LP Sep 26th Energy and Motion

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ___Ellie Magnuson____________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: 3rd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: 19 Date of Lesson: 9/26/17

Lesson Content
What Standards (national or state) SC.35.CS-CS.1.2: Describe how models and simulations can be used to solve real-world issues in science and
relate to this lesson? engineering.
(You should include ALL applicable SC.3.N.1.1: Raise questions about the natural world, investigate them individually and in teams through free
standards. Rarely do teachers use just exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate explanations based on those explorations.
one: they’d never get through them SC.3.P.10.2: Recognize that energy has the ability to cause motion or create change.
all.) SC.3.P.10.1: Identify some basic forms of energy such as light, heat, sound, electrical, and mechanical.
Objectives- What are you teaching?
The student will use the design process to create a balloon powered racer that makes forward progress after
recognizing that energy has the ability to cause motion with no errors in understanding the relation between
energy and motion.

Evaluation Plan- How will you know Formative: Students will be able to come up with two possible sketch solutions for a balloon racer. They should
students have mastered your be able to critically think about their designs and come up with some strength and weaknesses about each
objectives? one. I will come check their worksheets when I see that students completed this independently.

Summative of this lesson: Students will be able to work with their specified partner to design and plan a
blueprint. They are instructed on their worksheets to: “Compare your design with your partner’s and choose
the one you want to build. Sketch your blueprint. Remember to identify materials and label your design.” The
final product they design will be their evidence of learning.

Summative of unit: Students will show if they understood the material by the worksheet they filled out
throughout the process of designing their balloon racer. They should be able to test their balloon racer in trials,
reflect and improve, and justify their thinking. The balloon racer will also be a part of this assessment.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ___Ellie Magnuson____________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 3rd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: 19 Date of Lesson: 9/26/17

Lesson Implementation
Step-by-Step Plan Time Who is
(What exactly do you plan to do in 30-40 responsible 1. Start off introducing the essential question: “How does energy cause
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. minute (Teacher or motion?” Then, play a video on what an engineer is.
Act as if you needed a substitute to s Students)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9I35Rqo04E
carry out the lesson for you.) 2. Introduce and explain what Science Olympics is and refer back to what they
Students did in 2nd grade for it. Go over the materials for the balloon racers.
Where applicable, be sure to address 3. We will revisit the essential question. I will explain that they will be applying
the following: what they have learned about energy to this year’s Science Olympics. This
 How will materials be explanation will start out with a class discussion about what energy is. I will
distributed? then ask them to think about energy that might be in a balloon. I will
 How will students transition demonstrate blowing the balloon up and letting it go. We will have a class
between activities? discussion with the question: “How do you think energy caused the balloon
 What will you as the teacher do? to move?” After the discussion, I will have them turn and talk with their
 What will the students do? partner to the question: “How are we going to use the balloon to set our
 What student data will be balloon racer in motion?”
collected during each phase? 4. I will hand out the “Science Olympics Planning Sheet.” On projector, I will
 What are other adults in the model for them the problem/challenge that they are trying to figure out.
room doing? How are they After asking them, we will write down, “How can I set my balloon racer in
supporting students’ learning? motion using energy?” I will have the materials displayed for everyone to
 What model of co-teaching are see. I will model a brainstorm idea when students are done. There will be
you using? noticeable strengths and weaknesses to the design. The class will discuss
these strengths and weaknesses.
5. Students will then be instructed to brainstorm model A & B and draw a
design. They will list the strengths and weaknesses of each design
6. (if time permits) CT will place students in teams of two that they will be
working with for entire project. They will come up with a plan/design with
the directions: “Compare your design with your partner’s and choose the
one you want to build. Sketch your blueprint. Remember to identify
materials and label your design.” Students will work with their partner and
put it in their work in progress folder when they are done.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ___Ellie Magnuson____________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: 3rd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: 19 Date of Lesson: 9/26/17

Meeting your students’ needs as If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students?
people and as learners This lesson connects to students because all students are familiar with the everyday objects that engineers
make. Even in the video I play, they talk about how mechanical engineers make cars, electrical engineers make
microwaves, and software engineers help design computers. These are things all students in the class are
familiar with and see on an everyday basis. Now, they get to be an engineer, too, and design their own balloon
Differentiation—based on the needs In both of my CT’s blocks, she has gifted students in them. While not all of the students are gifted, it can be
of your students how will you take difficult at times to keep the gifted students busy while other students are finishing their work. That is why I
individual and group learning decided to add the part, “Students who get done early may list strengths and weaknesses of design A.” The
differences into account. gifted students in the class will be able to already complete this step as everyone is finishing their designs.
By modeling a brainstorm idea after students already design one of theirs, I help give the students who
struggle some ideas about what they may include in design B and what might not be the best to include. It also
models how they can see strengths and weaknesses in their own designs.
Pairing students up with help some of the struggling students get ideas from others, and also may challenge
the gifted students who get placed with each other. All students can work at their own paces in this student-
centered approach.
Relevant Psychological Theories and I decided to use the information I learned in my course Measurement for Educators to analyze the knowledge
research taken in consideration and cognitive process dimensions of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The standard “SC.3.P.10.2: Recognize that energy has
when planning this lesson the ability to cause motion or create change” taxonomy level is remembering conceptual knowledge. This
standard does not demand a significant amount of cognitive skills to grasp. The standard “SC.3.N.1.1: Raise
questions about the natural world, investigate them individually and in teams through free exploration and
systematic investigations, and generate appropriate explanations based on those explorations” taxonomy level
is analyzing meta-cognitive knowledge. This standard, however, does take cognitive skills to assess. In my
lesson, I start off with a lower cognitive process by the class discussion with how energy causes motion. They
must understand the concept to come up with the problem/challenge. Then, I have them apply the
information to come up with their own brainstorm ideas and analyze their designs. This lesson hits many
cognitive processes necessary for Bloom’s Taxonomy cognitive levels.

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