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Take Precautions to Avoid Bloodborne Pathogens

Health care workers are usually exposed to the different fluids from the patient that may
have bloodborne pathogens, through this, bacterial and viral infections are transferred
though the blood and other fluids of the body. When workers come in contact with the fluids,
the risk of infection increases. Health care workers are expected to wear personal protective
equipment to avoid direct contamination.

The hospital/ health care facility is expected to have a proper management of exposure and
diminish the presence of infection-causing micro-organisms in the facility. Some of the best
practices include:

 Practicing hand hygiene

 Using antiseptics and disinfectant on skin prior to a surgical procedure or I.V. injection
 Cleaning and decontamination of instruments

2. Be Careful with Sharps Injuries

All necessary sharp objects/ instruments inside the medical facilities are usually
contaminated. To avoid this from happening, it is required to follow a proper disposal
system for all sharps and infectious waste.

3. Use Proper Devices to Reduce Risk of Musculoskeletal Injuries

Medical professional are common to have musculoskeletal injuries due to their act of lifting
immobile patients, usually transferring them from different places. This makes the workers
at risk for musculoskeletal disorders. To prevent this from happening, use assistive devices
when possible. If the said devices are not available, one should at least follow the correct
body mechanics to reduce the risk of injury,

4. Train Employees to be Safe against Chemical Hazards

Chemicals found inside the health care industry may initiate serious diseases and disorders.
According to OSHA, employees are trained by the medical facilities on how to handle
hazardous substances safely. It is also required to wear personal protective equipment
when handling such chemicals.
5. Provide Fire Safety Training

There is still the need for fire safety training, even though the number of cases are
declining. Usually, the operating rooms are at the highest risk due to the presence of
flammable gas.

Proper precautions are needed to minimize the fire risk, such as using water-soluble
materials for covering flammable parts of the body.

In case of fire, health care workers need to follow the concept of RACE:

 Rescue anyone nearby

 Activate the fire alarm
 Contain the fire by closing doors and windows
 Extinguish the fire using a fire extinguisher
Regular fire drills are also necessary to train employees.

Five Safety Tips for Health Care Workers. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2018, from

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