Closure by Amin Ghali, Fellow,! ASCE, and Gamil Tadros, 6 Member, ASCE

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number of plastic hinges in the superstructure to one. Trans- terest.

Since cold-formed steel members are often thin-walled

verse reinforcement was added in the regions of expected plas- structures, stability is a major concern. Thus, the calculation
tic hinges to provide sufficient rotational capacity at these sec- of the local elastic buckling stress is fundamental to design.
tions. Professor Marsh's examples show the influence of corner ra-
A detailed account of the studies outlined above and their dius on angles, and a special case of flanges and box sections.
impact on the executive design of the Northumberland Strait A simple numerical analysis conducted in Schafer (1997) il-
Crossing Project is given in Starossek (1997). lustrates the influence of comer radius on lipped flanges, and
further highlights the shortcoming of using the flat width for
APPENDIX. REFERENCES determining the elastic buckling stress.
Clough, R. W., and Penzien, J. (1975). Dynamics a/structures. McGraw- The local buckling of an isolated lipped flange is studied
Hill, New York. numerically via the finite strip method. The comer radius, r,
Starossek, U. (1997). "Zum progressiven kollaps mehrfeldriger brUck- at the juncture of the flange and lip is systematically varied.
entragwerke [progressive collapse of multi-span bridge structures)."
Bautechnik, Berlin, Germany, 74(7),443-453 (in German). The corner is discretized into a minimum of 20 straight-line
elements. Two groups of isolated flanges in pure compression,
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as shown in Fig. 6, are investigated. The first group has a right

angle (6 =90°) lip and a centerline flange width, B, of 31 mm,
Closure by Amin Ghali, Fellow,! ASCE, and a centerline lip length, D, of 11.3 mm, a thickness, t, of 1 mm,
Gamil Tadros,6 Member, ASCE and varying r. The second group has e = 45°, B = 31 mm, D
= 11.3 mm, t = 1 mm, and varying r.
The plate-buckling coefficient is defined in terms of the cen-
The writers would like to thank the discussers for their com- terline (or intersection of the median lines) width, B, not the
ments. They describe the locations of the reinforcement pro- flat width, b, nor the out to out width, i.e.:
vided and give some details introduced to implement the re-
sults of the studies presented in the paper. The discussion is a
welcome complement to the article.
The paper is concerned with a problem encountered when
attempting to eliminate one hinge from each of two pairs of The result of systematically varying r for both groups is
adjacent intermediate hinges, as shown in Fig. 2(b). Lester and shown in Figs. 7 and 8. A marked increase in k exists for the
Tadros (1995) gave the history and the participants in the de- 90° lip as r increases, but a significant increase is not observed
velopment of the design of the Confederation Bridge. for the 45° lip. Fig. 8 shows the k values versus the centerline
The second writer of the paper led a team to develop the flange width over the flat width (Bib). For the 90° lip, large r
design concept. In this design, each of two consecutive spans markedly decreases the flat width, but for the 45° lip the flat
was provided with two intermediate hinges [Fig. 2(a)]. During width decreases much slower.
the design of details, the discussers proposed to eliminate one If the flat width is employed for the elastic buckling pre-
hinge from each set [Fig. 2(b)]. The writers conducted the diction, then k is
analytical and experimental studies presented in the article to
examine the vulnerability of the proposed system to progres-
sive collapse. The studies showed that the proposed change
would in fact give a system vulnerable to such collapse; thus If the average of the flat width and centerline width is used,
the proposal was abandoned to return to the original system,
with double intermediate hinges [Fig. 2(a)]. then


~~ E/ ~
Lester, B., and Tadros, G. (1995). "Northumberland Strait Crossing: De-
sign development of precast prestressed concrete bridge structure." J.,
Prestressed Concrete Inst., Vol. 40, No.5, 32-44.
J£ b

(0) Group One (b) Group Two

FIG.6. Isolated Lipped Flange

8 7.00

Discussion by Benjamin W. Schafer,:1 5.00

Member, ASCE 4.00
Professor Marsh's technical note on the influence of bend -0- 90 dea. lip
radii examines a problem of both theoretical and practical in- 2.00 - 4 S dea.lip

SProf. of Civ. Engrg., The Univ. of Calgary, Calgary T2N IN4, AB, 1.00
"Tech. Dir., Strait Crossing, Inc., 7th Floor, 1177-11 Ave. S.W., Cal- 0.00 +,-,"""'""-'--j-'-'-'...L.f-'-'-'-'+,-,"""'""-'--j-U-J...L.f-'--U-J-f-'-'"'--'-1f-'--WU-f-"u.J.-,-!
gary T2R lK9, AB, Canada.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
"December 1997, Vol. 123, No. 12, by Cedric Marsh (Technical Note riD
'Instructor, Cornell Univ., 419 Hollister Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853. FIG. 7. Influence of Corner Radius on Lipped Flanges


J. Struct. Eng. 1998.124:1498-1499.

9.00 -r-----------------, dinal stiffeners," PhD dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca, New
8.00 York.
Veroci, B. (1990). "On the basic width of profiled sheet compression
7.00 plates." Proc., Stability of Steel Struct., Budapest, Hungary.
6.00 o
5.00 , ..,.' '0" ,0'" " Closure by Cedric Marsh/ Member, ASCE
4.00 .•.••• q. • •
3.00 o 90deg.lip
• 45 deg.lip
There are many aspects of local buckling which involve a
2.00 - - Ie based on b
choice of the use of "flat width" versus the true distance be-
, •• ' .Ie based on (B+b)12
tween the intersection of the adjoining median lines, and the
1.00 discusser, B. J. Schafer, has clearly illustrated one of them.
0.00 +-'--'--'-'--+-"'-'---"-'-+-'--'-"--'-+-'-~_'___1--'--'--'-_'__1 The writer's position is simply that, for the radii commonly
Downloaded from by UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY on 01/30/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 used in cold formed shapes, it is unconservative to use the
"flat width" for the elastic buckling stress, but it is also shown
BIb that, for very large radii, the "flat width" may give a conser-
FIG. 8. Approximating Influence of Corner Radius on Lipped vative value.
Flanges The discusser's model of a flange, with a simply support at
the weblflange junction, neglecting the restraint provided by
the web, degenerates to a torsional buckling problem for which
k = 4 CD : b)/Z) there is no distortion of the cross section. All local buckling
involves distortion of the cross section, and those forms of
The performance of these approaches is demonstrated in local buckling for which the term "distortional" is used as a
Fig. 8. Using the flat width is again shown unconservative. matter of choice. The flange as illustrated in Fig. 6 will fail in
Using the average of Band b works reasonably well for the torsion at a lower stress than that which would cause a true
900 lip. The centerline width, B, provides a conservative ap- "local" buckle, although the rotated flange would give the
proximation in all cases. appearance of what is often called "distortional" buckling.
It is clear from these examples that from a strict elastic The influence of the lip on this torsional mode is best treated
buckling point of view the use of the flat width is unconser- by considering the warping constant for the shape, and the
vative and erroneous. Professor Marsh suggests the intersec- true length of the "flange" becomes a factor, as the buckling
tion of the median lines, B in the examples here. This appears is no longer "locaL"
a safe approach, but may be relatively conservative in some Restraint by the web has a greater influence on the buckling
special cases. stress for the flange than does the radius of the corner bends,
The conclusions that design specifications are in error due and only by considering this restraint can a "local" mode of
to the use of the flat width is not as straightforward as con- buckling occur.
clusions about elastic buckling. Consider the Eurocode Part The discusser reminds us that there is important evidence
1.3 Cold-Formed Thin Gauge Members and Sheetings (BCCS that the use of the "flat width" leads to values closer to the
1992), which uses the centerline dimension for the width, ver- test results for the ultimate strength than does the use of the
sus the American Iron and Steel Institute Specification for the true width. This has been confirmed in our continuing study
Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members (AISI of the postbuckling strength of box sections with corner radii,
1996), which employs the flat width. Experiments in simple for radii of a practical size. The results of this study are shortly
pure compression show that the flat width (AISI) gave better to be published (Marsh and Arash, unpublished material).
strength predictions than the centerline width (ECCS) ap-
proach (Veroci 1990). Whether one takes this result as a val-
idation of the width selected, or simply as a residual result of
using the empirical Winter equation for the strength calcula-
tion, is a matter of obvious debate. The fallacy of using flat
width for elastic buckling remains, yet extensions of this con-
clusions to design are not conclusive. A design strength curve NONLINEAR ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF
that more closely reflects the relationship between ultimate
strength and the true elastic buckling stress would be one ob- I-BEAMS CURVED IN PLANa
vious solution.
It is worthy to note that these examples and that of Pro-
fessor Marsh cover local buckling only. The influence of cor-
ner radius on distortional buckling is not a well-studied prob- Discussion by V. K. Verma3
lem. More study is clearly needed to assess the influence of
corner radius in the post-buckling range, regardless of the
buckling mode. This discusser looks forward to the future Eqs. 30-33 are an improvement over the equations given
research on postbuckling that Professor Marsh mentions in by others and quoted by the authors, because these are appli-
his conclusion. cable to large rotation. Others, like Kang and Yoo (1994), Ra-
jasekaran and Padmanabhan (1989), and Yang and Kuo (1986,
'Prof. Emeritus, Ctr. for Bldg. Studies, Concordia Univ., 1455 de Mai-
AISI. (1996). Specification for the design of cold-formed steel structural sonneuve Blvd., Montreal, PQ H3Y 309, Canada.
members. American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, D.C.
BCCS. (1992). "Part 1.3 Cold-formed thin gauge members and sheet- 'September 1997, Vol. 123, No.9, by Yong-Lin Pi and N. S. Trahair
ings." Eurocode 3 design of steel structures, BCCS. (Paper 14708).
Schafer, B. W. (1997). "Cold-formed steel behavior and design: Analyt- 'Mgr. (Civil), Nat. Hydroelectric Power Corp., Ltd., Sector 33, Fari-
ical and numerical modeling of elements and members with longitu- dabad·121003, India.


J. Struct. Eng. 1998.124:1498-1499.

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