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Train Your Thinking

The Power Portal To Long-Lasting

Dr. Houston Vetter, PhD


“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

December 2010…

As I went through the chapters of this book I realized that a lot of my

metaphors and processes have changed over the last ten (10) years (2000
original publication date). And I realized that this material is still cutting edge
material and very, very useful when applied.

These pages are not about why your thinking does what it does, they are
about how your mind (thinking) does what it does. The fantastic thing about
understanding how something happens is that you can change or shift one of
the elements and something totally different happens.

These pages are about getting your life to show up better for you in ways that
are pleasing to you.

To your Best,

The DocResults Blog

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Before you Read Your

New Book
Please Read This First!
First thank you for getting this book. You have in your hands, if you will simply
put it into practice, some of the most powerful and simple tools available to
make you and your life happier, healthier, wealthier and wiser.

I wrote this book because patients and clients told me that it would be
extremely helpful. As a result, I took my trainings and classes and transcribed
them into this written document.

The book reads as a conversation. There are thoughts within thoughts. We

sometimes start at one place and cover three or four different things before we
finish back where we started.

Some people wanted to edit the book because they knew they could make it
clearer and grammatically correct. However, I worked with an editor to keep it
in a conversational style. Since it has been published we have found a few
misspellings and yet all the incomplete thoughts and double or triple meanings
are meant to be there.

The reason is this book is an unconscious friendly book. There are passages
and paragraphs that can be taken different ways. Go ahead and take them in
all the different ways that you can. One principle that will help you be very
successful is to consciously or unconsciously find at least three different
meanings to everything and make at least two of the meanings positive.

Some may think this is just a story of a poor little orphan that made good. On
one level it can be. That part can be motivational. On another level this is a
model, not the only model, but a very, very useful model that anyone can put
into practice and be and become successful now.

A good way to read this book and then actually use it is to quickly read it
through as if you were reading a light novel or series of short stories. After the
first reading, do the exercises in each chapter until you are comfortable with


To really make this book work and not be just some good information
(knowledge), take whatever problem you have at this time and read from
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

chapter five on applying each exercise to the problem. The key to this book is
using the contents on a specific problem, any problem.

The addendum at the back of the book is an extension of chapter five because
the book was originally written for our clients that just wanted to lose weight or
stop smoking. That is why there are instructions in the beginning of the book of
things to do before your first hypnosis session.

Read this book as if you had hired me to be your Mental Trainer. Just like a
Personal Trainer would make you work hard, sweat and hurt doing things that
you are not used to doing and things that are new. As your Mental Trainer I
help you play hard and do new things you're not used to doing in a new way.

Sincerely yours,

P.S. Anytime you have a problem, challenge, or any resistance, notice the
feeling and simply apply any of the strategies in this book and you will
accelerate your success.

P.P.S. You can't have a problem if you don't already know (unconsciously)
what the answer is. Go ahead and accelerate your success now.


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

The Power Portal for
Long-Lasting Success
(Practical how to’s for creating wisdom)
Dr. Houston Vetter, PhD

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

If the truth of the matter was told, and I guess now is as good a time as any, my
acknowledgement and thanks goes out to pretty much everyone I’ve come in
contact with throughout all these years of existence. Everything that you will find
in this book probably isn’t original. My belief is that everything people give me
credit for, I learned from someone else. I just package it in my own unique way -
kind of southern, left-handed, practical and straightforward. Ok, maybe not
always straightforward - but in a way that allows you to begin the process of
creating wisdom your own unique way. As Dave Osborn, one of the people who
encouraged me to get this stuff written down said, “There is much value in the
way you package this information. You know, packaging is everything.”

I’m of the opinion that I may miss someone as I begin to go through this litany of

If I do, and you find that you gave or taught me some of this information, I
apologize in advance and ask your forgiveness. If you let me know, I will
remember and give you credit in the next edition. So here goes - from the most
recent back.

Most of the NLP, DHE, HPE community, Richard Bandler and John Grinder - for
synthesizing so much and coming up with NLP and Richard’s DHE.

John LaValle, Rex Steven Sikes - who I met and learned from at a training of
Rex’s and then later some fabulous concepts.

John LaTaroutte - some of his energy work, NLP and Huna stuff.

Gary Craig the developer of EFT.

Kenrick Cleveland - one of the best, if not the best, teachers of Persuasion. His
MAX Persuasion is the best I’ve ever experienced.

Skip Carson - kind of like my partner in crime in this adventure

Michael Hall and Bob Boedenhimer - for Neuro-Semantics.

My entire staff - Debbie, Chris, Michael, Derel, and all our clients and patients.

My good, good friend Rachel Bath - who is naturally turning to wisdom more and
more, and is such a good example of how to take these concepts and create

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Ray Shaw - for someone who doesn’t know much about this stuff, you are one
of the best examples of naturally designing and displaying wisdom.

Gene Rodenberry - for creating Star Trek.

Brother and Sister Maynard - for caring enough to run the orphanage in the
most useful way possible with love, care and wisdom.

All the believers that allowed me to serve as Pastor - until we found out that the
job description was not in the Bible.

Rick Grothe - for proving that being blonde and an athlete can be the intelligent
thing to do.

And to Robbie Smith - who used some of my early wisdom processes and
presented me with a person to prove these concepts and principles true.


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Four years ago in an effort to expand my hypnosis and communication skills, I

learned of NLP/HPE (Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Human Performance
Engineering). I must admit that I was very skeptical at first. The claims that were
made ranging from curing phobias in 5 minutes, to deliberately altering beliefs
and values, were, frankly, not credible. Yet, as I read books, talked to people,
and researched on the Internet, I began to realize something. The
accomplishments were growing from single claims, to a chorus, to multitudes.
Still I wasn’t quite convinced. I needed more; most of us do need more. My
method of satisfying that need was by attending training. In that one weekend,
my view about my own capabilities and that of others was transformed. A world
of possibility opened up for me, that had heretofore existed, but one I had been
incapable of even perceiving, much less achieving.

People ask, “What is NLP/HPE?” Lots of times they just ask, “What is this stuff?”
As many times as I have answered this question, I have yet to feel that it is
answered fully. There isn’t a single area of human endeavor that cannot be
enhanced using this incredible technology. An athlete can use it to enhance
physical ability, a sales person can use it to increase his selling skills, a
housewife can use it to improve her relationships with her husband or children,
therapists can use this body of knowledge, as they take on the attitude to help
clients faster, and more thoroughly, than ever before. And all of us can use it to
create the life we want to live and then live it. This truly is a Power Portal that
allows you to master living at cause, not at effect.

But, that didn’t say what NLP/HPE is, did it?

This amazing technology is a detailed accurate model of human experience and

communication. Using that model, we can describe any human activity and
make deep, concise, and accurate changes, that endure.

Using NLP/HPE, we can model people who do things exquisitely and then teach
our own neurology the skillful model, quickly and effortlessly. In this way, we can
rapidly and easily acquire powerful skills. The changes we make aren’t
haphazard guesses about how to do things well. They are based on what we
know worked.

This makes it such that the changes you make are not steps into the unknown;
they are strides into proven success.

There are many books written about “success”, but none of them delve into the
wisdom that underlies the success. I suspect the authors knew it was there and
necessary. They probably have no idea how to teach wisdom. So, they just
leave that part out.


In this book, you are going to learn how to design success, not study someone
else’s success, but design your own success. You will learn how you create
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

success, and how you generate wisdom, and how to apply those things to
achieve your goals. But more importantly, you will learn how to generate
excellence within yourself, by finding out how deeply you can communicate with
your unconscious.

An author who knows what he is talking about should write any book about
success, one who understands the subject matter both intellectually and
experimentally. While it may not be necessary to go from “rags to riches,” it is
important that the author have demonstrated personally, that the methods and
techniques do work. And success, for most of us, includes much more than
mere money. Relationships, self-satisfaction, and achievement of goals, are all
part and parcel to making up success. In addition to the facts about Houston
Vetter’s childhood contained in this book, there is another story about him you
should know.

When I first met Houston at a meeting in Atlanta, he was on the verge of a

disaster. Houston’s business then involved buying and renovating housing and
then reselling it. He and his partners were doing very well. They were in the
process of a major purchase, a renovation project, to revitalize a large tract of
housing in a major metropolitan area. Unexpectedly the city planners changed
their minds and the project was history. Houston lost, at once, his considerable
investment, his job, the fruits of his life’s work, and acquired a six-figure debt!
He was literally forced to borrow from friends for the basics of food and shelter.

Now, three years later, Houston owns and operates a very successful business,
and is not just enjoying the benefits that success brings for himself, but he is
bringing those around him along with him.

It isn’t necessary for you to have fallen as far as Houston did, to use his
strategies for success. It isn’t necessary for you to be Houston to successfully
employ his methods. It is only necessary that you want to succeed. This book
will not ask you to try to be anyone but yourself. You aren’t going to need
anything but the God-given abilities you now have, some of which you don’t yet
know about. This book will teach you how to build your success your way.

You are reading my words, and perhaps you are beginning to realize that the
future you want really is “in your hands”. Shakespeare compared life to an actor
“who struts and frets his hour upon the stage…” The realization now is that for
the first time in history, the ability to “write the play” is in your hands.

Take this book seriously while you are having fun reading it.

Skip Carson


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Table of Contents



Table of Contents……………………………………………..….

Chapter 1 The Moral of the Story……………………..….… 2

Chapter 2 Basic Foundation to The Power Portal………..… 16

Chapter 3 The Structure of Hypnosis and the Brain/Mind…. 27

Chapter 4 Building a Strong Foundation for The Power Portal 45

Chapter 5 Resetting Your Circuit Breakers……………….... 66

Chapter 6 How the Mind Works………………………...… 82

Chapter 7 Ways to Create Beliefs…………………………. 94

Chapter 8 A Couple of Ways of Opening The Power Portal 105

Chapter 9 Applying this from a Spiritual Point of View….. 117

Other Publications…………………………………………………...... 126


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Chapter 1

The Moral of the Story . . .

One sunny day a rabbit came out of her hole in the ground to enjoy the fine
weather. The day was so nice that she became careless and a fox sneaked up
behind her and caught her.

"I am going to eat you for lunch!” said the fox.

"Wait!" replied the rabbit; "You should at least wait a few days."

"Oh yeah? Why should I wait?"

"Well, I am just finishing my thesis on 'The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes

and Wolves’."

"Are you crazy? I should eat you right now! Everybody knows that a fox will
always win over a rabbit."

"Not really, not according to my research. If you like, you can come into my hole
and read it for yourself. If you are not convinced, you can go ahead and have
me for lunch."

"You really are crazy!" However, since the fox was curious and had nothing to
lose, it went with the rabbit. The fox never came out. A few days later the rabbit
was again taking a break from writing and sure enough, a wolf came out of the
bushes and was ready to set upon her.

"Wait!" yelled the rabbit; "you can't eat me right now."

"And why might that be, my furry appetizer?"

"I am almost finished writing my thesis on 'The Superiority of Rabbits over

Foxes and Wolves'."

The wolf laughed so hard it almost lost its grip on the rabbit. "Maybe I shouldn't
eat you. You really are sick--in the head. You might have something

"Come and read it for yourself. You can eat me afterward if you disagree with
my conclusions."

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

So the wolf went down into the rabbit's hole and never came out. The rabbit
finished her thesis and was out celebrating in the local lettuce patch. Another
rabbit came along and asked, "What's up? You seem very happy."

"Yup, I just finished my thesis."

"Congratulations. What's it about?"

"The Superiority of Rabbits over Foxes and Wolves’."

"Are you sure? That doesn't sound right."

"Oh yes. Come and read it for yourself."

So together, they went down into the rabbit's hole. As they entered, the friend
saw the typical graduate abode -- albeit a rather messy one after writing a
thesis. The computer with the controversial work was in one corner. In addition,
to the right there was a pile of fox bones, on the left a pile of wolf bones.
Moreover, in the middle was a large, well-fed lion.

The moral of the story:

The title of your thesis doesn't matter.
The subject doesn't matter.
The research doesn't matter.

All that matters is who your advisor is.

Hello, my name is Houston. I wasn’t always called Houston though. It is one of
four names I was given at birth. In fact, although I have three names plus a last
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

name of “Vetter” on my birth certificate somehow I guess that still wasn’t enough
of a choice or flexibility.

For the first 17 to 18 years of my life I went by the nickname “Buddy," that does
not appear on my birth certificate. I have the impression that the nickname came
from my Grandmother, she being of Scotch, Irish, Dutch and Anglo heritage and
my father being a full-blooded German named Adolf. I inherited that name as
one of the three names besides Houston on my birth certificate without the
name Buddy anywhere on that sheet of paper.

Anyway, I don’t know about you but in this world I started out as a child and I
was born naked. They say I was born in a place called Petoskey, Michigan. I
lived there three weeks. I remember it well.

So well in fact that as I was typing this into the word processor I had to go look
in my file and find my birth certificate so I could spell Petoskey right. By the way,
does your birth certificate have an expiration date on it?

From there, we moved (my mother, half-brother and I) to Shelbyville,

Tennessee. Shelbyville has two distinctions. At that time it was the walking
horse capitol of the world and where they make the #2 pencils that are needed
for all those tests and forms.

We moved in with my Grandparents on my mother’s side or else we would have

been in a different country, my father being German and all.

The story I heard, because I don’t remember, was that my father, my dad
whatever titles one wants to use, anyway my male parental unit was sitting at a
card table and I crawled over and grabbed his pant leg. He picked me up and
threw me across the room. I hit the wall and slid down. He got up, walked out of
the house and never returned.

Anyway, we lived at my Grandparents until one day when I was about 3. I was
at the babysitter’s playing in the sandbox. This reminds me of what Steven
Wright the comedian once said as a child when we played in a quicksand box. I
was an only child eventually.

My mother came to pick me up and told me we’re going for a ride. Like any
excited 3 year old, I wanted to go. In addition, like any 3 year old I kept asking,
“Are we there yet?”

Are we there yet?

Well, the next thing you know we drive into this area that looks like a college
campus. You know lots of buildings and dorms. Being 3 years old and not

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

knowing what a college campus looked like made it all strange and fascinating
to me.

We went to the dining hall and they seated me at a square table with seven
other little boys between the ages of 3 and 6, two per side. Afterwards, I walked
with the boys to their dormitory. I don’t remember my mom telling me I was
going to live here.

Me live here?
Yet this is interesting and fascinating because we go into this room we have to
sit in three rows (there are about 12 of us) and we watch TV. The only challenge
is that the show we get to watch is Perry Mason, which our houseparent enjoys.

I don’t know about you but at 3 years old, I really wasn’t into Perry Mason.

A 3 year old wants to know where were the funny looking characters, the falls,
the talking mouse and duck and of course Foghorn-Leghorn and the little
chicken hawk, “I say, I say look at me boy when I’m talking to ya son!”

That night I slept in a new bed in a room with 12 other boys. This was my
introduction and first experience with orphanage life.

The pattern became one, of my mother visiting every Friday evening through
Sunday noon. During the week, I would live the life of an orphan. It was
regimented and structured. There were rules, lots of rules. It is also fun.

One Friday afternoon I was on the concrete porch waiting for my mom. I waited
and waited and waited. After a while I started getting that feeling in my stomach
of not getting what I wanted, that feeling of loss, that feeling of fear.

As it grew and compounded upon itself, feeling upon feeling, it moved into
blame, shame, guilt and fear. The dreaded why question came up, why me?
What have I done to deserve this? I began to feel hopeless and lost.

I began to cry.

I stood on that porch crying, bawling and feeling worthless until it was dark and I
was made to go to bed. It is interesting that there was a part of me that stayed
on that porch hope against hope that she would show up.

The next morning before they rang the big bell in the middle of the campus that
signalled we had thirty minutes to go to the dining hall for breakfast, I was back
on that little 3x4 concrete porch pacing, looking and waiting with hope.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

After breakfast, which I did not eat, I was back on the porch feeling the
hopelessness starting to creep back upon me. I don’t know how long it took,
maybe 10 minutes, maybe 30 minutes or an hour. All I know is that by lunch I
was bawling and completely hopeless again.

This continued all day Saturday

and all day Sunday.
When Monday rolled around, my unconscious already knew that my mother was
normally never there on Monday. I went into that mode of being the little boy
living in this place with 175 other kids ranging from the age of 3 months to 18
years of age. They call it an orphanage.

The next Friday about the same time I was back out on that porch pacing,
waiting and hoping! This weekend wasn’t as bad as the weekend before and by
the next weekend I barely noticed she wasn’t there. In fact, I didn’t notice she
did not come.

Later in life, one of the possible meanings I gave to this episode was that the
orphanage administrators had asked my mother not to come. Maybe I wasn’t
adjusting to orphanage life well enough.

Whether it was true or not wasn’t important. It was just a way that I used to
cope, justify, honor my mother and take the responsibility for what was going on.
This gave me more power and control over me.

What are you thinking and believing

that gives you more power and
control over you?
After the porch escapade, my mother came and visited me about twice a year
during those early years and I would get to go home (Grandma’s house) for

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

about a week once a year. At those times, I would spend time with my mom, my
brother, my Grandma and John-Daddy (my grandfather).

In later years my Grandma would tell me that she had raised my brother, who
was ten years older than me, and had not wanted to raise another child. That’s
how I happened to end up in the orphanage.

Almost every time I tell my story (and this is just the beginning) I usually throw in
a few jokes and humor. My story, my entire story is about empowerment. I have
very rarely told it as a tearjerker. On the few occasions, where I just really made
people feel sad it was because they were talking about how bad their past had

My Grampa Vetter said we have some good news and some bad news. The
bad news is that you’re the only problem you have and the good news is...

You are the solution.


I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian orphanage. Although they didn’t realize

it, and they didn’t intend it to be, it was fantastic. I grew up believing that we had
it right and that if others just believed it the way we did, they would be all right,
too. Except the words and actions just did not line up together.

They keep talking about knowing the truth and the truth setting you free. Except
that the truth or what they were calling the truth, their interpretation of truth puts
people in bondage.

Anyway, I grew up, went to college and seminary and became a pastor—which
was blasphemy to the Christian group I was raised in. They had a problem with
the word “pastor", not the job description of what one does, just the title.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

One day someone asked me why I was a pastor, since what I did as a pastor,
my job description was not in the book (Bible). So I searched it out. What I did
was in the book, but no one person did it. So for me, I just became a believer
again and started giving responsibility back to others.

Looking up the word RESPONSIBILITY was a fun endeavour.

Responsibility has nothing to do with

blame, shame, guilt or fear.
Oh, by the way, blame, shame, guilt and fears are things other people (and
sometimes we) use to try to control others. They are useless emotions used to
control others.

When you look up the word “responsibility” in the dictionary, it says something
about commitment. It did not look right, sound right or feel right. So I looked up
the word “ability," which means, “power to” and the prefix “re” means “again,
once again." On the other hand, like we said as kids, “do over".

Therefore, responsibility has something to do with the power to do something

again. The word “spond” wasn’t in the regular dictionary, so I went to the Greek
dictionary. There I found the word “sponde." It is a Greek musical term meaning
“liberation, to liberate."

Responsibility means the power to once again liberate. Personal Responsibility

is the power to again liberate oneself. What a great word. Wouldn’t you like to…

Once, again, liberate yourself.

Now let’s clarify two little words that may have caused you a few problems
because we haven’t had them cleared up. The words are “to” and “for." People
get stuck when they take “responsibility for” someone or something when they
should be taking “responsibility to."

As an example, let’s presuppose that one of the main reasons we are here on
planet earth is to learn. So each one of us, man, woman and child is here to
learn. This gives us the power to liberate ourselves again.

For the sake of this example, let’s say that a child runs out into the street and is
hit by a car. Who’s responsible for this? Now some people will blame, accuse or

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

assign responsibility for this to the driver. Some assign it to the parents, but not
many where the responsibility really lies.

The driver is responsible to drive safely. The parents’ responsibility is to caringly

teach, to pass on to the child the wisdom of looking before entering the street.
The child has the power to liberate itself by learning to take responsibility “for”
what he has been taught.

You are responsible “to” family, friends and society to differing degrees and yet
you are only responsible “for” yourself and your communication.

Foundation Stone:

The meaning of your communication is

the response you get, not your
In addition, that brings up the question, “How do we communicate?” which leads
to the discussion about the conscious and the unconscious (or the
subconscious). We understand language by way of our unconscious processes.
We will discuss this in the next chapter.

Let’s talk now about changing habits because that is a big part of creating
WISDOM. Universities like Duke and Stanford were doing studies on how to
help people change habits and they wound up studying Hypnosis.

You see, they found out that to consciously change a habit takes anywhere from
17 to 18 months. Take weight for example. One would have to get down to their
ideal weight and then continue doing the same things consciously for another 17
to 18 months to hopefully make it an unconscious habit.

No wonder many the diet programs don’t last because the average American
diet starts on Monday and ends on Wednesday. I’ve had people tell me theirs
started on Monday and ended on the same Monday.

They determined to change a habit that one might as well do it where the habit
resides, in the unconscious. That way it can be changed a whole lot quicker and
easier. Like someone says, “Hypnosis is the easiest, quickest, most cost
effective way to get long term permanent results.”

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Hypnosis is not mystical or magical. Every human being goes through… a

naturally occurring state at least twice a day whether they want to or not. Like a
broken clock has to be right at least twice a day. My belief is that all hypnosis is

The hypnotists aren’t the real hypnotists, you are. You are the one who is going
to relax and take these suggestions. Hypnotist are just the guides, teachers and
coaches. We don’t get to play the game, you do.

The Universities said they felt there were three types of people who couldn’t be
hypnotized. The first type of person is someone with an IQ of 70 or below. The
reason is all hypnosis is just a brainwave pattern.

I don’t know if you are aware that the Beta brainwave is the one of the four
brainwaves that is used for trance level -- which is the fastest, most active. That
is where we store judgment, stress, anger, frustration, fear, and any of the
negative emotions. That’s about 12 percent. We spend most of our time in this
trance. We call it the reactive mind.

Supporting that are the Alpha and Theta trance levels. Have you ever been at a
red light, it turned green, and someone behind you had to honk at you? That’s
an Alpha Trance. Also, when you’re in an elevator or driving your car and not
remembering the last 15 minutes are also Alpha Trances.

Now the Theta brainwave trance is when you are relaxing at home watching TV,
listening to music or lying in bed with your eyes closed and you can hear
everything that’s going on. Your body’s asleep, yet your mind’s awake. The


phone rings or someone calls your name and you go, “Oh! leave me alone
because I feel so good.” That’s the Theta trance level.

Below that is Delta level. Have you ever been asleep? Then you were in a
trance, a Delta Trance.

The reason the Universities said that someone with an IQ of 70 or below could
not be hypnotized is because they didn’t think they could hold the trance level
long enough to be able to take the suggestions. Clinical hypnosis is performed
in the Theta trance level. When someone with an IQ of 70 or below closes their
eyes and they are not receiving visual stimulation they go right through Theta to

The second type of person they said could not be hypnotized is someone who is
on severe mind-altering drugs, drunk or stoned. It makes complete sense to me.
They are already in a trance and very suggestible. Why would I want to get
them in another trance?

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

The third type of person that they said could not be hypnotized is someone who
chooses not to be. Which goes back to my belief that all hypnosis is self-

Now, the reason hypnosis works is because you work perfectly. You are getting
everything you have programmed yourself to get. Let me give you an example:
when we were little our metabolism was faster, plates were smaller and our
parents would tell us things like “eat everything on your plate because there are
starving children in….”

Therefore, when we were full we would continue to eat to please… Mom and
Dad. Now that we are older, our metabolism is slower and the plates are larger.
A lot of the time when we are full we have a hard time not wanting to clean the
rest of our plates because of the patterns we established when we were

So one of the big morals of the story is, like Grampa Vetter said:

What you fail to learn through intelligence,

you will learn through physical example.


Let’s say that again, and louder.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4



Here are some good beliefs to cultivate. Later you will learn how to install any
belief you want. For now, here are a few of the ones I started with:

Know my outcome, model what works, take action and develop sensory
acuity to know what I’m getting, and keep refining it until…

1) Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves to

teach me.

a. Everything has possibilities.

i. Retrace my steps.

ii. Learn painful lessons.

iii. Mend fences.

iv. Look at new possibilities.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

b. Expect things to work out well.

c. My best efforts will be successful.

d. See the potential in a situation.

2) There is no such thing as failure. There are only results.

a. EXPERIENCE – The one benefit I have today over yesterday.

b. When I learn from every human experience, I succeed in

anything I do.

3) Whatever happens, take responsibility.

a. You create your world. (Your view of it.)

b. No matter how good or bad, I create it.

i. Maybe by physical actions

ii. Maybe by level and tenor of my thoughts

c. I generate my experience in life by behavior or thought.

d. I’m not at the mercy of circumstances.


e. Things don’t just happen to me.

f. The meaning of my communication is the response it gets.

i. Changing my actions changes my communication.

ii. Taking responsibility is power to change my results.

4. It’s not necessary to understand everything to be able to use

a. Use what’s essential.

b. Working knowledge – not every last detail

c. There is a balance between use and knowledge.

5) People are my greatest resource.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

a. I have a sense of respect and appreciation for others.

b. Remain alert, read – just behavior, recalibrate my actions.

6) Work is play.

a. “Make your vocation your vacation.” – Mark Twain

b. Work your way toward this kind of job (state of mind).

c. There are no dead-end jobs.

7) There is no abiding (lasting) success without commitment.

a. Great success requires great commitment.

b. I’m willing to pay the price.

c. WIT, Whatever It Takes, without hurting others.


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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

In the next chapter, we are going to learn the starting point needed to build a
foundation for The Power Portal…


Chapter 2

Basic Foundation to the Power Portal

Way back up in one of the hollers of East Tennessee there lived an old man and
his grandson. They were poor. They were so poor; in fact, that they only had an
old swayback mule named Hiney that was of any value at all.

They had talked it over and decided they needed to take Hiney down to the
town at the bottom of the holler and sell him for money to buy some food or
trade him for some magical beans. (That’s another story.)

So, they started out early one morning because it was a long trip and it would
take all day to make it down to the village.

Picture this, an old man and his young grandson, leading ole swayback Hiney
down the trail.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Well, as luck would have it, the trail led by Mr. Johnson’s house, and sittin’ on
the porch were Mr. Johnson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hatfield and Mr. McCoy. They were
rockin’ in their rockers, smoking their pipes.

One of them said, “Well lookie yonder at that old man who’s not very smart. The
boy is young with strong legs so he should be ridin’ that ole swayback mule and
let the boy lead."

Upon hearing this, the old man decided to ride Hiney and let his grandson lead
Hiney down the trail.

Later in the day as they were passing the small wooden church, they heard the
preacher’s wife remark to her husband:

“Look at that honey. Look how shameful that is. There is a man riding while he’s
making that poor boy walk.”

After hearing that, the old man decided to let his grandson ride Hiney and he
would walk.

A little farther down, around lunchtime, they passed by a stream where kids
were swimming and overheard the children say that if it were them they would
both ride the mule.

So, the old man and his grandson both got on Hiney’s back and slowly made
their way down the trail.


About mid-afternoon they passed by a house where a group of women were

visiting someone in need. They overheard the women say how sad it was, and
how cruel it was, for that old donkey to be carrying both the old man and the
little boy.

They talked about how hard the life of that ole donkey must have been and that
he should have some relief and wouldn’t it be nice if the old man and the boy
were to carry the donkey instead of the donkey carrying them.

Well the old man and his grandson thought that was a good idea so they got
down off Hiney, put him on their backs, and headed on down the trail to town.

Now going into town from the direction that they were coming they had to cross
a hand-made rope bridge, it was almost like a swinging bridge. Well halfway
across, Hiney shifted his weight, the old man and his grandson lost their grips
and Hiney fell off the bridge. He fell way down into the valley below and died.

If you learn very little from this story, I hope you learn the lesson that the ole
man and his grandson learned.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4



So, instead of trying to please everyone else it may be valuable to determine

what it is you want or where you want to go. To do that, you have to know where
you are and where you want to go. (We will deal with this even more in later

As with most things, it is useful to discover your foundation in any given area.
This area of creating wisdom is no different. I’m reminded of what that great
philosopher said one time when I was listening to a response he was giving to
his superior. You may have heard him yourself.


It was on a ship… a starship… the Starship Enterprise. Captain Kirk had just
come back from a parallel universe and was observing that even though in the
parallel universe the values were pretty much the opposite from theirs, Mr.
Spock seemed to do quite well using logic and Mr. Spock replied as he raised
an eyebrow:

Anything can be logical;

it just depends what you base the logic on.
If you are alive, breathing and reading this information then you qualify for what
is being presented here. It is very logical and foundational that you understand
the following premise. Otherwise, you will lose your Hiney.

Some people are constantly wondering who am I. They even come to

therapists, preachers and friends, and ask, “Who am I really?” I’m sure you
know people like this, and may have thought about it yourself.

My Grampa Vetter used to say something he heard from someone else, maybe
someone on the acknowledgement page of this book the question isn’t who am
I, but who can I be.
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

“Who am I is the wrong question.”

Even though “Who am I?” is the wrong question to ask, we might as well answer
it since so many people want to know who they are. And to answer the question
of “Who am I?”, we are going to look at a concept that will once and for all
answer the question off “Who am I?” that is inescapable for each and every one
of us.


What people are, really? Regardless of whether or not they want to be,
regardless of whether or not they agree to be, regardless of whether or not they
chose to be everyone is:

The old saying goes there are two types of people in the world: ______ and
those that don’t know they are.

Salespeople and those that don’t know they are.

Therapists and those that don’t know they are.

Persuaders and those that don’t know they are.


Breathers and those that don’t know they are.

Alive and those that don’t know they are.

All of these are true. The blank could be any number of things. I am reminded of
what my Grampa Vetter used to say, “What people fail to learn through
intelligence, they will learn through physical example.” It really holds true for
what is being presented here.

Words that really fit the blank, whether or not people want them to or not are
sales people, therapists, persuaders, alive, etc. and the

phrase that is much inescapable is Professional Communicator because you

cannot, not communicate. In addition, every communication is an attempt to
persuade, convince or get someone to agree, acknowledge, or validate your
position or your communication.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, day in and day out, you communicate.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

There really are two types of people in the world:

Professional Communicators
and those that do not know they are.
Corner Stone:


Whether you want to be or not, you are a Professional Communicator, 24/7. You
might say, “Ok, I’ll agree with the communicator part, but not the professional
part. So, what is a professional?

Some of the definitions of professional are:

1) belonging to or connected with a profession.

a. Every human being communicates.


2) skillful, worthy of a profession

a. Every human has varying skillfulness at communicating.

b. Every human is worthy, just from the fact that he exists.

3) engaged in a specific activity as one’s main occupation.

a. People cannot not communicate no matter what they

do 24 hours a day 7 days a week, day in and day out
they communicate.

b. If that’s not main occupation, I don’t know what is.

So what does a Professional Communicator do?

Foundation Stone:

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Every communication, to
some degree, is an
attempt to persuade,
convince or get someone
to agree, to acknowledge,
or validate your position
or your communication.

How does it feel to finally understand that you are a professional at something
no matter what you do? You are a Professional Communicator and, as such,
you can take pride in the fact that you were born, created and brought into this
life to be a Professional Communicator.

Every human being is a goal-seeking organism. Every human being is a criteria-

filling machine, criteria being things that we want emotionally and internally.

Now the question comes up: since everyone is a Professional Communicator,

how can someone be the best Professional Communicator there is? If not that,
how can someone be a better Professional Communicator? Or how can one be
a more useful Professional Communicator?

Now UPCs (Useful Professional Communicators) realize that they communicate

not only to others but they first communicate to themselves before they
communicate to others. They also understand one cannot, not communicate.
You can’t help it. Have you ever wondered what you are communicating?

Is what you are communicating to yourself helping you get what you want or is it
holding you back? Is it moving you in the direction where you want to go or is it
allowing you to blame something or someone else for what is going on? Is what
you are communicating empowering you or dis-empowering you?

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Foundation Stone:

Since you cannot not communicate,

what are you communicating to yourself
Feelings of blame, shame, guilt, fear or not quite measuring up are all things we
have communicated to ourselves based on the mind-read we have attached to
others communicating. Well the truth of the matter is, they are just
communicating what is going on inside of them and it is no more true than what
is going on inside of you.

There is no such thing as blame, shame, guilt, fear or not quite measuring up.
There is just feedback you use to calibrate to your outcome and make the
adjustments that move you closer to what you want.


Foundation Stone:

Take everything as Feedback.

Since we communicate first with ourselves, it is imperative that we learn to
language ourselves in the most useful way possible. The first thing we can do to
help ourselves is to take or express any negative self-descriptions, any
problems that are presenting themselves to us at this time and anything that is
limiting us in the past tense. As an example, you can use the phrase “Up until
now” this and that. Or “In the past” thus and so.

Another powerful thing you can do is replace the word “but” with the word “and.”
Everything behind the word "but" is cancelled out. “You’re doing a good job,
but…” Change it to “You’re doing a good job and…”
Like Grampa Vetter used to say, “No boubt adout it, Grandma’s sweeter when
she says she loves me ‘and’…. It’s when I hear the ‘but’ that I know it’s gonna
be my butt.”

“But” means your butt is going to pay.

Another thing that will really help you to begin to use The Power Portal and be
'at cause' is replace the world “can’t” with the more honest word “won’t”. This
allows you to be more responsible for yourself.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

You may also consider substituting the word “could” for the word “should.” Do
this experiment. Say, “I should do this”. Then say, “I could do this”. Which feels
better? “Should” will probably feel heavier and “could” should feel lighter. OK,
“could” could feel lighter.

One other word (and this is a word you will eliminate completely) is “try.” I want
you to read this line of print and then I want you to “try” and read this line of
print. What is the difference between reading and “trying” to read? The
difference to your unconscious, because it takes things literally, is the word “try”
which presupposes failure.

Eliminate the word “try” and replace it with a word such as “will.”

A useful way to respond to unwanted information (insults, criticisms and guilt

statements) is to begin your response with: “I appreciate and… I respect and…
or I agree and…”

If someone says, “You are absolutely wrong” about this situation. You could
easily respond, “I respect the strength of your feelings in regard to this, and I


think if you were to fully hear my side of the story you, might think things

It only takes four things to be successful. Now I bet you’re thinking, “He’s crazy.
If it only takes four things to get what you want, how come everyone doesn’t do

I would answer, “Good question!”

Let me lay it out for you and see what you think, OK?

Lots of people set goals. Some people write them. Some people just say them.
In addition, some people don’t know if they have any or not. The challenge with
goals is that they are usually very vague and we are told to set goals just
outside our reach.
Goals are things we hope for.

"I hope I get my goal, then I will be happy" is a sentiment we hear expressed by
many people. One of the most useful things a person can do is to transform a
goal into a well-formed outcome. An outcome implies that if I do these things I
will get these results. We will cover more of this in the next chapter.
The next thing one needs after you determine your outcome is calibrating skills.
This simply means the ability to tell the difference between where you are and
where you are going. Then by adding behavioral flexibility, which is the

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

willingness to do whatever it takes, you take the next step. You naturally do the
fourth step and that is to take action.

In our practice, we are always looking for two things in people.

1) Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you fed-up enough?

2) Are you willing to do whatever it takes?

This is the place where it is easiest to start to get what you really want out of life.


How To Be
Four things:
1) Outcome
a) Goals - Hope I get.
b) Outcomes - If I do these things I will get these
2) Calibrating Skills
Tell the difference between where you are and
where you are going.
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

3) Behavioral Flexibility
Willingness to do whatever it takes.
4) Take Action


Corner Stone:


Foundation Stones:

Every communication, to some degree, is an

attempt to persuade, convince or get
someone to agree, acknowledge, or validate
your position or your communication.
Since you cannot not communicate, what
are you communicating to yourself first?
The meaning of your communication is the
response you get, not your intention.
Take everything as Feedback.
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


Our ongoing discovery of The Power Portal leads us to the next chapter, where
we will discuss the structure of the mind and this thing called hypnosis…

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


Chapter 3

The Structure of Hypnosis

and the Brain/Mind
One of the things that’s going to happen here is integration. As I said, you
have learned many things over the course of your lifetime. You’ve learned
not only from direct suggestion and illustration, you’ve learned them by
inference as you begin to figure out and make these things your own.

And then you’ve learned by example as you go out during the course of
your life (the week) and you notice how your perceptions have changed,
how your behaviour changes and how the perceptions and behaviours of
those around you change as well.

People can have a lot of funny ideas about hypnosis. Hypnosis and
hypnotists have been portrayed in various guises in movies, books and
theatre. You’ve all seen these portrayals: the saggy looking guy; big,
burly, with piercing eyes, and a mesmerizing gaze.

There have stories depicting people using hypnosis to take unfair

advantage of others. They take control of people or even impart skill
levels or abilities to them that they didn’t have before. These things are
not true.

Think about this with me for a moment - if hypnosis was in fact about
control, wouldn’t you now be paying me hundreds of thousands of dollars
and sending every friend you have to me. Since that’s not the case, we
now know that hypnosis is not about control.

Absolute control under hypnosis is

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

absolutely up to you.
To the extent that you are comfortable giving up control to an 'other',
whether it’s an outside influence, a person, a thing or a passing belief, that
is totally up to you. However, it also means that the intensity and the effect
of the experience you have while in trance are your choice.

The degree to which you establish rapport with the hypnotist and you offer
yourself up for experimentation and adventure is the exact degree you have in


terms of what effect this is going to have in your life and whether you’re able to
effect lasting change.

Another misconception people can have about hypnosis revolves around the
whole idea of depth of trance. The idea of “You’re going DEEPER and
DEEPER" into trance is false. There’s really no such thing as depth in a trance.

If there was such a thing as depth, your hypnotic session would be done on the
top of the Sears Tower and I’d be lowering you off the balcony. Saying, “You’re
going DEEPER and DEEPER.” Instead there are varying degrees of trance and

There are four levels of brain wave activity,: beta, alpha, theta and delta. We
can talk about levels of trance as well. Again as we work through these things
they are not true models; rather, useful models. They are illustrations that allow
you to get to the deeper aspect of it.

Your mind is set up, for our purposes here, like this. You have conscious
thought. You have the hypnoidale level. These

incidentals are the levels the academics talk about. Some schools say a person
has 12 levels of trance. Which only tells me these people have way to much

These academies are just looking for very fine gradations of change when it’s
really not necessary. Hypnoidale has to do with, corresponds with, a light trance
and is characterized by rapid eye movement, as if you were dreaming. This is
what happens in alpha level.

Next is the cataleptic level which is a medium trance with eye movement from
side to side. Then there is somnambulistic level. This is a deep trance. The eyes
roll up in their sockets and the subject exhibits what we call the hypnotic mask.
Regardless of what is going on inside the mind, their face is very relaxed and
smooth. They look ten years younger.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Any hypnotist can get you in and out of any of these levels. The important thing
to remember is there is no correlation between “strength of effect” and “depth of
trance.” What we are really talking about here is the degree of physical
relaxation. Your body will become very deeply relaxed.

When in a deep trance, I’m willing to wager when you come out of it, it will take
you a little bit longer to emerge. You may feel a little groggy as you come out;
however, you will feel intensely relaxed as if you just had a wonderful sleep.


That’s because (another misconception) hypnosis is similar to but not related to

sleep. We speak colloquially of hypnosis as sleep. As “SLEEP NOW!” (Finger
snap) This is a simple command that uses a reference system the subject
already knows. It’s not really sleep, it’s the sleep of the nervous system.

Paradoxically your awareness is enhanced as you go in a trance. All your

senses are extended and strengthened, while the body goes to sleep. The
original word “hypnosis” refers to sleep; sleep of the nervous system. This term
is relatively new although hypnosis has been around for a long time.

The Egyptians had sleep temples – healing sleep temples, fabulous concept. If
something were wrong with you, if all the herbal remedies weren’t really doing
the trick, you would go to a sleep temple and lie down on a pallet.

The priest would enter and chant an incantation over you until you slipped into a
healing sleep. Some of these people would sleep there for two or three days
and wake up relaxed, refreshed and restored to a state of mental and physical
health. Sound familiar?

Hypnosis, they didn’t have the concept, they just knew it worked. The Egyptians
weren’t so sufficiently hindered by their level of education that they built an
academic framework around it. They just knew it worked.

So as you move in and out of these states, change is occurring on all these
different levels.

The important thing to focus on is that you go into trance and journey through
any of these levels. You are not really going to sleep; rather you are changing
the type and strength of suggestibility. Suggestibility means you’re beginning to
now learn in new ways.

Suggestibility occurs when you open yourself up to new ideas, new feelings,
new thoughts and new behaviour. You take them in. You try them on and see if
they fit. There have been several studies done that show that the most capable
people of our times were highly suggestible.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

I mean, you would think that someone who was so strongly focused and so
successful would be shoving things out of the way. The exact opposite is true.
Instead, whenever they run across anything new they immediately take it in.
They try it out six or seven different ways to see if they can put into effect in their
lives. Only then do they make the decision to keep it.

It is the weaker people or the people who are learning at a slower level who are,
in fact, pushing things away and are closed off to suggestion.


Yet, one of the main reasons people can have misconceptions about hypnosis
is they don’t understand how the mind works. (Draw a circle.)

This is your mind. When you are born you have a reptilian brain that is the seat
of your instincts. You really only have two instincts. You are born with a fear of
loud noises and a fear of falling. That’s it. Everything else you learn.

This part of the mind is one of three categories of mind or mental behavior that
will be discussed today. However, we’re really not going to pay much attention
to it. This is the seat of the autonomic nervous system; which controls your
breathing and heart rate.

It also controls your immune system. If necessary, we can get down to that level
and effect very basic change like amping up your immune system. Yet, that’s
not really what we are going to be talking about here.

Consciousness Beta Waking
Hypnoidal Alpha REM Light

Cataleptic Theta REM Medium

Somnambulistic Deep Theta/Upper Delta Sleep

Strength of effect vs. level or depth/Suggestibility

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4



Three levels of behaviors of the mind.

Primitive Brain
Critical Factor Seat of Instincts
Don’t let
me FALL!
Nervous System
Breathing, Heart
NOISE Immune System
Don’t let me
frightens me!
When you are born, you are born a powerful learning machine. Open to new
experiences. A sense of wonder and everything is true. To a child everything is

Between 4 - 7 years of age, a defense mechanism called the Critical Factor is

developed. It’s like a computer program. It compares what comes in with what’s
already stored…

When you are born, you are a very powerful learning machine with this fantastic
mind that doesn’t have anything in it. You are totally open to new experiences.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

So the very small child is always looking around. The world is filled with wonder.
Everything is a brand new discovery. Everything is true. To a small child
everything is true.

This is the glory and the tragedy of it because parents don’t understand. Young
parents are dumb as rocks when it comes to this because they think they can


say anything around the child as long as they are not saying something to the

While little Susie is playing happily on the floor, Mom says to the neighbor,
“Well, we really hadn’t planned on her. She’s an accident.”

Little Susie hears this. She may not understand, but she accepts it as true and
she will integrate it into all her subsequent learning’s and behaviors.
Alternatively, my personal favorite is,

"I’m an alcoholic. You’re the son of an alcoholic. You’ll never amount to

anything.” You want to know how alcoholics are created. Somebody got real
stupid with ‘em when they were young.

So what happens when you pick up these impressions? Things come in from
the outside and they get stored away. One of the aspects of the unconscious
mind is that, it’s really lazy, it tends toward the negative. So as you're storing
experiences away, the negatives tend to loom larger than the positives.

I’m not really sure why this is. I don’t really care why this is. I do know this is the
model that works. Actually when you understand the parameters of the
unconscious, which we have put in this book, it gives a good explanation of why
this is and how to change it.

So you’re building up experiences and you’re just like the average computer you
can only do those things that you are programmed to do. In addition, the way
humans get programmed is by bringing in experiences and then comparing
what comes in next with the previous experience.

Now around the age of 4 - 7, (it varies with the individual) there develops a
behavior called the critical factor. This is a defense mechanism that separates
the conscious mind and the unconscious mind and every time something comes
in, an experience, a feeling, a concept, whatever it’s compared to what has
gone before.

The only thing the critical factor is interested in is does it match my experience
or belief. If it doesn’t match the experience or belief it’s rejected, it’s outta of
there. There is no change.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

If it does match, it goes inside and reinforces the previously held behavior. It
makes it much more difficult to learn. People get set in their ways. Right?


Conscious Level
ANALYTICAL Pattern recognition. Compares input
and patterns of behavior that worked.
Develops patterns it thinks will work.
RATIONAL Comes up with reasons why you do
what you are doing. Doesn’t have to be true,
just rational, believable to you. I do this
TEMPORARY MEMORY - Scratch pad memory

WILLPOWER It is the weak sister of the mind. The

junk candy of the mind, it’s all calories no
substance. It has to be constantly pumped up
with energy through rationalizations.


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


How many people know really beautiful or handsome people who complain that
they are not attractive? It’s absolutely astonishing, they look in the mirror, and
everyone else thinks they are drop dead gorgeous, they look in the mirror and
what they see are flaws. Their pores are too big. Their face is asymmetrical.
They don’t like their cheekbones. There is always something wrong.

That’s because at some point in their early childhood and a lot of beautiful
women were gawky kids, they developed this core set of beliefs. After that no
matter what happens, in terms of outside influence, they cling to these core

What hypnosis does… Is it bypasses the Critical Factor. Hypnotherapy is the

only form of therapy, behavioral therapy, that deliberately ignores the conscious
mind, bypasses the Critical Factor and works directly with the unconscious.

Why do we do this? We want to get right down to these core beliefs and either
show the individual why they are not valid and not necessary and there’s no
need to have them anymore. Or to reframe them so that instead of these
negatives you’re changing them into positives.

Let’s talk a little bit about the functions of the different kinds of brains. The
conscious mind, well, we dealt with the primitive mind-autonomic nervous
system. We’re not going to mess with it right now. Keep breathing. Keep your
heart going, ok?

The conscious mind has four basic behaviors. It’s the analytical mind. The
conscious mind is very, very skilled at pattern recognition and taking the inputs
comparing it with previous experiences and patterns of behavior that have
worked. And analyzing a pattern of behavior that it thinks will work for you.

It’s also the rational mind. Now rationalization is an interesting thing. The
rational mind will always come up with a reason for why you’re doing what
you’re doing. It doesn’t have to be true and 9 times out of 10 it’s not. But this
part of your brain is (finger snaps, repeatedly) working all the time to come up
with rationalizations to make your behavior make sense.

“I can’t lose weight because my metabolism isn’t right!” “I smoke because I

really like the way it tastes, even after 3 packs a day.” Things like this. The
rationalizations are just constructs that allow you to not think. We use
rationalizations in place of genuine experience and thought.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

The conscious mind is also the seat of temporary memory. Temporary for many
people is real temporary. Things like you walk into a kitchen look up a phone


number, walk into the next room in order to actually pick up the phone and, by
the time you are there, you not only can’t remember the phone number, you
can’t remember why you’re standing in this room. Temporary memory is like
scratch pad memory. It’s where you put something you’re going to use right
away and then it gets wiped out.

The fourth category is willpower. Willpower is the weak sister of the mind. It’s
the junk candy of the mind. It’s all calories, no substance. Willpower is not very
strong at all because you’re using rationalizations to try to talk yourself into
things. This is why affirmations can have strength, but only if they are phrased
correctly and repeated over and over and over again until you’re ingraining a
habit of behavior as well as the content of the affirmation.

Think about it for a second. There is a weight loss affirmation when you look in
the mirror and say, “I am thin and healthy.” Well your unconscious, which is also
paying attention, says, “No you’re not Jack. Who’re you trying to kid? This
doesn’t work. You look 20 pounds overweight to me.”

This is why affirmations don’t really have a lot of strength because it’s the
willpower which has to constantly be pumped up with energy to be effective at
all and all you’re doing is rehearsing the higher level behavior. You’re not really
effecting change.

Let’s get to the unconscious. This is the really interesting stuff. Down here
you’ve got permanent memory. Everything you have ever thought, felt,
experienced is stored away in perfect fidelity. Now there’s argument, about
whether you store the actually memory or do you merely store all the things that
must be true in order for the memory to be true.

This is the sort of argument that the academics get into or the information
scientist verses psychologist. What’s important for you to remember is that
under trance we can zoom back in space and time and recreate and re-
experience anything that has ever happened to you in perfect fidelity. Because
it’s all stored away.

The second thing is habits. How many habits do we have? How many habits do
you have? I’m going to maintain that you’ve got at most three habits. I’m not
really sure about three. You’ve got good habits, you’ve got bad habits and
you’ve got utilitarian habits. Now good habits and bad habits are both behaviors
that lead to a desired outcome. The good or bad just refers to whether you think
it works and whether other people think it works or should work.
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

A bad habit is usually something that somebody else has a problem with. You’re
doing it because it gets you something. It can either be a direct gain, like if I do
this I get my cookie or it can be what we call a secondary gain.


A secondary gain, if I do this, well maybe people aren’t happy with me, maybe
I’m not happy, but it prevents this other thing from occurring. Things like I’m
going to eat a lot and I’m not real happy about how it gives me a lot of weight
but I’m not going to have any trouble with the opposite sex because they’re not
going to be approaching me.

The third class of habit is by far the most powerful it’s utilitarian habit. The
classic example is the ringing of the telephone. People are so conditioned to the
ringing of a telephone that you can be doing brain surgery, the phone rings and
you go, “I’ll get that!” Very, very powerful stuff, you can learn to control this but
only by going in and sorting it out where it actually works in the unconscious

Emotions are down here in the unconscious. The conscious mind doesn’t have
much use for emotions. They don’t help you in analyzing things; they don’t help
you in rationalizing things. Emotions – How many people have experienced
emotions welling up from inside? It feels like it’s coming up, well that’s because
it’s down in your unconscious mind.

When you need an emotion or when an external stimulus is strong enough the
critical factor steps aside, the emotion comes up and you experience it for better
or for worse. 'Cause let’s face it; there are good emotions we want to have, like
we want to have love, happiness and ecstasy. Yet we don’t want to have other
emotions such as fear, pain and jealousy.

Again there are no positive or negatives; there are no truth or lies in the
unconscious mind so the emotions are strictly utilitarian as far as your mind is
concerned. They come welling up pretty much on their command. Women are
wired much better than men.

What happens is as we grow up, let’s make a further useful distinction and talk
about hemispheres. And one hemisphere is believed to be predominately in
terms of logical, rational, goal-directed thoughts and behaviors. The other
hemisphere has to do with creativity, intuition and things like this.

Women are so much better connected, not only in terms of using both sides of
their conscious mind but also having the direct pipeline to the unconscious
mind. It’s really phenomenal.

Men grow up and tend to favor the logical, analytical, rational part of their mind.
You might argue that this helps them go out and spear mastodons. I don’t know;
I just see that it happens.
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


So part of what we do in terms of integration with men when they come to

someone like us as clients is we get them to sit down and shut up and
understand clearly logically, and how much benefit they will get if they start to
listen to their intuition. Start to get them rewired and get that communication
flowing again.

So anyway emotions come bubbling up, they are used; you let go of them, the
critical factor closes and you’re back in your normal state.

The fourth major function of the unconscious mind is that it houses the
protective mind. That protective mind is the part that wants to take good care of
you and make sure not only that physically you’re ok; because we’ve all had the
experience if we touch something hot your hand jerks back.

You haven’t consciously thought anything. It’s not the conscious mind that did

You also have patterns of behavior, like the example I used earlier, gaining
weight in order to make sure that you don’t get involved in any sex because you
don’t want to expose yourself to intimacy. These are aspects of the protective
mind, but the flaw in the plan is that the unconscious mind is not the problem-
solving rational mind.

Therefore, the defenses you come up with might be really messed up in terms
of your personal growth, but they will protect you from that particular thing that
you fear, the perceived threat.

This is one of the ways hypnosis can be so powerful in effecting change. As we

get down here and reframe what you see as threats or benefits, the change in
your protective mechanism can be instant. When you no longer perceive that
threat, you no longer need the defense. The defense will not be there and the
energy is freed up to go do something else.

So when we put somebody into a hypnotic trance we tell the conscious mind,
“Go lay on the beach!” Critical Factor is bypassed and communications are
opened directly to and from the unconscious.

If this were all there was to hypnosis it would be totally cool. I could go in, I
could do anything. You’d all be my love, money, power, and sex slaves. But
that’s not the way it works.

Because it’s a little more complex.

When a suggestion or a command passes into the unconscious mind four things
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


can happen. Again don’t get me wrong; when you are in hypnosis you are in
absolute control. Your sensory acuity is greatly increased.It’s very common for
people to hear watches ticking, to open their eyes while they’re in trance and
see far more clearly than they have in years.


Tends toward the

Permanent Memory
Every thought, feeling,
experience-stored in
perfect fidelity.
Good, Bad, Utilitarian

No truth/lies

It also houses the

Protective Mind
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Left Right

Sensory Acuity is greatly enhanced in trance. You are in control of the process.
Your body goes to sleep but your mind is still hearing everything that is going
on. No one can take advantage of you. No one can take control of you.
However, there is one thing over which you have no control whatsoever. That is
there are only four possible reactions to a suggestion.

The first reaction is; “I like that suggestion, I understand it’s going to work.” You
bring it in and you accept it. You try it on, you walk it around, you see how it
feels and change, beneficial change is effected immediately. (finger snap) Now
that’s great, that’s what you should be doing. However there are three other
possible reactions.

The second reaction is, You hear the suggestion and it violates one of your core
beliefs. Maybe it’s a religious belief. Maybe it’s a self-limiting belief that you’ve
practiced for far to long. Whenever the suggestion touches directly on a limiting
belief or a disagreement then you will shy away from that suggestion and no
change will occur.

The third possible reaction is you hear the suggestion or command and you just
feel neutral about it. You don’t like it you don’t dislike it. It just doesn’t seem to
have any impact on your life at all. You let it go. No change occurs.

Now the fourth possible reaction you can have is the one that holds back more
people from change than any other. It holds back people who are eager,
chomping at the bit for transformational change than any other possible
reaction. I give the suggestion or command, their unconscious mind says I like
that suggestion, I hope it’s going to work.


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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Well hoping doesn’t get you anywhere. It’s like saying I’m going to try and effect
change. Trying is lying. Anytime you try to do something you admit the
possibility of failure and because your unconscious mind is so freaking lazy it
goes for failure over success every time.

So the key for you to understand now is, basically, what you must realize to be
effective in your trance work is that if you want change, if you really desire
transformational change and you want your life to get better, you’ve got to put
the energy into it and you’ve got to commit.

The suggestion comes in, you hear it, you say, “I like that suggestion, I
understand its going to work, I believe it’s going to work. I’m going to try it on,
walk it around. I’m gonna be everything I can possible be. This is good.” (The
reason we use “gonna” is because it might not be proper grammar, but that’s
what’s said inside your head.)

If for some reason the suggestion is not for you, you will naturally, easily discard
it down the road. Your protective mind will take care of you. However, if you
commit to change. If you really want it and you get the properly phased
suggestion from a trained professional. You will effect amazing change on the

Learning and the

Four Things that can Happen
1st Reaction: I like that suggestion, I understand it’s going to
work. You bring it and you accept. I try it on, walk it
around, and see how it feels.

(Change, beneficial change is effected immediately.)

2nd Reaction: Hear the suggestion and it violates one of your core
beliefs. (Maybe religious or self-limiting) You will shy
away from that suggestion and no change will occur.

3rd Reaction: Hear the suggestion and you just feel neutral about it.
You don’t like it you don’t dislike it. It just doesn’t seem
to have any impact on your life. You let it go. No
change occurs.


Hear the suggestion and you say “I like that
suggestion, I HOPE its going to work.” Hope is like try.
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Trying is lying to the unconscious. Because it is so

freakin’ lazy it goes for failure over success every time.

Limiting beliefs normally come from beliefs that were useful as a child. Reframe
to what is the aspect of (the presenting problem) that brings you interesting and
useful things. Go back and work with how that belief came to be and how you
perceive and how you correctly position it in your life.

Example: There are limiting beliefs that are perfectly valid for a child to believe.
It’s important that kids understand there are certain things they must do and not
do in order to protect them. These are no longer appropriate in adult life, but
because you have practiced and it worked and you understand it to be true.
You’re still doing this in adult life.

It’s like somebody has found out when they were two years old, that by sulking
they could get attention from their mother. They get to be forty years old and
their managers are giving them a hard time. So they are sitting in the office and
they start to sulk. They are not conscious of it.

It certainly is not going to lead to success but it’s what they understand to be
true. So you have to go in and work with correctly positioning this in your life.
When it’s no longer such a controlling belief then suggestions can have a
greater impact.

What you have got to understand is the hypnotist is a guide. We’re not the
controllers. We’re not someone who is going to do something to you. We are
your guides here. People ask me all the time, “What is your success rate using
hypnosis?” In addition, I tell them. I say look I gotta be honest with you. The
absolute truth is my success rate is 100 percent. I know exactly what to say to
you. I can speak in just the right tonality, the right tempo so that I can construct
powerful and effective suggestions for long lasting change.

I can guide you into profound areas of trance. Make you feel relaxed and happy.
Have you come out singing and dancing? I know how to empathize with you,
establish rapport. Call on my deep-seated emotions to find out what is the real
problem? What are you really trying to say?

So the real question is not how effective I am? I will always be 100 percent
effective. The real question is, “What are you going to do?” Are you going to
listen carefully? Are you going to go into trance when it is appropriate to do so?


Are you going to allow these suggestions to come in? To give them a chance,
try them out, walk them around and see how it feels before you decide to keep

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

If you’re willing to do your part… then you’ll be 100 percent effective as well.

What you have to understand is that by realizing these things about hypnosis,
the process of hypnotic trance can work for you. You now have to face up to the
fact; the responsibility for everything that happens from here on in is yours. I can
do my best. I can show you exactly how to do it.

Until you learn to approach hypnosis with a proper attitude, the desire for
change and the openness and sense of adventure to see where it’s going,
you’re going to be holding yourself back.

So the question I pose to you right now is what is it you want to do here? Do you
want to learn? Do you want to change? No problem, that’s where we’re going.

We’re not going to do anything. We’re going to make them feel a certain way
and open the opportunity for change. Then see what they do. The surprising
thing is not what we can make people do. The surprising thing is what they want
to do.

The second thing is I started out in this field because I was interested in how the
mind worked and I found I really, really enjoyed effecting change in other
people’s lives. I love it, Feels Great. But I’ve come to understand that going
back and changing something that happened before is not nearly as interesting,
not nearly as beneficial as changing what your gonna do from here on in.

In many cases what you had bottled up from before is there for a reason. When
you go back and (I knew some guys who fell in love with the idea of hypnotic
amnesia), you do go back and make people forget a traumatic experience.

Well, everything that followed that experience is predicated in some part on you
having had that experience. You cannot anticipate what change they are going
to go through when you just start bombing areas of their past.

It’s true to a lesser degree when you do reframing, repositioning or implanting

false memories. There are therapists out there who are doing this. I can’t
believe it. They’ll go way back into the past and then plant something that they
think is interesting. It’s like you are the little lab rat that is supposed to integrate
this into their lives. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

Instead, what I work to do is work on acceptance. Like the holocaust, things



Some things really do happen in the world. Accept it. Deal with it. The fact is
your past cannot control you. Your past is OVER. It’s gone.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

What you’re doing when you say, “The past is controlling me.”, is choosing to
now spend the time and energy to relive that over and over instead of just
relaxing and paying attention to what’s right in front of you.

Validity is a very slippery concept because *Validity is valid only within the
confines of the unconscious mind.*

The Power Portal inside of you is asking right now, “What do you want?”


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

In the next chapter we are going to learn how to continue building a good solid
foundation for The Power Portal…


Chapter 4

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Building a Strong Foundation To

Train Your Thinking

The following quiz consists of 4 questions and let’s you know where your
thinking and flexibility can be improved. When I first took it I failed completely 0
for 4.

The questions are not that difficult.

1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

The correct answer is: open the refrigerator put the giraffe in and close the door.
(Simply enough) This question tests whether you are doing simple things in a
complicated way.

2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Wrong Answer: open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and close the door.
Correct Answer: open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant
and close the door. This tests your prudence.


3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference; all the animals

attend except one. Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer: The Elephant! The Elephant is in the refrigerator. This tests
whether you have comprehensive thinking.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Ok, if you did not answer correctly the first three questions, this one may be
your last chance to show how flexible your thinking skills are.

4. There is a river, inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage to

pass it?

Correct Answer: Simply swim through it. All the Crocodiles are attending the
Animal Meeting.

If you missed a few don’t be discouraged or frustrated According to the statistics

of Andersen Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals quizzed
failed the exam. (On the other hand most preschoolers got it correct. What does
this say about most professionals having the brain of a four year old? Not quite
yet, maybe in a couple of years.)

Creating WISDOM can be an easy process. Let’s talk about it. Wisdom comes
from thinking, contemplating, and revelating. In fact not only wisdom but also
pain, failure, sadness, joy, happiness and love come from what we think,
contemplate, etc..

Cognitive Therapy tells us "The first principle of Cognitive therapy is that all your
moods are created by your cognitions or thoughts. Cognition refers to the way
you look at things, your perceptions, mental attitudes and beliefs.

It includes the way you interpret things, what you say about something or
someone to yourself. You feel the way you do right now because of the thoughts
you are thinking at this moment." (pp. 11-12)


Foundation Stone:

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

You feel the way you do right now

because of the thoughts you are
thinking at this moment.

What is thinking? Thinking is simply the process of asking and answering

questions of ourselves. It may be hard for some people to see, hear and get a
feel for the truth that our feelings are just the product of what we have been
thinking and yet it does make one wonder.

Someone said the mind is a goal-seeking organism. The metaphor most used is
that of a computer, the old garbage in, garbage out concept. It does not matter
what you put in your mind, whether positive or negative, right or wrong, useful or
less useful. It simply goes in the direction it is sent.

As an example people say, “You know you are what you eat!”

And I say, “That’s way to late, the horses are already out of the gate. Because
you think about what you are going to eat before you eat. So you are not what
you eat you are what you think.”

You are not what you eat;

You are what you think!
If thinking is asking and answering question of ourselves, it might be a good
idea to ask ourselves better quality questions. I mean better questions than
Grampa Vetter use to ask like:

If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?


One of the biggest challenges to using The Power Portal that people face is the
way in which they language themselves. People usually talk about what they
don’t want instead of what they do want.

For example, someone comes into our office for an evaluation to determine how
good a candidate for one of our weight loss programs they would be and we

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

ask, “What do you want?” I would say that 9 out of 10 people respond, “I don’t
want to be fat. Or I don’t want to be overweight and unhappy.”

My response is, with surprise, “Really, I thought everyone wanted to be fat,

overweight and unhappy.” The point I want the client to see is that they are not
giving any useful information. Not even to them they have not realized not only
did they not answer the question, but also they set themselves up for failure.

How? You may ask. Well, I’m glad you did.

Instead of talking about

what you don’t want,
focus and talk about
what you do want.
Another distinction that would be good to make right about now is that of the
conscious and unconscious and the way they work. Because one of the
outcomes that our staff has, as a company, is to help people begin to open up
their communication between their conscious and unconscious mind in a more
useful way.

Now none of this can be proven true, and yet it sure operates that way. If we
were to take someone who has passed away and attempted to find his or her
conscious and unconscious mind, I don’t know if it could be done. We can find
the brain, but the mind can’t be found.

First let me say you are the combination of both your conscious and
unconscious. People think that when you begin to talk about their unconscious,
you have to go borrow someone else’s mind. It is all you. We are just using
these words as distinctions for clarification purposes.

I like to describe it like this. If you were to go to your house after dark and it was
almost pitch black and your electricity was out you would get a flashlight. Turn it
on. An as you entered the house the flashlight beam would illuminate
something. May be a chair, hallway, laundry room or something else depending
on which part of the house you entered.


What if you were to think of your mind in terms of the flashlight beam
representing your conscious mind and everything else in the house representing
your unconscious! It all belongs to you.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

What you want to do is rewire your house so that if you needed something in the
bedroom, bathroom or kitchen the lights would light up kind of like trace lighting
and lead you to what you want.

That’s what happens as you rewire, clear the blockages, and improve the
communication between your conscious and your unconscious mind. This is
part of the process of creating wisdom and opening The Power Portal in your

Secondly, both your conscious and your unconscious have your best interest in
mind. That is why you want them to work together. Grampa Vetter talked about
the two brothers that wanted to move the cow into the barn. One was at the
head and one was at the tail and they were both pulling.


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4



Research has shown that 12% of our mind is represented by our conscious
mind and 88% of our mind is represented by our unconscious. If you want to
find out if what you are reading in this book is true you can look the information
up on the Internet. Ask if what you find there is true or not and yet this seems to
work as if it were true.


The conscious mind is for focusing. The unconscious stores all and I do mean
all, your memories, thoughts, actions and deeds. It is the storehouse of
everything you have ever seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelled. It stores
everything you ever said to yourself or others.
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

When you put 12% up against 88%, which % is going to win? Your first guess is
always the best.

Most people think that their conscious mind is the powerhouse of their mind.
And yet the conscious mind is simply the captain of the ship. The unconscious is
the engine. If the communication between the bridge, where the captain is, and
the engine room, where the engine is, is not clear or blocked or if the wrong
orders are being sent or received, both the captain and the engine are

Have you ever been frustrated with yourself? Do you think it is possible that
yourself has been frustrated with you? Well, Captain, what about it?

Have you ever been frustrated with

A simple paraphrase of what a fellow named Paul, with the title of Apostle, wrote
a long time ago, “What I want to do, I don’t and what I don’t want to do, I do.”
And he goes on to talk about how bad it was etc.

Well he wrote this early in his life’s work. Later in his life he had developed

He had gotten his conscious and unconscious to work together.

I like to have people view their unconscious as a younger them and to realize
that this younger you takes everything literally. Not only does your unconscious
take everything literally, something you may not be aware of is:


Your unconscious does not understand

negation, very well.
Words like not, don’t, shouldn’t etc. are not processed through your
unconscious. Consciously we can grasp the ”I don’t wants” and “I don’t needs”,

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

etc. And yet your unconscious bypasses these words as if they have no

I quite frequently ask my clients to gather up all their will power and not think of
a pink elephant walking down the hallway right outside the door. I do this to
demonstrate that to make sense of the sentence, which is the job of the
unconscious, they have to make the picture or have the experience in their
mind's eye of a pink elephant walking down the hall.

I explain this has to happen before the unconscious can put the red circle with a
line through it to signify not allowed. So if the captain sends messages with not
and negations in it, the unconscious hears the opposite.

For example, if someone says, “I don’t want to be fat, I don’t want to be

unhappy, I don’t want to be depressed,” the unconscious hears, “I want to be
fat, unhappy and depressed.” And since the unconscious is like a little child and
wants approval, it does everything within its power to bring about fat, unhappy
and depressed.

The unconscious is where your emotions and feelings reside. These are a part
of the engine that produces the unwanted behavior and when they are
produced, because the unconscious then gets the message of this being
unwanted it creates the other negative emotions as signals and warnings.

And because people consciously do not know the parameters of literalness and
are unable to process negations of the unconscious, they repeat the cycle and it
becomes a spiral downward.


Foundation Stone:

The Unconscious Parameters:

1.Goal seeking mechanism
2.Takes everything literally

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

3.Looks for patterns

4.Unable to process negation
So as you can see part of the foundation of creating wisdom is understanding
that the conscious mind focuses and the unconscious mind produces what the
conscious mind focuses on using the parameters of the unconscious.

The mind will produce whatever you put into it. In other words the programming
you have programmed or allowed to be programmed into you is producing the
results you are getting. Therefore,

Foundation Stone:


You are getting what you programmed.

Instead of thinking, talking or focusing on what you don’t want, think, talk, and
focus on what you do want.

Foundation Stone:

Outcome, Feedback, Calibrate, Adjust

One of the ways we help clients do this is we begin to teach them to take
everything as feedback, while calibrating to their outcome and making the
adjustments that move them closer to what they want.

Now you might be thinking that sounds great but I don’t know if I could do that,


What if I showed you that you were already doing this and what if I could show
you that you were doing it in more than one area? Would that be good enough
evidence that you could do this because you already are?

OK, let’s say for instance that you are at home, I’ll be you for this example, and
you were sitting on the couch or in a chair in the living room.

And while sitting in the chair you’re thirsty and yet you don’t know what you are
thirsty for, a soda, a glass of water or a cup of Java.

What do you do?

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Nothing! There is nothing to get feedback about because you haven’t decided
what you want. You have yet to choose an outcome. OK, most people would
say you have yet to choose a goal.

An outcome can be a goal and yet a goal is not an outcome. And you have to
have an outcome to be successful. A goal is something that people set and
hope they can reach. An outcome presupposes that if you take these steps you
will get these results.

Anyway, all of a sudden you decide you want a glass of water. What happens
next? Do you say to yourself, “Ok, I have to move these muscles that move my
arm forward? I need to move these muscles that move my other arm forward.”

Then do you say to yourself, “I have to lean forward. I have to shift my weight
over my feet and transfer the weight from my behind forward.” I’m sure you then
consciously get your balance just right as you give yourself directions to turn
right or left as you begin to maneuver toward the kitchen. Where you will get a
glass and maybe fill it with ice and then water.

No, you don’t consciously think about any of that. You decide on what your
outcome is to be, a glass of water and everything that needs to take place does
and it does unconsciously, so that you wind up with a glass of water in your

Now, on the way to getting your glass of water, there happens to be a box right
in the path on the way to the kitchen. Do I or would you walk up to the box and
begin to think and say to yourself, “I don’t know who you think you are? Who
said you deserved a glass of water? You’re stupid for thinking you could get a
glass of water. Other people can get water but not you.”

Of course you don’t you simply walk around the box or move the box or holler at
someone to pick up the box. You naturally don’t even give it a second thought,
because your outcome is a glass of water, not the box.


You naturally take the box as feedback as you calibrate to what you want, the
water and you make the adjustments that move you closer to your goal, by
moving around the box. This way you continue to reach your goal that has
become an outcome.

Next as you continue to get a glass of water you have to go by the kitchen table
and wouldn’t you know it, right in front of you in your path to getting your glass
of water is one of the kitchen table chairs filled with a toolbox that needs to be
put up.

I’m sure you stop and say to yourself. “Self, you sure are stupid and lazy. Why
on earth did you ever think you deserved to have a glass of water? It’s too hard

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

and it’s to far. And besides if I were supposed to have a glass of water this chair
would not be in the way. This is proof I’m not suppose to get what I want, even
though it is healthy and good for me. This is proof. I might as well give up.”

This seems foolish and yet where else in your life have you talked to yourself in
just this way? Instead of looking at what is in the way, in this instance the chair,
as feedback, while calibrating to your outcome and making the adjustments you
move around the chair to what it is you really want.

See I told you, you already do this and you do it unconsciously. Simple isn’t it.

You say yeah but that’s a glass of water.

Foundation Stone:

There is no such thing as failure, only

All right, have you ever swum in a swimming pool? Well I don’t know about you,
but when I swim my outcome is to get to the other side as easily as possible. I
put my head down in the water and start to swim. After a while, normally a
stroke or two, I have to lift my head to calibrate where I am going.

And you know what, for some reason the side that is my destination has moved
on me. So I calibrate the new distance and angle and down my head goes as I
take another stroke or two. I keep swimming and I run into the lane rope. You
know that thing that let’s you know you’ve swum to far of course.


Now if people swim the way they have thought in the past, they would give up.
They would say it is too hard, it’s too far. They would stop and drown. They
would never make it to the other side.

Have you ever driven a car and had to stop at a stoplight or stop sign. Did you
ever have to change lanes to pass someone? Did you ever have to take a
detour and still get to your destination, your outcome?

All you did while swimming or driving is have an outcome and take everything
as feedback, while calibrating to your outcome and easily making the
adjustments that move you closer to what you want.

Have you ever taken a trip in an airplane? Did you know you were off course
90% of the time? Because the way an airplane’s piloting system works, it is set
up to have an outcome called a destination.
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

It sends out a signal to the destination and gets the information back. It takes
the information as feedback. It then calibrates to its destination and makes the
adjustments necessary to move it closer to its outcome. Then it repeats this
process until it lands safely and usually on time.

Can you imagine an airplane taking on the thinking processes most people use
when facing a challenge called a problem? After about the third course
adjustment the plane would start to think:

I don’t know what’s going on.


I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just can’t stay on course. Every time I get
information back I have to adjust my course. Maybe a little but it is still an
adjustment. I wonder what the pilot must be thinking. He must be thinking I’m a
bad plane. I bet he’s sorry he ever got in my pilot’s seat. And all those
passengers, I’d never ride on a plane that can’t even stay on course. I might as
well give up.

If an airplane had thoughts like a lot of people have had in the past, it would
simply crash. But instead it takes everything as feedback, while calibrating to its
destination as it makes all the necessary adjustments that move it closer to its

Every human being does the same thing when we walk across a room. Instead
of walking in a straight line, which would require one foot exactly in front of the
other, we simply have an outcome. Then we calibrate each and every step and
adjust our balance and steps from side to side, until we get across the room.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

In other words we naturally forget about what we don’t want and focus on what
we do want. We don’t get “Pollyannaish.” We are aware of what is going on
around us and we do take it into account in our adjustments.

Foundation Stone:

Forget about what

you don’t want and
Focus on what you do.
Or as one of my teachers from the acknowledgements page would say, “The
more you FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT, the more you forget about what you
don’t want. By simply remembering to forget what you don’t want, causes you to
FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT and after all, we all want what we want.

This is a simple way to help the process of taking everything as feedback, while
calibrating to your outcome, by making the adjustments that move you closer to
what you want.

In this instance the word 'everything' includes every word, every thought, every
deed and action, internally as well as externally. You can extend it to what
others say and do also. Because no matter what someone else says or does it
is just giving you feedback about what is going on inside of them.


The difference between a goal and a well-formed outcome is a goal is

something you may hope for and that you don’t have control over and a well-
formed outcome let’s you know that if you take these steps you will get these
results. A well-formed outcome puts you in control of your destiny.

Just the other day a good example came up of someone who knew the
language and yet had gotten caught up in the content of the situation and was
getting frustrated.

A friend of mine had gotten herself in a situation where she had allowed her
credit to be used by someone who was not being responsible and taking care of
the debt. She was agonizing over all

the different consequences of: if she did this, they would do that, or if she did
that, they would do this and on and on and on. And none of them satisfying her.

So, I asked her, “What is your outcome?”

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

She said, “I want them to give me the money for it because I don’t need another

My response to her was that statement is a fake outcome because it isn’t well
formed. It wasn’t all within her control. So it really was more of a goal. I asked
her to go back through the well-formed outcome sheet and it would feel better.

On the following pages, in which you can write in this book, are some exercises
that you will want to fill out for yourself. As you do these exercises you will get
clarity in way that will sound just right which causes you to feel better about
what you want and yourself. We have given an example of an outcome we use
with clients on the next page.


How To Be Successful

Four things
a. Goals-Hope I get.
b. Outcomes-If I do these
things I will get these
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

2) Calibrating Skills
Tell the difference
between where you are
and where you are going.
3) Behavioural Flexibility
Willingness to do
whatever it takes.
4) Take Action


Well-Formed Outcome
What do you want?
(Specific, positive time-frame, what you want, not what you don’t want.)

To help others to be honest with themselves by the time they leave my


How can you get it?

(Your control, Your actions, Your internal beliefs, Your State)
Foundation State-Intense Pleasurable State-Healthiest-Confident-Competent-
Delightfully Surprised-Very Helpful-Very Resourceful-Learned Quickly-Highly

1. My passion is to help you be ultimately honest with yourself about your

health and happiness.
2. You really need our program. Because if you could have done this on
your own or with any of the other products out there you would have,
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

buy now. THIS PROGRAM, whether you’ve told yourself or not is what
you’ve been looking for.

When you get it what will be different?

1. People will truly trust and respect me because I have reached them on
level that others, including themselves, have not been able to reach
2. They will make our job easier because they will be enrolled in the
program more congruently.

3. I will have more evidence that I really do persuade others and myself
because everyone really is a Professional Communicator.

How will you know when you have what you want?
What will you see, hear, feel, smell and taste… that let’s you know you have
what you want.)

They will congruently want in the program. I will hear it, see it and feel it.


Corner Stone:


Foundation Stones:

Every communication to some degree is an

attempt to persuade, convince or get someone
to agree, acknowledge, or validate your
position or your communication.
Since you cannot not communicate, what are
you communicating to yourself first?
The meaning of your communication is the
response you get, not your intention.
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Take everything as Feedback.

“You feel the way you do right now because of
the thoughts you are thinking at this moment."
The Unconscious Parameters:
1) Goal seeking mechanism
2) Takes everything literal
3) Looks for patterns
4) Unable to process negation



Outcome, Feedback, Calibrate, Adjust
There is no such thing as failure, only
Forget about what you don’t want and
Focus on what you do.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


Belief Review
Write down your problem/challenge:

Write down your beliefs about your challenge:

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Answer these questions

Do these thought, beliefs, emotions, or feeling, attitudes, etc. serve (you)

me well?

Yes No

Do they enhance (your) my life, bring out (your) my best, put (you) me in a
resourceful state, and empower (you) me in reaching (your) my goals?

Yes No

Will they (it) enable (you) me to act in a way true to (your) my values? Or
will they (it) limit (you) me, reduce (your) my effectiveness, and put (you)
me at odds with (your) my own highest values and beliefs?

Yes No
Then fill out the Well-Formed Outcome Sheet.
Well-Formed Outcome/Goal

What do you want?

(Specific, positive time-frame, what you want, not what you don’t want.
Example: NOT, I don’t want to be overweight; instead, I want to weigh ____ lbs
by ______, a realistic date.)

How can you get it?

(Your control, Your actions, Your internal beliefs, Your State)

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

When you get it what will be different?

(What positive learning have you had by having this situation in your life? Would
you have to give up something important to get this outcome? How will others
be behaving when you get it?)

How will you know when you have what you want?
What will you see, hear, feel, smell and taste… that let’s you know you have
what you want.)

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

In the next chapter we will talk about Circuit Breakers and how to reset
your circuits so that you have a chance to make all this work for you…

Chapter 5

Resetting Your Circuit Breakers

That reminds me of another story of Hiney the mule.

Remember the ole’ man, well he bought Hiney from a farmer who owned the old
mule before and he was the one who named him Hiney. One day Hiney fell into
the farmer's well. The farmer heard Hiney 'braying'-or whatever mules do when
they fall into wells.

After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule,
but decided that neither his mule, Hiney, nor the well was worth the trouble of
saving. Instead, he called his neighbors together and told them what had
happened ...and enlisted them to help haul dirt
to bury his old ass in the well and put him out
of his misery.

Initially, Hiney was hysterical! But as the

farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling
and the dirt hit his back...a thought struck
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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Hiney. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on

This he did, blow after blow. "Shake it off and step up...shake it off and step
up...shake it off and step up!" He thought …repeat this to encourage yourself.
SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP. No matter how painful the blows or distressing
the situation seemed
the old mule fought "panic" and just kept right on with the attitude and action of

You're right! It wasn't long before the old mule, battered and exhausted,
like it would bury him, actually blessed him...all because of the manner in which
he handled his adversity.


THAT'S LIFE! If we face our problems and respond to them positively, and
refuse to give in to panic, bitterness, or self-pity...THE ADVERSITIES THAT

And of course everyone knows the moral of this story, when you look at
everything optimistically or as an opportunity you will wind up saving your Hiney.

My Grampa used to talk about one of the ways to look at everything that
happens to you. He called it a way to …have perfect abundance, perfect
prosperity and perfect success. He said …you accept everything that happens,
even if it seems wrong or negative, as the exact thing you need to …learn
quickly …how to …utilize everything to your benefit.

Resistance leaves when you accept. And as most of the martial arts will teach
you it is easier to re-direct and use something when you are in harmony with it,
when you are in agreement with it, when you’re going in the same direction. It is
a lot harder to change something when you are against it.

So …accept everything with agreement as you re-

direct it by reframing to your outcome. Thereby
increasing your ability to …utilize everything to your

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

He also said if …you accept responsibility to everything that happens to you, as

you …realize that no-one does anything to you, that no one makes you feel a
certain way, that there is no such thing as insult or criticism,

…be thankful,

others are only giving you information and feedback about what’s going on
inside of them, what they are thinking, feeling, saying or doing. When you
realize, each person is responsible for what happens on the inside of

Then you will SHAKE IT OFF

You may be wondering how do I do that? Well
that’s the purpose of this chapter. The purpose of
this chapter is to teach you how to shake it off
and step up, a simple process.
As I sat down at my word processor and begin to
type about this amazing little tool, I’m reminded of
what I tell others when I teach them this. It will take me longer to explain the
theory behind this and how to do it, than to do the process.

And yet when we get done with this part of the process you will feel a freedom
and a power that you haven’t felt before. Some people stop here and yet it is
just a part of the process of training your thinking using The Power Portal.

Hopefully you are aware of what an EKG and/or an EEG machine do. They
measure the electricity in the body/mind. Up until recently, western medicine
only used the electricity of the body to determine if we were still living or if the
electricity in the body had stopped, called flat-line, someone had died.

Imagine we spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on machines that

measured the electricity of the body and the fact that it was moving through the
system and yet we only used it to determine if the patient was alive or dead.

Recently we have started considering actually working with the electrical energy
system of the body. Eastern medicine has worked with the electrical energy
system for centuries. I guess one of the drawbacks for us in the west was when
we cut someone open we can’t actually see the electrical wiring of the body.

In the same way when we cut someone open we can find their brain and yet we
can’t find their mind, but we accept the fact that most of us have a mind. Maybe

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

not the right mind, but a mind nonetheless. We now have machines that can
measure and show this wiring called meridians by eastern medicine.

Most people have heard of acupuncture or acupressure and yet this Circuit
Breaking technique called EFT, Emotional Freedom Technologies, has added a
new twist.

Let me explain it like this, when you are at home and you realize that the light is
out in your bathroom, the first thing you do is change the light bulb. If the light
doesn’t come on you go out to the circuit breaker box and flip the breaker
labelled bathroom.

If none of the breakers have labels you proceed to flip all the breakers because
you understand that by resetting all of them you will get the bathroom also.

Electrically speaking some place in your wiring the current has gone to ground,
the current has taken a less than useful route and has grounded out. By
resetting the circuit you are resetting the path of the current in the most useful
direction to produce the end results, light.

It’s kind of like taking your TV to the TV repair shop and the person tells you that
they could diagnosis the problem for $60 and then it could cost up to another
$300 to fix the particular problem and yet for $75 they could overhaul the TV
and it would be as it were brand new.

Our purpose here is not to make you an electrician having to learn to test your
energy system to find exactly where the disturbance is, our desire is to show
you a number of circuit breakers and have you reset them. Kind of like a system

What’s it like when you have one of those days as you're watching TV, you see
something that does not affect you. You have no emotional feeling positive or
negative about it. You can see the same thing another day and get so emotional
about what you are hearing that it clouds the rest of your day and your activities.

One of the basic tenants of Cognitive Therapy is the way you feel right now is
based on the thoughts you are thinking right now. The basic belief we’re going
to use, not that it is true or anything, it just seems to work as if it is true:

Anything (emotion/pain) that seems

to be preventing you from moving in
the direction of what you want is due
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

to a disturbance in your electrical

energy system.
In other words anything that you feel is preventing, stopping, slowing you down
or holding you back from easily moving in the direction of your well-formed
outcome is due to a disturbance in your energy system.

Once you have been able to neutralize this emotion/pain by correcting the
system, you can then build in more useful beliefs,
which we will be discussing in later chapters. Being able to go neutral is one of
the puzzle pieces of being able to create wisdom.


Take your thumb and first and second finger, of either hand and place them
together and tap six or seven times into the palm of your other hand. Not very
hard just were you can feel the pressure. You will use this simple tapping to
reset you circuits.

The circuit breakers are located on either side of the body. We are just going to
use seven of them. If you want deeper understanding
and more circuit breakers you can look up EFT on the Internet at

Take your index finger and place it where your eyebrow meets your nose, #1.
This is one circuit breaker. Now take the same finger and place it on the middle
corner of your eye away from your nose, #2. Then put your finger under your

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

eye in the middle, #3. The next one is right under your nose on your upper lip,

From there you move to the middle of the crease right above your chin, #5.
From there you move to a point just below where the collar bone meets your
chest bone, below the knot formed by these two bones meeting, #6.

Then you move to under the arm about the middle of a woman’s bra, #7. When I
explain it like this some people say, “Show me your bra.” And we get a good

There are more circuit breakers or points that can be tapped and yet these
seem to work well for the majority of our clients. As was mentioned if you want
more information than what is being provided here go to the website mentioned


Here are the Circuit Breakers for this process.





©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4




Now we have explained the first part of the process. After this next half is
explained, I want you to give it a go for yourself.

In eastern medicine when they do acupuncture they often have to repeat the
process because the electrical energy system continues having to be reset.
With this process sometimes it is necessary to repeat the process but not as
much or as often.

The reason for that is this part of the process called the psychological reverse.
You see in western medicine we have usually treated the body as separate from
the mind. And yet science has come to the conclusion that we can’t really
separate the
mind from
the body.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

The mind-body connection is very useful when working on resetting your

circuits. Since Cognitive Therapy tells us the way we feel is dependent upon the
thoughts we are thinking at this time. The negative thoughts send the energy
through our electrical system and disrupt the system.

How do we disrupt this disrupt? It’s like we mentioned before, one day
something on TV will upset us and on another no disruption at all around the
same thing. Consider each thought a different radio station and we are tuning it
in clearer, by getting rid of the static.

The psychological reverse has two parts two it. One part is another circuit
breaker point. It is located on the side of either hand, where you would deliver a
karate chop, if you were Bruce Lee or Chuck

Norris. The fleshy meaty part of the side of the hand is where it is located.

You will tap this with your three fingers tapping as you say the psychological
reverse three times and then you tap each circuit saying a phrase or part of the
PR (Psychological Reverse).

1st find a negative emotion, statement, memory or feeling that is resisting you or
holding you back from achieving what you really want and give it a number from
0 (no emotional content) to 10 (high emotional content).

Now let’s diagram the PR. The first line is:

Even though I ___________________________________.

The second line is:

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

I love and accept myself.

The blank is the negative emotion or statement or memory or feeling that is

holding you back. The thing that if you had control over you would easily move
in the direction of what you want. It can be anything.

After you have completed the process of resetting these circuit breakers, try and
access the emotional content and notice how far down it has moved toward 0
(no emotional content). If it hasn’t moved down to 0 repeat the process until it
does. If it doesn’t work completely (they say maybe 5 to 10% of the time) there
may be some aspect of things that need to be addressed.

Continue the process at different times and different locations and trust your
intuition on what to fill in the blank with. For a more in-depth discussion of how
to correct the process if you’re not getting the results of lowering the emotional
content check out the website mentioned earlier.

If you have to, you can say (3x) “I love and accept myself even though
___________”, as you’re tapping on the circuit breaker at the karate chop point
on your hand. You can use different combinations such as “Even though
______, I deeply accept and appreciate myself or deeply love accept and
appreciate myself.”

Since over 97% of the population is not satisfied with their body shape we will
use weight and smoking as some examples. Let’s use the simple statement “I’m

To start:

Determine on a scale of 0 (no emotional content) to 10 (high emotional content)

what number you would assign to the challenge of being overweight.

And then:

While tapping the circuit breaker at the karate chop point say:

“Even though I’m overweight, I love and accept myself.”

“Even though I’m overweight, I love and accept myself.”
“Even though I’m overweight, I love and accept myself.”

Then while tapping 5 to 7 times on each circuit breaker say the word
“overweight” or “I overweight”.

Circuit Breaker #1-overweight

Circuit Breaker #2-overweight
Circuit Breaker #3-overweight

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Circuit Breaker #4-overweight

Circuit Breaker #5-overweight
Circuit Breaker #6-overweight
Circuit Breaker #7-overweight

Now go back and reassess where the emotional content around being
overweight is. If it hasn’t gone away or down to 0 do the process again.

You can do this process with anything.

You can use it for weight loss, smoking, any fears, any phobias, and any
negative experiences. There are reports of tremendous results with rape, even
physical pain such as back, leg, or shoulder and neck pain being eliminated by
this process.

Gary Craig the developer of EFT, which we are calling Circuit Breaking said in
an email that this has been a reliable tool for temporarily eliminating the
immediate craving for a given substance or behavior. Seasoned practitioners
have done this many times for everything from cigarettes and alcohol to
fingernail biting.

In my experience, addictions that are primarily physical can be broken quite

readily with EFT. The emotional ones take more time, care and skill because the
real problem isn't a simple physical craving. It is the need to tranquilize some
strong unresolved emotions and UNTIL those emotions are resolved the addict
will continue with their existing addiction OR switch to another one.

I've had my share of people who permanently no longer want their coffee,
chocolate or alcohol after one or two rounds of Circuit Breaking. I've also had
my share of people with seemingly endless emotional issues that truly NEED
their addictive substance/behavior until emotional clearing of their negative
jungle has occurred. It is their best solution to the problem until the causes can
be eliminated. This can take time, of course.

Some people seemingly get completely get over their addiction rapidly while
others have increased craving for something else. Understanding the interplay
of all this will aid you in the "art of delivery."

Hugs, Gary

And since this information is being put together for our patients and clients the
majority of whom are grappling with weight or smoking, here are some
additional statements to fill in the blank statements with.
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

People have tapped for everything from chips, to cigarettes, to Milano cookies,
StarBucks peanut butter cookies, sugar, gum, wine, and vodka. You can do it on

The following is from a Dr. Carol Cook’s emails to Gary on the subject.


The first section targets the current and concrete behavior or symptom that the
client reports is the problem. Obviously there are many layers under the
symptom, but to attack these first is an easier way to get started. Also, some of
the layers begin to emerge when you target eating behavior.

The primary phrases that clients give to me about their "addiction" or weight
problem are as follows:
"Even though I'm a food addict, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I'm obsessed with food..."

"Even though I'm a sugar addict..."

"Even though I crave sweets at night..."
"Even though I have an enormous appetite..." (We’ll get to the underlying cause
of this "appetite" later.) "
"Even though I'm a closet eater..."
"Even though I binge at night..."

I ask the client to tap for themselves three times a day for whichever of the
above phrases speak to them and their problem. I ask them to do it in the early
morning and late evening when they are not in the middle of a struggle to NOT
eat. When someone waits until they have a craving, they are less likely to
complete the process, although they do it then as well. Two more interesting
phrases emerged with some clients that really seemed to

"Even though I have an urge to eat whenever I SMELL food..."

"Even though I have a craving whenever I SEE food..."
These are very powerful anchors...remember, advertising works.

Then I move on to the underlying feelings and anxieties that drive the behavior.
Classic phrases that hit home with clients are as follows:
"Even though I eat when I'm bored..."
"Even though I eat when I'm angry..."
"Even though I eat when I'm lonely..."
"Even though I overeat to hurt myself...
"Even though I eat to avoid my feelings..."

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

"Even though I use food to soothe myself..."

"Even though I overeat to hide myself..."
"Even though I binge because I think I'm worthless..."
"Even though I overeat because I don't love myself..."
Two other key points that I find essential are regarding guilt and self-hatred.
These are not motivating factors for someone who wants to lose weight, so help
them to drop the guilt about their eating disorder.

"Even though I hate myself for overeating..."

"Even though I feel guilty when I overeat..."
"Even though I feel guilty about being overweight..."

This leads me to the second part:


In this part of the treatment, I address basic self-esteem issues and incidents. I
ask the client to write down or name three of the worst incidents that have hurt
their self-esteem and tap for them. Often these incidents revolve around shame
of their body, or their early eating habits.

I ask which is the loudest memory? The stickiest? The worst? I also ask them to
picture the first times they discovered food as a pacifier and address the
underlying feelings that were going on at the time.

I also ask them about their family's attitude around food, what the atmosphere
was around the dinner table at home etc. This often brings up new
material...which I help them tap for

"Even though I'm anxious when I sit down to eat.."

"Even though I associate food with fighting..."

"Even though I associate food with my mother's love..."

"Even though I feel unsafe without food..."
"Even though I eat to feel better...

I ask the client to remember the sharpest criticism they heard around their body
image, peer problems, etc...I have them tap for shame or whatever the
strongest feelings are. This section can uncover upsetting times that may need
more work. Go slowly and respectfully and you will make tremendous headway.


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

1. "Picture yourself not being able to eat sweets in the evening...How do you
feel?" They often say anxious, angry, lonely or irritable. We tap for the response.

2. "Picture yourself as thin as you would like. What happens? How do you feel?"
This often brings up so many answers. Sometimes they say they don't deserve
it, or they feel anxious, or they don't feel safe anymore without their shield,
etc...Sometimes they say they don't want other people to be envious of them, or
to comment on their body or appearance. We tap for whatever fears and
feelings arise.

3. "Picture yourself addressing the underlying feelings that trigger the eating
behavior. How do you feel?" They often feel anxious or just "resistant" to doing it
and admit that they would rather suffer with the eating and weight problems.


Tapping might go something like this..."Even though I'm afraid to face my

childhood depression,..." or "Even though I'm afraid to deal with the rage at my

Then I address specific sabotaging behaviors and ask them what their theories
are about why they might sabotage their progress. I ask them to say the
following statements out loud and tap for whichever ones cause a reaction.

"It's not safe for me to lose weight." "It's not safe for others if I lose weight."
"I don't feel supported by my family members..." (I have often heard about
clients who are offered chocolate cake just as they are getting going in their
weight loss efforts)
"I don't deserve to be happy with my body."

I also ask them to say out loud "I weigh 125 lbs" (or whatever the goal weight is)
and see what emotions come up. As in some of the sports performance
phrases, I have them tap for:

"Even though I have a block to weighing less than 140 lbs..." or

"Even though I sabotage myself whenever I weigh less than 130 lbs..."

I also ask them to tap for

"Even if I never get over this eating disorder..." and

"Even if I never lose weight..."

These two seem to help the inevitable feelings of desperation that most people
with binge eating habits struggle with. The clients often say they don't want to
say these phrases, because it's not true. But I urge them to say them anyway. It

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

seems to reduce unconscious/energy blocks to losing weight and stopping the

out of control behavior.


Have them tap for

"Even though I'm out of control...or "Even though I'm powerless over food...

Tap for an imbalanced or slow metabolism. People love this one.

"Even though my metabolism is too slow..."

"Even though my metabolism is imbalanced..."

For Smoking:
-When did you start smoking and why?
-Who else in your family smokes?
-Have you ever quit before?
-What worked and why did you relapse?
-What tells you you're ready now? Why this particular time?
-What do you see as the "upside" to quitting?
-What do you see as the "downside" to quitting? (This is the most
important question of all, as you will be tapping on all of the "downside"
feelings and factors.)


--I ask the client to take out a cigarette and smell it, giving the current
desire, craving or urge a rating. Then we tap to reduce the current
craving: "Even though I have this craving to smoke now,....."

--I ask the client to say out loud "I'm quitting smoking" and ask them to
rate the discomfort or anxiety. Then we tap for that anxiety.

--Tell me about your three favorite times of the day to smoke. And we tap
for each one as follows: Imagine having your cigarette with your morning
coffee...How much do you want it as you picture that scene?
Rate it.
"Even though I want to smoke when I drink coffee....."
"Even though I have this urge to smoke after dinner...."

--Then I reverse the test and ask them to picture themselves unable to
smoke after dinner, and rate the anxiety as a result of the "deprivation"
rather than the desire or urge to smoke.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

--Then I ask them what their theory is about the primary feeling that
causes them to pick up a cigarette and tap for that..."Even though I smoke
when I'm bored..."

--Then I ask them what else is surfacing now? Most of my clients have
reported feeling three things:
1. Sadness about the loss of smoking/ triggers other grief
2.Fear and anxiety about having withdrawal symptoms and what to do
about them, and
3. Discomfort about losing the "last place" they have to rebel.

Tap for it.

"Even though I use cigarettes as my reward...
"Even though I use cigarettes to stuff my feelings...
"Even though I use cigarettes to comfort myself... etc.

This is a basic clean-up part… Any trouble spots?

"Even though I want to smoke when the kids are screaming..."
"Even though I'm afraid to gain weight if I quit..."

"Even though I'll miss my smoking buddies if I quit..."

"Even though I want to smoke when I'm lonely..."

To Learn more…

For a Copy of the protocol that has been labelled EFT on Steroids...

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

In the next chapter we will discuss some beliefs on how the mind works,
how beliefs are created and how to start taking back control of your own

Chapter 6

How the Mind Works

"Retreat to the future"

Richard Bandler


the next generation
One day Queen Midas was sitting by the river Pactolus, looking at the
shimmering deposits of gold that had been placed there when her father King
Midas had ask the god Dionysus to remove the gift he had given him for
showing respect to Silenus the Saytr, The god’s right-hand man/goat (well that
is what a Saytr is, half man and half goat).

You see King Midas had shown respect to Silenus the Saytr and his master, the
god Dionysus had given King Midas a gift any gift he wanted because of his

King Midas had wished for the gift to turn any thing to gold with a
touch because, after all, he was a King and a King is concerned with keeping
his country strong and of course everyone knows that money creates economic
strength and economic strength pays for most other strengths that a kingdom
would need to… stay strong.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

And King Midas realized that gold is the most valuable form of money so he
asked for the gift so that anything he touched would turn to gold. After he
touched his daughter he changed his mind.

For years after her father had turned her into gold and Dionysus had restored
her, Queen Midas remembered how sorry King Midas had been for not thinking
and how happy he was to have her alive and well again. She also remembered
how much her father had encouraged her to consider the consequences of her
actions and allow them to guide her. He had always said,
"Now that's true thinking."
She had always appreciated that because she had had no rules to live by then,
just consequences and that is the way she "ruled" the kingdom. No rules, just
consequences for actions.

The people were happier because they got to take responsibility for their
actions. The people thought that Queen Midas was a wise ruler and showed lots
of wisdom. She became famous for saying,

Little rules, much love;

much rules, little love
because love is
the foundation of freedom”
A few interesting things happened when people… start to think… in this new
way. Excuses seemed to disappear because people started to… accept
outcomes as they happen. Which taught them how to… consider the
consequences better.

There was a lot less friction among people because they began to… consider
what is most useful… for the person they were coming in contact with, not what
they thought the other needed. Parents and children, owners and slaves,
bosses and employees, adults to adults and children to children, together,
everyone began to… work more smoothly.

Anyway Queen Midas was sitting there, staring as if in a dream at the

glimmering stream and along came Dionysus. They got into a conversation, for
Queen Midas had a special place in the god’s heart.

She asked Dionysus, "What did my father really want and why didn't you give it
to him?"

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Dionysus answered, "Queen Midas, my dear, you know the answer to both

Queen Midas thought for a moment and replied, "My father wanted to keep our
kingdom strong and I remember him saying,

"If only everyone and everything would… display your highest constantly… we
would… be strong… for years to come."

So what my father wanted to do was to… bring out the gold… or most valuable
part of each person for the good of the kingdom. "And the reason you didn't give
it to him is because he didn't ask the right question. Yes?”

Dionysus said, "Would you like the same opportunity as your father?"

Queen Midas answered immediately because she had thought about this long
and hard for quite a while. "YES!" She replied emphatically. “YES!”

"Ok" said Dionysus, "Make your request."

Queen Midas' request was to have the

Midas Touch Contextualized that in whatever context she met, it would bring out the best, most valuable,
most useful (gold) results for that particular person, place or thing. And that she
would have a Midas touch in regards to her own personal health, wealth,
wisdom and happiness.
And that it would be contextualized over all areas spiritually, mentally,
emotionally, physically, financially, socially, interpersonally, personally and

Dionysus said, "So be it, but you still have not truly answered the question of
why I didn't give what your father really wanted. It is the reason you… have it

Queen Midas, now with a new Contextualized Midas Touch vibrating through
her, asked Dionysus to enlighten her.

Dionysus informed her that all the gifts the gods gave to people were already
inside of them waiting to be brought out. And that if Queen Midas thought about
it she would… see the reality of this.

"Queen Midas, you have always had this new Contextualized Midas Touch
inside you. It is… now… time to… release it." Dionysus said.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


1) You have all you need to make every moment, person, place or
thing valuable.
2) Well thought-out outcomes get better results.
3) Considering consequences eliminates the need for restrictive
4) To him who has, more will be given.
5) Precise communication is more useful than not.

That reminds me of what Einstein said, “We are four dimensional creatures
living in a three dimensional world, there is no reason we shouldn’t be able to
remember the future.” And like I heard Richard Bandler once say, "what we
need to do is 'Retreat to the Future'!”

After growing up in the orphanage I went to college and seminary. Then I went
to work. I pastured a church and practiced psychology. I took sales jobs and
became a sales manager. I had very few successes in my opinion but enough
for others to think I was good at what I did and yet because I came from a
results-oriented background, I began to get frustrated.

You see, I thought people were broke and they needed to be fixed. And I wasn’t
doing a good job of fixing them either in church or in private practice. Then I
heard about something with a real strange name, Neuro-Linguistics
Programming, NLP for short and hypnosis.

It is the study of “how” we as people do things. NLP and its children, DHE,
Design Human Engineering and HPE, Human Performance Engineering, and
Neuro-Semantics, start with the belief that people work perfectly. In other words
People are not broken, so they don’t need to be fixed. I found a key, a
foundation stone.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

It was the key so I stopped being a “Psycho-TheRapist” as Bandler calls it.


NLP, DHE, HPE and Neuro-Semantics are not as concerned with the “why” or
“what” of something, in other words, the content.
They are more focused on “how” the process works. The Neuro stands for the
neurology of the brain. Neurology is the electricity in the brain, which moves us
into the realm of the mind, the invisible part of the brain.

Linguistics means the way we language (talk to) ourselves internally. And
Programming is the way we use our linguistics to program ourselves. So this
whole concept of creating wisdom is about how we are programmed by the way
we communicate to ourselves, internally and externally.

Does this thought, belief, emotion, state, or feeling, attitude, etc. serve (you) me
Does it enhance (your) my life, bring out (your) my best, put (you) me in a
resourceful state, and empower (you) me in reaching (your) my goals?
Will it enable (you) me to act in a way true to (your) my values? Or will it limit
(you) me, reduce (your) my effectiveness, and put (you) me at odds with (your)
my own highest values and beliefs?

Did you know?

1) Every statement, objection or opinion has within it its own
answer. Every one of these have within it its own solution.

2) Every statement, objection or opinion really only involves feedback

and information about what the speaker is thinking, feeling, saying or
doing, never failure, insult or criticism on anyone’s part.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

A) Remaining emotionally neutral when receiving undesired

responses gives one more control. Personalizing nothing in the
process of communication allows one to honor oneself and
B) Apart from our (thoughts of) association or connection, nothing
means anything. External events occur, but only have meaning(s)
to us when we apply meaning(s) to them. Meaning cannot exist
apart from a meaning-maker. Each person constructs h is or her
own meaning(s). This does not make it actuality (true reality), only
their reality.

3. One can take complete responsibility for the giving and receiving of
feedback and information in any communication process you are
involved in.
4. Since meaning only exist to the meaning-maker it does not exist “out
there”(2B). Meaning slips and slides in its operation. I love hamburgers
and I love cars has two different meanings. Just as I love you and I love

my grandparents, have two different meanings also. Meaning is
constructed in our minds. (2B)

A) Meaning can only exist in some frame-of- reference (context)

B) The frame (context) controls the meaning. Change Frame-
Change meaning.
C) The one who creates the frame controls the experience of
D) There can easily be contexts inside of contexts. Multiple frames at
E) “Real” meanings (our reality, the meaning we make for ourselves)
may not serve us well.

5. It is easy to detect and recognize meaning and frames in human

experiences. Language, words, objections, opinions
and statements are only constructs that one can recognize and utilize.

6. One can know how meanings work and how conceptual reality works
for people. Meaning is an internal job. It is internal to the meaning-maker.
It is an association or linking of external things of the world (Sights,
Sounds, Events, and Stimuli) with internal ideas inside the head of the
meaning-maker, which determines the state of mind the meaning-maker,
is in at a given time. With awareness of the meaning-making process one
can display control over it.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

7. Just because someone says something does not make it real. It is only
a representation of what is going on inside of them, not what the truth
really is.

8. Jumping logical levels is the easiest thing to do. The most influence
comes from being the most flexible in moving between and jumping
logical levels.

How we represent things programs our mind and body and installs an internal
mental map about the world (Beliefs). Emotions are produced by ideas,
attitudes, thoughts and beliefs and can be dramatically changed by modifying
the thinking process that creates them. (If you are in pain/discomfort because of
an external situation, it’s not the situation that disturbs you, it’s your judgment.)

Words, on the one hand, are totally powerless to directly effect and change
external reality. On the other hand, they have almost complete power to create,
alter, change, destroy and invent internal reality.

Meaning exists only in the mind. It is exclusive to the mind. Meaning comes
about as a form of evaluation and appraisal. Meaning is created by
linking/associating different stimuli (external) with some
response (internal). This way the external stimulus means/equals/leads to that
response in our nervous system.

Meaning is a step up on the logical ladder about stimuli/information. Information

is external and meaning is internal. Information is stimuli and meaning is
information about information or judgment about information or evaluation of

Simple to Complex Reframing

That doesn’t mean this ⇒ it means this.

Not This ⇒ But This.
Not X ⇒ But Y.
Not this X ⇒ But this higher Y.
Not this context (Frame) ⇒ But this context (higher Frame)

Beliefs and ideas have consequences. One’s reality is not about what is real,
but our thoughts, our perceptions about what is real. Since we construct all of
our "thoughts" and internal movies, we have the power to change them at will.
We can also refine them, tune them up, add all kinds of resources to them.

Meaning comes about by connecting things up. We create meaning by

connecting either an external event or remembered external event up with our
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

internal thought, representation, or experience (which is another created


Meanings about meanings create beliefs and we create “beliefs” so that we can
make sense out of the world. We use them to shift our attention away from the
chaotic overload of information, deleting much of the information, to a frame of
reference that is organized. When information is deleted what is left is
generalized to create a 'belief', which by the very nature of deleting and
generalizing it, is distorted. Beliefs are created, learned and installed frames-of-


“Things” only exist as certain events in the external world. Apart from
consciousness, they have no meaning. Nothing has meaning. Without
consciousness to connect things to an internal reference, there is no meaning.

When people feel resourceful, empowered and at their best, they will bring out
their best. Sometimes the beliefs that people hold can limit them from their
resourcefulness, power and their best, which bring out their worst. Because our
beliefs, ideas, thoughts, words, constructs and precepts are formed from
deletions, generalizations and distortions, by their very nature they are limited
and faulty constructions that may be useful in some contexts and less useful in

Bandler said, “Beliefs are commands to the nervous system”. How do we make
a belief? Hall & Bodenhamer explain it by saying that for something to be a
belief it not only has to be a set of representations about something (thoughts),
but also we must have a confirmation and validation of those representations.
The way a belief is created is by taking a particular thought (set of
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

representations) and adding a convincing and powerful YES to it. The YES
comes from a Meta-Level or higher logical level or Frame. A belief is a thought
with a frame already around it. It’s a thought we frame as valid, real or true.
Beliefs are like sculpting a statue—what matters is not only what remains in
view, but also what has been whittled away.

Which reminds me of the young farm boy who was looking down in the gully at
the sweating man who was with hammer and chisel. He was laboring on a large
stone. The boy asked, “Why in this hot sun are you working so hard?”
Michelangelo replied, “There’s an angel trapped in here and I’m going to free


Conscious and Unconscious Processes

One cannot always change the world; one can always changes the meanings
we attribute to the world. When we change our responses to the world, the
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

world changes for us. Stimuli are what exist and can only exist in the world “out
there.” The context or frame we put around the stimuli totally determines the
meaning to us or how we experience the stimulus. We do not change the world;
we change our meanings that we assign to the world.

As one gives every event at least three different meanings, it not only broadens
your worldview, it creates more behavioral flexibility for you. This is the Power
Portal at work.

If we forget that the true nature of language is symbolic, we confuse external

and internal realities. As we become aware that our internal reality is simply a
map of external reality and not actuality and that maps delete, distort, and
generalize, we can become aware of how we create our own paradigms, beliefs
or world-views. This allows us to open up to the choice dimension.

You do not have to believe anything, but whatever you do believe becomes your
perceived and felt reality. By moving into the choice dimension, no one has to
stay stuck in any attitude, perception, viewpoint, meaning, emotion, reality or

"The first principle of Cognitive therapy is that all your moods are created by
your cognition’s or thoughts. Cognition refers to the way you look at things, your
perceptions, mental attitudes and beliefs. It includes the way you interpret
things, what you say about something or someone to yourself. You feel the way
you do right now because of the thoughts you are thinking at this moment." (Pp.

Any trauma can be effectively and completely reframed, re-represented, and

dealt with so that it does not have to bother those involved in it. What happened
or has happened is an event. What a person thinks or continues to think is a
separate event and can be modified.

It does make a difference what you think about. How you represent those
thoughts internally also makes a difference. And so do the meanings that you
give to those representations— and the frames (contexts) that you set. When
you understand this— you have the key to emotional liberation, to mental and
emotional sanity, and as Michael Hall says, “The ability to exercise executive
choice and control over your own life. Then you can 'drive your own bus'.

The following are some useful questions to ask yourself and after that will
discuss how a belief is created.

Does this thought, belief, emotion, state, or feeling, etc. serve (you) me well?
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Does it enhance (your) my life, bring out (your) my best, put (you) me in a
resourceful state, and empower (you) me in reaching (your) my goals?
Will it enable (you) me to act in a way true to (your) my values? Or will it limit
(you) me, reduce (your) my effectiveness, and put (you) me at odds with (your)
my own highest values and beliefs?

How can I view this event as valuable?

What was the positive intent for them?
In what context would this behavior be useful?
In what contexts would I use this behavior?


What does this mean to you?
How does this create a problem for you?
What makes it so?
How much of a problem does this create?

What other meanings do you give to this?

Since means always exist in a frame (context):

What frame of reference does this idea exist within?
What frame is this person using?
What frame has to be present for this statement to make sense?
Do you know the frame out of which you operate?
Does it serve you well? Or do you want to set different frame?

How Beliefs are Created

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

First let me ask you what’s the difference between a thought and a belief? What
do you think? And then what makes a thought into a belief?

As has been stated somewhere in this book that all thinking is, is asking and
answering questions within your own mind. I can think it is a nice day. I may
even comment on it internally or externally and yet it is still not a belief until I do
some other things to the thought, albeit, I can do them unconsciously and

When I see what I consider an attractive person, I first have the internal thought
that he/she is attractive. Then because of my filters, which include depending
upon the situation, I may tell myself that, “They find me attractive.”
As you were considering what is the difference between a thought and a belief,
think of two or three thoughts and two or three beliefs that you have and
consider what’s the difference in the way you perceive the two? Why is one a
thought and one a belief?

As you are considering one of the beliefs, ask yourself “Why do I believe this?”
You will begin to come up with reasons for why and they will be in the form of
“this causes that” or “this equals that”.

Now you may be wondering what makes a belief solid and powerful? As we pull
the process apart and look at it, we find that repetition of a thought has
something to do with it. Also consistency over time must be there.

When you picture the belief, it has attractiveness about it. Desirability is
probable a better word. The aspects of the picture can include the color or black
and white, size, shape, distance and other aspects that make the picture

That voice inside your head, you know that voice of authority, hear that voice
repeating the belief and loop that statement over and over. Then create a few
“this causes that” or “this equals that” statements about the belief.

Creating a solid belief involves:

1) Authoritative voice in your head speaking the

2) Repetition
3) Looping around the thought
4) Desirability – Really want the belief.
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

5) Consistency – Imagine having the belief over

time, maybe a year or two or even longer.
6) “This causes that” or “this equals that”


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

In the next chapter, we will discuss different ways to build beliefs and even
change some of the limiting beliefs that you may have…

Chapter 7

Ways to Create Beliefs

Here is an email from someone in the self-help field to help keep things in

Hi Gang,

I know that advertisements are verboten on this list, I thought since others
occasionally slip one thru, I might as well.

I have noticed reading and interacting on this list that most of us have
unconscious skills that would be enhanced if we brought them to conscious-

After a 12-pamphlet correspondence course and 2 hours of DILLIGENT practice

and considerable experience observing life, as some of us know it, I feel
uniquely qualified to offer this training.

At the end of this training I guarantee you will have mastered the following 33

Email me privately if you want to take the training. For those who have already
mastered the skills, send your name and address on the back of a $100.00 bill
and I will send you your certificate.

33 Skills toward Personal Growth and Life


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

1. I let go of my feelings of guilt, I am in touch with my inner sociopath.

2. I have the power to channel my imagination into ever-soaring levels of

suspicion and paranoia.

3. I assume full responsibility for my actions, except the ones that are someone
else's fault.

4. I no longer need to punish, deceive, or compromise myself, unless I want to

stay employed.
5. In some cultures what I do would be considered normal.

6. Having control over myself is almost as good as having control over others.

7. My intuition nearly makes up for my lack of self-judgment.

8. I honor my personality flaws for without them I would have no personality at


9. Joan of Arc heard voices too.

10. I am grateful that I am not as judgmental as all those censorious, self-

righteous people around me.

11. I need not suffer in silence while I can still moan, whimper, and complain.

12. As I learn the innermost secrets of people around me, they reward me in
many ways to keep me quiet.

13. When someone hurts me, I know that forgiveness is cheaper than a lawsuit,
but not nearly as gratifying.

14. The first step is to say nice things about myself. The second, to do nice
things for myself. The third, to find someone to buy me nice things.

15. As I learn to trust the universe, I no longer need to carry gun.

16. All of me is beautiful, even the ugly, stupid and disgusting parts.

17. I am at one with my duality.

18. Blessed are the flexible, for they can tie themselves into knots.

19. Only a lack of imagination saves me from immobilizing myself with

imaginary fears.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

20. I will strive to live each day as if it were my 50th birthday.

21. I honor and express all facets of my being, regardless of state and local

22. Today I will gladly share my experience and advice, for there are no sweeter
words than "I told you so!"

23. False hope is better than no hope at all.

24. A good scapegoat is almost as good as a solution.

25. Just for today, I will not sit in my living room all day in my underwear in the
Hollywood Cafe. Instead, I will move my computer into the bedroom.

26. Who can I blame for my problems? Just give me a minute.... I'll find

27. Why should I waste my time reliving the past when I can spend it worrying
about the future?

28. The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is

29. I am learning that criticism is not nearly as effective as sabotage.

30. Becoming aware of my character defects leads me naturally to the next step
of blaming my parents.

31. To have a successful relationship I must learn to make it look like I'm giving
as much as I'm getting.

32. I am willing to make the mistakes if someone else is willing to learn from

33. Before I criticize a man, I walk a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets
angry, he's a mile away and barefoot.

Be well and see you at the training,


OK, we’re ready let’s…

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Change a Belief
The reason this works is because this is exactly what your mind does
unconsciously to create beliefs in the first place. This is great because we don’t
have to deal with the content of what and why, but we deal with the process of
'how'. The structure of how we create beliefs and hold them in place.

Once you learn how you do this it will only take 10 to 15 minutes at first to
change a belief and after you get comfortable with doing it, you can change a lot
of limiting beliefs quickly within a few minutes.

Real quickly let’s deal with those people that say it’s hard for me to visualize. If
you can’t visualize, get a mental picture. If you can’t picture, pretend. Pretend
that you could see or get a sense of what it would be like.

I’m sure you can picture, see, visualize, or pretend, what your living room looks
like. Right? Shake your head up and down. Now what would your living room
look like if all the furniture was moved over to one side of the room?

As you’re reading this book and I ask you what does the inside of your car look
like, something comes to your mind. What ever it is that lets you know what the
inside of your car looks like and what your living room would look like with all the
furniture moved over to one side, we will call that a picture.

One Belief that you may want to change is that “I can’t change my beliefs or
beliefs are hard to change.” You may want to change that to “beliefs are easy to
change or beliefs are tools, like cloths that you use or put on depending upon
the context or situation.”

The Structure of How we Create Beliefs and

Hold them in Place
Pick a belief that you have and yet you don’t like having that belief. Something
that holds you back, something that keeps you from getting what you want. It
could be something about the way you communicate to yourself or others,

Let’s pull it apart and look at the different parts to it. The (sight, sound, feeling)
see, hear, feel, smell and taste of it. Step out of the belief as if you could see
yourself having the belief.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

As you look at the experience of you believing the belief, the voice of authority
that comes with that belief, where is it inside your head? What direction does it
come from?


The picture associated with that belief, if you had a mental theater in your mind,
where on the screen would the picture be top, middle, or bottom? Would it be
upper left, upper center, or upper right? Or would it be middle or bottom, left,
center or right?
What is the color make up of that picture or movie? What’s the distance and

How long have you believed this limiting belief? Get the “this means that” or the
“this equals that” by asking, “Why do you believe that?” What are the reasons
up until now that you have given yourself for this belief to seem true for you?

Now stop, before we go any further and decide what you would like to be true
about you instead of the limiting belief above that we are about to change. What
would you like to believe about yourself instead of the old belief?

All right now, go back to the old belief and think of the funnies cartoon character
you can think of saying the belief in the place of your voice of authority. Imagine
the cartoon character repeating that old belief over and over in a loop. Imagine
instead of your
voice of authority saying the old belief for the last two years that you heard the
funny voice saying it for that length of time.

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Take all of the desire out of the picture, by changing the distance, color, shape
and size. Send the picture further away; let the picture or movie get fuzzy
looking, turn the brightness down. Let the color drain out of it.

Say the “this or that” statements or the “this equals that" statements and hear
them in that funny voice. By now the old belief will really seem like what it truly is
now, an old belief. Not true, just an old thought that you learned from.

Now let’s replace the old limiting belief with the new empowering belief you
came up with earlier.

Take the new belief that will soon become a solid powerful belief and start by
having your voice of authority repeating the belief about you inside your head.
And at the same time develop a compelling “this causes that” statement or “this
equals that” statement.

An example of one I used to change my old limiting belief that I didn’t deserve
some of the things I wanted was, “It is my birthright to have what I want. My
birthright causes me to get what I want. The fact that I was born means I
deserve to have the things I want.”

Now hear your voice of authority confirm your “this causes/means/equals that”

Every time you loop your new belief over and over, allow the “this
causes/means/equals that” statement to become more solid.

Picture the belief on your movie screen and add lots of desire. Make it more
desirable. Make the picture bigger, brighter and closer to you. Bring to bear on
all of this a sense of excitement and then a sense of deservedness.

Now take digital photocopies of all of that and spread it throughout your future
and past. Think of a time in the future where you would have responded the old
way and notice how you respond different with the new strong powerful belief.
Now think of two more times in the future in different situations, with different
people, and notice how you respond differently.

Go back in your past to places were this new strong powerful belief would have
been more useful than the old limiting one and notice how it would have been
different with the new belief at those times, in those situations with those
different people.

Here is another way or you can just add it to the last way to quickly change a
belief. It is called the

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

META “YES” – META “NO” Pattern

After you learn this you can go back and apply it to the last pattern we just
experienced to solidify it even more or you can use it by itself on another belief
and get great results.

First thing you want to do is remember a time when you were very congruent,
very aligned and said, “YES” to something. Maybe it was in high school or
younger when you did something that you didn’t think you could do and you did
it. You know that feeling of total “YES”.

Or maybe when a child was born and the first time you saw that

particular child the feeling of “YES” that went along with that. Or when your child
or someone you care about does something good for himself or herself that you
support 100%. The “YES” that you give them for that.

Now say that “YES” out loud three or four times until you feel it all the way down
in your bones.

Let’s set that aside for a moment and remember a time when you had the same
type of congruency and alignment about something and it was “NO”. For
example when a young child is about to do something like throw a fist full of
food at you, that type of “NO”.
Or when a pet is jumping at you as you are trying to fill their water bowl, that
type of “NO”. Anytime where you had to congruently say “NO”.

Now say that “NO” out loud three or four times until you feel it all the way down
in your bones. And then put it aside.

Think of another limiting belief that you want to get rid of and then think of the
belief you want to replace it with. Take the picture of the wanted belief and place
it out on the horizon as a dot.

As you think about and look at the picture of the old limiting belief, say the
power “NO” and as you do notice how it looses it power. After about the third
real congruent “NO,” allow the new wanted belief to zoom up and fill the screen
of your mind and say the power “YES” three times very strongly and

Then take digital photocopies of the “Yes” experience and with a sense of
urgency spread it throughout your future and past. Allowing yourself to blend in

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

a sense of excitement and acceptance with it as it goes into your past and

Easily thinking of a time in the future where you would have responded the old
way and notice how you respond differently with the new strong powerful belief.
Now think of two more times in the future in different situations, with different
people, and notice how you respond differently.

Go back in your past to places were this new strong powerful belief would have
been more useful than the old limiting one and notice how it would have been
different with the new belief at those times, in those situations with those
different people.

That is another way to quickly change a belief. And here is yet a third way to
quickly change a belief.

It just gets better and better!

If I were to ask you to think of something that is a possibility for you, for example
is it possible that your are going to have lunch next Thursday? Something that’s
a possibility, maybe, maybe not! On your mental screen within your mind where
is the location of something that is a possibility for you?

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Now that you know where that is located.

Let me ask you, do you need air to stay alive? And as you answer that, where
would that picture appear on your mental movie screen? Notice the different
locations of something that is only a possibility and something that’s absolutely
true for you.
Notice the differences in the color, shape, size and distance.
Notice the difference in the sound of the voices and the content of what they say
and how they say it. Notice the difference in the way they feel to you.

Now in the possibility location, build in the possibility of the new belief that you
want. For example, I learn quickly, or I can do anything. Come up with some on
your own. What new beliefs would you like to have?

Build the new belief that you want in the possibility location. Now that it is there,
begin changing the color, shape, and size of this new possibility to match the
color, shape and size of the absolutely true location. When they match, it is time
to move on to the next step.

The next step will happen quickly when you do it. What I want you to do is, in
the time that it takes you to snap your fingers, I want you to take the possibility
and push it off into the distance until it becomes a dot on the horizon and then
let it snap quickly into the location of what it is you believe to be absolutely true
for you. Taking on the same location, size, color, shape and distance so that it is
perfectly identical except for the content. The new content is the new belief.

Notice how the voice has changed. And the new empowering things it is saying
with absolute conviction. Notice the feeling of absolute conviction that you now
feel. If it doesn’t feel completely solid, do it over until it does.

Now take digital photocopies of that and spread it through-out your future and
past. By thinking of a time in the future where you would have responded the old
way and notice how you respond differently with the new strong powerful belief.
Now think of two more times in the future in different situations, with different
people, and notice how you respond differently.

Go back in your past to places were this new strong powerful belief would have
been more useful than the old limiting one and notice how it would have been
different with the new belief at those times, in those situations with those
different people.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


I Learn
I learn Quickly!

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“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


In the next chapter we’ll look at another part to The Power Portal…

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Chapter 8

A Couple of Ways of Opening the

Power Portal
The Paradox of Our Age
We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers;
wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints;
we spend more, but have less;
we buy more, but enjoy it less.

We have bigger houses and smaller families;

more conveniences, but less time;
we have more degrees, but less common sense;
more knowledge, but less judgment;
more experts, but more problems;
more medicine, but less wellness.

We spend too recklessly, laugh too little,

drive to fast, get too angry too quickly,
stay up too late, get up too tired,
read too seldom, watch TV too much,
and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values;

We talk too much, love too seldom and lie too often;
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life;
we've added years to life, not life to years.
We've been all the way to the moon and back,
but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.
We've conquered outer space, but not inner space;
We’ve done larger things, but not better things;
we've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul;
we've split the atom, but not our prejudice;

we write more, but learn less;

plan more, but accomplish less;
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

We've learned to rush, but not to wait;

we have higher incomes, but lower morals;
more food but less appeasement;

more acquaintances, but fewer friends;

more effort but less success;
We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more
than ever, but have less communication;
we've become long on quantity, but short on quality;

These are the time of fast foods and slow digestion;

tall men and short character;
steep profits, and shallow relationships;
These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare;
more leisure and less fun;

more kinds of food, but less nutrition;

These are days of two incomes, but more divorce;
of fancier houses, but broken homes;

These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality,

one-night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from
cheer, to quiet, to kill.
It is a time when there is much in the show window, and nothing in the

All of these point out the need for the Power Portal, the deficiencies of
knowledge without wisdom. And it really is a paradox until one realizes
the truth from that great philosopher we quoted in the beginning, Mr.
Spock, of the Starship Enterprise. “Anything can be logical, it just
depends on what you base the logic.”

And up until now the majority of our western society has based it upon
the logic that “knowledge is power”. As we stated previously knowledge is
just information. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge for short and
long-term effectiveness for the good of all concerned.

The True Power Portal comes from…

Creating WISDOM!
So how can we go about creating WISDOM (Training our Thinking)?

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

In this chapter we will look at a few of the ways to go about creating

WISDOM! Everything that we have looked at and discussed up to this
point in this work is all part and parcel of building or creating WISDOM. It

All the flexibility created by the foundation stones; the direction of thinking about
what you want as opposed to what you don’t want; the resetting of your circuit
breakers and how to change and build empowering beliefs are all involved in
this process of building and creating WISDOM.

One easy way to create WISDOM is we can easily learn the lesson of building
inside out or BE, DO, HAVE. In our culture, western that is, a lot of people think
that to BE something or someone you must first have it so that you can prove
that you are.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

And yet the wise thing to do is usually the opposite. You must first BE to DO so
that you HAVE. Everything really does start inside. Everything in our world
started out as a thought. One can DO something without BEING and yet there is
very little power and it will not be sustained very long.

You don’t build a building and then you are a builder. You are a builder doing
the things that a builder would do and then you have what a builder would have.
In the same way you are a professional communicator and you do what all
professional communicators do and you have the results of how well you have
used your profession.

This process is even spiritual, in the Bible it says In the beginning God. (God
was.) Then he created. (God did.) Then he had. (God has.) BE, DO, HAVE. BE
a human. DO what a human does. HAVE what a human has.

BE a Plummer. Do what a Plummer does. Have what a Plummer has. Even if

you didn't do or have, you would still think of yourself as a Plummer, yes? If you
tried not to do or have what a human does or has you would still be a human.
(You might be a dead human, but still human nonetheless.)

Clear Intention also known as a well-formed outcome, even if it is to get the

education or whatever it takes to BE, is so very important to lasting success.
And it is one of the starting points of creating WISDOM.

Since I’ve brought up the subject of intention and the force of intention, let’s
discuss it a little bit and learn how to improve it some. Another word for intention
is 'will'. And the definition of will for our purpose here is the physical
manifestation of thought.

Like one of my mentors said, “not to sound mystical, magical or woo-woo, but
'will' is the ability to bring into physical manifestation or reality thought.” He said
by the way that is also the definition that old magicians gave to magic.

He said, “Every building was built by magic using this definition.” A force of will
built every building that you have ever seen. Everything that is in existence
today started as a thought that someone applied will too.

Someone was driving along and saw a piece of land and thought a building
would look good right there. Then through the force of their will they did all the
things necessary to bring that building into being.

They got the permits and proper documents from the city or county. They hired
the engineer to do the drawings. They purchased the land. They hired the
contractors to do the building and they did whatever it took to sell, lease, or rent
the building once it was completed.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

So you see Builders are magicians. The force of intention, will is very powerful
and it is just like a muscle. If you don’t exercise it you will not develop it.

By the way, you like me, may wonder why do they call them buildings when they
are already built. Shouldn’t they be called 'builds'?

It’s a “build” not a building!

Here is a starter way to begin to develop your will. Start small and work your
way up. Decide that you are going to do something a specific time and then do it
and do consistently each time you make the decision.

For example, decide using the force of your will or intention that you are going to
drink a full glass of water before each and every meal. Also using your intention
of will that you are going to drink a full glass of water at 12:00 noon on the dot
and do it. No matter what it takes do it. You start by using your will on the small
things and then build up from there

Probably one of the best starting point for creating WISDOM is to start with the
outcome in mind. What do you want? What are the results that you want to
accomplish? What are the ramifications of getting this result? How will you know
when you have what you want? Sound familiar?

I’ll use an example that we used in a training one time and we may do
something like this in future trainings also. Starting at the results and working
back how would you like others to perceive you? Or how would you like to be

From there what would be the values that would get you these outcomes? Then
what beliefs would you have to have? And finally what behaviors would you
absolutely have to have to get your outcomes?


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Let’s use for sake of example the following outcomes. This is the way we would
want to be perceived by others.

To stay on target we aim with our will and

Our target is the way we want to be perceived by others and that is
passionate, respected, honest, precise communicator, with recursive
wisdom, unstoppable, healthy, and competent and a practical creative
genius with a good sense of humor, wealthy, sexy and famous.


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Precise Communicator
Recursive Wisdom
Practical Creative Genius
Sense of Humor
Then building from here what values would you absolutely need to support
these outcomes? From here on in everything must be within your control. First,
before others will truly see you as the above, you must first see yourself that


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


Recursive Wisdom
Precise Communication
The Individual and their Process

Behavioral Flexibility

The next thing to consider is what beliefs would have to be absolutely necessary
to support the values and outcomes.

Then after beliefs what behaviors are absolutely necessary to support the
outcomes and that are created by the beliefs and values.


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Everything is a process

Anyone can learn anything

Learning is fun and easy

Everything is a learning situation

Intuitions are learned

Everyone is valuable

I am becoming more congruent

Change is easy

I can help anyone change quickly

Naturally I am healthy

I use wisdom in all situations

Comfort comes from accepting everything that comes

up, which I do

Everything I need I have more than enough internally

I am powerfully magnetic to Money, Abundance, Power,

& Prosperity

I am in control of my money and have more than enough

to be generous with it

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4


Behavioral Flexibility
Honors each person’s process
Considers short/long term consequences
Does healthy processes
Gathers lots of information
Uses intuitions
Fast & thorough learner
Respects money
Pays attention to process
This is just one of the many ways to be creating WISDOM in your life. We cover
other different ways to create wisdom in the Creating WISDOM seminars that
we conduct from time to time around the country.
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Utilizing everything that happens in your life in the direction of what you want is
also a part of creating WISDOM. I don’t know how quickly you will start
developing well-formed outcomes in all directions of life.

And yet the more you use your will and intention proactively, the more you will
begin to move in the direction of not only creating WISDOM but also living from
WISDOM. And that’s where everyone wants to live from, don’t you?

When someone says, “I just want to be happy!”

I say, “ That’s great, are you willing to do what it takes to be happy?”

They say, “What’s that?”

“Do you really want to know?”


Use THE POWER PORTAL start by Training

Your Thinking!


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

In the next chapter we are going to research how this operates on a spiritual


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Chapter 9

Applying this from a Spiritual Point of


How to get your Prayers answered for


Perception Power

The Gift
Once there was a holy man who traveled between villages in his home country.
He was very wise and stories of his great teachings had spread across the land.
Hundreds of people followed him wherever he went to listen to his teachings.

One day he came to a new village, and many people gathered in the Village
Square to greet him. Suddenly a very angry peasant came up to him and began
to verbally assault him. He said he was a fake and that he was misleading
people telling them lies and using them for his own greedy purposes.

He went on and on and on, using every foul language in the book, red in the
face and spitting as he ranted. The holy man just waited until the man had
totally exhausted himself and stopped talking.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Then in a deep and calm voice he asked him the following question. "If
someone offers you a gift but you don't accept it, whose gift is it?" The man was
completely taken aback, but blurted out that the giver most certainly still owned
the gift.

The holy man then said, "I don't want your gift of offensive accusations, you can
keep them to yourself" and he walked quietly away from the stunned man.

What you don't know

There was a traveling man going from town to town, he wasn't a holy man just a
man who traveled and worked odd jobs here
and there. When he came into this one town
he couldn't help but notice the stench and
putrid smell of animal dung hanging in the air.

He noticed that the town had two chicken breeding factories and one pig-
breeding factory. Is it any wonder this town stinks, he thought to himself.

He noticed a lad running with two buckets of water between the two hen houses
and he called to him, asking him to come over. When the boy arrived he asked
him "How can you live in such a stench."

The boy looked at him kind of strangely, thinking this was one of those weirdos
that came into town once in a while, and said.
"What stench? I don't smell any stench."

He really meant it; he didn't smell anything out of the ordinary.

"You don't smell the stink, the putrid smell?"

"No I don't!"

And he proceeded to walk away. The man grabbed him by his arm. "Tell me lad
for how long have you lived here?"

"All my life."

"And have you never been up in the mountains, have you never been down to
the seashore?"

"No I haven't. In fact I've never been out of this town. Ever since I can remember
I have always been here to help my father and mother take care of the chickens

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

and there's no time for such idle nonsense as running about while there's work
to do. When I'm not working I stay in my own room in the loft of one of the
chicken houses."

My God, thought the traveller.

"Young lad, you have to come with me right now, I am going to show you
something you will never forget."

He took him under the arm and almost dragged him away from the town. He
took him up the mountain and all the way to the top where he could smell real
fresh air without any traces of stench for the first time in his life. He had him
smell the flowers and the trees and the grass.

After a while he took him back, and when they entered the town the boy could
smell the filthy stench for the first time in his life.

"Oh my God, what a stench. And I have been living in this putrid smell all my life
without knowing it."

What don't you know?

When you haven't travelled very far beyond the boundaries of your beliefs and
values you don't know how good you can have it, and you don't know how bad
you have it either. The prison of your beliefs and values keeps you locked inside
the world you know and are familiar with.

When you make the decision to go beyond the boundaries of what you know,
you at first have to rely on faith and trust. There is always a little risk involved,
but soon enough you start to see the infinite possibilities that are every human
beings' inheritance.

If you don't think you have enough faith and trust, just imagine how much trust
and faith you had when you were born into this extremely harsh world as a
totally helpless little baby within such a vulnerable and fragile body. That is a
faith that can move mountains, and you have already demonstrated it.

Change of Perception

Maybe there is a higher level of perception available to you. Maybe there is a

way to perceive "good life" as "great life" or even as "ecstatic life." Maybe you
can control your perception to the degree that you can perceive your normal
day-to-day routine awareness as enlightenment.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Isn't that what the saints and mystics do? Maybe they just discovered how to
control their perception. Enlightened people often say "I meditated and
meditated for years, trying to reach enlightenment, and then when I reached
enlightenment I discovered that I had been there all the time. I hadn't changed
at all, I was exactly the same before and after enlightenment."

Well, both you and I know that something must have changed, and maybe that
was their perception. That's why you can find an enlightened person working in
a grocery store; it might be your next-door neighbor or the postal clerk. Because
when you have reached this state it doesn't matter where you are or what you

You have gone beyond that, you are no longer bound by those measurements.
You have found what you were looking for and there's no longer any need to
seek or look for anything.

If you want to experience the boundless freedom in going beyond your normal
perception of the world, YOU CAN. But the mind is on automatic, like a machine
that doesn't have a stop switch. It goes on and on and on and on and never
seems to stop. Its automatic perception of the world is what creates problems,
difficulties and limitations.

And people have no idea why it happens. It just happens and there seems to be
no way of controlling it in a healthy way. It seems that
people are not so much thinking their thoughts as much as their thoughts are
thinking them. And even though people wish they could change it, they can't
because they don't control their thoughts or minds.

That is what this little trip we have been taking throughout these pages was
meant to do. This book was meant to give you back control of your thoughts and
mind. In the same wein I am going to approach The Power Portal of Creating
Wisdom from the spiritual side also.

As an overall frame for our research in this area, let’s look at three basic laws or
principles that all spirituality from Christian to Pagan, from Fundamentalist to
New Age, from Believers to Agnostic to Atheist can agree upon is in the writings
of their belief systems.


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

And those are the Law of

Attraction, the Law of
Default and the Law of
Allowance. Every form of
Spirituality agrees that we
attract things
into our lives. Every form
will agree that something’s
happen by default and
others through allowance.
A helpful and harmless life.

Since the majority of our

clients are of the Christian
persuasion we will be
using references from the
Bible. We will also give
other examples to show how this is applicable in any other area.

Words that describe the same thing:

Christianity God
New Age Higher Power
Science Energy
Psychology Super Consciousness
American Indian Great Spirit
Atheist Self(as opposed to self)
Hebrew Yahweh (Jehovah)
Huna (Hawaiian) Powaumakua
Others The Creator

Now, these words came from friends and acquaintances that claimed to be the
first column. If you disagree, fine. Whatever the name is that you use to
describe that which is greater than yourself, place that in the list and use it along
with the rest of them.
All these words God, Higher Power, Energy, Super Consciousness, The Great
Spirit, Self, Powaumakua, The Creator and others are just terms used to
©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

attempt to describe the same thing. Whatever it is that came first and created
everything else.

I will usually refer to the creator so as to not step on any toes. And yet I will give
proof texts from the Scripture know as the Holy Bible for my brethren in
Christianity that need it.

In the book (Bible) the writer of the 1 st Corinthian Letter, Paul, said that the letter
of the law kills, but the spirit of the law gives life. That must be why they call it
spirituality and not legality. Most of us get caught up in the words and their
definitions (legality) as opposed to their intended meaning (spirituality).

To begin this discussion, let’s talk about the three laws. First, the Law of
Attraction states that whatever you think about or talk about you attract. Go back
and read the parts of this work that talk about the unconscious and how it
operates and its parameters.

For example, I was talking to someone and they were describing why their
marriage had failed and what they had learned positive from that experience. He
said that everyday he was hoping and thinking, “I want to have a good

Well he learned that he attracted to himself just what he had been focusing on –
wanting a good marriage-. He wound up getting a divorce. He learned to focus
on what he wanted –a good marriage- by saying, “I’m enjoying a good marriage”
and guess what he manifested, created, or attracted. That’s right, a good

Now the Law of Default works very simply. It is the other side of the coin.
Whatever happens in your life comes from the law of default except those things
that you deliberately use the Law of Attraction to attract.

In addition, the Law of Allowance is what we discussed earlier about

“responsibility to” and “responsibility for”, (goe back and finds it in one of the
earlier chapters. This way you can understand the principle of allowance.)

Or as Grampa Vetter used to say, “Each of us is responsible for our own

learning’s because what we fail to learn through intelligence, we learn through
physical example."

First, I want to deal with the concept of good and evil and then we will deal with
the concept of creator, created and co-creator.

As we begin our discussion of good and evil, go read the 1 st chapter in the Book
called the Bible referred to as Genesis.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

I don’t know if you are aware, but there were two trees in the garden of Eden
that were not of this world. In fact they were mentioned because they were
different than all the other trees available to man and woman. One they were
supposed to eat from and one they weren’t.

The amazing thing is that most of the people that I talk to and those that admit
to being Christian continue to live by one of those trees and from my
understanding of scripture. It’s the wrong tree to be living from, it is the one
mankind wasn’t suppose to eat.

Two of these!
One tree was the knowledge of good and evil and one was the tree of life. Here
are two trees-the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, which mankind was not supposed to eat from and the tree of life, which
mankind was supposed to eat from.

Mankind was alive and had life, so what kind of life exist in the tree of life? Well,
the highest life form, uncreated, divine life. Mankind was living by human life,
not the uncreated life of God. Which would allow mankind to live a helpful and
harmless life.

Now the uncreated life of God would do more than contain the knowledge of
good and evil, it would include the ability to do more than 'know' if something
was good or evil, right or wrong, good or bad, it would provide wisdom the ability
to use and apply the knowledge of good and evil in the most useful way.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

(Side note for an example of this read Judges Chapter 3 and find out were
murder was more useful than not. One of the big ten is thou shall not kill and yet
in Judges Chapter 3 it comes from the tree of life and has a different outcome.)

Now understanding Divine Life can be kind of tricky. I love the Hawaiian Huna
concept about it. The Creator is so much higher above than they are that they
simply do the things that are in mankind’s domain properly and however the
Creator does what the Creator does is the Creators business they just get
results and good positive results, I might add.

To help us understand this a little better, has anyone reading this ever had a
pet? Whether it was a dog, cat, or a goldfish or whatever the pet was, the pet
lived by pet life. Now biologically pet life is a lower life form than human life.

If somehow we were able to take human life and place it into your pet, even
then your pet could not live by human life. The human life being a higher life
form would have to live through the pet. All the pet could do is get up in the
morning and live by faith that the human life (the higher life form) would come

In the same way, humans with the highest life form inside of them cannot live by
that life. All we can do is live our lives and point
back and say, "There was divine life”. Jesus proved that when he said in the
book of John that he didn’t do the works it was the father within him. Even Jesus
couldn’t live the so-called Christian life; he let divine life live through him.

Scripture-wise, the reason we were to eat of the tree of life was so that we could
have dominion over this world: the world of our physical body and the physical
planet called earth. In other words, we were to be co-creators with the Creator.
The scripture say that after six days the Creator stopped creating.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

This means anything that was/is created after

the sixth day was/is created by co-creators,
you and me.
In the New Testament Jesus said, when arguing with the religious leaders of his
time, (wait a minute, that happens today too) “Even your scripture (which he had
divinely inspired-from a Christian point of view) says that you are all gods.” He
was referring to Psalms 82.

This brings up the question of creator, created and co-creator. A lot of Christians
believe that the created are to worship the Creator, which they do, and yet they
seem to never deal with the concept of co-creators and having dominion and so
they always blame God or someone else. Not very useful for a co-creator,
wouldn’t you say.

The problem lies in our understanding. In Genesis Chapter 1 God said, “Let US
make man in OUR image and let…” To understand this we have to be able to
understand Christian math, 3 = 1 and 1 = 3. God the Father, God the Son and
God the Holy Spirit = God.

God = Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I wonder if the Holy Spirit is the feminine part
of God. And they are all invisible.

And as a side question, what was God’s ultimate intention? One fellow named
Paul said it was so he would be in all, to all, and through all, the All in all. You
and I are all’s and the big All wants to be ALL in all. The creator may be in all
and yet not the ALL in all.

What does it mean to be made in God’s image? Well the old line is we are spirit,
we possess a soul and we live in a physical body, an earth suit. While this is
true and it is, three in one it doesn’t quit fit because all 3 of the one God are

Modern psychology can help us out here a little bit. Fraud gave us the ego, id
and the super ego. Jung called it the conscious, unconscious and the collective
unconscious/super consciousness. The Hawaiian Huna’s said we have three
spirits (invisible things).

Here we will say we have a spirit, a conscious mind and an unconscious mind
(three invisible things). Now that is more in line with the image of God from a

Christian point of view. As we have been talking about through this whole book
about opening the communication between your conscious and your

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Your unconscious has the direct line to your spirit which according to scripture is
where the Holy Spirit is located. (To learn more about how this can be, check
out Quantum Physics.) What we are really concerned about in this manual is
getting your conscious and your unconscious lined up.

Lined up, working together and communicating so that the high energy that is in
your spirit can come through. From a spiritual point of view, your conscious
mind produces energy, the lowest kind of energy. Your unconscious mind
produces energy, kind of like energy-energy, and your spirit produces energy,
high energy.

With high energy you can get anything done. Miracles, magic and supernatural
things can be accomplished with high energy. Remember miracles and magic
are things that science has not proven yet. Science is just miracles and magic
explained. And really look at the word SUPERnatural. It is natural, just more of

I like the way a teacher explained it: you are always connected to your spirit or
as some would say your parental spirits and that is where wisdom resides. The
challenge is getting your unconscious and your conscious lined up, working
together so that you can get what you want.

Because of the Law of Attraction you are always getting what you think about
and talk about. Even if you think about and talk about what you don’t want.
Remember the unconscious parameters in an earlier chapter; The Law of
Attraction will bring you what you are attracting. You attract by what you think
and say.

Going back to scripture, it says, as a man thinketh in his heart so is he (Old

Testament) and you wash the outside of the cup while the inside is dirty, first
clean the inside and then the outside… (New Testament)

Oh by the way, all of this can be energy tested. When you

come to one of our “Power Portal” trainings we will show you
how to energy test and you can prove this for yourself. Using
energy testing you will be able to start communicating and
improve the communicating with yourself, consciously and

So you can take energy and allow your unconscious to create energy-energy
and give it to your spirit to create high energy. Your spirit will give you whatever
you ask and yet it will not give you what you need because of free will. Doesn’t
scripture say that if you ask and believe in your heart (conscious and
unconscious) you can have whatever you want.

©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.
“Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal for Long-Lasting Success” Edition #4

Using the principle of the Law of Attraction, understanding how the conscious
and the unconscious work and having a well-formed outcome, which leaves
people, better off than you found them allows you to get anything you want.

Oh by the way, if you are going to use this powerful process, you will really want
to leave people better off than you found them. This is living a helpful and
harmless life, or in other words a life of love.

Now some people wonder about things like bad spirits, demons and negative
things or as one teacher called them eating companions. And to cover that
would be another book. But let me add in the book (Bible) it says greater is he
that is in you than he that is in the world. That would cover all of the above.

We could go more in depth and yet I just wanted to touch on the aspects of “The
Power Portal” from a spiritual point of view.

Until next time,

The DocResults Blog


©Copyright 2010 Accelerated Success Strategies Inc.

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