2038. surveyverb
1979. strangernoun 2039. survivalnoun
1980. strategicadjective 2040. suspectnoun
1981. strawnoun 2041. suspendverb
1982. streamnoun 2042. suspensionnoun
1983. strengthenverb 2043. suspicionnoun
1984. stretchnoun 2044. suspiciousadjective
1985. strictadjective 2045. sustainverb
1986. strictlyadverb 2046. swallowverb
1987. stripverb 2047. swearverb
1988. stripnoun 2048. sweepverb
1989. strokenoun 2049. swimverb
1990. strokeverb 2050. swingnoun
1991. structuraladjective 2051. switchnoun
1992. struggleverb 2052. swordnoun
1993. strugglenoun 2053. symbolnoun
1994. stuffverb 2054. symbolicadjective
1995. stupidadjective 2055. sympatheticadjectiv
1996. subjectadjective e
1997. submissionnoun 2056. sympathynoun
1998. subsequentadjective 2057. symptomnoun
1999. subsequentlyadverb 2058. systematicadjective
2000. subsidiarynoun 2059. tabletnoun
2001. subsidynoun 2060. tackleverb
2002. substantiallyadverb 2061. tacticnoun
2003. substituteverb 2062. tailnoun
2004. subtleadjective 2063. takeovernoun
2005. successionnoun 2064. talenoun
2006. successiveadjective 2065. talentnoun
2007. successornoun 2066. tapverb
2008. suckverb 2067. tapnoun
2009. sueverb 2068. targetverb
2010. sufferernoun 2069. tariffnoun
2011. suicidenoun 2070. tasteverb
2012. suitenoun 2071. taxverb
2013. summarynoun 2072. taxationnoun
2014. summitnoun 2073. taxpayernoun
2015. summonverb 2074. tearverb
2016. sunlightnoun 2075. tearnoun
2017. sunshinenoun 2076. technologicaladject
2018. superadjective ive
2077. teenageadjective 2136. toynoun
2078. teenagernoun 2137. traceverb
2079. telephoneverb 2138. tracenoun
2080. tempernoun 2139. tradernoun
2081. templenoun 2140. tradingnoun
2082. temptverb 2141. tragedynoun
2083. temptationnoun 2142. tragicadjective
2084. tenantnoun 2143. trailverb
2085. tendencynoun 2144. trailnoun
2086. tenderadjective 2145. transactionnoun
2087. tennisnoun 2146. transformverb
2088. tentnoun 2147. transformationnoun
2089. terminalnoun 2148. transitionnoun
2090. terracenoun 2149. translateverb
2091. terriblyadverb 2150. translationnoun
2092. territorynoun 2151. transmissionnoun
2093. terrornoun 2152. transmitverb
2094. terroristnoun 2153. transportverb
2095. textilenoun 2154. trapnoun
2096. theftnoun 2155. trapverb
2097. theoreticaladjectiv 2156. travellernoun
e 2157. traynoun
2098. therapynoun 2158. treasurenoun
2099. thereafteradverb 2159. treasurynoun
2100. therebyadverb 2160. treatynoun
2101. thesisnoun 2161. trembleverb
2102. thiefnoun 2162. tremendousadjective
2103. thighnoun 2163. tribenoun
2104. thoroughlyadverb 2164. tribunalnoun
2105. thousandnumber 2165. tributenoun
2106. threadnoun 2166. tricknoun
2107. thronenoun 2167. triggerverb
2108. thrustverb 2168. tripverb
2109. thumbnoun 2169. triumphnoun
2110. tidenoun 2170. trophynoun
2111. tienoun 2171. tropicaladjective
2112. tightadjective 2172. trousersnoun
2113. tightenverb 2173. trucknoun
2114. tillconjunction, 2174. trulyadverb
preposition 2175. trynoun
2115. timbernoun 2176. tryingadjective
2116. timeverb 2177. tubenoun
2117. timetablenoun 2178. tuckverb
2118. tinnoun 2179. tunenoun
2119. tipnoun 2180. tunnelnoun
2120. tipverb 2181. turnovernoun
2121. tissuenoun 2182. tutornoun
2122. tobacconoun 2183. twinnoun
2123. toenoun 2184. twistverb
2124. toiletnoun 2185. typicallyadverb
2125. tomatonoun 2186. tyrenoun
2126. tonnoun 2187. uglyadjective
2127. tonguenoun 2188. ultimateadjective
2128. tonnenoun 2189. ultimatelyadverb
2129. topverb 2190. unacceptableadjecti
2130. tossverb ve
2131. tourverb 2191. uncertainadjective
2132. tourismnoun 2192. uncertaintynoun
2133. tournamentnoun 2193. unclenoun
2134. towelnoun 2194. uncomfortableadject
2135. towernoun ive
2195. undergoverb 2252. waistnoun
2196. underlineverb 2253. wanderverb
2197. underlyingadjective 2254. warehousenoun
2198. undermineverb 2255. warmthnoun
2199. underneathadjective 2256. wasteverb
, adverb, noun, preposition 2257. wasteadjective
2200. undertakeverb 2258. watchnoun
2201. undertakingnoun 2259. waveverb
2202. undoubtedlyadverb 2260. weakenverb
2203. unexpectedadjective 2261. weaknessnoun
2204. unfairadjective 2262. wealthnoun
2205. unfortunateadjectiv 2263. wealthyadjective
e 2264. websitenoun
2206. unhappyadjective 2265. weeklyadjective
2207. uniformnoun 2266. weighverb
2208. uniformadjective 2267. welcomeadjective
2209. uniteverb 2268. welcomenoun
2210. unitynoun 2269. welfarenoun
2211. universaladjective 2270. welladjective
2212. universenoun 2271. wellnoun
2213. unknownadjective 2272. whalenoun
2214. unlikeadjective, 2273. wheneveradverb,
preposition conjunction
2215. unnecessaryadjectiv 2274. whereveradverb,
e conjunction
2216. unpleasantadjective 2275. whilstconjunction
2217. updateverb 2276. whisperverb
2218. upsetadjective 2277. whitenoun
2219. upsetverb 2278. whoeverpronoun
2220. upstairsadverb 2279. whollyadverb
2221. upwardsadverb 2280. wideadverb
2222. urgeverb 2281. widenverb
2223. urgentadjective 2282. widespreadadjective
2224. uselessadjective 2283. widownoun
2225. utilitynoun 2284. widthnoun
2226. utterlyadverb 2285. wildlifenoun
2227. vagueadjective 2286. willverb
2228. validadjective 2287. winnoun
2229. valueverb 2288. windverb
2230. vannoun 2289. winningadjective
2231. vanishverb 2290. wipeverb
2232. variablenoun 2291. wirenoun
2233. variableadjective 2292. wisdomnoun
2234. vastadjective 2293. wiseadjective
2235. veinnoun 2294. wishnoun
2236. venuenoun 2295. withdrawverb
2237. verdictnoun 2296. withdrawalnoun
2238. versenoun 2297. witnessnoun
2239. verticaladjective 2298. witnessverb
2240. vesselnoun 2299. wondernoun
2241. viewernoun 2300. woodlandnoun
2242. violentadjective 2301. woolnoun
2243. virtualadjective 2302. workshopnoun
2244. virtuenoun 2303. worrynoun
2245. visibleadjective 2304. worthwhileadjective
2246. visualadjective 2305. worthyadjective
2247. vitaminnoun 2306. woundnoun
2248. voluntaryadjective 2307. woundverb
2249. volunteernoun 2308. wristnoun
2250. voternoun 2309. writtenadjective
2251. vulnerableadjective 2310. yieldverb
2311. youngsternoun 26. actressnoun
2312. zeronoun 27. adaptationnoun
2313. zonenoun 28. addictnoun
2314. air forcenoun 29. addictionnoun
2315. alarm clocknoun 30. adjacentadjective
2316. application 31. adjectivenoun
formnoun 32. administrationnoun
2317. credit cardnoun 33. administratornoun
2318. department 34. admirationnoun
35. admittedlyadverb
2319. each otherpronoun
2320. full-timeadjective
36. adolescentnoun
2321. good- 37. adoptionnoun
lookingadjective 38. adverbnoun
2322. health carenoun 39. adverseadjective
2323. high techadjective 40. advertnoun
2324. living roomnoun 41. advisoryadjective
2325. mobile phonenoun 42. advocateverb
2326. New Year’s Daynoun 43. advocatenoun
2327. New Year’s Evenoun 44. aeroplanenoun
2328. old- 45. affectionnoun
fashionedadjective 46. agonynoun
2329. one anotherpronoun 47. albeitconjunction
2330. part-timeadjective 48. alcoholicnoun
2331. per centadjective, 49. alenoun
adverb 50. alertadjective
2332. point of viewnoun 51. alertverb
2333. post officenoun 52. alienadjective
2334. public schoolnoun 53. alikeadverb
2335. short-termadjective
54. allegedlyadverb
2336. so-calledadjective
55. alleynoun
2337. well-knownadjective
2338. young mannoun
56. alliedadjective
57. allocateverb
58. allocationnoun
1. abbreviationnoun 59. aloudadverb
2. abnormaladjective 60. alphabetnoun
3. aboardadverb, preposition 61. alphabeticaladjective
4. absurdadjective 62. altitudenoun
5. abuseverb 63. aluminiumnoun
6. academynoun 64. amateurnoun
7. accelerateverb 65. amateuradjective
8. acceleratornoun 66. amazeverb
9. acceptedadjective 67. ambiguitynoun
10. accidentaladjective 68. ambiguousadjective
11. accidentallyadverb 69. amidpreposition
12. accommodateverb 70. ampleadjective
13. accomplishverb 71. amusedadjective
14. accordnoun 72. amusementnoun
15. accordinglyadverb 73. amusingadjective
16. accountingnoun 74. analogueadjective
17. accumulateverb 75. analogynoun
18. accusationnoun 76. analyticaladjective
19. acheverb 77. anchornoun
20. achenoun 78. anchorverb
21. acquaintancenoun 79. angerverb
22. acrenoun 80. animaladjective
23. actingnoun 81. anonymousadjective
24. activateverb 82. antnoun
25. activistnoun 83. antibodynoun
84. anticipationnoun 142. atomicadjective
85. antiquenoun 143. attachedadjective
86. antiqueadjective 144. attainverb
87. anyhowadverb 145. attemptedadjective
88. apartmentnoun 146. attendantnoun
89. apologynoun 147. attorneynoun
90. apostrophenoun 148. attributenoun
91. appallingadjective 149. auctionnoun
92. appealingadjective 150. auditnoun
93. appliancenoun 151. auditverb
94. applicableadjective 152. auditionnoun
95. applicantnoun 153. auditornoun
96. appliedadjective 154. authenticadjective
97. appraisalnoun 155. authorizeverb
98. approvedadjective 156. autonomynoun
99. aptadjective 157. auxiliarynoun
100. Arabnoun 158. averageverb
101. arbitraryadjective 159. awaitverb
102. arcnoun 160. awakeadjective
103. arcadenoun 161. awakeverb
104. archaeologistnoun 162. awenoun
105. archaeologynoun 163. awfullyadverb
106. archivenoun 164. axenoun
107. arenanoun 165. babysitverb
108. arguablyadverb 166. babysitternoun
109. arithmeticnoun 167. backbonenoun
110. armournoun 168. backdropnoun
111. arraynoun 169. backupnoun
112. arrestnoun 170. backwardadjective
113. arrogancenoun 171. baconnoun
114. arrogantadjective 172. badgenoun
115. artefactnoun 173. baggagenoun
116. ascendverb 174. bailnoun
117. ascentnoun 175. bakeverb
118. ascertainverb 176. bakernoun
119. ashoreadverb 177. balancedadjective
120. Asianadjective 178. balconynoun
121. Asiannoun 179. baldadjective
122. aspirationnoun 180. balletnoun
123. aspireverb 181. balloonnoun
124. aspirinnoun 182. ballotnoun
125. assassinationnoun 183. banananoun
126. assaultverb 184. bandagenoun
127. assertionnoun 185. bangverb
128. associatenoun 186. bangnoun
129. assumingconjunction 187. banishverb
130. asthmanoun 188. bankverb
131. astonishverb 189. bankernoun
132. astonishedadjective 190. bankruptadjective
133. astonishingadjective 191. bankruptcynoun
134. astonishmentnoun 192. barbecuenoun
135. astoundverb 193. bargainverb
136. astronautnoun 194. barkverb
137. astronomynoun 195. barknoun
138. athletenoun 196. barristernoun
139. athleticadjective 197. baseballnoun
140. athleticsnoun 198. basementnoun
141. atmosphericadjective 199. basketballnoun
200. bassnoun 258. bookshopnoun
201. batchnoun 259. boomverb
202. batheverb 260. bootverb
203. batteredadjective 261. boothnoun
204. battleverb 262. borderverb
205. beaknoun 263. boreverb
206. beamverb 264. borenoun
207. beardnoun 265. boredomnoun
208. bearingnoun 266. borrowernoun
209. beatingnoun 267. borrowingnoun
210. beforehandadverb 268. bowverb
211. beginnernoun 269. bowlverb
212. behaviouraladjective 270. bowlernoun
213. bellynoun 271. bowlingnoun
214. belongingsnoun 272. boxverb
215. beneficiarynoun 273. boxernoun
216. berrynoun 274. branoun
217. betnoun 275. bracketnoun
218. bewareverb 276. brakenoun
219. bilenoun 277. branchverb
220. binnoun 278. brandverb
221. binocularsnoun 279. brandynoun
222. biographynoun 280. breachverb
223. biologistnoun 281. breakthroughnoun
224. biologynoun 282. breathingnoun
225. bitenoun 283. breathtakingadjective
226. bitterlyadverb 284. breedingnoun
227. bizarreadjective 285. briberynoun
228. blackboardnoun 286. bridenoun
229. blackmailverb 287. briefnoun
230. blamenoun 288. briefverb
231. blastnoun 289. briefcasenoun
232. blastverb 290. brinknoun
233. blazenoun 291. broadcastnoun
234. blazeverb 292. broadenverb
235. bleakadjective 293. brochurenoun
236. bleedverb 294. brokernoun
237. blessverb 295. bronzeadjective
238. blessingnoun 296. broomnoun
239. blindverb 297. brownoun
240. blinkverb 298. brownnoun
241. blondeadjective 299. browseverb
242. blousenoun 300. bruiseverb
243. bluesnoun 301. brutaladjective
244. blurredadjective 302. bubblenoun
245. blushverb 303. bubbleverb
246. boardverb 304. budnoun
247. boastverb 305. budgetverb
248. bodyguardnoun 306. buffernoun
249. boilverb 307. bugnoun
250. boilingadjective 308. buildnoun
251. boltnoun 309. bulbnoun
252. bombernoun 310. bulletinnoun
253. bombingnoun 311. bullyverb
254. bonfirenoun 312. bullynoun
255. bonnetnoun 313. bumpverb
256. bookcasenoun 314. bunnoun
257. bookshelfnoun 315. bundlenoun
316. bundleverb 374. cerealnoun
317. bungalownoun 375. chairverb
318. bureaucratnoun 376. championverb
319. bureaucraticadjective 377. changedadjective
320. burgernoun 378. channelverb
321. burglarnoun 379. chapnoun
322. burglarynoun 380. charitableadjective
323. burialnoun 381. charmverb
324. burnnoun 382. chartverb
325. businesswomannoun 383. chasenoun
326. bustnoun 384. chatnoun
327. butchernoun 385. cheatverb
328. butterflynoun 386. cheernoun
329. bypassnoun 387. cheerfuladjective
330. bypassverb 388. chefnoun
331. cabbagenoun 389. cherrynoun
332. cagenoun 390. chessnoun
333. calciumnoun 391. chieflyadverb
334. calculatornoun 392. childishadjective
335. calfnoun 393. chillverb
336. callernoun 394. chillnoun
337. calmnoun 395. chimneynoun
338. calorienoun 396. chipverb
339. campverb 397. choirnoun
340. campingnoun 398. chokeverb
341. campusnoun 399. cholesterolnoun
342. canenoun 400. chordnoun
343. canoenoun 401. chorusnoun
344. canteennoun 402. chosenadjective
345. canvasnoun 403. Christiannoun
346. capverb 404. chronicadjective
347. capitalistadjective 405. circleverb
348. captiveadjective 406. circularadjective
349. capturenoun 407. citeverb
350. cardboardnoun 408. citizenshipnoun
351. carelessadjective 409. civiliannoun
352. cargonoun 410. civilianadjective
353. carriagenoun 411. civilizationnoun
354. carriernoun 412. clapverb
355. carrotnoun 413. clarifyverb
356. cartnoun 414. claritynoun
357. cartoonnoun 415. clashverb
358. carvingnoun 416. claspverb
359. cashverb 417. clausenoun
360. cassettenoun 418. cleanernoun
361. castnoun 419. cleaningnoun
362. catchnoun 420. clearadverb
363. cateringnoun 421. clericaladjective
364. causaladjective 422. clerknoun
365. cautiousadjective 423. clickverb
366. ceasefirenoun 424. clicknoun
367. celebratedadjective 425. climaxnoun
368. celebritynoun 426. climbnoun
369. cellarnoun 427. clipverb
370. cementnoun 428. clipnoun
371. cemeterynoun 429. cloaknoun
372. censusnoun 430. clonenoun
373. centnoun 431. cloneverb
432. closenoun 490. connoun
433. cloudverb 491. conclusiveadjective
434. clumsyadjective 492. concretenoun
435. clusternoun 493. conditionaladjective
436. clutchnoun 494. conductornoun
437. coachverb 495. conenoun
438. coarseadjective 496. conferverb
439. cocainenoun 497. confessionnoun
440. cocoanoun 498. confideverb
441. coherentadjective 499. confidentialadjective
442. coilnoun 500. configurationnoun
443. coincidencenoun 501. confineverb
444. collaborateverb 502. confirmationnoun
445. collectivelyadverb 503. conflictverb
446. collideverb 504. conformverb
447. collisionnoun 505. confusingadjective
448. colloquialadjective 506. congratulateverb
449. colonnoun 507. congratulationnoun
450. colonelnoun 508. congregationnoun
451. colourfuladjective 509. connectedadjective
452. colouringnoun 510. conquerverb
453. combnoun 511. conquestnoun
454. combverb 512. consciouslyadverb
455. combatnoun 513. consentverb
456. combatverb 514. consequentadjective
457. comebacknoun 515. conservationistnoun
458. comfortverb 516. consistencynoun
459. comicadjective 517. consolidateverb
460. comicnoun 518. consonantnoun
461. commanoun 519. conspiracynoun
462. commemorateverb 520. constrainverb
463. commentarynoun 521. constructiveadjective
464. commercialnoun 522. contemporarynoun
465. committedadjective 523. contemptnoun
466. communaladjective 524. contendverb
467. communicativeadjective 525. contentionnoun
468. communionnoun 526. contestverb
469. communismnoun 527. continualadjective
470. commuternoun 528. continuationnoun
471. compactadjective 529. continuedadjective
472. comparativelyadverb 530. contractionnoun
473. compartmentnoun 531. contractornoun
474. compassnoun 532. contradictverb
475. compatibleadjective 533. controlledadjective
476. competingadjective 534. controllernoun
477. complementverb 535. conveniencenoun
478. complementnoun 536. convenientlyadverb
479. complementaryadjective 537. converselyadverb
480. completedadjective 538. convincedadjective
481. complexionnoun 539. cookernoun
482. compliancenoun 540. cookerynoun
483. complimentnoun 541. cooperateverb
484. compositeadjective 542. cooperativeadjective
485. compoundverb 543. coordinateverb
486. comprehensionnoun 544. coordinationnoun
487. compromiseverb 545. copyrightnoun
488. computeverb 546. cordnoun
489. computingnoun 547. coreadjective
548. coronernoun 606. curseverb
549. corporationnoun 607. curveverb
550. corpsnoun 608. curvedadjective
551. corpsenoun 609. cushionnoun
552. correctionnoun 610. customaryadjective
553. correlateverb 611. customsnoun
554. correlationnoun 612. cuttingnoun
555. corruptadjective 613. CVnoun
556. costlyadjective 614. cycleverb
557. costumenoun 615. cyclistnoun
558. cosyadjective 616. cylindernoun
559. coughverb 617. cynicaladjective
560. coughnoun 618. daddynoun
561. counselnoun 619. daftadjective
562. counsellornoun 620. damagingadjective
563. counterverb 621. dancingnoun
564. countlessadjective 622. darlingadjective
565. couponnoun 623. dartverb
566. courtesynoun 624. dartnoun
567. cramverb 625. dashverb
568. cranenoun 626. dashnoun
569. crawlverb 627. dawnverb
570. creamadjective 628. daylightnoun
571. creativitynoun 629. daytimenoun
572. creatornoun 630. deadadverb
573. credibilitynoun 631. deadlinenoun
574. credibleadjective 632. deadlyadjective
575. creditverb 633. debutnoun
576. creepverb 634. decayverb
577. criminalnoun 635. decaynoun
578. crispadjective 636. deceiveverb
579. crispnoun 637. deceptionnoun
580. criticallyadverb 638. decorativeadjective
581. critiquenoun 639. decreasenoun
582. cropverb 640. dedicatedadjective
583. crossingnoun 641. dedicationnoun
584. crosswordnoun 642. deemverb
585. crouchverb 643. deernoun
586. crowdverb 644. deficiencynoun
587. crowdedadjective 645. definitiveadjective
588. crownverb 646. defyverb
589. crudeadjective 647. delegateverb
590. crueltynoun 648. deliciousadjective
591. cruisenoun 649. delightfuladjective
592. cruiseverb 650. democratnoun
593. crustnoun 651. demolishverb
594. cuenoun 652. denialnoun
595. cultnoun 653. denounceverb
596. cultivateverb 654. denseadjective
597. cultivationnoun 655. dentaladjective
598. cumulativeadjective 656. dentistnoun
599. cupverb 657. departmentaladjective
600. cureverb 658. deployverb
601. curiositynoun 659. depotnoun
602. curiouslyadverb 660. depressverb
603. curlnoun 661. depressingadjective
604. curlyadjective 662. depriveverb
605. currentnoun 663. deprivedadjective
664. descendantnoun 722. disturbedadjective
665. descentnoun 723. disturbingadjective
666. desertverb 724. divenoun
667. designateverb 725. diversionnoun
668. despairnoun 726. divertverb
669. dessertnoun 727. dividendnoun
670. detachverb 728. DNAnoun
671. detachedadjective 729. doctrinenoun
672. detailverb 730. documentverb
673. detectornoun 731. documentarynoun
674. detentionnoun 732. documentationnoun
675. deteriorateverb 733. dolenoun
676. deterrentnoun 734. dollnoun
677. devastateverb 735. dolphinnoun
678. devastatingadjective 736. dominancenoun
679. developedadjective 737. dominationnoun
680. devotedadjective 738. donateverb
681. diagnoseverb 739. doneadjective
682. dialverb 740. donkeynoun
683. dialectnoun 741. donornoun
684. diameternoun 742. dotnoun
685. dieselnoun 743. doubledeterminer
686. differentiateverb 744. doublenoun
687. digestverb 745. doubtlessadverb
688. dinosaurnoun 746. downwardadjective
689. dipnoun 747. downwardsadverb
690. directadverb 748. dozendeterminer
691. dirtnoun 749. dragnoun
692. disagreementnoun 750. drainnoun
693. disappointedadjective 751. draughtnoun
694. disappointingadjective 752. dressedadjective
695. disapproveverb 753. dressingnoun
696. disastrousadjective 754. driedadjective
697. disclosurenoun 755. driftnoun
698. disconoun 756. drillnoun
699. discountverb 757. drillverb
700. discourageverb 758. drivingadjective
701. discoursenoun 759. drugverb
702. discreetadjective 760. dualadjective
703. discriminateverb 761. dubverb
704. disguiseverb 762. dubiousadjective
705. disgustingadjective 763. duckverb
706. dishonestadjective 764. dulyadverb
707. dislikenoun 765. dumpnoun
708. disperseverb 766. dustverb
709. disposableadjective 767. dustbinnoun
710. disputeverb 768. dustyadjective
711. disruptverb 769. dwellingnoun
712. disruptionnoun 770. dyingadjective
713. dissatisfiedadjective 771. eaglenoun
714. distinguishedadjective 772. earringnoun
715. distortverb 773. earthquakenoun
716. distortionnoun 774. Easternoun
717. distractverb 775. echonoun
718. distractionnoun 776. ecologicaladjective
719. distressverb 777. ecologynoun
720. distributedadjective 778. economicaladjective
721. distributornoun 779. economistnoun
780. effectverb 838. extinctadjective
781. elderadjective 839. extinctionnoun
782. electronnoun 840. extranoun
783. elementaryadjective 841. extraadverb
784. elephantnoun 842. extraordinarilyadverb
785. embarrassverb 843. extremenoun
786. embarrassedadjective 844. eyeverb
787. embarrassingadjective 845. fabulousadjective
788. embarrassmentnoun 846. facilitateverb
789. embodyverb 847. factualadjective
790. emergencenoun 848. faintverb
791. emergencyadjective 849. fairnoun
792. emperornoun 850. fairynoun
793. empiricaladjective 851. faithfuladjective
794. emptyverb 852. faithfullyadverb
795. encloseverb 853. faminenoun
796. encodeverb 854. fanverb
797. encyclopedianoun 855. fancyadjective
798. endureverb 856. fareverb
799. energeticadjective 857. farmverb
800. enjoyableadjective 858. farmhousenoun
801. enjoymentnoun 859. farmingnoun
802. enlargeverb 860. fascinateverb
803. entertainernoun 861. fastenverb
804. entertainingadjective 862. fatiguenoun
805. environmentalistnoun 863. faxverb
806. environmentallyadverb 864. feasibleadjective
807. envoynoun 865. feathernoun
808. enzymenoun 866. feednoun
809. equalverb 867. feelnoun
810. equilibriumnoun 868. fellowshipnoun
811. eraseverb 869. feminineadjective
812. erectverb 870. fertileadjective
813. erodeverb 871. fertilitynoun
814. ethicaladjective 872. fevernoun
815. euronoun 873. fictionaladjective
816. evacuateverb 874. fiddleverb
817. evenadjective 875. filmverb
818. evenlyadverb 876. filterverb
819. eventualadjective 877. filthyadjective
820. exaggerateverb 878. findnoun
821. excellencenoun 879. fineverb
822. excessadjective 880. finelyadverb
823. exciteverb 881. finishedadjective
824. exclaimverb 882. fireplacenoun
825. excludingpreposition 883. fireworknoun
826. exclusionnoun 884. fishermannoun
827. exertverb 885. fittingadjective
828. exhaustverb 886. fittingnoun
829. exhaustedadjective 887. flapnoun
830. exilenoun 888. flarenoun
831. exitnoun 889. flareverb
832. exoticadjective 890. flashnoun
833. experimentverb 891. flatadverb
834. expireverb 892. flickverb
835. explosiveadjective 893. flingverb
836. expressadjective 894. floatingadjective
837. expresslyadverb 895. flocknoun
896. flournoun 954. furnoun
897. flourishverb 955. furnishverb
898. flunoun 956. furryadjective
899. fluentadjective 957. furthestadjective, adverb
900. fluidnoun 958. furynoun
901. flushverb 959. fusenoun
902. flyingadjective 960. fuseverb
903. flyingnoun 961. fusionnoun
904. fognoun 962. fussnoun
905. foldnoun 963. galaxynoun
906. foldernoun 964. gallonnoun
907. followingnoun 965. gallopverb
908. foolverb 966. gambleverb
909. foolishadjective 967. garlicnoun
910. footstepnoun 968. gaspverb
911. forbiddenadjective 969. gatheringnoun
912. forecastverb 970. gaugenoun
913. forgeverb 971. generatornoun
914. forknoun 972. genericadjective
915. formalitynoun 973. geniusnoun
916. formatverb 974. genrenoun
917. formulateverb 975. genuinelyadverb
918. fortnoun 976. geologicaladjective
919. forthrightadjective 977. geologynoun
920. forwardsadverb 978. geometrynoun
921. fosterverb 979. gignoun
922. fouladjective 980. giggleverb
923. foundernoun 981. giraffenoun
924. fountainnoun 982. givenadjective
925. fragileadjective 983. glareverb
926. fragmentnoun 984. glassesnoun
927. frailadjective 985. glideverb
928. frameverb 986. glimpsenoun
929. franchisenoun 987. gloomnoun
930. frankadjective 988. gloomyadjective
931. franklyadverb 989. gloriousadjective
932. franticadjective 990. glossyadjective
933. freezenoun 991. glowverb
934. freezernoun 992. glownoun
935. freezingadjective 993. gluenoun
936. freightnoun 994. glueverb
937. freshlyadverb 995. GMadjective
938. fridgenoun 996. goalkeepernoun
939. frightenedadjective 997. goatnoun
940. frighteningadjective 998. godnoun
941. fringenoun 999. goldadjective
942. frognoun 1000. goodbyeinterjectio
943. frostnoun n
944. frownnoun 1001. goodbyenoun
945. frozenadjective 1002. goodnessnoun
946. fruitfuladjective 1003. goodwillnoun
947. frustrateverb 1004. gorgeousadjective
948. frustratedadjective 1005. gownnoun
949. frustratingadjective 1006. gracefuladjective
950. frustrationnoun 1007. gradeverb
951. fryverb 1008. gradualadjective
952. fumesnoun 1009. graduateverb
953. fundamentallyadverb 1010. gramnoun
1011. grammaticaladjecti 1067. haynoun
ve 1068. hazardousadjective
1012. granddaughternoun 1069. headachenoun
1013. grandparentnoun 1070. headmasternoun
1014. grandsonnoun 1071. headteachernoun
1015. grapenoun 1072. heapnoun
1016. graphicadjective 1073. heatedadjective
1017. graphicaladjective 1074. heaternoun
1018. graspnoun 1075. heaveverb
1019. graveadjective 1076. helmetnoun
1020. gravitynoun 1077. helpingnoun
1021. greasyadjective 1078. helplessadjective
1022. greedyadjective 1079. herbnoun
1023. greetingnoun 1080. herdnoun
1024. greynoun 1081. hereditaryadjectiv
1025. grillnoun e
1026. grimadjective 1082. heroicadjective
1027. groanverb 1083. hesitationnoun
1028. groupverb 1084. highlightnoun
1029. groupingnoun 1085. hillsidenoun
1030. growlverb 1086. hintverb
1031. guaranteedadjectiv 1087. hirenoun
e 1088. hissverb
1032. guerrillanoun 1089. historicallyadverb
1033. guidebooknoun 1090. hithertoadverb
1034. gumnoun 1091. HIVnoun
1035. gunmannoun 1092. hmminterjection
1036. gutsnoun 1093. hobbynoun
1037. gymnoun 1094. hockeynoun
1038. habitatnoun 1095. hollowadjective
1039. hackverb 1096. homelessadjective
1040. hailverb 1097. homeworknoun
1041. haircutnoun 1098. honestynoun
1042. hairdressernoun 1099. honeynoun
1043. hairstylenoun 1100. honeymoonnoun
1044. hairyadjective 1101. honourableadjectiv
1045. halfwayadverb e
1046. haltnoun 1102. hookverb
1047. haltverb 1103. hopefuladjective
1048. hamnoun 1104. hopelessadjective
1049. hammernoun 1105. hospitalitynoun
1050. hammerverb 1106. hostagenoun
1051. handbagnoun 1107. housewifenoun
1052. handicapverb 1108. houseworknoun
1053. handkerchiefnoun 1109. hoververb
1054. handlingnoun 1110. hugverb
1055. handwritingnoun 1111. humorousadjective
1056. handyadjective 1112. hungernoun
1057. harassmentnoun 1113. huntnoun
1058. hardenverb 1114. hunternoun
1059. harmverb 1115. hygienenoun
1060. harmfuladjective 1116. hypothesisnoun
1061. harmlessadjective 1117. hypotheticaladject
1062. harvestnoun ive
1063. hasslenoun 1118. hystericaladjectiv
1064. hatrednoun e
1065. haulverb 1119. iconnoun
1066. hauntverb 1120. icyadjective
1121. ideallyadverb 1173. inlandadjective
1122. idiomnoun 1174. innnoun
1123. idiotnoun 1175. innocencenoun
1124. illadverb 1176. innovativeadjectiv
1125. imagerynoun e
1126. imaginaryadjective 1177. inputverb
1127. imaginativeadjecti 1178. inquireverb
ve 1179. instrumentaladject
1128. imitateverb ive
1129. imitationnoun 1180. insultnoun
1130. immigrantnoun 1181. insultverb
1131. immigrationnoun 1182. insureverb
1132. immoraladjective 1183. intakenoun
1133. immuneadjective 1184. integraladjective
1134. impatientadjective 1185. intendedadjective
1135. impersonaladjectiv 1186. interactverb
e 1187. interactiveadjecti
1136. implicitadjective ve
1137. impoliteadjective 1188. internationallyadv
1138. impulsenoun erb
1139. inabilitynoun 1189. interpreternoun
1140. incidencenoun 1190. interruptionnoun
1141. incidentallyadverb 1191. interveneverb
1142. inclinationnoun 1192. interventionnoun
1143. inclinedadjective 1193. interviewernoun
1144. inclusionnoun 1194. intolerableadjecti
1145. incorrectadjective ve
1146. incredibleadjectiv 1195. intonationnoun
e 1196. intrudernoun
1147. incrediblyadverb 1197. intrusionnoun
1148. incurverb 1198. invadeverb
1149. individuallyadverb 1199. invariablyadverb
1150. indooradjective 1200. inventornoun
1151. indoorsadverb 1201. investigatornoun
1152. induceverb 1202. ironverb
1153. indulgeverb 1203. ironynoun
1154. inequalitynoun 1204. irregularadjective
1155. inexperiencedadjec 1205. irritateverb
tive 1206. irritatingadjectiv
1156. infectverb e
1157. infectiousadjectiv 1207. irritationnoun
e 1208. isolateverb
1158. inferverb 1209. isolatedadjective
1159. inferencenoun 1210. ITnoun
1160. inferioradjective 1211. italicsnoun
1161. infiniteadjective 1212. ivorynoun
1162. infinitivenoun 1213. jacknoun
1163. informativeadjecti 1214. jailnoun
ve 1215. jailverb
1164. infrastructurenoun 1216. jamnoun
1165. ingeniousadjective 1217. jamverb
1166. inhabitverb 1218. jarnoun
1167. inherentadjective 1219. jazznoun
1168. inhibitverb 1220. jealousadjective
1169. inhibitionnoun 1221. jeansnoun
1170. injectverb 1222. Jewnoun
1171. injuredadjective 1223. jewelnoun
1172. inknoun 1224. Jobcentrenoun
1225. joblessadjective 1283. likewiseadverb
1226. jockeynoun 1284. limenoun
1227. joggingnoun 1285. linearadjective
1228. jointnoun 1286. linennoun
1229. journalismnoun 1287. lingerverb
1230. jugnoun 1288. linguistnoun
1231. jumpnoun 1289. linguisticadjectiv
1232. jumpernoun e
1233. junglenoun 1290. linguisticsnoun
1234. juniornoun 1291. listenernoun
1235. junknoun 1292. literaladjective
1236. juvenileadjective 1293. litrenoun
1237. keepernoun 1294. litternoun
1238. kettlenoun 1295. liveadverb
1239. keyboardnoun 1296. lizardnoun
1240. kidnapverb 1297. loafnoun
1241. kidneynoun 1298. lobbynoun
1242. kilonoun 1299. lockernoun
1243. kilogramnoun 1300. lodgeverb
1244. kilometrenoun 1301. loftnoun
1245. kindadjective 1302. logverb
1246. kindlyadverb 1303. logonoun
1247. kitenoun 1304. loneadjective
1248. kittennoun 1305. longnoun
1249. knittingnoun 1306. longverb
1250. knocknoun 1307. loonoun
1251. labnoun 1308. loopnoun
1252. labourverb 1309. looselyadverb
1253. lacenoun 1310. losernoun
1254. landladynoun 1311. lotterynoun
1255. lastingadjective 1312. loungenoun
1256. lastlyadverb 1313. lovingadjective
1257. latelyadverb 1314. luckilyadverb
1258. laundrynoun 1315. luggagenoun
1259. lavishadjective 1316. lunchtimenoun
1260. lawsuitnoun 1317. lushadjective
1261. leadnoun 1318. luxurynoun
1262. leakverb 1319. luxuryadjective
1263. leaknoun 1320. manoun
1264. leanadjective 1321. madam
1265. leapnoun 1322. madmannoun
1266. leaseverb 1323. madnessnoun
1267. legallyadverb 1324. magicaladjective
1268. legislaturenoun 1325. magistratenoun
1269. lengthyadjective 1326. magneticadjective
1270. lensnoun 1327. magnitudenoun
1271. lesseradjective 1328. mailverb
1272. lettucenoun 1329. mailmannoun
1273. levelverb 1330. mainstreamadjectiv
1274. liaisonnoun e
1275. liberalnoun 1331. majestynoun
1276. librariannoun 1332. majornoun
1277. licenseverb 1333. makenoun
1278. lickverb 1334. makingnoun
1279. lieutenantnoun 1335. mammalnoun
1280. lightningnoun 1336. manageableadjectiv
1281. likelihoodnoun e
1282. likelyadverb
1337. managerialadjectiv 1392. microphonenoun
e 1393. microscopenoun
1338. mandatenoun 1394. microwavenoun
1339. mandatoryadjective 1395. middaynoun
1340. manifestverb 1396. migrateverb
1341. manifestationnoun 1397. migrationnoun
1342. manipulationnoun 1398. mildlyadverb
1343. mankindnoun 1399. militantadjective
1344. manoeuvrenoun 1400. millnoun
1345. manoeuvreverb 1401. millimetrenoun
1346. manornoun 1402. millionairenoun
1347. mansionnoun 1403. minenoun
1348. manualadjective 1404. mineverb
1349. manufacturenoun 1405. minernoun
1350. manufacturingnoun 1406. mineralnoun
1351. manuscriptnoun 1407. miniatureadjective
1352. mapverb 1408. minimizeverb
1353. marathonnoun 1409. miningnoun
1354. marblenoun 1410. ministerialadjecti
1355. marginaladjective ve
1356. marginallyadverb 1411. minornoun
1357. marineadjective 1412. minusnoun
1358. marinenoun 1413. miserableadjective
1359. markernoun 1414. misfortunenoun
1360. marketplacenoun 1415. misleadingadjectiv
1361. markingnoun e
1362. marshnoun 1416. missnoun
1363. masculineadjective 1417. mistressnoun
1364. maskverb 1418. misunderstandingno
1365. massacrenoun un
1366. massagenoun 1419. moanverb
1367. masterverb 1420. mobnoun
1368. masterpiecenoun 1421. mobilitynoun
1369. matchingadjective 1422. mockadjective
1370. mateverb 1423. mockverb
1371. materialadjective 1424. modeladjective
1372. maternaladjective 1425. molenoun
1373. maternityadjective 1426. momentarilyadverb
1374. mathsnoun 1427. momentumnoun
1375. matrixnoun 1428. monarchnoun
1376. matureverb 1429. monarchynoun
1377. maturitynoun 1430. monitornoun
1378. meaningfuladjectiv 1431. monknoun
e 1432. monkeynoun
1379. meaninglessadjecti 1433. moonlightnoun
ve 1434. moornoun
1380. mechanicnoun 1435. moralenoun
1381. membranenoun 1436. moralitynoun
1382. memonoun 1437. mortaladjective
1383. memorizeverb 1438. mosquenoun
1384. mendverb 1439. motifnoun
1385. merchantnoun 1440. motorbikenoun
1386. mercynoun 1441. motoristnoun
1387. mergernoun 1442. mouldnoun
1388. messengernoun 1443. mouldverb
1389. metaphornoun 1444. moustachenoun
1390. meternoun 1445. mouthfulnoun
1391. metricadjective 1446. movienoun
1447. muddyadjective 1499. notoriousadjective
1448. mugnoun 1500. nounnoun
1449. multimediaadjectiv 1501. novelistnoun
e 1502. noveltynoun
1450. multinationaladjec 1503. nucleusnoun
tive 1504. nuisancenoun
1451. multiplyverb 1505. numberverb
1452. mumbleverb 1506. nunnoun
1453. municipaladjective 1507. nursingnoun
1454. murderernoun 1508. nutritionnoun
1455. mushroomnoun 1509. nylonnoun
1456. Muslimnoun 1510. obedientadjective
1457. nailverb 1511. obscureadjective
1458. narrativenoun 1512. obscureverb
1459. narrowlyadverb 1513. obsessedadjective
1460. nationalismnoun 1514. obsessionnoun
1461. nationalistadjecti 1515. occupantnoun
ve 1516. occupationaladject
1462. nationalitynoun ive
1463. nationallyadverb 1517. oddlyadverb
1464. nationwideadjectiv 1518. offendverb
e, adverb 1519. offensiveadjective
1465. nativenoun 1520. offlineadjective,
1466. naughtyadjective adverb
1467. navigationnoun 1521. offsetverb
1468. nearverb 1522. offshoreadjective
1469. necklacenoun 1523. offspringnoun
1470. negativenoun 1524. olivenoun
1471. neglectnoun 1525. omissionnoun
1472. neighbouringadject 1526. oneselfpronoun
ive 1527. onsetnoun
1473. nephewnoun 1528. openernoun
1474. nestverb 1529. openingadjective
1475. networkverb 1530. opennessnoun
1476. nicelyadverb 1531. oppositeprepositio
1477. nicknamenoun n
1478. niecenoun 1532. oppositeadverb
1479. nipplenoun 1533. oppositenoun
1480. nitrogennoun 1534. oppressionnoun
1481. nodnoun 1535. opticaladjective
1482. nodenoun 1536. optimismnoun
1483. noisyadjective 1537. optionaladjective
1484. nominaladjective 1538. orbitnoun
1485. nominateverb 1539. ordealnoun
1486. nominationnoun 1540. organicadjective
1487. noonnoun 1541. organizedadjective
1488. northadverb 1542. originalnoun
1489. northadjective 1543. ornamentnoun
1490. northeast 1544. orthodoxadjective
1491. northeast 1545. outbreaknoun
1492. northwest 1546. outdooradjective
1493. northwest 1547. outfitnoun
1494. notebooknoun 1548. outlooknoun
1495. notepapernoun 1549. outragenoun
1496. noticeableadjectiv 1550. outrageousadjectiv
e e
1497. noticeboardnoun 1551. outsetnoun
1498. notifyverb 1552. outspokenadjective
1553. outwardadjective 1607. peanoun
1554. outweighverb 1608. peachnoun
1555. overheadadjective, 1609. pearlnoun
adverb 1610. peasantnoun
1556. overheadsnoun 1611. pedalnoun
1557. overlapverb 1612. pedestriannoun
1558. overlapnoun 1613. peelverb
1559. overnightadjective 1614. pegnoun
1560. overrideverb 1615. peppernoun
1561. overtakeverb 1616. perfectionnoun
1562. overthrowverb 1617. performernoun
1563. overtimenoun 1618. perfumenoun
1564. overviewnoun 1619. persuasionnoun
1565. overwhelmverb 1620. persuasiveadjectiv
1566. overwhelmingadject e
ive 1621. pessimisticadjecti
1567. overwhelminglyadve ve
rb 1622. pestnoun
1568. ozonenoun 1623. pettyadjective
1569. paceverb 1624. philosophernoun
1570. packagingnoun 1625. photographverb
1571. packedadjective 1626. photographicadject
1572. packingnoun ive
1573. pactnoun 1627. photographynoun
1574. padnoun 1628. pianistnoun
1575. padverb 1629. picnicnoun
1576. painfullyadverb 1630. picturesqueadjecti
1577. pamphletnoun ve
1578. panicverb 1631. pienoun
1579. pantsnoun 1632. piernoun
1580. paperbacknoun 1633. pierceverb
1581. paperworknoun 1634. pigeonnoun
1582. parnoun 1635. pileverb
1583. paradenoun 1636. pillnoun
1584. paradisenoun 1637. pillownoun
1585. parameternoun 1638. pinenoun
1586. parcelnoun 1639. pinknoun
1587. parkingnoun 1640. pioneernoun
1588. parrotnoun 1641. pioneerverb
1589. partverb 1642. pipelinenoun
1590. participlenoun 1643. pitchverb
1591. passingadjective 1644. pizzanoun
1592. passingnoun 1645. plainadverb
1593. passionateadjectiv 1646. plainlyadverb
e 1647. plannernoun
1594. passportnoun 1648. plasternoun
1595. passwordnoun 1649. playgroundnoun
1596. pastanoun 1650. plcnoun
1597. pastrynoun 1651. plightnoun
1598. patverb 1652. plotverb
1599. patentnoun 1653. ploughverb
1600. patheticadjective 1654. pluckverb
1601. patiencenoun 1655. plugnoun
1602. patrolnoun 1656. plugverb
1603. patrolverb 1657. plumnoun
1604. patronnoun 1658. plumbernoun
1605. pawnoun 1659. pluraladjective
1606. payableadjective 1660. poeticadjective
1661. pointedadjective 1715. profitabilitynoun
1662. poisonnoun 1716. programverb
1663. poisonverb 1717. programmernoun
1664. poisonousadjective 1718. programmingnoun
1665. pokeverb 1719. progressionnoun
1666. policewomannoun 1720. prohibitverb
1667. polishverb 1721. projectionnoun
1668. politeadjective 1722. promisingadjective
1669. politelyadverb 1723. promoternoun
1670. polluteverb 1724. promptlyadverb
1671. poorlyadverb 1725. proneadjective
1672. porknoun 1726. pronounnoun
1673. portableadjective 1727. pronunciationnoun
1674. portfolionoun 1728. propagandanoun
1675. portrayverb 1729. proportionaladject
1676. postaladjective ive
1677. postcardnoun 1730. prosenoun
1678. postmannoun 1731. prosecuteverb
1679. postponeverb 1732. prosecutionnoun
1680. postwar 1733. prosperitynoun
1681. potterynoun 1734. Protestantnoun
1682. poundverb 1735. protesternoun
1683. pragmaticadjective 1736. protocolnoun
1684. preachverb 1737. prototypenoun
1685. precautionnoun 1738. provenadjective
1686. precedentnoun 1739. providernoun
1687. precisionnoun 1740. provisionaladjecti
1688. predictableadjecti ve
ve 1741. prudentadjective
1689. predominantlyadver 1742. psychiatricadjecti
b ve
1690. preferableadjectiv 1743. psychiatristnoun
e 1744. puddingnoun
1691. preferablyadverb 1745. pullnoun
1692. prematureadjective 1746. pullovernoun
1693. premieradjective 1747. pumpverb
1694. premiernoun 1748. punchverb
1695. premierenoun 1749. punchnoun
1696. preoccupationnoun 1750. punknoun
1697. prepositionnoun 1751. puppynoun
1698. prescriptionnoun 1752. puritynoun
1699. presenternoun 1753. purpleadjective
1700. preservationnoun 1754. pursenoun
1701. presidencynoun 1755. puzzleverb
1702. presumeverb 1756. puzzlenoun
1703. prevailverb 1757. puzzledadjective
1704. prevailingadjectiv 1758. pyjamasnoun
e 1759. pyramidnoun
1705. prevalencenoun 1760. quarrelnoun
1706. principallyadverb 1761. quarrelverb
1707. privacynoun 1762. querynoun
1708. probationnoun 1763. questnoun
1709. probenoun 1764. questionableadject
1710. proceedsnoun ive
1711. processionnoun 1765. questioningnoun
1712. proclaimverb 1766. queuenoun
1713. producenoun 1767. queueverb
1714. profitverb 1768. quickadverb
1769. quidnoun 1824. repeatnoun
1770. quitverb 1825. repeatedadjective
1771. quiznoun 1826. repertoirenoun
1772. quotationnoun 1827. repetitionnoun
1773. quotenoun 1828. reporternoun
1774. racismnoun 1829. reportingnoun
1775. racknoun 1830. reptilenoun
1776. racketnoun 1831. republicannoun
1777. radiatornoun 1832. resemblancenoun
1778. radicalnoun 1833. reservoirnoun
1779. radicallyadverb 1834. resolutionnoun
1780. radioactiveadjecti 1835. resolveverb
ve 1836. resortnoun
1781. radiusnoun 1837. respectableadjecti
1782. ragnoun ve
1783. ragenoun 1838. respectedadjective
1784. rainbownoun 1839. respectiveadjectiv
1785. rainforestnoun e
1786. raisedadjective 1840. respectivelyadverb
1787. rankverb 1841. restlessadjective
1788. rapeverb 1842. restrainverb
1789. ratingnoun 1843. restraintnoun
1790. raynoun 1844. restrictedadjectiv
1791. razornoun e
1792. reactornoun 1845. restrictionnoun
1793. realismnoun 1846. restructureverb
1794. realmnoun 1847. retailadjective
1795. rearverb 1848. retailverb
1796. recedeverb 1849. retailernoun
1797. receivedadjective 1850. retiredadjective
1798. receptionistnoun 1851. retirementnoun
1799. reconstructionnoun 1852. retreatverb
1800. recordernoun 1853. retreatnoun
1801. recountverb 1854. retrieveverb
1802. recreationnoun 1855. retrospectiveadjec
1803. recruitnoun tive
1804. recruitmentnoun 1856. revengenoun
1805. rectangularadjecti 1857. reverseadjective
ve 1858. reversenoun
1806. recurverb 1859. reviseverb
1807. recycleverb 1860. revivalnoun
1808. recyclingnoun 1861. revolveverb
1809. reefnoun 1862. rewriteverb
1810. reformverb 1863. rhetoricnoun
1811. refreshingadjectiv 1864. rhymenoun
e 1865. ribnoun
1812. regimentnoun 1866. ribbonnoun
1813. regretnoun 1867. riflenoun
1814. rehearsalnoun 1868. rignoun
1815. rehearseverb 1869. rigorousadjective
1816. relaxedadjective 1870. rimnoun
1817. remedyverb 1871. ripeadjective
1818. renaissancenoun 1872. riskyadjective
1819. renderverb 1873. roarverb
1820. renewalnoun 1874. robbernoun
1821. rentverb 1875. robberynoun
1822. rentalnoun 1876. robotnoun
1823. repayverb 1877. rockverb
1878. rocketnoun 1935. scratchverb
1879. rockyadjective 1936. scratchnoun
1880. rollernoun 1937. screamnoun
1881. romancenoun 1938. screenverb
1882. rootverb 1939. screeningnoun
1883. rotverb 1940. screwverb
1884. rotateverb 1941. screwnoun
1885. rotationnoun 1942. scrutinynoun
1886. rottenadjective 1943. sealedadjective
1887. roundaboutnoun 1944. seasonaladjective
1888. routineadjective 1945. secularadjective
1889. rowverb 1946. selfishadjective
1890. rownoun 1947. semanticadjective
1891. royaltynoun 1948. semifinalnoun
1892. rugbynoun 1949. senatornoun
1893. ruinnoun 1950. sentimentnoun
1894. runningnoun 1951. serialnoun
1895. runwaynoun 1952. serialadjective
1896. rustyadjective 1953. servingnoun
1897. sacknoun 1954. setadjective
1898. sacrificeverb 1955. settlernoun
1899. sacrificenoun 1956. sewverb
1900. saddlenoun 1957. sewingnoun
1901. sadnessnoun 1958. sexyadjective
1902. safenoun 1959. shadeverb
1903. sailnoun 1960. shadowverb
1904. sailornoun 1961. shakenoun
1905. sampleverb 1962. sharknoun
1906. sandyadjective 1963. sharpadverb
1907. satisfiedadjective 1964. sharpenverb
1908. satisfyingadjectiv 1965. shatterverb
e 1966. shaveverb
1909. saucepannoun 1967. shellverb
1910. saucernoun 1968. shelterverb
1911. sausagenoun 1969. shieldverb
1912. savageadjective 1970. shinyadjective
1913. sawnoun 1971. shipmentnoun
1914. scannoun 1972. shippingnoun
1915. scannernoun 1973. shiververb
1916. scarnoun 1974. shockedadjective
1917. scarverb 1975. shockingadjective
1918. scarceadjective 1976. shootnoun
1919. scareverb 1977. shootingnoun
1920. scarfnoun 1978. shopkeepernoun
1921. scarletadjective 1979. shoppernoun
1922. scaryadjective 1980. shortnoun
1923. scatteredadjective 1981. shortsnoun
1924. scenarionoun 1982. shoutnoun
1925. scenerynoun 1983. shoveverb
1926. scentnoun 1984. shrewdadjective
1927. scepticaladjective 1985. shrinkverb
1928. scheduledadjective 1986. shudderverb
1929. scholarshipnoun 1987. shuffleverb
1930. scissorsnoun 1988. shutternoun
1931. scoutnoun 1989. shyadjective
1932. scrambleverb 1990. siblingnoun
1933. scrapnoun 1991. sidewaysadjective,
1934. scrapeverb adverb
1992. sighnoun 2049. soreadjective
1993. signifyverb 2050. souradjective
1994. signingnoun 2051. southadverb
1995. silenceverb 2052. southadjective
1996. simplicitynoun 2053. southeast
1997. simplifyverb 2054. southeast
1998. simulationnoun 2055. southwest
1999. simultaneousadject 2056. southwest
ive 2057. souvenirnoun
2000. sincereadjective 2058. sovereigntynoun
2001. sincerelyadverb 2059. sowverb
2002. singularadjective 2060. spareverb
2003. sipverb 2061. sparkverb
2004. sir 2062. sparkleverb
2005. sirennoun 2063. spearnoun
2006. sittingnoun 2064. specialitynoun
2007. skatenoun 2065. specializeverb
2008. skateverb 2066. specializedadjecti
2009. skatingnoun ve
2010. skeletonnoun 2067. spectatornoun
2011. sketchnoun 2068. speculateverb
2012. sketchverb 2069. spellingnoun
2013. skinoun 2070. spicenoun
2014. skiverb 2071. spidernoun
2015. skilfuladjective 2072. spinnoun
2016. skipverb 2073. spiralnoun
2017. slapverb 2074. spitverb
2018. slashverb 2075. splashverb
2019. slaughternoun 2076. splitnoun
2020. sleepyadjective 2077. spokenadjective
2021. slenderadjective 2078. sponsornoun
2022. sliceverb 2079. sponsorshipnoun
2023. slippernoun 2080. spontaneousadjecti
2024. slogannoun ve
2025. slotnoun 2081. spoonnoun
2026. slowverb 2082. spousenoun
2027. slowadverb 2083. sprayverb
2028. smackverb 2084. spraynoun
2029. smokernoun 2085. spreadsheetnoun
2030. smokingnoun 2086. sprinkleverb
2031. smoothverb 2087. sprintnoun
2032. snacknoun 2088. spurnoun
2033. snakenoun 2089. spynoun
2034. snatchverb 2090. spyverb
2035. sniffverb 2091. squadronnoun
2036. soakverb 2092. squareverb
2037. soarverb 2093. squatverb
2038. sobverb 2094. stabverb
2039. soberadjective 2095. stacknoun
2040. soccernoun 2096. stackverb
2041. socknoun 2097. stadiumnoun
2042. socketnoun 2098. staggerverb
2043. sofanoun 2099. stainverb
2044. softenverb 2100. stainnoun
2045. solenoun 2101. staircasenoun
2046. solidnoun 2102. staleadjective
2047. solonoun 2103. stallverb
2048. sooneradverb 2104. staplenoun
2105. starternoun 2160. superficialadjecti
2106. startledadjective ve
2107. starveverb 2161. superintendentnoun
2108. statutenoun 2162. superiornoun
2109. statutoryadjective 2163. supervisornoun
2110. steaknoun 2164. supportingadjectiv
2111. steamverb e
2112. steerverb 2165. supposedlyadverb
2113. stemverb 2166. surfverb
2114. stereonoun 2167. surgicaladjective
2115. stereotypenoun 2168. surnamenoun
2116. sterileadjective 2169. surplusadjective
2117. stickyadjective 2170. surrenderverb
2118. stingverb 2171. surveillancenoun
2119. stockingnoun 2172. survivornoun
2120. stoolnoun 2173. suspectedadjective
2121. storeynoun 2174. swannoun
2122. stormverb 2175. swapverb
2123. stoutadjective 2176. swayverb
2124. stovenoun 2177. sweatnoun
2125. strangelyadverb 2178. sweatverb
2126. strapnoun 2179. sweaternoun
2127. strawberrynoun 2180. sweepnoun
2128. strayverb 2181. sweetnoun
2129. streaknoun 2182. swellverb
2130. streamverb 2183. swiftadjective
2131. stridenoun 2184. swimnoun
2132. strideverb 2185. swimmingnoun
2133. strikernoun 2186. swollenadjective
2134. strikingadjective 2187. syllablenoun
2135. stripenoun 2188. symmetrynoun
2136. striveverb 2189. symphonynoun
2137. strollverb 2190. syndromenoun
2138. structureverb 2191. synthesisnoun
2139. stubbornadjective 2192. tacknoun
2140. studnoun 2193. tacklenoun
2141. stumbleverb 2194. tagnoun
2142. stunverb 2195. talentedadjective
2143. stunningadjective 2196. tannoun
2144. stylishadjective 2197. tapeverb
2145. subjectiveadjectiv 2198. tastyadjective
e 2199. tearnoun
2146. submarinenoun 2200. teaseverb
2147. subordinateadjecti 2201. technicallyadverb
ve 2202. techniciannoun
2148. subscribeverb 2203. telecommunications
2149. subscriptionnoun noun
2150. substantiveadjecti 2204. telescopenoun
ve 2205. tellynoun
2151. substitutenoun 2206. tenseadjective
2152. substitutionnoun 2207. tensenoun
2153. suburbnoun 2208. terminaladjective
2154. sufferingnoun 2209. terminologynoun
2155. suitablyadverb 2210. terrificadjective
2156. suitcasenoun 2211. terrifyverb
2157. summarizeverb 2212. terrorismnoun
2158. sunnyadjective 2213. testamentnoun
2159. sunsetnoun 2214. testimonynoun
2215. testingnoun 2269. treadverb
2216. texturenoun 2270. treatnoun
2217. theirspronoun 2271. trianglenoun
2218. therapeuticadjecti 2272. trickverb
ve 2273. triggernoun
2219. therapistnoun 2274. trimverb
2220. thermaladjective 2275. tripleadjective
2221. thickadverb 2276. trivialadjective
2222. thinkingadjective 2277. trolleynoun
2223. thirstyadjective 2278. trotverb
2224. thornnoun 2279. troubleverb
2225. thoroughadjective 2280. trumpetnoun
2226. thoughtfuladjectiv 2281. trunknoun
e 2282. trusteenoun
2227. thrillernoun 2283. tuitionnoun
2228. thriveverb 2284. tumournoun
2229. thrownoun 2285. tuneverb
2230. thumpverb 2286. turkeynoun
2231. thundernoun 2287. turningnoun
2232. tickverb 2288. twicedeterminer
2233. tidyadjective 2289. twistnoun
2234. tidyverb 2290. twistedadjective
2235. tigernoun 2291. typeverb
2236. tightadverb 2292. typewriternoun
2237. timingnoun 2293. umbrellanoun
2238. tireverb 2294. unawareadjective
2239. toastnoun 2295. unchangedadjective
2240. todaynoun 2296. unclearadjective
2241. toddlernoun 2297. unconsciousadjecti
2242. tolerancenoun ve
2243. tolerateverb 2298. uncontrolledadject
2244. tollnoun ive
2245. tombnoun 2299. uncoververb
2246. tonicnoun 2300. underestimateverb
2247. torchnoun 2301. undergroundadjecti
2248. torturenoun ve
2249. tortureverb 2302. undergroundadverb
2250. totalverb 2303. underscoreverb
2251. touchingadjective 2304. understandableadje
2252. towverb ctive
2253. toxicadjective 2305. underwearnoun
2254. trackverb 2306. undoverb
2255. tractnoun 2307. uneasyadjective
2256. trailernoun 2308. unevenadjective
2257. trainedadjective 2309. unfamiliaradjectiv
2258. trainernoun e
2259. trainersnoun 2310. unfitadjective
2260. traitnoun 2311. unfriendlyadjectiv
2261. traitornoun e
2262. transcriptnoun 2312. unimportantadjecti
2263. transitnoun ve
2264. transparentadjecti 2313. unkindadjective
ve 2314. unlimitedadjective
2265. transplantnoun 2315. unlockverb
2266. transportationnoun 2316. unnaturaladjective
2267. traumaticadjective 2317. unpopularadjective
2268. travellingadjectiv 2318. unprecedentedadjec
e tive
2319. unpredictableadjec 2372. villainnoun
tive 2373. vinenoun
2320. unreasonableadject 2374. violationnoun
ive 2375. violentlyadverb
2321. unreliableadjectiv 2376. violinnoun
e 2377. virginnoun
2322. unrestnoun 2378. visanoun
2323. unsuccessfuladject 2379. vividadjective
ive 2380. vocabularynoun
2324. unsuitableadjectiv 2381. vocaladjective
e 2382. vocationaladjectiv
2325. unsureadjective e
2326. untidyadjective 2383. volcanonoun
2327. untieverb 2384. volunteerverb
2328. untouchedadjective 2385. vomitverb
2329. unusuallyadverb 2386. vowelnoun
2330. unwillingadjective 2387. voyagenoun
2331. upbringingnoun 2388. waitnoun
2332. updatenoun 2389. waiternoun
2333. upgradeverb 2390. waitressnoun
2334. upgradenoun 2391. wakenoun
2335. upholdverb 2392. walkernoun
2336. uprightadverb 2393. walkingnoun
2337. uprightadjective 2394. wallpapernoun
2338. upwardadjective 2395. wantnoun
2339. urgenoun 2396. wantedadjective
2340. usagenoun 2397. wardnoun
2341. utilizeverb 2398. wardrobenoun
2342. utmostadjective 2399. warmlyadverb
2343. utterverb 2400. warrantnoun
2344. utteradjective 2401. washnoun
2345. utterancenoun 2402. washingnoun
2346. vacancynoun 2403. waspnoun
2347. vacantadjective 2404. waterverb
2348. vacuumnoun 2405. waterfallnoun
2349. vaguelyadverb 2406. waterproofadjectiv
2350. vainadjective e
2351. valuationnoun 2407. wearnoun
2352. valvenoun 2408. weaveverb
2353. variedadjective 2409. webnoun
2354. vasenoun 2410. weednoun
2355. VATnoun 2411. weepverb
2356. veilnoun 2412. weirdadjective
2357. venturenoun 2413. westadverb
2358. verbnoun 2414. westadjective
2359. verbaladjective 2415. whatsoeveradverb
2360. versatileadjective 2416. wheatnoun
2361. versuspreposition 2417. wherebyadverb
2362. veterannoun 2418. whicheverdetermine
2363. vetoverb r, pronoun
2364. vetonoun 2419. whipnoun
2365. viableadjective 2420. whipverb
2366. vibrationnoun 2421. whirlverb
2367. vicarnoun 2422. whiskeynoun
2368. viciousadjective 2423. whiskynoun
2369. viewpointnoun 2424. whispernoun
2370. villanoun 2425. whistlenoun
2371. villagernoun 2426. whistleverb
2427. wickedadjective 2479. classical
2428. wicketnoun musicnoun
2429. wildadverb 2480. common sensenoun
2430. wildlyadverb 2481. the contrarynoun
2431. windyadjective 2482. cross-
2432. wirelessadjective countryadjective
2433. witnoun 2483. date of birthnoun
2434. witchnoun 2484. day-to-
2435. wittyadjective dayadjective
2436. wolfnoun 2485. decision-
2437. woollenadjective makingnoun
2438. workforcenoun 2486. dining roomnoun
2439. workloadnoun 2487. exchange ratenoun
2440. workmannoun 2488. fairy talenoun
2441. workplacenoun 2489. fast foodnoun
2442. workstationnoun 2490. fed upadjective
2443. worldwideadjective 2491. fire alarmnoun
, adverb 2492. fire brigadenoun
2444. wormnoun 2493. first classnoun
2445. worryingadjective 2494. first
2446. worseadverb classadjective
2447. worshipnoun 2495. first halfnoun
2448. woundedadjective 2496. first namenoun
2449. wreckverb 2497. fish and chipsnoun
2450. wrecknoun 2498. free agentnoun
2451. wreckagenoun 2499. free tradenoun
2452. wrongadverb 2500. front doornoun
2453. wrongnoun 2501. full namenoun
2454. wronglyadverb 2502. full stopnoun
2455. yachtnoun 2503. full-timeadverb
2456. yawnverb 2504. the general
2457. yellverb publicnoun
2458. yellownoun 2505. global warmingnoun
2459. yepadverb 2506. gold medalnoun
2460. yieldnoun 2507. good
2461. zipnoun afternooninterjection
2462. zipverb 2508. good
2463. zoonoun dayinterjection
2464. air 2509. good
conditioningnoun eveninginterjection
2465. the armed 2510. good
forcesnoun morninginterjection
2466. back doornoun 2511. good
2467. bad- nightinterjection
temperedadjective 2512. grown-upnoun
2468. bank accountnoun 2513. grown-upadjective
2469. bank holidaynoun 2514. hard-
2470. barbed wirenoun workingadjective
2471. blue- 2515. health foodnoun
collaradjective 2516. heart attacknoun
2472. brand namenoun 2517. heart diseasenoun
2473. brand-newadjective 2518. high-
2474. carbon dioxidenoun leveladjective
2475. cash flownoun 2519. high streetnoun
2476. CD-ROMnoun 2520. home pagenoun
2477. chat shownoun 2521. human rightsnoun
2478. civil warnoun 2522. ice creamnoun
2523. income taxnoun
2524. information 2565. phone numbernoun
technologynoun 2566. pocket moneynoun
2525. inner citynoun 2567. police officernoun
2526. inside outadverb 2568. police stationnoun
2527. large- 2569. pop musicnoun
scaleadjective 2570. press
2528. last- conferencenoun
minuteadjective 2571. pressure groupnoun
2529. late- 2572. primary schoolnoun
nightadjective 2573. prime timenoun
2530. law courtnoun 2574. private
2531. law- detectivenoun
makingadjective 2575. prize-
2532. left-handadjective winningadjective
2533. left-wingadjective 2576. public holidaynoun
2534. local 2577. public opinionnoun
governmentnoun 2578. public
2535. long- relationsnoun
distanceadjective 2579. public
2536. long- transportnoun
standingadjective 2580. question marknoun
2537. low-leveladjective 2581. railway linenoun
2538. make-upnoun 2582. raw materialsnoun
2539. managing 2583. red-hotadjective
directornoun 2584. red lightnoun
2540. market daynoun 2585. remote controlnoun
2541. market sharenoun 2586. right-
2542. martial artnoun wingadjective
2543. Member of 2587. rock ’n’ rollnoun
Parliamentnoun 2588. role modelnoun
2544. merchant banknoun 2589. royal familynoun
2545. middle- 2590. science
agedadjective fictionnoun
2546. the middle class 2591. search enginenoun
2547. middle- 2592. second-
classadjective handadjective
2548. national debtnoun 2593. secretary-
2549. national parknoun generalnoun
2550. native speakernoun 2594. self-
2551. natural gasnoun disciplinenoun
2552. next 2595. self-esteemnoun
dooradjective, adverb 2596. short storynoun
2553. non- 2597. side effectnoun
existentadjective 2598. sitting roomnoun
2554. non- 2599. social
profitadjective securitynoun
2555. nuclear powernoun 2600. social servicenoun
2556. nursing homenoun 2601. social workernoun
2557. open marketnoun 2602. soft drinknoun
2558. operating 2603. solar systemnoun
systemnoun 2604. spare timenoun
2559. peace processnoun 2605. stock exchangenoun
2560. pension fundnoun 2606. the stock
2561. personal marketnoun
stereonoun 2607. task forcenoun
2562. phone booknoun 2608. three-quartersnoun
2563. phone boxnoun 2609. town centrenoun
2564. phone callnoun 2610. T-shirtnoun
2611. upside downadverb
2612. up-to-
2613. video gamenoun
2614. video recordernoun
2615. washing
2616. way of lifenoun
2617. way outnoun
2618. weather
2619. web pagenoun
2620. white-
2621. wide-
2622. the working
2623. would-beadjective
2624. X-raynoun
2625. young ladynoun

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