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SPECIAL ARTICLES Tribes as Indigenous People of India Virginius Xaxa Defining ‘wribe' has conceptual as well as empirical problems for the academician. But this term of ‘administrative convenience has now been adopted bythe ribals themselves to mean the dispossessed, deprived ‘people of @ region. There is no claim 10 being the original inhabitants of that region, but @ prior claim to the natural resources is asserted vis-a-vis the outsiders and the dominant caste, The tribal idemsity now ives the marginalised peoples self-estcem and pride ‘THE ies of “indigenous people” isan ‘seve of conierstle contston in Ina dy. This was has so il Tew years 200 ln fact. social workers, adminis 1s, politicians and even scholars widely ‘sed the erm toefertoacenaineatgo) ‘poopie. They hardly el any unease the use of native equivalent af this ter, vz ‘advash. Gburye had of couse some reservation to the ase of such ers: the expressionhe ved was so-caledaborigi= See Again its they who took the tem long with al he prejudices and conjec: {arescothe mses Tat show the ides ‘iy ofadvaue Bas enered into the con- sclounest ofthe bul people The ide ytataas foe aponthem fortenside revise to mask etdiferences from the Cominant community has now been inernalsed bythe peoplethemselves Not ‘only has i tecome an important mark of Sil ferentiation and ident ase tion but also an important wool oF aricu- lation for empowerment The tm tribe ‘The Anhroplogicl Survey of India unde th "Poople a ncia rojcdent- fies items in ni, They _seemamrae at 67.583, 00 pesos cOn- siuting €.08 per cet ofthe ta pops Ini a per the 1991 census. The share ofthe scheduled rie poputasion 1 the tou population a 1971 and 1981 was6.94 and 7.85 per cent respectively. The ques- ion of etesin ras close linked with saninistatveandpltical considerations. Hence there hasbeen increasing demand by groups and communities fr thei ne clusion in tbe Ist of scheduled wes of ‘helen Cention. That parlyexpins ‘hesteady neeas inte propeton othe ‘scheduled tte population in Ind exge= ally inthe peneberseen 1971 2nd 198) “There ha been more concern with the ‘dentition of bes than with their Aefintion. This oes not mean that Fists ave bexn daa without any conception bie whasoever There did exist some conception, This was obvious fem the sf nei that were opted. These ‘angedfrommochfeatressegeopaptial Solstion, spl techoogy and eon tioning gencraltuckorarnesto he pracie of animism, tba language, pista fens ete The poblen we Every he fat ha hey wore er ‘lsu formulated aor systematically Apple. One st of ees wan ie in ore cortex and gts ante in ster Sonex The esl tht the cds supe andcommanities kr ie En tromeach ern espe! fot oa) ‘Svea he polation ba ote evel of cehmlogy and ther characteris. Indian antopotogs hae been ately sea ofacetein sok of focueen ther diline defines ee nd wha they arog to describe as tes. Yet they have coaineed withthe exkting inet The cay etcgrphes were rot very “ewe hou the dtinton Bete ate Sadie a. The 1 sony wt ings, for expe, showed spronynous se ofthe tem tbe with cae, iter ‘sever wed ina cognate mera one Souk! ein he ue pane ‘at nd teesat by Risley ard many ters ‘inthe wnings Efforts to makes i Uinciondetween he two beganta be made ‘Mer naive was taken fo colt de tailed intormation about the people fete census. The census ois re Hom ter fir fom clear with esr «0 the itera of ston Hs hh 201 ens tht one inde mena ofeteria owsoetr inadequate that may eT Gefined tres at those who paced imi. Tn the subsequent censuses tis was repaed te eal elt tin althcughthecrteion so uadaced Seas bihy usatfactry, etna to be tse widely and entnsively. sens nke pos independence period that mor sysenatic efor was made tears disingusing tbe from eat ‘Trough the diction Betesn te wo was Made in oth colonial and pest Coleialshnogrphy.terlainbetween oonomic and Political Weekly December 18,1989 the to was diferent conceived in the two ethnographis. nits coll etna: raphy the concern smn hy the Beh lmiisratrs-scolas was To ark off tbe rom caste, Hence bes ree shown toteliving incomplete isolion rom the ‘es ofthe population and therefore with- ut any ntrstion c iteration ith ‘he conta the mae cancer nthe ‘ative edographyhasbeento sho close Ineracton ofthe tabes ith the Ise society or the cvieation, Beth Gherye (1962) and Bose (1975), for example Suess the nate of interaction beeen ‘tesandthe larger Hinduscciet andthe ‘eaysinwhichinbeshave bende ino (he Hinds societs. They stessedsimii- tesbetwoonthetiosocltios Sina 1958) ‘even goes tothe excent of viewing rites ‘sedimeionflialetradtionhateannn ‘adequately understood uiessit s seen in reation wo the great waction. a view of such conception, tribes have come to be primarily stuied in relation tofeaures and characterises telarger sociesy- The focus ion how tribes ae toting absorbed ino the linger sci, the sealed mainstream, by becoming ‘ase, peasant, class ands on. With sch oncepushisaton the ident ofthe etal T0up or community sindeed pot tsk, Thisishecauseofthe way ies have been concepuslised i anthropological ter ture and te reference with which etal secicy in India i sued “Tribes ae primarily see aa tage and ‘ype of scciety. They represent x society that lacks postive ais ofthe modem seciety and ths constutes a simple trae and backward socey Witchange In these fearses or account of education, ‘moder oeupaton, 2 technology et teal sociey is no longer considered 10 ewibal Iftransfomtionisinthe destin of ease society then itis described as having become caste socey, I the re cence is peasant then its posited asthe pessuntsccetyandifthe gereraldsecion ‘St wansfoation is socal diferension, ‘hon it is described as diflereited or 19 stratified, and thus ceases to be uibal Sociery Tn the process itis forpoten that tobe besides Being stage and ype of Society is asoa society alike and simi ‘oany shar kind of socey. 99 the Oriya forthe Bengal, But tis precisely this that comes 10 be denied on acount of the ‘hanged suation. Ofcourse tis tue that thetrbes are not ofthe sme stage and type ss Bengalior Oiyasocietes There ison Something clams aureus ofthe ter tee in desing he Indian social el Concept of indigenous ‘Such conceptual and empirical prob- lems inherent in the se of the term ibe ‘or bal society could to some extent be ‘overcome by the vse of the term indi- enous bunt without giving ese to other Problems. The term indigenous or is ‘squivalent hasbeen used i anthropology to deserve group called trbas for quite Some time, ls se noe has however gone heyond the discipline of antropolery. ‘The imernational agencies are iereas: ingly and exersively making use ofthis termandconceptin thee deliberationsand ‘iscvssions, With his the term has come tooccupy widecurency ingeneralas well fs inthe other ser scienees iterate In the deliberations of the iterations] agencies, the term sas used forte fist fume in 1957 [Roy-Buran undated). It ‘uined wide cureney after 1993 with he Aoclaration ofthe year 1983 5 the icer- rational year of the indigenous peopl 1 1957 the general conference of the TLO adopted & convention concerning protection and integration of indigenous Endotheribalandemi-ribal popelation {nindepensent countries, The convention framed generaliniemational standards for facilitating government actions towacds protecting and promoting. progressive Imtegrationf these people athe respoc- tive national communities (Convention No 107)- By 1985 the TLO felt the need to revise the convention on account of ‘anges insides and approaches 1 ‘vars these people wedldwide. The ILO ad eacher proposed imegration a the

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