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Dated 05/20/2015

Receipt No 24799 Dated : 19/05/2015 University Regd.No: 11001411


Lovely Faculty of Technology & Sciences

Department of

Programme : Prog.Code

Received with thanks from Mr./Ms. S/O,D/O


On accounts of Year/Term /

In favour of

In from of Cash/Draft/Pay order etc.(Specify) No. (In case of DD/Pay Order etc.)

Drawn on Dated Payable at

Rs. 10000 Rs. In Words Rupees Ten Thousand only

Term & Condition: - 1.This is mere an acknowledgement receipt and must not be taken as a token of acceptance or confirmation of registration or admission or Up-
gradation and alike to any programme/course or facility.
2. Validity of this receipt is subject to the encashment of pay order/demand draft or any other instrument (if permitted) submitted for payment purpose on any account.
3.This receipt is issued subject to the related provisions of the Act, Statutes, Regulations, Rules, Ordinances, Orders, Instructions, Guidelines, Code of conduct, Policies,
directions, Standing orders etc that may be in force or applicable or are framed from time to time by the Lovely Professional University (hereinafter referred to as ‘University’
and shall also include its constituent/affiliate Institution(s), sponsoring body, associate(s), successor(s), sister concern(s) and other units, as applicable);whether by specific
order in writing or otherwise.
4. Student/Payee is fully responsible for the genuineness of the instrument submitted for payment and in case of any misuse, misinterpretation or illegality, he/she will be
responsible for legal consequences at his/her risk and cost. University will not be responsible in any way.
5. Refund, if permissible, shall be made as per Refund Policy of the University, however no interest is payable on any amount deposited with the University, including
refundable amount, if any.
6. Faculty/School/Institute/ Center and / or Department and such other constituent institution(s), by whatever name it may be called, to be allotted can be different from as are
mentioned herein and are also subject to change from time to time, as decided by the University.
7. Disputes, if any, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the court of Kapurthala only.

Lovely Campus, Jalandhar-Delhi, G.T.Road (NH-1), Phagwara, Punjab (144402)

Ph.01824-508325, Fax: 01824-500779

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