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Activity 1

a. Principle four: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

b. Age: Fourth grade
c. Activity: Serve the lower socioeconomic community members food for one meal
i. As a class, we will talk about the importance of helping other people in our
community. Why is it important to help others? Why is it important to love all
people? How can we love and help others? Helping others in our community
will teach students about respect for others and it will teach them that just
because someone is different or does not have a lot of money does not mean
that they do not deserve love and happiness.
ii. The procedures are as follows:
1. Each student will be assigned to a group of 5 to 6 people to serve the
lower socioeconomic class
2. Each group will have their own station including set up, prepare
drinks, prepare food, serve food, and clean up
3. Students are to help the people of the community make sure they are
eating a proper meal during this time
4. Students will talk to people of the community and listen to their story
5. Students must find one adult that they served and connected with
a. They will listen to their story, take notes and a picture of this
person if allowed
iii. The assessment for this project is
1. Students will write a one page paper on how this activity changed the
way they view people.
a. They will include the station they worked at, how they helped,
the person they talked to and how this activity would benefit
them and their family in the future.
iv. This activity relates to social studies education by
1. allowing students to see that diversity is a good thing
2. teaching that everyone comes from a different background and it is our
job to make them feel comfortable and loved
3. community plays a big role in peoples’ lives
Activity 2
a. Principle three: Rights and Responsibilities
b. Age: Third grade
c. Activity: Organize a community clothing drive and handout clothes
i. As a class, we will talk about the needs of people. Why must we help
people? What can we feel when we help others? Why do people have a
right to food, clothes, and school? Organizing and running a clothing drive
will teach students about the importance of community. They will learn
why they should help people and how helping others can benefit
themselves as well as others.
ii. The procedures are as follows:
1. Students will create posters to hang around the community about
their clothing drive
a. They will include that all sizes and types of clothing are
needed, where they can be dropped off, date, time, and
2. Students will also make posters for the clothing handout
a. They will include the date, time, and location on all posters.
3. Students will separate the clothes based on size and type (Kids,
Men’s, Women’s)
4. Students will hand out clothes to the community members in need
5. Students will reflect on their day and how they helped others
iii. The assessment for this project is
1. Students will create a PowerPoint on why it is their duty to help
others in need. Each student will have to include slides about one
person in the community that touched their hearts and a reflection
on what they thought of the clothing drive and handout.
iv. This activity relates to social studies by
1. Teaching about the importance of helping others
2. Teaching about the importance of community
3. Teaching about the goods people need and how people offer those
services (ex: school – teacher)

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