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Systemic Pathology I

VPM 221 Fall 2009

Preamble: Systemic Pathology I, a continuation of VPM 152, begins the study of diseases specific to
different body systems. Systems covered in Systemic Pathology I include alimentary, integumentary,
endocrine, urinary, reproductive and respiratory. During the winter semester, Systemic Pathology II will cover
the remaining systems: nervous, eye & ear, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, and liver.

Course Goals and Objectives:

! To recognize and describe gross and microscopic alterations associated with diseases specific to the
different body systems in domestic animals, with emphasis on diseases of importance in North America.

! In order for students to understand the relationship between clinical manifestations of disease in an
animal and the underlying biochemical and morphologic abnormalities, students will be required to
describe the pathogenesis of disease processes, name possible etiologic agents, list differential
diagnoses, and determine a reasonable prognosis.

! To continue learning and using the language of medicine, in particular the appropriate terminology in

Instructors* and Course Contents:

*Dr. Enrique Aburto Alimentary Sept 1 – Sept 25

Dr. Paul Hanna Skin Sept 29 – Oct 9

Dr. Paul Hanna Endocrine Oct 13 – Oct 23

Dr. Pierre-Yves Daoust Urinary Oct 27 – Nov 6

Dr. Pierre-Yves Daoust Reproductive Nov 6 – Nov 20

Dr. Alfonso López Respiratory Nov 20 – Dec 4

* Dr Enrique Aburto is Course Coordinator

Gross Lab Instructors:

Dr Soraya Sayi and Dr Carolyn Legge.
Lectures and Laboratories:

Lectures (2 per week) Labs* (1 per week**)

Tuesday 1:30 – 2:20 pm Friday 1:30 - 3:20 pm
Friday 10:30 – 11:20 am

* In order to accommodate all students during these laboratories, the class will be divided into two groups. One
half will spend the first hour in the histopathology laboratory (lecture room D), while the other half will attend
the gross pathology laboratory (postmortem demonstration room, 1030N). After one hour, students will rotate
laboratories. Laboratory coats and plastic gloves are mandatory in the postmortem demonstration room.
Individual instructors will have the option of converting a two-hour laboratory into a one-hour lecture.
** Some Lab periods have been converted to 1 hr Lectures (see Calendar for specific days).

Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. McGavin, Zachary, Mosby, 4th ed. 2006.
Pathology of Domestic Animals. Jubb, Kennedy, Palmer. Academic Press, 5th ed., 2007.
Veterinary Pathology. Jones, Hunt, and King. Williams & Wilkins, 6th ed., 1997.
Tumors is Domestic Animals. Meuten DJ. Iowa State Press, 4th ed., 2003.

Course Evaluations:
Midterm Exam Oct. 16, 2009 Alimentary and Skin 45%
Final Exam Dec 16, 2009 Endocrine, Urinary, Reproductive and Respiratory 55%

Note: In order to evaluate the ability of students to recognize and describe gross and microscopic lesions, all
exams will include a section with digital images.
To pass this course, students must attain a combined final passing grade (> 50%) for both the written
and digital image sections. Students can take a supplemental examination in the section(s) failed.
Supplemental exams will be comprehensive, ie they will include course content from the entire semester.

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