Greetings, Personal Pronoun, The Verb To Be, WH - Questions

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Titlul unității de învățare: Me and the Others

Titlul lecției: Hello! I am Jack! I am Jane!

Contextul activității și elemente de conținut:
Greetings, Personal pronoun, the verb to be, wh -questions

‘Hello, everyone! I am Jack. I am 10 years old. I am American. I am from Ohio, I am a pupil in the 5th
‘Hi, everybody! My name is Jane. I am 11 years old and I am British. I am from London. I am Jack’s
colleague. We study in London and we are in Class 5B. We are smart, hard-working and good at
Math. Now we are in a hurry. We are late for school. See you! Good- bye! ’

Personal Pronouns and the verb to be

Affirmative Interrogative Negative

I am Am I…? I am not
You are Are you…? You are not
He is Is he…? He is not
She is Is she…? She is not
It is Is it…? It is not
We are Are we…? We are not
You are Are you…? You are not
They are Are they? They are not.

WH – questions
What is your name?
Who are you?
Where are you from?

Activități și aplicații:
1. Complete the dialogue with the right forms of the verb to be:
Jack: Hello! How do you do! We are Jack and Jane!
Bonnie: Nice to meet you, fellows! I ____ Bonnie.
Jane: Where are you from, Bonnie?
Jack: And how old are you?
Bonnie: I ____ from Boston. I am 13 years old.
Jane: _______you American?
Bonnie: Yes, I ____.
Jack: You _______ older than us. What _____ you good at?
Bonnie: I _______ good at English literature.
Jack: So, you _____ not good at Math!
Bonnie:No, I __ not! But I___ hard-working!
Jane: Anyway, welcome to Great Britain!
Bonnie: Thank you, guys! Keep in touch!
Jane and Jack: Bye, Bonnie!
Bonnie: Good bye, fellows! Hope to talk to you soon!
Jane and Jack: Be sure of it!

How do you do!
Nice to meet you!
Good bye!/Bye – bye!
Good morning!
Good day!
Good afternoon!
Good evening!
Good evening!
Good night!
2. Fill in the texts with the right words appropiate to the context:

a. It is 10 o’clock and you are at school.

Teacher: Good___________, students! Who __________ absent today?
Student on duty: John Middle and Mark Jones ______ absent.
Teacher: What ____ wrong with them?
Student on duty: They ___ ill.

b. It is 5 o’clock p.m and you meet Mrs Carlstone in the street.

Mrs. Carlstone: Good __________, Jack! How ________ you today?
Jack: Good __________, mrs. Carlstone! I ____ fine, thank you! And you?
Mrs. Carlstone: I _____ fine. Good ________, Jack!
Jack: See you soon, mrs. Carlstone!

c. It is 9 o’clock p.m. and you are at home.

Mother: Jane, where ________ you?
Jane: I _______ in my room, mom!
Mother: _______ you ok?
Jane: Yes, mother, I _____.
Mother: All right then. Good ________ night, Jane and sleep tight!
Jane: Good ______, mom! Sweet dreams!
Activități și aplicații (pentru acasă):
Choose a colleague and play Jane and Jack meeting a new classmate. Make up a dialogue to find
out as many information on you classmate as possible!
Corelații cu alte domenii (opțional): social sciences

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