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Hello everybody, my name is Georges, Georges Clemenceau.

I was French Prime minister twice

which also during the final stages of the war and I was a major political figure before the war.

I was certainly best remembered today for my resolute wartime service as “The Tiger” and “Father

I was born in 1841, in Vendae the west of France.

The young me studied medicine and helped publish a newspaper called the Labour in 1862 which
it was critical of the regime so I spent a couple months un jail for my beliefs.

After that, I spent the late 1860s in the US as a journalist & French teacher. But when French
Prussian war broke out, I returned to France.

The new government chose me as Mayor of Paris.

I was trying to avoid the civil war but if i could not i could at least defend the republic.

Then, i was elected deputy of Paris in 1876

I thought Germany was preparing for war, and felt France should do the same as well

My career was derailed for a decade when a large-scale press attack by my opponents accused
me of corruption

though i was proven innocent, my reputation suffered.

After all, I became minister of the Interior in March and Prime Minister in October

I reformed the French police and cracked down on striking workers

I saw my main goal as Prime Minister as resorting order and confidence to the republic and called
myself “The First Cop of France” plus to the socialists I remained “The strikebreaker”

most of the press called me “The Tiger”

It was me who introduced the scientific police, mobile brigades, and water cannons instead of
guns to deal with rioters

i also created a cheap accommodation for the poor

I founded the newspaper “The Free Man” to articulate my views


I was determined to see France victorious, no matter the cost. I believed that if France lost it
would become a simple satellite of Germany with no army and no power

It was me who was one of the principal architects of the Treaty of Versailles, the peach treat that
brought world war I to the end, at Paris Peace Conference of 1919.

Therefore, after the world war I, I wanted revenge and to punish Germany to return Alsace
Lorraine to us, an independent Rhineland, no league of nations, Germany to pay huge reparations
or the damage and losses caused, the disbandment f Germany Army that Germany would never
be strong enough to attack us again.

I was the one who forged closer ties with Britain and settled Morocco crisis

I was the one who attacked Germany

I persuaded the Allied to agree to a unified military command under Ferdinand Foch

I acted as Minister of War

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