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Kirchhoff’s Law

Ericka Louie Cenizal, Vianca Rubi Clarin, Christian Edwin Clemente, Kezea Colmo, Dayanara Mae
Consebido, Tiffany Grace Cruz, Emerald Custodio
Group 2
Friday/2:00-5:00 PM/OZ307
Physics Department, Adamson University, Ermita, Manila

This experiment aims to verify Kirchhoff’s Law by measuring and calculating the individual
current of each resistor and by comparing them against each other. The circuit used to test the law is a
complex circuit that cannot be simplified into a simple series and parallel circuit. The individual current
of each resistor were measured and compared to the calculated value, which were solved using the
Kirchhoff’s Law. This experiment proved the Kirchhoff’s law for it resulted to a minimal percentage error
on the comparison of the measured and calculated values of the current of each resistors.

1. Introduction
∑𝐼 = 0 (1)
This experiment is purposed to
investigate Kirchhoff’s Law, one of the methods
used to analyze an electric circuit. Sometimes in Where I is the current along the circuit.
complex circuits such as bridge or T networks,
one cannot simply use Ohm’s Law alone to find On the other hand, KVL states that
the voltages or currents circulating within the around any closed loop in a circuit, the sum of
circuit. For these types of calculations, one needs the potential differences across all elements is
certain rules which allow us to obtain the circuit zero. This law is a statement of energy
equations. For this, one can use Kirchhoff’s Law. conservation, in that any charge that starts and
The objective of this study is to measure the ends up at the same point with the same velocity
current on each resistor of a given circuit, to must have gained as much energy as it lost. The
calculate the current on each resistor of a given general equation for KVL is:
circuit using Kirchhoff’s rules, and finally, to
compare the experimental value to the ∑ 𝑉 = 0 (2)
calculated value of the currents.
Where V is the voltage across the
2. Theory
Although useful to be able to reduce
series and parallel resistors in a circuit when they
3. Methodology
occur, circuits in general are not composed
The group used the following materials:
exclusively of such combinations. For such cases
power supply (2units), VOM, panel board,
there are a powerful set of relations called
connecting wires, bridging plugs and resistors
Kirchhoff's laws which enable one to analyze
(1kΩ, 1.5kΩ and 2.2kΩ). This experiment
arbitrary circuits. There are two such laws. The
followed the set up shown in Figure 1 with a 5
two rules are the Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
and 10 voltage source.
and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL).
KCL states that for a given junction or
node in a circuit, the sum of the currents
entering equals the sum of the currents leaving.
This law is a statement of charge conservation.
Mathematically, KCL is:
The measured current on each resistor
was compared to the calculated current using
the percentage error and resulted to a minimal
error (4.0%. 13% and 3.4%). The percentage
errors obtained suggest that the Kirchhoff’s law
is applicable to use in determining the current
and voltage in each resistor without using the
VOM. The possible cause of errors in the
experiment were the incorrect reading and the
wrong calibration of the equipments used.
Figure 1 Kirchhoff’s Law Circuit Diagram
5. Conclusion
Power supplies were turned on and the
Kirchhoff’s law is one of the most basic
current on each resistor were measured through
techniques in analyzing arbitrary electrical
the use of VOM in ammeter range and
circuits. The main purpose of this experiment is
connected in series with resistor. Current on
to verify the said physical law. Through the
each resistors were computed using the
conduct of the experiment, the group was able
Kirchhoff’s law and results were recorded as
to measure and calculate the current on each
calculated value.
resistor of the given complex circuit. In addition
Finally, the measured value of current to that, the group was also able to compare the
was compared to the calculated value of measured and calculated values of current and
currents using the percentage error equation. obtained a minimal percentage error which
verified Kirchhoff’s law.
4. Results and Discussion
This part shows and discusses result of References:
the experiment. The result was shown in the
table below. 1. Miranda, M. M., Siguenza, R. M.,
Siguenza, R. M. (2011). College Physics 2
Table 11.1. Results of Kirchhoff’s Law Laboratory Manual
Current Current Percentage
Experimental Calculated Error
1.0kΩ 3.5x10-3 3.7x10-3 A 4.0%
1.5kΩ 7.5x10-4 8.6X10-4 A 13%
2.2kΩ 3.0x10-3 2.9X10-3 A 3.4%

The result shows that the greatest

current obtained was 3.5x10-3 A on the 1kΩ
resistance, followed by a current of 3.0x10-4 A on
the 2.2Ω and the least current obtained was
7.5x10-4 A on the 1.5 kΩ. The computation for
the current on the 1.0kΩ, 1.5kΩ, 2.2kΩ using
Kirchhoff’s law yielded 3.7x10-3 A, 8.6X10-4 A and
2.9X10-3A respectively.

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