Labuan Companies Regulations 2010 Pu A 414 2010

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PLU. (A) 414, 4692 LABUAN COMPANIES ACT 1990 Lapuan Conantes Reautarions 2010 ARRANGEMENT OF REGULATIONS Citation and commencement Interpretation General requirements for documents lodged or filed with the Authority Verification and certification of documents ‘Statutory declaration of compliance Affidavit and story deetaa Signature of documents lodged or filed with the Authority Documents and forms in relation to approved auditors Documents and forms in relation to approved liquidators Documents tobe lodged where change or alteration ie made in foreign [Labuan company Documents snd forms in relation so Labuan protected cell companies Forms for receivership and winding-up ‘Time for lodgement of filing of documents Pariculers to be provided in the forms Payment of fees Annual fee Liquidation of foreign Labuan company Repeal, savings and transitional inst SeveDuLe Secon Scueotie ‘Tuo Scneoure 4693 PLU, (A) 414, LABUAN COMPANIES ACT 1990 Lanuay Conpnias Recutarions 2010 In exercise of the powers confered by section 146 of the Labuan Companies ‘Act 1990 [Acr #41), the Minister makes the following regulations: (Citation and commencement 1. (1) Those regulations may be cited us the Labuan Companies Regulations 2010. (2) These Regulations shall come into operation on 15 December 2010, Interpretation 2, In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires— “agent” means the person named in the memorandum of appointment or power of attorney lodged under paragraph 121(2Ve) of the Aet or under paragrsph 10/4), “company number" means— (a) in relation fo a Labuan company, the number allocated to it on it incorporation; (b) in relation to u foreign Labuan company, the number allocated cit fn ils registration: and () insolation o proposed Labuan company or foreign Labuan company, jgeated when a proposed name is approved the reference number by the Authority: refered to in the Exchange Control Act 1953 [Aer 17) General requirements for documents lodged or filed with the Authority 3. 1) Subject to subregulation (2), document to be lodged or fled. withthe ‘Authority pursuant to the Act or these Regulations shall be lodged or fled in the office of the Authority in Labuan and shall comply with the following requirements fa) the document shall be on paper of medium weight, good quality and of international standard Ad size; () the document shall be clearly printed or typewritten of otberise produced in a manner that is permanent and possible tobe reproduced by photographic means; and () except with the concent of the Authority, the document shall not be 2 faesimile, eatbon, oF photo copy. PLU. (A) 414. 4694 (@) A person may lodge oF file the documents required by the Authority tudor these Regulations through electronic means 2s may be provided by the ‘Author Verification and certification of documents 4. (1) Forthe purposes ofthe Actor these Regulations. copy of any document ‘which requires verification shall he verified by statutory declaration by 2 person futhorized to lodge or file the document with the Authority declaring that he has compared the copy of the document with the original document and that iis a ue copy of the document af whieh it purports to be a copy. 2) Forthe purposes of the Actor these Regulations, acopy of any document lodged or filed electronically and requires Verification shall be verified by the resident secretary of corporate resident secretary declaring that he has ‘compared the copy ofthe dacument with the orginal document executed by ‘he proper signatory (@) For the purposes of paragraph 121(2)/a) of the Act, & eemified copy. of 4 document refered fo in thal paragraph is @ copy thet has, within the Period of three months immediately preceding the day on which it is lodged ‘with the Authority of within such longer petiod 2 the Authority permits. been certified to be a tre copy by an offical holding or purporting to old an office corresponding to that ofthe Authority in the country or part thereof in which the foreign Labuan company concerned is formed or incorporated (4) For the pusposes of paragraph 121(2)() of the Act, a certified copy lof 4 document refered to in that paragraph is 4 copy thst bas, within the Period of three months immediately preceding the day on which it i lodged With the Authority oz within such longer period as the Authority permits, been cenified 19 be tive eopy— (a) by an official holding or purporting to hold an office corresponding to that of the Authonty in the country or part thereof in which the foreign Labuan compsny concerned is formed or incorporated: () by a notary public: or {) by & director, manager or secretary of the foreign Labuan company by affidavit oz, in tte case of a foreign Labusn company formed ‘of incorporated within the Commonwealth counties, by statutory declaration made by a director, manager or secretary of the foreign, Labuan company. (5) For the purposes of paragraph 121(2)e) of the Act the manner of Verification of a memorandum of appointment or power of attorney is by affidavit or, in the ease ofa foreign Labuan company formed or incorporated Within the Commonwealth countries by statutory declaration, by a person verifying that he was present and did see— (2) the sal ofthe foreign Labuan company duly affixed to the memorandum ‘of appointment or power of attorney; oF 4695 PW. (A) 414, (6) the memorandum of appoiniment or power of aorney dy executed ‘oa behalf of the foreign Labuan compasy in such manner as to be binding on the company. (©) For the purposes of subsection 1214) of the Act, the manner of verification by statutory declaration ofa eopy of the deed or document referred fo in that subsection Is by statutory declaration by a director, manager or secretary of, oF by the agent of, the foreign Labuan company declaring that he has compared the copy with the original deed or document and that it is {rue copy of the deed or document of which ie purports to be 2 copy. Statutory declaration of compliance 5. (0) The statutory declaration required to be made under subset (of the Act shall bein accordance with Form 6 of the Second Schedule, 150) (2) The statutory declaration shall be made by a resident director or resident secretary named inthe arieles of the proposed Labuan company. (3) A copy of the stauory declartion shall also be lodged by the Labuan trust company with the Controller of Foreign Exchange within seven days afer the Incorporation of the proposed Labuan company. AMMdavit and statutory déctaration 6. (1) Except as otherwise” provided in the Act or these Regulations, an affidavit or 4 statutory declaration sworn or declared for the purposes of the ‘Actor these Regilations shall (a) 0 bebal of & Labuan company, be made by 8 director or a resident Scotetary of the company and (8) on behalf ofa foreign Labuan company, be made by 2 director or secretary ofthe company, or an officer of the Labuan ust company Which is appointed 28 agent of the company. (2) Where an affidavit ora statutory declaration made pursuant the Act or these Regulations purports to be sworn or declared at a place outside Malaysia, te affidavit or statutory declaration shall be sufficient for the purposes of the ‘Act and these Regulations if it purpors to be swor or declared in accordance ‘withthe requirements of the la? ofthat plsce Signature of documents lodged or filed with the Authority 17. Except as otherwise provided in the Actor these Regulations, a document to be lodged or filed with the Authority under the Act or these Regulations shall (a) in relation to a Labuan company, be signed or authenticated by & director or resident seeetary of the company: and. PLU. (A) 414, 4696 (6) in rclation to foreign Labuan company. be signed or authenticated by 2 director or secretary of the company, or an officer of the Labuan trust company which is appointed as agent of the company. Documents and forms in relation to approved auditors 8. (1) Any firm of accountants may apply tothe Authority in Form 1 ofthe ‘Second Schedule 10 be an approved auditor pursuant to section 10 of the Act ir the parners of the fism are ether members of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants established under the Accountants Act 1967 [Aer 94] or of any ‘other association of accountants approved by the Authority forthe purposes of the Act, (@) The Authority shall allocate a firm number 1 each firm of accountants which has been approved t0 be an approved auditor. @) The register of approved auditors required to be kept by the Authority under subsection 10(4) of the Act shal, ia respect of each approved autor, ‘contain the following! (2) the name of the frm () the fem number: (the address of the principal pace of business and the address ofits place of business in Labuan, if any; (a) the date of approval of the firm as an approved auditor; (ej the full names, addresses ard other particulars ofall the partners; and (Pte pasiculars of any cancellation or suspension of the firm as an Approved auditor and of any aetion taken against the fim. (4) Where thete is a change in any particulers of the frm oF its partners, 1 rotum in Form 3 of the Second Schedle indicating the relevant change and the relevant date ofthe change shall be ladged with the Authority within ene ‘month of such relevant (5) In this regulation — “fiom number" in relation (0 4 fem of accountants which is an approved auditor is the number allocated to it on its approval by the Authority pursuant to section 10 of the Act “paraers” in of a firm jon toa firm of accountants includes « sole proprietor 4697 PLU. (A) 414. Documents and forms in relation to approved liquidators 9. (1) Any person may apply t0 the Authority in Form 4 of the Second ‘Schedule to bean approved liguidstor if he is either a member ofthe Malaysian Institute of Accountants established under the Accountants Act 1967 or any other association of accountants approved by the Authority for the purposes of the Act, (2) ‘The register of approved liquidators required vo be kept bythe Authority under subsection 12() ofthe Act shall in respect of each approved liquidator, contain the Following: (a) the mame of the person: (6) te date of registration of that person as an approved liquidator () te address ofthe principal place where the person practices as an approved liquidator and the address of any ether place where he s@ practices; (4) if the approved liquidator isthe sole proprietor or partner of a firm, the name of that firm; and (e) the particulars of any cancellation or suspension ofthe approval of the person as an approved liguidator and any action taken against the approved liguiator. (@) Where there is change in any particulars of the approved liquidator, ‘a eluen in Form 3 of the Second Schedule indicating the relevant change and the relevant date ofthe change shall fe lodged with the Authority within one ‘month of such relevant date Documents to be lodged where a change or alteration is made in foreign Labuan company 10. For the purposes of subsection 124(1) of the Act, the documents which & foreign Labuan company is sequized to lodge with the Authority are as follows: (a) where any change or alteration is made in the charter, statute, memorandum of articles of the foreign Labuan company or other Instrument relating t0 the company. a copy of the instrument effecting the change or alteration or a copy of the charter, statute, ‘memorandum, articles or other instrument as changed or altered, in either case being a copy certified to be a true copy in the same ‘manner as a certified copy refered to in paragraph 121(2\) of the ‘Act is certified under subregulation 4(4) to be a tue copy: (8) ssheze any change or alteration is made in the name of the foreign Labuan company, a copy of the certificate ofits incorporation or tation in its place of incorporation or origin or a document of similar effect (bene a certificate or document evidencing the change PLU. (A) 414, 4698 or alteration) or where there is 80 such eeriticate, or document, @ copy of the instrument effecting the change oF alteration, in either ase being copy certified to be a true copy in the same mancer 88 certified copy referred to in paragraph 121(2Va) of the Act is conified under subregulation 4(3) t0 be true copy: {) where any change or alteration is made in the powers of any. resident in Labuan who are members of the locs! boar of ofthe foreign Labuan company, a memorandum duly executed by fr on behalf of the foreign Labuan company stating the powers of the Tocal directors as changed or altered; and (4) where the change is of the Labuan trust company, a copy of the ‘memorandum of appointment or power of attorney appointing a Labuan trust company in its place under the seal of the foreign [Labuan company verified in accordance with subregulation 4(1). Documents and forms in relation to Labuun protected cell companies LL. For the purposes of Part Vis of the Act, the documents which a Labuan protected cell company is required to lodge or file with the Authority ae as Fallows: (a) for the application of the Authority's consent in writing for the incorporation or conversion into a Labsn protected call company under section 130r of the Act, a Copy ofthe charter, statue, memorandum for articles of the proposed Labuan protected cell company: (@) for the incorporation of conversion Into a Labuan protected cell company, a copy of the charter, statute, memorandum or aticls of the Labuan protected cell company together with a consent of the ‘Authority issued jn Form 7 and Form 41 and the prescribed fee ia the Thied Schedule, and a statwory declaration made by an officer as presribed in Form 6; ll other statotory filings, notices, returns and declarations as required by the relevant provisions of the Act to be lodged by © Labuan Company, shall apply to a Labuan protected cell company where the context permits or requires to apply, with necessary modifications, toa cell. to Vorms for receivership and winding-up 12, Where a Labuan company is placed under receivership or is to be ‘wound-up, te prerribed forms contained in the Companies Regulations 1966 [2U. (4) 17311966) in relation to receivership and winding-up of a company limited by shares shall, subject to such modifications and. adaptations as may be necessary, apply to the receivership of winding-up of such Labuan ‘company. 4699 PLU, (A) 414. ‘Time for lodgement oF fling of documents 13. Where a document is required by the Act tbe lodged or filed with the Authority and no time period within ‘which the document is tbe lodged ot filed is prescribed, the document shall be lodged or fled within thirty days or, inthe ease of a document required to be lodged of filed by 2 oreigh Labuan ‘company, within such further period asthe Authority in special cieumstances may allow afler the happening of the event to which the document relates Particulars to be provided in the forms 14, (1) Subject to these Regulations, the forms as refered to in the third column af the Fist Schedule and set out in the Second Schedule shall be the Forms to be used for the purposes described in the First Schedule (@) A form shall be completed in accordance With the instructions stated inthe form. (@) Where there is no form prescribed under these Regulations in respect ‘of any applieation provided under the Act, the appliation shall be made in Such mnanher as may be provided by the Authority from time to time, (4) Where a form requires completion by the insertion, or the attachment to the form, of a document containing particulars or other matters refesred to in the form thote particulars ar other matters aze prescribed as the particulars for other msiters required under the provisions ofthe Act or these Regulations for the purposes Tor which the orm is prescribed, (5) Where 2 fate requizes the insertion of — (a) 1 name of a person, the name ofthat person shall be the name, in respect of « Malaysian etzen, that appesrs on bis identity cad und, in respect of» non-citizen, that appears on his passport: (b) the particulars of the identification caré number in respect of Malaysian citizen, as appears on his identification can; oF {ch the particulars ofthe passpore number in respect of « non-citizen, appears on his passport syment of fees 15. (1) The fees to be paid to the Authority pursuant to subsection 8(7) of the Act shall be as prescribed inthe Third Schedule. (2) The preseribed fe payable tothe Authority in respect of the lodgement cor filing of a document with the Authority shall be paid at the time the document is lodged or filed @) Notwithstanding subregulation (2), the Authority may specify by notice in writing the mode of payment for electronic lodgement or filing of ocuments PLU. (A) 414, 4700 (4) Where a fee is payable far or in respect ofthe lodgement or filing of 1 document with the Authority and the document is submitted for lodgement fr filing, without payment of the fee. the document is deemed not to have been lodged or filed until the Tee has been paid Annual fee 16, (1) The annual fee to be paid by & Labuan company pursuant 10 subsection ISI(1) of the Aet shall be as prescribed in the Thied Schedule. (2) The annual fee to be paid by a foreign Labuan company pursuant to subsection 121(5) of the Act shall be as prescribed in the Third Schedule (G) The annual fee to be paid by an approved auditor pursuant to subieedion 10(3) ofthe Act shall be as prescribed in the Third Schedule. Liquidation of a foreign Labuan company 17, Where foreign Labuan company goes ito liquidation, the foreign Labuan company shall fr the purposes of subsection 127(2) of the Act, nominate an “spproved liquidator ro be appainied by the Auhority within thirty days of the Tedgement of the noice of hquidation under paragraph 127(I)(a of the Act, and the foreign Labuan company shall bear all costs and expenses relating to suet appointment, Repeal, savings and transitional 18, (1) The Offshore Companies Regulations 1990 [PU (A) 32417990) are repealed (refered to in these Regulations as the “repealed Regulations) (@) Notwithstanding subregulation (1)— () all fees paid or received under the repealed Regulations shall be ‘deemed to have been peid or received under these Regulations; (b) any application made andor the repeated Regulations for a license fF registration to contravene the acceptable conditions, renewal, tansforor changes of such licence or registration, which are pending, ‘mmedistely before the date of the coming into operation of these lations shal, aftr the date of the coming ito aperalion ofthese [Regulations be dealt with under the repeated Regulations and for such purpores it shell be treated st af these Repaltions have not ‘been made; (6) all licences, registration or approval issued or granied under the repealed Regulations shall afer the date of the coming into operstion of thete Regulations, continue to remain in full force and effect until the Ticence, registration or approval expites. amended, suspended 0: ‘cancelled tinder the repealed Regulations and for such purposes it shall be treated a5 if these Regulations have not been made; and 4701 PLU. (A) 414, @ transtctions or dealings lvfully executed of entered ino, and all business lawfully done, under or in accordance with the repeated Regulations by & person who is approves or registered under the repealed Regulations, with any other person, shal be deemed 1 have been lawfully and validly executed, entered into, or done, under and ions, and accordingly, any rights ions, shall be deemed to continue t0 be lawful and valid under these Regulations. Finsr Scurouce o @ o Setntegtaion No. Desciion ef Form Form Ne ‘ete 1060) | Aplstion for approval a an eprevee aon [1 scion 10) | Approval asa apoved aor ‘etepaaton Sy) | Remin on vaca sl canges of a 3 treation 3} | proved sacaprved autor a ee en 7 ‘igthor subsection 150 | Sto) éestaon of comple « eon 0s ‘atseton 165] Cee of ncuporion of «Labo 7 pra 1alye) | sompeyliaean pried Sl empny subset 163) | Cee of epinion of Yorpn company | 8 ‘SS ent star ‘ubseatin 1623 | Apaiion for eseraton of wane . sco 1143, sn 0e ‘seein 170) | Coif contirning Airy approval © ‘bine fr rapa ude ton ‘aieeinn 2207 | Coif of inerrancy change of mane " sn oe ‘ft Labo conpyainae psec scenany sion 24097 Notes of chien 2 Son hoe { subseton 60 ‘Res fallout of rer Le ‘beet 40) Nave of Sas ai ™ ‘absecin 4207 | Some ofeaelon of sae 1s PLU. (A) 414, 4702 o @ @ Scineptton No Desepion af Form Pam No. ‘on say | Cerone of odgoneat of order of High Coun [16 sans ‘Sets reducton shave ep ‘woeecin agony | Sovensy detain by Board af Diss 7 ‘bree 5800) swbretn supey | Caries of odgonat of aecy declaration | 18 ‘bree 5300). section 55, ove of edenptin of ae @ ‘eon 16 “Tamer of tee ™ bien 8) ‘Semen of paca fn ene of ge 2 seston 0) ais of atten o roles of chars 2 ‘ebresion #593) | Novo of wan or change of rapier a Seiecoe say | ace secon 6 ‘Conse wo ato der By ‘wbcton Gah) | Retna and cans of der 3 Sten 24) | Sd Seow ‘aston 106) | Nae of place whore ager of mento % Noe son 109 ‘ona = beeen HCA) | Cafes bya aac fhe Labuan company | 28 teen 11) | Coens by an approved uior 7» subsection 1130) | Nate of appoint of aioe « ‘absesion 180) | Coif of eisatin of atc of u con tie ‘penggh 124230) | Siwy delation by Labuan tt ompony | 38 sea agent of elon company ‘tees 124) | Notes of change reaing 0 fog Laban s seston 6 os by a ge Laker company om | 7 natin of buice paragap 127(0(@) | Notice fy agent ofa spe Labuan company = 4703 BLU, (A) 414, o @ o Sectneaaion No. esesiin of Form Porm No ee ee 2 sabecien HKD | Amal ea ofa foige Labuen company o swctoe 130 ‘Conia of conesion wa Lane pees [4 feilcompesy secon 307 Retr fale of al haves 2 “abseion Ha() | Deaton of dition f= Laban company [8 Sheen 131009 ‘ebiccion 1a) | Node of ieboion of Srp Ast = ‘esta le “Aplications mame of he Lain rs ‘ltany whi has foe ck of fom the ‘ener ‘Secon Seusmuis (Regulation 14) abou Comparies Ae 1950 (Gebsecton 101) APPLICATION POR APPROVAL AS AN APPROVED AUDITOR Laban hall Serves tory ava, Malays Avolicnion sme fr appro as an approve sor pursuant 1 ston 10() ofthe {hues Comps At 1960 tad the lowing te ae i pet eta 1. (0) Nae (eo) ese (a) Telephone (eo) Fan Nas (Bont Aas toiowe Fal Nae Resend s Quacron BLU, (A) 414, 4704 (gawer Yee" or No If “Yes" ve deta sd hah cg Sis psi i eh ie (stnce"Yer" on No er ge ee (Chtoner Yo No". APY gi detail 2. ihn a te eli Ge ei eign. ene 4 Ha ay pero he apa ove (a) Seen onic fay oleic, eer tae a ele fee i Maly or eewhere? istnce Ye Mae aS gee ae (2) tad dpe ven aglea mnany hl prcsdigs when rad was gen tise ewe haetee Yet or Me. 1-Yer", give ea (0) pany ime dca rat coment ith ren wget or he (tamer Yeon So Yer ve es) 5, Ie he applicant or any pare of te applian covered by any posal indemnity (kate "Yer" oro" AP-Ye, ie di Docs he apices have ay ain wih any scooting fm in May hater "Ves" oro" 1-Yer", ie deal 4705 PLU. (A) 414. 71 Any sia ination omar rlvnt os api? infarmation given in hie application aed inte ached amnear) a9) ast Ay of Inte yer of iia ie Labean Compass Act 1990 (Sveti 100) “he La ae Seis Ai, hr it owes nde abeson 1) fe SPT pps sr i poipas of ie ak ines wader ny hn nd sal it ay of cn te yar ar ab iil Sates aes Tat Fain of than roms abuse Campane Act 1980 Letusn Camps Regains 2010 (SebeanaonSSvnbregulon 9) Ageoal No | AN APPROVED AUDITORAPPROVED LIQUIDATOR No of Adee of pitciple plae of Sse: ‘Tetephowe No PLU. (A) 414, 4706 Fas No Ades of pls of bse Labuan ty ‘he Gl anes and aoe Fal prs he mn th leva il Fal None Resdeiat | Conlon Gio ‘irae’ paint Date eis aay of in the yar of. ‘itn fh Fr Tage ah off Labuan Fn | For Ofer Ui ‘Sie auboty in Laban pceereemmae Nee: Receipt No. Atte eam “Telephone No (Sstesten 12) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL AS AN APPROVED LIQUIDATOR Lian, tie Alcuin is made fr aprval ma sprved lg pruat to sebeton 111 of he ‘iin Companies Aer 1 aed te folng stent fe ade i pct Hare 1 (a) Name of spins nn (@) RIC. No,Pasgr No _ - 4707 PU, (A) 414, (0) Academe ad profsion!quicton - () Names aed arenes of secomtiog fof wich te apc member: (4) Same md stesso ay employes: 1) Desa of mere expect asthe spat beer a) mld the gt cay on any snes ov yeton fr which x apse (nes "Yee" or No" It Yer ge deta) (0) seco ay fo of epieny acon by spec body of which ef oe (aewer "Yor or "NO" APY" ie deh te apple ene (a) tee omc of ay tec, ete (haere or°N™ I oves. ve i (@) ad judgeret sve gat Mn in any il proceedings, wen fa was lege (ner Var" NM Yes, ge ins anytime ben dele sop onpeudedwith made a nignmen forthe ‘eset of i seen Spl or sawbere (ame "ew" or No" it "Yer ave dal as he splot ha any sapere in pufoming te iets of Ug for a company (Ghnener "ew" oe No" F-Yer", give deals of experince over he edit peceing the yea PLU (A) 414, 4708 |. Ste he mae kdreses and ecopain of prt om hon he Ati may agie fore page’ of th apse prt te spear ond che experience easy aca tht all ifcmation sen ei aplicin sin he eae amex) any) letra comet ans is In te year oF nip Barna Labuan Coapanies At 1950, (Subectso 120) APPROVAL, AS AN APPROVED LIQUIDATOR ‘he Labuan ae Secs Autos In execs of the powers wed section 12) of tbe At serene cs fo bonaprvel ltr forthe proses state ee Date ie ay of ane ite yet ‘Fae Tercory of haan ae roRM 6 Labuan Coapasies Act 1980 (Sutseion 150)/ection 300) STATUTORY DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE a (NAME OF LABUAN COMPANYILABUAN PROTECTED CHL, Z “Nisan a “ries dictesteteay 4709 PU, (A) 414, rane nace of he sovenanes propre Labuan compsty/Laban protested el company Ap lem ad sncerly cine a) ta hae mde dings Lam sted a 0 poner of the sovenames roped company sent 6 Maat bah sored props conan ilo norprion soe 4 iia of " re eth ea ean of Nal (2) at alle reiemens of te Labuan Companies Act 190 en of the eins ‘oni ih Fike Poison af the Str Desartion het 196 Tet 13 shoves . Peo dy ‘a te ea of Signe ie eine for Oat or Neary) Trije a ih ficeaic Lab Financ For Ove Uae ‘Sree Aubory in Lab = ‘ee of meghtnb Nene Recit No ates: ‘oeated by: “Telephone No: ese No taboo Compass Ast 1990 (Subeson SYpamazih 15016) Conpany No ‘CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION Tibia ce is incxprt ere abu Comps At 1990 (a) 414. 4710 ea fom th apf en eet nha ie company T= omnny lined by suctinid by garsen lied Compiny. liven ude ny 8 th YF ne A RO ‘dere Tero af Labo Latwan Compny Ast 1990 (Sateen 162) (CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OF A FOREIGN COMPANY 'N8 BEING CONTINUED IN LAMUAN “Tis cay eat company cle (ame frie ‘ompny) hich fomedor eae in ‘ahasytee reed 12 ny conned in Laan od sal Be dd @ be # Laban company metered wer ‘he Labuan Compass Act 190 by he name sf ander my han ad sel his by of inte yer of ‘ede Tro of baba ‘Matai FoR (Semeatnat6ayeasecion 2@abeclon 121@)eae Oe) [APPLICATION FOR RESERVATION OF MANE aon Blt) our Ret, BReteease No: |)

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