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Held: Decision affirmed

PAY V. VDA. DE PALANCA  Promissory note was executed: Appear that petitioner was hopeful that the
satisfaction of his credit could be realized either through debtor sued
FACTS: receiving cash payments form he estate of Carlos Palanca presumptively
as one of his heirs or as expressed “upon demand”
 Petitioer George Pay is a creditor of Late Justo Palanca : died : 1963
 Undeniable : more than 15 years after execution of promissory note---
 Claim of petitioner based o promissory note dated 1952 whereby late Justo
when this petition was filed
Palannca and Rosa Gonzzales Vda de Carlos Palanca promised to pay
George Php 26,900 + 12% interest/annum
 Art 1179 of CC: “Every obligation whose performance does not depend
 George Pay now before the Court asig Segundina Chua vda. De Palanca : upon future or uncertain event or upon a past event unknown to parties is
appointed as administratrix of certain property in Manila assessed at Php demandable at once.
 Obligation being due and demandable it would appear that filling of suit
 There was refusal on the part of Segundina to be appointed stating that after 15 years was much too late. --- Prescriptive period : 10 years.
property sought to be administered no longer belonged to debtor and that
rights of petitioner creditor had already prescribed. GONZALES V. HEIRS OF THOMAS AND PAULA CRUZ
Ruling of Lower court : DISMISSAL
 “For value receied from time to time since 1947, we promise to pay Mr.
 1983 Paula Ano Cruz together with plaintiffs entered into contract of
George in his office Php 29,900.00 with interest at rate of 12%/annum
lease/purchase with defendant Felix Gonzales, sole proprietor and
upon receipt by either of the undersigned of cash payments from the
manager of Felgon Farms.
Estate of late Don Carlos Palanca and Justo Palanca.
Important details in contract of lease :
 Then came this paragraph :“court has inquired whether any cash payment
has been received either of signers of promissory note from Estate of late  For a period of 1 year upon signing
Carlos Palanca. Petitioner informed that he does no insist on this provision
but that petitioner is only claiming on his right under promissory note”  After the period of contract, Lessee shall purchase property with the price
of P1M + 12%/ annum.
 After which then came the ruling that wording of promissory note “upon
demand” obligation was immediately due.  Upon execution of deed of slae 50% and 25% thereafter shall be paid
every 6 months thereafter
 Since it was dated 1952: it was clear that more than 10 years have already
transpired from time until to date. Action therefore has prescribed.  Annual rental of Php 2,500

Appeal:SC  Lessors commit themselves and shall undertake to obtain a separate and
distinct TCT over herirn leased portion to Lessee within reasonable period
 Only question: prescription. of time which shall not n any case exceed 4 years.


 Rentals where paid but upon end of Contract, defendant Gonzales did not incumbent upon him. The injured party may choose between the fulfillmet
however exercise his option to purchase the property immediately after of obligation, with payment of damages in either case. He may seek
expiration of lease. rescission even after he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter should become the power to rescind is given to the injured party Where the
 He remained in possession of property without paying purchase price plaintiff is the party who did not perform, he is not entitled to insist upon
provided in contract of Lease/Purchase and without paying any further that the performance of contract by the defendant or recover damages by
rentals. reason of his own breach.

 Letter was sent by one of plaintiffs-heirs Ricardo Cruz to defendant CA: REVERSED
Gonzales informing him of lessor’s decision to rescind the contract of
Lease/Purchase due to breach committed by defendant + It also served as  Transfer of title to the property in the appelee’s name cannot be
a demand for the defendant to vacate the premises. interpreted as a condition precedent to the payment of agreed
purchase price.
 Defendant Gonzales refused to vacate and continued the possession
thereof.  Terms of contract are explicit and require no interpretation. Upon the
expiration of contract of lease, lessee shall purchase the property.
 Property subject of Contract of Lease/Purchase is currently the subject of There must first be payment before transfer of title to vendee’s name
Extra-Judicial Partition Title of which remains in name of plaintiff’s can be made.
predecessor in interest Bernardina Calixto and Severo Cruz.
 4 year period only starts to run the moment lessee exercises his right
 Par 9 of contract: clearly indicates that lessors-plaintiffs shall obtain to purchase.
transfer Cert of Title within 4 years before new contract is to be entered
into. Thus before a deed of sale can be entered ito between parties, ISSUES:
plaintiffs have to obtain the TCT in favor of the Defendant.
 Basic to the rule of interpretation of contracts : understood as bearing that
 Art 1181 of the New CC: In conditional obligations, the acquisition of rights import most adequate to render it effectual
as well as the extinguishment or loss of those already acquired shall
depend upon the happening of an event which constitutes as the condition.  Record shows that at time the contract was executed land in question was
still registered to the name of Calixto and Cruz, respondent’s predecessor
 When obligation is assumed by party to a contract is expressly subjected in interest. No showing whether respondents were the onl heirs of Cruz or
to a condition, the obligation cannot be enforced against him unless whether the other half of land named to Calixto was adjudicated to them by
condition is complied with. any means.

 Failure of plaintiffs to secure the TCT as provided for in the contract does  Hence when the contract of lease/purchase was executed, there was no
not entitle them to rescind the contract assurance that the respondents were indeed the owners of the lot, in what
concept and to what extent.
 Art 1191 of the New CC: Power to rescind obligations is implied in
reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors should not comply with what is


 Clear intent of the 9th par. Was for respondents to obtain separate and SMITH BELL & CO V. SOTELO MATTI
distinct TCT in their names. This was necessary to enable them to show
their ownership of stipulated portion and their concomitant right to dispose Facts :
of it.
 1918, Plantiff Corporation and defendant Sotello entered into contracts
 Nemo dat quod non habet “ no one can give what he does not have” whereby former obliged itself to sell and the latter to purchase

 In a contract of sale title to property passes to vendee upon delivery of TANKS Php New york 3-4 months NO FIXED
thing sold. In this case, the respondent could not deliver ownership or title 21,000.00 PERIOD
to a specific of a portion of the yet undivided property.
EXPELLERS Php 25,000 San Month of
Francisco Sept/ ASAP
 Par 9 requires respondent to obtain a TCT.
ELECTRIC 2,000 each Approximate
MOTORS delivery
 Petitioner cannot be compelled to perform his obligation under the contract
within 90
only after respondents complied with his obligation. days—not
NINTH CLAUSE: CONDITIONAL PRECEDENT  Plaintiff corp notified the defendant Mr. Sotelo of the arrival of these gods
but Mr Sotelo refused o received them and to pay for the prices stipulated.
 Undertaking was a contition precedent to the latter’s obligation to purchase
and pay for thel and.  Plaintiffs brought suit against defendant Mr. Sotelo of the arrival of these
goods, but Mr.Sotelo refused to receive them and to pay for pries
 Art 1181:
 Condition: every future and uncertain event upon which an obligation or
 Defendant Mr.Sotelo and intervenor ManilaOil Refining denied plaintiff’s
provision is made to depend. It is the future and uncertain event upon
which the acquisition or resolution of rights was made
- It was only in May 1919 that it notified the intervenor that said tanks
 When the obligation assumed by party to a contract is expressly subject to
arrived, motors and expellers having arrived incomplete and long
a condition, the obligation cannot be enforced against him unless condition
after date stipulated.
is complied with.
- Plaintiff’s delay in making delivery
 Obligatory force of conditional obligation is subordinated to the happening
of a future and uncertain event so that if event does not take place, parties
- Suffered damages due to nondelivery of thanks and motors in due
would stand as if conditional obligation has never existed.
LOWER COURT : absolved the defendants : but rendered judgment against
them ordering them to pay amount of money for sum of goods with legal
 Because they have not caused he transfer of TCT to their names, which is
a condition precedent t the petitioner’s obligation


ISSUE: WON UNDER CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO AND THE --- judgment of said court ordering other party to comply with his part is not
QUESTION IN MANILA  Fulfullment of condition does not depend on will of obligor but on that of 3 rd
person who can in no way be compelled to carry it out, obligor’s part of
HELD: contract is complied with if he does all that is in his power and has he right
to demand performance of the contract by the other party.
 It appears that these contracts were executed at time of world war when
there existed rigid restrictions on the export from US of articles like the  It is sufficiently proved in the records that plaintiff has made all the efforts it
machinery in question. (which in fact was known to parties) could possible be expected to make under the circumstances to bring the
goods in question to manila as soon as possible.
 At time of execution, parties were not unmindful of the contingency of US
govt not allowing the export of goods nor of the fact hat the other foreseen  When time of delivery: not fixed = reasonable time: determined by
circumstances therein stated might prevent it. circumstances

 Considering these contracts in light of civil law, we cannot but conclude  Plaintiff did all within his power to comply = reasonable time. Not guilty of
that the term which parties attempted to fix is so uncertain that one cannot delay
just tell whether as a matter of fat, those goods could be brought to MNL or

 Obligation must bee regarded as conditional. FACTS:

 Obligations for the performance of which a day certain has been fixed shall  Private respondent Ysmael ferrer was contracted by petitioners to
be demandable only when the day arrives. construct building of SBTC in Davao for Php 1,760,000.00/

 A day certain= must necessarily arrive, even though its date be unknown.  Contract dated Feb 4,1980 provided that Ferrer would finish construction
within 200 working days
 If uncertainty consists of the arrival or non-arrival of the day, the obligation
is conditional and shall be governed by the rules of the next proceeding  Ferrer was able to complete said building within stipulated period but he
section. was compelled by drastic increase in the cost of construction materials to
incur expenses of about Php 300,000.00 on top of original cost.
 In cases lie this, which is not expressly provided for but impliedly covered
by the Civil Code, the obligor will be deemed to have sufficiently performed  Additional expenses made known to SBTC through its VP as early as
his part if he has done all that was in is power even if the conistion has not March 1980, demands were supported by documentary proofs
been fulfilled in reality.
 March 1981, SBTC Assitant VP Guanio and archi representative consulted
 Obligee having done all that was in his power, was entitled to enforce by SBTC verified Ferrer’s claims of additiona cost. Recommendation was
performance of obligation made to settle ferrer’s claim but only for Php 200,000.00.

 First: When fulfillment of condition does not depend on will of the obligor  SBTC instead of paying denied ever authorizing payment of any amount
but on that of a third person who can in no way be compelled to carry it out beyond its original cost


 SBTC likewise denied any liability for additional cost based on Art 9 of  In fact, petitioner bank admitted liability for increased cost when
building contract recommendation was made to settle private respondents claim for 200k .

 --- if an time prior to completion, increasein prices of construction/lbor shall  Claim was adequately proven
supervene through no fault on part of contractor whatsoever or any act of
government and its instrumentalities which directly or indirectly affects the  Art 1182 of CC: conditional obligation shall be void if its fulfillment depends
increase of cost of project, OWNER shall equitably make appropriate upon the sole will of the debtor, In present case, mutual agreement, the
adjustments on mutual agreement/ absence of which petitioner bank relies upon to support non-liability for
increased construction cos is in effet a condition depending on bank’s sole
 Ysmael Ferrer filed a complaint for breach of contract with damages. will

 TC ruled for Ferre and ordered SBTC and Rosito Manhit to pay.  Petitioner bank derived benefits when private resp completed building.

 CA affirmed TC decision  To allow petitioner ban to acquire building at price far below its actual
construction cost would undoubtedly constitute unjust enrichment for bank
Petitioner’s argument: to the prejudice of the private respondent.

 Petitioners argue that under Art 9, any increase will not automatically make
petitioners liable to pay for such increase cost .
 Appropriate adjustment will be made upon mutual agreement of both
parties. It is contended that since here was no mutual agreement between FACTS:
parties, petitioner’s obligation to pay amounts above original price never
 Romero : Civil Engineer. In 1998, petitioner and his partners decided to put
up a ware house in Manila
HELD:  Flores spouses accompanied by a broker offered a parcel of land in the
name of private respondents Chua Vda de Ongsiong
 Art 22 of CC: No man ought to be made rich out of another’s injury  Property w/ squatters but suitable for central warehouse
 Flores Proposal : should petitioner advance P50,000.00 which could be
 In the present case: petitioner’s argument to support absence of liability for used in taking up ejectment case against squatters, private respondent
the cost of construction beyond original contract price in case the cost of would agree to sell property for only P800/sqm ---petitioner agreed
rpoheect increases through no fault of conractor.
Important parts of deed of conditional sale
 Private respondent informed petitioner of drastic increase in construction o Balance paid 45 days after removal of all squatters from property
as early as March 1980. o If after 60 days from signin, Vendor shall not be able to remove squatters
from property being purchased, downpayment made by buyer shall be
 It is not denied that private respondent incurred additional expenses in reimbursed/returned
constructing petitioner bank’s building due to drastic and unexpected o Vendee shall not be able to pay vendor, Php50,000 –forfeited in favor of
increase. vendor
 Private respondent : filed complaint for ejectment


 But on a latter date sought return of Php50,000 since she could not get rid  Sale: perfected when a person obligates himself, for a price certain to
of squatters. deliver and to transfer ownership of specified thing/right to another over
 Atty.Apostol counsel of petitioners refused tender and stated that he shall which latter agrees.
take it upon himself to remove the squatters, expenses thereof shall be  Private Respondents : obliged to evict squatters : ejectment (condition sets
chargable to the purchase of land into motion the compliance of the petitioner)
 PCUP asked for MTC 45 days to relocate the squatters  Option to rescind or to proceed clearly belongs to petitioner and not private
 Thereafter Atty.Apostol reminded private respondents of expir of 45 day respondents
period and client’s willingness to underwrite the expenses for execution of  Mixed condition: dependent upon will of vendor alone but also of third
judgment and ejectment of occupants persons like squatters and government agencies and personnel
 Atty.Yuseco Jr. counsel of privae respondents advised Atty.Apostol that concerned.
Deed of Conditional sale has been rendered null and void by virtue of his  Where so called potestative condition is imposed not on the birth of
client’s failure to evct squatters from premises within agreed 60 day period obligation but on its fulfillment, only condition is avoided leaving unaffected
the obligation itself.
Atty. Apostol : letter  In any case: private respondent’s action for rescission is not warranted.
o Contract of sale : perfected from the moment there was a meeting of minds She is not the injured arty. He right of resolution of party to an obligation
of parties upon subject lot and price. under Art 1191 is predicated on breach of faith by party that violates
o Contract has been partially fulfilled upon receipt of down payment reciprocity.
o Provisions of Deed of Conditional sale do not grant private respondent the  Petitioners have opted to proceed with the sale, neither may petitioner
option or prerogative to rescind the contract and to retain the property demand its reimbursement from private respondent nor may prvate
should she fail to comply with the obligation she assumed under the respondent subject it to forfeiture.
o Petitioner even opted to take it upon himself to eject said squatters DUCUSIN V. CA
o Power to rescind belongs to the injured party and under this case, it is the
o Vendor did not comply with his obligation in good faith
Agapito Ducusin (Lessor) Spouses Baiola (Lessee)
RTC  Vendor does not have right to rescind—she violated her obligation
1 door apartment in Sta.Mesa
 Petitioner : Injured party who under Art 1191 has right to rescind.  Baiola spouses occupied said property for 2 years
 Not convinced with the reasons of private respondent in failing to comply with such
obligation (1) Afraid of Squatters (2) Spending too much
 Jan 1977: petitioner gave notice to terminate contract and that they have
CA  Contract entered into b parties was subject to a resolutory condition (ejectment of until March 1977 to vacate premises since two of their children are getting
squatters from land and non-concurrence of which resulted in failure of object of married and needs such apartment for their residence.
 Private respondent substantially complied with her obligation to evict squatters  Petitioner filed a case for ejectment in City Court
 It wwas petitioner who was not ready to pay purchase price
 Lessor claims: Agapito Jr. has decided to live independently and needs the
apartment unit as his place of residence + lessees have violated the terms
of contract
 Condition : compliance of party : undertake fulfillment of which  Lessee claim: well planned scheme to rid them + circumvent law
demandability of reciprocal resentation of another party prohibiting raising of rentals in apartments
 In the case – vendee: payment & vendor : fulfillment of certain express
City Court  Defendantss contract with plaintiff has already terminate dwith the
warranties (timely eviction of squatters on the property notice of termination sent by plaintiff on the ground that he needs the


premises for his own children  Recommended stoppage of delivery

CFI  Affirmed LC  Ironic : Stoppage via letter on Speteber because petitioners
 Mere allegation of landlord due to use of immediate members of
family and marriage of son evidenced by photographs and a
never really stopped accepting deliveries from private
marriage certificate – already a sufficient cause respondents until December.
CA:  Clause in contract : terminate in lieu of the need of his children to  Accepting of supplies from other suppliers
occupy premises  resolutory condition  Such acts are illogical and contrary to business practice
 Resolutory condition – (x) condition depending solely on will of  Rustan: liable for breach of contract.
debtor but that of third person (lessor’s child) ISSUE: WON RUSTAN PULP AND PAPER MILLS MAY LEGALLY EXERCISE
 Need : satisfactorily proven by clear, strong and substantial
SC Affirms
 Lease contract expressly stipulates that lessor may terminate HELD: NO
the lease when his children shall need the same, such
condition is valid as happening of such dodition depends not  There is a cogent basis for private respondent’s apprehension on illusory
on the lessor but on a third party resumption of deliveries inasmuch as the prerogative suggests a condition
 Testimony that lessor’s son wh got married in Canada solely dependent upon will of petitioners
intends to Settle in PH sufficient evidene to establish lessor’s  Petitioners can stop delivery of pulp wood from private respondents if the
son’s need for leased premises. supply at plant is sufficient as ascertained by petitioners subject t re-
 Contention of the petitioner that contract of lease In question is for a delivery when need arises as determined by the petitioners
definte period being on a month to month basis beginning Feb 1975, not  A purely potestative imposition of this character must be obliterated from
covered with PD 20 . the face of contract without affecting the rest of the stipulations considering
 Definite : Disict/Certain limit. /Ascertainable time that the condition relates to the fulfillment of an already existing obligation
 Month to month -30 days (repeating until Llave exercised right/prerogative and not its inception.
to terminate.  President and Manager of corporation who entered into and signed a
conrtact in his official capacity cannot be made liable thereunder in his
individual capacity in absence of stipulation to that effect due to personality
of corporation being separate and distinct from persons composing it.
 1966: Rustans Pup & Paper Mill
 1967: Lluch holder of forest license transmitted a letter to petitioner Facts:
Rustan for suppy of raw materials.
Spouses Lim DBP
9% / annum
o Rustan : option to buy from other suppliers 11% / annum : penalty charge
o Lluch (Seler) 30/cm of pulp wood raw material 1970 Php 960,000.00
o #7 Clause: buyer has right to stop delivery of raw materials when suppl of 12% /annum
same shall become sufficient until such time when need of said raw 1/3 /month penalty charge on overdue amortization
materials shall have become necessary provided the seller is given Secured by mortage over real properties
sufficient notice.
 Test Run of Pup Mills: Major defects


 Due to violent confrontations between Government and Muslim Rebels : WON AS A RESULT OF RESPONDENT’S ACTS AND OMISSIONS,
Spouses li were forced to abandon business , and failed to pay the loan PETITIONERS OBLIGATION SHOULD BE DEEMED FULLY COMPLIED
 1978 : made partial payment on the amount of Php 902,800.00 leaving CONSTRUTIVE FULFILLMENT
outsanding loan balance of Php 610,498.00 Petitioner’s argument Respondent’s argument
 Notice of foreclosure-- to stop foreclosure respondent spouses paid 60 k  Obligation should be deemed  No bad faith
 They had several negotiations about computations, proposals to settle fulfilled  Computation were based on
 DBP Prevented them by charging different cut off dates and
amount , restructuring agreements however there was non-compliance on excessive interests and penalties different incentive schemes
the part of Edmundo. not stipulated in promsory notes  Foreclosure sale is valid because
 Jan 1994: DBP sent Edmundo a final demand letter asking that he pay the  Foreclosure void for lack of notice gross inadequacy of bid price as
outstanding amout of Php 6,404,412.92 exclusive of interest and penalty and inadequacy of bid price. a ground for annulment of sale
charges.  At time of foreclosure, petitioner’s applies only in judicial foreclosure
obligation was not yet due and  Promissory notes and
 Jul 1994: Auction sale of mortagaged properties for the satisfaction of
demandable and that mortgrages were not novated by
petitioner’s total obligations. restructuring agreement novated the proposed restructuring
 1995: Lim filed with RTC against DBP for annulment of foreclosure and and extinguished petitioner’s loan agreement.
damages. Petitioners allege that DBP’s acts and omissions prevented obligation.
them from fulfilling their obligation; thus they prayed that they be
discharged from their obligation and that their foreclosure mortgage be Held:
declared void. Obligation was not extinguished or discharged
 DBP : peitioners have no cause of action, that petitioners failed to pay their  Art 1186 of CC: Condition shall be deemed fulfilled when the obligor
loan obligation . DBP gave written and verbal demands as well as voluntarily prevents its fulfillment does not apply in this case.
sufficient time to settle their obligations and that under Act 3135, DBP has  3 requisites : Constructive fulfillment of suspensive condtion
the right to foreclose their properties, 1. Condition is suspensive
2. Obligor actually prevents fulfillment of condition
RTC In favor of Lim Spouses 3.He acts voluntarily
 Petitioners have fully extinguished or discharged their obligation to  Suspensive condition: happening of which gives rise to obligation
respondent bank  Petitioner has only himself to blame : failure to pay
 Foreclosure null and void
 The DBP therefore had reason to cancel the restructuring agreement
CA Reversed
 Extrajudicial foreclosure valid  Since restructuring agreement was cancelled, it could not have novated or
 Ordering petitioners to pay the respondent the amount of extinguished petitioner’s oan obligation.
2,592,000.00 plus interests and penalties  And in absence of perfected restructuring agreement, there was no
ISSUES: impediment for DBP to exercise its right to foreclose mortgage properties
The foreclosure sale is not valid
WON RESPONDENT’S OWN WANTON, RECKLESS AND OPPRESIVE  While DBP had right to foreclose the mortgage, there was failure upon its
ACTS AND OMISSIONS IN DISCHARGING ITS RECIPROCAL part to send notice of foreclosure to petitioners
OBLIGATIONS TO PEITIONERS EFFETIVELY PREVENTED THE  unless the parties stipulate “personal notice to the mortgagor in
PETITIONERS FROM PAYING THEIR LOAN OBLIGATIONS IN A PROPER extrajudicial foreclosure proceeding is not necessary.”
AND SUITABLE MANNER  Par 11 of mortgage: “ All correspondence relative to this mortgage
including demand letters, summons, subpoenas or notification of any


judicial or extra-judicial action shall be sent to mortgage at xxx or at the  5 days later, Reyes (President and General Manager) issued a
address that may hereafter be given in writing memorannndum to Victoriano ordering him to produce Mafran sause and
 However no notice of extrajudicial foreclosure was sent by DBP to to take only necessary daily employees without employing permanent
petitioners about foreclosure sale employees.
 When petitioner failed to send notice of foreclosure sale to respondent, he  Another memorandum was issued : instructing that Assistant Chief
committed a contractial breach sufficient to render such sale void. Chemist Ricardo Francisico to recall all daily employees who are
Penalties and interest rates should be expressly stipulated in writing connected in production of mafran sause and porky pops
 Imposition of additional interest and penalties not stipulated in Promissory  Plaintiff Magdalo received his salary as Chief Chemist in amount of
notes should not be allowed. P300/month only untl his services were terminated on Nov 3,1960.
 Art 1957 of CC: “ no interest shall be due uness it has been expressly  Due to successive memoranda without plaintiff Magdalo being recalled
stipulated in writing. back to work, latter filed the present action on Feb 14,1961.
 Payment of interest and penalties in loans is allowed only if parties agreed  A month afterwards, he was required to report for duty, but he declined
to it and reduced their agreement in writing. because the present action was already filed in court.
 In thi case, petitioners never agreed to pay additional interests and Petioner’s contention
penalties. = illegal and void. o Respondents not entitled to rescission.
 The act of respondent bank in unilaterally changing stipulated interest rate o Under Art 1191 of CC: right to rescind reciprocal obligation is not asolute
is violative of principle of mutuality of contracts under 1308 of CC and and can be demanded only if one is ready, willing and able to comply with
contravenes Art 1956 of CC. his own obligations and the other is not.
DBP did not act in bad faith or in a wanton, reckless or oppressive o Under Art 1169 of CC: in reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in
manner. delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to comply in a proper
 DBP had reason to cancel restructuring agreement because petitioeners manner with what s incumbent upon him
failed to pay amount required by it when it reconsidered request to o Magdalo: remiss in the compliance of his contractual obligation to cede
restructure loan. and transfer to defendant the formula of Mafran sauce
 DBP’s failure to send notice of foreclosure= (x) bad faith. There is no ISSUE:
showing that these contractual breach were done in bad faith or in a WON BY VIRTUE OF TERMS OF BILL OF ASSIGNMENT RESPONDENT
Facts: NO.
 1938: Magdalo Francisco invented the Mafran sause  He did not surrender formulaa
 1942: registered s trademark in his anme and as an owner and inventor  What was actually ceded and transferred was only the use of Mafran
with Bureau of Patents . sauce formula only. Magdalo returns ownership.
 1960: entered into Bills of Assignment with Universal Food Corp  Royalty : paid for use of patented invention.
 Magdalo : Chief Chemist  Magdalo intends to preserve the secrecy of Mafran sauce.
 Victoriano : Auditor and Superintendent  In order to preserve the secrecy of Mafran formula, and to prevent its
 1960: Only Supervisor Ricaro Francisco should be retained in factory and unauthorized proliferation, patentee would be appointed as chief chemist :
that plaintiff Magdalo Fancisco Sr. should be stopped for the time until the permanent character and in case of his death or other disabilities, his heirs
corporation should resume it operations. and assigns who may have necessary qualifications shall be preferred to
succeed him


 Bill of assignment clearly shows tha intention of respondent patentee at mixtures –all these provisions of Bill of Assignment are so interdependent
time of its execution was to part not with formula but only with its use. that violation of one would result in nullification of the rest.
ISSUE:  One of the considerations for transfer of use was the undertaking made by
WON RESPONDENT MAGDALO WAS DISMISSED FROM IS POSITION petitioner corporation to employ respondent patentee on a permanent
WITHIOUT JUSTIFIABLE CAUSE AND IN VIOLATION OF PAR 5 (A) OF BILL status, its monthly salary and the right of succession of his heir as priority
OF ASSIGNEMNT WHICH IN PART PROVIDES “ APPOINTED IN in case of his death/disability.
 Petitioner acting throg its corporate officers, schemed and maneuvered to MAGDALENA ESTATE V. LOUIS MYRICK
ease out, separate and dismiss said respondent from service as Magdalena Estate (seller) Louis Myrick (Buyer)
permanent chemist in flagrant violation of Bill of Assignment. Lot in San Juan Rizal
ISSUE: P7,953 shall be payable in 120 equal monthly installments of P96.39 each on
WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS A VALID RECISISSION OF BILL OF the 2nd day of every month beginning the date of execution of the agreement.
 In pursuance of said agreement, the vendee made several monthly
payments amounting to P2,596.08, the last being on October 4, 1930,
HELD: although the first installment due and unpaid was that of May 2, 1930.
Art 1191 provides:  By reason of this default, the vendor, notified the vendee that, in view of
The power to rescind obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors his inability to comply with the terms of their contract, said agreement had
should not comply with what s incumbent upon him. been cancelled as of that date, thereby relieving him of any further
The injured party may choose between fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation with obligation thereunder, and that all amounts paid by him had been forfeited
the payment of damages in either case. He may also seek rescission even after he has in favor of the vendor, who assumes the absolute right over the lots in
chosen fulfillment if latter should become impossible.
The court shall decree the rescission claimed unless there be just cause authorizing the
 On July 22, 1936, Louis J. Myrick, respondent herein, commenced the
fixing of period
This should be understood without prejudice to the rights of third persons who have present action in the Court of First Instance of Albay, praying for an entry
acquired the thing in accordance with Art 1385 and 1388 of Mortgage law of judgment against the Magdalena Estate, Inc. for the sum of P2,596.08
with legal interest thereon from the filing of the complaint until its payment,
 Bills of Assignment : reciprocal in nature. and for costs of the suit.
 The petitioner corporation violated Bill of assignments by terminating  Said defendant, the herein petitioner, on September 7, 1936, filed his
services of respondent patentee without lawful and justifiable cause. answer consisting in a general denial and a cross-complaint and
 The general rule is that rescission of contract will not be permitted for slight counterclaim, alleging that contract SJ-639 was still in full force and effect
or casual breach but only for such substantial and fundamental breach as and that, therefore, the plaintiff should be condemned to pay the balance
would defeat the very object of the parties in making assignment. plus interest and attorneys' fees.
 Sailent provisions of Bill of assignment namely, the transfer of corporation CFI ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum of P2,596.08 with
of only use of the formula; appointment of respondent patentee as second legal interest from December 14, 1932 until paid and costs, and
VP and chief chemist on a permanent status; obligation of said respondent dismissing defendant's counterclaim.
patentee to continue research to improve the quality of products of corp; CA confirmed the decision of the lower court, with the only modification
that the payment of interest was to be computed from the date of the
need of absolute control and supervision over laboratory assistants and
filing of the complaint instead of from the date of the cancellation of
personnel and in purchase and safekeeping of chemicals and other the contract.

10 | P a g e

Petitioner’s claim: contract of sale being reciprocal, such obligations are governed by article
 Petitioner holds that contract SJ-639 has not been rendered inefficacious 1124 of the Civil Code which declares that the power to resolve, in the
by its letter to the respondent, dated December 14, 1932, and submits the event that one of the obligors should not perform his part, is implied.
following propositions: (1) That the intention of the author of a written  Upon the other hand, where, as in this case, the petitioner cancelled the
instrument shall always prevail over the literal sense of its wording; (2) that contract, advised the respondent that he has been relieved of his
a bilateral contract may be resolved or cancelled only by the prior mutual obligations thereunder, and led said respondent to believe it so and act
agreement of the parties, which is approved by the judgment of the proper upon such belief.
court; and (3) that the letter of December 14, 1932 was not assented to  The contract of sale, contract SJ-639, contains no provision authorizing the
by the respondent, and, therefore, cannot be deemed to have vendor, in the event of failure of the vendee to continue in the payment of
produced a cancellation, even if it ever was intended. the stipulated monthly installments, to retain the amounts paid to him on
 Petitioner contends that the letter in dispute is a mere notification and, to account of the purchase price.
this end, introduced in evidence the disposition of Mr. K. H. Hemady,  The claim, therefore, of the petitioner that it has the right to forfeit said
president of the Magdalena Estate, Inc., wherein he stated that the word sums in its favor is untenable.
"cancelled" in the letter of December 14, 1932  Under article 1124 of the Civil Code, however, he may choose between
demanding the full- fillment of the contract or its resolution. These
HELD: remedies are alternative and not cumulative, and the petitioner in this
 The intent to resolve the contract is expressed unmistakably not only in the case, having elected to cancel the contract, cannot avail himself of the
letter of December 14, 1932, but is reiterated in the letters which the other remedy of exacting performance: which can be approximated only by
president of the defendant corporation states that plaintiff 'lost his rights for ordering, as we do now, the return of the things which were the object of
the land for being behind more than two years,' and of April 10, 1935 the contract, with their fruits and of the price, with its interest (article 1295,
where defendant's president makes the following statement: 'Confirming Civil Code), computed from the date of the institution of the action.
the verbal arrangement had between you and our Mr. K. H. Hemady
regarding the account of Mr. Louis J. Myrick under contract No. SJ-639, UP V. DE LOS ANGELES
already cancelled.' " UP ALMUCO
 Some circumstances of record which demonstrate the unequivocal Logging agreement
determination of the petitioner to cancel their contract. They are: (1) the act - Latter grated exclusive authority from 1960 to Dec 31,1965 extendible
of the petitioner in immediately taking possession of the lots in question to 5 years by mutual agreement to cut collect and remove timber from
Land grant
and offering to resell them to Judge M. V. del Rosario, as demonstrated by
- Payment to UP of royalties, forest fees, etc.
his letter marked Exhibit G, shortly after Dcember 14, 1932; (2) his failure Facts:
to demand from the respondent the balance of the account after the
 As of December 1964, ALMUCO incurred an unpaid account of Php 219,
mailing of the disputed letter; and (3) the letters of January 10, 1933 and
362.94, which, despite repeated demands, it had failed to pay
April 10 1935
 After it had received notice that UP would rescind or terminate the logging
 In clear terms, the intention to cancel first announced by petitioner since
agreement, ALUMCO executed an instrument, entitled "Acknowledgment
December 14, 1932
of Debt and Proposed Manner of Payments,"
It is next argued that contract SJ-639, being a bilateral agreement, in the
Material Content :
absence of a stipulation permitting its cancellation, may not be resolved o In the event that the payments called for in Nos. 1 and 2 of this paragraph are not
by the mere act of the petitioner. sufficient to liquidate the foregoing indebtedness of the DEBTOR in favor of the
 The fact that the contracting parties herein did not provide for resolution is CREDITOR, the balance outstanding after the said payments have been applied
now of no moment, for the reason that the obligations arising" from the shall be paid by the DEBTOR in full no later than June 30, 1965;

11 | P a g e

o Failure to comply any of its promises or undertakings in this document, the Guy be first sold; that respondent was permitted to cut logs in the middle of
DEBTOR agrees without reservation that the CREDITOR shall have the right and June 1965 but petitioner's supervisor stopped all logging operations on 15
the power to consider the Logging Agreement dated December 2, 1960 as July 1965;
rescinded without the necessity of any judicial suit, and the CREDITOR shall be
entitled as a matter of right to Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) by way of and for
liquidated damages;
 19 July 1965, petitioner UP informed respondent ALUMCO : it considered
as rescinded and of no further legal effect the logging agreement that they
had entered in 1960
Held: YES
 UP filed complaint against ALUMCO in CFI for the collection or payment of
 Respondent ALUMCO contended, and the lower court, in issuing the
the herein before stated sums of money and alleging the facts
injunction order of 25 February 1966, it is only after a final court decree
hereinbefore specified, together with other allegations; it prayed for and
declaring the contract rescinded for violation of its terms that U.P. could
obtained an order, dated 30 September 1965, for preliminary attachment
disregard ALUMCO's rights under the contract and treat the agreement as
 Before the issuance of the aforesaid preliminary injunction UP had taken
breached and of no force or effect.
steps to have another concessionaire take over the logging operation, by
advertising an invitation to bid;, and the concession was awarded to Sta.
We find that position untenable.
Clara Lumber Company, Inc.; the logging contract was signed on 16
February 1966.
 In the first place, UP and ALUMCO had expressly stipulated in the
 That on 12 November 1965, ALUMCO filed a petition to enjoin petitioner
"Acknowledgment of Debt and Proposed Manner of Payments" that, upon
University from conducting the bidding; on 27 November 1965, it filed a
default by the debtor ALUMCO, the creditor (UP) has "the right and the
second petition for preliminary injunction; and, on 25 February 1966,
power to consider, the Logging Agreement dated 2 December 1960 as
 Respondent judge issued the first of the questioned orders, enjoining UP
rescinded without the necessity of any judicial suit."
from awarding logging rights over the concession to any other party.
 there is nothing in the law that prohibits the parties from entering into
 That UP received the order of 25 February 1966 after it had concluded its agreement that violation of the terms of the contract would cause
contract with Sta. Clara Lumber Company, Inc., and said company had cancellation thereof, even without court intervention.
started logging operations.  It is not always necessary for the injured party to resort to court for
 It reiterated, however, its defenses in the court below, which maybe boiled rescission of the contract.
down to: blaming its former general manager, Cesar Guy, in not turning  Act of party in treating a contract as cancelled or resolved on account of
over management of ALUMCO, thereby rendering it unable to pay the sum infractions by the other contracting party must be made known to the other
of P219,382.94; that it failed to pursue the manner of payments, as and is always provisional, being ever subject to scrutiny and review by the
stipulated in the "Acknowledgment of Debt and Proposed Manner of proper court.
Payments" because the logs that it had cut turned out to be rotten and  If the other party denies that rescission is justified, it is free to resort to
could not be sold to Sta. Clara Lumber Company, Inc., under its contract judicial action in its own behalf, and bring the matter to court.
"to buy and sell" with said firm, and which contract was referred and  Then, should the court, after due hearing, decide that the resolution of the
annexed to the "Acknowledgment of Debt and Proposed Manner of contract was not warranted, the responsible party will be sentenced to
Payments"; damages; in the contrary case, the resolution will be affirmed, and the
 UP's unilateral rescission of the logging contract, without a court order, consequent indemnity awarded to the party prejudiced.
was invalid; that petitioner's supervisor refused to allow respondent to cut
new logs unless the logs previously cut during the management of Cesar

12 | P a g e

 In other words, the party who deems the contract violated may consider it  Upon the allegation that respondent Avellana had failed to comply with the
resolved or rescinded, and act accordingly, without previous court action, monthly amortizations stipulated in the contract, despite demands to pay
but it proceeds at its own risk. and to vacate the premises, petitioner, on June 22, 1966, commenced an
 For it is only the final judgment of the corresponding court that will Ejectment suit against respondent before the Municipal Court of Pasig (CC
conclusively and finally settle whether the action taken was or was not No. 1190), praying that judgment be rendered ordering respondent 1) to
correct in law. vacate the premises; 2) to pay petitioner the sum of P11,751.30
 But the law definitely does not require that the contracting party who representing respondent's balance owing as of May, 1966; 3) to pay
believes itself injured must first file suit and wait for a judgment before petitioner the sum of P 630.00 every month after May, 1966, and costs.
taking extrajudicial steps to protect its interest.  Respondent controverted by contending that
 Otherwise, the party injured by the other's breach will have to passively sit - the Municipal Court had no jurisdiction over the nature of the action as
and watch its damages accumulate during the pendency of the suit until it involved the interpretation and/or rescission of the contract;
the final judgment of rescission is rendered when the law itself requires - that prior to the execution of the contract to sell, petitioner was
that he should exercise due diligence to minimize its own damages already indebted to him in the sum of P31,269.00 representing the
 in case of abuse or error by the rescinder the other party is not barred from cost of two movies respondent made for petitioner and used by the
questioning in court such abuse or error, the practical effect of the latter in his political campaign in 1964 when petitioner ran for
stipulation being merely to transfer to the defaulter the initiative of Congressman, as well as the cost of one 16 millimeter projector
instituting suit, instead of the rescinder. petitioner borrowed from respondent and which had never been
ZULUETA V. MARIANO returned, which amounts, according to their understanding, would be
Jose Zulueta (seller) Lamberto Avellana (buyer) applied as down payment for the property and to whatever obligations
Contract to sell house and lot respondent had with petitioner
- P75,000.00 payable in 20 years with respondent buyer assuming to MTC respondent Avellana had failed to comply with his financial obligations
pay a down payment of P5,000.00 under the contract and ordered him to vacate the premises and deliver
- Monthly installment of P630.00 payable in advance before the 5th day possession thereof to petitioner; finding that breach of any of the
of the corresponding month, starting with December, 1964 conditions by private respondent converted the agreement into a lease
- Failure of the BUYER to fulfill any of the conditions herein stipulated, contractual and upon the following considerations:
BUYER automatically and irrevocably authorizes OWNER to recover CFI Dismssed : lack of jurisdiction
extra-judicially, physical possession of the land, building and other Although the contract to sell object of this case states that the same
improvements which are the subject of this contract, and to take may be converted into a lease contract upon the failure of the
possession also extra-judicially whatever personal properties may be defendant to pay the amortization of the property in question, there is
found within the aforesaid premises from the date of said failure to no showing that before filing this case in the lower court, the plaintiff
answer for whatever unfulfilled monetary obligations BUYER may has exercised or has pursued his right pursuant to the contract which
have with OWNER; and this contract shall be considered as without should be the basis of the action in the lower court.
force and effect also from said date
- All payments made by the BUYER to OWNER shall be deemed as
rental payments without prejudice to OWNER's right to collect from ISSUE:
BUYER whatever other monthly installments and other money WON ACTION BEFORE MUNCIPAL COURT ESSENTIALLY FOR DETAINER
obligations which may have been paid until BUYER vacates the AND THEREFORE WITHIN ITS DECISION OR ONE FOR RESCISSION OR
- in all cases herein, demand is waived;
 Respondent Avellana occupied the property from December, 1964, but title
remained with petitioner Zulueta.

13 | P a g e

 In his Complaint, petitioner had alleged violation by respondent Avellana of  Replying petitioners informed respondent that his Contract to Sell had long
the stipulations of their agreement to sell and thus unilaterally considered been rescinded pursuant to paragraph 6 of the contract, and that the lot
the contract rescinded. had already been resold.
 Respondent Avellana denied any breach on his part and argued that the  Questioning the validity of the rescission of the contract, respondent filed a
principal issue was one of interpretation and/or rescission of the contract letter complaint with the National Housing Authority (NHA) for
as well as of set-off. Under those circumstances, proof of violation is a reconveyance with an altenative prayer for refund
condition precedent to resolution or rescission. It is only when the violation NHA rescission void in the absence of either judicial or notarial demand,
has been established that the contract can be declared resolved or ordered Palay, Inc. and Alberto Onstott in his capacity as President of
rescinded. Upon such rescission, in turn, hinges a pronouncement that the corporation, jointly and severally, to refund immediately to Nazario
possession of the realty has become unlawful. Dumpit the amount of P13,722.50 with 12% interest from the filing of
 Thus, the basic issue is not possession but one of rescission or the complaint on November 8, 1974
OP affirmed the Resolution of the NHA. Reconsideration sought by
annulment of a contract. which is beyond the jurisdiction of the
petitioners was denied for lack of merit
Municipal Court to hear and determine.
 True, the contract between the parties provided for extrajudicial rescission. ISSUES x HELD
This has legal effect, however, where the other party does not oppose it. Whether notice or demand is not mandatory under the circumstances and,
Where it is objected to, a judicial determination of the issue is still therefore, may be dispensed with by stipulation in a contract to sell.
necessary.  On the first issue, petitioners maintain that it was justified in cancelling the
 A stipulation entitling one party to take possession of the land and building contract to sell without prior notice or demand upon respondent in view of
if the other party violates the contract does not ex proprio vigore confer paragraph 6
upon the former the right to take possession thereof if objected to without  Well settled is the rule, that judicial action for the rescission of a contract is
judicial intervention and' determination. not necessary where the contract provides that it may be revoked and
cancelled for violation of any of its terms and conditions.
PALAY INC V CLAVE  However, there was at least a written notice sent to the defaulter informing
Play Inc (Pres Onstott) Nazario Dumpit him of the rescission.
Contract to sell parcel of land  Of course, it must be understood that the act of a party in treating a
- P23,300.00 with 9% interest per annum, payable with a
downpayment of P4,660.00 and monthly installments of P246.42 contract as cancelled or resolved in account of infractions by the other
until fully paid contracting party must be made known to the other and is always
Paragraph 6 of the contract provided for automatic extrajudicial rescission provisional being ever subject to scrutiny and review by the proper court.
upon default in payment of any monthly installment after the lapse of 90  If the other party denies that rescission is justified it is free to resort to
days from the expiration of the grace period of one month, without need of judicial action in its own behalf, and bring the matter to court.
notice and with forfeiture of all installments paid.  In other words, the party who deems the contract violated may consider it
resolved or rescinded, and act accordingly, without previous court action,
 Respondent Dumpit paid the downpayment and several installments
but it proceeds at its own risk.
amounting to P13,722.50. The last payment was made on December 5,
 For it is only the final judgment of the corresponding court that will
1967 for installments up to September 1967.
conclusively and finally settle whether the action taken was or was not
 6 years later, private respondent wrote petitioner offering to update all his
correct in law.
overdue accounts with interest, and seeking its written consent to the
 since in every case where the extrajudicial resolution is contested only the
assignment of his rights to a certain Lourdes Dizon.
final award of the court of competent jurisdiction can conclusively settle
whether the resolution was proper or not. It is in this sense that judicial

14 | P a g e

action win be necessary, as without it, the extrajudicial resolution will  As a consequence of the resolution by petitioners, rights to the lot should
remain contestable and subject to judicial invalidation unless attack be restored to private respondent or the same should be replaced by
thereon should become barred by acquiescense, estoppel or prescription. another acceptable lot.
 In other words, resolution of reciprocal contracts may be made  However, considering that the property had already been sold to a third
extrajudicially unless successfully impugned in Court. If the debtor person and there is no evidence on record that other lots are still available,
impugns the declaration, it shall be subject to judicial determination. private respondent is entitled to the refund of installments paid plus interest
In this case, private respondent has denied that rescission is justified and at the legal rate of 12% computed from the date of the institution of the
has resorted to judicial action. It is now for the Court to determine action.
whether resolution of the contract by petitioners was warranted.  It would be most inequitable if petitioners were to be allowed to retain
 We hold that resolution by petitioners of the contract was ineffective and private respondent's payments and at the same time appropriate the
inoperative against private respondent for lack of notice of resolution, as proceeds of the second sale to another.
held in the U.P. vs. Angeles case, supra Whether the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate fiction has
 It should be noted that even in that case notice in writing was made to the application to the case at bar.
vendee of the cancellation and annulment of the contract although the Whether respondent Presidential Executive Assistant committed grave
contract entitled the seller to immediate repossessing of the land upon abuse of discretion in upholding the decision of respondent NHA holding
default by the buyer. petitioners solidarily liable for the refund of the installment payments
 The indispensability of notice of cancellation to the buyer was to be later made by respondent Nazario M. Dumpit thereby denying substantial
underscored in Republic Act No. 6551 entitled "An Act to Provide justice to the petitioners, particularly petitioner Onstott
Protection to Buyers of Real Estate on Installment Payments." which took  We find no badges of fraud on petitioners' part. They had literally relied,
effect on September 14, 1972, when it specifically provided: albeit mistakenly, on paragraph 6 (supra) of its contract with private
Sec. 3(b) ... the actual cancellation of the contract shall take place after respondent when it rescinded the contract to sell extrajudicially and had
thirty days from receipt by the buyer of the notice of cancellation or the demand sold it to a third person.
for rescission of the contract by a notarial act and upon full payment of the cash
surrender value to the buyer. ANGELES V. CALASANZ
 The contention that private respondent had waived his right to be notified Ursula Torres Calasanz and Tomas Buenaventura Angeles and Teofila
under paragraph 6 of the contract is neither meritorious because it was a Calasan (defendants-appellants) Juani(plaintiffs-appellees)
contract of adhesion, a standard form of petitioner corporation, and private Contract to sell a piece of land located in Cainta, Rizal
respondent had no freedom to stipulate. - P3,920.00 plus 7% interest per annum.
- downpayment of P392.00 upon the execution of the contract
 A waiver must be certain and unequivocal, and intelligently made; such
- Promised to pay the balance in monthly installments of P 41.20 until
waiver follows only where liberty of choice has been fully accorded. fully paid, the installments being due and payable on the 19th day of
Whether petitioners may be held liable for the refund of the installment each month.
payments made by respondent Nazario M. Dumpit. Facts:
 ART. 1385. Rescission creates the obligation to return the things which  Plaintiffs-appellees paid the monthly installments until July 1966, when
were the object of the contract, together with their fruits, and the price with their aggregate payment already amounted to P4,533.38.
its interest; consequently, it can be carried out only when he who demands  On numerous occasions, the defendants-appellants accepted and received
rescission can return whatever he may be obliged to restore. delayed installment payments from the plaintiffs-appellees.
 In this case, indemnity for damages may be demanded from the person  On December 7, 1966, the defendants-appellants wrote the plaintiffs-
causing the loss. appellees a letter requesting the remittance of past due accounts.

15 | P a g e

 On January 28, 1967, cancelled the said contract because the plaintiffs- Article 1191 of the Civil Code on the rescission of reciprocal obligations
appellees failed to meet subsequent payments. provides:
 The plaintiffs-appellees filed with the Court of First Instance of Rizal, to The power to rescind obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of
compel the defendants-appellants to execute in their favor the final deed of the obligors should not comply with what is incumbent upon him.
sale alleging inter alia that after computing all subsequent payments for the The injured party may choose between the fulfillment and the rescission of the
land in question, they found out that they have already paid the total obligation, with the payment of damages in either case. He may also seek
amount of P4,533.38 including interests, realty taxes and incidental rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter should become
expenses for the registration and transfer of the land. impossible.
 The defendants-appellants alleged in their answer that the complaint
states no cause of action and that the plaintiffs-appellees violated Held:
paragraph six (6) of the contract to sell when they failed and refused to pay  Article 1191 is explicit. In reciprocal obligations, either party the right to
and/or offer to pay the monthly installments corresponding to the month of rescind the contract upon the failure of the other to perform the obligation
August, 1966 for more than five (5) months, assumed thereunder. Moreover, there is nothing in the law that prohibits
CFI in favor of the plaintiffs-appellees. the parties from entering into an agreement that violation of the terms of
Contract subject matter of the instant case was NOT VALIDLY cancelled the contract would cause its cancellation even without court intervention.
by the defendants.  The rule that it is not always necessary for the injured party to resort to
Consequently, the defendants are ordered to execute a final Deed of court for rescission of the contract when the contract itself provides that it
Sale in favor of the plaintiffs may be rescinded for violation of its terms and conditions, was qualified by
CA certified the case to us considering that the appeal involves pure
this Court in University of the Philippines v. De los Angeles
questions of law.
ISSUE:  The party who deems the contract violated may consider it resolved or
Whether or not the contract to sell has been automatically and validly rescinded, and act accordingly, without previous court action, but it
cancelled by the defendants-appellants. proceeds at its own risk. For it is only the final judgment of the
Defendant Appellants Argument: corresponding court that will conclusively and finally settle whether the
action taken was or was not correct in law.
 The contract was validly cancelled pursuant to paragraph six of the
 The general rule is that rescission of a contract will not be permitted for a
slight or casual breach, but only for such substantial and fundamental
 The defendants-appellants argue that the plaintiffs-appellees failed to pay
breach as would defeat the very object of the parties in making the
the August, 1966 installment despite demands for more than four (4)
 In this case the breach of the contract adverted to by the defendants-
 The defendants-appellants also argue that even in the absence of the
appellants is so slight and casual when we consider that apart from the
aforequoted provision, they had the right to cancel the contract to sell
initial downpayment of P392.00 the plaintiffs-appellees had already paid
under Article 1191 of the Civil Code of the Philippines.
the monthly installments for a period of almost nine (9) years
Plaintiff-Appellee’s Argument:
 In other words, in only a short time, the entire obligation would have been
 Paragraph 6 of the contract to sell is contrary to law insofar as it provides
paid. Furthermore, although the principal obligation was only P 3,920.00
that in case of specified breaches of its terms, the sellers have the right to
excluding the 7 percent interests, the plaintiffs- appellees had already paid
declare the contract cancelled and of no effect, because it granted the
an aggregate amount of P 4,533.38.
sellers an absolute and automatic right of rescission.
 To sanction the rescission made by the defendants-appellants will work
injustice to the plaintiffs- appellees..

16 | P a g e

Article 1234 of the Civil Code which provides that:  Upon payment of the balance of P671.67 without any interest thereon, the
defendants-appellants must immediately execute the final deed of sale in
If the obligation has been substantially performed in good faith, the obligor may favor of the plaintiffs-appellees and execute the necessary transfer
recover as though there had been a strict and complete fulfillment, less documents as provided in paragraph 12 of the contract.
damages suffered by the obligee.
 The defendants-appellants cannot rely on paragraph 9 of the contract BOYSAW V. INTERPHIL PROMOTIONS INC
 We agree with the plaintiffs-appellees that when the defendants- Boysaw and Manager Ketchum Interphil Promotions Inc (Lope Sarrea Sr)
appellants, instead of availing of their alleged right to rescind, have Contract to engage Gabriel "Flash" Elorde in a boxing contest for the junior
accepted and received delayed payments of installments, though the lightweight championship of the world.
plaintiffs-appellees have been in arrears beyond the grace period - held at the Rizal Memorial Stadium in Manila on September 30, 1961
or not later than thirty [30] days thereafter should a postponement be
mentioned in paragraph 6 of the contract, the defendants-appellants have
mutually agreed upon,
waived and are now estopped from exercising their alleged right of - and that Boysaw would not, prior to the date of the boxing contest,
rescission. engage in any other such contest without the written consent of
 It is admitted that the delayed payments were received without protest or Interphil Promotions, Inc.
qualification Facts:
 The plaintiffs-appellees on the other hand are firm in their submission that  Thereafter, Interphil signed Gabriel "Flash" Elorde to a similar agreement,
since they have already paid the defendants-appellants a total sum of that is, to engage Boysaw in a title fight at the Rizal Memorial Stadium on
P4,533.38, the defendants-appellants must now be compelled to execute September 30, 1961.
the final deed of sale pursuant to paragraph 12 .  On June 19, 1961, Boysaw fought and defeated Louis Avila in a ten-round
 The contract to sell entered into by the parties has some characteristics of non-title bout held in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
a contract of adhesion.  July 2, 1961, Ketchum on his own behalf, assigned to J. Amado Araneta
 The defendants-appellants drafted and prepared the contract. The the managerial rights over Solomon Boysaw.
plaintiffs-appellees, eager to acquire a lot upon which they could build a  On September 1, 1961, J. Amado Araneta assigned to Alfredo J. Yulo, Jr.
home, affixed their signatures and assented to the terms and conditions of the managerial rights over Boysaw that he earlier acquired from Ketchum
the contract. They had no opportunity to question nor change any of the and Ruskay.
terms of the agreement. It was offered to them on a "take it or leave it"  On September 5, 1961, Alfredo Yulo, Jr. wrote to Sarreal informing him of
basis. his acquisition of the managerial rights over Boysaw and indicating his and
 While it is true that paragraph 2 of the contract obligated the plaintiffs- Boysaw's readiness to comply with the boxing contract of May 1, 1961
appellees to pay the defendants-appellants the sum of P3,920.00 plus 7%  Sarreal wrote a letter to the Games and Amusement Board [GAB]
interest per annum, it is likewise true that under paragraph 12 the seller is expressing concern over reports that there had been a switch of managers
obligated to transfer the title to the buyer upon payment of the P3,920.00 in the case of Boysaw, of which he had not been formally notified, and
price sale. requesting that Boysaw be called to an inquiry to clarify the situation.
 The contract to sell, being a contract of adhesion, must be construed  The GAB called a series of conferences of the parties concerned
against the party." culminating in the issuance of its decision to schedule the Elorde-Boysaw
 Thus, since the principal obligation under the contract is only P3,920.00 fight for November 4, 1961.
and the plaintiffs-appellees have already paid an aggregate amount of  Yulo, Jr. refused to accept the change in the fight date.
P4,533.38, the courts should only order the payment of the few remaining
 While an Elorde-Boysaw fight was eventually staged, the fight
installments but not uphold the cancellation of the contract.
contemplated in the May 1, 1961 boxing contract never materialized.

17 | P a g e

 Boysaw and Yulo, Jr. sued Interphil, Sarreal, Sr. and Manuel Nieto, Jr. in  That appellant Yulo, Jr., through a letter, advised Interphil on September 5,
the CFI for damages allegedly occasioned by the refusal of Interphil and 1961 of his acquisition of the managerial rights over Boysaw cannot
Sarreal, aided and abetted by Nieto, Jr., then GAB Chairman, to honor change the fact that such acquisition, and the prior acquisition of such
their commitments under the boxing contract of May 1,1961. rights by Araneta were done without the consent of Interphil.
CFI judgment dismissing the plaintiffs' complaint  There is no showing that Interphil, upon receipt of Yulo's letter, acceded to
the "substitution" by Yulo
ISSUE x HELD:  Under the law when a contract is unlawfully novated by an applicable and
Whether or not there was a violation of the fight contract of May 1, 1961; unilateral substitution of the obligor by another, the aggrieved creditor is
and if there was, who was guilty of such violation. not bound to deal with the substitute.
 The evidence established that the contract was violated by appellant  The refusal of appellants to accept a postponement without any other
Boysaw himself when, without the approval or consent of Interphil, he reason but the implementation of the terms of the original boxing contract
fought Louis Avila on June 19, 1961 in Las Vegas Nevada. entirely overlooks the fact that by virtue of the violations they have
 While the contract imposed no penalty for such violation, this does not committed of the terms thereof, they have forfeited any right to its
grant any of the parties the unbridled liberty to breach it with impunity. enforcement.
 Our law on contracts recognizes the principle that actionable injury inheres  On the validity of the fight postponement, the violations of the terms of the
in every contractual breach. Thus: Those who in the performance of their original contract by appellants vested the appellees with the right to
obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence or delay, and those who in any rescind and repudiate such contract altogether. That they sought to seek
manner contravene the terms thereof, are liable for damages. [Art. 1170, an adjustment of one particular covenant of the contract, is under the
Civil Code].Also: The power to rescind obligations is implied, in reciprocal circumstances, within the appellee's rights.
ones, in case one of the obligors should not comply with what is incumbent
upon him. [Part 1, Art. 1191, Civil Code].
 There is no doubt that the contract in question gave rise to reciprocal PILIPINAS BANK V. IAC
obligations. 1961- Hacienda Benito, Inc. and private respondents, as vendees
 The power to rescind is given to the injured party. "Where the plaintiff is (petitioner's predecessor-in-interest)
the party who did not perform the undertaking which he was bound by the as vendor
terms of the agreement to perform he is not entitled to insist upon the Contract to Sell over a parcel of land with an area of 5,936 square meters of
the Victoria Valley Subdivision in Antipolo, Rizal
performance of the contract by the defendant, or recover damages by
- P47,488.00
reason of his own breach” - total sum, an amount of Pl2,182.00 was applied thereto so as to
 Another violation of the contract in question was the assignment and reduce the balance on the principal to P35,306.00;
transfer, first to J. Amado Araneta, and subsequently, to appellant Yulo, - aforesaid balance, together with the stipulated interest of 6% per
Jr., of the managerial rights over Boysaw without the knowledge or annum, was to be paid over a period of 8-1/2 years starting on May 1,
consent of Interphil. 1961
 The assignments, from Ketchum to Araneta, and from Araneta to Yulo, - monthly installment of P446.10 until fully paid-although this monthly
installment was later adjusted to the higher amount of P797.86,
were in fact novations of the original contract which, to be valid, should
starting on April 1, 1965
have been consented to by Interphil. - complete payment by the vendee of the total price of the lot the
 Novation which consists in substituting a new debtor in the place of the vendor shall execute a deed of sale in favor of the vendee;
original one, may be made even without the knowledge or against the will - contract shall be considered automatically rescinded and cancelled
of the latter, but not without the consent of the creditor. [Art. 1293, Civil and of no further force and effect upon failure of the vendee to pay
Code, when due, three or more consecutive installments as stipulated

18 | P a g e

therein or to comply with any of the terms and conditions thereof, in  Petitioner filed an Answer with counterclaim for damages in the form of
which case the vendor shall have right to resell the said parcel of land attorney's fees, claiming that Contract to Sell No. VV-18(a) has been
to any person interested, forfeiting payments made by the vendee as automatically rescinded or cancelled by virtue of private respondents'
liquidated damages.
failure to pay the installments due in the contract under the automatic
rescission clause.
 Petitioner requested remittance of installment arrears showing partial
LC: decision in private respondents' favor, holding that petitioner could not
payments for the month of April 1965 and May 1965 and complete default rescind the contract to sell, because: (a) petitioner waived the automatic
for June, July and August, 1965; with the incoming installment for rescission clause by accepting payment on September 1967, and by
September 1965 sending letters advising private respondents of the balances due, thus,
 In partial compliance with the aforesaid Statements of Account, private looking forward to receiving payments thereon; (b) in any event, until
respondents paid on September 3, 1965 the sum of Pl,397.00 which May 18, 1977 (when petitioner made arrangements for the acquisition of
answers for the installments for the months of June 1965 to August 1965; additional 870 square meters) petitioner could not have delivered the
entire area contracted for, so, neither could private respondents be liable
 On March 17, 1967, petitioner sent private respondents a simple demand in default, citing Art. 1 189 of the New Civil Code.
letter showing a delinquency in their monthly amortizations for 19 months CA: Affirrmed
 On April 17, 1967, petitioner again sent private respondents a demand ISSUE:
letter showing total arrearages of 20 months as of April 1965, but this time whether or not the Contract to Sell No. VV-18(a) was rescinded or
advising that unless they up-date their installment payments, petitioner cancelled, under the automatic rescission clause contained therein.
shall be constrained to avail of the automatic rescission clause
 On May 17, 1967, private respondents made a partial payments HELD:
continuously requesting for an extention to pay all their arrearages and  A contractual provision allowing "automatic rescission" (without prior need
update their payments of judicial rescission, resolution or cancellation) is VALID, the remedy of
 ; one who feels aggrieved being to go to Court for the cancellation of the
 After almost three (3) years, or on July 16, 1970, private respondents rescission itself, in case the rescission is found unjustified under the
wrote a letter to petitioner requesting for a Statement of Account as of date circumstances.
in arrears and interests  In the instant case there is a clear WAIVER of the stipulated right of
 On May 19, 1971, petitioner wrote a letter to private respondents, "automatic rescission," as evidenced by the many extensions granted
reminding them of their balance which will be due on the 31st instant private respondents by the petitioner.
 More than two (2) years from May 19, 1971 or on July 5, 1973, private  In all these extensions, the petitioner never called attention to the proviso
respondents wrote a letter to petitioner expressing their desire to fully on "automatic rescission."
settle their obligation, requesting for a complete statement of all the
balance due including interests; ONG V. CA
 On March 27, 1974, petitioner wrote a letter to private respondents, 1983- Jaime Ong (buyer) Spouses Robles (seller)
informing them that the contract to sell had been rescinded/cancelled by a Agreement of Purchase and Sale respecting two parcels of land situated at
notarial act, to which letter was annexed a "Demand for Rescission of Barrio Puri, San Antonio, Quezon
- P2,000,000.00
Contract", notarized on March 25, - initial payment P600,000.00
 In view of the foregoing, private respondents filed Complaint for Specific - P103,499.91 shall be paid, and as already paid by the BUYER to the
Performance with Damages to compel petitioner to execute a deed of sale SELLERS on March 22, 1983
in their favor, and to deliver to them the title of the lot in question. - P496,500.09 shall be paid directly by the BUYER to the Bank of
Philippine Islands to answer for the loan of the SELLERS which as of

19 | P a g e

March 15, 1983 amounted to P537,310.10, and for the interest that  When the bank threatened to foreclose the respondent spouses
may accrued (sic) from March 15, 1983, up to the time said obligation mortgage, they sold three transformers of the rice mill worth P51,411.00 to
of the SELLERS with the said bank has been settled, provided pay off their outstanding obligation with said bank, with the knowledge and
however that the amount in excess of P496,500.09, shall be
conformity of petitioner.
chargeable from the time deposit of the SELLERS with the aforesaid
bank.  Petitioner, in return, voluntarily gave the spouses authority to operate the
- balance P1,400,000.00 paid by the BUYER to the SELLERS in four rice mill.[ He, however, continued to be in possession of the two parcels of
(4) equal quarterly installments of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY land.
THOUSAND PESOS (P350,000.00),  On August 2, 1985, respondent spouses, through counsel, sent petitioner
- promise to sell to said BUYER the two (2) parcels of agricultural land a demand letter asking for the return of the properties. Their demand was
including the rice mill and the piggery which are the most notable
left unheeded.
improvements thereon, situated at Barangay Puri, San Antonio
Quezon,  Spouses filed with the Regional Trial Court of Lucena City, Branch 60, a
- upon the payment of the total purchase price by the BUYER the complaint for rescission of contract and recovery of properties with
SELLERS bind themselves to deliver to the former a good and damages. Later, while the case was still pending with the trial court,
sufficient deed of sale and conveyance for the described two (2) petitioner introduced major improvements on the subject properties
parcels of land, free and clear from all liens and encumbrances  Writ of preliminary injuction was issued by RTC
- immediately upon the execution of this document, the SELLERS shall
RTC Ordering defendant, Jaime Ong to deliver the two (2) parcels of land
deliver, surrender and transfer possession of the said parcels of land
which are the subject matter of Exhibit A together with the
including all the improvements that may be found thereon, to the
improvements thereon to the spouses Miguel K. Robles and Alejandro
BUYER, and the latter shall take over from the SELLER the
M. Robles
possession, operation, control and management of the RICEMILL and
Ordering plaintiff spouses, Miguel Robles and Alejandra Robles to
PIGGERY found on the aforesaid parcels of land.
return to Jaime Ong the sum of P497,179.51;
CA Affirmed
Noted that the failure of petitioner to completely pay the purchase price
is a substantial breach of his obligation which entitles the private
 On May 15, 1983, petitioner Ong took possession of the subject parcels of respondents to rescind their contract under Article 1191 of the New
land together with the piggery, building, ricemill, residential house and Civil Code
other improvements thereon. ISSUES:
 Pursuant to the contract they executed, petitioner paid respondent Whether the contract entered into by the parties may be validly rescinded under
spouses the sum of P103,499.91[2] by depositing it with UCPB. Article 1191 of the New Civil Code; and
Subsequently, petitioner deposited sums of money with BPI Whether the parties had novated their original contract as to the time and
 To answer for his balance of P1,400,000.00 petitioner issued four (4) post- manner of payment.
dated Metro Bank checks payable to respondent spouses in the amount of
P350,0000.00 each,  Petitioner contends that Article 1191 of the New Civil Code is not
 When presented for payment, however, the checks were dishonored due applicable since he has already paid respondent spouses a considerable
to insufficient funds. Petitioner promised to replace the checks but failed to sum and has therefore substantially complied with his obligation. He cites
do so. Article 1383 instead, to the effect that where specific performance is
available as a remedy, rescission may not be resorted to.
 To make matters worse, out of the P496,500.00 loan of respondent
spouses with the Bank of the Philippine Islands, which petitioner, as per
agreement, should have paid, petitioner only managed to dole out no more Art 1380 Art 1191
 remedy granted by law to the  Refers to rescission applicable to
than P393,679.60.

20 | P a g e

contracting parties and even to reciprocal obligations. Reciprocal  Respondents in the case at bar bound themselves to deliver a deed of
third persons, to secure the obligations are those which arise absolute sale and clean title covering the two parcels of land upon full
reparation of damages caused to from the same cause, and in payment by the buyer of the purchase price of P2,000,000.00. (suspensive
them by a contract, even if this which each party is a debtor and condition)
should be valid, by restoration of a creditor of the other, such that
 Petitioner, however, failed to complete payment of the purchase price. The
things to their condition at the the obligation of one is
moment prior to the celebration of dependent upon the obligation of non-fulfillment of the condition of full payment rendered the contract to sell
the contract. the other. ineffective and without force and effect.
 It implies a contract, which even if  They are to be performed  It must be stressed that the breach contemplated in Article 1191 of the
initially valid, produces a lesion or simultaneously such that the New Civil Code is the obligors failure to comply with an obligation already
a pecuniary damage to someone. performance of one is extant, not a failure of a condition to render binding that obligation.Failure
conditioned upon the
to pay, in this instance, is not even a breach but merely an event which
simultaneous fulfillment of the
other prevents the vendors obligation to convey title from acquiring binding force
rescission under Article 1383 is a Resolution is a principal action which  Hence, the agreement of the parties in the case at bench may be set
subsidiary action limited to cases of is based on breach of a party aside, but not because of a breach on the part of petitioner for failure to
rescission for lesion under Article complete payment of the purchase price. Rather, his failure to do so
1381 of the New Civil Code brought about a situation which prevented the obligation of respondent
1. Entered into by guardians spouses to convey title from acquiring an obligatory force.
2. Those agreed upon in Petitioner insists, however, that the contract was novated as to the
representation of absentees
manner and time of payment.
3. Undertaken in fraud of creditors
when the latter cannot in any manner We are not persuaded.
collect the claims due them  Article 1292 of the New Civil Code states that, In order that an obligation
4. Refer to things under litigation if may be extinguished by another which substitutes the same, it is
they have been entered into by the imperative that it be so declared in unequivocal terms, or that the old and
defendant without the knowledge and the new obligations be on every point incompatible with each other.
approval of the litigants or of
 Novation is never presumed, it must be proven as a fact either by express
competent judicial authority;
5. All other contracts specially stipulation of the parties or by implication derived from an irreconcilable
declared by law to be subject to incompatibility between the old and the new obligation.
rescission.  Petitioner cites the following instances as proof that the contract was
 Obviously, the contract entered into by the parties in the case at bar does novated: the retrieval of the transformers from petitioners custody and their
not fall under any of those mentioned by Article 1381. sale by the respondents to MERALCO on the condition that the proceeds
May the contract entered into between the parties, however, be rescinded thereof be accounted for by the respondents and deducted from the price
based on Article 1191? of the contract; the take-over by the respondents of the custody and
operation of the rice mill; and the continuous and regular withdrawals by
Contract to Sell Contract of Sale respondent Miguel Robles of installment sums per vouchers on the
ownership is, by agreement, reserved the title to the property passes to the condition that these installments be credited to petitioners account and
in the vendor and is not to pass to the vendee upon the delivery of the thing deducted from the balance of the purchase price.
vendee until full payment of the sold  Contrary to petitioners claim, records show that the parties never even
purchase price
intended to novate their previous agreement.
payment of the purchase price is a ownership is transferred to the buyer
positive suspensive condition right upon its execution

21 | P a g e

 records are bereft of evidence that respondent spouses willingly agreed to  RSACC advised FEGDI of the sale to Vertex and FEGDI, in turn,
modify their previous arrangement. instructed Forest Hills to recognize Vertex as a shareholder. For this
reason, Vertex enjoyed membership privileges in Forest Hills.
In order for novation to take place, the concurrence of the following Illustration
requisites :  Seventeen (17) months after the sale (or on July 28, 2000), Vertex wrote
(1) there must be a previous valid obligation; FEDGI a letter demanding the issuance of a stock certificate in its name.
(2) there must be an agreement of the parties concerned to a new contract;  FELI replied, initially requested Vertex to first pay the necessary fees for
(3) there must be the extinguishment of the old contract; and the transfer. Although Vertex complied with the request, no certificate was
(4) there must be the validity of the new contract.[ issued.
 aforesaid requisites are not found in the case at bench. The subsequent  Vertex filed on January 7, 2002 a Complaint for Rescission with Damages
acts of the parties hardly demonstrate their intent to dissolve the old and Attachment against FEGDI, FELI and Forest Hills. It averred that the
obligation as a consideration for the emergence of the new one. We repeat petitioners defaulted in their obligation as sellers when they failed and
to the point of triteness, novation is never presumed, there must be an refused to issue the stock certificate covering the subject share despite
express intention to novate. repeated demands.
 petitioner is a builder in bad faith. He introduced the improvements on the  On the basis of its rights under Article 1191 of the Civil Code, Vertex
premises knowing fully well that he has not paid the consideration of the prayed for the rescission of the sale and demanded the reimbursement of
contract in full and over the vigorous objections of respondent spouses. the amount it paid (or ₱1,100,000.00), plus interest.

FIL-ESTATE GOLF AND DEVELOPMNET INC V. VERTEX SALES AND RTC  delay in the issuance of stock certificates does not warrant
TRADIG INC rescission of the contract as this constituted a mere casual or slight
FEGDI Stock corporation : primary business: dev’ of golf courses breach.
FELI Stock corporation : Real estate development  the issuance of the stock certificate is just a collateral matter to the
FEGDI developer of Forest Hills and in consideration for its efforts, was issued sale and the stock certificate is not essential to "the creation of the
several shares of stock of Forest Hills relation of shareholder."
Facts: CA Reversed
FEGDI  no valid transfer of shares where there is no delivery of the stock
Class "C" Common  Prolonged issuance of the stock certificate a substantial breach that
Share of Forest served as basis for Vertex to rescind the sale.
Hills for FEGDI Argument
₱1,100,000.00 VERTEX - delay cannot be considered a substantial breach because Vertex was
unequivocally recognized as a shareholder of Forest Hills.
- RSACC also used its shareholder rights and eventually sold its share
to Vertex despite the absence of a stock certificate
- just recklessly dragged into the action due to a mistake committed by
prior to full FEGDI’s staff on two instances. The first was when their counsel used
paymen sold to
the letterhead of FELI instead of FEGDI in its reply-letter to Vertex; the
Vertex said shares
second was when they used the receipt of FELI for receipt of the
documentary stamp tax paid by Vertex.

22 | P a g e

VERTEX Argument:  Despite its full payment of the purchase price on January 17, 2006 and
- fulfillment of its obligation to pay the purchase price called into action subsequent demands, GPI failed to execute the deed and to deliver the
the petitioners’ reciprocal obligation to deliver the stock certificate title and physical possession of the subject lot.
- Since there was delay in the issuance of a certificate for more than  Thus, on May 3, 2006, Sps. Fajardo filed before the Housing and Land
three years, then it should be considered a substantial breach Use Regulatory Board-Expanded National Capital Region Field Office () a
warranting the rescission of the sale complaint for specific performance or rescission of contract with damages
ISSUE against GPI and the members of its Board of Directors
Whether the delay in the issuance of a stock certificate can be considered a  Sps. Fajardo averred that GPI violated Section 209 of Presidential Decree
substantial breach as to warrant rescission of the contract of sale. No. 95710 (PD 957) due to its failure to construct and provide water
facilities, improvements, infrastructures and other forms of development
Held: including water supply and lighting facilities for the subdivision project.
 Physical delivery is necessary to transfer ownership of stocks  GPI also failed to provide boundary marks for each lot and that the mother
 In this case, Vertex fully paid the purchase price by February 11, 1999 but title including the subject lot had no technical description and was even
the stock certificate was only delivered on January 23, 2002 after Vertex levied upon by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) without their
filed an action for rescission against FEGDI. knowledge
 Under these facts, considered in relation to the governing law, FEGDI  For their part, petitioners maintained that at the time of the execution of the
clearly failed to deliver the stock certificates, representing the shares of contract, Sps. Fajardo were actually aware that GPI's certificate of title had
stock purchased by Vertex, within a reasonable time from the point the no technical description inscribed on it. Nonetheless, the title to the subject
shares should have been delivered. lot was free from any liens or encumbrances.
 This was a substantial breach of their contract that entitles Vertex the right  Petitioners claimed that the failure to deliver the title to Sps. Fajardo was
to rescind the sale under Article 1191 of the Civil Code. beyond their control
 Vertex already enjoyed the rights a shareholder can exercise but the  Petitioners thus argued that Article 1191 of the Civil Code (Code) – the
enjoyment of these rights cannot suffice where the law, by its express provision on which Sps. Fajardo anchor their right of rescission – remained
terms, requires a specific form to transfer ownership. inapplicable since they were actually willing to comply with their obligation
 Regarding the involvement of FELI in this case, no privity of contract exists but were only prevented from doing so due to circumstances beyond their
between Vertex and FELI. control
 In the sale of the Class "C" Common Share, the parties are only FEGDI, as
HLURBENCRFO Infavor of Sps. Fajardo,
seller, and Vertex, as buyer. - GPI’s obligation to execute the corresponding
deed and to deliver the transfer certificate of title
GOTESCO PROPERTIES INC V. FAJARDO and possession of the subject lot arose and thus
Spouses Fajardo (buyer) Gotesco properties Inc (seller) became due and demandable at the time Sps.
Purchase of 100 sqm lot: a subjdivision owned and developed by GPI. Fajardo had fully paid the purchase price for the
- ₱126,000.00 within a 10-year period, including interest at the rate of subject lot
nine percent (9%) per annum. - GPI’s failure to meet the said obligation
- GPI, on the other hand, agreed to execute a final deed of sale (deed) constituted a substantial breach of the contract
in favor of Sps. Fajardo upon full payment of the stipulated which perforce warranted its rescission.
consideration HLURB Board of Affirmed
Facts: Commissioners
CA Affirmed

23 | P a g e

A. Sps. Fajardo’s right to rescind Since Article 1385 of the Civil Code expressly and clearly states that
"rescission creates the obligation to return the things which were the object
 In a contract to sell, the seller's obligation to deliver the corresponding of the contract, together with their fruits, and the price with its interest," the
certificates of title is simultaneous and reciprocal to the buyer's full Court finds no justification to sustain petitioners’ position that said Article
payment of the purchase price 1385 does not apply to rescission under Article 1191. x x x33 (Emphasis
Spouses Fajardo claim GPI claim supplied; citations omitted.)
GPI breached the contract due to its GPI could not have committed any  In this light, it cannot be denied that only GPI benefited from the contract,
failure to execute the deed of sale breach of contract considering that having received full payment of the contract price plus interests as early as
and to deliver the title and its purported non-compliance was January 17, 2000, while Sps. Fajardo remained prejudiced by the
possession over the subject lot, largely impelled by circumstances
persisting non-delivery of the subject lot despite full payment.
notwithstanding the full payment of beyond its control i.e., the legal
the purchase price mad as well as proceedings concerning the  As a necessary consequence, considering the propriety of the rescission
the latter’s demand for GPI to subdivision of the property into as earlier discussed, Sps. Fajardo must be able to recover the price of the
comply with the aforementioned individual lots property pegged at its prevailing market value consistent with the
obligations per the letter dated
September 16, 2002. REYES V. ROSSI
Teodoro Reyes (Buyer) Advanced Foundation (Seller)
deed of conditional sale involving the purchase by Reyes of equipment
 No plausible explanation was advanced by the petitioners as to why the consisting of a Warman Dredging Pump HY 300A worth ₱10,000,000.00
petition for inscription (docketed as LRC Case No. 4211) dated January 6, - Reyes would pay the sum of ₱3,000,000.00 as downpayment, and the
2000,25 was filed only after almost eight (8) years from the acquisition of balance of ₱7,000,000.00 through four post-dated checks
the subject property.  In January 1998, Reyes requested the restructuring of his obligation under
 Neither did petitioners sufficiently explain why GPI took no positive action the deed of conditional sale by replacing the four post-dated checks with
to cause the immediate filing of a new petition for inscription within a nine post-dated checks that would include interest at the rate of
reasonable time from notice of the July 15, 2003 CA Decision which ₱25,000.00/month accruing on the unpaid portion of the obligation.
dismissed GPI’s earlier petition based on technical defects, this  Advanced Foundation assented to Reyes’ request, and returned the four
notwithstanding Sps. Fajardo's full payment of the purchase price and prior checks. In turn, Reyes issued and delivered the following nine postdated
demand for delivery of title checks in the aggregate sum of ₱7,125,000.00 drawn against the United
 Clearly, the long delay in the performance of GPI's obligation from date of Coconut Planters Bank,
demand on September 16, 2002 was unreasonable and unjustified.  Rossi deposited three of the post-dated checks (i.e., No. 72807, No.
 It cannot therefore be denied that GPI substantially breached its contract 79125 and No. 72808) on their maturity dates in Advanced Foundation’s
to sell with Sps. Fajardo which thereby accords the latter the right to bank account at the PCI Bank in Makati. Checks were denied.
rescind the same pursuant to Article 1191 of the Code  In the meanwhile,Reyes commenced an action for rescission of contract
B. Effects of rescission and damages in and ordering Advanced Foundation to return the
 Rescission does not merely terminate the contract and release the parties ₱3,000,000.00 downpayment with legal interest from June 4, 1998 until
from further obligations to each other, but abrogates the contract from its fully paid; and to pay to him attorney’s fees, and various kinds and
inception and restores the parties to their original positions as if no contract amounts of damages.
has been made.  Rossi charged Reyes with cases of estafa and of violation of Batas
 This Court has consistently ruled that this provision applies to rescission Pambansa Blg. 22 in the Office of the City Prosecutor of Makati for the
under Article 1191: dishonor of Checks.

24 | P a g e

 On September 29, 1998, Reyes submitted his counter-affidavit in the

Office of the City Prosecutor claiming that the checks had not been issued Ruling
for any valuable consideration; that he had discovered from the start of
using the dredging pump involved in the conditional sale that the The petition for review is without merit.
Caterpillar diesel engine powering the pump had been rated at only 560
horsepower instead of the 1200 horsepower Advanced Foundation had  A prejudicial question generally comes into play in a situation where a civil
represented to him; that welding works on the pump had neatly concealed action and a criminal action are both pending, and there exists in the
several cracks; that on May 6, 1998 he had written to Advanced former an issue that must first be determined before the latter may
Foundation complaining about the misrepresentations on the specifications proceed, because howsoever the issue raised in the civil action is resolved
of the pump and demanding documentary proof of Advanced Foundation’s would be determinative juris et de jure of the guilt or innocence of the
ownership of the pump; that he had caused the order to stop the payment accused in the criminal case.
of three; that he had subsequently discovered other hidden defects, Section 7. Elements of prejudicial question. – The elements of a prejudicial
prompting him to write another letter; and that instead of attending to his question are: (a) the previously instituted civil action involves an issue similar or
complaints and request, Advanced Foundation’s lawyers had threatened intimately related to the issue raised in the subsequent criminal action, and (b)
him with legal action. the resolution of such issue determines whether or not the criminal action may
Assistant recommended the dismissal of the charges of estafa and the proceed
Prosecutor suspension of the proceedings relating to the violation of Batas  Contending that the rescission of the contract of sale constitutes a
Pambansa Blg. 22 based on a prejudicial question. prejudicial question, Reyes posits that the resolution of the civil action will
City Approved recommendation be determinative of whether or not he was criminally liable for the
violations of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22.
Secretary Denied petition for Review
 He states that if the contract would be rescinded, his obligation to pay
of Justice
CA Instant petition is GRANTED in so far as the issue of the under the conditional deed of sale would be extinguished, and such
existence of prejudicial question is concerned. Accordingly, the outcome would necessarily result in the dismissal of the criminal
order suspending the preliminary investigation in I.S. No. 98- proceedings for the violations of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22.
40024-29 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and the dismissal of  The action for the rescission of the deed of sale on the ground that
the complaint for estafa is AFFIRMED. Advanced Foundation did not comply with its obligation actually seeks one
of the alternative remedies available to a contracting party under Article
 Reyes asserts that the CA erred in ruling that there was no prejudicial 1191 of the Civil Code, to wit:
question that warranted the suspension of the criminal proceedings against  Article 1191 of the Civil Code recognizes an implied or tacit resolutory
him; that the petition suffered fatal defects that merited its immediate condition in reciprocal obligations. The condition is imposed by law, and
dismissal; applies even if there is no corresponding agreement thereon between the
 Rossi counters that the petition for review should be outrightly dismissed parties.
because of its fatal defect; that the CA did not err in ruling that the action  The explanation for this is that in reciprocal obligations a party incurs in
for rescission of contract did not pose a prejudicial question that would delay once the other party has performed his part of the contract; hence,
suspend the criminal proceedings. the party who has performed or is ready and willing to perform may rescind
ISSUE: the obligation if the other does not perform, or is not ready and willing to
Whether or not the civil action for rescission of the contract of sale raised a perform.
prejudicial question that required the suspension of the criminal prosecution for  However, until the contract is rescinded, the juridical tie and the
violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22. concomitant obligations subsist.

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 To properly appreciate if there is a prejudicial question to warrant the  In this light, it is clear that the pendency of the civil case does not bar the
suspension of the criminal actions, reference is made to the elements of continuation of the proceedings in the preliminary investigation on the
the crimes charged. The violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 requires the ground that it poses a prejudicial question.
concurrence of the following elements, namely: (1) the making, drawing,  Considering that the contracts are deemed to be valid until rescinded, the
and issuance of any check to apply for account or for value; (2) the consideration and obligatory effect thereof are also deemed to have been
knowledge of the maker, drawer, or issuer that at the time of issue he does validly made, thus demandable. Consequently, there was no failure of
not have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the payment consideration at the time when the subject checks were dishonored.
of the check in full upon its presentment; and (3) the subsequent dishonor
of the check by the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or credit or
dishonor for the same reason had not the drawer, without any valid cause,
ordered the bank to stop payment.
 His obligation to fund the checks or to make arrangements for them with
the drawee bank should not be tied up to the future event of
extinguishment of the obligation under the contract of sale through
rescission. Indeed, under Batas Pambansa Blg. 22, the mere issuance of a
worthless check was already the offense in itself. Under such
circumstances, the criminal proceedings for the violation of Batas
Pambansa Blg. 22 could proceed despite the pendency of the civil action
for rescission of the conditional sale.
 Accordingly, we agree with the holding of the CA that the civil action for the
rescission of contract was not determinative of the guilt or innocence of
Reyes. We consider the exposition by the CA of its reasons to be
appropriate enough, to wit:

- he posits that his consent to the contract was vitiated by the fraudulent
act of the company in misrepresenting the condition and quality of the
dredging pump.
- Alternatively, he claims that the company committed a breach of
contract which is a ground for the rescission thereof. Either way, he in
effect admits the validity and the binding effect of the deed pending
any adjudication which nullifies the same.
 Indeed, under the Law on contracts, vitiated consent does not make a
contract unenforceable but merely voidable, the remedy of which would be
to annul the contract since voidable contracts produce legal effects until
they are annulled.
 On the other hand, rescission of contracts in case of breach pursuant to
Article 1191 of the Civil Code of the Philippines also presupposes a valid
contract unless rescinded or annulled.

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