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Submitted by:

(Team name)

Guided by:

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of

Diploma in ----------------------------------------- By the State Board of Technical
Education Government of TamilNadu.On, Chennai.


College name:



This Report is certified to be the Bonafide work done by

Selvan/Selvi ---------------- Reg.No. ------------ Of VI Semester class of this college.

Guide Head of the Department

Submitter for the Practical Examinations of the board of Examinations, State

Board of Technical Education, Chennai,

TamilNadu.On -------------- (date) held at the ------------ (college name),Coimbatore

Internal Examiner External Examiner


At this pleasing movement of having successfully completed our project, we

wish to convey our sincere thanks and gratitude to the management of our college
and our beloved chairman------------------------.who provided all the facilities to us.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our principal

------------------for forwarding us to do our project and offering adequate duration
in completing our project.

We are also grateful to the Head of Department prof…………., for her/him

constructive suggestions &encouragement during our project.

With deep sense of gratitude, we extend our earnest &sincere thanks to our
guide --------------------, Department of Mechanical for her/him kind guidance and
encouragement during this project we also express our indebt thanks to our
(college Name).




The main objective of this project is to design the four wheel steering mechanism.

As for Indian road transport scenario is concerned, accidents are

becoming a day to day cause an attempt has been made in this project to reduce
such mishaps. In our project of “90 DEGREE STEERING CONTROL
MECHANISM” having the following operation occurs automatically in the
vehicle. They are,

D.C motor turns the wheel left side when the steering rotates in the
left side direction.
D.C motor turns the wheel right side when the steering rotates in the
right side direction.

Limit Switch

DC Motors

12 Battery


Nowadays almost all the automobile vehicle is being atomized in order to
product the human being. The automobile vehicle is being atomized for the
following reasons.

 To reduce man power

 To increase the efficiency of the vehicle
 To reduce the work load
 To reduce the vehicle accident
 To reduce the fatigue of workers
 To high responsibility
 Less Maintenance cost


The vehicle's cornering behavior becomes more stable and controllable at

high speeds as well as on wet or slippery road surfaces. The vehicle's response to
steering input becomes quicker and more precise throughout the vehicle's entire
speed range. The vehicle's straight-line stability at high speeds is
improved. Negative effects of road irregularities and crosswinds on the
vehicle's stability are minimized. Stability in lane changing at high speeds is
improved. The vehicle is less likely to go into a spin even in situations in
which the driver must make a sudden and relatively large change of
direction. By steering the rear wheels in the direction opposite the front
wheels at low speeds, the vehicle's turning circle is greatly reduced.
Therefore, vehicle maneuvering on narrow roads and during parking becomes


It is used for easy parking of four wheelers, and can be implemented in monster
trucks, large farm vehicles and trucks. Etc..


The automobiles are classified on the following basis:


i. Passenger vehicles – car, jeep, bus.

ii. Goods vehicles – Truck


i. Light motor vehicles – car, jeep, motor cycle, and scooter.

ii. Heavy motor vehicles – Bus, coach, tractor.


i. Petrol vehicles – car, jeep, motor cycle, scooter.

ii. Diesel vehicles – Truck, bus, tractor, bulldozer.

iii. Electric cab – Battery truck, fork lift.

iv. Steam carriages – Steam road roller.

4. No. of wheels. Two wheelers.

i. Three wheelers.

ii. Four wheelers.

iii. Six wheelers.



Steering is the collection of components, linkages, etc. which allow a

vessel (ship, boat) or vehicle (car, motorcycle, bicycle) to follow the desired
course. An exception is the case of rail transport by which rail tracks combined
together with railroad switches (and also known as 'points' in British English)
provide the steering function.

Hi today we are going to discuss some of the basics of physical designing

and selecting a chassis for a 4 wheel drive Robot for beginners. For this topic we
are speciñcally going to see some of the design oriented challenges that come in
the way of designing a 4 wheel car that uses Deferential Steering for taking turns
(left and right) or to make a Complete 90 Degree in-place (pivot) rotation (zero-
radius turning). Attention to some basic details can help a beginner to make an
ancient car without loss of much energy and torque.

The steering of a four wheel vehicle is, as far as possible, arranged so that
the front wheels will roll truly without any lateral slip. The front wheels are
supported on front axle so that they can swing to the left or right for steering. This
movement is produced by gearing and linkage between the steering wheeling front
of the driver and the steering knuckle or wheel. The complete arrangement is called
the steering system. The steering system essentially consists of two elements- a
steering gear at the lower end of the steering knuckles and steering linkage .shows
a simplified diagram of a steering system.

The function of the steering system is to convert the rotary movement of

the steering wheel into angular turn of the front wheels. The steering systems also
absorb a large part of the road shocks, thus preventing them from being transmitted
to the driver. Fig shows a late model of steering system. It has worm and roller
type steering gear and relay type steering linkage. When the driver turns the
steering wheel, the resulting motion is transmitted down a steering tube toe
steering gear set at the end of the steering tube. The gear set changes the direction
of motion, and multiplies the twisting force according to the gear ratio. Its output
shaft rotates to move the pinion arm which transmits the motion of the steering
knuckles through the relay road , idler arm , two tie rods , two steering arm and the
two front wheels. Thus as soon as the driver puts his hands-on the steering wheel
the motion of the front wheels is in his hands. If he wants to turns the vehicle to the
left, he turns the steering wheel to the left, and if he wants to turn the vehicle to the
right, he turns steering wheel to the right, otherwise the steering wheel is in its
middle position and the vehicle is going in a straight line.

Working Methodology:

There are many approaches that can be followed for steering a 4 wheel
Car or robot, such as the famous car-type steering (Ackerman steering), Cab-Drive
Steering, Omni Directional wheels and the Deferential Steering method, where the
speed of the wheels is altered to change the direction or to take turns. Ackerman
and Cab-Drive steering requires complex design and additional drivers, servos and
logic to control the robot, we will see these modes of steering in the later tutorials,
For the beginners perspective it is good to start with the basic Deferential Steering
which for a simple model usually does not require any additional motors or

The most conventional steering arrangement is to turn the front wheels

using a hand– operated steering wheel which is positioned in front of the driver, via
the steering column, which may contain universal joints (which may also be part of
the collapsible steering column design), to allow it to deviate somewhat from a
straight line. Other arrangements are sometimes found on deferent types of
vehicles, for example, a tiller or rear–wheel steering. Tracked vehicles such as
bulldozers and tanks usually employ deferential steering — that is, the tracks are
made to move at deferent speeds or even in opposite directions, using clutches and
brakes, to bring about a change of course or direction. A deferential wheeled robot
is a mobile robot whose movement is based on two separately driven wheels
placed on either side of the robot body. It can thus change its direction by varying
the relative rate of rotation of its wheels and hence does not require an additional
steering motion. To balance the robot, additional wheels or casters may be added.


For the smooth performance of the system, the steering system of any
vehicle should fulfill the following requirements:

1. It should multiply the turning effort applied on the steering wheel by the driver.
2. It should be to a certain degree irreversible so that the shocks of the road surface
encountered by the wheels are not transmitted to the driver’s hand.

3. The mechanism should have self –right tuning effect so that when the driver
release the steering wheel after negotiating the turn, the wheel should try to
achieve straight ahead position .The readers may bear in mind that the
requirements of any system may vary but they should have some kind of average

The various functions of the steering wheel are

1. To control the angular motion the wheels and thus the direction of motion
of the vehicle.
2. To provide directional stability of the vehicle while going straight ahead.

3. To facilitate straight ahead condition of the vehicle after completing a turn.

4. The road irregularities must be damped to the maximum possible extent.

This should co-exist with the road feel for the driver so that he can feel the
road condition without experiencing the effects of moving over it.

5. To minimizes tire wear and increase the life of the tyres.


Depending on the number and position of the wheels being steered,

steering systems can be classified as follows:

Front wheel steering The most commonly used type of steering, only
the two front wheels of the vehicle are used to steer the vehicle.

This type of steering suffers from the comparatively larger turning

circle and the extra effort required by the driver to negotiate the turn. A typical
front wheel steering mechanism layout is given in FIG Rear wheel steering Some
types of industry battery trucks and backhoe loaders use this type, where only the
two rear wheels control the steering. It can produced smaller turning circles, but is
unsuitable for high speed purposes and for ease of use.

Conventional Front Wheel Steering System

1.5.3 Four wheel steering

The most effective type of steering, this type has all the four wheels of
the vehicle used for steering purpose. A detailed description of this type


In a typical front wheel steering system, the rear wheels do not turn in the direction
of the curve, and thus curb on the efficiency of the steering. Normally, this system
has not been the preferred choice due to the complexity of conventional
mechanical four wheel steering systems. However, a few cars like the Honda
Prelude, Nissan Skyline GT-R have been available with four wheel steering
systems, where the rear wheels turn by a small angle to aid the front wheels in
steering. However, these systems had the rear wheels steered by only2 or 3
degrees, as their main aim was to assist the front wheels rather than steer by

With advances in technology, modern four wheel steering

systems boast of fully electronic steer-by-wire systems, equal
steer angles for front and rear wheels, and sensors to monitor the
vehicle dynamics and adjust the steer angles in real time.
Although such a complex 4ws model has not been created for
production purposes, a number of experimental concepts with
some of these technologies have been built and tested
successfully. Compared with a conventional two wheel steering
system, the advantages offered by a 4ws system include:

1. Superior cornering stability.

2. Improved steering responsiveness and precision. High speed
straight line stability.

3. Notable improvement in rapid lane-changing maneuvers.

4. Smaller turning radius and tight-space maneuverability at low speed.

5. Relative Wheel Angles and their Control. The direction of steering the rear
wheels relative to the front wheels depends on the operating conditions.

At low-speed wheel movement is pronounced, so that rear wheels are

steered in the opposite direction to that of front wheels. This also simplifies the
positioning of the car in situations such as parking in a confined space. Since
the rear wheels are made to follow the path on the road taken by the front
wheels, the rear of a 4WS car does not turn in the normal way. Therefore the
risk of hitting an obstacle is greatly reduced. At high speed, when steering
adjustments are subtle, the front wheels and rear wheels turn in the same
direction. As a result, the car moves in a crab-like manner rather than in a
curved path. This action is advantageous to the car while changing lanes on a
high-speed road. The elimination of the centrifugal effect and, in consequence
the reduction of body roll and cornering force on there, improves the stability of
the car so that control becomes easier and safer. In a 4WS system, the control of
drive angle at front and rear wheels is most essential.

Slow Speeds - Rear Steer Mode:

At slow speeds, the rear wheels turn in the direction opposite to the front wheels.
This mode comes in particularly useful in case of pickup trucks and buses, more so
when navigating hilly regions. It can reduce the turning circle radius by 25%, and
can be equally effective in congested city conditions, where U-turns and tight
streets are made easier to navigate. It is described as following in FIG

High Speeds:

In high speeds, turning the rear wheels through an angle opposite to front wheels
might lead to vehicle instability and is thus unsuitable. Hence, at speeds above 80
kmph, the rear wheels are turned in the same direction of front wheels in four-
wheel steering systems. This is shown in FIG

Front-Rear Steering Ratio with respect to speed For a typical vehicle, the vehicle
speed determining the change of phase has been found to be 80 km/hr. The steering
ratio, however, can be changed depending on the effectiveness of the rear steering
mechanism, and can be as high as

In addition to the aforementioned steering types, a new type of four-

wheel steering was introduced by the concept vehicle Jeep Hurricane, one that
could significantly affect the way our vehicles are parked in the future. The Jeep
Hurricane concept with Zero Turning Circle Radius This vehicle has all the three
modes of steering described above, though it sports a truly complex drive-train and
steering layout with two transfer cases to drive the left and right wheels separately.

The four wheels have fully independent steering and need to turn in an
unconventional direction to ensure that the vehicle turns around on its own axis.
Such a system requires precise calculation from a servo motor with real-time
feedback to make certain that all three steering modes function perfectly. The
concept didn’t make it to production; possibly due to the high costs involved in the
power train layout. But the idea presented by the concept continues to find
importance. The only major problem posed by this layout is that a conventional
rack-and-pinion steering with pitman arms would not be suitable for this mode,
since the two front wheels are steered in opposite directions. Steer-by-wire systems
would work fine, however, since independent control can be achieved.

Ackermann steering geometry is a geometric arrangement of linkages in

the steering of a car or other vehicle designed to solve the problem of wheels on
the inside and outside of a turn needing to trace out circles of different radii. The
steering pivot points are joined by a rigid bar called the tie rod which is also a part
of the steering mechanism. With perfect Ackermann, at any angle of steering, the
centre point of all of the circles traced by all wheels will lie at a common point.
But this may be difficult to arrange in practice with simple linkages, and designers
draw or analyze their steering systems over the full range of steering angles.

Hence, modern cars do not use pure Ackermann steering, partly because
it ignores important dynamic and compliant effects, but the principle is sound for
low speed maneuvers, and the right and left wheels do not turn by the same angle,
be it any cornering speed. This presents a difficult problem for vehicles with
independent steering, as the wheels cannot be easily given the correct Ackerman
turning angles.

This would directly affect the dynamic handling of the car, making it
impossible to control properly. With all the four wheels steered, the problem gets
compounded, since the appropriate steering angles for all four wheels need to be
calculated. It is to be noted that the variation in steering angles as a result of
Ackerman geometry is progressive and not fixed, hence they have to be pre-
calculated and stored by the controller. This dictates that the control of four-wheel
steering systems be very precise, and consequently, complex. This is another
reason why manufacturers have not preferred the use of such systems in their
vehicles, even with recent advances in technology. The cost of such systems can be
high, and a good amount of research & development is required up front.


Every vehicle has a steering ratio inherent in the design. If it didn't you’d
never be able to turn the wheels. Steering ratio gives mechanical advantage to the
driver, allowing you to turn the tires with the weight of the whole car sitting on
them, but more importantly, it means you don't have to turn the steering wheel a
ridiculous number of times to get the wheels to move. Steering ratio is the ratio of
the number of degrees turned at the steering wheel vs. the number of degrees the
front wheels are deflected. So for example, if you turn the steering wheel 20° and
the front wheels only turn 1° that gives a steering ratio of 20:1.For most modern
cars, the steering ratio is between 12:1 and 20:1. This coupled with the maximum
angle of deflection of the wheels gives the lock-to-lock turns for the steering

For example, if a car has a steering ratio of 18:1 and the front wheels have a
maximum deflection of 25°, then at 25°, the steering wheel has turned 25°x18,
which is 450°. That's only to one side, so the entire steering goes from -25° to plus
25° giving a lock-to-lock angle at the steering wheel of 900°, or 2.5 turns (900° /
360).This works the other way around too of course. If you know the lock-to-lock
turns and the steering ratio, you can figure out the wheel deflection. For example if
a car is advertised as having a 16:1 steering ratio and 3 turns lock-to-lock, then the
steering wheel can turn 1.5x360° (540°) each way. At a ratio of 16:1 that means the
front wheels deflect by 33.75° each way. For racing cars, the steering ratio is
normally much smaller than for passenger cars - i.e. Closer to 1:1 - as the racing
drivers need to get fuller deflection into the steering as quickly as possible.

The turning circle of a car is the diameter of the circle described by the
outside wheels when turning on full lock. There is no hard and fast formula to
calculate the turning circle but you can get close by using this:

Turning circle radius = (track/2) + (wheelbase/sin (average steer angle))

The numbers required to calculate the turning circle explain why a classic black
London taxi has a tiny 8m turning circle to allow it to do U-turns in the narrow
London streets. In this case, the wheelbase and track aren't radicallydifferent to any
other car, but the average steering angle is huge.


The imaginary axis about which the steered wheels are swiveled. In older
models a solid structural component is used a s a king pin and its center line is the
king pin axis. In present day models the solid component is absent. Instead ball
joints are used. The imaginary line joining upper and lower ball joint acts as king
pin axis. Fig King Pin Axis

King-pin inclination or steering axle inclination


The angle between the vertical line and centre of the king pin or steering
axle, when viewed from the front of the vehicle is known as king pin inclination or
steering axle inclination. The king pin inclination, in combination with caster, is
used to provide directional stability in modern cars, by tending to return the wheels
to the straight – ahead position after any turn. It also reduces steering effort
particularly when the vehicle is stationary. It reduces tire wear also. The king pin
inclination in modern vehicle range from 4 to 8 degree .It must be equal on both
the sides. If it is greater on one side than the other, the vehicle will tend to pull to
the side having the greater angle. Also, if the angle is too large, the steering will
become exceedingly difficult. The king-pin inclination is made adjustable only by

When center line of the wheel meets the center line of the king pin axis at
the road surface it is called center point steering.

Disadvantages of not having center point steering:


1. Unnecessary couple formed due to forces of vertical weight and road resistance
separated by a distance.

2. Steering becomes heavy as the wheel movement is along an arc of radius equal
to the distance between king pin axis projection and tire contact point.

3. Large bending stresses in steering components.

The distance between the center line of the wheel and the king pin axis at the road
Positive scrub radius:

When king pin axis meets the road inside the tyre tread line.

Negative scrub radius:

When king pin axis meets the road outside the tyre tread line. Fig Scrub Radius


In addition to being tilted inward toward the centre of the vehicle, the
kingpin axis may also be tilted forward or backward from the vertical line. This tilt
is known as caster. Thus the angle between the vertical line and the kingpin centre
line in the plane of the wheel (when viewed from the side) is called caster angle.
When the top of the king pin is backward, the caster angle is positive, and when it
is forward the caster angle is negative .the caster angle in modern vehicles ranges
from 2 to 8 degree. Tilt of the king pin axis from the vertical either towards the
front(negative castor) or towards the rear (positive castor) Castor gives directional
stability: The force acting at the pivot (steering axis)and the resistance at the
surface constitute a couple so that the wheel follows the line of thrust.

The angle between the centre line of the tyre and the vertical line when
viewed from the front of the vehicle is known as camber. When the angle is
outward, so that the wheels are farther apart at the top than at the bottom, the
camber is positive. When the angle is inward, so that the wheels are closer together
at the top than at the bottom, positive or negative, tends to cause uneven or move
tire wear on side than on the other side. Camber should not exceed to 2°.


Toe In the front wheels are usually turned in slightly in front so that the
distance between the fronts ends
(a) Is slightly less than the distance between the back ends

(b), when viewed from the top. The difference between these distances is called toe
in. On a car with toe – in, the distance between the front wheels is less at the front

(a) Than at the rear

(b), when viewed from the top.

The amount of toe-in is usually 3 to 5 mm. The toe –in is provided to

ensure parallel rolling of the front wheels, to stabilize steering and prevent side
slipping and excessive tyre wear. It also serves to offset the small deflections in the
wheel-support system which comes out when the car is standing still; they tend to
roll parallel on the road when the car is moving forward. Some alignment
specialists set the front wheels in “straight-away alignment” in preference to “toe-
in adjustment”.


Toe-out is the difference in angles between the two front wheels and
the car frame during turns. The steering system is designed to turn the inside wheel
through a larger angle than the outside wheel when making a turn. This condition
causes the wheels to toe-out on turns, due to the difference in their turning angles.
When the car is taking turn, the outer wheels rolls on a larger radius than the inner
wheel, and the circles on which the two front wheels must roll are concentric.

Therefore the inner wheel must make a larger angle with the car frame
than that the outer wheel makes. As shown in figure ,when the front wheels are
steered to make a turn the , inner wheels turns to an angle of 23°with the car
frame , while the outer wheel turns only 20° with the car frame. The toe –out is
secured by providing the proper relationship between the steering knuckle arms, tie
rods and pitman arm.


 It should multiply the turning effort applied on the steering wheel by the

 It should be to a certain degree irreversible so that the shocks of the road

surface encountered by the wheels are not transmitted to the driver’s hand.

 The mechanism should have self ±rightening effectso that when the driver
release the steering wheel after negotiating the turn, the wheel should try to
achieve straight ahead position.


 To control the angular motion the wheels and thus the direction of motion of
the vehicle.
 To provide directional stability of the vehicle while going straight ahead.

 To facilitate straight ahead condition of the vehicle after completing a turn.

 The road irregularities must be damped to the maximum possible extent.

This should co-exist with the road feel for the driver so that he can feel the
road condition without experiencing the effects of moving over it.

 To minimize tire wear and increase the life of the tires.


 Front wheel steering.

 Rear wheel steering.

 Four wheel steering.



 Slow Speeds - Rear Steer Mode:

 High speeds ± Crab Mode.


Under steer:

Under steer is so called because when the slip angle of front wheels is greater than
slip angle of rear wheels.

Over steer Over steer is defined when the slip angle of front wheels lesser than the
slip angle of rear wheels.

Neutral steer or counter steering:

Counter-steering can defined as when the slip angle of front wheels is equal
to slip angle of rear wheels









 Here, the rear wheels turn in a direction opposite to the front wheels so hat
to reduce the turning circle radius at low speeds. This would be very useful
in city traffic conditions
 The main objective of our project is to fabricate the Four Wheel steering,

 We made modifications in the MARUTHI-800 model car to achieve four

wheel steering. Marti 800 is the largest selling car in India. It is
manufactured by Marti Udyog in India. Maruti 800 is ideal compliment to
advanced lifestyles and tastes with a car fully made for the Indian roads.


 In conjunction with rear steer mode, four-wheel steering can significantly

improve the vehicle handling at both high and low speeds.
 Due to the better handling and easier steering capability, driver fatigue can
be reduced even over long drives.

 Stability of the vehicle increases.

 Turning radius of the vehicle can be decreased to a greater extent by rear

steer mode.

Worm drive again. As the steering wheel is turned, the worm drives turns
and forces the ball bearings to press against the channel inside the nut. This
forces the nut to move along the worm drive. The nut itself has a couple of gear
teeth cast into the outside of it and these mesh with the teeth on a sector gear
which is attached to the cross shaft just like in the worm and sector mechanism.
This system has much less free play or slack in it than the other designs, hence
why it’s used the most. The example below shows a re circulating ball
mechanism with the nut shown in cutaway so you can see the ball bearings and
there circulation channel.


Worm and Sector. In this type of steering box, the end of the shaft from
the steering wheel has a worm gear attached to it. It meshes directly with a sector
gear (so called because it's a section of a full gear wheel). When the steering wheel
is turned, the shaft turns the worm gear, and the sector gear pivots around its axis
as its teeth are moved along the worm gear. The sector gear is mounted on the
Shaft which passes through the steering box and out the bottom where it is
splinted, and the pitman arm is attached to the spines. When the sector gear
turns, it turns the cross shaft, which turns the pitman arm, giving the output
motion that is fed into the mechanical linkage on the track rod. The
following diagram shows the active components that are present inside the
worm and sector steering box. The box itself is sealed and filled with


Worm and Roller. The worm and roller steering box is similar in
design to the worm and sector box. The difference here is that instead of
having a sector gear that meshes with the worm gear, there is a roller
instead. The roller is mounted on a roller bearing shaft and is held captive
on the end of the cross shaft. As the worm gear turns, the roller is forced to
move along it but because it is held captive on the cross shaft, it twists the
cross shaft. Typically in these designs, the worm gear is actually an
hourglass shape so that it is wider at the ends.

Without the hourglass shape, the roller might disengage from it at the extents of its

Roller Cam and lever steering boxes are very similar to worm and
sector steering boxes. The worm drive is known as a cam and has a much
shallower pitch and the sector gear is replaced with two studs that sit in the cam
channels. As the worm gear is turned, the studs slide along the cam channels which
forces the cross shaft to rotate, turning the pitman arm. One of the design features
of this style is that it turns the cross shaft 90° to the normal so it exits through the
side of the steering box instead of the bottom. This can result in a very compact
design when necessary.

DC Motor

A DC motor is a mechanically commutated electric motor powered

from direct current (DC). The stator is stationary in space by definition and
therefore so is its current. The current in the rotor is switched by the commutator to
also be stationary in space. This is how the relative angle between the stator and
rotor magnetic flux is maintained near 90 degrees, which generates the maximum
DC motors have a rotating armature winding but non-rotating armature
magnetic field and a static field winding or permanent magnet. Different
connections of the field and armature winding provide different inherent
speed/torque regulation characteristics. The speed of a DC motor can be controlled
by changing the voltage applied to the armature or by changing the field current.
The introduction of variable resistance in the armature circuit or field circuit
allowed speed control. Modern DC motors are often controlled by power
electronics systems called DC drives.

The introduction of DC motors to run machinery eliminated the need for

local steam or internal combustion engines, and line shaft drive systems. DC
motors can operate directly from rechargeable batteries, providing the motive
power for the first electric vehicles. Today DC motors are still found in
applications as small as toys and disk drives, or in large sizes to operate steel
rolling mills and paper machines.


Main article: Brushed DC electric motor

A brushed DC electric motor generating torque from DC power supply

by using internal mechanical commutation, space stationary permanent magnets
form the stator field. Torque is produced by the principle of Lorentz force, which
states that any current-carrying conductor placed within an external magnetic field
experiences a force known as Lorentz force. The actual (Lorentz) force ( and also
torque since torque is F x l where l is rotor radius) is a function for rotor angle and
so the green arrow/vector actually changes length/magnitude with angle known as
torque ripple) Since this is a single phase two pole motor the commutator consists
of a split ring, so that the current reverses each half turn ( 180 degrees).

The brushed DC electric motor generates torque directly from DC power

supplied to the motor by using internal commutation, stationary magnets
(permanent or electromagnets), and rotating electrical magnets.

Like all electric motors or generators, torque is produced by the

principle of Lorentz force, which states that any current-carrying conductor placed
within an external magnetic field experiences a torque or force known as Lorentz
force. Advantages of a brushed DC motor include low initial cost, high reliability,
and simple control of motor speed. Disadvantages are high maintenance and low
life-span for high intensity uses. Maintenance involves regularly replacing the
brushes and springs which carry the electric current, as well as cleaning or
replacing the commutator. These components are necessary for transferring
electrical power from outside the motor to the spinning wire windings of the rotor
inside the motor.


Main articles: Brushless DC electric motor and Switched reluctance motor

Typical brushless DC motors use a rotating permanent magnet in the rotor, and
stationary electrical current/coil magnets on the motor housing for the rotor, but the
symmetrical opposite is also possible. A motor controller converts DC to AC. This
design is simpler than that of brushed motors because it eliminates the
complication of transferring power from outside the motor to the spinning rotor.
Advantages of brushless motors include long life span, little or no maintenance,
and high efficiency. Disadvantages include high initial cost, and more complicated
motor speed controllers. Some such brushless motors are sometimes referred to as
"synchronous motors" although they have no external power supply to be
synchronized with, as would be the case with normal AC synchronous motors.


Other types of DC motors require no commutation.

 Homopolar motor – A homopolar motor has a magnetic field along the axis
of rotation and an electric current that at some point is not parallel to the
magnetic field. The name homopolar refers to the absence of polarity change.

Homopolar motors necessarily have a single-turn coil, which limits them to very
low voltages. This has restricted the practical application of this type of motor.

 Ball bearing motor – A ball bearing motor is an unusual electric motor that
consists of two ball bearing-type bearings, with the inner races mounted on a
common conductive shaft, and the outer races connected to a high current, low
voltage power supply. An alternative construction fits the outer races inside a
metal tube, while the inner races are mounted on a shaft with a non-conductive
section (e.g. two sleeves on an insulating rod). This method has the advantage
that the tube will act as a flywheel. The direction of rotation is determined by
the initial spin which is usually required to get it going.

Connection types

See also: Excitation (magnetic)

There are three types of electrical connections between the stator and rotor possible
for DC electric motors: series, shunt/parallel and compound ( various blends of
series and shunt/parallel) and each has unique speed/torque characteristics
appropriate for diffent loading torque profiles/signatures.

Series connection

A series DC motor connects the armature and field windings in series with
a common D.C. power source. The motor speed varies as a non-linear function of
load torque and armature current; current is common to both the stator and rotor
yielding I^2 (current) squared behavior. A series motor has very high starting
torque and is commonly used for starting high inertia loads, such as trains,
elevators or hoists.[2] This speed/torque characteristic is useful in applications such
as dragline excavators, where the digging tool moves rapidly when unloaded but
slowly when carrying a heavy load.

With no mechanical load on the series motor, the current is low, the
counter-EMF produced by the field winding is weak, and so the armature must turn
faster to produce sufficient counter-EMF to balance the supply voltage. The motor
can be damaged by over speed. This is called a runaway condition.

Series motors called "universal motors" can be used on alternating current. Since
the armature voltage and the field direction reverse at (substantially) the same time,
torque continues to be produced in the same direction. Since the speed is not
related to the line frequency, universal motors can develop higher-than-
synchronous speeds, making them lighter than induction motors of the same rated
mechanical output. This is a valuable characteristic for hand-held power tools.
Universal motors for commercial power frequency are usually small, not more than
about 1 kW output. However, much larger universal motors were used for electric
locomotives, fed by special low-frequency traction power networks to avoid
problems with commutation under heavy and varying loads.

Shunt connection

A shunt DC motor connects the armature and field windings in parallel or shunt
with a common D.C. power source. This type of motor has good speed regulation
even as the load varies, but does not have as high of starting torque as a series DC
motor.[3] It is typically used for industrial, adjustable speed applications, such as
machine tools, winding/unwinding machines and tensioners.

Compound connection

A compound DC motor connects the armature and fields windings in a shunt and a
series combination to give it characteristics of both a shunt and a series DC motor.
This motor is used when both a high starting torque and good speed regulation is
needed. The motor can be connected in two arrangements: cumulatively or
differentially. Cumulative compound motors connect the series field to aid the
shunt field, which provides higher starting torque but less speed regulation.
Differential compound DC motors have good speed regulation and are typically
operated at constant speed.


1 Material cost

2 Welding

3 Drilling, Grinding

4 Manufacturing cost

5 Labor cost

6 Transport cost

7 Over head charges


Cost of materials
Materials Amount
Control unit
MS material

The progress in science & technology is a non-stop process. New things and
new technology are being invented. As the technology grows day by day, we can
imagine about the future in which thing we may occupy every place.

The proposed system is found to be more compact, user friendly and less
complex, which can readily be used in order to perform several tedious and
repetitive tasks. Though it is designed keeping in mind about the need for industry,
it can extended for other purposes such as commercial & research applications.
The feature makes this system is the base for future systems.

The principle of the development of science is that “nothing is impossible”.

So we shall look forward to a bright & sophisticated world.

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