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An Empirical study on Impact of Project Managers’ soft skills and its

influence on IT project success.

Arthika Rajaratnam
Department of Information Technology
Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce
University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Abstract key aspects for success of project managers.

And has been identified a which soft skills
Purpose of this study is to identify and of project managers' influence on project
assess the impact of project managers’ success and many parties including the
communication, motivation, team building stakeholders of the projects. Most of those
and delegation, problem finding, analyzing, incidents were based on identical root causes
solving skills on project success while being repetitions caused due to project
concurrently assessing the impact of these communication within project stakeholders',
skills as moderating variables on association team work with collaboratively and
between project mangers’ soft skills and motivationally with project manager and
project success. This study gathered views team. As well as scope cut down by project
of 95 individuals associated with managers per business requirements.
organizations related to projects. Stratified The main symptoms of this situation can be
Simple Random Sampling Probability identified as project communication with
convenience sampling technique was used overseas team members and customer
for drawing samples from population. representative. Further more effective
Descriptive statistics, correlation and communication between project manager
regression analysis was used to analyse the and team members will make negative affect
data. This study indicates that a statistically on the project success. When having
significant positive relationship exists retrospective meeting about project release
between each of identified soft skills and team member will talk about in and out
success of project and moderation impact of about this area. If team members and project
team work on soft skills. The study amply manager not agree to some points they will
highlights the importance of project go through discussion. At this point project
mangers’ motivation skills and problem manager, must use their soft skills to
finding, analysing and solving skills. It is communicate the situation with team
hoped that results of this study will provide members and organization. Currently in
organizations and individual’s related to ABC organization managers has average of
projects with key skills especially soft skills leadership skills, communication skills and
to focus and successfully execute the motivation skills. As well as an adaptability
projects. and flexibility and functional strengths also
there as a soft skills of project managers. All
Research Problem Identification project managers should have oral and
written communication skills. Traditionally
Within past five years at ABC company has communication methods are well defined
moderate rate of project success. Per this but when project managers using those
study, identified requirement of soft skills as
methods there will be negative or positive who already completing more than 10 years
effect on team members or team work. at ABC pvt ltd. Project managers should
And specially when they communicate with keep proper eye on this salary bonus need.
overseas team members they should re think When compare to Maslow theory level 4
about communication methods, how should and 5 should achieve by project managers in
they address the situation. Deal with people ABC company. Project managers should pay
of different backgrounds and developing more attention when they doing employee
relationship with different kinds of people evaluation also. Not to drag down employee
will be prove project managers’ motivation self-motivation by saying “you’re not good
skills. Motivate and show how important are at this rather than you can improve this area
them to project success. Project managers more than this”.
should know how to achieve project goals Hence, at the occurrence of such scenarios,
and deal with conflicts from both inside and 'tactful negotiation skills and convincing
outside. Controlling skills are very important abilities' were used as the sole change
as soft skills. management technique to conceal the
Next main symptoms of situation can be severity of the exact impact which took
identified as reinventing the wheel situation place. Nevertheless, the continuation of the
(duplicating a basic process or a method above situation pops a question regarding
which had already been invented or the sustainability of the organization.
optimized). Hence the ability of timely Further, this situation leads towards making
completion of the projects as well as judgement on to which extent that the tactful
continues performance level agreement negotiation skills cover-up so called
(PLA) openings have become the positive ignorant reworks and repetitions that would
results of such practices which recorded impact the sustainability and the growth of
significant rise in project success during last the organization in the long run.
five years.
Always should change developments per Justification of the Problem
customer requirements due to practice of
agile methodology which is used by ABC ABC Company always cost calculating by
Company. Then must allocate extra man years / man hours. Scope Changed by
resources. If project manager got late to Project owner. This cost calculating by
understand scope got increased and should Project Manager and then Project owner will
allocate more resources, then project will be check it and approve. Cost can be two way
going to fail. Or else project manager should like Customer representative report cost and
be able to negotiate with customers and Project cost hours cost. Direct cost can be
team members about scope changes, time outside customer representative cost or team
limitation and budget deviation. outing. Project Managers will handle scope,
Currently Project managers should have an time and resources cut or increase. Project
idea about team members needs and is that Managers’ Rarely change time. But internal
needs full filling from them. When compare project time line can change.
to salary and benefits those be in level to Among the works and repetitions occurred
industrial level. But in ABC company not through various project teams of ABC
focus on that area. Due to that more Organization, there are the most projecting
employees leaving the company. And when cases which created below cases.
getting salary bonus as a benefit to
employee company reducing some amount
The following figures and secondary data Defining Research Problem
analysis will justify as to how ABC Pvt Ltd
was handling the project completion and The justifications as given above for the
deliveries by using project managers’ soft research problem have lead towards the
skills. deriving of the following problem statement.

“Over the Past five years, non-development

of soft skill of Project Managers have
affected the project success ratio adversely
of the ABC Pvt ltd”

Research Question

This research intends, What are the main

soft skills of project managers’ and its effect
on project success.

Objectives of the Study

Objectives of this research are,

1. To explore and identify current project
managers’ soft skills how effects on project
success. To examine and understand what
are the good soft skills to improve to make
success the projects.
2. To investigate and identify the impact of
project managers’ soft skills on project
3. Recommendation for how to improve
current project managers’ soft skills and its
effect on project success.
Conceptual Framework

The above stated cases are real project

example of ABC organizations’ project
success ratio situation.

The following hypotheses are proposed to

assess the impact of project manager’s soft
skills on project success,
Hypothesis 1

H10: There is no relationship between

project manager’s communication skills and
project success.
H1a: There is a relationship between project
manager’s communication skills and project

Hypothesis 2

H20: There is no relationship between

project manager’s motivation skills and
project success.
H2a: There is a relationship between project
manager’s motivation skills and project

Hypothesis 3

H30: There is no relationship between

project manager’s team building and
delegation skill at project success.
H3a: There is a relationship between project
manager’s team building and delegation RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
skill at project success. Researcher had conducted the reliability test
for both independent variable and dependent
variable data through SPSS. Then for both
Hypothesis 4 type of variables researcher got Cronbach’s
alpha value above 0.7 as per below. Hence
H40: There is no relationship between the reliability level of the questionnaire
project manager’s problem finding, feedbacks was proved.
analyzing and solving skill at project
success. From the 95 employees, 61 employees were
H4a: There is a relationship between project male and 34 were female. And 74 were
manager’s problem finding, analyzing and middle level management and 21 were
solving skill at project success. senior level management.
Then the respondents were profiled based on
their age and the level of experience as

Question A2
A2 - Others understand easily what project
managers explain to them.

About A2 mean value obtain 3.81. That is

on average basis is 4. Therefore, overall
view of respond is Agree regarding A2. This
means that most of the people have the
opinion that, others understand easily what
project managers explain to them.

Question A3
A3 - Project managers keep all project
stakeholders informed and up-to-date with
regular meetings and distribution of all
performance reports, status changes, and
other project documents.

About A3 mean value obtain 4.01. That is

on average basis is 4. Therefore, overall
view of respond is Agree regarding A3. This
means that most of the people have the
opinion that, Project managers keep all
project stakeholders informed and up-to-date
with regular meetings and distribution of all
performance reports, status changes, and
other project documents.

Descriptive Statistics Analysis Question A4

A4 - Project managers can hold the attention
Independent Variable 1 – of an audience while presenting.
Communication Skill
About A4 mean value obtain 3.72. That is
Question A1 on average basis is 4. Therefore, overall
A1 - During team assignments, Project view of respond is Agree regarding A4. This
managers often talk to team members to means that most of the people have the
understand the team’s current standing. opinion that, Project managers can hold the
attention of an audience while presenting.
About A1 mean value obtain 4.08. That is
on average basis is 4. Therefore, overall
view of respond is Agree regarding A1. This
means that most of the people have the
opinion that, Project managers often talk to
team members to understand the team’s
current standing during team assignments.
Summary challenging and specific, and that are linked
to organizational objectives.

Question B3
B3 - Project managers able to combine and
rotate job assignments so that people can
learn and use a variety of skills.

About B3 mean value obtain 3.37. That is on

average basis is 3. Therefore, overall view
of respond is Neutral (not decided)
regarding B3. That is the Project managers
able to combine and rotate job assignments
so that people can learn and use a variety of
skills seems to be not taken place in a
transparent and acceptable manner. This is
Independent Variable 2 – Motivation
the area to be streamline to improve
motivation skills of project managers at
ABC company.
Question B1
B1 - Project managers able to understand
Question B4
what motivates each individual member of
B4 - When Project managers see good work,
my team.
they praise it immediately.
About B1 mean value obtain 3.38. That is on
average basis is 3. Therefore, overall view
About B4 mean value obtain 3.82. That is on
of respond is Neutral (not decided)
average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view
regarding B1. That is the Project managers
of respond is Agree regarding B4. This
able to understand what motivates each
means that most of the people have the
individual member of my team seems to be
opinion that, When Project managers see
not taken place in a transparent and
good work, they praise it immediately.
acceptable manner. This is the area to be
streamline to improve motivation skills of
project managers at ABC company.

Question B2
B2 - Project managers able to help people
establish performance goals that are
challenging and specific, and that are linked
to organizational objectives

About B2 mean value obtain 3.76. That is on

average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view
of respond is Agree regarding B2. This
means that most of the people have the
opinion that, Project managers able to help
people establish performance goals that are
Independent Variable 3 – Team Building Question C4
and Delegation Skills C4 - Project managers able to form a team
spirit (willingness to cooperate as part of a
Question C1 team).
C1 - Project managers able to delegate work About C4 mean value obtain 3.72. That is on
that is confidential and sensitive in nature as average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view
well as other work. of respond is Agree regarding C4. This
About C1 mean value obtain 3.86. That is on means that most of the people have the
average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view opinion that, Project managers able to form
of respond is Agree regarding C1. This a team spirit (willingness to cooperate as
means that most of the people have the part of a team).
opinion that, Project managers able to
delegate work that is confidential and Summary:
sensitive in nature as well as other work.

Question C2
C2 - Project managers able to delegate
larger projects to teams of people, giving
them appropriate responsibility and clearly
defining their authority for decision-making.

About C2 mean value obtain 3.82. That is on

average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view
of respond is Agree regarding C2. This
means that most of the people have the Independent Variable 4 – Problem
opinion that, Project managers able to finding, analyzing, solving skills
delegate larger projects to teams of people,
giving them appropriate responsibility and Question D1
clearly defining their authority for decision- D1 - Project managers evaluate potential
making. solutions as they think of them

About D1 mean value obtain 3.58. That is

Question C3 on average basis is 4. Therefore, overall
C3 - Project managers able to cooperate/ view of respond is Agree regarding D1. This
work together with others to meet a common means that most of the people have the
objective. opinion that, Project managers evaluate
potential solutions as they think of them.
About C3 mean value obtain 4.08. That is on
average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view Question D2
of respond is Agree regarding C3. This D2 - Project managers able to see how
means that most of the people have the assignments/projects/team work fit into the
opinion that, Project managers able to larger picture of the module/company.
cooperate/ work together with others to meet
a common objective. About D2 mean value obtain 3.99. That is
on average basis is 4. Therefore, overall
view of respond is Agree regarding D2. This
means that most of the people have the Dependent Variable – Problem Success
opinion that, Project managers able to see Question E1
how assignments/projects/team work fit into E1 - Project managers able to meet project
the larger picture of the module/company. results which is stakeholder’s expectations.

About E1 mean value obtain 3.82. That is on

Question D3 average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view
D3 - Project managers able to ask lots of of respond is Agree regarding E1. This
different questions about the nature of the means that most of the people have the
problem. opinion that, Project managers able to meet
project results which is stakeholder’s
About D3 mean value obtain 3.6. That is on expectations.
average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view
of respond is Agree regarding D3. This Question E2
means that most of the people have the E2 - Project managers able to provide with
opinion that, Project managers able to ask enough freedom to work creatively on a
lots of different questions about the nature project.
of the problem.
About E2 mean value obtain 3.51. That is on
Question D4 average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view
D4 - Project managers systematically search of respond is Agree regarding E2. This
for issues that may become problems in the means that most of the people have the
future. opinion that, Project managers able to
provide with enough freedom to work
About D4 mean value obtain 3.74. That is creatively on a project.
on average basis is 4. Therefore, overall
view of respond is Agree regarding D4. This Question E3
means that most of the people have the E3 - Project managers’ always have back up
opinion that, Project managers plan in case something goes wrong.
systematically search for issues that may
become problems in the future. About E3 mean value obtain 3.64. That is on
Summary: average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view
of respond is Agree regarding E3. This
means that most of the people have the
opinion that, Project managers’ always have
back up plan in case something goes wrong.

Question E4
E4 - Project managers able to plan
effectively (e.g. Project budget, time and

About E4 mean value obtain 3.82. That is on

average basis is 4. Therefore, overall view
of respond is Agree regarding E4. This
means that most of the people have the
opinion that, Project managers able to plan
effectively (e.g. Project budget, time and


Per the Correlation analysis above there is

a 34% (0.345) relationship between
communication skills and project success.
Since p = 0.345 and its, 0.2 ≤ p < 0.4, there
Descriptive statistic for all variables is a weak positive relationship is available
between communication skills and project
success. Since the significance value is
0.001 which is less than 0.05. p-value <
significant level 0.001 < 0.05. It has very
strong evidence to accept alternative
hypothesis (H1a) and reject null hypothesis
(H10). Researcher accepts the alternative
hypothesis consider that communication
When look at descriptive statistics for
skills and project success have a significant
variable wise all variables mean value
relationship. However, Regression analysis,
approximately equal to 4. That’s indicating
this means when x is varies, y will become
all people view is agreed from Likert Scale.
varying. In other words, y is dependent on x.
This indicates that adjusted R2 value is 11%
Hypothesis 1
and therefore the impact of communication
skills on project success is only 11% which
H10: There is no relationship between
is significantly low. Hence, concludes that
project manager’s communication skills and
communication skill has impact on project
project success.
success at ABC Company.
H1a: There is a relationship between project
manager’s communication skills and project
Hypothesis 2
H20: There is no relationship between
project manager’s motivation skills and
project success.
H2a: There is a relationship between project
manager’s motivation skills and project
Per the correlation analysis above there is a
30% (0.299) relationship between Per the correlation analysis above there is a
motivation skills and project success. 46% (0.460) relationship between team
Since p = 0.299 and its, 0.2 ≤ p < 0.4, there building and delegation skills and project
is a weak positive relationship is available success.
between motivation skills and project Since p = 0.460 and its, 0.4 ≤ p < 0.6, there
success. is a moderate positive relationship is
Since the significance value is 0.003 which available between team building and
is less than 0.05. p-value < significant level, delegation skills and project success. Since
0.003 < 0.05. It has very strong evidence to the significance value is 0.000 which is less
accept alternative hypothesis (H2a) and than 0.05.
reject null hypothesis (H20). Researcher p-value < significant level 0.000 < 0.05
accept that alternative hypothesis and It has very strong evidence to accept
consider that motivation skills and project alternative hypothesis (H3a) and reject null
success have a significant relationship. hypothesis (H30). Researcher accepts that
However, Regression analysis, this alternative hypothesis consider that team
indicates that adjusted R2 value is 8% and building and delegation skills and project
therefore the impact of motivation skills on success have a significant relationship.
project success is only 8% which is However, Regression analysis, this indicates
significantly low. that adjusted R2 value is 20% and therefore
Hence, concludes that motivation skill has the impact of team building and delegation
impact on project success at ABC company. skills on project success is only 20% which
is significantly high. Hence, concludes that
Hypothesis 3 team building and delegation skill has
impact on project success at ABC Company.
H30: There is no relationship between
project manager’s team building and Hypothesis 4
delegation skills and project success. H40: There is no relationship between
H3a: There is a relationship between project project manager’s problem finding,
manager’s team building and delegation analyzing and solving skills and project
skills and project success. success.
H4a: There is a relationship between project Summary Hypothesis
manager’s problem finding, analyzing and
solving skills and project success.

Per the correlation analysis above there is a

40% (0.396) relationship between problem
finding, analyzing skills and project success. Conclusion
Since p = 0.396 and its, 0.2 ≤ p < 0.4, there
is a weak positive relationship is available During current research, it has been
between problem finding, analyzing skills established that in ABC Company context,
and project success. Since the significance project managers’ communication skills
value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05.p- positively affect the outcome of a project,
value < significant level 0.000 < 0.05. It has which is in line with the findings of the
very strong evidence to accept alternative earlier research done on the subject; though
hypothesis (H4a) and reject null hypothesis the contribution as indicated by this study is
(H40). Researcher accepts that alternative relatively small (11% only) as compared to
hypothesis consider that problem finding, other soft skills.
analyzing skills and project success have a There is weak positive significant
significant relationship. However, relationship at 95% confident level between
Regression analysis, communication skills and project success.
This indicate that adjusted R2 value is 15% This conclusion can take directly from
and therefore the impact of problem finding, analysis. This means when consider about
analyzing skills on project success is only communication skills of project managers
15% which is significantly low. Hence, agree as a factor for project success at ABC
concludes that problem finding, analyzing Company. It proves that with a 95% level of
skill has impact on project success at ABC acceptance that communication skill has
Company. positive contribution for project success.
More all in this conclusion it is very much
necessary to revisit the communication skills
of project managers for the good future of that team building and delegation skill has
project success of ABC Company. moderate positive contribution for project
Moreover, it has also been established that success. More all in this conclusion it is very
communication skills causes 11% weak much necessary to revisit the team building
positive impact on association between and delegation skills of project managers for
communication skills and project success, the good future of project success of ABC
which doesn’t seem much. Apropos, it Company.
implies that a project manager equipped It has been established that team work
with better communication skills will be causes 20% moderation positive impact on
able to get the better job done from the team association between team building and
members and consequently will be able to delegation skills and project success, which
positively influence the projects’ outcome. is reasonable strong and merits attention by
individual of the project relate organizations.
Positive impact of motivation skills on
project has also been established by this There is moderate positive significant
study, which is in line with earlier findings relationship at 95% confident level between
as has been highlighted in the preceding problem finding, analyzing and solving
literature review. Moreover, it has also been skills and project success. This conclusion
established that motivation causes 8% weak can take directly from analysis. This means
positive impact on association between when consider about problem finding,
motivation skills and project success, which analyzing and solving skills of project
is quite sizeable. managers agree as a factor for project
There is weak positive significant success at ABC Company. It proves that
relationship at 95% confident level between with a 95% level of acceptance that problem
motivation skills and project success. This finding, analyzing and solving skill has
conclusion can take directly from analysis. moderate positive contribution for project
This means when consider about motivation success. More all in this conclusion it is very
skills of project managers agree as a factor much necessary to revisit the problem
for project success at ABC Company. It finding, analyzing and solving skills of
proves that with a 95% level of acceptance project managers for the good future of
that motivation skill has positive project success of ABC Company.
contribution for project success. More all in Moreover, it has also been established that
this conclusion it is very much necessary to team work causes 15% moderation positive
revisit the motivation skills of project impact on association between problem
managers for the good future of project finding, analyzing and solving skills and
success of ABC Company. project success.

There is moderate positive significant Recommendations

relationship at 95% confident level between Eliminating communication barriers will
team building and delegation skills and improve and facilitate communication.
project success. This conclusion can take However, with the adoption of certain
directly from analysis. This means when practices in a communication plan, the most
consider about team building and delegation important results will follow. For example,
skills of project managers agree as a factor created a framework for addressing
for project success at ABC Company. It communication barriers globally, however,
proves that with a 95% level of acceptance it is not enough to create a communication
plan. An example of direct improvement vision to give the life and work of the
could occur with the development of skills organization a sense of meaning and
adopted a positive communication. Indirect purpose, but maintain the focus on the
improvement could occur if this positive vision. All team members enlist others by
change has allowed better communication involving them, listening to them and clearly
between different cultures. It works to communicating with each other. Then can
improve communication within the assumes that team members enjoy their
organization is done on a larger scale project work and will take responsibility for
level. applying and directing the aims of the
Considerations in structuring a project such project. This does not require external
as equipment selection and construction can control but is achieved through participation,
be crucial for effective communication. In collaboration and reward for achievements.
addition, applying best practices, such as For workers to take responsibility for their
listening actively in subsequent efforts, work leads to maturity. With this
could increase the chances of effective management style, it includes understanding
communication the level of the worker’s maturity. The styles
The project manager should get develop that a project manager with characteristics
trust by the team and gets the team to work such as allowing team members to take
together will communicate successfully. responsibility for their work; developing
Project team members need to collaborate, trust, collaboration and teamwork; and
share, collate and integrate information and sharing the vision will apply during the
knowledge to realize project objectives. A execution of a project are the Behavioral.
project manager does not communicate with From above data analysis implies that a
language only, but also with character, project manager must sum up the situation
which includes attitude, behavior and to adapt a style per the situation. When
personality. project manager may apply above style
They should allow team members to take during the execution of a project because it
responsibility for their work and sharing the adapts a style per the situation, which allows
vision with team members will enhance the team members to take responsibility for their
formal flow of information in all directions, work, and allowing them to participate in the
namely upward, downward, horizontal, decision-making process. This implies that
diagonal and lateral, resulting in successful the project manager trusts the team. These
feedback. Thus, project managers who characteristics of a construction project
should allow the team to take responsibility manager are the characteristics that will
for their work will attain more from team enhance effective communication and form
members and communication will be more the basis of a leadership style.
effective. The results indicated a people- Project Managers (PMs) should analyze
orientated approach towards the project attributes such as size, complexity,
management of a project. PMs should and industry type to determine the most
consider communicating effectively any idea suitable mixture of soft skills that can be
that possibly affects project success, such as exploited through the project. PMs should
strategic goals and the big picture. try to determine the best mixture of soft
Project Managers should state that team skills for each stage of the project.
members trust leaders and clearly shows that Furthermore, this idea can be extended to
work that is defined and communicated is other breakdowns of the project; such as,
effective. From that team members use the tasks, working packages, and milestones.
PMs should revisit the innate motivation Manazar Hussain, Kashif Ahmed, Wajid
skills and attributes that they think exist in Zulqarnain (ISSN 2422-846X Vol.8,2015).
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