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06/09/2016 US Media Silent­ Italian Court Rules Autism Caused By Vaccine | Your News Wire

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US Media Silent- Italian Court Rules

Autism Caused By Vaccine Register For Free

Posted on March 8, 2016 by Royce Christyn in Health // Comments (11)

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In 2014, an Italian court ruled in favor of the Bocca family whose

nine-year-old son became autistic after receiving the MMR
(Measles/Mumps & Rubella) vaccine.

The court in Milan awarded compensation in this case and though it

was reported by Italian press, their U.S counterparts has remained

Collective Evolution reports:

I came across this case and felt it was a good idea to report on this as
the vaccine debate has been a hot topic here lately. Although the case
concluded in 2012, the information is just as relevant today.

UPDATE: We realize the controversy surrounding Wakeeld and his

study. Please also note that the story about Wakeeld being paid to
create data to due vaccine makers is a false story. At the time of this
false story, vaccine makers were protected from even being able to be­italian­court­rules­vaccine­caused­autism­us­media­blacks­out­story/ 1/8
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sued. He obviously can see no benet in creating a “fake study” to sue

people that cannot be sued. Instead of focusing on Wakeeld,
observe the other studies involved and the massive growing
movement to re-think vaccines based on science and evidence. We
also recognize that Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that there
is a wide range in how it a䏊达ects people. A phenomenon due to
vaccines could account for some type of Autism on that spectrum. On
the other hand we recognize that there could be be some genetic
di䏊达erences within ones DNA that could result in showing behavior
and other types of characteristics seen in what we have labelled as
Autism or ASD.

Autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that there is a wide degree of

variation in the way it a䏊达ects people.

Valentino Bocca was given the MMR vaccine when he was 15 months
old in 2004. The family has stated that immediately after the jab their
son began showing signs of serious discomfort. The Bocca family
decided to act and took the case to court. Judges determined the
vaccine did cause the autism after new evidence was presented and
awarded the Bocca family 174,000 euro (£140,000) after the Italian
Health Ministry conceded the MMR vaccine caused autism in their
nine-year-old son Valentino. After the ruling, Italian lawyers began
examining around 100 similar cases which they believe could lead to
more families pursuing court cases.

Of course this case does not come with two sides to the argument. In
Britain, doctors and health experts insist that the onset of autism
after the vaccine was merely a coincidence and that other children
develop autism around the same time. The ocial statement of the
Department of Health is that ‘there is a wealth of evidence showing
children who receive the MMR vaccine are no more at risk of autism
than those who don’t.’

The Bocca case is not the rst case where children have been
allegedly damaged by vaccines. The Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program has paid out over $2 billion in compensation to families who
have been damaged by vaccines. The Bocca case ruling will likely re-
open much debate over vaccine safety and e䏊达ectiveness. This was
largely made popular when the respected medical journal The Lancet
published an article in 1998, making a connection between the triple
vaccine and autism. Later on, the author’s methods were discredited
but this of course came with controversy as well. Luckily, the news of­italian­court­rules­vaccine­caused­autism­us­media­blacks­out­story/ 2/8
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it alone was enough for families to re-question the vaccine when

thinking of their children.

Though the debate is still ongoing, many people are seriously

questioning vaccines and this isn’t just the average person. Medical
doctors have been educating themselves further on vaccines as the
evidence continues to pile up about the ine䏊达ectiveness and lack of
safety associated with vaccines. The number of autism cases has risen
greatly since the 1970s, as the number of vaccines a child receives
continues to rise dramatically.

Although it is not yet clear what the new evidence was that concluded
the Bocca case, it is almost certain that it will continue to build the
case for re-thinking vaccines.

The black out in US media is a prime example of how much medical

information is censored in North America. This may add to the fact
that it seems North America is a lot more unaware of healthy
practices regarding medicine, lifestyle and diet. Of course this isn’t to
say that everyone is like this in North America, but when you look at
the numbers we can see that North America is among the
unhealthiest when it comes to developed countries.

A great example of how the medical industry tends to avoid new

vaccine science comes in the case of Dr. Andrew Wakeeld. He has
been involved in extensively reviewing the MMR vaccine and its
safety, and has found not only some scary results, but also a great
opposition and blacking out when it comes to the medical eld
looking at his evidence. The videos below go into this story in depth.

The following is from Dr. Mercola

“It’s virtually impossible to read an article about the MMR vaccine

without coming across a reference to British gastroenterologist Dr.
Andrew Wakeeld’s 1998 research published in The Lancet, which
suggested there may be a link between the MMR vaccine, chronic
bowel disease and autism. Ever since the article’s publication, it has
remained one of the most cited yet controversial studies on the topic
of vaccine safety.

Few public health ocials or doctors speaking about vaccination in

the media today fail to drive home the point that Wakeeld’s research
was subsequently “discredited” by the General Medical Council in
Britain, while completely ignoring the facts about what his research­italian­court­rules­vaccine­caused­autism­us­media­blacks­out­story/ 3/8
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actually showed, and the long list of studies done since then by other
researchers that back up his initial ndings.

Dr. Wakeeld’s 1998 study involved a retrospective case series

analysis, which essentially reviews the clinical histories of a group of
patients with a constellation of signs and symptoms that link them
together and create a pattern. In this case, it was a group of autistic
children with gastrointestinal problems, which led to the discovery of
a novel bowel disease that Wakeeld and his colleagues at the Royal
Free Hospital in London rst described.

But rather than celebrating the discovery of a tangible, treatable and

potentially preventable serious health problem that could help those
su䏊达ering with similar health issues, Wakeeld’s discovery became a
hotly debated controversy in which Dr. Wakeeld’s personal and
professional reputation was smeared.


Because the clinical story didn’t end with bowel disease; it also
included symptoms of regressive autism after receiving the MMR

In the years following his 1998 nding, which linked the MMR vaccine
to in ammatory bowel disease and symptoms of autism, Dr.
Wakeeld published another 19 papers on the vaccine-induced bowel
disorder. All were peer reviewed, and none have been retracted.
However, none of these 19 papers are ever discussed in the media.

The only study that keeps seeing the light of day is the original Lancet
article from 1998. Another interesting fact is that, since that study, a
large number of replication studies have been performed around the
world, by other researchers, that conrm Wakeeld’s initial ndings.
Yet you never hear a word about those either!”­italian­court­rules­vaccine­caused­autism­us­media­blacks­out­story/ 4/8
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Dr. Andrew Wakeƨeld response to the measles outbreak ...

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakeƨeld on His MM...

This article was originally published in 2015 and is frequently updated


About Latest Posts

Royce Christyn
Journalist at Your News Wire

Documentarian, Writer, Producer, Director, Author.­italian­court­rules­vaccine­caused­autism­us­media­blacks­out­story/ 5/8
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autism italian MMR MMR vaccines Vaccinations vaccine

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Large doses of Vitamin C, GREAT - Putin do what is right
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What a piece of crap article. This
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Sorry, but that's a really stupid
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Geeky Grandma
· 12 Jun
Too much, too soon, and way too young. That's what my doctor told me 28
years ago, and he said it would be wiser to vaccinate my children later rather
than sooner. They really need to recalibrate the combinations and dosages
and give them at a later age. These vaccine cocktails are showing themselves
to be causing more harm than good.
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Tamer Ziady
· 11 May
This whole article is BS.

Use real news outlets.

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Wiggle D
· 6 May
Do you want them Autistic or do you want them dead?
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Green Flower Wiggle D

· 7 May
OMG, please stop with this ignorant bullying. I thought your kind gave
up this bully/scare line 2-3 years ago! Keep up with your pro-vax bully
mantras already.
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Wiggle D Wiggle D
· 8 May
Oh please, there is no bullying here. It's the straight up truth. I would
rather a few people living with Autism than no one living at all. Go
educate yourself about viruses.
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Katie Rogers Wiggle D

· 13 May
But it's not a few people anymore it's turning into more than 50% of
children. More kids died from the measles vaccine than measles virus
last year. Because zero died from the virus. I'd rather have my children
alive and without autism. And I certainly hope none of your children
die from a vaccine because then you get nothing just heart ache.

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